Harmful Effects of Smoking

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Cancer of Bladder.


Cancer of larynx and esophagus, irritates membranes of the throat.


Causes progressive limitation of air flow in and out of lungs. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Damages and destroys tiny air sacs of the lung reducing lungs' ability to bring in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Causes emphysema. Causes bronchial tubes to be inflamed, thickened, and mucus increases, resulting in narrowing of air passages creating chronic bronchitis. Tar and other particles settle in bronchial tubes causing lung cancer. Tar and smoke destroy tiny cells that clean, protect, and remove foreign particles from lungs.


Cirrhosis of the liver.


Dulls taste buds, irritates membranes of mouth, bleeding and receding gums, gum disease, foul breath, and numbness. Staining teeth, tooth decay and loss of teeth. Cancer of mouth.


Increased risk of vertebral cancer.


Increases risk of early onset of Osteoporosis (weakening, softening and thinning of the bone).


Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict, increasing blood pressure, and risk of heart attack.


Nicotine raises heart rate, increases blood pressure, and constricts blood vessels. Carbon monoxide (deadly gas produced from cigarette smoke) decreased delivery of oxygen to the heart, increasing risk of heart attack and strokes. Causes weakening of the heart muscle's ability to pump blood, leading to death. Causes aortic aneurism (blood-filled sac in aorta) and pulmonary heart disease.


Nicotine stimulates adrenaline production. Heart rate goes up 15-20 bveats per minute. Increases blood pressure. Constricts blood vessels. Reduces sex drive. Inhibits urine formation. Depresses hunger. Reduces anxiety and pain. Irritates mouth and throat. Major cause of heart attack, lung diseases, strokes, and death.

On the BRAIN:

Nicotine, the highly addictive chemical in cigarettes and tobacco, stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain creating pleasure and alertness. Nicotine initially stimulates the brain, then acts as a tranquilizer and sedative. Nicotine directly affects, alters, and takes control of specialized receptor cells in the brain responsible for regulating well-being, mood, and memory. The drug remains active 20-40 minutes, then withdrawal symptoms begin. Mood changes, person becomes irritable, anxious, and discomfort becomes more severe-stimulating intense cravings for more nicotine. Regular and long term use lead to addiction.


Reduces kidney's ability to process fluids and waste, inhibiting formation of urine. Cancer.


Reduces sex drive and increases risk of impotence in males. In females, increased chance of cervical cancer, less fertile, and brings on menopause earlier. Smoking increases chance of miscarriage, pregnancy complications, bleeding, and premature delivery. Smoking during pregnancy may cause impairment of baby's growth, intellect, and emotional development


Stimulates adrenaline production, speeding up the heart and increasing blood pressure.


Stomach and duodenal ulcers develop, creating burning pain.

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