Guided reading activity 6-1

Ace your homework & exams now with Quizwiz! were Arabian tribes ruled and how were the rulers selected?

Each tribe was ruled by a sheik who was chosen from one of the leading families by council of elders.

5. As Muhammad grew to manhood, what did he find troubling within his culture?

He became troubled by the growing gap between what he saw as the simple honesty and generosity of the Bedouins and the greediness of the rich training elites in the city.

11. Name the five pillars of Islam.

Belief in Allah and Muhammed as his prophet.Prayer five times a day. giving alms to the poor. observation of the holy month of Ramadan. making a pilgrimage to Makkah.

1.what language did the arabs speak and where did they live?

The arabs were a semitic-speaking people who lived in the arabian peninsula.

3. What accomplishment made it possible for the Arabs to begin to take part in the caravan trade?

The camel was domesticated and the first millennium B.C.

8.Define the hijrah

The Hijrah was a journey of Muhammad and his followers to madinah.

7.What written document resulted from Muhammed's revelations from Allah?

The Quran, the holy book of the religion of Islam.

4. What object became the principal object of worship among the a Arabs?

All tribes worshipped a massive black meteorite,the Blackstone, placed in the Kaaba in the city of Makkah.

9.What are three similarities between Islam,Christianity and Judaism?

A believe in Monotheism (one God), salvation and eternal life, and the necessity of submitting to the will of the one God.

10.What is a difference between Islam and Christianity?

Islam does not believe its founder Muhammad was divine.

6.What do Muslims believe was given to Muhammad while he meditated alone in the hills?

Muslims believe Muhammad received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel.

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