Ham Radio Extra Exam 2016

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What is the maximum permitted transmitter peak envelope power for an amateur station transmitting spread spectrum communications?

10 W

What is the maximum power output permitted on the 60 meter band?

100 watts PEP effective radiated power relative to the gain of a half-wave dipole

Which VHF amateur service bands have frequencies available for space stations?

2 meters

Which of the following geographic descriptions approximately describes "Line A"?

A line roughly parallel to and south of the U.S.-Canadian border

What is the amateur satellite service?

A radio communications service using amateur radio stations on satellites

What is a remotely controlled station?

A station controlled indirectly through a control link

What technology is used to track, in real time, balloons carrying amateur radio transmitters?


What frequencies are authorized to an amateur station operating under RACES rules?

All amateur service frequencies authorized to the control operator

Which of the following conditions apply when transmitting spread spectrum emission?

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following is a common method of transmitting accompanying audio with amateur fast-scan television?

All of these choices are correct

Which of the following types of signals can be relayed through a linear transponder?

All of these choices are correct (FM and CW SSB and SSTV PSK and Packet)

What is vestigial sideband modulation?

Amplitude modulation in which one complete sideband and a portion of the other are transmitted

What must be done before placing an amateur station within an officially designated wilderness area or wildlife preserve, or an area listed in the National Register of Historical Places?

An Environmental Assessment must be submitted to the FCC

What is a telecommand station in the amateur satellite service?

An amateur station that transmits communications to initiate, modify or terminate functions of a space station

What is an Earth station in the amateur satellite service?

An amateur station within 50 km of the Earth's surface intended for communications with amateur stations by means of objects in space

What is the National Radio Quiet Zone?

An area surrounding the National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Which of the following constitutes a spurious emission?

An emission outside its necessary bandwidth that can be reduced or eliminated without affecting the information transmitted

What is meant by IARP?

An international amateur radio permit that allows U.S. amateurs to operate in certain countries of the Americas

What is a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator?

An organization that has entered into an agreement with the FCC to coordinate amateur operator license examinations

Which of the following describes authorization or licensing required when operating an amateur station aboard a U.S.-registered vessel in international waters?

Any FCC-issued amateur license

Which amateur stations may be operated under RACES rules?

Any FCC-licensed amateur station certified by the responsible civil defense organization for the area served

Which amateur stations are eligible to be telecommand stations?

Any amateur station so designated by the space station licensee, subject to the privileges of the class of operator license held by the control operator

Which amateur stations are eligible to operate as Earth stations?

Any amateur station, subject to the privileges of the class of operator license held by the control operator

What class of licensee is authorized to be the control operator of a space station?

Any class with appropriate operator privileges

Who must be in physical control of the station apparatus of an amateur station aboard any vessel or craft that is documented or registered in the United States?

Any person holding an FCC issued amateur license or who is authorized for alien reciprocal operation

Why may the received signal from an amateur satellite exhibit a rapidly repeating fading effect?

Because the satellite is spinning

What is one way to predict the location of a satellite at a given time?

By calculations using the Keplerian elements for the specified satellite

How is an interlaced scanning pattern generated in a fast-scan (NTSC) television system?

By scanning odd numbered lines in one field and even numbered lines in the next

What is meant by local control?

Direct manipulation of the transmitter by a control operator

What is the first action you should take if your digital message forwarding station inadvertently forwards a communication that violates FCC rules?

Discontinue forwarding the communication as soon as you become aware of it

When may an automatically controlled station originate third party communications?


What hardware, other than a receiver with SSB capability and a suitable computer, is needed to decode SSTV using Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)?

No other hardware is needed

With your transceiver displaying the carrier frequency of CW signals, you hear a DX station's CQ on 3.500 MHz. Is it legal to return the call using CW on the same frequency?

No, one of the sidebands of the CW signal will be out of the band

With your transceiver displaying the carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a station calling CQ on 14.349 MHz USB. Is it legal to return the call using upper sideband on the same frequency?

No, the sideband will extend beyond the band edge

With your transceiver displaying the carrier frequency of phone signals, you hear a DX station calling CQ on 3.601 MHz LSB. Is it legal to return the call using lower sideband on the same frequency?

No, the sideband will extend beyond the edge of the phone band segment

What may be the penalty for a VE who fraudulently administers or certifies an examination?

Revocation of the VE's amateur station license grant and the suspension of the VE's amateur operator license grant

If a station in a message forwarding system inadvertently forwards a message that is in violation of FCC rules, who is primarily accountable for the rules violation?

The control operator of the originating station

Which of the following factors might cause the physical location of an amateur station apparatus or antenna structure to be restricted?

The location is of environmental importance or significant in American history, architecture, or culture

What privileges are authorized in the U.S. to persons holding an amateur service license granted by the Government of Canada?

The operating terms and conditions of the Canadian amateur service license, not to exceed U.S. Extra Class privileges

Which of the following best describes the Volunteer Examiner accreditation process?

The procedure by which a VEC confirms that the VE applicant meets FCC requirements to serve as an examiner

Why should effective radiated power to a satellite which uses a linear transponder be limited?

To avoid reducing the downlink power to all other users

What is the function of the Vertical Interval Signaling (VIS) code sent as part of an SSTV transmission?

To identify the SSTV mode being used

Under what circumstances might the FCC issue a Special Temporary Authority (STA) to an amateur station?

To provide for experimental amateur communications

What is blanking in a video signal?

Turning off the scanning beam while it is traveling from right to left or from bottom to top

Which of the following additional rules apply if you are installing an amateur station antenna at a site at or near a public use airport?

You may have to notify the Federal Aviation Administration and register it with the FCC as required by Part 17 of FCC rules

Which of the following is required in order to operate in accordance with CEPT rules in foreign countries where permitted?

You must bring a copy of FCC Public Notice DA 11-221

Within what distance must an amateur station protect an FCC monitoring facility from harmful interference?

1 mile

What is the highest modulation index permitted at the highest modulation frequency for angle modulation below 29.0 MHz?


What is the maximum bandwidth for a data emission on 60 meters?

2.8 kHz

Which of these ranges of frequencies is available for an automatically controlled repeater operating below 30 MHz?

29.500 MHz - 29.700 MHz

What is the minimum number of qualified VEs required to administer an Element 4 amateur operator license examination?


Which of the following is an acceptable bandwidth for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) based voice or SSTV digital transmissions made on the HF amateur bands?

3 KHz

When using a transceiver that displays the carrier frequency of phone signals, which of the following displayed frequencies represents the lowest frequency at which a properly adjusted LSB emission will be totally within the band?

3 kHz above the lower band edge

When using a transceiver that displays the carrier frequency of phone signals, which of the following displayed frequencies represents the highest frequency at which a properly adjusted USB emission will be totally within the band?

3 kHz below the upper band edge

What is the maximum permissible duration of a remotely controlled station's transmissions if its control link malfunctions?

3 minutes

How many times per second is a new frame transmitted in a fast-scan (NTSC) television system?


Amateur stations may not transmit in which of the following frequency segments if they are located in the contiguous 48 states and north of Line A?

420 MHz - 430 MHz

On what band would a satellite receive signals if it were operating in mode U/V?

435 MHz - 438 MHz

How many horizontal lines make up a fast-scan (NTSC) television frame?


Which amateur band requires transmission on specific channels rather than on a range of frequencies?

60 meter band

Which UHF amateur service bands have frequencies available for a space station?

70 cm and 13 cm

What type of antenna can be used to minimize the effects of spin modulation and Faraday rotation?

A circularly polarized antenna

Which of the following statements concerning remotely controlled amateur stations is true?

A control operator must be present at the control point

What is the permitted mean power of any spurious emission relative to the mean power of the fundamental emission from a station transmitter or external RF amplifier installed after January 1, 2003 and transmitting on a frequency below 30 MHZ?

At least 43 dB below

Where must the carrier frequency of a CW signal be set to comply with FCC rules for 60 meter operation?

At the center frequency of the channel

Which of the following operating arrangements allows an FCC-licensed U.S. citizen to operate in many European countries, and alien amateurs from many European countries to operate in the U.S.?

CEPT agreement

What is the name of the signal component that carries color information in NTSC video?


What types of communications may be transmitted to amateur stations in foreign countries?

Communications incidental to the purpose of the amateur service and remarks of a personal nature

Which of the following types of amateur station communications are prohibited?

Communications transmitted for hire or material compensation, except as otherwise provided in the rules

Who is responsible for the proper conduct and necessary supervision during an amateur operator license examination session?

Each administering VE

What is the direction of a descending pass for an amateur satellite?

From north to south

What is the direction of an ascending pass for an amateur satellite?

From south to north

What type of satellite appears to stay in one position in the sky?


What should a VE do if a candidate fails to comply with the examiner's instructions during an amateur operator license examination?

Immediately terminate the candidate's examination

Where are the questions for all written U.S. amateur license examinations listed?

In a question pool maintained by all the VECs

Which of the following best describes one of the standards that must be met by an external RF power amplifier if it is to qualify for a grant of FCC certification?

It must satisfy the FCC's spurious emission standards when operated at the lesser of 1500 watts or its full output power

Under what circumstances may a dealer sell an external RF power amplifier capable of operation below 144 MHz if it has not been granted FCC certification?

It was purchased in used condition from an amateur operator and is sold to another amateur operator for use at that operator's station

If an amateur station is installed aboard a ship or aircraft, what condition must be met before the station is operated?

Its operation must be approved by the master of the ship or the pilot in command of the aircraft

What is the minimum passing score on amateur operator license examinations?

Minimum passing score of 74%

What is the definition of the term telemetry

One-way transmission of measurements at a distance from the measuring instrument

Who may be the control operator of an auxiliary station?

Only Technician, General, Advanced or Amateur Extra Class operators

What types of amateur stations may automatically retransmit the radio signals of other amateur stations?

Only auxiliary, repeater or space stations

On what frequencies are spread spectrum transmissions permitted?

Only on amateur frequencies above 222 MHz

Which amateur service HF bands have frequencies authorized for space stations?

Only the 40 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m and 10 m bands

For which types of out-of-pocket expenses do the Part 97 rules state that VEs and VECs may be reimbursed?

Preparing, processing, administering and coordinating an examination for an amateur radio license

To which of the following examinees may a VE not administer an examination?

Relatives of the VE as listed in the FCC rules

What must the VE team do with the application form if the examinee does not pass the exam?

Return the application document to the examinee

What do the terms L band and S band specify with regard to satellite communications?

The 23 centimeter and 13 centimeter bands

What limitations may the FCC place on an amateur station if its signal causes interference to domestic broadcast reception, assuming that the receivers involved are of good engineering design?

The amateur station must avoid transmitting during certain hours on frequencies that cause the interference

What is meant by the term mode as applied to an amateur radio satellite?

The satellite's uplink and downlink frequency bands

Which of the following is a requirement of a space station?

The space station must be capable of terminating transmissions by telecommand when directed by the FCC

What is the orbital period of an Earth satellite?

The time it takes for a satellite to complete one revolution around the Earth

What do the letters in a satellite's mode designator specify?

The uplink and downlink frequency ranges

What is meant by automatic control of a station?

The use of devices and procedures for control so that the control operator does not have to be present at a control point

What must the administering VEs do after the administration of a successful examination for an amateur operator license?

They must submit the application document to the coordinating VEC according to the coordinating VEC instructions

What must the VE team do if an examinee scores a passing grade on all examination elements needed for an upgrade or new license?

Three VEs must certify that the examinee is qualified for the license grant and that they have complied with the administering VE requirements

How do the control operator responsibilities of a station under automatic control differ from one under local control?

Under automatic control the control operator is not required to be present at the control point

Which of these choices is an acceptable method for monitoring the applicants if a VEC opts to conduct an exam session remotely?

Use a real-time video link and the Internet to connect the exam session to the observing VEs

Which of the following is an advantage of using vestigial sideband for standard fast- scan TV transmissions?

Vestigial sideband reduces bandwidth while allowing for simple video detector circuitry

When may an amateur station send a message to a business?

When neither the amateur nor his or her employer has a pecuniary interest in the communications

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