H US Gov II- World War II

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Nazism Quote Example

"Life is only preserved because other living things perish through struggle. In this struggle, the stronger and more able will win. The weaker will lose . . . The stronger must dominate the weak . . . The results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today are almost entirely the creation of the [superior race] . . . It . . . laid the foundation and built the walls of every great achievement in human culture . . . [Our nation] is the bulwark of the West against Bolshevism . . . The will of the people in its pure form can only be expressed through the [leader] . . . What is refused to a friendly method must be taken by the fist."


"Lighting war", types of fast-moving warfare used by German forces against Poland in 1939 A coordinated military effort by tanks, motorized infantry, artillery and aircraft, to create an overwhelming local superiority in combat power, to defeat the opponent and break through its defences.

Totalitarianism Quote Example

"Our state never releases the human being from cradle to the grave. We start with the child of three years: as soon as he begins to think, he is already given a flag to carry. Thereafter follow school . . . [and] military service. We do not let go of the human being and when all that is over, the Labor Front comes and takes him once more and does not let him go until he dies, whether he likes it or not."

Communism Quote Example

"The implementation of this programme will make it possible to fulfill mankind's age-old dream of a society without classes, without social and national oppression, without wars."

Democracy Quote Example

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Capitalism Quote Example

"[I]t allows the reward to be generous and not exact. There is an element in it that appeals to the gambler as well and looks amiably upon the success of the man who, by the luck of timing or his shrewd judgment of the market, 'strikes it rich'"

Socialism Quote Example

"[Our system] had ensured the right of the working people to social security, free medical care and free education. All these amenities are provided at public expense."

Why did Stalin want the United States and Britain to open a second front against Germany? How did Stalin's thoughts about a second front differ from those of Britain and the United States? What were there two opposing opinions?

-It will take some of the pressure of the the Soviet Union because he thinks they are fighting Germany all by themselves, and it will save lives. "saving millions of lives in the occupied areas of Western Europe and Russia and of reducing the enormous sacrifices of the Soviet armies, compared with which the sacrifices of the Anglo-American armies are insignificant." said Stalin. -The US and Britain think differently about Stalin's thoughts because they believe they are already fighting on another front, and are on their way to Italy and fighting Germans already. The second front is in Europe already and the US and Britain feel they are already fighting on. The two sides have different opinions on what the second front it. (Soviets are not fighting Japan, US is, different opinions) -The United States and great Britain moved as fast as humanly possible to open a second front against Germany in World War II. The Soviet Union handled the lion's share of the struggle against Nazi Germany, while and U.S. and Britain dragged their feet in opening a second front

Fascism Quote Example

". . . Everlasting peace is neither possible nor useful . . . [W]ar alone brings all human energy up to its highest point . . . [T]he Inequality of mankind is unchangeable and desirable . . . The foundation . . . is the idea of the state—its character, its duty, and its aims. The state guarantees the people's security, both within the nation and abroad. It represents the spirit of the nation. It is the state which educates its citizens. It makes them aware of their purpose in life and unites them. It leads men from primitive tribal life to the highest expression of human power, which is empire."

Day of Infamy Speech

Dec. 8, 1941, FDR states that he wants Congress to approve war. Japan allied with Germany and Italy during World War II, meaning US would more than likely also be going to war with them also. Mentioned how this was no accident to make people support idea of war, and most people did. Only one member of congress voted against.

Responses to the Great Depression

Democracy- Put as much money in the economy, got people jobs, wanted to get the economy moving in a positive direction Totalitarian Rule- Communism (Stalin, Russia, Hitler) Fascism (Mussolini in Italy) Ruthless but quicker to get out of depression under rule of one person

Avoiding political or economic interactions with foreign countries


Japanese Internment

Japanese and Japanese Americans were placed in camps beginning in 1942; upheld by Korematsu v. US

The Holocaust (2)

Persecution in Germany -- Genocide -- Rescue and Liberation

How does the Atlantic Charter balance economic and political concerns? How do Roosevelt and Churchill envision the world order that will follow the war?

-The Atlantic Charter balances economic and political concerns in many ways. #5, #7, are economic concerns they talk about. #6 and #3 discusses political concerns. In 5, they discuss collaboration between nations within economics and focus on advancing the economy. 7 discusses the seas and no conflict trading and transfering goods. 3 is political balance because they emphasize the idea that people should be allowed to choose how they are governed. 6 discusses freedom and how there should be no more heavy political control (like the Nazis) and how every individual deserves freedom and no more fear. -Roosevelt and Churchill envision a peaceful world that will follow the war (#8.) They want to bring about collaboration in nations, and everyone will have to give up things to remove the central idea of war. They see people working together and want everyone to have freedom in every country. They want everyone to thrive, and envious a much better world. The US wants to be involved after the war and create unity between all nations.

Reasons for Japanese Internment

-The United States government feared that Japanese people might be spies for Japan, and they took their land and placed them in camps, essentially ruining their lives without any evidence that any of them were spies. -Others also believed it was a racial issue because they were not white. No German or Italian Americans were placed in camps, Japanese are easy to point out due to physical appearance, so they were moved to these camps -Claimed everyone made sacrifices for the war effort; US wanted to protect following the attack and were very on edge due to the war. Wanted secure National Security

1. What makes a war a "good war?" 2. Who was involved in World War II? 3. What were the causes and effects of World War II? 4. How were the people impacted by the war?

1. A war can be considered "good" in my opinion if it is being fought for a good reason. If the war can bring great outcomes and was necessary to fight for the betterment and safety of the people, it can be referred to as a good war, as the war is not being fought for personal vendetta or no good reason. It is difficult to consider a war though as good, because millions die and suffer, but a good war is meant to try and help people despite the negative things that come with war. 2. World War II consisted of the Axis and Allied powers. The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Allied powers were Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America. 3. There were many causes and effects to World War II. One main one was the horrible and aggressive actions of Germany, Italy, and Japan. As well as the Treaty of Versailles ending WWI, making Germany responsible and redrawing boundaries. Many battles and bloodshed resulted for about 6 years. Germany was eventually defeated and the allies grew into economic and military superpowers, following the turning point of the war at Normandy. 4. The people were impacted immensely. Mobilization was taking place; everything was focused on the war effort. Many men were drafted to fight in the war as well. Rationing took place too as many sacrifices had to be made to help those fighting and help the effort. Millions also lost their lives.

The Atlantic Charter

1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill not to acquire new territory as a result of WWII amd to work for peace after the war

Gilbert Islands

1943 After seizing the island of Tarawa, Nimitz used it to launch bombing raids on Japanese bases in the Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands

1944 Attacks crippled Japanese air power allowing Nimitz and his forces to seize Kwajalein and Eniwetok at the northwest end of the island group

Iwo Jima

1944-1945 Less than 700 miles from Japan, one of the bloodiest battles on the volcanic island of Iwo Jima. The surroundings helped protect Japanese guns, in 1944 American bombers began to hit Iwo Jima from the air. Marines stormed beaches in 1945 and faced resistance from the Japanese. The marines took about a month to secure the island. Americans suffered casualties. And this win symbolized the sacrifices made

Democracy (Political)

A form of government by the people. Citizens exercise power by voting and having a say Ex. The United States of America

Fascism (Political)

A form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy. Emphasized importance of nation or an ethnic group and the total authority of the leader. Unity Ex. Mussolini in Italy. First fascist government.

Totalitarianism (Political)

A government that exerts total control over the nation and citizens' lives. Prohibits opposition parties, restricts individual opposition to the state, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life. Ex. Today, North Korea. Leader has total control. Hitler in Nazi Germany Stalin in the Soviet Union

All of the following led to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor EXCEPT

A group of isolationists formed to block aid to Britain These did: Japanese forces took control of French Indochina President Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the US The Japanese looked to the Dutch East Indies for oil

Lend-Lease Act

A law that would allow the president and military leaders to authorize and execute the sale of, lending of, or leasing of military weapons to nations involved in World War II. Supporting it basically meant wanting to join the war, while opposing it meant wanting to stay out of it

According to the primary source, what is the ultimate goal Allied forces are hoping to achieve with this invasion? What have the home fronts provided for the allied armies?

According to the source, the ultimate goal of the invasion by the Allied forces was to defeat Germany, eliminate the Nazi tyranny, and gain security for themselves. The home fronts provided the allied armies with a superior amount of weapons and munitions of war. There were also great reserves of trained men for war.

Admiral Leahy - Opposed to Bomb

Admiral Leahy was arguing against the use of the atomic bomb. He says at first that it was inappropriate because the Japanese were already ready to surrender. Then, he says that it is an "ethical standard" that was not appropriate for this time period. This act cannot win a war over "destroying women and children"

Axis Powers

Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.

Allied Powers

Alliance of Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States, and France during World War II.

Group of Americans committed to neutrality

America First Committee

Socialism (Economic)

An economic and political philosophy that favors public or social instead of private control of property and income. Everyone as a whole runs the economic system. Ex. France

Capitalism (Free Enterprise)(Economic)

An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. A free enterprise system is an economic system where a government places very few restrictions on the types of business activities or ownership in which citizens participate. Ex. The United States; mostly up to private industries

Nazism (Political)

An extreme form of fascism shaped by Hitler's fanatical ideas about German nationalism and racial superiority. Racist ideals. Ex. Hitler in Germany

Hitlers Death

April 30, 1945; Commited suicide. But many have conspiracies of him running away. Did not want to admit his country had lost the war


April-June, 1945 350 miles from Japan; is Japanese soil historically. Was the last obstacle of the Allied invasion of the islands. Island defenders pledges to fight to the death. Japan flew more kamikaze attacks and American gathers warships and combat troops. Second biggest battle following D-Day. The US won and conquered the island and reached their goal

Allied Powers (WWII)

Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America

By the time the US entered World War 2, which nations had Hitler/Germany invaded and/or occupied?

By the time the US entered World War 2, Germany had already invaded Poland; they concede and Germany and the Soviet Union occupy the territory. Hitler then invades and takes over France. Hitler also attempts to conquer England but fails. Germany then invades the Soviet Union. The US then enters the war

Arguments for Neutrality in War (Charles Lindbergh)

Charles Lindbergh was advocating for neutrality in the war. Lindbergh gave many reasons for why the US should not enter and not aid Britain in their war effort. For one he does not think the US should enter and be given a responsibility that is not even theirs. It will cost a lot of money, and it is money the US does not even have. He claims "she can shift to our shoulders a large portion of the responsibility for waging it and for paying its cost . . .costs we can't afford, and a responsibility that shouldn't and isn't ours, for we are not responsible for Europe's squabbles...." Charles Lindbergh thinks the US must focus on themselves and themselves only. The country does not have the money or resources to help another country when they should be helping themselves.

Adolf Hitler & Germany

Dictator: Adolf Hitler Government Type: Dictatorship; totalitarian nation. Policies were known as Nazism, a type of fascism. Rise To Power: Hitler joined a small political group in 1919 called the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party.) He was the leader of this party due to his powerful public speaking skills. He spoke about Germany and their national humiliation. (He was mad at the terms of the peace settlement stripping them of land and giving them debt.) Hitler attempted to overthrow the government in 1923 with thousands of others but failed, and was sent to jail. He wrote a book proposing strengthening Germany. When the depression hit the people were suffering even more, so they looked for a leader to help. Hitler and the Nazis promised to stabilize Germany, recover the economy, and restore the empire. These promises won him a large following. He placed second in the presidential election, and he then became head of the German government (Chancellor.) Nazi party became largest group in the Reochstag (lower house of the German parliament.) Hitler soon convinced parliament to give him dictatorial powers, and when Hindenburg died he became president and chancellor. Beliefs/Practices: Suspended freedom of speech and the press. Nazi thugs (storm troopers or Brown-shirts) waged violent campaign to silence those opposed to Hitler and his policies. Nazism; was a form of fascism that embodied German nationalism and racial superiority. Hitler criticized the Jewish population, blaming them for their defeat in World War I. Expansion: Nazis secretly began spending money on rearming and expanding the armed forced in violation of Treaty of Versailles. Hitler saw expansion as a way to bring about national pride. He wanted Germany to dominate. Hitler's main goal was to gain more territory. He wanted to conquer the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. In 1936 troops entered the Rhineland, even though the treaty banned them to. Their army was still too weak. Two years later, they were stronger, and began to press for Austria, Sudetenland (Czechk.) and expanded their land

Stalin & The Soviet Union

Dictator: Joseph Stalin Government Type: Communism, Dictatorship Rise To Power: He took over after Lenin's death and became the president. "Stalin decided to abandon the NEP and take "one great leap forward" to communism. Beliefs/Practices: Launched a series of five-year plans to modernize agriculture, build new industries from the ground up". Upon resistance, Stalin began to force peasants out of their land so he could combine their farms into huge collective farms owned and governed by the State. He also punished resistant farmers by taking all of the food they produced. Consequently many people died of starvation and were forced to flee to the cities, agricultural production also dropped tremendously and Stalin was forced to introduce rationing throughout the country. Stalin also "assigned millions of laborers from rural areas to build and run new industrial centers where iron, steel, oil, and coal were produced". Stalin only provided money and labor to these industries and because of that many people had to face severe shortages of essential products, and the standard living condition changed badly. Dominated the Soviet Union politically through a series of purges (which is the process of removing enemies and undesirable people from their political positions). He "purified" his political party by getting rid of anyone that had political ideas that differed from his own. Millions of people were executed due to these "purges", because many of Stalin's followers started putting his purge into action as well. Expansion: X

Benito Mussolini & Italy

Dictator: Mussolini Government Type: Fascism, Dictatorship Rise To Power: Organized fascist groups throughout Italy, relied on fascist gangs of thugs called Blackshirts (because they dressed to terrorize those who did not agree w Mussolini). He was appointed to Prime Minister in 1922 because he had become such a powerful figure that when he threatened to march on Rome the king panicked. Beliefs/Practices: They suspended elections, outlawed other political parties, and established a dictatorship. He had dreams of forming a new Roman Empire Expansion: Invaded the Independent African Kingdom of Ethiopia and by 1936 Addis Ababa was in Italy's hands

Tojo Hideki & Japan

Dictator: Tojo Hideki Government Type: Communism, Dictatorship Rise To Power: Rise of Nationalism, several radical nationalist groups formed in response to the governments pristine weakness, They demanded a return to traditional ways. Japan lacked the land needed to feed its rising population and the raw materials and markets needed to power the Japanese economy. The Manchurian Incident greatly increased the army's power over the government, but some radicals in the military wanted complete control. Beliefs/Practices: In battle after battle, however, Japan's superior weapons overcame China's huge manpower advantage. Japanese warplanes ruthlessly bombed Chinese cities. During the "Rape of Nanjing," Japanese soldiers brutalized or killed at least 100,000 civilians, including women and children, in the former capital of China. Many politicians, had believed, had taken too long to deal with the mounting economic problems. Expansion: Manchuria to the Dutch East Indies in the south. Would liberate Asia. After the war, Japan enacted political reforms that resulted in a two-party parliamentary system and a sharp increase in the number of people allowed to vote. Japan also slowed its territorial expansion. It helped found the League of Nations and signed international agreements designed to keep the peace. Japanese leaders took this opportunity to expand their influence in the region to its south. In 1940, Japan's prime minister announced a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere to be led by the Japanese, extending from Manchuria in the north to the Dutch East Indies in the south

The US and the Holocaust

Didn't like it but not going to do anything about it, avoid getting into Europe's problems, focus on recovery at home, thought they had to defeat Germany in WWII to stop this -Broadway shows -Highlight Jewish accomplishments -Plans to save Jews -War Refugee Board -State Dept. Liaisons Felt bad and wanted to help, but was not their biggest concern

During the 1930s, the United States largely focused on

Domestic Affairs


Everything now focused on preparing for war. (Ex. Ford no longer makes cars but makes ships.) -Need more soldiers as well. A draft to draft soldiers but many volunteers as well. Back at home in US; Rationing. Fair share for everyone during war effort. Give points to buy certain things. Everyone would get a book with points to buy things and made them limited on what they could buy. Poster and Propaganda to promote and support what people could do to help the war effort.

Axis Powers (WWII)

Germany, Italy, Japan

Office of War Information (OWI)

Government agency that encouraged support of the war effort during World War II

Timeline Start of WWII

Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany (Jan. 30, 1933) Kristallnacht riots begin in Germany Hitler invades Poland, WW2 begins Poland concedes and is occupied by both the Soviet Union and Germany Hitler invades and conquers France, German occupation of Northern France begins Hitler attempts to invade England using air warfare & Blitz tactics, invasion fails US passess the Lend-Lease Act Germany invades Soviet Union Soviet Union counter-offensive drives German armies from the suburbs of Moscow Japan attacks the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, US declares war on Japan and joins the conflict (WW2) (December 7 - 8, 1941 )

Attack on Pearl Harbor (1941)

In a devastating surprise attack, Japan hit the U.S. naval station at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7th. The U.S. declared war on Japan and the other Axis powers shortly afterwards.

Island Hopping

Island hopping is a military strategy of selectively attacking specific enemy-held islands and bypassing others. Conquering one island at a time to move strategically towards striking Japan. Leave unimportant ones alone. American forces began doing this to further reach their goal of taking Japan, and cutting off Japanese islands of resources

Battle of Midway

Isoroku who helped construct the attack on Pearl Harbor against the US wanted to destroy what was left of the US Pacific fleet by luring it into battle near Midway Island. He made sure to have large amounts of his navy prepared. The US Admiral Nimitz was believed to use all resources to protect the island vital to the defense of Hawaii. The battle began on June 4th, 1942. Japanese bomber attacks began and the US failed to strike the fleet. The battle was fought from the air entirely. The US and their war-planes surprised Japan as they were busy refueling and loading with bomb. The US sank four of the four carriers (Hiryu last) The US lost one, but two remained untouched. The Japanese navy faced immense lost at this battle. The main reason for victory was Commander Rochefort who broke the Japanese code and learned information before the attack. Japan was no longer able to launch any more offensive operations in the Pacific

Shortly after Congress passed a declaration of war on Japan, which two other countries declared war on the U.S.?

Italy and Germany

What prompted the US to enter the war in 1941?

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor


Japanese suicide pilots who loaded their planes with explosives and crashed them into American ships

Mariana Islands

June, 1944 For the first time, Japan was in reach of long-range American bombers. By the end of 1944, B-29 Superfortresses were dropping a lot of explosives on Japanese cities

D-Day (June 6, 1944)

Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.

Status Report (German POV)- Britain

Led by our amazing leader, we launched the greatest air assault the world has ever seen. We showered them with bombs night after night until they thought they could bomb our dear Berlin and not have any consequences.

Military aid to any nation whose defense was vital to US security

Lend-Lease Act

Status Report (German POV)- Low Countries; Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg

May 10th, German troops launched a blitzkrieg on the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The German army overran Luxembourg in a day, Belgium in three days and Netherlands in five days. German motorized divisions in Belgium invaded northern France, skirting the end of the Maginot Line


October, 1944 Wanted to bypass but MacArthur opposed claiming Filipino people needed to be freed; so it was reversed Greatest naval battle in history developed off the coast. Over 280 warships took part in the Battle of Leyte Gulf that lasted 3 days. Japan first used kamikazes, or suicide planes in this battle. But the US still won and destroyed Japan's navy. Japanese continued to resist and thousands were killed and fewer surrendered. Battle for Philippines capital Manila was also hard to fight; 100,000 Filipinos died and in June 1945 the Allies controlled the Philippines

Communism (Economic)

Official ideology of the Soviet Union, characterized there by complete ownership of land and property, single-party control of the government, the lack of individual rights, and the call for worldwide revolution. People (workers) control everything through revolution. Ex. Russia, Cuba, China

Status Report (German POV)- France

Our troops have entered Paris, and the French have surrendered on June 22nd. Our leader, Adolf Hitler, has traveled to France to take a victory tour and take part in negotiations. Others such as Britain are shocked to see how fast we have conquested France. Under the surrender terms, our country has taken over three fifths of France and the entire Atlantic Coast southward to Spain. General Henri-Philippe Petain had adopted a policy of collaboration with us. People in France resisted. The resistance consisted of groups of citizens who distributed anti-German propaganda and sabotaged German operations. This is an insult and disruption to our country. But Hitler has experienced immense success since Germany has conquered much of Western Europe. We will and have almost have destroyed the allies.


Powerful belief system that unites the past, present, and future in a vision which can solve problems and improve the lives of people

Arguments for Involvement in War (Roosevelt)

President Roosevelt was advocating for involvement because the nation's security and rights are at jeopardy. They need to get involved in the war to fight for their nations safety and maintain the rights that they have. The excerpt states, "...at no previous time has American security been as seriously threatened from without as it is today...". This shows that America needs to get involved in the war because their safety is at risk and they can not just let their people and their country die. The text also states, "...if we are to protect our four freedoms, war will be inevitable". This proves that Roosevelt was advocating for involvement because without joining the war the rights of the people will not be there anymore; on order to maintain the rights and freedoms that they have, there is no other way to keep them other than joining and getting involved in the war. This is why President Roosevelt was advocating for involvement in the war.

President Truman - Supporter of Bomb

President Truman supported using the atomic bomb. Truman claims that he asked many people beforehand such as a committee of top men, top military advisers, Churchill, etc. He was aware that it would cause casualties and destruction but agreed with the fact that there was no other way to end the war. He stated "I regarded the bomb as a military weapon and never had any doubt that it should be used." (Document 1) The president supported the atomic bomb as he thought it was the only way that they could defeat Japan


Propaganda is biased information used to bring attention to or promote a certain point of view or political cause. There are numerous examples of propaganda. There are many propaganda posters and they all use different strategies to persuade. One is the "if we can do it, you can too!" method. Other times they will use fear to persuade audiences. Or they will promise happiness and success if they do whatever the poster says. (Advertising; commercials, etc.)

Which was part of American policy during the early years of World War II?

Remaining neutral while making war supplies available to Britain

Arguments for Involvement in War (Roosevelt)

Roosevelt wants involvement. He states that the danger is now here, and that even though they do not want to get involved at all "we do not seek it now", Roosevelt has decided that war has landed on their feet. He is willing to gain this peace by permitting Hitler's attack. The United States will not seek war, but will accept that war has been brought upon them and will attack first before they are destroyed. He uses the analogy that when one sees a rattlesnake is poisoned, one attacks before rather than waiting for the opponent to attack first and getting crushed with no hope of coming back from it.

Stalin and the Second Front

Second Front. In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe

Secretary Stimson - Supporter of Bomb

Secretary Stimson was reluctantly supporting the use of atomic bomb. Although it killed many people, it put an end to the Japanese war, fire raids, and strangling blockades. The document states, "No explanation can change that fact and I do not wish to gloss it over. But this deliberate, premeditated destruction was our least abhorrent [horrid] choice. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put an end to the Japanese war"

Neutral or Involved?

Some wanted to keep the US out of the war and focus on the depression and issues in the US. Other say that the US need to join the war to protect other democratic countries and preserve democracy.

Banzai Charge

Suicidal Japanese infantry charges; knew they would get killed, but charged into enemy forces anyway

How do the Four Freedoms relate to why the US joins World War II?

The "Four Freedoms" relates to why the US joins World War II. Americans wanted to truly embody these values. They want to defend what they believe in against the other countries who do not have the same morals. (Fascists, Nazi Germany, etc.) They believe their democracy and society is the way things should be ran and they want to defend themselves and prove themselves to the rest of the world. These freedoms inspire the country to have strong nationalism and fight for what they believe in.

Battle of Guadalcanal

The Battle of Midway allowed for the Allies to take the offensive in the Pacific. They wanted to capture Guadalcanal in the Solomon islands because this is where Japan was building an airfield to hurt nearby allied bases and communication with Australia. Over 11,000 marines landed on the island in August 1942, and the 2,200 Japanese who were responsible for defending the island fled to the jungle. This battle gave the marines their first experience with jungle warfare. They were easy targets for Japanese snipers in hiding, and faced difficult surroundings such as rivers, swaps, and vines. Both Japan and the US landed thousands of reinforcements during the five months of battle. After many naval battles the US navy took control of the water around the island in November. They limited Japan landings, and their outnumbered forces slipped off the island in February, 1943. The US had conquered their first piece of Japanese-held territory, and made plans to roll back other conquests by Japan

Fourteen Points VS Atlantic Charter

The Fourteen Points and the Atlantic Charter are both similar and different. The Fourteen Points includes the League of Nations, pushing for every nation to work together. The Atlantic Charter wants cooperation between all nations. They both wanted unity and countries to work together. They also wanted to reduce arms and weapons to preserve peace after the war. Also they both claim people should choose their own forms of government (self determination.) They disagree though on territories. (#2) The Atlantic Charter does not want to take any land away from anyone, and no one should get any money or prizes following the war. The Fourteen Points emphasized how much money would be owed after the first war, and who got what territory. FDR wants to emphasize that after World War I they are not trying to seek any rewards from winning the war, they just want to create peace and destroy totalitarianism.

Status Report (German POV)- Dunkirk (Belgium)

The German drive west made the British and French split into two; one going north and one going south. The troop in the north retreated to Dunkirk. In a nine day period in late may/early june, some troops fought slow advancing to the Germans, while other heavily assembled a makeshift fleet with different types of boats and other crafts. There was attacks by the Luftwaffe (German AIr force) that had about 900 vessels and some 340,000 soldiers across the english channel to Great Britain. Dunkirk marked a retreat for the British, because the boatlift saved British and some French forces to almost be captured by the Germans

Status Report (German POV)- Along Maginot Line; France

The Maginot Line was when the war was halted between us and France. Our troops were able to take a break from fighting and live there while they were waiting for the fight to resume. We would be able to attack France easily because it protected only the side of France that faced Germany and the guns they had facing pointing would be useless once the troops got passed the line.

6 Poster Themes by OWI

The Nature of the Enemy—general or detailed descriptions of this enemy, such as he hates religion, persecutes labor, kills Jews and other minorities, smashes home life, debases women, etc. The Nature of our Allies—the United Nations theme, our close ties with Britain, Russia, and China, Mexicans and Americans fighting side by side on Bataan and on the battle fronts. The Need to Work—the countless ways in which Americans must work if we are to win the war, in factories, on ships, in mines, in fields, etc. The Need to Fight—the need for fearless waging of war on land, sea, and skies, with bullets, bombs, bare hands, if we are to win. The Need to Sacrifice—the need for Americans to give up all luxuries and devote all spare time to help win the war. The Americans—what we are fighting for: the four freedoms, the principles of the Atlantic Charter, democracy, and an end to discrimination against races and religions.


The Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler. was a genocide during World War II in which Nazi Germany, aided by local collaborators, systematically murdered some six million European Jews—around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe (between 1941 and 1945)

Nippon Times - Opposed to Bomb

The Nippon Times were arguing against the use of the atomic bomb. This is because they say, " this is not even murder; this is purely a crime. This is a crime against God..." They are saying in the beginning like how can a person let this destroy everything

Atomic Bomb

The US decision to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 has generated much controversy over the years. Some argue that the bombing was necessary to end World War II, while others believed that more than 200,000 civilians died in vain

To What Extent (how much?) should the United States be held responsible for the Holocaust?

The United States is not fully responsible for the Holocaust, but could have done more. During the War, the United States and other allied powers were most definitely aware of what was going on in Europe and what Nazi Germany was doing. Hitler was killing all Jewish people and putting them into horrible concentration camps. In one of the sources it stated "The United States today joined other United Nations governments in condemning Germany's 'bestial policy of cold blooded extermination' of the Jews...'" The United States did many things such as highlight the accomplishments of Jewish people, create plans to help them, and got involved to try and find solutions. But overall the United States main priority was to focus on recovery at home and the war effort. They did not do everything they possibly could to help those suffering in the Holocaust. But, they were not behind the tragedies and did want to take down Hitler and Germany (which they later did on D-Day.) The United States was not responsible for the Holocaust, but they could have done more to try and put an end to it, rather than focusing so much on their issues at home.

How were the actions taken by dictators in the 1920s and 1930s leading the world toward war?

The actions taken by dictators in the 1920s and the 1930s lead the world toward war. Dictators were running their countries with absolute control and authority. They were able to pursue expansion, or do anything they wanted no matter what the people they were ruling wanted. They wanted more power and more land, so they were aggressive in what they did. From Japan to Nazi Germany, these dictators were ruthless and invaded other areas to try and have as much power as possible. The failure to run a fair society caused destruction within communities, and many people were being impacted by dictators trying to obtain whatever they wanted (land.) These totalitarian countries intimidated others with violence and fear, and with this comes conflict between those trying to stop them, which eventually led to the war

Four Freedoms

The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way- everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want - which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants - everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear - which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor- anywhere in the world.

Goals of Propaganda Campaign (OWI)

The goals of the propaganda campaign directed by the OWI were win and maintain the hearts and minds of every American as well as publicize wartime objectives. They did this by "financing the war effort, recruiting soldiers, producing war materials, mobilizing loyalty and support, eliminating dissent and opposition, and conserving resources that were essential to the war effort."

Where did the government want the posters displayed?

The government wanted to the posters to be displayed on fences, on the walls of buildings, on village greens, on boards in front of the City Hall and the Post Office, in hotel lobbies, in the windows of vacant stores.

How did the posters encourage average Americans to contribute to the war effort?

The posters encourage average Americans to contribute to the war effort because it gave them drive to support United States in victory, "poster was an ideal agent for making victory the personal mission of every citizen". Also, it may have frightened them a little but by saying that "Their message was that the factory and the home were also battlefields" possibly scaring them that if they don't support their country their personal belongings could be impacted.

Arguments for Neutrality in War (Wheeler)

They wanted to settle their own problems first before helping the other countries. "I cannot help but feel that we should settle our own problems before we undertake to settle the problems of Asia, Africa, Australasia, South America and Europe." He feels great sympathy for other countries, but feels if they help their own country will suffer.

Support VS Opposition of Atomic Bomb

Those who supported it were people such as President Truman, Secretary Stimson, and William Guarnere. They supported the bombings for many reasons. Their perspective was based on the fact that the Japanese had no problem bombing them at Pearl Harbor, so why would should we feel remorse when they did not hesitate to do so. Truman supported the atomic bombs because after discussing the strategy to professionals, it was apparent to him that it was the only way to end the war. Japan would only surrender if they used the weapon. Some knew this would cause destruction, but believed it was the only way to end the war. Some were not willing to end the war in this immoral way, and felt the Japanese were about to surrender anyways. Those who opposed dropping the atomic bombs on Japan did not see it as a war strategy, but as a complete loss of common sense and criminal behavior against humanity itself. They also believed Japan was going to surrender very soon so there was no need to use such a powerful destructive weapon to kill people, some of which who are children and women not even involved in fighting the war.

What does "World War II posters helped to mobilize a nation" mean?

When the document claims "World War II posters help to mobilize a nation" it means that the posters helped focus everything on the war effort. Mobilization means a country is preparing for war and focusing everything they have on it. The posters are encouraging people to start rationing, and to support the war to protect their beliefs, etc. The nation is now focusing on helping the war effort by drafting soldiers, making these posters emphasizes their attempt to get the whole country involved.

William Guarnere - Supporter of Bomb

William Guarnere is arguing in support for the use of the atomic bomb. One reason Guarnere gives support for using the bomb was because the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor and did not think about how many people they were killing. The document states, "Millions more Allied soldiers getting killed?" When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor were they concerned about how many lives they took? We should have dropped eighteen bombs as far as I'm concerned."

Involvement in WWI Vs. WW2

Wilson had a much longer speech compared to FDR. It was very back and forth between the country whether to enter WWI, while here the US is so mad about the pearl harbor attack most people are for war. It was pretty clear they were entering World War II.

Entering the War & Propaganda

With the attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the United States found itself suddenly involved in a war that was raging across nearly every continent of the globe. As the American military ramped up its war effort, support from the American public became a crucial factor in achieving victory. The United States government developed a propaganda campaign, directed by the Office of War Information (OWI), which was founded in 1942, to increase and facilitate financing the war effort, recruiting soldiers, producing war materials, mobilizing loyalty and support, eliminating dissent and opposition, and conserving resources that were essential to the war effort. Propaganda became an important "weapon" in the "battle" to win and maintain the hearts and minds of every American citizen as well as publicize and attain specific wartime objectives.

By the time the United States entered the war, how long had the axis and allied powers been at war?

World War II began in 1939. The United States joined at the end of 1941 following the attack at Pearl Harbor by Japan. The US joined about two year into the war between the allied and axis powers

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