Harry Potter

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Who was the first British witch to referee a Quidditch match?

"Leopoldina Smethwyck

How long is Lilly Potter's Wand?

10 1/4 inches

How long is Victor Krum's Wand?

10 1/4 inches

How much did Borgin of Borgin & Burkes pay Merope Gaunt for Slytherin's locket?

10 Galleons

How long is Draco Malfoy's Wand?

10 inches

How old was Dumbledore When his father was sent to Azkaban?

10 years old

What was the prize money for winning the Triwizard Tournament?

1000 Galleons

How old is Harry When he first starts at Hogwarts?


How long is Harry's wand (not Elder Wand)

11 inches

How long is James Potter's Wand?

11 inches

What time does the Hogwarts Express depart?

11:00 AM

How long is Cedric Digory's Wand?

12 1/4 inches

How long is Bellatrix Lestrange's wand?

12 3/4 inches

How long is Voldemort's Wand?

13 1/2 inches

How long is ron's second Wand?

14 inches

How many staircases are their in Hogwarts?


How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?


How much was the Cursed opal necklace in Borgin & Burkes priced at?

1500 Galleons

When was the famous wizard composer Whose unfinished "Wizarding Suite," features an exploding tuba born?


How long is Hagrid's Wand?

16 inches

When was the goblin revolution?


When did the famous wizard composer Whose unfinished "Wizarding Suite," features an exploding tuba die?


In What year was the first recorded survival of a Lethifold attack?


What year was Gellert Grindelwald born in?


What year was Dumbledore born in?


When was Dumbledore's first year at Hogwarts?


What year did Dumbledore's mother die in?


How many muggles has the Cursed opal necklace in Borgin & Burkes killed as of 1992?

19 muggles

What year was the Moontrimmer broomstick created in?


What year was McGonagall Born in? *


What year was Bertie Bott born in?


What year was Broderick Bode born in?


When was the last time that Britan hosted The Quidditch World Cup, before the year 1994?

1964 (30 years earlier)

In What year was the Whomping Willow planted?


"What year was Heathcote Barbary born in?


What year was Orsino Thruston born in?


When was Timothy Blenkinsop born?


"What year was Katie Bell born in?


What year was Merton Graves born in?


What year was Malcolm Baddock born in?


In What year did Hermione buy a black-and-gold pheasant-feather quill from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop?


What year did Amelia Bones die in?


What year did Broderick Bode die in?


When is Hermione Granger's birthday?

19th of September

When were Fred and George weasly born?

1st of April (April Fool's Day)

What was the date of the Battle of Hogwarts?

2 May, 1998

What is Mr Ollivander's birthday?

25th September

What day is the Yule Ball traditionaly held on?

25th of December (Christmas Day)

When is Professor Quirrell's birthday?

26th September

What was the date of the Battle of Seven Potters?


Where is Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions located?

275, Diagon Alley

What was the date of the 1999 Puddlemere United match against the Holyhead Harpies which resulted in riots?

30 of September 1999

When is Nevil Longbottom's Birthday?

30th of July 1980

When was Harry born?

31 of July 1980

When was Voldemort born?

31st of December

What was the date of the break-in at Gringotts in 1991?

31st of July 1991 (Harrys birthday)

When did Ollivander's start making fine wands?

382 B.C

What was the score in the 1994 Quidditch World Cup game in which Britan lost?

390 to 10

How much is the assistant manager at Flourish & Blotts paid per month?

42 Galleons

How many times was Nearly Headless Nick axed in the neck?


How many times was Wendelin the Weird burnt at the stake?


How many House points did McGonagall take from Harry, ron and Nevil for being out of bed after hours in their first year?

50 each

What number do you have to dial to get into the M.O.M. from the visitors entrance?


How old was the wizard Who established the Committee on Experimental Charms When he died?

63 (1566-1629)

What is Harry's vault number at Gringotts?


How many different ways are there to commit a Quidditch Foul?


How much money did Arthur Weasley win in the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw?

700 Galleons

What is the vault number of Sirius Black's (and then Harry's) vault?


What is the vault number of the vault that contained the Philosopher's stone?


Ivor Dillonsby 'claims' that Dumbledore stole What from him?

8 uses of Dragons Blood

What time does the library close?

8:00 PM

How long is Fleur Delacour's Wand?

9 1/2 inches

How long is Peter Pettigrew's Wand?

9 1/4 inches

On What platform does the Hogwarts Express leave to Hogsmead statioon? penis

9 3/4

Where is Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes located?

93, Diagon Alley

How old was Roderic Plumpton When he died?

98 (1889-1987)

What time did the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament start?

9:30 AM

What is another name for a shouting letter?

A Howler

What did Molly Weasley send ron after he stole the enchanted car?

A Howler.

What is the answer to the riddle that the sphinx asked Harry in the maze?

A Spider

What was Hermione given in her third year at Hogwarts which allowed her to get to all her lessons?

A Time Turner

How did Elphinstone Urquart die?

A Venomous Tentacula bite

Which two (muggle) shops is the Leaky Cauldron sandwhiched between

A book shop and a record shop

What did the captain of the Tutshill Tornados blame their loss to the Ballycastle Bats on?

A bout of sleeping sickness that affect the Keeper

When a Dragon hatches What do you feed it on?

A bucket o' brandy mixed with chicken blood

What did the Dursleys give Harry for his tenth birthday?

A coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks

What was seen in kent instead of rain on the day Harry was delivered to the Dursleys?

A downpour of shooting stars

What lives in the attic of the Burrow?

A ghoul

Who was Laverne de Montmorency?

A great pioneer of love potions

What did Ginny give Harry for his 17th birthday?

A kiss

What did Professor Flitwick have to stand on to see over his desk?

A pile of books

What is engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?

A poem

What did Albus Dumbledore find When he used the Room of Requirement in 1994?

A room full of chamberpots

What is Professor Lupin's Boggart?

A silver orb/ The Moon

To What tune do the Weasley twins sing the Hogwarts song in the year 1991?

A slow funeral march

What was the only thing that was found in Barnabus Blenkinsop's bed?

A tin of anchovies

Where did the Knight Bus drop off Madam Marsh on the 6th of August 1993?


Who invented the game of Quodpot?

Abraham Peasegood

Name four breeds of winged horses?

Abraxan, Aethonan, Granian, Thestral

What did Harry get in his Astronomy OWL exam?

Acceptable (A)

What is the third best OWL Grade?

Acceptable (A)

What is the incantation used in the Summoning charm?


What does Molly's second cousin do?


What is the Rune for the number 8?


Who found twelve lead Bludgers from the early sixteenth century in peat bogs and marshes?

Agatha Chubb

What is the name of the charm that conjures a jet of clear water from the casters wand?


What country was Voldemort rumored to be hiding In?


Who defeated Gellert Grindelwald?

Albus Dumbledore

What is Dumbledore's full name?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

What is the wood of Professor Quirrell's wand?


Who is Amycus Carrow's sister?

Alecto Carrow

What is the name of Reginald Cattermole and his wife's son?

Alfred Cattermole

Who tried to smuggle flying carpets into England after Arthur Weasley forbade him from importing them?

Ali Bashir

What is the name of Nevil Longbottom's Mother?

Alice Longbottom

Who owns Honeydukes Sweetshop?

Ambrosius Flume and his wife

Who was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the yeat 1995?

Amelia Susan Bones

What is the strongest love potion in the world?


What is the name of Cedric Diggory's father?

Amos Diggory

Who is Alecto Carrow's brother?

Amycus Carrow

Who spat in McGonagall's face?

Amycus Carrow

Where did Professor Quirrel claim he got his turban from?

An African Prince

What did Dudley swap his parrot for at school?

An air rifle

What did Davey Gudgeon nearley loose to the Whomping Willow?

An eye

Who did Fred Weasley go to the Yule Ball with?

Angelina Johnson

Who does George Weasley marry?

Angelina Johnson

Who went to the Yule Ball with Fred and Married George?

Angelina Johnson

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain in the 1995-1996 school year?

Angelina Johnston

Who were the Ravenclaw prefects in Harry's year?

Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What is the name of the oldest brother?

Antioch Peverell

Who was the Hogwarts caretaker in the 1960s?

Apollyon Pringle

Where do you go to buy potions ingredients in Diagon Alley?


Melinda Bobbin's family owns a large chain of What?


Who is Harry left with every year on Dudleys birthday?

Arabella Figg

Who is the president of the F.A.R.T. movement?

Archie Aymslowe

What is the first name of Dumbledore's sister?


Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts When Hagrid was still a sudent?

Armando Dippet

What did Ginny name her Pygmy Puff?


When Molly and Arthur Weasley had "been for a night-time stroll", Who got caught by Apollyon Pringle?


What is the name of ron's father?

Arthur Weasley

What wood is ron's first wand made of?


Who does Draco Malfoy marry?

Astoria Greengrass

Where was Stubby Boardman hit in the ear by a turnip?

At a concert in Little Norton Church Hall

When does Harry first discover he can talk to snakes?

At the zoo, on Dudley's birthday

What was the date of Harry's disinaplery herring?

August 12, 1995

What is the name of Neville Longbottom's Grandmother?

Augusta Longbottom

What is the incantation used in the Killing curse?

Avada Kerdavera

What is the incantation used in the charm that conjures a flock of small, twittering birds?


What is the eight word of the poem engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?


What honor did Harry and ron recive for saving Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets?

Award for Special Services to the School

What is the name of the wizard prison?


What is the animal on the Hufflepuff House crest?


Who established the Committee on Experimental Charms?

Balfour Blane

Whose foolish attempts to train trolls for the ballet, are preserved on a tapestry hanging on the seventh floor of Hogwarts?

Barnabas the Barmy

Who was the first person to escape Azkaban?

Bartemius Crouch Junior.

What job dose Dumbledore's brother do?

Bartender for the Hog's Head bar

Who impersonated Alastor Moody during the fourth book?

Barty crouch jr.

Who put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire?

Barty crouch jr.

What was the name of the wizard Who worked at the portkey station at the 4 hundred and twenty second Quidditch world cup?


Who is Gellert Grindelwald's great aunt?

Bathilda Bagshot

What is the frst name of Professor Babbling?


What Quidditch position did Ludo Bagman play?


Who wrote The Toadstool Tales?

Beatrix Bloxam

What did Ginny do after she left Hogwarts? *

Became a Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies, then retired and became the senior Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet

What job did Hannah Abbott go on to do? *

Become the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron

Who wrote the fountain of fair fortune?

Beedle the Bard

What caused Stubby Boardman to retire?

Being hit in the ear by a turnip at a concert

Who killed Sirius Black?

Belatrix Lestrange

Who called Voldemort to Malfoy Manor?

Bellatrix Lestrange

Who killed Tonks? *

Bellatrix Lestrange

Who used the crusiatus curse on Nevil in 1996?

Bellatrix Lestrange

Who interviewed Rita Skeeter in The Daily Prophet, about her new book the life and lies of Albus Dumbledore?

Betty Braithwaite

What is Ron Weasley's middle name?


What is the name of ron's eldest brother?

Bill Weasley

Who gave Harry an encanted razor for his 17th Birthday?

Bill and fleur

Whose rabbit did Tom Riddle kill?

Billy Stubbs

What is the name of Lavender Brown's pet rabbit?


What colour is a Bludger?


Whose office was raining until it was fixed by the spell Meteolojinx Recanto?


What colour eyes does Dumbledore have?


What are Ravenclaw House's two colours?

Blue and Bronze

What are the flat straw hats that Smeltings boys wear called?


What was hiding in the staff room closet?


What does Flourish & Blotts sell?


What does the M.O.M. Classification X stand for?


Who invented the Golden Snitch?

Bowman Wright

Who was Rita Skeeter's photographer during the Triwizard Tournament?


What was the required book for defence against the dark arts in Harrys second year?

Break with a Banshee, Gadding with Ghouls, Holidays with Hags, Travels with Trolls, Voyages with Vampires, Wanderings with Werewolves, Year with the Yeti

What colour are Knuts?


What colour eyes does Hermione have?


Who did Hermione help Hagrid defend from death in her thrd year at Hogwarts?


What is the name of the popular Wizarding, frothing drink?


How do first year students at Hogwarts get from Hosmead station to Hogwarts?

By boat

How does Professor Binns get into his classroom?

By floating through the blackboard

Where did Elphinstone Urquart propose to Professor McGonagall for the second time?

By the Black Lake

How do fifth year students at Hogwarts get from Hosmead station to Hogwarts?

By thestral pulled carts

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What is the name of the middle brother?

Cadmus Peverell

What was the first password to the Gryffindor common room in the year 1991?

Caput Draconis

What class did none of Harry's classmates continue in their sixth year?

Care of Magical Creatures

What animal does Millicent Bulstrode have as a pet?


What is Dolores Umbridge's patronus?


What word makes sense after all of these words: Copper, Self-Stirring, Collapsible?

Cauldrons/ cauldron

What effects does Veritaserum have on the drinker?

Causes the drinker to reveal his or her inermost secrets

Who sung A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love?

Celestina Warbeck

Harry is the youngest Seeker in a What?


What is the name of the popular Wizarding charms magazine?

Challenges in Charming

What is the frst name of Professor Burbage?


Who did Ron Weasley inherit his wand from?


What subject was Lilly Potter's wand paticuarily good at?


What position did James play on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?


What wood is Nevil's second wand made of?


What wood is Peter Petiigrew's wand made out of?


What breed of dragon does Viktor have to defeat in the first task?

Chinese Fireball

Who did Cedric Diggory go to the Yule Ball with?

Cho Chang

What dose the Anapneo charm do?

Clears airway of target

What spell locks doors?


What broom does Cho Chang ride?

Comet Two Sixty

What does the M.O.M. Classification XXX stand for?

Competent wizard should cope

What is the incantation used in the blasting curse?


What was the required book for defence against the dark arts in Harrys sixth year?

Confronting the Faceless

What is the incantation used in the Confundus charm?


Who was the Minister of magic in the year 1993?

Cornelius Fudge

What flavor sandwich did Molly give to ron to eat on the Hogwarts express in 1991?

Cornned Beef

What are the names of Draco Malfoy's 2 cronies?

Crabbe and Goyle

What is the incantation used in the Crusiatus curse?


Which of Draco Malfoy's attempts to kill Dumbledore ended up affecting Katie Bell?

Cursed opal necklace

What book did Vindictus Viridian write?

Curses and Counter-curses. Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly Legs, Tongue-Tying, and Much, Much More.

Which class has had a different teacher each year?

D.A.D.A. (Defence Against the Dark Arts)

Who was the first landlady of the Leaky Cauldron?

Daisy Dodderidge

Who came up with the idea of bewitching a Quaffle to fall slowly through the air?

Daisy Pennifold

What does the M.O.M. Classification XXXX stand for?

Dangerous/ requires specialist knowledge/ skilled wizard may handle

What is another name for the Elder Wand?

Death Stick or Wand of Destiny

What subject did Hermione get an Exceeds expectations in, in her OWLs exams?

Defence against the Dark Arts

What subject is Harry best at?

Defence against the Dark Arts

What was the required book for defence against the dark arts in Harrys fifth year?

Defensive Magical Theory

What creature guards the wizard prison?


What is the Rune for the number 0?


What job does Hermione's parents do?


In what department of the ministry of magic did Amos Diggory work in in the year 1994?

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

What department of the M.O.M did Broderick Bode work in?

Department of Mysteries

What plant killed Broderick Bode?

Devil's Snare

Where does Nicolas Flammel and his wife live?


Where are the Daily Prophet offices located?

Diagon Alley

What is the last name of one of the Bulgarian national Chasers (in 1994)?


Who was the Head of Goblin Liaison Office in 1998?

Dirk Cresswell

What do you have to say to enter the Secret Passage behind the statue of the one-eyed witch?


What is the only class that Hermione Granger does not take in her sixth year at Hogwarts?


What is the name of the house elf that Harry helped free?


Who appered to Harry in the hospital wing his second year while he was growing the bones in his arm back?


Who suggest to Harry the Room of Requirement as a good place for the DA to meet for their practices?


What is Lilly Potter's Patronus?


Who killed Remus Lupin? *


Who plays the bass for The Weird Sisters?

Donaghan Tremlett

What did first year Griffindors have on Fridays?

Double Potions

Who did Professor McGonagall fall in love with When she was 18?

Dougal McGregor

Who invented Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks?

Dr. Filibuster

Who owned the Elder Wand before Harry?

Draco Malfoy

Who were the Slytherin prefects in Harry's year?

Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson

Who was the Slytherin Quidditch team Seeker in the 1993-1994 school year?

Draco malfoy

What creature guards the high security vaults at Gringots?


What core does Bellatrix Lestrange's wand have?

Dragon heartstring

What core does Hermione's wand have?

Dragon heartstring

What core dose Lucius Malfoy's wand have?

Dragon heartstring

What is the core of Mr Ollivander's wand?

Dragon heartstring

What is the core of Peter Pettigrew's Wand?

Dragon heartstring

What is the core of Victor krum's Wand?

Dragon heartstring

What is the second worst OWL Grade?

Dreadful (D)

What did Harry get in his History of Magic OWL exam?


What does Grunnings make?


What is the name of Harry's cousin?

Dudley Dursley

What was Harry going to wear as his uniform at Stonewall High?

Dudley's old clothes dyed grey

Who gave Harry the Invisibility Cloak for Christmas?


What prevented Fred and George from entering their name into the Goblet of Fire?

Dumbledore's Age line.

What does DA stand for?

Dumbledore's Army

What was the article Rita Skeeter wrote about Hagrid called?

Dumbledore's Giant Mistake

Where is the Potions classroom?


Where did Gellert Grindelwald go to school?

Durmstrang Intitute

What is the animal on the Ravenclaw House crest?


Which educational degree made Dolores Umbridge high inquisitor of Hogwarts?

Educational degree number 23

Where did Hagrid purchase Hedwig?

Eeylops Owl Emporium

Who invented the Self-Soaping dishcloth?

Eglantine Puffett

What is the Rune for partnership?


How many books did Gideroy Lockhart write?


How many lines are there in the poem engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?


What score did Madam Olympe Maxime give Harry in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?


What time did the Yule Ball start?

Eight o'clock p.m.

What is the Rune for defence?


Who brings the vampire Sanguini to Slughorns Christmas party?

Eldred Worple

How many subjects did Hermione take in the third term of her third year at Hogwarts?


How much does the Knight Bus cost without Hot chocolate, a water bottle or a toothbrush?

Eleven sickles

What are the names of Reginald Cattermole and his wife's daughters?

Ellie and Maisie Cattermole

What wood dose Lucius Malfoy's wand have?


Who did Professor McGonagall marry?

Elphinstone Urquart

What colour jumper did Molly Weasley give Harry for Christmas in Harry's first year at Hogwarts?


Which of the following people has Harry not seen in the Leaky Cauldron: Doris Crockford, Dedalus Diggle,Emmeline Vance, Quirinius Quirrell?

Emmeline Vance

Who wrote A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration?

Emric Swich

What is the first word of the poem engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?


Where are the giant hourglasses that record the house points located?

Entrance Hall

Who inspected Harry's wand before his trial at the M.O.M.

Eric Munch

What is writen across the top of the Mirror of Erised?

Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi (I sHow not your face but your heart's desire writen backwards ignoring spaces)

Who were the Hufflepuff prefects in Harry's year?

Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott

Who was the driver of the Knight Bus in the year 1993?

Ernie Prang

What is the name of the Weasleys' owl?


What did Harry get in his Care of Magical Creatures OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What did Harry get in his Charms OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What did Harry get in his Herbology OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What did Harry get in his Potions OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What did Harry get in his Tranfiguration OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What did Hermione get in her Defence Against the Dark Arts OWL exam?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What is the second best OWL Grade?

Exceeds Expectations (E)

What is the name of the first recorded example of an Animagus?

Falco Aesalon

What is the name of Hagrid's pet boarhound?


What book did Newt Scammander write?

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them

What is the name of Dumbledore's pet Phoenix?


What did Harry and his class start practising levitation on?


What was the date of the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament?

February 24, 1995

Who invented Cheering Charms?

Felix Summerbee

Which of the following people was not a Death Eater: Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Arcturus Black, Antonin Dolohov, Fenrir Greyback?

Fenrir Greyback

How much does the Knight Bus cost with Hot chocolate, a water bottle and a toothbrush in the colour of your choice?

Fifteen sickles

In What year at Hogwarts do students take their Ordinary Wizarding Levels (OWLs)?


On What floor of the Burrow is ron's room?

Fifth Floor

On What floor is the prefects' bathroom located?

Fifth floor

On What floor is the statue of Boris the Bewildered located?

Fifth floor

How many words are there in the poem engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?

Fifty Two

Who rescues Harry from Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest?

Firenze the centaur

On What floor is McGonagall's office located?

First floor

On What floor is the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom located?

First floor

On What floor is the History of Magic classroom located?

First floor

On What floor of the Burrow is Ginny's bedroom?

First floor

On What floor was the Hospital Wing located in the years 1992-1993?

First floor

What floor of St Mungo's Hospital would you go to if you have had a Creature-Induced Injury?

First floor

How many House points did Snape take from Gryffindor for Harry having a library book outside?


How many times has Professor Lockhart won the most charming smile award?


How many Hogwarts students (and ghosts) were Petrified by the Basilisk?

Five (six counting mrs. Norris)

"How much did the Basic Blaze Box cost from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

Five Galleons

How much did a Daily Prophet delivered by owl cost in 1991?

Five Knuts

How much did a scoop of beetle eyes cost, the first time Harry visited Diagon alley?

Five Knuts

How many House points did McGonagall give Harry and ron for defeting the troll on Halloween?

Five each

Who was the first recordedperson to survive a Lethifold attack?

Flavius Belby

Who did Bill Weasley marry?

Fleur Delacour

Where was Sirius Black held after he was caught by Snape in Harry's third year?

Flitwick's office on the seventh floor

How did the Weasleys arrive to pick Harry up for the Quidditch World Cup Final?

Floo Powder (but the chimney was blocked)

What did Ignatia Wildsmith invent?

Floo powder

Where would you go for Ice Cream in Diagon Alley?

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

Why was Harry called into The Ministry of Magic for a disciplinary hearing?

For using Magic outside of school

What was the make of car that Arthur Weasley enchanted and Harry Potter and Ron Weasley flew to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry?

Ford Anglia

How many Bedrooms Does the Dursley's House have?


How many books did Kennilworthy Whisp write?


How many cats does Arabella Figg have?


How many floors does the castle of Durmstrang Intitute have?


How many people competed in the Trywizard Tornament in 1994?


What score did Igor Karkaroff give Harry in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?


Which finger did Harry cut with Sirius's mirror while clearing the bottom of his trunk?


On What floor is the library located?

Fourth floor

How old does the Quick Quotes Quill say that Rita Skeeter is?

Fourty three

What is the national home of the Quiberon Quafflepunchers Quidditch team? ^QA


What is the name of the muggle caretaker of the Riddle house, Who was killed in 1994 by Voldemort?

Frank Bryce

What is the name of Nevil Longbottom's father?

Frank Longbottom

What is the name of George Weasley's son?


Which one of the Weasley Twins did in the battle of Hogwarts?


Who turned rons teddy bear into a giant spider?


Who gave Harry the Marauder's Map?

Fred and George Weasley

Who helped Harry with his trunk on platform 9 and 3/4 in 1991

Fred and George Weasley

Who owned the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

Fred and George Weasley

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Beaters in the 1991-1992 school year?

Fred and George Weasley

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Beaters in the 1995-1996 school year?

Fred and George Weasley and Andrew Kirke and Jack Sloper

What does F.A.R.T. stand for?

Fresh Air Refreshes Totally

What was the name of Hagrid's Mother?


What is the Rune for the number 4?


What were Hagid's jobs in the year 1991?

Gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys for Hogwarts

What garden pest can you get rid of by spinning them in circles and hurling them out of the garden?

Garden gnome

What is Mr Ollivander's first name?


What did Harry do with the Triwizard Tournament prize money?

Gave it to Fred and George

Which dark wizard met his downfall in the year of 1945?

Gellert Grindelwald

Who did Dumbledore fall in love with? *

Gellert Grindelwald

Who lost his ear to Snape?

George Weasley

Who plays the Bagpipes for The Weird Sisters?

Gideon Crumb

What plant did Harry use in order to breath underwater in the second challenge of the Trywizard Tornament in 1994?


Who did Harry marry?

Ginny Weasley

Who did Neville Longbottom go to the Yule Ball with?

Ginny Weasley

Who said "the thing about growing up with Fred and George, is that you sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve"?

Ginny Weasley

Who sent Harry a sining valentine on Valentine's Day in Harry's second year at Hogwarts?

Ginny Weasley

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Chasers in the 1996-1997 school year?

Ginny Weasley, Demelza Robins, Katie Bell and Dean Thomas

Who created the Moontrimmer broomstick?

Gladys Boothby

Who is the presenter of the W.W.N. (Wizarding Wireless Network) program Witching Hour?

Glenda Chittock

What is Aberforth Dumbledore's patronus?


What is the name of the cup that selects which students will compete in the Triwizard Tournament?

Goblet of Fire

Which of the four founders of Hogwarts (sometimes referred to as the Hogwarts four) was the original owner of the sorting hat?

Godric Gryffindor

Who was the founder of Griffindor house?

Godric Gryffindor

What did the goblin Ragnuk the First forge?

Godric Gryffindor's sword

What colour are Galleons?


What colour is the Golden Snitch?


Who did Harry gain the appearance of When hem used the polyjuice Potion?


What is the Rune for the number 2?


What is the name of Hagrid's half brother?


What colour jumper did Molly Weasley give Harry for Christmas in Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts?


What colour were Lilly Potter's eyes?


What are Slytherin House's two colours?

Green and Silver

Who wrote Charm Your Own Cheese?

Greta Catchlove (Greta Curd)

What colour are the uniforms at Stonewall High?


What House is Colin Creevey in?


What House is Dean Thomas in?


What House is Harry in?


What House is Lavender Brown in?


What House is Neville Longbottom in?


What House is Romilda Vane in?


What House was Parvati Patil in?


What house is Harry Potter in?


What was the house that Hagrid was in When he was a student at Hogwarts?


On What floor is classroom Eleven located?

Ground floor

On What floor is filch's office located?

Ground floor

On What floor is the Hogwarts Staff Room located?

Ground floor

On What floor of the Burrow is the Kitchen?

Ground floor

On What floor of the Burrow is the Scullery

Ground floor

On What floor of the Burrow is the Sitting room?

Ground floor

What floor of St Mungo's Hospital would you go to if you have had a Artifact Accident?

Ground floor

What is the name of the company that Vernon Dursley is the Director of?


Which Hogwarts house does not have a Horcrux affiliated with it?


Who gave Harry Hedwig?


Who was the first person to say to Harry that he looked like his father but he has his mothers eyes?


Whose wand is consealed in a pink umbrella?


Of What bloodline is Seamus Finngan?

Half blood

What animal Hermione Granger own?

Half cat, half kneazle

Who did Neville Longbottom marry? *

Hannah Abbott

What is Luna Lovegood's patronus?


What does the M.O.M. Classification XX stand for?

Harmless/ May be domesticated

Who did Ludo Bagman bet would win the Triwizard Tournament?

Harry Potter

Who is Teddy Lupin's Godfather?

Harry Potter

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain in the 1996-1997 school year?

Harry Potter

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Seeker in the 1991-1992 school year?

Harry Potter

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Seeker in the 1996-1997 school year?

Harry Potter

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Seeker in the 1995-1996 school year?

Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley

What wood is Draco Malfoy's wand made out of?


What did Harry Potter go on to do after defeating Voldemort in 1998?

He became an Auror under Kingsley Shacklebolt and eventually became head of the Auror department

How did Dudley break his first ever television?

He put his foot through it

What is Arthur Weasley's job at the ministry of magic in the year 1992?

Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office

What is the highest possition in Hogwarts that Dolores Umbridge obtains?


What is the wizarding equivalent of a doctor?


What is the national home of the Heidelberg Harriers Quidditch team?

Heidelberg in Germany

What is the Grey Lady's real name?

Helena Ravenclaw

Who was the founder of Hufflepuff house?

Helga Hufflepuff

Who founded Hogsmeade?

Hengist of Woodcroft

Who directed the only Hogwarts Christmas pantomime?

Herbert Beery

What did the director of the only Hogwarts Christmas pantomime teach at Hogwarts?


What subject did Neville Longbottom go on to teach at Hogwarts?


Who plays the lute for The Weird Sisters?

Herman Wintringham

At the end of Harrys first Transfiguration lesson, Who was the only person to have made any difference to the match?

Hermione Granger

Who did ron marry?

Hermione Granger

Who gave Harry a Broomstick Servicing Kit?

Hermione Granger

Who got the highest mark on the test in the first D.A.D.A. class in 1992?

Hermione Granger

Who were the four people Who got taken into the Black Lake by the mermaids?

Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Gabriel Delacour, Cho Chang.

Which two members of the Order of the Phoenix protect the Dursleys When they leave number 4 Privet Drive and go into hiding?

Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle

What does Dumbledore claim to see When he looks into the Mirror of Erised?

Himself holding a pair of socks

What is the name of the Healer Who was partiquarily interested in muggle tecniques?

Hippocrates Smethwyck

What did Dumbledore leave ron in his will?

His Deluminater

Which of Harry's parents does Harry look most similar to?

His Father (James)

What killed Peter Pettigrew?

His Silver Hand

What did Dumbledore leave Hermione in his will?

His copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard

What does Harry see When he looks into the Mirror of Erised?

His family

Who did Nevil Longbottom inherit his wand from?

His father- Frank Longbottom

Why did Dudley break his first ever television?

His favorite television program was canceled

What did Dumbledore say he would trust Hagrid with?

His life

What subject dose the only ghost teacher at Hogwarts teach?

History of magic

What are the knobbily sticks that Smeltings boys carry supposed to be for?

Hitting each other when the teacher isn't looking

What is the name of the only all Wizarding settlement in Britain?


Where is Dervish & Banges located?


In which Three villages/cities do Gladrags Wizardwear have shops?

Hogsmeade, London, Paris

Where does Harry go to school?

Hogwart school of wichcraft and wizardry

What is Harry's favorite building in the world?


Where does Harry go to school?


What is the name of the House elf Who was bound to serve Hepzibah Smith?


What wood is Harry's wand (not Elder Wand) made out of?


What is the wood of Mr Ollivander's wand?


What wood is Victor Krum's wand made out of?


Which of the following animals are students not allowed to bring to Hogwarts: Owl, Horse, Toad?


What creature is Dobby?

House Elf

What creature plays a key part in the cooking of the Hogwarts Food and yet is not mentioned once in 'Hogwarts, a History

House Elf

What House is Cedric Diggory in?


What House is Ernie Macmillan in?


What House is Justin Finch-Fletchley in?


What House is Owen Cauldwell in?


What House is Susan Bones in?


What House is Zacharius Smith in?


What house was Eglantine Puffett in?


What house was Grogan Stump (minister for magic) in?


What house was Hengist of Woodcroft in?


What house was Newt Scamander in?


Which House's common room is located closest to the kitchens?


What house was Hannah Abbott sorted into?


Who thought a cheese cauldron would be a good idea?

Humphrey Belcher

What breed of dragon does Harry have to defeat in the first task?

Hungarian Horntail

What is the Rune for the number 9?


What is Tom Marvalo Riddle an anagram for?

I am lord voldemort

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What is the name of the youngest brother?

Ignotus Peverell

Who was the Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute in 1994?

Igor Karkaroff

Do wizards use metric or imperial mesurments?


What is the incantation used in the Impereus curse?


Where did Harry find the name for his owl?

In 'A History of Magic'

Where did petunia tell Vernon that Lilly was a witch?

In Vernon's car as they sat overlooking the chip shop Where Vernon had just bought them a post-cinema snack

How did Harry and ron travel to Hogwarts In 1992?

In a flying ford Anglia

How did the Beauxbatons students arrive at Hogwarts in 1994?

In a giant carrage pulled by giant winged horses (Abraxans)

Where did Dougal McGregor propose to Professor McGonagall?

In a ploughed field

How are Hogwarts House points recorded?

In giant hourglasses containing different coloured gems

Where did Vernon Dursley propose to Petunia?

In his mothers sitting room

Where does the portrait of the Fat Lady's friend Violet hang?

In the antechamber off the Great Hall

Where would you find a Bezoar?

In the stomach of a goat

Which two teams were competing in the final of the 1994 Quidditch World Cup?

Ireland and Bulgaria

What is Madam Pince's first name?


What is the last name of one of the Bulgarian national Chasers (in 1994)?


What is ron's patronus?

Jack Russell Terrier

What is Harry's father called?

James Potter

Who is Prongs?

James Potter

Who is an animagus Who can turn into a stag?

James Potter

What is Hermione Granger's middle name?


What is the name of the muggle weatherman Who was reporting the night Voldemort dissapeared?

Jim McGuffin

Who was the weatherman on the evening news Vernon Dursley was watching on November 1 in 1981?

Jim McGuffin

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Beaters in the 1996-1997 school year?

Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote

What does Gambol & Japes sell?

Joke items

Which two months could Dumbledore have been born in? * (Could have been in one of two months, for more detail, see answers)

July or August In 'the life and lies of Albus Dumbledore' Rita Skeeter says that Albus Dumbledore was nearing his 18th birthday When he left Hogwarts in June but was still 17 When Grindelwald came to stay in Godric's Hollow, and so at some point during Grindelwald's stay in Godric's Hollow, Dumbledore turned 18 and so his birthday is in the months of July or August

When was Dudley Dursley born?

June 23 1980

What was the date of the third Task of the Triwizard Tournament?

June 24, 1995

Where is The Burrow located?

Just outside the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon, England

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Chasers in the 1991-1992 school year?

Katie Bell, Angelina Johnston, Alicia Spinnet

Who were the Gryffindor Quidditch team Chasers in the 1995-1996 school year?

Katie Bell, Angelina Johnston, Alicia Spinnet

What is the first name of Dumbledore's mother?


What is Hagrid the Keeper of at Hogwarts?


What station does the Hogwarts express leave from?

Kings Cross

Who plays the Lead Guitar for The Weird Sisters?

Kirley Duke

Where did Harry end up after attempting to use floo powder to get to Diagon Alley?

Knockturn Alley (Borgin and Burkes)

What does the M.O.M. Classification XXXXX stand for?

Known wizard killer/ impossible to train or domesticate (or anything Hagrid likes)

What is the name of the Black family house-elf?


Who gave Harry a box of Maggots for Christmas in Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts?


What is the last name of the Bulgarian national Seeker (in 1994)?


Who did Seamus Finnigan go to the Yule Ball with?

Lavender Brown

Who was the Quidditch commentator Who often favored Griffindor in Quidditch matches?

Lee Jordan

On What level of the M.O.M. is the apparition test center?

Level six

What is the last name of one of the Bulgarian national Chasers (in 1994)?


Who wrote Advanced Potion-Making?

Libatus Borage

What shape is the scar on Harry's forehead?

Lightning bolt

What is Harry's mother called?

Lily Potter

What is the animal on the Griffindor House crest?


What is the national home of the Gorodok Gargoyles Quidditch team? ^QA


What town is Privet Drive in?

Little Whinging

Where did Dudley buy his first year Smeltings uniform?


Who gives new brooms to the Slytherin's Quidditch team?

Lucius Malfoy

What is the national home of the Bigonville Bombers Quidditch team? ^QA


What is Kingsley Shacklebolt's patronus?


What is the name of the Hogwarts School flying teacher?

Madam Hooch

Where did Harry buy his school robes?

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

Where did Harry meet Draco Malfoy for the first time?

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

Who did Hagrid fall in love with in harry's fourth year?

Madam Olympe Maxime (Headmisteres of Beubat

Who is the Hogwarts School nurse?

Madam Pomfrey

Where did Elphinstone Urquart first propose to Professor McGonagall?

Madam Puddifoot's teashop

Who was the Headmistress of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in 1994?

Madame Olympe Maxime

What is the name of the book that Professor Moody (Barty crouch jr.) gave Nevil Longbottom in the hope that it would help Harry with the second challenge of the Trywizard Tornament?

Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean

What wood is James potter's wand made out of?


What dose the Aparecium charm do?

Makes invisible ink become visible

What are the names of Professor McGonagall's brothers?

Malcolm and Robert

What potion revives people Who have been petrified?

Mandrake Draught

What plant can revive people (or animals) that have been petrified?

Mandrake or Mandragora

What colour tailcoats do Smeltings boys wear?


Who was the Mad Muggle featured in a Wizarding comic book?

Martin Miggs

Who is Reginald Cattermole's wife?

Mary Cattermole

What is it called When a Wich or Wizard has the power to change her/his appearance at will?


What does Colin and Dennis Creevey's father do?


Who was the Minister of magic before Cornelius Fudge?

Millicent Bagnold

What is the name of the plant that Neville Longbottom recive from his uncle for his 15th Birthday?

Mimbulus Mimbletonia

Who is an animagus Who can turn into a cat?

Minerva McGonagall

What does Stan Shunpike claim that he is about to become to a group of Veela at the Quidditch world cup 1994?

Minister for magic

Who wrote a standard book of spells?

Miranda Goshawk

Who was killed by the Basilisk in the second floor bathroom at Hogwarts?

Moaning Myrtle

Where did the Dumbledore family live, before they moved to Godric's Hollow?


Who was the first Weasley Harry spoke to?


On What day of the week was The 1994 Quidditch World Cup Final held?

Monday (evening)

What is the incantation used to conjure the Dark Mark in the sky?


What is the name of Aragog's wife?


What book did Hermione use to make Polyjuse Potion?

Moste Potente Potions

Who was the minister of the Bulgarian M.O.M. in the year 1994?

Mr Oblansk

Who was the muggle in charge of the Diggory's campsite?

Mr. Payne

What subject did Quirrel teach at Hogwarts before becoming the D.A.D.A. Teacher? *

Muggle Studies

Who founded St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries?

Mungo Bonham

What was the name of the famous wizard composer Whose unfinished "Wizarding Suite," features an exploding tuba?

Musidora Barkwith

Who is the lead singer of the Weird Sisters? *

Myron Wagtail

Who is the Gryffindore House Ghost?

Nearley Headless Nick

What is the name of the Gryffindor ghost?

Nearly Headless Nick

Which Gryffindore in Harry's year had trouble remembering the passwords to the Gryffindore Common Room?

Nevil Longbottom

Who is Rolf Scamanders grandfather?

Newt Scamander

How many Outstanding O.W.Ls did Eddie Carmichael get?


How many subjects did Harry take in his third year at Hogwarts?


What score did Barty Crouch Snr give Harry in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?


What score did Dumbledore give Harry in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?


How much does Advanced Potion-Making cost brand new?

Nine Galleons

What is the length of Professor Quirrell's wand?

Nine inches

Which chapters of 'the life and lies of Albus Dumbledore' talk about Dumbledore's mother and sister?

Nine to seven

Can a prefect take points from other prefects?


Does the Palace of Beauxbatons contain suits of armour?


Is Transfiguration allowed as a punishment at Hogwarts?


What did Hagrid name his baby Dragon?


In What direction is Hagrid's cabin in relation to Hogwarts?

North East

In What direction is the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch in relation to Hogwarts?

North West

What is the national home of the Karasjok Kites Quidditch team? ^QA


What part of the body does Viktor Krum break in the World Cup match?


What was the date of the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?

November 24, 1994

When did Dudley learn the word won't?

November 2nd 1981

What is the incantation used in the spell that turns off the light from a lumos spell?


Where does Doris Purkiss live?

Number 18 Acanthia Way, Little Norton

Where do the Dursleys live?

Number 4 Privet Drive

What was the name of the prison that Gellert Grindelwald was imprisoned in?


What are the front doors of Hogwarts made out of?


What wood is Hagrid's wand made out of?


What is the incantation used in the memory modification charm?


What is located at 18a Diagon Alley?

Obscurus Books (publisher)

What subject does Professor Dumbledore ask Harry to study in Privet lessons with Professor Snape?


What month was McGonagall Born in? *


Who was the Hogwarts gameskeeper before Hagrid?


Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain in the 1991-1992 school year?

Oliver Wood

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Keeper in the 1991-1992 school year?

Oliver Wood

How did the Durmstrang students arrive at Hogwarts in 1994?

On a skeletal boat

How many times a week did Harry do Potions in his first year at Hogwarts?


How many sons did Reginald Cattermole and his wife have?


How long did the Weasley family spend in Egypt?

One Month

What colour knickerboxers do Smeltings boys wear?


At Harry's first Hogwarts feast, How long did Nearly-Headless Nick say it had been since he had last eaten?

Original text nearly four hundred years but changed to nearly five hundred years

What colour was the badge on Percy Weasleys chest that Harry saw on his first day at Hogwarts?

Original text shiny silver but changed in 2004 to shiny red and gold

What is Cornelius Fudges middle name?


What is Hermione's Patronus?


What is the name of Ludo Bagman's Brother?

Otto Bagman

Where did Harry prefere to sit When he was having his meals (except for breakfast) at various cafes in Diagon Alley in 1993?


What did Harry get in his Defence Against the Dark Arts OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Ancient Runes OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Arithmancy OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Astronomy OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Care of Magical Creatures OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Charms OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Herbology OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her History of Magic OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Potions OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What did Hermione get in her Transfiguration OWL exam?

Outstanding (O)

What is the best possible OWL grade?

Outstanding (O)

What is the twelth use of Dragons blood?

Oven cleaner

What was seen flying in daylight around the country on the day that Harry was delivered to the Dursleys?


Who did ron go to the Yule Ball with?

Padma Patil

On What page in The Daily Prophet was an exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter about her new book the life and lies of Albus Dumbledore?

Page 13

Who did Draco Malfoy go to the Yule Ball with?

Pansy Parkinson

Where was the first recorded person to survive a Lethifold attack holidaying When he was attacked by a Lethifold?

Papua New Guinea

Who did Harry go to the Yule Ball with?

Parvati Patil

What is Professor Trelawney's middle name?


What is the only charm that will drive away a Lethifold?

Patronus Charm

What Fruit do you have to tickle in order to enter the kitchens?


Who was Percy's girlfriend in 1992?

Penelope Clearwater

What is the first name of Dumbledore's father?


Who did Ron Weasley inherit his rat from?


What is the name of Nicolas Flammel's wife?


Who invented the lunascope?

Perpetua Fancourt

Who commited the crime that Sirius was sent to Azkaban for?

Peter Pettigrew

Who is Wormtail?

Peter Pettigrew

Who is an animagus Who can turn into a rat?

Peter Pettigrew

What is the incantation used in the Full Body Bind curse?

Petrificus Totalus

What is the name of Harry's aunt?

Petunia Dursley

What core does Harry's wand (not Elder Wand) have?

Phoenix feather

What is the core of Voldemort's wand?

Phoenix feather

Who was the first Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards?

Pierre Bonaccord

Who is Dudleys best friend?

Piers Polkiss

What is the name of the owl that Sirius gave ron?


Who is Merton Graves?

Plays the cello for The Weird Sisters

Who is Orsino Thruston?

Plays the drums for The Weird Sisters

Which of Draco Malfoy's attempts to kill Dumbledore ended up affecting Ron Weasley?

Poisoned wine

What is the national home of the Grodzisk Goblins Quidditch team?


What potion are Lacewing Flies and Boomslang skin used in?

Polyjuse Potion

What is Professor Sprout's middle name?


What did Harry get in his Divination OWL exam?

Poor (P)

What is the third worst OWL Grade?

Poor (P)

What is Madam Pomfrey's middle name?


What is the national home of the Braga Broomfleet Quidditch team? ^QA


What would have happened to you if found yourself on the Third floor of St Mungo's Hospital?

Potion and Plant Poisoning

What book did Harry tuck the Dumbledore remembered article into?

Practical Defensive magic and its use against the dark arts

What is Molly Weasleys maiden name?


Who teaches Ancient Runes at Hogwarts? *

Professor Babbling

Who tought muggle studies at Hogwarts untill July 1997?

Professor Burbage

Who was assigned to special effects in the only Hogwarts Christmas pantomime?

Professor Dumbledore

Which Professor is was head of Ravenclaw house in the year 1996?

Professor Flitwick

Who is head of Ravenclaw House in the year 1995?

Professor Flitwick

What is the name of the Hogwarts teacher Who taught Care of Magical Creatures before Hagrid?

Professor Kettleburn

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's second year at Hogwarts?

Professor Lockhart

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's third year at Hogwarts?

Professor Lupin

Which Professor is was head of Gryffindor house in the year 1996?

Professor McGonagall

Who gave Harry his second Broomstick?

Professor McGonagall

Who is head of Gryffindore House in the year 1993?

Professor McGonagall

Who sent Harry a broomstick as a present in Harry's first year at Hogwarts??

Professor McGonagall

Who was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts in the year 1993?

Professor McGonagall

What was Hermione's Boggart in the year 1993?

Professor McGonagall telling her that she failed everything

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts?

Professor Moody (Barty Crouch Jn.)

Which of Harry's D.A.D.A. Teachers enjoyed pressing wild flowers?

Professor Quirrel

Who let in the troll on Halloween in the year 1991?

Professor Quirrel

Who let the troll into Hogwarts on Halloween in 1991?

Professor Quirrel

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's first year at Hogwarts?

Professor Quirrel

What was Nevil's Boggart in his third Year at Hogwarts?

Professor Snape

Which Professor is was head of Slytherin house in the year 1996?

Professor Snape

Who confiscates Quidditch through the ages from Harry in the courtyard?

Professor Snape

Who is head of Slytherin House in the year 1994?

Professor Snape

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts?

Professor Snape

Which Professor is was head of Hufflepuff house in the year 1996?

Professor Sprout

Who is head of Hufflepuff House in the year 1996?

Professor Sprout

Who examined Harry Potter in his OWL practical examination on Charms?

Professor Tofty

What is the name of the Hogwarts School Divination teacher?

Professor Trelawney.

Which teacher forced Harry to write "I must not tell lies" on piece of paper which in turn caused them to be eched onto the back of his hand?

Professor Umbridge

Who was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts?

Professor Umbridge

What charm does Hermione put on the fake Galleons that she gives the members of the DA?

Protean Charm

What is the incantation used in the Shield charm?


What Quidditch team did Timothy Blenkinsop support?

Puddlemere United

What is the name of the abandoned department store that conseales St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries?

Purge and Dowse

What honour are Harry, ron and Hermione granted that ron will go on to describe as "his finest hour"? *

Put on Chocolate Frogs Cards

What is Harry's favorite shop in Diagon Alley?

Quality Quidditch Supplies

Where did Harry first see Cock

Quidditch Pitch

What is the Rune for the number 5?


What is the name of the hotel that the Dursleys and Harry stay at When Vernon moves the family out of number four Privet drive to try and escape the letter that were arriving everyday for Harry?

Railview Hotel, Cokeworth

What is Dumbledore's favorite flavor of jam?


What House are you most likely to be put in if you have a ready mind?


What House is Michael Corner in?


What House is Penelope Clearwater in?


What House is Stewart Ackerley in?


What House is Terry Boot in?


What House was Mr Ollivander in?


What House was Padma Patil in?


What house is Luna Lovegood in?


What house was Ignatia Wildsmith in?


What house was Laverne de Montmorency in?


What house was Millicent Bagnold in?


What house was Perpetua Fancourt in?


What house was Professor Quirrell in?


What house was Uric the Oddball in?


What other house did the sorting hat consider putting Hermione in?


Which House's Common room do you get into by answering a riddle?


What colour is a Quaffle


What are Gryffindore House's two colours?

Red and Gold

Who did ron impersonate When he broke into the Ministry of Magic?

Reginald Cattermole

What does RAB (in the note in the fake locket) stand for?

Regulus Arcturus Black

What is the name of Sirius' Younger Brother?

Regulus Arcturus Black

Who stole Salzar Slytherin's locket from the cave Where Voldemort had hidden it?

Regulus Black

Who do ron, Hermione and Harry share a compartment with on the Hogwarts Express in 1993?

Remus Lupin

Who is Moony?

Remus Lupin

What is the incantation used in the charm that repairs broken objects?


Who is Heathcote Barbary?

Rhythm guitar player for The Weird Sisters

What is the incantation used in the Tickling Charm?


What is the incantation used in the charm that causes Boggart to assume the shape of something the caster finds funny?


Who is an animagus Who can turn into a beetle?

Rita Skeeter

Who is thought to be the only unregistered Animagus reporter for the Daily Prophet?

Rita Skeeter

Who wrote Armando Dippet: Master or Moron?

Rita Skeeter

What was Lee Jordan's codename on the radio?


What word makes sense after all of these words: self-ironing, beautifying, slimming, temperature-adjusting?


What does Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions sell?

Robes for All Occasions

Who did Fleur Delacour go to the Yule Ball with?

Roger Davies

Who did Luna Lovegood end up marrying? *

Rolf Scamander, great grandson of Newt Scammander

Who gave Harry a sneakoscope?

Ron Weasley

Who said "It's not much, but it's home."

Ron Weasley

Who shouted at uncle vernon over the telephone?

Ron Weasley

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Keeper in the 1995-1996 school year?

Ron Weasley

Who was the Gryffindor Quidditch team Keeper in the 1996-1997 school year?

Ron Weasley and Cormac McLaggen

Who are Harry Potters two best friends?

Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger

What room did Harry stay in at the Leaky Cauldron in 1993?

Room eleven

What wood is Fleur Delacour's wand made out of?


Who was the founder of Ravenclaw house?

Rowena Ravenclaw

What is the name of George Weasley's daughter?


Who is the new minister for magic in 1996?

Rufus Scrimgeour

Who was the Minister of magic in the year 1996?

Rufus Scrimgeour

Who was the unexpected visitor at Harry's 17th Birthday?

Rufus Scrimgeour

What is the Rune for the number 3?


What is the Rune for the number 6?


Who created the Chamber of Secrets?

Salzar Slytherin

Who was the founder of Slytherin house?

Salzar Slytherin

On What day was Harrys first ever Quidditch match?


In the fourth book, How dose Ron Weasley try to impress the Veela in the forest at the Quidditch world cup?

Saying he has invented a broomstick that will reach Jupiter

What color is the Hogwarts Express?


What colour jumper did Molly Weasley give Harry for Christmas in Harry's third year at Hogwarts?


In preparation for which Trywizard task did Harry consult the book An anthology of eighteenth century charms?


On What floor is Moaning Myrtle's bathroom located?

Second floor

On What floor is the Defence Against Dark Arts professor's office located?

Second floor

On What floor of the Burrow is Fred and George's bedroom?

Second floor

On What floor of the Burrow is Percy's bedroom

Second floor

What floor of St Mungo's Hospital would you go to if you have a Magical illness?

Second floor

Where did Mrs. Weasley take Ginny to buy robes for her first year at Hogwarts?

Second hand robe shop

In What week were Quidditch trials heldin Harrys first year at Hogwarts?

Second week of the term

In the sixth book, What curse does Harry use on Draco in Moaning Myrtles Bathroom?


What day do classes begin at Hogwarts?

September 2nd

What is the name of the Arithmancy teacher at Hogwarts during Harry's third year?

Septima Vector

How many different people destroyed horcruxes of Voldemort?


How many players are there on a Quidditch team?


How many subjects did Harry take in his first year at Hogwarts?


How many Horcruxes did Voldemort Create?

Seven (Six and accidentally created a seventh)

How much did Harry pay for a wand from Olivander's?

Seven Galleons

How much did the Canary Creams cost from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

Seven Sickles

In What year at Hogwarts do students take their Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests (NEWTs)?


On What floor is the Gryffindor common room located?

Seventh floor

On What floor is the Room of Requirement located?

Seventh floor

What floor is the entrance Gryffindore House Common Room located?

Seventh floor

What was Nevils boggart in the 1993-1994 school year?

Severus Snape

Who is the Half Blood Prince?

Severus Snape

Who killed Dumbledore?

Severus Snape

Who was the first wizard that Lily evans met?

Severus Snape

What did Hermione Granger go on to do after helping to defeat Voldemort in 1998? *

She joined the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and then moved to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and now is "pretty high up" in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

What prevented Hermione from being killed by the Basilisk in her second year at Hogwarts?

She looked round the corner with a mirror

What Solution are peeled Abyssinian Shrivelfigs used in?

Shrinking Solution

What colour are Sickles?


Who guards the Gryffindor Common Room during the Fat Lady's absence?

Sir Cadogan

What is Nearly Headless Nick's real name?

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

Who is the Head of the Headless Hunt?

Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore

Who owns the flying motorbike?


Who attacked the fat lady in the third book?

Sirius Black

Who gave Harry his first Broomstick?

Sirius Black

Who gave Harry his third Broomstick?

Sirius Black

Who is Harry's Godfather?

Sirius Black

Who is Padfoot?

Sirius Black

Who is an animagus Who can turn into a dog?

Sirius Black

Who sent Harry a broomstick as a present in Harry's third year at Hogwarts??

Sirius Black

Who is Narcisa Malfoy's first cousin? (Two possible answers)

Sirius Black/ Regulus Black.

How did Hagrid transport the baby Harry from Godric's Hollow to Number Four Privet Drive?

Sirius' flying Motorbike

How many goal posts are there on a Quidditch pitch?


How many possible OWL Grades are there?


How many siblings did Ron Weasley have?


How long was Cornelius Fudge Minister of Magic for?

Six years

How many years in a row had Slytherin won the House cup before Harry came to Hogwarts?

Six years

At What age did Sirius leave his home?


How much did an ounce of Dragon liver cost, the first time Harry visited Diagon alley?

Sixteen Sickles (orginal text seventeen Sickles)

What House is Draco Malfoy in?


What House is Marcus Flint in?


What house was Merlin in?


What other house did the sorting hat consider putting Harry in?


Where did Dudley Dursley go to school in 1992?


Where did Piers Polkis go to school in 1992?


What is the animal on the Slytherin House crest?


Who is the only death eater Who could produce a full Patronus? *


Who kills Dumbledore?


Who sliced George's ear off using Sectumsempera?


What does S.P.E.W. Stand for?

Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

What would have happened to you if found yourself on the Fourth floor of St Mungo's Hospital?

Spell Damage

Where does Snape live?

Spinners end

What is the term used to describe the effect When a person attempts to apparate but leaves part of their body behind?


Where were Nevil Longbottom's Parents sent after they were tortured into insanity?

St. Mungos Hospial for Magical Maladies and Injurys

How did Harry destroy Tom Riddle's Diary?

Stabbing it with a Basilisk fang

Who was the conductor of the Knight Bus in the year 1993?

Stan Shunpike

What was Mundungus Fletcher buying When he was supposed to be watching Harry?

Stolen cauldrons

What is the name of the high school that Harry was supposed to be going to?

Stonewall High

Who was the lead singer of the Hobgoblins?

Stubby Boardman

What county is Little Whinging in?


What breed of dragon does Cedric have to defeat in the first task?

Swedish Short-Snout

What type of cat can Professor McGonagall turn into?


What does Cedric Diggory tell Harry to do with the golden egg?

Take a bath

Is Yaxley taller or shorter than Snape?


What is the first name of Lupin's oldest child?


How many house points was Nevil awarded at the end of year feast in 1992?


What score did Ludo Bagman give Harry in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament?


How much did Merope Gaunt sell Slytherin's locket to Borgin and Burke's for?

Ten Galleons

How long did it take Harry to catch the Golden snich in the Quidditch match that Snape refereed?

Ten minutes

Who was the Seeker of Slytherin Quidditch team in 1991?

Terence Higgs

What is located at 59 Diagon Alley?


Who is famous for producing seven Squib sons and turning them all into hedgehogs in disgust?

Thaddeus Thurkell

In the goblet of fire What does Voldemort refer to Dumbledore as?

That champion of commoners, of mudbloods and muggles

What book did Brutus Scrimgeour write?

The Beater's Bible

What is the name of the Slytherin ghost?

The Bloody Baron

Which Ghost is peeves most afraaid of?

The Bloody Barron

Who is the Slytherin House Ghost?

The Bloody Barron

Who killed Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter?

The Bloody Barron

What is Harry's second favorite building in the world?

The Burrow

What is the name of the Weasley's house?

The Burrow

Where did Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour get married?

The Burrow

What Quidditch team does ron support?

The Chudley Cannons

What is the name for the major wizarding newspaper in england?

The Daily Prophet

What was the required book for defence against the dark arts in Harrys first year?

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

What was the required book for defence against the dark arts in Harrys fourth year?

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What did the oldest brother receive from Death?

The Elder Wand

Who is the Hufflepuff House Ghost?

The Fat Friar

What story was the only Hogwarts Christmas pantomime based on?

The Fountain of Fair Fortune

What is directly above the Hogwarts kitchens?

The Great Hall

Who is the Ravenclaw House Ghost?

The Grey Lady

What is the chief of the Giants called?

The Gurg

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What did the youngest brother receive from Death?

The Invisibility cloak

What were the Death eaters originaly called?

The Knights of Walpurgis

In What office of the M.O.M. did Arthur Weasley work, in 1996?

The Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells Protective Objects

What is the modern Quaffle technically called?

The Pennifold Quaffle

What is the name of the popular Wizarding potions magazine?

The Practical Potioneer

In the tail of the Three Brothers, What did the middle brother receive from Death?

The Resurection Stone

What is inside the snitch that Dumbledore gave Harry in his will?

The Resurection Stone/ Voldemort's Horcrux

Where was The Mirror of Erised kept before Dumbledore used it to protect the philosophers stone?

The Room of Requirement

What is rumored to be "the most haunted building in Britain"

The Shrieking Shack

Where does the Secret Passage under the Whomping Willow lead?

The Shrieking Shack

What is the name of the waterfall that washes away all enchantments and magical concealments at Gringotts?

The Thief's Downfall

What is the name of the well known pub in Hogsmeade that many Hogwarts students visit frequently?

The Three Broomsticks

Who came from kent for Nearly Headless Nick's Deathday Party?

The Wailing Widow

Who outlawed Dragon breeding?

The Warlocks' Convention of 1709

Who bewiched several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban?

The Weasley twins

What saved Harry and ron from the horde of Acromantula in the Forbiden Forest?

The Weasleys enchanted Car

What tree did Harry and ron crash into while fling the enchanted car?

The Whomping Willow

Where does Dudley go for his eleventh birthday?

The Zoo

What is Dumbledore's Boggart? *

The corps of his sister

What is fatal to a basilisk?

The crowing of a rooster

What door was Arthur Weasley guarding When he was attacked by Voldemort's Snake?

The enterance to the Department of Mysteries

How do you get into the Hufflepuff common room?

The entrance to the common room is concealed in a stack of large barrels in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor. Tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', and the lid will swing open

What is the name of the Huflepuff ghost?

The fat friar

What do you have to tickle on the painting of a bowl of fruit to enter the kitchen?

The pear

Allegedley, How big was Andros the Invincible's patronus?

The size of a giant

What is the last word of the poem engraved on the second set of doors into Gringotts?


What pulls the carrages that take students from Hogsmead station to Hogwarts?


What is the difference between aconite and monkshood?

They are the same thing

What happens to anyone under 17 Who crosses the Dumbledore's age line?

They are thrown backwards and long white beards appear on their faces

How did the Dursleys explain away the tail When Dudley had to have it removed at the hospital?

They said that a wart had got out of control

On What floor is the Charms classroom located?

Third floor

On What floor is the Secret Passage behind the statue of the one-eyed witch?

Third floor

On What floor is the Trophy Room located?

Third floor

On What floor is the statue of humpbacked witch located?

Third floor

On What floor was the Hospital Wing located in the years 1995-1996?

Third floor

How much does the Knight Bus cost with Hot chocolate?

Thirteen sickles

How many Deathley Hallows are there?


How many brothers are there in The Tail of The Three Brothers?


How many children did Harry have?


How many children did Reginald Cattermole and his wife have?


How many different types of ball are used in Quidditch?


How many times a week did Harry do Herbology in his first year at Hogwarts?


How long did it take Roderic Plumpton take to catch the snich in the 1921 mach against the Caerphilly Catapults?

Three and a half seconds

For How long was Professor McGonagall married?

Three years

Where is Professor McGonagall's bedroom located?

Through a concealed door in the wall of her first-floor study

Where did Dudley throw his tortoise?

Through the greenhouse roof

What are the names of Arabella Figgs cats?

Tibbles, Snowy, Mr. Paws, and Tufty

Why were the Dursleys going to london on the first of september in 1991?

To get dudleys tail removed

What was Voldemort's name before he left Hogwarts?

Tom Marvalo Riddle

Who did Lupin marry?


What subject was James Potter's wand paticuarily good at?


What subjet did Dumbledore take When Hagrid was at Hogwarts?


What is the name of the popular Wizarding transfiguration magazine?

Transfiguration Today

Which national Quidditch team did the British team lose to?


What is the name of Neville Longbottom's pet toad?


What is the name of Nevils pet toad?


What did Arthur Weasley spend the winnings from the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw?

Trip to Egypt and a new wand for ron

What is the worst OWL Grade?

Troll (T)

On What day does the story start?


What did the Gryffindors have to do in their first Transfiguration lesson?

Turn a matchstick into a needle

What Quidditch team did Roderic Plumpton play for?

Tutshill Tornados

How many Christmas Trees stand in the Great Hall of Hogwarts at Christmas?


How many subjects did Hermione take in the first term of her third year at Hogwarts?


How many uses of Dragons blood are there?


How much did apparition lessons cost in Harry's sith year?

Twelve Galleons

How long is Mr Ollivander's wand?

Twelve and three-quarter inches

How much did the Deflagration Deluxe cost from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

Twenty Galleons

Where did Narcissa Malfoy decde to go after meeting a 'mudblood' in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions?

Twilfit & Tatting's

How many children did Mr Olivander have?


How many children did ron have?


How many children does George Weasley have?


How many daughters did Reginald Cattermole and his wife have?


How many children did Luna Lovegood have?

Two (twins)

How much did the Headless Hats cost from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

Two Galleons

How far into term did Harry and his class start practising levitation in charms?

Two months (on Halloween)

For How long did Professor McGonagall work at the M.O.M.?

Two years

Which relative of ron saw a Grim and died 24 hours later?

Uncle Bilius

Where is the Slytherin common room?

Under the lake

What is the Rune for the number 1?


What is the core of Professor Quirrell's wand?

Unicorn hair

What core does Nevil's second wand have?

Unicorn tail hair

What core does ron's second wand have?

Unicorn tail hair

What is the core of Cedric Digory's Wand?

Unicorn tail hair

What is the core of Draco Malfoy's Wand?

Unicorn tail hair

What is the core of Fleur Delacour's Wand?

Veela hair

What is the name of Harry's uncle?

Vernon Dursley

Whose address did Harry spill ink on while answering Gilderoy Lockhart's fan mail?

Veronica Smethley

What is the first name of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's eldest child? *


Who did Hermione go to the Yule Ball with?

Victor Krum

Which Slytherin helped to kill Voldemort (excluding Voldemort)?

Vincent Crabbe

What wood is Hermione's wand made of?


What is located on the Fifth floor of St Mungo's Hospital?

Visitor's Tearoom and Hospital Shop

Who killed Harry's parents?

Voldemort/Tom Marvolo Riddle

What is the last name of one of the Bulgarian national Beaters (in 1994)?


What is the last name of one of the Bulgarian national Beaters (in 1994)?


What wood is Bellatrix Lestrange's wand made of?


What does Ollivander's sell?


What is Arthur Weasley's patronus?


On What day are Gryffindor first year astronomy lessons held?


Who is Arkie Alderton?

Well-known broomstick designer

What breed of dragon does Fleur have to defeat in the first task?

Welsh Green

What did Hermione change her parents names into to protect them from Voldemort?

Wendell and Monica Wilikins

How does a game of Quidditch balls

When the Seeker of either team catches the Golden Snitch

What colour is Gringotts Wizarding Bank?


What is located at 129B Diagon Alley?

WhizzHard Books

Who wrote Defensive Magical Theory?

Wilbert Slinkhard

What wood is Lilly Potter's wand made out of?


What wood is ron's second wand made of?


What Quidditch team did Ludo Bagman play for?

Wimbourne Wasps

What did the director of the only Hogwarts Christmas pantomime do after he left Hogwarts?

Wizarding Academy of the Dramatic Arts (W.A.D.A)

What does W.O.M.B.A.T. stand for?

Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test

What is the name of the potion that prevents the drinker from becoming a werewolf?

Wolfsbane potion

What poton makes a werewolf keep his mind When he transforms?

Wolfsbane potion

What is Hagrids house made out of?


What did Fred say to ron that new students had to do to be sorted?

Wrestle a troll

What is the color of Murtlap's essence?


What are Hufflepuff House's two colours?

Yellow and Black

Can Mr Oblansk speak English?


Can a prefect take points from other students?


What wood is Voldemort's wand made of?


What is the last name of the Bulgarian national Keeper (in 1994)?


What is the name of the Joke Shop in Hogsmeade that closed down in 1996?

Zonko's Joke Shop

What colour was Ginny wearing at Bill and Fleur's Wedding?


Where did Harry put the Elder Wand after defeating Voldemort?

in Dumbledore's tomb

Who were the Gryffindor prefects in Harry's year?

ron and Hermione

Where does the Secret Passage behind the statue of the one-eyed witch lead?

the Honeydukes cellar

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