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Black Pride

a cultural movement among African Americans to encourage pride in their African heritage and to substitute African and African American art forms, behaviors, and cultural products for those of whites

Which of the following was not included in the Treaty of Versailles?

a curtailment of German immigration to Allied nations

Social Register

a de facto directory of the wealthy socialites in each city, first published by Louis Keller in 1886

what was Edison called?

"The Wizard of Menlo Park"

VJ Day

"Victory over Japan day" is the celebration of the Surrender of Japan, which was initially announced on August 15, 1945

hoover responds to depression with...

"associational action": soup kitchens and breadlines

farm factories

"bananza farms" 15000 acre farms utilize assembly line and techniques of the factory farmers go into debt

ku klux klan

"kill the kikes, koons, and Katholics" only for WASP: white Anglo-Saxon protestants

Calvin Coolidge

"silent call" "I do not choose to run for president in 1928" Aug. 2, 1923: pro-business, president after Harding dies of pneumonia, pro Laissez-Faire

what was Timothy Leary's slogan?

"turn on, tune in, drop out"

John Muir

(1838-1914) Naturalist who believed the wilderness should be preserved in its natural state. He was largely responsible for the creation of Yosemite National Park in California.

massive retaliation

a defense strategy, sometimes called "mutually assured destruction" or MAD, adopted by Eisenhower that called for launching a large-scale nuclear attack on the Soviet Union in response to a first Soviet strike at the United States size of military cut in half under Eisenhower, nuclear warheads increased, if one country attacks the other will be destroyed


a doctrine supported by philosopher William James, which held that Americans needed to experiment and find the truth behind underlying institutions, religions, and ideas in American life, rather than accepting them on faith

A Mugwump is ________.

a former member of the Republican Party

sod house

a frontier home constructed of dirt held together by thick-rooted prairie grass that was prevalent in the Midwest; sod, cut into large rectangles, was stacked to make the walls of the structure, providing an inexpensive, yet damp, house for western settlers


a general feeling of discomfort

Consumer Product Safety Commission

a governmental agency responsible for setting and monitoring safety standards for all consumer products

lost generation

a group of writers who came of age during World War I and expressed their disillusionment with the era

Washington gladden

a leading American Congregational pastor and early leader in the Social Gospel movement. Emphasizes concern for brother's life.

20th Amendment

(FDR) , change of dates for start of presidential/congressional terms


a legal arrangement where a small group of trustees have legal ownership of a business that they operate for the benefit of other investors

peace corps

(JFK) , volunteers who help third world nations and prevent the spread of communism by getting rid of poverty, Africa, Asia, and Latin America makes image look good

Alliance for Progress

(JFK) 1961,, a program in which the United States tried to help Latin American countries overcome poverty and other problems, money used to aid big business and the military


a list of people suspected of having Communist sympathies who were denied work as a result

contract with america / newt Gingrich / 1994 midterm election

a list prepared by Newt of 8 specific legislative reforms / initiatives that republican representatives promised to enact if they gained a majority in the 1994 midterm election

Yuri Gagarin

(soviet) First man in space

moving assembly line

a manufacturing process that allowed workers to stay in one place as the work came to them

baby booms

a marked increase in the U.S. birthrate during 1946-1964

vertical integration

a method of growth where a company acquires other companies that include all aspects of a product's lifecycle from the creation of the raw materials through the production process to the delivery of the final product controls all phases of production: - coke fields and iron ore deposits - production centers - transportation nodes


a mild climate region in the southern and southwestern portions of the United States

flexible response

a military strategy that allows for the possibility of responding to threats in a variety of ways, including counterinsurgency, conventional war, and nuclear strikes

Sand Creek Massacre

a militia raid led by Colonel Chivington on an Indian camp in Colorado, flying both the American flag and the white flag of surrender; over one hundred men, women, and children were killed

city beautiful

a movement begun by Daniel Burnham and Fredrick Law Olmsted, who believed that cities should be built with three core tenets in mind: the inclusion of parks within city limits, the creation of wide boulevards, and the expansion of more suburbs 1893

rock and roll

a musical form popular among the baby boomers that encompassed styles ranging from county to blues, and embraced themes such as youthful rebellion and love

farmers' alliance

a national conglomeration of different regional farmers' alliances that joined together in 1890 with the goal of furthering farmers' concerns in politics begins in texas late 1870s as a social organization, similar to grange cooperatives excluded tenant farmers, farm workers, blacks

Glass-Steagall Act

1. separates "commercial banks" form "investment banks" 2. Federal deposit insurance corporation: insures money leads to almost no bank failure

how much did Rockefeller give?

1/2 of wealth before death went towards medicine and education

concentration camps

12mil+ victims, half were jews general eisenhower orders germans in towns surrounding concentration camps to view atrocities germans attempt to avid the sights that are forced to hear about

World Trade Center Bombing

13000+ lbs bombs singed to bring the WTC down

14th and 15th Amendments

14th (1868): all people born in US are citizens and cant be denied protection and have a right to life/liberty/property. 15th (1870): declares any race can vote (men only)

California gold rush begins (date)


Gunboat Diplomacy

1853: commodore mat berry sails "black ships" into Japan and initiates gunboat diplomacy

Pikes Peak Gold Rush

1859 gold rush which settled Colorado

Homestead and Pacific Railway act encourage westward migration; Dakota war fought (date)


homestead act

1862: available to anyone 21+. 160 acres of free land if you improved it within 5 years

pacific railway act

1862: for the transcontinental railroad. government contracts companies to build it in exchange for 640 acres for every mile built Chinese built railroad by 1880s


1867: a farmers' organization, launched in 1867, which grew to over 1.5 million members in less than a decade

transcontinental railroad completed (date)


Knights of Labor

1869-81: begins as a secret society Terence Powerdly and Mother Jones included women and black but no Chinese want 8hr work day and arbitration broke after haymarket square

Rockefeller founds Standard oil (date)


chicago fire

1871, 2/3 of city burned, 300 people killed

credit mobilier scandal

1872: rr companies created a shell company, gov. pays Union Pacific and creates C.M. company and then hired themselves to build RR with inflated wages tried gov. to keep it a secret

Carnegie founds Carnegie Steel; Panic of _____ triggers depression (date)


Mark Twain and Dudley Warner publish the Gilded Age (date)


barbed wire invented (date)


Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone (date)


battle of Little Bighorn fought (date)


Alexander graham bell

1876: invents the telephone

compromise of ______ results in Rutherford B. Hayes Presidency


great railroad strike lasts 44 days (date)


Thomas Edison invents the lightbulb (date)


Thomas Edison

1879: invents the incandescent light house

Charles Guiteau assassinates president Jame Garfield


Pendleton Civil Service Act

1883: stalwarts and half-breeds battle over civil service reform, passed only after president Garfield was assassinated by frustrated supporter. limits # of jobs president an fill

labor rally at Haymarket square; american federation of labor is founded (date)


American Federation of Labor (Samuel Gompers)

1886: only skilled labor not political fought for hours, wages, conditions resulted in closed shops, walkouts, and boycotts

Dawes severalty act divides Indian tribal lands (date)


Jane Addams/Hull House

1889 a settlement house, for new immigrants

populist party emerges out of farmers alliance movement


Sedition act

1918 law that made it illegal to criticize the government

Schenck v. United States

1919--Case involving limits on free speech. court rules act does not unconstitutionally prohibit free speech Established the "clear and present danger" principle.

warren G. Harding

1920, seeks to restore pro-business, Laissez-Faire economics "return to normalcy"

consumerism and credit/debit

1920-30s: consumerism doubles self storage space increase

Betty Friedan

1921-2006. American feminist, activist and writer. Best known for starting the "Second Wave" of feminism through the writing of her book "The Feminine Mystique".


1922: US hikes tariffs up; makes it difficult for European nations to pay off war debts to US

Cesar Chavez

1927-1993. Farm worker, labor leader, and civil-rights activist who helped form the National Farm Workers Association, later the United Farm Workers. MLK disciple

veterans Bureau

1928: secretary of bureau convicted for receiving kickbacks for VA hospitals and sale of gov supplies

"priming the pump"

1932 : hoover realizes that associational action is not enough, needs government intervention agrees to $2.5 billion in government construction projects establishes reconstruction finance corporation and federal home loan bank system to provide money

bonus army

1932: 20k members of "bonus expeditionary force" march on D.C. to demand early payment of bonus Patton leads 200 cavalry, 5 tanks; gas BEF and burn down

reconstruction finance company

1932: an agency established by Hoover to provide emergency financing to banks, life-insurance companies, railroads, and other large businesses

Civil Works Administration (CWA)

1933-34 Provided work in federal jobs

Federal Emergency Relief Act

1933-35: provides direct relief for out of work Americans

Tennessee Valley Authority

1933: a federal agency tasked with the job of planning and developing the area through flood control, reforestation, and hydroelectric power projects 20 dams built on Tennessee river and tributaries

Farm credit Act

1933: allows farmers to refinance mortgage

pre-war germany

1933: withdraws from league of nations; remilitarizes Rhineland, rebuilds military; acts aggressively towards neighbor annexes austria 1938; sets eyes on Sudetenland

Tidings-McDuffie Act

1934 Congress Act that allowed Philippines Independence in 1946

nye committe hearings

1934-36: conclude that US entry into WWI was due to bankers, arm dealers, and Woodrow wilson and of course UZI

securities exchange act

1934: creates securities exchange commission to regulate trading of stocks

Japanese imperialism

1934: withdraws from 5 power treaty 1935: withdraws from league of nations

Social Security Act

1935: pensions for retirees, aid for widowed/disabled, unemployment insurance for unemployed

rape of nanking

1937: Japan storms into China, kills 400K and 20K rapes, FDR gives quarantine speech, USS Panay is bombed and US does nothing

Munich Conference

1938 conference at which European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that Germany would not expand Germany's territory any further.

US prepares for war by...

1940: 1st peacetime drafted congress appropriates $37 billion to build Air Force and navy 1940: FDR wins again

Lend lease begins; Japanese planes bomb US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (date)


Fair employment Practices Committee instituted; US Navy defeats Japan at Midway; US begin internment of Japanese Americans (date)


war production board

1942: established by executive order to direct all war production, including procuring and allocating war materials

indirect approach

1942: soviet union clamors for allies to open "second=front" US and GB sinks North Africa, hit "soft underbelly"

winston Churchill, franklin roosevelt, and joseph stalin meet in Tehran; US troops invade Italy (date)


operations busy/avalanche

1943: US continues indirect approach with assault on Sicily/italy/salerno

battle of Atlantic

1943: allied ship construction and German u-boat turn tide in war

allied forces land in France for D-day invasion (date)


Korematsu v. US

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 2 each survivor

battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa fought; Churchill, Roosevelt. and stalin meet at Yalta; US drops atomic bombs on Japan; WWII ends (date)


when was military desegregated?

1948 by Truman

Dixiecrat revolt

1948 due to President Harry Truman's support of civil rights southern conservative Democrats broke away from the national Democratic Party informed the new political party Dixiecrat party -1948 Democratic Convention -Formed States' rights Democratic Party -Southern diplomats


1950-54: Wisconsin senator Joe McCarthy leads "witch-hunt" of suspected communists in the state departments

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

1965 - Provided federal funding for primary and secondary education and was meant to improve the education of poor people. This was the first federal program to fund education. equal access to education and accountability to close achievement gap

marriage rates after use of contraceptive

1965-1975: marriage rates plummet

national organization for women founded (date)


Vietnamese massacred at My Lai; Richard Nixon elected president (date)


tet offensive launched; Martin Luther assassinated in Memphis (date)


Woodstock festival held (date)


apollo 11 lands first humans in the moon (date)


national guard fires on students at Kent State University (date)


Nixon goes to China (date)



1972: exploits differences between china and Soviet Union, establishes diplomatic relations with China; supports entry into UN

Roe v. Wade legalizes abortion nationally; Paris Peace Accords end US role in Vietnam; OAPEC proclaims oil embargo (date)


Paris Peace Accords

1973 peace agreement between the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong that effectively ended the Vietnam War.

Nixon resigns due to Watergate scandal (date)


robber baron

a negative term for the big businessmen who made their fortunes in the massive railroad boom of the late nineteenth century


a new military strategy under the Kennedy administration to suppress nationalist independence movements and rebel groups in the developing world


a nickname for the Industrial Workers of the World, a radical Progressive group that grew out of the earlier labor movement and desired an industrial union model of labor organization

subtreasury plan

a plan that called for storing crops in government warehouses for a brief period of time, during which the federal government would provide loans to farmers worth 80 percent of the current crop prices, releasing the crops for sale when prices rose

Black Power

a political ideology encouraging African Americans to create their own institutions and develop their own economic resources independent of whites


a political ideology that places a heightened focus on national unity, through dictatorial rule, and militarism

Tammany Hall

a political machine in New York, run by machine boss William Tweed with assistance from George Washington Plunkitt

populist party

a political party formed in 1890 that sought to represent the rights of primarily farmers but eventually all workers in regional and federal elections

progressive party

a political party started by Roosevelt and other Progressive Republicans who were unhappy with Taft and wanted Roosevelt to run for a nonconsecutive third term in 1912

direct primary

a political reform that allowed for the nomination of candidates through a direct vote by party members, rather than by the choice of delegates at conventions; in the South, this strengthened all-white solidarity within the Democratic Party

Molly maguires

a secret organization made up of Pennsylvania coal miners, named for the famous Irish patriot, which worked through a series of scare tactics to bring the plight of the miners to public attention

Social Security

a series of programs designed to help the population's most vulnerable—the unemployed, those over age sixty-five, unwed mothers, and the disabled—through various pension, insurance, and aid programs


a small town north of Los Angeles, California, whose reliable sunshine and cheaper production costs attracted filmmakers and producers starting in the 1910s; by the 1920s, Hollywood was the center of American movie production with five movie studios dominating the industry

dotcom bubble

a speculative bubble from 1995-2000 in which the stock market grew super fast in the area of new information technologies on the world wide web, before crashing in 2000.

Roosevelt Corollary

a statement by Theodore Roosevelt that the United States would use military force to act as an international police power and correct any chronic wrongdoing by any Latin American nation threatening the stability of the region "big stick" diplomacy, "chronic wrong-doing" - large debts civil unrest international police powers, prevents Caribbean nations from wrongdoings, if so we can intervene, opposite of Monroe doctrine

Jimmy Carter elected president (date)


department of energy

1977 - Carter added it to the Cabinet to acknowledge the importance of energy conservation, not just OIL

Camp David Accords signed (date)


Iranian protesters storm US embassy in Tehran and take hostages (date)


Afghanistan War

1979-1989. Soviet war to preserve communist rule in Afghanistan, opposed by US-funded mujahideen. The "Vietnam of the USSR" USSR invades Afghanistan

W.E.B. DuBois, talented tenth

1st African american Harvard grad. Disagreed with booker, belied blacks needed to fight for rights. Dubois believed that 1 in 10 were capable of becoming leaders (intellectual elite)

thurgood marshall and brown v board of education

1st African american supreme court justice, led legal defense of NAACP. Marshall argued against legal segregation in public schools. May 17, 1954: Marshall won

John D. Rockeller

1st billionaire, self-made was in the oil industry richest man in all of US history

Frances Perkins

1st female cabinet secretary (department of labor),oversaw imporvemtns to labor including Wagner Act and SSA

battle of the coral sea

1st naval battle of the war, 1st aircraft only naval battle. Japanese call of invasion of Port Moresby (4-8 May 1942)

how does consumerism return in 1950?

1st plastic credit cards

interstate commerce act

1st regulatory agency, regulated RR industry, particularly practices required RR to be reasonable and just

navajo code-talkers

20k natives serve during WWII including the Navajo code talkers

what amendment was passed during interregnum?

20th amendment

GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)

23 countries become signatories to GATT; seeks to regulate trade, reduce tariffs

Watergate break-in

5 men broke in the Democratic headquarters to wiretap phones and steal documents.

Rwanda ethnic cleansing

500000, 1 million killed by Hutu government

how long does it take Germany to break the "peace in our time" promise?

6 months with seize of chezslovakia

Little Rock nine

9 black students enrolled at previously white school. Governor of Arkansas tries to block entry, federal troops escort students to school

Tuskegee Airmen

900k African Americans serve in segregated military units during WWII

rosie the riveter

a symbol of female workers in the defense industries


a system named for Fredrick Winslow Taylor, aimed at improving factory efficiency rates through the principle of standardization; Taylor's model limited workers to repetitive tasks, reducing human contact and opportunities to think or collaborate

universal declaration of human rights

A 1946 United Nations covenant binding signatory nations to the observance of specified rights. civil and political elements

Henry T.P Comstock

A Canadian-born fur trapper. Starting mining in Nevada and soon found a blue-colored vein that proved to be the first significant silver discovery in the United States.

father Charles coughlin

A Catholic priest from Michigan who thinks FDR should nationalize banks and railroads etc... - later turns anti semitic and hitler like *#EW*


A Christian organization that provided gymnasiums, hotels, etc. They believed the way to help the poor was to reform their souls.

Dien Bien Phu (1954)

A French fort in Vietnam that was massacred and destroyed by Vietnamese fighters. The fort was in the middle of a valley and the Vietnamese assembled artillery in the surrounding mountains. agree to Geneva peace accord US supports Ngo Din diems rule in south Vietnam

Chief Joseph

A Nez Perce who was faced with white invasion and tried to lead his people to Canada before being stopped 40 miles before the boarder.

America First Committee

A committee organized by isolationists before WWII, who wished to spare American lives. They wanted to protect America before we went to war in another country. Charles A. Lindbergh (the aviator) was its most effective speaker.

American Liberty League

A conservative anti-New Deal organization; members included Alfred Smith, John W. Davis, and the Du Pont family. It criticized the "dictatorial" policies of Roosevelt and what it perceived to be his attacks on the free enterprise system.

New World Order

A description of the international system resulting from the collapse of the Soviet Union in which the balance of nuclear terror theoretically no longer determined the destinies of states.


A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them. (poor)


A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older (elderly)

Emergency Banking Act

A government legislation passed during the depression that dealt with the bank problem. The act allowed a plan which would close down insolvent banks and reorganize and reopen those banks strong enough to survive.

Operation Wetback (1954)

A government program to roundup and deport as many as one million illegal Mexican migrant workers in the United States. The program was promoted in part by the Mexican government and reflected burgeoning concerns about non-European immigration to America. (957)

iron curtain

a term coined by Winston Churchill to refer to portions of Eastern Europe that the Soviet Union had incorporated into its sphere of influence and that no longer were free to manage their own affairs free elections never materialize in Eastern Europe, from settin to Trieste


a term used to describe African Americans who moved to Kansas from the Old South to escape the racism there


a theory of realism that states that the laws of nature and the natural world were the only relevant laws governing humanity

National Origins Act of 1924

A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. The policy stayed in effect until the 1960s.

spanish influenza

A lethal flu virus that killed millions worldwide in 1918 (1/3 of world population)


a theory promoted by John Dewey, who believed that education was key to the search for the truth about ideals and institutions


A miniature electronic circuit used to control computers and most other electronic devices

Velvet Revolution

A peaceful protest by the Czech people that led to the smooth end of communism in Czechoslovakia. communist block falls in winter of 1989

boom towns

a town undergoing rapid growth due to sudden prosperity, soon became ghost towns

Black Friday Scandal

A scheme by two unscrupulous businessmen, Jim Fiske and Jay Gould, to corner the gold market; they persuaded President Grant's brother-in-law to convince the president that stopping government gold sales would be good for farmers; Grant naively complied, and many businessmen were ruined as the price of gold was bid up furiously on "Black Friday".

jack London

A young California writer and adventurer who portrayed the conflict between nature and civilization in his novels.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (hart-cellar)

Abolished the national-origins quotas and providing for the admission each year of 170,000 immigrants from the Eastern Hemisphere and 120,000 from the Western Hemisphere increase in asian and Latin American immigrants replaces with skilled immigrants

Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

Activated the low tariff policies of New Dealers, aimed at both relief, recover, reversed the traditional high protective tariff This act reversed traditional high-protective-tariff policies by allowing the president to negotiate lower tariffs with trade partners, without Senate approval. Its chief architect was Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who believed that tariff barriers choked off foreign trade.

what did mass consumption of goods rely on?


National Labor Relations Board

agency to make sure there are o "unfair labor policies"

Which of the following was not a policy undertaken by the NIRA?

agreement among industries to reinvest profits into their firms

Non-Aggression Pact of 1939

agreement between Joseph Stalin and Hitler to divide Eastern Europe

what were the roots of progressivism?

agricultural overproduction political corruption labor strife urbanization immigration populist movement morphs into progressivism after 1896 election led by white middle class professionals must reform society to make amends

Which of the following policies did Roosevelt not include among his early ideas for a New Deal?

aid to farmers

Recovery (New Deal)

aimed at helping the economy get back on its feet; Example: Bringing prices and values back up after crash

Reform (New Deal)

aimed at making business changes to prevent future problems

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another

The disc jockey who popularized rock and roll was ________.

Alan Freed


Albert Lasker: create a demand through exploit of vanity, emotions, expert endorsements, and celebrity endorsements

What purpose did the Allied strategy of island hopping serve?

Allied forces intentionally avoided Japanese-held island strongholds that did not serve them strategically, instead securing locations that allowed them to interfere with Japanese communications and transportation routes. In this way, the Allies made their way towards Japan with limited military engagement. The goal was to get close enough to the Japanese home islands to achieve air superiority, paving the way for Allied assaults by air or water.

Which assessment of Herbert Hoover's presidency is most accurate?

Although he did not cause the stock market crash, Hoover deserves criticism for his inadequate response to it.

USS Maine

America claimed spain blew up USS Maine, reason for Spanish-american war

What did the popular movies of the Depression reveal about American values at that time? How did these values contrast with the values Americans held before the Depression?

American films in the 1930s served to both assuage the fears and frustrations of many Americans suffering through the Depression and reinforce the idea that communal efforts—town and friends working together—would help to address the hardships. Previous emphasis upon competition and individualism slowly gave way to notions of "neighbor helping neighbor" and seeking group solutions to common problems. The Andy Hardy series, in particular, combined entertainment with the concept of family coming together to solve shared problems. The themes of greed, competition, and capitalist-driven market decisions no longer commanded a large audience among American moviegoers.

Okies and Arkies

Americans who were forced out of their homes in Oklahoma and Arkansas (respectively) due to the dust storms and drought known as the Dust Bowl homeless farm families take to the roads to move west for jobs

Rural Electrification Administration

An agency established in 1935 to promote nonprofit farm cooperatives that offered loans to farmers to install power lines.

North American free trade

An economic pact that combined the conomies of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one of the world's largest trading blocs.


An effort to preserve the status quo through the threat of force

Washington Disarmament Conference

An international conference on the limitation of naval fleet construction begins in Washington. Under the leadership of the American Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes the representatives of the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan pledge not to exceed the designated sizes of their respective naval fleets

American Protective Association

An organization created by nativists in 1887 that campaigned for laws to restrict immigration

Young Lords Organization

An organization that sought self-determination for Puerto Ricans in the United States and in the Caribbean. Though immediate victories for the YLO were few, their dedicated community organizing produced a generation of leaders and awakened community consciousness. same tactics as black panther party

rise of art

Andy Warhol, roy Lichtenstein

Phyllis Schlafly

Anti-feminist who led the campaign to defeat the ERA claiming it would undermine the american family

What challenges did Hollywood face in the 1950s?

Antitrust lawsuits deprived studios of their theaters, and the careers of many actors, directors, and screenwriters were destroyed by Senator McCarthy's blacklist of suspected Communists. Meanwhile, the new technology of television drew audiences away from the movies by providing convenient at-home entertainment.

Jackie Robinson and color barrier

April 15, 1947: 1st African american to play major league, segregated sport for 50 years, joined army in 1942

labor on the Homefront

April 1918: national war labor board formed to help adjudicate labor disputes and prevent strikes

Winslow homer

Artist who painted mostly scenes of the ocean- man battling nature on open seas.

where was the summer of love?

Ashbury, San Francisco in 1967

What technological and economic factors combined to lead to the explosive growth of American cities at this time?

At the end of the nineteenth century, a confluence of events made urban life more desirable and more possible. Technologies such as electricity and the telephone allowed factories to build and grow in cities, and skyscrapers enabled the relatively small geographic areas to continue expanding. The new demand for workers spurred a massive influx of job-seekers from both rural areas of the United States and from eastern and southern Europe. Urban housing—as well as services such as transportation and sanitation—expanded accordingly, though cities struggled to cope with the surging demand. Together, technological innovations and an exploding population led American cities to grow as never before.

What were Hoover's plans when he first entered office, and how were these reflective of the years that preceded the Great Depression?

At the outset of his presidency, Hoover planned to establish an agenda that would promote continued economic prosperity and eradicate poverty. He planned to eliminate federal regulations of the economy, which he believed would allow for maximum growth. For Americans themselves, he advocated a spirit of rugged individualism: Americans could bring about their own success or failure in partnership with the government, but remain unhindered by unnecessary government intervention in their everyday lives. These philosophies and policies reflected both the prosperity and optimism of the previous decade and a continuation of the postwar "return to normalcy" championed by Hoover's Republican predecessors.

Atlantic Charter

August 1941: outlines US/Uk war aims


August 6, 1945


August 9, 1945

central powers

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy

victory gardens

Backyard gardens; Americans were encouraged to grow their own vegetables to support the war effort by Hoover

Pearl Harbor

Base in hawaii that was bombed by japan on December 7, 1941, which eagered America to enter the war. 6 battleships sunk aircraft carriers not targeted

In what way did education play a crucial role in the emergence of the middle class?

Better public education and the explosion of high schools meant that the children of the middle class were better educated than any previous generation. While college had previously been mostly restricted to children of the upper class, the creation of land-grant colleges made college available on a wide scale. The curricula at these new colleges matched the needs of the middle class, offering practical professional training rather than the liberal arts focus that the Ivy League schools embraced. Thus, children of the emerging middle class were able to access the education and training needed to secure their place in the professional class for generations to come.

Anti-Crime Bill

Bill Clinton's bill that provided $30 billion in funding for more police protection and crime prevention programs, also banned the sale of most assault rifles. (p. 666)

Volstead Act

Bill passed by Congress to enforce the language of the 18th Amendment. This bill made the manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal within the borders of the United States.

Which man was both a professional baseball player and an influential evangelist during the 1920s?

Billy Sunday

Tuskegee Institute

Booker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper

Atlanta Compromise

Booker T. Washington's speech, given at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895, where he urged African Americans to work hard and get along with others in their white communities, so as to earn the goodwill of the country

atlanta compromise

Booker T. Washington's speech, given at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895, where he urged African Americans to work hard and get along with others in their white communities, so as to earn the goodwill of the country

postwar germany

allies agree to temporary division of Germany; establish occupation zones

Tehran Conference (December 1943)

allies agree to timeline and coordinated attacks to open 2nd front in France; Stalin commits to fighting against Japan after Germany was defeated

who does the US actually support more though?

allies due to culture and linguistic ties, there were more Americans from France and England than from Germany

postdam (July 1945 - conference)

allies finalize plans for occupation, disarmament, and demilitarization of Germany

battle of Britain

Britain is able to stave off defeat in air-wave, allies begin bombing campaign against Germany


British blockade makes US businesses increasingly dependent on trade with he allied powers

Zimmerman Telegram

British intercept telegram from Germany to Mexico. Germany is trying to form an alliance with Japan and Mexico by offering land to Japan and Mexico. British hold onto it and later publish it

1939 neutrality act

allows for trade of war materials with European democrats on cash and carry basis sparks economic revival in the US, ends the great depressions

cash and carry

allows for trade of war materials with European nations

How did postwar conditions explain Warren Harding's landslide victory in the 1920 presidential election?

By the time of the 1920 election, the United States was tired and traumatized by the events of the past year. The nation had fought a brutal war, with veterans bringing home their own scars and troubles, and it had suffered domestically as well. Economic uncertainty and shortages, violent racial conflicts, fear of a Communist takeover, and a deadly flu pandemic had left Americans overwhelmed and unhappy. They did not seek new Progressive ideals, they did not want to be the world's policeman, and they did not want to destabilize what already felt unsteady. By choosing a reassuring-looking candidate who promised to bring things "back to normal," Americans squarely voted to hunker down, nurse their wounds, and try to enjoy themselves.

what led to debt?


Jospeh G McCoy

Cattlemen who realized the importance of railroads in delivering beef from Texas to the east coast. He offered cowboys a place to drive cattle and built stockyards, hotels, and banks to help his

Who was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

Charles Lindbergh

Which president made significant steps towards civil service reform?

Chester A. Arthur

John Pershing

Commander of American Expeditionary Force of over 1 million troops who insisted his soldiers fight as independent units so US would have independent role in shaping the peace

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of North Vietnam turns to communism for support after US throws its support to France; by 1950a 80% of French war effort paid for by US

The Scopes Monkey Trial revolved around a law that banned teaching about ________ in public schools.


14th Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

industrial might of america in 1894

america is largest industrial power built on foreign investment, integrated markets

Josiah Strong, Our Country

american home missionary society, makes religion argument for expansion

Which of the following was a popular pastime for working-class urban dwellers?

amusement parks

leisure activities during the progressivism era

amusement parks two-wheeled bicycles

Coxey's party

an 1894 protest, led by businessman Jacob Coxey, to advocate for public works jobs for the unemployed by marching on Washington, DC leads "army" on march to Washington to demand unemployment relief during recession following the panic of 1893 march dies out the it gets to Washington

Meatpacking Inspection Act of 1906

an American law that makes it a crime to adulterate or misbrand meat and meat products being sold as food, and ensures that meat and meat products are slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions.

FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

an agency developed by the federal government to regulate banking and and investment activities

New Deal Coalition

an alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party

New deal coalition

an alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party programs bring new groups to Democratic Party, dominates federal politics from 1932-1980

battle of wounded knee

an attempt to disarm a group of Lakota Sioux Indians near Wounded Knee, South Dakota, which resulted in members of the Seventh Cavalry of the U.S. Army opening fire and killing over 150 Indians

17th Amendment

Direct election of senators

Medgar Evers

Director of the NAACP in Mississippi and a lawyer who defended accused Blacks, he was murdered in his driveway by a member of the Ku Klux Klan.


Don't ask don't tell

Sharon statement

Drafted by founding members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), this manifesto outlined the group's principles and inspired young conservatives who would play important roles in the Reagan administration in the 1980s. included 3 C's

settlement house movement

an early progressive reform movement, largely spearheaded by women, which sought to offer services such as childcare and free healthcare to help the working poor

What was one of the key goals for which striking workers fought in the late nineteenth century?

an eight-hour workday

Frontier Thesis

an idea proposed by Fredrick Jackson Turner, which stated that the encounter of European traditions and a native wilderness was integral to the development of American democracy, individualism, and innovative character

Brains Trust

an unofficial advisory cabinet to President Franklin Roosevelt, originally gathered while he was governor of New York, to present possible solutions to the nations' problems; among its prominent members were Rexford Tugwell, Raymond Moley, and Adolph Berle

don't ask, don't tell policy

angers both sides of the culture wars with DADT policy on homosexual serving in military

Which of the following was not a primary method by which the American government dealt with American Indians during the period of western settlement?


Why and how did the U.S. government promote western migration in the midst of fighting the Civil War?

During the first two years of the Civil War—when it appeared that the Confederacy was a formidable opponent—President Lincoln grew concerned that a Union defeat could result in the westward expansion of slavery. Thus, he hoped to facilitate the westward movement of white settlers who promoted the concept of free soil, which would populate the region with allies who opposed slavery. To encourage this process, Congress passed the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act in 1862. The government also constructed and maintained forts that assisted in the process of westward expansion.


appeasing both left and right wings

mallows hammer

applying the hammers to Cold War hot spots

forced bussing

approves forced bussing to integrate schools


army had difficulty organizing/preparing for war San Juan hill 1898, teddy Roosevelt and the rough riders


as more money is printed, prices increases but the value of money decreases, easier to pay off debts

3 events that occurred in the late 1970s that signaled the beginning of a resurgence of conservative values in America

ERA: Phyllis Schafly protest acts Affirmative Action: Bakke vs. University California The Sage Brush Rebellion: federal ownership of land demanded o be turned over to sates

Booker T. Washington

Educator and founded Tuskegee Institute. He argued that blacks should learn more trades that would offer them the opportunity to be more self-sufficient and help further them in society. Instead of battling against discrimination they should be using their education to better themselves.

1973 Yom Kippur War

Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (on Yom Kippur); Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt

suez crisis

Egyptian leader Gamal Nassar nationalizes Suez Canal to help fund plans to build as Aswan Dam Brit/france/Israel go back to seize control, US refuses to assist them

Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.

Which of the following is true of late nineteenth-century southern and eastern European immigrants, as opposed to their western and northern European predecessors?

Ellis Island was the first destination for most southern and eastern Europeans.

in 1896, Filipinos launched a major nationwide revolution against the spaniards who had ruled the Philippines since the 1500s. One revolutionary who rose through the ranks and became president fo the Katipunan in 1897 was:

Emilio Aguinaldo

universal health care plan

attempts to pass universal healthcare plan

Mitchell Palmer

attorney general who played role in palmer raids


august 1942-february 1943: Japanese suffer 20k casualties, 10:1 casualty ratio, 1st major land battle

when does Russia get the bomb?

august 1949

Economic Oppurtunity Act of 1964

august: established community action programs and economic opportunity councils


Environmental Protection Agency An independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment

Which amendment did Alice Paul promote to end gender discrimination?

Equal Rights Amendment

Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act

authorized government to seize and operate striking

Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)

Established the Federal Trade Commission to monitor business practices, false advertising, and dishonest labeling

4 elements of Taft-Hartley Act of 1947

authorizes the president to declare cooling off periods bans closed shops prohibits sympathy/secondary strikes allows states to pass right to work laws

Sit-Down strikes

Event in which workers in General Motors plant sat down on the job and refused to leave until they gained recognition for union; successful, however, unpopular with many Americans (including FDR) CIO's united auto workers use sit-down strike against General Motors in flint, Michigan (1936-37)

J. Edgar Hoover

FBI agent, Palmer raids


FBI weapnzes anti-communism to use against groups deemed to be un-American

1938 midterm election

FDR campaigns against old south democrats who hadn't supported him, but they end up getting elected leading to not much getting done since they all hate him now

step 1 of hundred day plan

FDR declares a bank holiday on March 6-10, 1933 that includes the Emergency Banking Act

deficit spending

FDR embraces "Keynesian economics" use money to consumers and thus encourage consumer spending

judicial reform bill 1937

FDR seeks to add 6 new justices to the Supreme Court (additional justice for everyone over 70)

1937 recession ("Roosevelt Recession")

FDR thought that the depression had largely been cured and so he cut back federal spending. However the Feds tightened credit and together these action put the economy in trouble. 1936: FDR cuts spending on Farm and WPA work relief programs 1937: business investment, stocks begins to fail and unemployment rates rise again

1932 presidential election

FDR vs Hoover FDR pledges a new deal dems say they will repeal prohibition *yay*

Arsenal or Democracy

FDR; phrase used to describe the US as he tried to arouse popular support for sending military aid to nations fighting against axis powers. Foreign.

Truman referred to his program of economic and social reform as the ________.

Fair Deal

lewis hines

Famous for photographing child laborers during the second industrial revolution during the late 1800's.

What accounts for the success of large, commercial "bonanza farms?" What benefits did they enjoy over their smaller family-run counterparts?

Farmers who were able to invest a significant amount of capital in starting up large farms could acquire necessary supplies with ease. They also had access to new, technologically advanced farm machinery, which greatly improved efficiency and output. Such farmers hired migrant farmers to work their huge amounts of land. These "bonanza farms" were often quite successful, whereas family farms—unable to afford the supplies they needed for success, let alone take advantage of the technological innovations that would make their farms competitive—often failed.

Benito Mussolini

Fascist Dictator of Italy that at first used bullying to gain power, then never had full power.

Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)

Federal program to send volunteers to help people in poor communities (at home)


First artificial Earth satellite, it was launched by Moscow in 1957 and sparked U.S. fears of Soviet dominance in technology and outer space. It led to the creation of NASA and the space race.

Nelson Mandela

First black president of South Africa

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions

United Farm Workers union

Founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huertas to fight for better working conditions and fair compensation for Mexican American agricultural workers. stikes/boycotts/protests

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) called for equal employment opportunity and equal pay for women. NOW also championed the legalization of abortion and passage of an equal rights amendment to the Constitution.

W.E.B. DuBois

Founder of Niagara movement and the NAACP.

allied powers (triple entente)

Great Britain, France, Russia

Neville Chamberlain

Great British prime minister who advocated peace and a policy of appeasement 1938; gullible British Prime Minister; declared that Britain and France would fight if Hitler attacked Poland.

sit ins

Greensboro NC : lunch counter at woolworths, refused to sit up, ended with 300 students

Hollywood Ten

Group of people in the film industry who were jailed for refusing to answer congressional questions regarding Communist influence in Hollywood

republicans of 20s

Harding Coolidge Hoover

Which of the following does not represent one of the ways in which William Jennings Bryan appealed to Populists?

He advocated for higher tariffs.

How did Roosevelt intercede in the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902?

He invited strikers and workers to the White House.

John L. Lewis

He was a miner known for creating the United Mine Workers. He helped found the CIO in 1935 and was responsible for the Fair Labor Standards Act. forms committee for industrial organization fuses skilled and unskilled workers int industrial inion splits with AFL and forms congress of industrial organizations reaches to to minority workers union membership soars

George creel

Headed the Committee on Public Information, for promoting the war effort in WWI

How did Henry Ford transform the automobile industry?

Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry by making the car affordable to the average person. In order to accomplish this, he refused to allow workers to unionize, instituted an eight-hour workday, raised workers' wages, promoted equal pay for black and white workers and for women; and used assembly lines to facilitate production. The automobile thus became a symbol of middle-class life, rather than a luxury good available only to the wealthy.

1928 election

Herbert Hoover v. Al Smith "alchohol smith" : drinker, tammany hall political, governor of NY, Irish and catholic hoover carries border states and southern states that had not voted republican since reconstruction promises a chicken in every pot

social darwinism

Herbert Spencer's theory, based upon Charles Darwin's scientific theory, which held that society developed much like plant or animal life through a process of evolution in which the most fit and capable enjoyed the greatest material and social success

What attempts did Hoover make to offer federal relief? How would you evaluate the success or failure of these programs?

Hoover formed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) in 1932. This represented a significant effort, although it did not provide any direct aid to needy Americans. The RFC set aside $2 billion in taxpayer money to rescue banks, credit unions, and insurance companies, hoping to promote Americans' confidence in financial institutions. However, by lending money only to banks with sufficient collateral, he ensured that most of the recipients of the aid were large banks. Additionally, most Americans at this time did not have assets to place into banks, however confident they may have felt. In 1932, Hoover also endorsed the Emergency Relief and Construction Act, which allotted $1.5 billion to states to fund local public works projects. Hoover's limitations upon the types of projects that could receive funding and the types of workers who could participate, however, limited the program's utility.

Clark Memorandum

Hoover's repudiation of the Roosevelt Corollary that justified American military intervention in Latin American affairs; this memorandum improved relations with America's neighbors by reasserting that intervention would occur only in the event of European interference in the Western Hemisphere

Why was Rockefeller's use of horizontal integration such an effective business tool at this time? Were his choices legal? Why or why not?

Horizontal integration enabled Rockefeller to gain tremendous control over the oil industry and use that power to influence vendors and competitors. For example, he could pressure railroads into giving him lower rates because of the volume of his products. He undercut competitors, forcing them to set their prices so low that they could barely stay in business—at which point he could buy them out. Through horizontal integration, he was able to create a virtual monopoly and set the terms for business. While his business model of a holding company was technically legal, it held as much power as a monopoly and did not allow for other businesses to grow and compete.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

In 1979, Iranian fundamentalists seized the American embassy in Tehran and held fifty-three American diplomats hostage for over a year. The Iranian hostage crisis weaked the Carter presidency; the hostages were finally released on January 20, 1981, the day Ronald Reagan became president.

bay of pigs

In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure.

Compare and contrast the treatment of Chinese immigrants and Hispanic citizens to that of Indians during the period of western settlement.

In all three cases, white settlers felt that they were superior to these ethnic groups and morally correct in their exploitation of the groups' land and labor. Whether mining sacred Sioux reservation lands for gold or forcing Chinese immigrants to pay a special fine to mine for gold, white settlers were confident that their goal of Manifest Destiny gave them the right to do as they wished. Hispanic Americans, unlike Chinese immigrants and Indians, were allowed citizenship rights, although racist laws and corrupt judges severely curtailed these rights. Chinese immigrants were ultimately denied entry to the United States through the Chinese Exclusion Act.

What barriers did Wilson face in his efforts to ratify the Treaty of Versailles? What objections did those opposed to the treaty voice?

In order to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson needed to ensure a two-thirds approval by the U.S. Senate, which meant overcoming the objections of a majority of Senate Republicans. Isolationists, most notably Henry Cabot Lodge, worried that the treaty's Article X would oblige the United States to intervene extensively in international affairs. Interventionists, alternatively, argued that Article X would prevent the United States from using its military might to protect its interests abroad. Ultimately, Congress defeated both the originally worded treaty and a later version that included amendments. As a result, the United States never officially signed the treaty nor joined the League of Nations.

contract with america

In the 1994 congressional elections, Congressman Newt Gingrich had Republican candidates sign a document in which they pledged their support for such things as a balanced budget amendment, term limits for members of Congress, and a middle-class tax cut.

How did mining and cattle ranching transform individual "get rich quick" efforts into "big business" efforts when the nineteenth century came to a close?

In the cases of both mining and cattle ranching, diminishing resources played a key role. In mining, the first prospectors were able to pan for gold with crude and inexpensive materials, and therefore, almost anyone could head west and try his luck. Similarly, the quantity of cattle and the amount of grazing land meant that cowboys and would-be cattle barons had ample room to spread out. But as the easiest minerals were stripped away and large-scale ranchers purchased, developed, and fenced off grazing land, opportunities diminished. It took significantly more resources to tunnel down into a mine than it did to pan for gold; instead of individual prospectors, companies would assess a site's potential and then seek investment to hire workers and drill deep into the earth. Likewise, as the cattle trails were over-grazed, ranchers needed to purchase and privatize large swaths of land to prepare their cattle for market.

3 primary reasons for the collapse of the stock market

International Economy: US refuses to forgive Allie's debt, when banks no longer able to make loans, Germany stops paying Uneven Distribution of Wealth: gap between rich and poor grew in 1920, 50% of income to top 10%, 25% to top 1% Loss of Confidence: investors stop investing; common man loses confidence in the bank

Earth Day (1970)

International day of celebration and awareness of global environmental issues launched by conservationists on April 22, 1970

Executive Order 9066

Internment camps

Community Action Program

Invited local communities to establish community action agencies (CAA's) to be funded through the office of economic opportunity; allowed poor to run antipoverty programs in their own neighborhoods. august 1964

What was the major advantage of Westinghouse's "alternating current" power invention?

It allowed machines to be farther from the power source.

How did the Great Compromise of 1877 influence the election?

It encouraged southern states to support Hayes.

Which of the following was not an outcome of the Underwood Tariff Act?

It established a federal banking system to oversee tariffs.

Frazier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act

It made possible a suspension of mortgage foreclosures for 5 years. It was struck down in 1935 by the Supreme Court.

Which of the following islands had to be captured in order to provide a staging area for U.S. bombing raids against Japan?

Iwo Jima


J Edgar hoover FBIs program to disrupt, labeled organizations considered subversive

Who was the youngest president?

JFK only 2nd catholic to receive party nomination

who shot Kennedy's assassin?

Jack Ruby

how the other life lives

Jacob Riis - photographer 1890

Who killed MLK?

James Earl Ray

Casablanca Conference

January 1943: Churchill and FDR meet to discuss strategy, announce policy of "unconditional surrender"

as a results of Washington dis. conference...

Japan decreases navy and we decreases pacific defense

rebuilding Japan

Japan rebuilds economically with US aid under occupation leadership of Gernal Douglas MacArthur; fros New Democratic constitution I 1946 which allows for women's suffrage


Japan signs treaty opening its markets to us trade

admiral yamamoto

Japans Greatest naval strategists, who called for the attack on Pearl Harbor. He also commanded the fleet that attacked Midway Island.

Which of the following "robber barons" was notable for the exploitative way he made his fortune in railroads?

Jay Gould

Battle of the Phillipine Sea

June 19-20, 1944 - american subs sink 2 Japanese carriers

when was Germany forced to sign the treaty of Versailles?

June 1918

Federal Farm Board

June 1929: lends money to farmers and buys crops through co-ops

executive order 8802

June 1941: FDR signs order banning discrimination in federal work place

Berlin blockade

June 1948, USSR cuts off our ground access to Berlin


June 1951: Julius and Ethel rosenburg convicted of passing info to USSR moms

pentagon papers

June 1971: A 7,000-page top-secret United States government report on the history of the internal planning and policy-making process within the government itself concerning the Vietnam War. reveals public was lied to

operation Barbarossa

June 22, 1941: Hitler launches attack into soviet union; US extends "lend-lease" to USSR

executive order 8802

June 25, 1941: no discrimination in the defense industry. A Philip Randolph pleaded against discrimination

korean war

June 25, 1950: North Korea invades South Korea; UN authorizes use of force US commits air and ground forces after MacArthur pushes North Korea back to Yalu River, China invades and pushes Un forces back to 38th parallel


June 6, 1944, the date of the invasion of Normandy, France, by British, Canadian, and American forces, which opened a second front in Europe

operation overlord (D-Day_

June 6, 1944: open 2nd front, off beach the Hedgerow fighting is similar to trench fighting, made it difficult for allies to break through after the landings, put hedgehogs on tanks to break through

Special Forces (Green Berets)

Kennedy increased defense spending in order to boost conventional military forces and created this elite branch of the army US sends military advises to S. Vietnam to train army of the republic of Vietnam to defeat Viet Cong

What steps did Kennedy take to combat Communism?

Kennedy's economic development programs, supported by the Peace Corps, were intended to reduce poverty in developing nations so their citizens would be less attracted to Communism. After the Bay of Pigs invasion failed to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro, Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union remove intermediate-range missiles from Cuba. He also increased support for the anti-Communist government in South Vietnam and sent advisors and troops to train the South Vietnamese army.

Naval Quarantine

Kennedy's use of ships to prevent Soviet access to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Underwood Tariff Act

Lowered tariffs on imported goods and established a graduated income tax 1913

Great Society

Lyndon Johnson's plan to eliminate poverty and racial injustice in the United States and to improve the lives of all Americans

war on poverty

Lyndon Johnson's plan to end poverty in the Unites States through the extension of federal benefits, job training programs, and funding for community development

truman fires MacArthur bc...

MacArthur threatens china with bombs

commodore dewey was celebrated and promoted to admiral after battle in what body of water?

Manila Bay

What were American women's contributions to the war effort?

Many American women joined the armed forces, where they served as nurses, repaired and piloted airplanes, drove trucks, and performed clerical duties. Women in civilian life assumed occupations, often in the defense industries, that would have gone to men in times of peace. Women who did not take on wartime employment also contributed by recycling scarce materials, buying war bonds, planning meals using rationed foods, and generally making do with less.

civil rights act of 1875

March 1, 1875: tries to break down black codes. Guaranteed equal rights for all.

lend-lease act

March 1941: congress approves act which ends pretense of US neutrality. Start loaning money, doesn't get much back because most goes to Europe - provides $50 billion of aid to allies

Briefly explain Roland Marchand's argument in the Parable of the Democracy of Goods.

Marchand argues that in the new era of consumerism, workers' desire for access to consumer goods replaces their desire for access to the means of production of those goods. So long as Americans could buy products that advertisers convinced them would make them look and feel wealthy, they did not need to fight for access to the means of wealth.


Marcus Garvey forms Unted Negro Improvement association that preaches unity and pride for blacks "back to Africa" self-determination

fall of Saigon

Marked the end of the Vietnam War in April, 1975 when North Vietnamese invaded South Vietnam, forcing all Americans left to flee in disarray as the capitol was taken falls to communism

The Truman administration tried to help Europe recover from the devastation of World War II with the ________.

Marshall Plan

first major movie stars

Mary Pickford and Rudolph Valentino

U2 spy plane incident

May 1, 1960, a U.S. spy plane was shot down over Soviet airspace; U.S. denied it was a spy plane, but the Soviets had the plane and the pilot, Gary Powers

kent state

May 1970: 4 students killed by National Guardsmen after violent protesting in this university

when was the first major solo flight across the Atlantic made? name of plane?

May 21, 1927 "spirit of St. Louis"

VE Day

May 8, 1945 - Germany surrenders unconditionally

________ was Johnson's program to provide federal funding for healthcare for the poor.



Mexican cowboys

what occurs in 1913?

Mexican revolution results in widespread Mexican immigration to US

The American cowboy owes much of its model to what other culture?


three major events that happened in the world in 1968 that rocked the world

Mexico City protest during olympics prague spring the troubles

What two countries were engaged in a negotiation that the Lodge Corollary disallowed?

Mexico and Japan

black panther party

Militant Civil Rights, believed violence was necessary, 10 Point Plan, led by Huey Newton

What was the economic outlook of the average American when Herbert Hoover took office in 1929?

Most Americans believed that their prosperity would continue. The stock market continued to flourish, prompting many Americans—including those who had never done so before—to invest their savings and hope for the best.


Munich oct. 1938 (france and Great Britain) Sudetenland claims /Ethiopian conquest recognized (fair and square)

double v campaign

NAACP membership expands to 500K, congress of Racial Equality (CORE), victory abroad and victory at home

What of the following was not used to control American dissent against the war effort?

National Civil Liberties Bureau

PWA (Public Works Administration)

New Deal agency that provided millions of jobs constructing public buildings 1933-39 la guardia and various bridges

How did the burst of new inventions during this era fuel the process of urbanization?

New inventions fueled industrial growth, and the development of commercial electricity—along with the use of steam engines—allowed industries that had previously situated themselves close to sources of water power to shift away from those areas and move their production into cities. Immigrants sought employment in these urban factories and settled nearby, transforming the country's population from mostly rural to largely urban.

What made recent European immigrants the ready targets of more established city dwellers? What was the result of this discrimination?

Newer immigrants often had different appearances, spoke unfamiliar languages, and lived their lives—from the religions they practiced to the food they ate—in ways that were alien to many Americans. In all of city life's more challenging aspects, from competition for jobs to overcrowding in scarce housing, immigrants became easy scapegoats. The Reverend Josiah Strong's bestselling book, Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, fueled this discrimination. The American Protective Association, the chief political activist group promoting anti-immigration legislation, formed largely in response to Strong's call.

Who invented AC?

Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse

Washington disarmament conference 1921-22 (treaties)

Nine power treaty: solidifies open door policy five power treaty: limits battleships/carriers four power treaty: commits signatories to maintaining the "status quo" in the [acific

My Lai Massacre

Nov 1969 -the murder of over 100 South Vietnamese in the small village of My Lai. platoon entered the village looking for enemies- Lieutenant Calley convicted and imprisoned

Kamikaze attacks

October 1944: battle of lake gulf, the Japanese begin employing kamikaze attacks against american ships

when does china go red?

October 1949 (1/4 of worlds population)

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929, when a mass panic caused a crash in the stock market and stockholders divested over sixteen million shares, causing the overall value of the stock market to drop precipitously $10 billion lost in 5 hours, thousands of investors "wiped out"

the Wisconsin idea

Package of reform ideas advocated by LaFollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum *1st workman's compensation* minimum wage progressive taxes, tax income direct elections of senate

Rerum Novarum (1891)

Papal encyclical of Leo XIII (1878-1903) that addressed unregulated capitalism and socialism

Geneva Peace Accords

Peace Treaty between French and Vietnamese. Vietnam splits at 17th parallel in 1957

what "awakens the sleeping giant"?

Pearl Harbor

Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy sat down in white only train car. May 18, 1896: court ruled separate but equal which allows Jim Crow Laws to persist.

what case established "separate but equal?"

Plessy v. Ferguson

Why were U.S. presidents (with few exceptions) so adamant about protecting the spoils system of patronage during the late nineteenth century?

Politics of the day were fiercely fought and won with razor-thin margins. While presidents may have wanted to see the system change, few were in a position to effect such change. They owed their presidencies to the various party leaders and political operatives who had gotten them there, and they were expected to repay the favors with political positions. Any candidate who spoke out firmly against patronage virtually guaranteed that he would not receive the support of local or regional politicians, or machine bosses. Without such support, a candidate's chances of being elected were virtually nonexistent. Therefore, they continued to work within the system.

fair deal

President Harry Truman's program of economic and social reform

How did Teddy Roosevelt become president?

President McKinley was assassinated (sept. 6 1901)


President Richard Nixons strategy for ending U.S involvement in the vietnam war, involving a gradual withdrawl of American troops and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces

urban renewal

Program in which cities identify blighted inner-city neighborhoods, acquire the properties from private members, relocate the residents and businesses, clear the site, build new roads and utilities, and turn the land over to private developers.

18th Amendment

Prohibition of alcohol

transcontinental railroad

Railroad connecting the west and east coasts of the continental US a contiguous network of railroad trackage that crosses a continental land mass with terminals at different oceans or continental borders.

vietnam syndrome

Reagan shakes vietnam syndrome we couldn't get involved anywhere bc we were afraid it would end up like Vietnam

Bretton woods

Representatives from 44 countries met in New Hampshire to design a new international monetary system; resulted in the establishment of the IMF and the World Bank. world bank: money for developing nations international monetary fraud: regulate currency


Republicans who would support the Treaty of Versailles if sufficient amendments were introduced that could eliminate Article X

alger hiss

Richard Nixon leads HUAC investigation and conviction of ALGER his for spying

Robert La Follette (Wisconsin Idea)

Robert La Follette is governor of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Idea is the most comprehensive state reform. Civil service, anti-corruption measures, state-income tax. State reform from the Progressive Era.

three major events in 1968 that rocked american society

Robert f. Kennedy assassinated while running for president MLK assassinated Tet offensive

Who founded the Crusade for Justice in Denver, Colorado in 1965?

Rodolfo Gonzales

What did Roosevelt mean to achieve with his demand for Germany and Japan's unconditional surrender?

Roosevelt believed that his demand for an unconditional surrender from Germany and Japan would serve several purposes: It would provide reassurance to the Soviet Union of the nation's loyalty, prepare the Axis nations for a complete postwar transformation, and prevent any other nations from engaging in negotiations that would undermine the Big Three's plans for the defeated belligerents.

Civil Conservation Corps (CCC)

Roosevelt proposed to recruit thousands of unemployed young men, enlist them in a peacetime army, and send them to battle the erosion and destruction of the nation's natural resources; more than any other, it's considered to be an extension of Roosevelt's personal philosophy

Describe Franklin Roosevelt's efforts on behalf of German Jews in the 1930s. How was he able to help, and in what ways did his actions come up short?

Roosevelt recalled the American ambassador from Germany. However, he made no move to relax national immigration quotas, which would have allowed persecuted German Jews to take refuge in the United States. He failed to support legislation that would have enabled Jewish children to enter the country. He also refused to intervene when a ship carrying German refugees, most of whom were Jewish, was turned away from Cuba and looked to the United States for help.

What was the purpose of Roosevelt's "Brains Trust?"

Roosevelt recruited his "Brains Trust" to advise him in his inception of a variety of relief and recovery programs. Among other things, the members of this group pushed for a new national tax policy; addressed the nation's agricultural problems; advocated an increased role for the federal government in setting wages and prices; and believed that the federal government could temper the boom-and-bust cycles that rendered the economy unstable. These advisors helped to craft the legislative programs that Roosevelt presented to Congress.

Supreme Court Packing Plan

Roosevelt's plan, after being reelected, to pack the Supreme Court with an additional six justices, one for every justice over seventy who refused to step down

Compare Roosevelt's foreign policy in Latin America and Asia. Why did he employ these different methods?

Roosevelt's strategy of "speaking softly and carrying a big stick" worked well in Latin America, where the United States had a strong military presence and could quickly and easily act on any threat of military action. Roosevelt's threat of force was therefore credible in that region, and he was able to wield it effectively. In Asia, however, the United States had less of a military presence. Instead, Roosevelt sought to maintain a balance of power, wherein the various Asian countries kept each other in check and no single player grew too powerful. When the power balance tipped, Roosevelt acted to broker a peace deal between Russia and Japan as a means of restoring balance.

nixon v US

Ruled that there is no constitutional guarantee of unqualified executive privilege 1974 congress goes to court to get tapes and they win

what major event in march 1918 caused the Americans t rush its soldiers into fighting on the western front?

Russia goes red (communism)

1st female supreme court justice

Sandra Day O'Connor

who was president Reagans first Supreme Court justice nominee and what was significant about this pick?

Sandra day o'conner - 1st female supreme court justice


Secret bars where alcohol could be purchased illegally

In 1929, Albert Fall was convicted of bribery while holding the position of ________.

Secretary of the Interior

Albert Fall

Secretary of the Interior, teapot dome scandal

Which of the following statements accurately describes Mary McLeod Bethune?

She was a key figure in the NYA.

What was the significance of Shelley v. Kraemer?

Shelley v. Kraemer held that state courts could not enforce agreements that prevented homeowners from selling to members of particular races. The ruling made it easier for African Americans to purchase houses in neighborhoods of their choosing.

Emergency relief and banking act

Shut down banks (bank holiday) until inspectors could review them

The popularization of which psychologist's ideas encouraged the new morality of the 1920s?

Sigmund Freud

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Signed by Taft in March of 1909 in contrast to campaign promises. Was supposed to lower tariff rates but Senator Nelson N. Aldrich of Rhode Island put revisions that raised tariffs. This split the Repulican party into progressives (lower tariff) and conservatives (high tariff).

Tiananmen Square

Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand greater political openness in 1989. The demonstration was crushed by Chinese military with great loss of life. bush fails to follow up Reagan doctrine and confront communism directly

San Juan Hill

Site of the most famous battle of the Spanish-American war, where Theodore Roosevelt successfully leads the Rough Riders in a charge against the Spanish trenches

Which of the following does not represent one of the management strategies that John D. Rockefeller used in building his empire?

Social Darwinism

Ngo Dinh Diem

South Vietnamese president that US supported support wavered after Buddhist lit himself on fire in S. Vietnam catholic and strongly opposed communism. His poor leadership and corrupt government spelled doom

The name of the first manmade satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, was ________.


the Elkins act of 1903

Strengthened the *Interstate Commerce Act* by imposing heavy fines on railroads offering rebates and on the shippers accepting them

Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)

Strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act by spelling out specific activities businesses could not do

What was one of the major student organizations engaged in organizing protests and demonstrations against the Vietnam War?

Students for a Democratic Society

USS Reuben James

Sunk by U-boat in October 1941; first U.S. navy ship sunk by Germany in WWII

Buck v. Bell 1927

Supreme Court upholds sterilization laws for mentally ill in jail

dollar diplomacy

Taft's foreign policy, which involved using American economic power to push for favorable foreign policies

What problems did Taft's foreign policy create for the United States?

Taft's policies created some troubles that were immediate, and others that would not bear fruit until decades later. The tremendous debts in Central America created years of economic instability there and fostered nationalist movements driven by resentment of America's interference in the region. In Asia, Taft's efforts at China-Japan mediation heightened tensions between Japan and the United States—tensions that would explode, ultimately, with the outbreak of World War II—and spurred Japan to consolidate its power throughout the region.

Which of the following was a disadvantage of machine politics?

Taxpayers ultimately paid higher city taxes due to graft.

Silent Majority

Term used by President Nixon to describe Americans who opposed the counterculture

The African American group that advocated the use of violence and espoused a Marxist ideology was called ________.

The Black Panthers

Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO)

The FBI program involved methods of espionage, infiltration, framing, and targeted killings of Black Panthers during a time of heightened fears of revolutionary violence in the late 1960s. spying on american

National Reclamation Act

backed by Roosevelt in 1902, it provided federal funds for the construction of damns, reservoirs, and canals in the West—projects that would open new lands for cultivation and provide cheap electric power later on.

civil rights act of 1964

ban segregated in any public place (not just race) first proposed by JFK in 1963: signed by Johnson in 1964

How did the GI Bill help veterans return to civilian life? What were its limitations?

The GI Bill provided returning veterans with a year of unemployment compensation, so they did not have to worry about finding jobs immediately. It allowed them to receive low-interest loans to buy homes or start businesses, and it paid for tuition for those who wished to attend college or vocational school. However, African American veterans could use their educational benefits only to attend schools that accepted black students, and some Mexican American veterans had difficulty gaining access to their benefits. Also, because those who had received a dishonorable discharge were not eligible, thousands of gay and lesbian servicemen and women who had been dishonorably discharged for their sexual orientation were unable to receive benefits.

economic spirals (list)

banks fail people lose savings banks stop loaning money people stop investing and buying people lose jobs

benefits of New Deal

banks saved relief provided safety net created economy improved business reformed


based currency n two metals (gold and silver). Sherman silver purchase act 1890. repealed in 1893 after investors started gaming system, threatened nations gold supply

Why did the war not increase overall prosperity?

because inflation made the cost of living higher

What was the Harlem Renaissance, and who were some of the most famous participants?

The Harlem Renaissance was a rediscovery and celebration of black culture and race pride. Within this context, black literature and art flourished. Writers such as Claude McKay, Langston Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston created fiction and poetry that spoke directly to the experiences of black Americans. Meanwhile, black scholars and political leaders, such as W. E. B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey, created new social and political ideologies and defined a distinct national identity for African Americans.

What were the major goals and accomplishments of the Indian New Deal?

The Indian Reorganization Act, or Indian New Deal, of 1934 put an end to the policies set forth in the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. Rather than encouraging assimilation, the new act promoted Indians' development of local self-government and the preservation of Indian artifacts and heritage. John Collier, the Commissioner on Indian Bureau Affairs, was able to use the law to push for federal officials' return of nearly two million acres of government-held land to various tribes.

Which of the following films released in 1927 was the first successful talking motion picture?

The Jazz Singer

What were the core differences in the methods and agendas of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

The Knights of Labor (KOL) had a broad and open base, inviting all types of workers, including women and African Americans, into their ranks. The KOL also sought political gains for workers throughout the country, regardless of their membership. In contrast, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was a loose affiliation of separate unions, with each group remaining intact and distinct. The AFL did not advocate for national labor issues, but restricted its efforts to helping improve economic conditions for its members.

Why did some Central American nations object to Taft's paying off their debt to Europe with U.S. dollars?

because they felt it gave the United States too much leverage

Why was the German use of the unterseeboot considered to defy international law?

because they refused to warn their targets before firing

Chicano Movement

The Mexican-American movement that sought political and social justice. The Chicano Movement addressed negative stereotyping of Mexicans, this stereotyping was addressed through works of literary and visual arts. empowering Mexican Americans

Why were the Midway Islands important to American expansion?

The Midway Islands provided a more stable path to Asian markets and a vital naval coaling station, which steamships needed in order to travel further afield.

How did the NRA seek to protect workers? What difficulties did this agency face?

The National Recovery Administration (NRA) established a "code of fair practice" for every industry. Business owners were made to accept a set minimum wage and maximum number of work hours, as well as to recognize workers' rights to organize and use collective bargaining. While the NRA established over five hundred different codes, it proved difficult to adapt this plan successfully for diverse industries with very different characteristics and practices.

oslo accords

begins the Oslo process, seeking peace between Israel and palentsine, Israel recognizes PLO

scandals under grant

black friday scandal: 1869 whiskey ring: 1875 credit mobilier scandal: 1872


black hawk down, 18 US soldiers killed while taking part in humanitarian mission in Mogadishu, Somalia

the "great migration"

blacks begin to migrate out of the south Push: fleeing segregated south Pull: jobs and opportunity

booker t Washington and atlanta compromise

booker fought Jim Crow Laws, delivered Atlanta compromise which promoted self help and success will earn African Americans more rights

what was the 1st trust ever busted?

The Northern Security Trust


bringing religion back to US afterward WWII and Cold War

what effect did the radio have on regional differences?

broke them down, homogenizes USA

economic miracle

by 1951, europeans double pre-war industrial output countries are able to resist communism

How does the "Open Door notes" episode represent a new, nonmilitary tactic in the expansion of the American empire?

The Open Door notes and the American foray into China revealed the power of economic clout. Given the unprecedented technological advances of the industrial revolution, American goods were often less expensive and of better quality than those produced in other countries, and they were highly sought after in Asia. Therefore, when Hay derided the spheres of influence model, wherein each country had its own room to maneuver in China, he was able to flood Chinese markets with American trade. Through these maneuvers, the United States was able to augment its global standing considerably without the use of its military forces.

What challenges did the U.S. military have to overcome in the Spanish-American War? What accounted for the nation's eventual victory?

The Spanish-American War posed a series of challenges to the United States' military capacities. The new U.S. Navy, while impressive, was still untested, and no one was certain how the new ships would perform. Further, the country had a limited army, with fewer than thirty thousand soldier and sailors. While over one million men ultimately volunteered for service, they were untrained, and the army was ill-prepared to house, arm, and feed them all. Eventually, American naval strength, combined with the proximity of American supplies relative to the distance Spanish forces traveled, made the decisive difference. In a war upon the sea, the U.S. Navy proved superior in both the Philippines and the blockade of Cuba.

What was the role of the Taft Commission?

The Taft Commission introduced reforms to modernize and improve daily life in the Philippines. Many of these reforms were legislative in nature, impacting the structure and composition of local governments. In exchange for the support of resistance leaders, for example, the commission offered them political appointments.

The Social Security Act borrowed some ideas from which of the following?

The Townsend Plan

Olympic Boycott

The U.S. withdrew from the competition held in Moscow to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

How did Hay's suggestion of an open door policy in China benefit the United States over other nations?

The United States produced goods of better quality and lower cost than other countries.

How did the Boxer Rebellion strengthen American ties with China?

The United States provided troops to fight the rebels.

What was the first New Deal agency to hire women openly?


National Defense Education Act

The act that was passed in response to Sputnik; it provided an opportunity and stimulus for college education for many Americans. It allocated funds for upgrading funds in the sciences, foreign language, guidance services, and teaching innovation. promotes STEM

Why was prohibition's success short-lived?

The ban on alcohol did not take effect until one year after the war, when the public sentiments that had eased its passage began to wane. The law proved difficult to enforce, as ever-greater numbers of Americans began to defy it. Organized crime's involvement in the illegal liquor trade made enforcement even more difficult and the procurement of alcohol more dangerous. All of these elements led to the law's repeal in 1933.

In what ways did the birth control pill help to liberate women?

The birth control pill enabled women to prevent or delay pregnancy, and thus marriage, and to limit the number of children they had. The freedom to control their reproduction also allowed women more opportunity to pursue higher education and work for pay outside the home.

What was agreed to at the armistice talks between North and South Korea?

The border between North and South Korea was established close to the original line along the thirty-eighth parallel, with a demilitarized zone serving as a buffer. Prisoners of war were free to decide whether they wanted to be returned home.

flexible response

The build up of conventional troops and weapons to allow a nation to fight a limited war without using nuclear weapons create green berets

How did suburbanization help the economy?

The construction of houses meant more work for people in the construction trades, including plumbers and electricians, and for those who worked in the lumber and appliance industries. The growth of the suburbs also led to a boom in the manufacture and sale of automobiles, which, in turn, created jobs for those in the steel, rubber, and oil industries.

What accounted for the relative weakness of the federal government during this era?

The contested elections of the Gilded Age, in which margins were slim and two presidents were elected without winning the popular vote, meant that incumbent presidents often had only a weak hold on their power and were able to achieve little on the federal level. Some Americans began to establish new political parties and organizations to address their concerns, undermining the federal government further. Meanwhile, despite the widespread corruption that kept them running, urban political machines continued to achieve results for their constituents and maintain political strongholds on many cities.

What were the phases of the Holocaust?

The first prison camps for Jews and other "enemies" of the Nazis were built in Germany in 1933. Following the invasion of eastern Europe, more camps, including extermination camps, were built in areas conquered by the Nazis. People, primarily Jews, were shipped to these camps from throughout Nazi-controlled Europe.

Stab in the Back Theory

The germans thought they were winning the war and then the civilian politicians signed the treaty saying Germany lost. It caused a lot of political problems. The Germans were extremely angry and killed some who signed. adolf hitler used this later to campaign on

How did the government work to ensure unity on the home front, and why did Wilson feel that this was so important?

The government took a number of steps to ensure that Americans supported the war effort. Congress passed several laws, including the Trading with the Enemy Act, the Espionage Act, the Sedition Act, and the Alien Act, all intended to criminalize dissent against the war. The government also encouraged private citizens to identify and report potential disloyalty among their neighbors, teachers, and others, including those who spoke out against the war and the draft for religious reasons. Wilson believed these steps were necessary to prevent divided loyalties, given the many recent immigrants living in the United States who maintained ties to European nations on both sides of the conflict.

In what ways did writers, photographers, and visual artists begin to embrace more realistic subjects in their work? How were these responses to the advent of the industrial age and the rise of cities?

The growth of the industrial economy and the dramatic growth of cities created new, harsh realities that were often hidden from the public eye. Writers and artists, responding both to this fact and to the sentimentalism that characterized the writing and art of their predecessors, began to depict subjects that reflected the new truth. Photographers like Jacob Riis sought to present to the public the realities of working-class life and labor. Novelists began to portray true-to-life vignettes in their stories. Visual artists such as George Bellows, Edward Hopper, and Robert Henri formed the Ashcan School of Art, which depicted the often gritty realities of working-class city life, leisure, and entertainment.

General George C. Marshall

The head of allied forces in World War II; proposed economic aid to to rebuild Western Europe -> Marshall Plan

Explain the fundamental differences between Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" and Wilson's "New Freedom."

The major difference between Roosevelt's New Nationalism and Wilson's New Freedom concerned the candidates' beliefs about the necessary size of the federal government. Wilson believed that a small federal government could keep bad businesses in check while allowing the country to grow. Roosevelt, in contrast, believed that the country required a large and involved federal government to safeguard the interests of the American people.

long telegram

The message written by George Kennan in 1946 to Truman advising him to contain Communist expansion. Told Truman that if the Soviets couldn't expand, their Communism would eventually fall apart, and that Communism could be beaten without going to war.

Which of the following statements accurately represents Thorstein Veblen's argument in The Theory of the Leisure Class?

The middle class was overly focused on its own comfort and consumption.

In what ways did the New Deal both provide direct relief and create new jobs? Which programs served each of these goals?

The most prominent of Roosevelt's job-creation programs included the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Public Works Administration (the latter under the auspices of the National Industrial Recovery Act). Both employed millions of Americans to work on thousands of projects. While programs such as the Tennessee Valley Authority were not incepted solely for the purpose of generating jobs, they nevertheless created thousands of employment opportunities in service of their greater goals. Direct relief came primarily in the form of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, which lent over $3 billion to states to operate direct relief programs from 1933 to 1935, as well as undertook several employment projects.

How did muckrakers help initiate the Progressive Era?

The muckrakers played a pivotal role in initiating the Progressive Era, because they spurred everyday Americans to action. Unlike earlier sensationalist journalists, the muckrakers told their stories with the explicit goal of galvanizing their readers and encouraging them to take steps to address the issues. With photographs and descriptions of real-life scenarios of which many Americans were unaware, the muckrakers brought the tribulations of child factory workers, the urban poor, and others into the living rooms of the middle class.

Operation Just Cause

The operation in which Marines were sent to Panama to apprehend drug lord Manuel Noriega and remove dictator, 1989.

Why did the prohibition amendment fail after its adoption in 1919?

The prohibition amendment failed due to its infeasibility. It lacked both public support and funds for its enforcement. It also lessened Americans' respect for law and order, and sparked a rise in unlawful activities, such as illegal alcohol production and organized crime.

What was the platform of the Second Ku Klux Klan, and in what activities did they engage to promote it?

The reincarnated Ku Klux Klan championed an anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish philosophy, and promoted the spread of Protestant beliefs. The Klan publicly denounced the groups they despised and continued to engage in activities such as cross-burning, violence, and intimidation, despite their public commitment to nonviolent tactics. Women's groups within the Klan also participated in various types of reform, such as advocating the prohibition of alcohol and distributing Bibles in public schools.

Operation Urgent Fury

The rescue of students from the island of Grenada 1983.

How did the actions of the Johnson administration improve the lives of African Americans?

The social programs of the Great Society, such as Medicaid, job training programs, and rent subsidies, helped many poor African Americans. All African American citizens were aided by the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended discrimination in employment and prohibited segregation in public accommodations; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which prohibited literacy tests and other racially discriminatory restrictions on voting; and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which outlawed discrimination in housing.

Prague Spring

The term for the attempted liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Treaty of Paris 1898

The treaty that concluded the Spanish American War approved by the senate by one vote

Who led the Rough Riders?

Theodore Roosevelt

Who said "I should welcome almost any war for I think this country needs one"?

Theodore Roosevelt

New Nationalism

Theodore Roosevelt's 1912 campaign platform, which called for a powerful federal government to protect the American public

rough riders

Theodore Roosevelt's cavalry unit, which fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War

Square Deal

Theodore Roosevelt's name for the kind of involved, hands-on government he felt the country needed

Keynesian economics

Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms.

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

These two men were reporters for the Washington Times during the 70s. The two are credited with uncovering the Watergate scandal.

How did Colombia react to the United States' proposal to construct a canal through Central America?

They felt that Roosevelt's deal offered too little money.

How were members of Coxey's Army received when they arrived in Washington?

They were arrested.

Hepburn Act (1906)

This Act tightened existing railroad regulation. Empowered the Interstate Commerce Commission to set maximum railroad rates and to examine railroad's financial records.

the weathermen

This group broke off from the SDS because they thought that violence and bombing was the only way to get things done. They bombed several buildings over the years, but they actually hurt the cause of the New Left and the SDS with their violence.

Pancho Villa

This military leader dominated Northern Mexico during the Mexican Revolution between 1910 and 1915. His supporters seized hacienda land for distribution to peasants and soldiers. He robbed and commandeered trains. Allied with Zapata. He was eventually defeated though before the revolution ended in 1920.

CIA in Chile

To prevent rise of another Castro, the Nixon administration's CIA supported Chile's right-wing military, led by Pinochet, to topple popularly-elected socialist president Allende. He and many followers executed, others jailed.

Why might President Truman have made the decision to drop the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki?

Truman wanted to end the war quickly and save lives by avoiding an invasion of the Japanese home islands. However, he might have achieved this by waiting for a definitive response from Japan following the bombing of Hiroshima. Truman may also have wanted to demonstrate America's power to the Soviet Union and hoped that the unleashing of his nuclear arsenal would send a strong message to Stalin.

Glasnost and Perestroika

Two reform movements in Russia. Glasnost was meant to provide opportunities to share new ideas. Perestroika was intended to give businesses more freedom for innovation and competition

15th Amendment (1870)

U.S. cannot prevent a person from voting because of race, color, or creed

Grain Embargo

U.S. would not sell to the Soviets to protest human rights violations

what college was the center of the SDS movement?

UC Berkeley in b1964, begins to take a more radical/militant turn

Operation Rolling Thunder

US LAUNCHES MASSIVE BOMBING CAMPAIGN AGAINST N. VIETNAM; 864K TONS OF BOMBS (MORE than WWII) *too lazy to rewrite that w/o caps soooo oops*

Wabash case

US Supreme Court ruled against Illinois for passing granger laws controlling RR rates - said it was unconstitutional

open door policy

US asks for open door to trade with any part of China. Refuse to be divided

Germany/Europe first

US committees to a Germany first strategy. Work with Soviet Union and GB to defeat Germany before Japan

agent orange

US sprays 20 million gallons of herbicides to kill vegetation

what led to oil embargo by OPEC that hurt american economy?

US support for Israel I 1973 Yom Kippur war

Ho Chi Minh/Vietnam

US supports French efforts to maintain colonies in Indochina against ho chi

nixon doctrine

US will honor its defense commitments but countries have to assume the bulk of their own defenses

how America entered the war (acronym)

UZI unrestricted submarine warfare Zimmerman telegram investments/trade

who wrote the jungle?

Upton Sinclair


Urban areas in New England and Middle West characterized by concentrations of declining industries (steel or textiles).

barbed wire

Used to fence in land on the Great Plains, eventually leading to the end of the open frontier.

rough riders

Volunteer regiment of US Cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt during the Spanish American War at the battle fo San Juan 1898 earns teddy medal of honor

Describe the philosophy and strategies of the Niagara Movement. How did it differ from Washington's way of thinking?

W. E. B. Du Bois sought to push for civil rights directly, through legal and political channels, drawing on the education and skills of the "talented tenth" to advance the Niagara Movement's agenda. The movement's Declaration of Principles called for immediate political, economic, and social equality for African Americans, including universal suffrage, education, and an end to the convict-lease system. This represented, in many ways, a rejection of Booker T. Washington's advocacy of accommodation and self-improvement.


WACS - women in the army WAVES - women in the navy

What ends the Great Depression?


Oracle of Omaha

Warren Buffet, "buy low, sell high"

Who was the Republican presidential nominee for the 1920 election?

Warren Harding

Gary Powers

Was the U-2 Spy Plane pilot that was captured by the Soviet Union

Why did Wilson's "New Freedom" agenda come in two distinct phases (1913 and 1916)?

Wilson's actions were limited by his belief in his New Freedom platform, which promised voters a small government. Still, he took a number of steps in the first year of his presidency to shore up the economy and push back against destructive trusts. With those goals accomplished, he largely left the Progressive agenda alone. As the 1916 election season approached, however, Wilson realized that his hands-off policy was not endearing him to voters, and he ended his first term in a flurry of Progressive legislation that reminded the voting public of all he could do for them.

To what extent were Woodrow Wilson's actual foreign policy decisions consistent with his foreign policy philosophy or vision?

Wilson's foreign policy goal was to minimize American involvement abroad and use a less imperialistic approach than the presidents before him. Rather than being guided by America's self-interest, he hoped to enact a policy based on moral decisions, acting only when it was morally imperative. In practice, however, Wilson found himself, especially in South and Central America, following the steps of other, more interventionist presidents. He sent troops into Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba, often to ensure that America's interests were met. In Asia and Mexico, Wilson also found it difficult to remain outside of world affairs without jeopardizing America's interests.

Joe McCarthy

Winsconsin Senator that created a national witch hunt for socialist and communists inside the United States after WWII

Women Auxiliary Army Corps

Women volunteers who served in non-combat positions

What were women's roles within the Farmer's Alliance?

Women were able to play key roles in the alliance movement. The alliance provided them with political rights, including the ability to vote and hold office within the organization, which many women hoped would be a positive step in their struggle for national women's rights and suffrage. In the end, nearly 250,000 women joined the movement.

How did everyday life in the American West hasten equality for women who settled the land?

Women who settled the West were considered by their husbands to be more equitable partners in the success or failure of the homestead. Because resources were so limited and the area so sparsely settled, women participated in work that was typically done only by men. Due in part to these efforts, women were able to inherit and run farms if they became widowed, rather than passing the farms along to male relations as they would in the East. The first states to begin granting rights to women, including the right to vote, were in the Pacific Northwest and Upper Midwest, where women homesteaders worked side by side with men to tame the land.

New Freedom

Woodrow Wilson's campaign platform for the 1912 election that called for a small federal government to protect public interests from the evils associated with bad businesses

League of Nations

Woodrow Wilson's idea for a group of countries that would promote a new world order and territorial integrity through open discussions, rather than intimidation and war


Woodrow Wilson's policy of maintaining commercial ties with all belligerents and insisting on open markets throughout Europe during World War I

fourteen points

Woodrow Wilson's postwar peace plan, which called for openness in all matters of diplomacy, including free trade, freedom of the seas, and an end to secret treaties and negotiations, among others

Salvation Army

Worked to help the impoverished cities by providing food and childcare to those in need.


a broad movement between 1896 and 1916 led by white, middle-class professionals for legal, scientific, managerial, and institutional solutions to the ills of urbanization, industrialization, and corruption

double v campaign

a campaign by African Americans to win victory over the enemy overseas and victory over racism at home

Niagara movement

a campaign led by W. E. B. Du Bois and other prominent African American reformers that departed from Booker T. Washington's model of accommodation and advocated for a "Declaration of Principles" that called for immediate political, social, and economic equality for African Americans

holding company

a central corporate entity that controls the operations of multiple companies by holding the majority of stock for each enterprise


a collection of theories and ideas that sought to understand the underlying changes in the United States during the late nineteenth century

What differentiated a "robber baron" from other "captains of industry" in late nineteenth-century America?

"Captains of industry" (such as Carnegie or Rockefeller) are noted for their new business models, entrepreneurial approaches, and, to varying degrees, philanthropic efforts, all of which transformed late nineteenth-century America. "Robber barons" (such as Gould) are noted for their self-centered drive for profit at the expense of workers and the general public, who seldom benefitted to any great degree. The terms, however, remain a gray area, as one could characterize the ruthless business practices of Rockefeller, or some of Carnegie's tactics with regard to workers' efforts to organize, as similar to the methods of robber barons. Nevertheless, "captains of industry" are noted for contributions that fundamentally changed and typically improved the nation, whereas "robber barons" can seldom point to such concrete contributions.

executive privilege

cabinet does not have to speak in court on president behalf


calls for US to quadruple military defense budget in order to be able to contain the soviets military

Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

calls for a strong navy

four major events that undermined american support for war in Vietnam

cambodia My lai massacre kent stae pentagon papers

Birmingham campaign

campaign to eliminate discrimination, organized by activists. Martin was main leader

What system did the direct primary replace?

candidate selection by convention delegates

Leisure time

cars lead to more leisure time

three firsts in 1960 election

catholic president televised debate\ president born in 20th century

panic of 1893

caused by overbuilding, speculation labor strikes, agricultural depression, European banks call in loans

two other measure Reagan took to confront the Soviet Union in Cold War

challenges Gorbachev to tear down Berlin wall putting nuclear warheads near Germany

war manpower commission

charged with planing to balance America's manpower needs for labor agriculture

Social Progressivism

child labor ld by female reformers 1904 NCLC seeks to eliminate child labor 1912 US children Beauru created. 1916 locating Owen act: prohibited interstate trade made from child labor labor rights for all

Which of the following did the settlement house movement offer as a means of relief for working-class women?


fundamentalists vs. Modernsists

christian fundamentalists strike against liberal theology of the progressive era; believing in the truth of the Bible science of the new "god"

religious reasons for imperialism

christianize the heathen non-christians

Jim Crow laws

civil rights cases ruled that the 1875 civil rights act was unconstitutional seperate but equal validated by poesy v. Ferguson negates "equal protection" clause of 14th amendment

FDR re-election

class warfare "economic royalists" Laissez-faire is *DEAD*, now government is responsible

Queen Liliuokalani and Hawaiian Annexation

coaling station and source of sugar. McKinley tariff 1893: sugar trust orchestrates coup and overthrows queen Liliuokalani, led by Dole 1894: Cleveland refuses to annex Hawaii, attempts to restore queen dole establishes an independent republic

decline in unions

coincides with decline of manufacturing and rise of white collar service sector industries

General Douglas MacArthur

commander of the US forces in the Philippine Islands who directed the Allied occupation of Japan vows "I shall return" and returns in oct 1944 until July 1945

National Child Labor Committee 1908

committee that fought for regulation of child labor laws

Ford Hunger March

communist auto workers decided to march on the Ford Motor Co.'s River Rouge complex in Dearborn, Mich. for demands like jobs for laid off workers, immediate payment of wages, rest periods, etc. 1932; 3,000 protestors march to Ford plant in Dearborn, Michigan; 4 killed

deserving poor

communities and local charities are stretched to meet needs of all

what did tank golf resolution allow president Johnson to do?

congress authorizes president to take all necessary measures to repel attack

national labor relations act 1935 (Wagner act)

congress responds to NRA guarantees right of workers to organize into labor unions

Dwight D. Eisenhower

conservative with money, liberal with people

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

constitutional amendment passed by Congress but never ratified that would have banned discrimination on the basis of gender

two factor that helped drive americas shift from manufacturing to service based economy

consumerism advertising

5 factors that drove postwar economic boom in america during 1950s

consumerism military spending 1 to 41%, balances out to 10% worker productivity: explodes after WWII, driven by continuing mechanization/automation, increase in productivity on farm and in factories suburbanization baby boom: increasing # of children has massive impact on the population

What was the policy of trying to limit the expansion of Soviet influence abroad?


Jim Crow laws

continuation of black codes designed to segregate balcks, made voting difficult and prohibited miscegenation grandfather clause


continuation of black codes designed to segregate balcks, made voting difficult and prohibited miscegenation grandfather clause

what system did the United States ploy to safely move soldiers and supplies to Europe during WWI?

convoy system

freedom rides and CORE

core: biracial, goal was to eliminate segregation on public transportation. Met with violence as they moved through south. Leads to all public transportation mist be integrated

politicians of the gilded age were remembered for...

corruption economic depressions limited power (congress and business leaders held more power)

Bra Burning

could throw what makes you feel oppressed freedom trash cans


countries are competing for resources

Employment Act of 1946

creates council of economic advisors for president and make it government policy to promote max employment, production, and purchasing power

what does hoover do to help?

creates eternal Administration, seeks to build up slums, reform prisons, and Indians affairs a humanitarian and reformer

3 C's of young Americans

creator, constitution, capitalism

consumer innovations

credit cards in store credit


criminals barred from entry and Chinese exclusion act

challenged in courts

critics initiate court trials and shoot down the NRA say congress can't delegate its AAA, congress can't regulate it

steps nixon took to improve american economy

cuts gov. sending, takes Americans off gold standards; freezes wages and prices for 90-days

platt amendement

deal made with Cuba that Cuba can get independence but they can not make foreign alliance and gave us a lease for a naval base (Guantanamo Bay)

rust belt

decline in manufacturing jobs and shift leads to development of rust belt

third world

decolonization creates 3rd world countries (unaligned/developng) in latin and S. America

Which of the following was NOT a key factor in the conditions that led to the Dust Bowl?

decreasing American demand for farm produce

defense of marriage acts 1996

defined marriage as heterosexual union and denied federal benefits to same sex couples. allowed states to refuse to recognize same sex marriages

Berlin airlift

demonstrates western resolve/commitment to containment 11 months, 250k supply mission 4k tons of supply daily damage communist public relations

start of consumerism

department stores and catalogs arise chain stores arise

nixon and race

desegregates more schools than any other president


development made with all the same houses, all in a row, all look like little boxes, same in the inside too

two industries that sprang up along highways to accommodate the automobile

diners and motels

federal reform

direct election of US senators used to elect representatives to state gov. 17th amendment

what does political progress. institute

direct primaries: address party boss issues referendum: vote directly initiatives: both push votes to people recalls: do over for state elections secret ballots: privacy of voters at ballot box

two reasons African Americans did not benefit from the new deal as much as whites

discrimination in federal jobs and housing (segregated CCC camps) social security act did not cover them

D.I.S the new south

disenfranchised impoverished (sharecropping) segregated (jim Crow)

where were the new immigrants from?

east are catholic, jewish, eaters orthodox

2 major reasons for president bush's loss to president Clint in the 1992 presidential election

economic recession ross Perot

Emperor Hirohito

emperor of Japan during WWII. his people viewed him as a god

What type of help did the CWA provide?

employment oppurtunities

gentlemen's agreement (1907)

end separated schooling/japanese immigration

reform of the spoils system

end spoils system of patronage, replace with gov. workers of merit

what effect did the war have on Johnson's domestic agenda?

ended great society, Johnson announces he will not seek reelection

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

ends policy of forced assimilation (Dawes Act), allows restoration of tribal and authority/government


equipment and supplies used by the military

gospel of wealth

essay written by Carnegies calling on those who accumulated wealth to share their riches for the betterment of society

office of war information

established to foster public support for war "propaganda wing," funding cut as a result. Radio/newspapers

fair labor standards act

establishes minimum wage and may hours outlaws child labor

balkans crisis

ethnic cleansing, 100000 + Bosnians killed by end of 1993

where do most immigrants settle??

ethnic enclaves in the cities

the farmer's grievance

everyone is getting rich except for the farmers


everyone was proud of their countries and would fight for it

how does Eisenhower expand SSA?

expands it to farmers

1896 campaign and present election

factory workers in the north east scared into voting republican, tons threatened McKinley beats Bryan

soil conservation act 1936

farmers paid to plant cover/alfalfa (instead of corn/wheat); use conservation methods


farmers pool their grain/produce and sell it as a collective/cooperative grange aligns with the greenbacks labor party; experience same success in 1878 and 1880 elections

interstate commerce act

farmers protest being "railroaded" Wabash et al v. Illinois congress passes IC Act, so railroads could not charge sooooo much ****1ST GOV REGULATORY AGENCY****

industrial feudalism

farmers toil long and hard for little profit draught, flood, locust swarms..... lack of unity

mobile society

fast food / pop-ups

Which is not one of the reasons the Anti-Imperial League gave for opposing the creation of an American empire?

fear that the United States would suffer a foreign invasion

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)

feb 1958: fusing academic industry, gov. partners to develop emerging tech for military use

Iwo Jima

feb-march 1945: US loses 5k marines in 25 days of fighting; nearly 20k japs are killed (few surrender)

Salvation Army

fed poor in the cities ad cared for children in nurseries

what was one of the most popular elects of the WPA?

federal arts program: provides employment for artists to preserve "white-collar" artist talent National Youth Administration

3 economic downsides of reaganomics

federal deficit soars, military spending increases economic inequality increases, especially among minorities deregulation contributes to shady business dealings, savings and loan fiasco

business reforms of progressive era

federal trade commission minimum wage limited workday worker's compensation national reclamation act

Rosie the Riveter

female percent of work force increases from 27-37% during war. nearly 25% of women work outside the home by 1945

Jay Gould

financer; railroad tycoon (gold ring scandal)

steps Gerald ford took to improve economy

ford asks Americans to voluntarily control spending, wage demands, and price increases

United Nations

formed at end of WWII to help reserve peace, 5 nations have compute veto power

young Americans for freedom

formed in response to Barry Goldwater's call to grow conservatives after his 1960 election 5 core principles

Which of the following does not represent a group that participated significantly in westward migration after 1870?

former Southern slaveholders seeking land and new financial opportunities

Congress of Industrial Organizations

forms after split from AFL. Fuses skilled and unskilled and includes minorities

What did Florence Kelley do?

fought for protection of women workers and against child labor, 8 hour workday

moral majority

founded by jerry Falwell, against sexual permissiveness, abortion, feminism, gay rights, 2-3 mil voters

Margaret Sanger

founder of planned parenthood, promote birth control

midsummer 1941

freeze assets, end oil shipments

Laissez-Faire Economics

from French "let it be" theorizes that gov should NOT interfere in the marketplace don't give handouts, no safety regulation, no law support labor ****basically if you're stupid thats your problem - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯******

what did the treaty of Versailles result in?

germany, austria-hungary, and Russia lose territory Germany forced to pay substantial "war reparations" ottoman empire broken up by "mandates" established Germany can't have military over 100k

temperance unions

get it passed as amendment 18th amendment

camp David accords

gets leaders of Egypt and Israel to shake hands, recognizing Israel right to exist

industries that expanded due to auto production

glass steel rubber gas stations

reasons for deindustrialization

globalization: Europe/asian factories beat us and produce more goods Cold War: trade wars


glut of products in market place drove prices lower and lower. due to westward expansion and new farm tools

American Labor during mid 1800s

glutted labor market, lots of immigrants and blacks

during WWII what happens with nativism?

go from nativism to patriotic assimilation anti-japanese hysteria

What brought the majority of Chinese immigrants to the U.S.?


whiskey ring

government had 70% on every barrel once ax is payee, barrel gets taxed, pocketing money

drafts dodgers (Carter)

grants amnesty to draft dodgers from Vietnam

Which of the following did not contribute to the growth of a consumer culture in the United States at the close of the nineteenth century?

greater disposable income

1884 election

grover Cleveland wins on reformist ticket fought political machines in NY, anti-tariff fought against tweed ring hated by business owners


guerrilla fighters in Islamic countries, especially those who are fighting against non-Muslim forces.

outcomes of Panama Canal

halves ocena transit time (60-30 days nyc-san Fran) 1 of 7 wonders


harlem renaissance

office of price administration

helps control inflation through rationing and price control

Home Owners Loan Corporation

helps refinance mortgage on non-farm homes ties middle class to democrats

fireside chats

helps restore confidence in banks, FDR takes to the radio

food administration

herbert hoover urges Americans to save for and plant "victory gardens" to ensure more food for the army and allied powers

economic diplomacy

high tariffs, overseas factories, loans seeks to boost export and overseas investment opportunities

Cornelius Vanderbilt

highschool dropout railroad and shipping magnate who founded Vanderbilt university had a monopoly, used political bribes and rebates, "stock watering"

battle fo the bulge

hitler launches last effort to break allied advance with massive counter-offensive in Belgium

What specific types of hardships did an average American farmer not face as he built his homestead in the Midwest?

hostile Indian attacks

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

if one country attacks, the other will be destroyed

domino theory

if one country falls, they all fall

Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings

ignites third wave of feminism

Which of the following groups was not impacted by the invention of barbed wire?

illegal prostitutes

Which of the following was not a feature of Booker T. Washington's strategy to improve the lives of African Americans?

immediate protests for equal rights

Sacco and Vanzetti Trial


The first Levittown was built ________.

in Nassau County, New York

16th Amendment

income tax

3 elements of Truman's fair deal that were passed

increase minimum wage explained public housing and social security benefits admits 400k war refugees

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

increase prices for farm goods by reducing surplus. kill 6 million pigs paid farmers not to farm

divorce rates after use of contraceptive

increase six-fold

Nixon and poverty

increases aid to families with dependent children (AFDC), expands food stamps

1935 Revenue Act

increases top tax rate to 75%, taxes excess corporate profits, establishes federal inheritance tax the wealth tax middle class ends up paying


increasing interconnectedness of different parts of the world through common processes of economic, environmental, political, and cultural change

operation dixie

inflation sparks labor unrest, ATL CIO seeks to unionize the south. Truman threatens to mobilize army, to seize mines, which forces miners back to work

what was first gov. regulatory agency?

interstate commerce act

How was China divided up in the 1800s?

into spheres of influence


invented by Guglielmo Marconi in late 18th cent., commercialized 1920 by Frank Conrad (Westinghouse)

house un-american affairs committee (HUAC)

investigate Hollywood, states department


investigative journalists and authors who wrote about social ills, from child labor to the corrupt business practices of big businesses, and urged the public to take action

Which of the following is a cause of the stock market crash of 1929?

investors made risky investments with borrowed money

foreign affair scandal that tainted Reagan's presidency

iran-contra affair - arms to ran )via Israel) for hostages and cash - cash to contras fighting Sandinistas in nicarague - congress stopped Reagan from sending weapons to contras, so we indirectly send it to Iran for the contras - Reagan wins the cold war - soviet leader wants to open countries -jnf signed by Reagan

the troubles Ireland

ireland rebel against British to overthrow brit rule

white collar jobs

jobs that do not involve manual labor although they require less education and provide a lower income than do the jobs held by the upper-middle class (nurses, small-business owners, salesmen)


journalists who exposed the problem areas of society photojournalists / investigative reporters wrote about political corruption, trusts, child labor, labor condition, meatpacking industry exposes corruption

social reforms in progressive era

labor rights temperance movements women's suffrage 19th amendement

what was Hoover's approach?

laissez-faire approach to business, low taxes and high tariffs

Which of the following was not a key area of focus for the Progressives?

land reform

How were Hispanic citizens deprived of their wealth and land in the course of western settlement?

land seizures

bonanza farms

large farms owned by speculators who hired laborers to work the land; these large farms allowed their owners to benefit from economies of scale and prosper, but they did nothing to help small family farms, which continued to struggle

Edward aguinaldo

leader of filipino insurrection

Alice Paul

leader of the National Woman's party, campaigned for an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution

what was the only major element of Wilson's 14 points that he was able to salvage at the Paris peace talks?

league of nations

American Indian Movement (AIM)

led by Dennis Banks and Russell Means; purpose was to obtain equal rights for Native Americans; protested at the site of the Wounded Knee massacre "red power"

committee on Public Information

led by George Creel, used to sell America on the war with propaganda where we first see Uncle Sam

commodore dewey

led fleet at the battle of Manila Bay 1898

Eugene V. Debs

led the Pullman strike and founded the American Railway Union


less government, less taxes, more individual freedom, return to moral standards and respect for authority, strengthen to reign policy, defeat communism, grass roots movement

two measures the United States took to finance the war

liberty bonds income tax

National Consumers League

looks after workers and tries to represent and fight for workers' issues

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

lowers tariffs with Canada and Mexico

what effect did reaganomics have on inflation and unemployment?

lowers top tax rate from 70% to 28% revenue increases cut the misery index in half unemployment drops

what else did the radio do?

make sports stars national heroes

Panama Canal (Carter)

makes deal and turns canal back to Panama

what was "Jim Crow justice?"

man burned at stake

education reforms

mandatory elementary school free public high school kindergardens more collegeges doubled literary rates segregated

war industries board

march 1918: set production quotas, pushed companies to increase output/efficiency, allocated resources

Tokyo-firebombing raids

march 9-10, 1945: US conducts firebombing raids of Tokyo; 10k civilians killed, knocks out 50k

selma and voting rights act of 1965

march led by MLK from selma to montgomenery for black voting rights. State troopers attacked until US army stepped in.

selective service act

may 1917 requires all men 21-30 to register for the draft

Birmingham Campaign

may 1963: calls for civil rights act

misery index

measure of inflation and unemployment

what invention spurred the second great migration of africans to north

mechanical cotton picker: accelerates movement of blacks from south

horizontal integration

method of growth wherein a company grows through mergers and acquisitions of similar companies

battle of midway

midway is coaling station. ready be we know code. Turning point: dive bombers catch Japanese rearming/refueling. June 3-6, 1942: Japanese lose 4 fleet-carriers, 322 aircrafts, 5000 sailors

two major factor that helped drive americas population shift to the south and west

military bases and industries want better weather

what did members of the SDS consider to be the biggest threat to american democracy?

military industrial complex


mobilization alliances imperialism nationalism

Which of these was not a successful invention of the era?

movies with sound

Which of the following phrases best characterizes Herbert Hoover's foreign policy agenda?

mutual respect, in terms of being available to support others when called upon, but not interfering unnecessarily in their affairs

3 elements of Fair deal that were NOT passed

national health insurance aid to education civil rights (lynching law, etc...) crop subsidies

Which of the following pieces of Truman's domestic agenda was rejected by Congress?

national healthcare

attempts made to organize labor

national labor union and Molly maguires

Washington Disarmament Conference

nations agree not to build up navy and keep status quo and open door policy

Voting Rights Act of 1965

nationwide protection for voting rights

Stephen crane

naturalist writer wrote Red Badge of Courage; American novelist, short story writer, poet, journalist, raised in NY and NJ; style and technique: naturalism, realism, impressionism; themes: ideals v. realities, spiritual crisis, fears

salt II

negotiates with soviets to reduce nuclear stockpile

did Johnson give Westmoreland more troops after TET offensive?


was the US defeated during the TET offensive?

no but it looked like it

Espionage Act

no one can assist enemies during war

five major elements of Wilson's "fourteen points?"

no select alliances freedom of the seas free trade arms of reduction self determination 6-13: territorial issues 14: league of nations

were efforts to address economic problems in 1970s successful?


operation torch

nov 1942: invasion of N. Africa marks americas entry into land operation in eastern theater

central massacre

nov, 11, 1919: central, Washington: american legion clash with IWW union wobbles during Armistice Day Parade

when do we detonate 1st hydrogen bomb?

november 1, 1952


november 11, 1918 war isn't over but Germany agrees to stop fighting germany sues for peace

three mile island

nuclear reactor at 3 mile island almost melts down

civil rights cases 1883

oct. 15: 5 in 1 cases regarding racial injustices are tried. Justice Joseph Bradley ruled CRA was unconstitutional.


one who advocates the conservation of natural resources

how did president Wilson's foreign policy differ from his predecessors?

only intervene in affairs when there is a moral issue

buying stock "on margin"

only works when prices are rising. buying stocks on borrowed money

economic reasons for imperialism

open routes to asia (coaling stations)

young men's christian association (YMCA)

opened libraries, sponsored classes, and built swimming pools and handball courts for poor believed that the way to help the poor was to reform their souls

2 military campaigns us took to ensure new world order

operation just cause operation desert storm

how do they get the Panama Canal?

organize a coup pay 10 mil $ for rights to build Panama Canal

billy Sunday

orthodox christianity preacher, says bible stays as it is and can't be changed

Kellog-Briand Pact (1928)

out law war

Kennedy proposed a constitutional amendment that would ________.

outlaw poll taxes

Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in public places

sherman anti-trust act

outlaws monopolistic business practices, ineffective. prohibited contracts, combinations or conspiracies

african-americans on the Homefront

over 400k serve in american expeditionary forces during WWI

Which of the following contributed directly to the plight of farmers?


what hurt the american farmer?

overproduction and decreased prices farmers unable to pay off debt, foreclosures increase throughout 1920s

Reinhold Niebuhr

paints Cold War struggle as a struggle of good versus evil, light vs. dark add one nation under God to pledge so war becomes a holy war

what happens in 1916 related to the Mexican war?

pancho villa conducts raids on the US, a terrorist who killed dozens of Americans

what did the SDS feel was the best way to counter perceived threats?

participatory democracy

social party of America

party dedicated to welfare of working class, called for radical reforms

greenback party

party that supported printing of currency not based on gold standard

issues during the gilded age

patronage tariffs gold

3 events in 1970s that undermined Americans trust in US gov.

pentagon papers counter intelligence program church committee

women at work

phone operators clerking jobs department stores

cultural reasons for imperialism

pioneering spirit, sense of superiority

eisenhower doctrine

pledges US support to mideast grover. threatened by Communism

birth rates after use of contraceptive

plummets as abortion rate rises

Jim Crow voting laws

poll taxes literacy / civics test violence / intimidation

William jennings bryan

populist but is nominated for presidency by democrats party cross of golds speech, wanted Bimetallism Democratic Party vote, many unhappy with Bryan

peoples party

populist party (farmers) 1892: from remnants of farmers alliance opposed to tariffs and government corruption

Why did the United States express limited interest in overseas expansion in the 1860s and 1870s?

post-Civil War reconstruction

mechanization of agriculture

powers farming in last half of 19th century but requires farmers to have enormous debts


preacher, doctor, civil rights speaker. President of southern christian leadership conference, worked to provide better leadership to the civil rights movement "i have a dream"

Head Start Program

preschool education programs for low income families

To Secure These Rights

president appoints commission to study racism and the inequality in america; issue findings in 1947

carrie chapman Catt

president of NAWSA (league of women voters), who led the campaign for woman suffrage during Wilson's administration


prices decrease, pays workers more (so they can afford cars) pays workers $5/hr

Malcom x

prisoner then nation of islam leaders, liked the use of violence and disagreed with MLK peaceful tactics

new deal criticisms

programs raise concern of creating american dependency on gov and stifling private business say its expensive, wasteful and corrupt critics include communist party - the "popular front" (left) rise of fascist and authoritarian regimes frighten Americans (right)

the rising sun

progress simultaneous with attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan strikes into Indonesia

before declaring war, congress passed a joint resolution which included the Teller Amendment which...

prohibited the United States from annexing Cuba

Keating-Owen Act (1916)

prohibited the transportation across state lines of goods produced with child labor

18th amendment

prohibits manufacturing of alcohol, not the consumption of it so it is hard to enforce health improves and savings increase 1st amendment to restrict individual rights leads to rise of crime and police corruption only amendment appealed by state convention in 1933 by 21st amendment

1935 neutrality act

prohibits shipping arms to nation at wr

Federal Housing Administration

provided government insured mortgages and established contrition standards

US Housing Authority 1937

provides loans to build low income housing

farm security administration

provides loans to tenant farmers

Kennedy's Unsuccessful domestic programs

providing health care benefits to the elderly (medicare) providing federal funds to elementary and secondary schools

pullman strike 1894

pullman strike simultaneously have to deal with this

post war decolonization

push for self-determination in colonies

Herbert Hoover

pushed for victory gardens

step 2 of 100 days

putting people back to work 1933-42: targets young men; employs 3 million in "conservation"

Herbert Hoover

quaker, orphan, businessman, food administration believed in "american/rugged individualism" rich from gold

The popularization of ________ expanded the communications and sports industries.


what in the 1920s allowed advertisers to reach out in innovative ways?


omnibus deficit reduction act

raises taxes, caps spending, slows growth of deficit

kennedy's successful domestic programs

raising minimum wage increasing social security benefits

how did ruby ridge and Waco contribute to the Oklahoma City bombing?

randy weavers 14 yr old son was killed during botched US Marshall reconnaissance at his house David Koresh and 79 followers, 22 under 18 killed in free FBI set to smoke them out 168 people killed, 680 wounded in domestic terrorism bombing of federal building

planned parenthood v. Casey 1992

reaffirms high to abortion but allows states to require waiting period, parental consent

mark twain

realist writer United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1835-1910)

what leads to decline in labor movements and unions in 1920s?

red scare

the invisible empire

red scare gives boost to KKK, 5 mil members by mid-1900s (significant women auxiliary)

Which of the following is not an example of social justice Progressivism?


Florence Kelley

reformer who worked to prohibit child labor and to improve conditions for female workers

rosa parks and Montgomery bus boycott

refused to get out of seat in front of bus, arrested. Began 11 month bus boycott against Montgomery bus system. Catalyst for rest of movement


reject work ethic and desperate materialism of suburban middle class and militarization of american life


reject work ethic, "desperate materialism" of american life; celebrate impulsive actions and immediate pleaser

downsides of New Deal

reliance of wealth massive debt (doubled) vastly expanded government doesn't end depression liberty lost?

Ponzi schemes

relies on investments from new investors to provide returns for older investors when number of new investors dries up, the pyramid collapses

christian coalition

religious war for battle over American's souls

local city reforms

remove corrupt party bosses city manager: elected officials hire manager to run day to day operations of the city commission system, elect commissioners to run different aspects of government

1936 neutrality act

renews 1935 law, adds no loans to belligerent nations

national security act 1947

reorganizes americas military and intelligence agencies; creates DoD (Air Force), NSC, CIA


repare for tariffs, make imports more expensive so consumers want american made items, no competition, consumers pay more, protect american jobs. pits farmers against workers

Washington Post

reporters who broke the Watergate story and brought down President Nixon. president tried to cover up, tape recorders with people who came into Oval Office

1888 election

republican Benjamin Harrison runs on pro-tariff platform dem grover Cleveland runs on tariff reform platform tariff policy was central issue cleaveland wins pop vote, but loses bc of electoral college

"wide awakes" 1890

republicans get hammed in 1890 during midterm election

Good Neighbor Policy

repudiates USAs to intervene, withdraws troops fro Haiti and repeals Platt Amendment

philadelphia plan

requires contractors of federal project in philadelphia to hire minority workers

national war labor relations board

responsible for arbitrating labor disputes and helping to control inflation by establishing wage levels

nixons promises to...

restore law and order and honorable end to war in Vietnam

wha does deindstrilization lead to?

rise of rust belt in north and sunbelt in south and west as jobs shift to the south and west

rebellion against social conformity

rock and roll, James dean

russo-japanese war: 1904-05

roosevelt wins novels peace prize for helping negotiate peace between Russia and Japan in Russo-Japanese war Japan wins


rush troops to front fast before other side beats you to it

mass transit in cities (1st cars and subway)

san från cable cars and boston subway

Warsaw Pact

say reason for NATO is to keep Russians out, the germans down, and Americans in

impact of automobile

school bussing school sports dating norms change

new look

secretary of state John foster Dulles believes containments is negative, we need to rollback, Eisenhower advocates for balanced budget

Charles forte

secretary of the VA, kickbacks


secretary of treasury cuts income tax rates on top earners, helps spur business investments

political progressivism

seek to make America more direct democracy state level reforms

3 actions AIM took in the 1970s

seized alcatraz in SF, occupy for 18 months nov. 1972: staged 6 day seize of bureau 1973: natives seize wounded knee in SD for 71 days

versaille treaty in america

senate rejects treaty wilson loses appeal to public and suffers stroke while campaigning for passage

yellow journalism

sensationalist newspapers who sought to manufacture news stories in order to sell more papers

destroyers for bases

sep. 1940: we give British air planes and Britain gives us bases


series of strikes sweep america in 1919

what happened to the AA and NRA acts that had been passed during the 100 days?

shot down in court


signed by President Bush in accord with the Russian president (Boris Yeltsin) committing both powers to reduce their long range nuclear arsenals by 2/3 within ten years

violent crime and law enforcement act

signs sweeping anti crime bill

Coolidge's presidency was characterized by ________.

silence and inactivity


similar to spoils seem, power to appoint anyone to office


sit ins prompted establishment, helped blacks register to vote, organized sit ins/marches

The new protest tactic against segregation used by students in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960 was the ________.


Black Power Movement

snack expels white members; removes "non-violence" from its name; begins to advertise for black separatism

Which of the following was not an element of realism?

social darwinism

what did progressivism try to fix?

social gospel gospel of wealth YMCA / salvation army labour unions settlement houses

1892 president election

some success but populists unable to win support of farmers or northern factory workers

second front

soviets continue to pressure GB and US to open 2nd front

Hungarian uprising

soviets crush uprising: demonstrates US lack of commitment to rollback and limitations of mass retaliation

space defense initiative

space based missile defense system "defend our people rather than avenge them"

battle of manila bay 1898

spain had wooden boats, dewey's pacific fleet had iron clad steel ships

four freedoms FDR believed all people were entitled to?

speech worship from want from fear

political reasons for imperialism

spread democracy to "oppressed" peoples

impact of railroads

spur production and movement towards cities connects markets transforms plains nationalizes America, standard time zones makes men FILTHY RICH

yalta (feb 1945) (war conference)

stalin agrees to free elections in Eastern Europe

1939 German-soviet non-aggression pact

stalin and hitler divide up Eastern Europe between Germany and Soviet Union

peaceful coexistence

stallin dies leading to thaw in Cold War. 1955: kruschev calls for peaceful coexistence

3 events that seemed to confirm that a new world order had broken out after the end of the Cold War

start II nelson mandela Nicaragua and El Salvador

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

start blowing up random ships since U-boats are underwater. Sinking of H.M.S kills 128 Americans at the hands of Germany. Germany says they will stop killing us when we stop supplying their enemies with goods

what were America's two major military contributions to the allied victory in world war I?

stop German offensive participate in allied offensive in fall 1918

island hopping

strategy used to get close to Japanese mainland

Brown Berets

student chicano movement, took direct action to protest Vietnam war, police brutality, and other issues


suburban housing developments consisting of acres of mass-produced homes

social conformity

suburbs advertising franchises organization man complacency go along, get along

Who were the "Silent Sentinels"?

suffragists who protested outside the White House

what was Cuba's main crop throughout the 19th century?



suicide and banzai cliffs. thousands of Japanese soldiers and civilians jump to their deaths and Saipan in 1944 to avoid capture by american soldiers

social effects of depression (list)

suicide rates increase by 30% crime rates rise alcoholism increases higher education decreases less marriage less kids mass migration from NE and MW *HOBOS*

three elements of american culture that the counter culture rejected in 1960s

suits middle-class values work

Reagan doctrine

support those fighting communism (even dictators)confront the evil empire directly

Roe v. Wade (1973)

supreme court rules abortion permissible under "right to privacy" during 1st trimester of pregnancy

federal loyalty program

swear oath to say you were not a communist in order to work

April 1914

tampico incident

major points of the gilded age

tenement housing debt and labor strife Jim Crow south political corruption

American Dream (Hortio Alger)

term came from dime novels that presented the idea. if you work hard and are lucky, you can get rich too


term referring to the towns in Kansas that were located on a railroad line and served as major shipping points of cattle.

Scopes Monkey Trial

the 1925 trial of John Scopes for teaching evolution in a public school; the trial highlighted the conflict between rural traditionalists and modern urbanites


the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a civil rights organization formed in 1909 by an interracial coalition including W. E. B. Du Bois and Florence Kelley

What was Article X in the Treaty of Versailles?

the agreement that all nations in the League of Nations would be rendered equal

Dust Bowl

the area in the middle of the country that had been badly overfarmed in the 1920s and suffered from a terrible drought that coincided with the Great Depression; the name came from the "black blizzard" of topsoil and dust that blew through the area

what does 1932 mark for the democrats?

the beginning of blacks to the democratic party

social gospel

the belief that the church should be as concerned about the conditions of people in the secular world as it was with their afterlife liberal protestant churches begin to reach out to workers and emphasize "sermon on the mount" we are our brother's keepers Washington gladden emphasizes concern for bro's life on earth as well as soul "unregulated capitalism mocks christianity"

American Individualism

the belief, strongly held by Herbert Hoover and others, that hard work and individual effort, absent government interference, comprised the formula for success in the U.S.

teapot dome scandal

the bribery scandal involving Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall in 1923 convicted of taking bribes to lease gov. oil reserves in teapot dome, Wyoming to oil businesses


the campaign for a ban on the sale and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, which came to fruition during the war, bolstered by anti-German sentiment and a call to preserve resources for the war effort

return to normalcy

the campaign promise made by Warren Harding in the presidential election of 1920

open door notes

the circular notes sent by Secretary of State Hay claiming that there should be "open doors" in China, allowing all countries equal and total access to all markets, ports, and railroads without any special considerations from the Chinese authorities; while ostensibly leveling the playing field, this strategy greatly benefited the United States

Manhattan Project

the code name given to the research project that developed the atomic bomb

civil service

the contrast to the spoils system, where political appointments were based on merit, not favoritism

Mark Twain's Gilded Age is a reference to ________.

the corrupt politics of the post-Civil War era


the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries. peaceful coexistence with USSR

clear and present danger

the expression used by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in the case of Schenck v. United States to characterize public dissent during wartime, akin to shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater

Which of the following groups or bodies did NOT offer direct relief to needy people?

the federal government

What did the Last Arrow pageant symbolize?

the final step in the Americanization process


the financial kickback provided to city bosses in exchange for political favors

Model T

the first car produced by the Ford Motor Company that took advantage of the economies of scale provided by assembly-line production and was therefore affordable to a large segment of the population


the first manmade orbital satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in October 1957

Comstock lode

the first significant silver find in the country, discovered by Henry T. P. Comstock in 1859 in Nevada


the forced incarceration of the West Coast Japanese and Japanese American population into ten relocation centers for the greater part of World War II

sphere of influence

the goal of foreign countries such as Japan, Russia, France, and Germany to carve out an area of the Chinese market that they could exploit through tariff and transportation agreements

Which of the following demands did the Soviet Union make of Britain and the United States?

the invasion of western Europe to draw German forces away from the Soviet Union

Chrisholm Trail

the major cattle route from San Antonio, Texas, through Oklahoma to Kansas

military-industrial complex

the matrix of relationships between officials in the Defense Department and executives in the defense industry who all benefited from increases in defense spending

new morality

the more permissive morals adopted my many young people in the 1920s

What was the inciting event that led to the Chicago Race Riot of 1919?

the murder of a black boy who swam too close to a white beach

great migration

the name for the large wave of African Americans who left the South after the Civil War, mostly moving to cities in the Northeast and Upper Midwest blacks took on low paying jobs

liberty bonds

the name for the war bonds that the U.S. government sold, and strongly encouraged Americans to buy, as a way of raising money for the war effort

Little Rock nine

the nickname for the nine African American high school students who first integrated Little Rock's Central High Schools

big three

the nickname given to the leaders of the three major Allied nations: Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin

negro nationalism

the notion that African Americans had a distinct and separate national heritage that should inspire pride and a sense of community

executive order 9066

the order given by President Roosevelt to relocate and detain people of Japanese ancestry, including those who were American citizens Feb. 19, 1942: authorizes secretary of war to designate military Zoes from which Japanese are excluded - Japs rounded up and sent to campus


the ownership or control of all enterprises comprising an entire industry

Which of the following represents an action that the U.S. government took to help Americans fulfill the goal of western expansion?

the passage of the Homestead Act

Which of the following did not influence the eventual passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

the passage of the Volstead Act

Seward's folly

the pejorative name given by the press to Secretary of State Seward's acquisition of Alaska in 1867 Seward pays 7.2 billion in gold to Russia for Alaska

california gold rush

the period between 1848 and 1849 when prospectors found large strikes of gold in California, leading others to rush in and follow suit; this period led to a cycle of boom and bust through the area, as gold was discovered, mined, and stripped


the period between the election and the inauguration of a new president; when economic conditions worsened significantly during the four-month lag between Roosevelt's win and his move into the Oval Office, Congress amended the Constitution to limit this period to two months little gets done while waiting for FDR's inauguration bc "its not my baby"

Manifest Destiny

the phrase, coined by journalist John O'Sullivan, which came to stand for the idea that white Americans had a calling and a duty to seize and settle the American West with Protestant democratic values

Enola Gay

the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima


the policy of giving in to threats and aggression in the hopes that the aggressor will be satisfied and make no more demands

states' rights

the political belief that states possess authority beyond federal law, which is usually seen as the supreme law of the land, and thus can act in opposition to federal law

Port Huron Statement

the political manifesto of Students for a Democratic Society that called for social reform, nonviolent protest, and greater participation in the democratic process by ordinary Americans


the practice of investing in risky financial opportunities in the hopes of a fast payout due to market fluctuations


the process by which an Indian was "redeemed" and assimilated into the American way of life by changing his clothing to western clothing and renouncing his tribal customs in exchange for a parcel of land

machine politics

the process by which citizens of a city used their local ward alderman to work the "machine" of local politics to meet local needs within a neighborhood corrupt way of maintaining control over city politics provide services to voters in exchange for votes William "boss" tweed ran tweed ring (tammany Hall) and was eventually arrested

Cold War

the prolonged period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, based on ideological conflicts and competition for military, economic, social, and technological superiority, and marked by surveillance and espionage, political assassinations, an arms race, attempts to secure alliances with developing nations, and proxy wars

Haymarket affair

the rally and subsequent riot in which several policemen were killed when a bomb was thrown at a peaceful workers rights rally in Chicago in 1886


the rejection of outside influences in favor of local or native customs national origins act of 1924: quotas established for number of immigrants allowed annually based on 1890 census. Asians already excluded by Gentlemen's agreement and Chinese exclusion act


the removal of laws and policies requiring the separation of different racial or ethnic groups

Which of the following did Mahan not believe was needed to build an American empire?

the reopening of the American frontier

With the Roosevelt Corollary, Roosevelt sought to establish ________.

the right of the United States to involve itself in Latin American affairs whenever necessary

Title VII

the section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of gender

Ida Tarbell wrote publicly about______

the sinister business practices of Standard Oil

bloody shirt campaign

the strategy of Republican candidates to stress the sacrifices that the nation had to endure in its Civil War against Democratic southern secessionists

Red Summer

the summer of 1919, when numerous northern cities experienced bloody race riots that killed over 250 persons, including the Chicago race riot of 1919

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

the tariff approved by Hoover to raise the tax on thousands of imported goods in the hope that it would encourage people to buy American-made products; the unintended result was that other nations raised their tariffs, further hurting American exports and exacerbating the global financial crisis

Zimmermann Telegram

the telegram sent from German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador in Mexico, which invited Mexico to fight alongside Germany should the United States enter World War I on the side of the Allies

Red Scare

the term used to describe the fear that Americans felt about the possibility of a Bolshevik revolution in the United States; fear over Communist infiltrators led Americans to restrict and discriminate against any forms of radical dissent, whether Communist or not

domino theory

the theory that if Communism made inroads in one nation, surrounding nations would also succumb one by one, like a chain of dominos toppling one another

Relief, Recovery, Reform

the three goals of FDR's New Deal.

bank run

the withdrawal by a large number of individuals or investors of money from a bank due to fears of the bank's instability, with the ironic effect of increasing the bank's vulnerability to failure 90% of banks were invested in the markets

what effect did the agricultural adjustment act have on tenant farmers and sharecropper?

they get kicked off their own land

fence cutting war

this armed conflict between cowboys moving cattle along the trail and ranchers who wished to keep the best grazing lands for themselves occurred in Clay County, Texas, between 1883 and 1884

conscientious objectors

those who, for religious or philosophical reasons, refuse to serve in the armed forces

what does Eisenhower seek for Indians?

to end reservation system

During World War II, unionized workers agreed ________.

to keep production going by not striking


too many alliances, starts to get messy

Cole Porter

took a poem from a man named Bob Fletcher and turned it into a cowboy song called "Don't Fence Me In." which showed how much of an impact barbed wire had on the west

Jospeh stalin

took control of Soviet Union and created a communist state

1937 neutrality act

trade with belligerent nations on Cash and carry basis only (non war material/munitions only) - other countries must get supplies themselves from US

what type of warfare characterized the fighting in world war I?

trench warfare

Dawes Act of 1887

tried to civilize Indians and make them more like settlers by giving them land to farm, instead it harmed their native culture

Years after the war, a US navy admiral determined that the explosion aboard the USS Maine was not an external explosions, but was probably set off by a spontaneous combustion fire (t/f)


the rough riders regiment was composed of cowboys and native Americans (t/f)?


what does Wilson attack as a president?

trusts tariffs banks

battle of the Atlantic

trying to gain control of Atlantic, now have radar and sonar. US confronted with difficulty of bringing its industrial might to bear in Europe. Germans perfect submarine warfare as German U-boats sit in wolf-packs outside our coasts we have broken the German code

evangelical america

tv helps mainstream religion in america, billy graham and bishop Fulton sheen

what replaces radios?


Clean Air and Water Act

two separate acts that form the basis of modern environmental law. The Clean Air Act, originally passed in 1970, had the goal of monitoring and controlling all air pollutants by 1975. The CAA had the authority to control pollutants through regulation and the setting of standards.


unemployment and inflation at the same time

James Meredith

university of Mississippi, attempts to enroll at ole miss, 2 are killed and Kennedy must nationalize the national guard

second ku klux klan

unlike the secret terror group of the Reconstruction Era, the Second Ku Klux Klan was a nationwide movement that expressed racism, nativism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Catholicism

Supreme Court tacks left

upholds national labor relations, SSA and Wagner

truman doctrine

us commits $400 million in aid to turkey and free, with help turkey and Greece are able to fight communism

convoy system

us doesn't lose a single american soldier on the high seas during transit to Europe

hard currency (gold)

us returns to gold standard after civil war, good for business bad for debtors (farmers)

Rodney King/LA Riots (1992)

videotape capture brutal beating of Rodney king be several la police. leads to bad race rioting

freedom summers of COFO

voting barriers rusticate blacks from voting. COFO formed mississippi Sumer project to help blacks register to vote

populist party platform

voting issue: government ownership of railroads, telegraph and phone lines graduated income tax, lower tariffs, inflation (silver coins) direct election of senators, secretary ballot, referendums, initiatives, recalls

what did the first wave of feminism primarily concern itself with?

voting rights, achieved in 1919 with 20th amendment

Francis Townsend

wants $200 pensions for everyone over 60 to be paid for by 2% national sales tax, but must be paid in 30 days :/

Huey long

wants 100% tax on personal fortunes for anyone who makes over $1 million give $5000 estates to poorest Americans $2500 yearly income guaranteed, pensions for the elderly

Johnson Dept Default Act

war debt 1934

what did president Reagan wage war on domestically in order to help bring the crime rate down?

war on drugs, reduces use of illicit drugs from 25-14.8 million crime rate drops substantially

what did president Eisenhower warn america about in farewell address in 1961?

warns about military-industrial complex

women on the Homefront

women join the military, serve in volunteer organizations (Red Cross), and increasingly join work force (WACS)

silent sentinels

women protesters who picketed the White House for years to protest for women's right to vote; they went on a hunger strike after their arrest, and their force-feeding became a national scandal

white flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs

Ida Tarbell 1904

writes about rockefellars horizontal and vertical integration - buy-in companies out of business

What was the name given to the type of reporting William Randolph Heart's newspaper engaged in to help stir support for a war against spain?

yellow journalism

3 benefits veterans received from the GI Bill

1 million attend college 4 million home mortgages (VA loans) 1-year of unemployment aid

double v campaign

1 victories for blacks, one at home and one abroad. Called for integration and the possibility to fight for freedom

Malcolm X

1952; renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter; his beliefs were the basis of a lot of the Black Power movement built on seperationist and nationalist impulsesto achieve true independence and equality 1965: assassination by nation of islam gunmen after beginning to advocate a more moderate approach wants violence "any means necessary"

operation AJAX

1953: overthrows democratically elected PM mossedogh, instals pro-americas Shan pahvali (Iran) nationalized Britain oil in Iran

operation PBSUCCESS

1954: overthrows dem. elected Jacabo Arbenz, installs pro american military dictator Carlos Arms (Guatemala)

Interstate Highway Act

1956 Eisenhower 20 yr plan to build 41,000 mi of highway, largest public works project in history

Greensboro lunch counter sit-ins inspire student led demonstrations (date)


CIA orchestrates bay of pigs invasion (date)


freedom rides

1961: violence erupts in anniston and Birmingham, desegregate public bus system

cuban missile crisis (date)


students for a democratic society (tom Hayden)

1962: condemns middle-class materialism, racism, conformity, and anticommunism; calls for participatory democracy to fix

John F Kennedy assassinate in dallas (date)


Homestead strike

1891: Pennsylvania Carnegie Steel workers strike in support of locked out union workers. Pinkerton agents are then rebuffed. Militia provide protection for strike breakers who run plant. Led to longer hours and lower wages

homestead steal strike (date)


coxeys army marches on Washington; pullman strike paralyzes railroad traffic


Pullman strike

1894: strike against pullman sleeper cars broke by putting mail cars on the train

Spanish-American war

1895: cubans begin insurrection against Spanish rule. US has 50 million $ in investments of sugar motto: "to hell with spain! remember the Maine!" after Spanish "blew" up the USS Maine fought in the Philippines

William McKinley defeats William Jennings Bryan for president


fourth party system

1896 "free silver" election big business Republican Party gold standard "sound $"

teller amendment

1898: denounced territorial ambitions; prohibited US from annexing Cuba after the war

congress passes gulf of Tonkin resolution and Civil Rights Act (date)


Food Stamp Act

1964. Expanded the federal program to help poor people buy food. gives surplus to poor

new deal round 2

2nd round of legislation passed after 1935


3 day rock concert in upstate N.Y. August 1969, exemplified the counterculture of the late 1960s, nearly 1/2M gather in a 600 acre field marked end of hippies

American Expeditionary Force

4.5 million men mobilized over 2 million Americans fight in the trenches during the war

immigrants displaced

400k Mexican-american coerced to move to Mexico

How many transcontinental railroad systems existed within the US in 1900?



A black interest group active primarily in the courts National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

silent spring

A book written to voice the concerns of environmentalists. Launched the environmentalist movement by pointing out the effects of civilization development.

Niagra Movement

A campaign led by W. E. B. Du Bois and other prominent African American reformers that departed from Booker T. Washington's model of accommodation and advocated for a "Declaration of Principles" that called for immediate political, social, and economic equality for African Americans

Bessemer Process

A cheap and efficient process for making steel, developed around 1850

Marcus Garvey

African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and advocated mass migration of African Americans back to Africa. Was deported to Jamaica in 1927.

black power movement

African American movement that focused on gaining control of economic and political power to achieve equal rights by force in necessary. (Malcolm X)


After JFK died, his wife, Jackie, compared their time in the White House to this musical.

Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962

After discovering that the Russians were secretly building nuclear missile launch sites in Cuba, which could have been used for a sneak-attack on the U.S., President Kennedy announced a quarantine of Cuba, which was really a blockade, but couldn't be called that since blockades are a violation of international law. After 13 days of confrontation that led to the brink of nuclear war, Khrushchev backed down and agreed to dismantle the launch sites

Manhattan project

Albert einstein and enrico fermi, 120000 workers, $12 billion - July 16, 1945

Telophone inventor

Alexander Graham Bell

khobar towers bombing

19 US service members killed by bomb in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia by Al Quaelda

Boxer Rebellion

1900: "kill foreign devils". US sends several thousands troops from Philippines to help quell boxer rebellion in China

Panama Canal

1903: US naval forces prevent Columbia from suppressing Panamanian revolt; then strike deal with Panama to build canal starts in 1904

first major movies

1903: the great train robbery (1st story sequence) 1927: the Jazz singer (1st Talkie)

United Mine Workers Strike

1904 - Roosevelt threatens to seize mines; use army to make coal available. reach settlement with workers, increase wages and decreases hours

living wage

1906 father Ryan advocated for a living wage as the standard of American citizenship

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA.

great while fleet

1909: send out naval fleet on world tour to show off America's power

federal reserve act 1913

1913 Created the Federal Reserve Bank creates a stable currency

Domino Theory

A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.

Dien Bien Phu

A town of northwest Vietnam near the Laos border. The French military base here fell to Vietminh troops on May 7, 1954, after a 56-day siege, leading to the end of France's involvement in Indochina.

Berlin Wall

A wall separating East and West Berlin built by East Germany in 1961 to keep citizens from escaping to the West august 1961: Kennedy sends tanks and almost goes to war


Apache chieftain who raided the white settlers in the Southwest as resistance to being confined to a reservation (1829-1909)

Doolittle raid

April 18, 1942: 16 b25 bombers launched on one-way bombing mission of tony and Japan

Blitzkrieg (lightning war)

April 1940: Germany attacks Norway/denmark, May: attack Belgium/Netherland, June: France falls and British army evacuates; August: launches of battle of Britain (air war)

Bataan death march

April 1942: 60-80k filipino and US POWs marched 70 miles; thousands die/are killed en route


April 1970: nixon expands by bombing Cambodia

origins of Cold War

April 25, 1945: US and soviet forces link up Torgue River lots of communist unrest USSR don't like US bc we delayed recognizing USSR and delayed opening of the 2nd front, also terminated lease with USSR

MLK assassination

April 4, 1968: he planned to march for sanitary workers in Tennessee. Shot by James earl Ray, led to rioting

when do we declare war?

April 6, 1917


April-June 1945: US suffers over 50k casualties, fight to gain staging base for invasion of Japan

Endangered Species Act

(1973) identifies threatened and endangered species in the U.S., and puts their protection ahead of economic considerations

Forest Reserve Act of 1891

Authorized the President to set aside public forests as National Parks and other reserves

Which novel of the era satirized the conformity of the American middle class?


Altamont Free Concert

Counterculture era rock concert held on outside of San Francisco - 'Woodstock West' Marred by the death of a concertgoer who was stabbed by a Hell's Angel, who were hired as security for the Rolling Stones.

Dr. Charles Macune

Led the Southern Alliance which was based in Texas. In 1886 it had over 100,000 members

Who shot Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald nov. 22, 1963

what country's Indonesian colonies was America supporting during 1950s?

France, it was struggling to retain its colonies in SE Asia after WWII; Vietnamese initiate war for independence

1st female cabinet member

Frances Perkins

VS of the 1920s

Fundamentalist vs. modernists progressives vs. laissez-faire unions vs. the american plan prohibition vs. speakeasies isolationists vs. internationalist

19th Amendment (1920)

Gave women the right to vote

little big horn

General Custer and his men were wiped out by a coalition of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

in 1868, Cuban sugar planters took up arms to win their independence. The commander of the rebel army was:

General Maximo Gomez

who was the Spanish colonial governor in Cuba who was characterized by the US newspapers as a "fiendish despot, a brute and an exterminator of men"?

General Valeriano Weyler

1st person never elected as Vice President or president who had run

Gerald Ford

The United States Senator who led the noninterventionists in Congress and called for neutrality legislation in the 1930s was ________.

Gerald P. Nye

1st female major party candidate

Geraldine Ferraro

Adolph Hitler

German dictator, leader of nazi party

Black Hills of South Dakota

Gold was discovered here

trust busting

Government activities aimed at breaking up monopolies and trusts.

Who ran in the 1960 election?

John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon

Who invented barbed wire?

Joseph Glidden

italian campaign

July 1943(siciliy): Italy surrenders, sept 8 German troops occupy Italy

postdam conference

July 1945: allies issue "Potsdam Dec" which threatens Japan with "prompt and utter destruction" if they didn't surrender immediately

North Alantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

July 1949: US senate ratifies NATO treaty, 1st peacetime alliance in US history (warsaw pact is formed by communist party)


July 1958: established to help regain the US as a leader in space

executive order 9981

July 26, 1948 abolish discrimination in US army, lend to end of segregation in the services

great railroad strike

July 4, 1877 in Martinsburg, VA *1st labor strike* after B&O RR cut workers wages for 3rd time, 45 days, federal troops end it and kill 100

when was Hawaii annexed?

July 7, 1898

Chicago race riots

July: week-long riot started after black boy killed when he swam to close to white beach 23 blacks and 15 whites killed

great marinas turkey shoot:

June 18, 1944: american "hellcat" fighters destroy 250 Jap zeros (only lose 29 planes)

How did the message of Black Power advocates differ from that of more mainstream civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King, Jr.?

King and his followers strove for racial integration and the political inclusion of African Americans. They also urged for the use of nonviolent tactics to achieve their goals. Black Power advocates, in contrast, believed that African Americans should seek solutions without the aid of whites. Many also promoted black separatism and accepted the use of violence.

Bill Haywood

Leader of the IWW (industrial workers of the world)

Jerry Falwell

Leader of the Religious Right Fundamentalist Christians, a group that supported Reagan; rallying cry was "family values", anti-abortion, favored prayer in schools

Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965

New housing subsidy programs and made federal loans and public housing grants easier to obtain subsidies for elderly

Which of the following best describes Roosevelt's attempts to push his political agenda in the last months of Hoover's presidency?

Roosevelt awaited his inauguration before introducing any plans.

sitting bull

Sioux chief who led the attack on Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Fair Housing Act

The federal law that prohibits discrimination in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, and national origin


Treaty signed in 1972 between the U.S. and the USSR. This agreement limited the number of missiles in each nation and led to the SALT II discussions and a slowdown of the arms race between the two countries. strategic arms limitation treaty, reduce arms throughout the world

race riots

Tulsa 1921: 300 black killed Chicago 1919: 250+ blacks killed St. Louis 1917: 29 blacks killed

Espionage and Sedition acts of 1917

Two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against US partcipation in WWI

Court Packing

Where FDR tried to add more members to the Supreme Court to pass his programs.

In order to pursue his goal of using American influence overseas only when it was a moral imperative, Wilson put which man in the position of Secretary of State?

William Jennings Bryan

what is "strict neutrality?"

Wilson calls for police of strict neutrality, both sides seek to sway american opinion

"The Shame of Our Cities"

Written by muckraker Lincoln Steffens novel concerning the poor living conditions in the cities.


Young women of the 1920s that behaved and dressed in a radical fashion

Bonus Army

a group of World War I veterans and affiliated groups who marched to Washington in 1932 to demand their war bonuses early, only to be refused and forcibly removed by the U.S. Army

anti-imperialist league

a group of diverse and prominent Americans who banded together in 1898 to protest the idea of American empire building people against imperialism and expansion, claimed we were being hypocrites

Wisconsin idea

a political system created by Robert La Follette, governor of Wisconsin, that embodied many progressive ideals; La Follette hired experts to advise him on improving conditions in his state


a portion of the Republican Party that broke away from the Stalwart-versus-Half-Breed debate due to disgust with their candidate's corruption


a process that allows voters to counteract legislation by putting an existing law on the ballot for voters to either affirm or reject

marshall plan

a program giving billions of dollars of U.S. aid to European countries to prevent them from turning to communism us commits $13 billion to rebuild Europe, need economy to be good for trade

Works Progress Administration

a program run by Harry Hopkins that provided jobs for over eight million Americans from its inception to its closure in 1943

GI Bill

a program that gave substantial benefits to those who served in World War II


a proposed law, or initiative, placed on the ballot by public petition

Civilian Conservation Corps

a public program for unemployed young men from relief families who were put to work on conservation and land management projects around the country

Scottsboro Boys

a reference to the infamous trial in Scottsboro, Alabama in 1931, where nine African American boys were falsely accused of raping two white women and sentenced to death; the extreme injustice of the trial, particularly given the age of the boys and the inadequacy of the testimony against them, garnered national and international attention Supreme Court 2x overturns convictions, advances the civil rights movement for African Americans

Church Committee

abuse in US intelligence agency, discovers US coups in other countries

Black Separatism

an ideology that called upon African Americans to reject integration with the white community and, in some cases, to physically separate themselves from whites in order to create and preserve their self-determination

League of Nations

an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations

two key components of Reaganomics

deregulation lower regulation - applies economic theories of million Friedman -relies on businesses and a consumers to stimulate the economy

Executive Order 8802

discrimination in workforce

three major arguments anti-war protestors made against Vietnam war

draft: rich man's fight, poor man's war immoral: killing women and children retracting from domestic program: too much money being spent on war and not US

what did leary advocate Americans to use to help them turn inward?

drugs, LSD

3 technological innovations that helped spur the American economy in the 1990s

microchips personal computers internet


pivotal soviet union battle on eastern front 1942: soviets stop germans at Stalingrad in sept and launch devastating counter-offensive in November

railroad innovation

pullman sleeper cars air brakes standard gauge (south switch later)

The term Kennedy chose to describe his sealing off of Cuba to prevent Soviet shipments of weapons or supplies was ________.


McKinley tariff act 1890

raised tariffs to the highest level they had ever been. Big business favored these tariffs because they protected U.S. businesses from foreign competition.

suicide rate after use of contraceptive

rate doubles

personal responsibility and work opportunity act

set time limits on welfare benefits and required most recipients to begin working within 2 years of receiving assistance

Which of the following four elements was not essential for creating massive urban growth in late nineteenth-century America?

settlement houses

black lives matter

started 2013 after Trayvon Martin is shot by police officer. Grew due to shooting of Michael brown in Ferguson. Criticized by black civil rights activists for tactics/anti-police sentiments

Which of the following protests was directly related to federal policies, and thus had the greatest impact in creating a negative public perception of the Hoover presidency?

the Bonus Expeditionary Force

Which of the following was not a vehicle for the farmers' protest?

the Mugwumps

milton friedman

libertarian conservatism free market is necessary foundation for independent liberty

scientific management

mechanical engineer Fredrick Taylor's management style, also called "stop-watch management," which divided manufacturing tasks into short, repetitive segments and encouraged factory owners to seek efficiency and profitability over any benefits of personal interaction

Social Security Amendment (1965)

medicare and medicaid

Which of the following was a key Progressive item passed by Taft?

the Payne-Aldrich Act

Which of the following was not enacted in order to secure men and materials for the war effort?

the Sedition Act

las gorras blancas

the Spanish name for White Caps, the rebel group of Hispanic Americans who fought back against the appropriation of Hispanic land by whites; for a period in 1889-1890, they burned farms, homes, and crops to express their growing anger at the injustice of the situation

Warren Court and judicial activism

the Supreme Court during the period when Earl Warren was chief justice, noted for its activism in the areas of civil rights and free speech right to privacy, school prayer nixon appoints warren burger and 3 others in real activism

Many Americans began to doubt that the war in Vietnam could be won following ________.

the Tet Offensive


the U.S. policy that sought to limit the expansion of Communism abroad

dresden firebombing

the US Air Force and the British Air Force bombed Dresden to the ground; it was the only place not bombed yet and contained a lot of industrial factories that generated supplies for the German Army

Root-Takahira Agreement (1908)

the United States and Japan agreed to respect each other's territorial holdings in the Pacific

operation desert storm

the United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war that lasted 100 hours (1991) US defends Saudi Arabia after Iraq invasion of Kuwait

Why did African Americans consider moving from the rural South to the urban North following the Civil War?

to find wage-earning work

ghost dance

1880s an Indian prophet came along and told Sioux that the great spirit would come back and save the,

Chinese exclusion act passed (date)


congress passes Pendleton civil service act


Which of the following was not a key goal of the Knights of Labor?

a graduated income tax on personal wealth

when did we get the statue of liberty


how much did the war cost?

$32 million

american protective league

250k agents assist justice departments with civilian spies. go on "slacker raids" and identify radicals

National Labor Union

*1st labor Union* 1866: 600k members at its peak, only for skilled/unskilled (no women/immingrants/blacks), fought for 8hr workday and arbitration

Who was Timothy Leary?

A Harvard professor who co-wrote "The Psychedelic Experience" *(aka LSD GURU)* turn inward to find yourself with the help of drugs

what was the anti-german crusade?

propaganda campaign against Germany everything German is bad

science of eugenics

scientists begin to advertise selective breeding

Harlem Hellfighters

a nickname for the decorated, all-black 369th Infantry, which served on the frontlines of France for six months, longer than any other American unit


a nineteenth-century term for the illegal transport of alcoholic beverages that became popular during prohibition

what turns Russia to communism?

Bolsheviks seize control of Russian government and then sign treaty withdrawing Russia from the war in march 1918 spurs need to rush US "doughboys" to western front

Andrew Carnegie

scottish immigrant, self-made man steel industry 2nd/3rd richest American Ever invented Bessemer Process and Vertical Integration


Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress 250k people lose homes 750k farmers lose farms

Title IX

(nixon): women can not be excluded from participate in race

Congress passes voting rights bill (date)


Ida B Wells

Began an anti-lynching campaign in 1892. She also forms the National Association of Colored Women.

who helped FDR come up with the New Deal?

Columbia professors advise FDR during campaign and developed the economic plan that formed the backbone of the NEW DEAL

Who invented DC current?


Mail Bombs

Italian anarchists mail bomb In 1919, 36 bombs sent to prominent people, 8 bombs detonated in cities


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

four main war aims FDR and Churchill agreed to in Atlantic charter

self-determination free trade league of nations human rights

Wall Street bombing

sep. 16 1920: 28 killed, Italian galleantists deemed responsible

The Arkansas governor who tried to prevent the integration of Little Rock High School was ________.

Orval Faubus

palmer raids

Palmer and Hoover arrest and round up immigrants and deport them


Republicans who opposed the Treaty of Versailles on all grounds

who patented the toilet?

Thomas crapper

The NAACP lawyer who became known as "Mr. Civil Rights" was ________.

Thurgood Marshall

NRA (National Recovery Act)

Title 1: create industrial associations worked to establish codes of "fair competition" Title 2: 1933-44: large scale construction projects, dams etc...

south Vietnam coup

US encourages military coup to overthrow diem


US rejects treaty of versailles and league of nations stop align w/ international powers


someone who lives outside of their home country

gilded age

the period in American history during which materialism, a quest for personal gain, and corruption dominated both politics and society

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

a federally and state-financed program for children living with parents or relatives who fell below state standards of need; replaced in 1996 by TANF expanded by Johnson

zoot suit

a flamboyant outfit favored by young African American and Mexican American men


a super power game of chicken (with nuclear weapons and destruction of man kind on the line)

Which of the following was not a destabilizing factor immediately following the end of the war?

a women's liberation movement


a young, modern woman who embraced the new morality and fashions of the Jazz Age

J.P. Morgan

born into wealth finance companies and works with financing industry consolidations, buys Carnegie steel, finances gov payouts eventually leaves US due to criticism

proxy wars

both sides avoid direct confrontation due to fears of mass retaliation

The program to recruit Mexican agricultural workers during World War II was the ________.

bracero program

first city with sewer system


Oliver Kelley

founded the Grange

what were Wilsons ideas on foreign policy? what did it result in?

he was an anti-imperialist said US should only intervene when there was a moral imperative to do so, to support democracy, not business efforts resulted in increased involvement in Latin America he was RACIST

Relief (New Deal)

help for the needy (ex. money, soup kitchens, etc.)

what was controversial about this war?

incarceration rate begins to skyrocket

port huron statement

issued by SDS that rejected materialism

442nd Regimental Combat Team

jap-american soldiers: most decorated US army unit in WWII (for size and length of service)

blue collar jobs

jobs that require physical labor in industry


like the Bible the way it is, do not change it


literacy tests

Dawes Plan (1924)

loans and money laundering. loans to Germany dry up

tools employer used to make workers stay

lockouts, federal troops, Pinkerton agents, saying you were unamerican

nuremberg war crimes trial

oct, 16, 1946: 10 high ranking nazis executed by hanging for war crimes related to holocaust

affirmative actions

policies of government aimed at increasing access to jobs/schooling to people previously discriminated against. Suggested 1961 by JFK. Californian accursed of not accepting application bc he is white in 1978. Texas accused of same thing

what was the 2nd industrial revolution fueled by?


Which of the following groups would not be considered "the deserving poor" by social welfare groups and humanitarians in the 1930s?

stock speculators

governor George C. Wallace

stood in door at university of Alabama to prevent admission of 2 black students. Kennedy nationalizes national guard (1963)


the group of Republicans led by James G. Blaine, named because they supported some measure of civil service reform and were thus considered to be only "half Republican"


the group of Republicans led by Roscoe Conkling who strongly supported the continuation of the patronage system

bracero program

thousands of migrant workers bought to US to work in agriculture

Which of the following was not a founding goal of NOW?

to de-criminalize the use of birth control

1912 U.S. Children's Bureau

to oversee and maintain national standards of child welfare


to remove a public official from office by virtue of a petition and vote process

granger laws

to support farmers with railroad rates Supreme Court rules as unconstitutional

gold standard vs. the greenback

us returns to gold standard after the war good for businesses but bad for farmers


tons of napalm dropped on Vietnam to help to deforest Vietnamese jungles

3 household appliances resulting from electricity in america

waffle iron vacuums fridges

what did Rockefeller believe about charity?

was useless unless it caused those it was given to to change

zippo raids

when the U.S would set Vietnam villages on fire if they had Vietcong 500k american troops in Vietnam by 1968, search and destroy mission, mini napalm raids, war of attrition

Which of the following hardships did African Americans NOT typically face during the Great Depression?

widespread race riots in large urban centers

what happens on January 13, 1917?

wilson breaks diplomatic relations with Germany after they resume "unrestricted" submarine warfare. They think they can knock out Britain by taking out ships

Paris Peace

wilson greeted as conquering hero when he arrives in Paris for negations, stays 6 months 14 points undermined by "big 4," big 4 want Germany to pay and insist on reparations

1916 election

wilson wins on fact that "he kept us out of war" narrowly wins re-election calls for "peace without victory"

what does FDR do for foreign policy in 1933

withdraws from London economic conference initiates good neighbor policy with Latin America recognizes Soviet Union

advertising targets


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