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When Harry is appointed seeker, how many years is it since someone his age has been appointed to a house Quidditch Team?

100 years

How many points is the snitch worth to the seeker that catches it?


Harry first Apparates alongside whom?


Why do the Dementors board the Hogwarts Express?

In search of Sirius Black

Expecto Patronum is the incantatem for which charm?

The patronus charm

What is the name of the red letter that bears an angry message as sent by Mrs. Weasley to Ron?

A Howler

What saves Ron's life after he drinks a glass of poisoned Mead?

A bezoar

What is the first ingredient Wormtail uses in Voldemort's rebirth potion?

A bone

What type of creature saves Harry from Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest?

A centaur

What shapes does the Boggart take when Harry practices the Patronus Charm with Professor Lupin?

A dementor

What creature does Harry see in the shadows just before the Knight Bus arrives?

A giant dog

What kind of creature is the Basilisk lurking in the Chamber of Secrets?

A serpent

What magical creature do Harry and Draco find dead in the Forbidden Forest?

A unicorn

In which spellbook does Harry find a handwritten note that says, "This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince"?

Advanced Potion Making

What is Albus Dumbledore'd full name?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledpre

Which potion does Professor Slughorn describe as very dangerous, because it induces a powerful infatuation?

Amortentia (love charm)

A Hippogriff has the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, and the wings and head of what creature?

An eagle

How long do the effects of the Polyjuice Potion last for when Harry and Ron impersonate Crabbe and Goyle?

An hour

Who is Narcissa Malfoy's sibling?


Who does Hermione impersonate using polyjuice potion when she, Ron Harry, and Griphook break into Gringotts?

Bellatrix Lestrange

Which ingredients does Snape find missing from his stores during Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts?

Boomslang Skin and lacewing flies

How does Cedric Diggory breathe underwater during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament?

Bubble-head charm

Who saves Harry and Hermione from Professor Lupin when he attacks them as a werewolf in the Forbidden Forest?


How do you split your soul to create a Horcrux?

By killing someone

What is the password Percy uses to access the Gryffindor common room during Harry's first day at Hogwarts?

Caput Draconis

Which school champion scores the highest points in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament?

Cedric Diggory

Who is Harry's first choice as a date to take to the Yule Ball?

Cho Chang

On what night is the Yule ball held at Hogwarts?

Christmas Eve

Which spell does Hermione use to repel Nagini as she attacks her and Harry in Bathilda Bagshot's house?


Together what do the Deathly Hallows make one the master of?


Who finds Mundungus Fletcher and brings him to Grimmauld Place when Harry is looking for the stolen locket?

Dobby and Kreacher

Who became master of the elder wand after Albus Dumbledore?

Draco Malfoy

Who gatecrashes Slughorn's Christmas party?

Draco Malfoy

Who gives Katie Bell a cursed necklace to pass on to Dumbledore?

Draco Malfoy

Who is chosen by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore?

Draco Malfoy

Which students does Harry save from the burning Room of Requirement after he has found the Horcrux diadem?

Draco Malfoy and Blaise

What creatures are brought from Romania for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament?


What do Harry and Draco see a hooded figure doing to a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest?

Drinking its blood

Who founded the Order of the Phoenix when the fight against Lord Voldemort first began?


Who has bequeathed gifts to Ron, Harry and Hermione that the Minister for Magic personally delivers?


Where is in the Pensieve located?

Dumbledore's office

Viktor Krum is selected by the Goblet of Fire as the Triwizard Champion for which school?


Which spell does Luna use to fix Harry's broken nose?


What is the name of the Weasley's old owl?


What headline does Harry read in a newspaper on the Knight Bus?

Escape from Azkaban

What spell does Draco Malfoy use against Dumbledore when he has him corned in the astronomy tower?


What is Professor Flitwick's first name?


The students from Beauxbatons Academy arrive at Hogwarts flying in a carriage pulled by what?

Flying horses

How many large tables run the length of the Great Hall of Hogwarts?


What are the names of Neville Longbottom's parents?

Frank and Alice Longbottom

Which one of the Weasleys dies in the battle of Hogwarts?


What type of headdress does Luna wear to support the Gryffindor Quidditch team during Harry's sixth year?

Giant lion hat

what creatures does Dumbledore send Hagrid to recruit?


According to Griphook, who are the only ones that can distinguish the sword of Gryffindor from the fake inside of Bellatrix Lestrange's vault?


Where did Dumbledore's family live when Albus was a boy?

Godric's Hollow

What color are the streams of light emitted from a wand when it performs the killing curse?


What is the name of the Griggotts goblin who takes Harry to his vault for the first time?


Who escorts the real Harry Potter during his escape from Privot Drive?


According to Professor Dumbledore, what Horcrux did Lord Voldemort create unintentionally?

Harry Potter

Who retrieves the sword of Gryffindor from the lake?

Harry and Ron

Who are the only two people that can retrieve the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries?

Harry and Voldemort

Why is Dobby able to Apparaste in and out of Malfoy Manor?

He is an elf

Why did Salazar Slytherin fall out with the other founders of Hogwarts?

He wanted only pure-blood students

Which beloved pet is killed during Harry's escape from Privet Drive with the Order of the Phoenix?


Who is the ghost of Ravenclaw Tower?

Helena Ravenclaw

What does Hermione add to the Polyjuice Potion in order to transform into Bellatrix Lestrange?

Her hair

In which school book does Hermione read that the ceiling of the Great Hall is bewitched to look like the night sky?

Hogwarts A History

Gwenog Jones is the captain of which Quidditch team?

Holyhead Harpies

Which Death Eater's trial does Harry see when he first looks into Dumbledore's pensieve?

Igor Karkaroff

According to Professor Slughorn, what is the purpose of a Horcrux?


What does Harry discover about the locket he and Professor Dumbledore retrieve from the basin in the cave?

It is a fake

What effect does the spell Oppugno have when Hermione casts it on the birds that she conjured?

It makes them fly at Ron

What are the initials of Harry's oldest son?


What is Hermione's middle name?


Who sends a message during Bill and Fleur's wedding tp warn everyone that the Ministry has fallen?


Who did RAB instruct to destroy the locket Horcrux after his death?


Aside from the Riddikulus charm, what really finishes a Boggart?


What potion do the students have to brew to win a vial of Felix Felicis?

Living death

Which professor has a portrait of himself painting another portrait of himself in his classroom?


What is Luna Lovegood's nickname given to her by her peers?

Loony Lovegood

After discovering he cannot use his own wan to kill Harry Voldemort uses the wand of which Death Eater?

Lucius Malfoy

Which student has a charm hanging from her neck to keep away the nargles?

Luna Lovegood

Who discovers Harry after he has been attacked by Draco Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express?

Luna Lovegood

Who does Hermione attempt to impersonate using Polyjoice Potion in the second year?

Millicent Bulstrode

What must one say to hide the content of Marauder's Map?

Mischief Managed

Who stole the locket horcrux from the black house after Sirius' death?

Mundungus Fletcher

What creature attacks Mr. Weasley whilst he is on guard duty at the Department of Mysteries?


Who do Harry and Hermione discover hidden in Bathilda Bagshot's skin in her home at Godric's Hollow?


After Voldemort attacks Harry with the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest, who checks to see if he is dead?

Narcissa Malfoy

Which Gryffindor students gives Harry the Gillyweed that helps him breathe underwater during the second task of the Triwizard Tournament?


Which members of Dumbledore's Army go to the Department of Mysteries with Harry, Ron and Hermione?

Neville, Luna, Ginny

What is the name of Hagrid's pet dragon?


Which of Hagrid's pets was sent to Romania with Charlie Weasley's friends?


What is Tonks' first name, which she hates?


How long do the champions have to complete the second task of the Triwizard Tournament?

One hour

Which weasley brother first owns scabbers as a pet?


Which previous Headmaster has a portrait at Grimmauld Place?

Phineas Nigellus

Which Minister for Magic is killed by Lord Voldemort during the battle of Hogwarts?


Who becomes the Minister of Magic after Rufus Scrimgeour's Death?


What is the name if the reverse-spell effect that happens when twin wand cores duel, as occurred between Harry and Voldemort in the graveyard?

Priori Incantatem

Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened?

Professor Dippet

Who instructs the Hogwarts suits of armour to defend the castle during the battle of Hogwarts?

Professor McGonagall

Who creates the Slug Club?

Professor Slughorn

Which professor does Dumbledore ask to teach Harry occlumency?

Professor Snape

During her time as Hogwarts High Inquisitor, which teacher does Professor Umbridge dismiss?

Professor Trelawney

What colour handbag does the Snape Boggart carry?


What are Gryffindor's house colors?

Red and gold

What is the incantation for the spell that reduces solid objects into tiny little pieces?


What is the name of the Ministry of Magic employee Ron impersonates using the Polyjuice potion?


What is the incantation for the charm that repels a Boggart?


Where does Charlie Weasley live when he is studying dragons?


Who saves Harry from drowning in the frozen lake in the Forest of Dean?


Who vomits slugs when his spell accidentally backfires?


Which Death Eaters find Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the café in London after they escape from Bill and Fleur's wedding?

Rowle and Dolohov

Who leads the charge of Death Eaters and snatchers towards Hogwarts bridge, where Neville waits for them to cross?


In which of Harry's school years does Harry become Quidditch captain?


What type of potion does Hermione use to fill the cakes for Crabbe and Goyle when Harry and Ron wish to impersonate them using Polyjuice Potion?

Sleeping Draught

What is the name of the bandit who work for the Death Eaters once they are in control of the Ministry?


What type of spell does Hermione cast on Harry when they are caught by snatchers?

Stinging Jinx

What is the incantation for the stunning spell?


Where did Mundungus Fletcher steal the Horcrux locket from?

The Black Residence

Which siblings does Professor Snape put in charge of discipline at Hogwarts which they carry out with extreme severity?

The Carrows

Which family does the ring Horcrux belong to?

The Gaunts

What Ministry initiative is Dolores Umbridge in charge of when the Death Eaters take control?

The Muggle-Born registration commission

Which story from The Tales of Beedle the Bard tells the tale of the Deathly Hallows?

The Tale of The Three Brothers

Which book includes a tale about the Deathly Hallows?

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

What component of his wand does Harry share with Voldemort's wand?

The core (tail feather from a phoenix)

Which one of the Unforgivable Curses is used to torture the victim?

The cruciatus curse

How do Harry and Ron finally get to Hogwarts for their second year?

The flying car

What creature does Professor Trelawney see in Harry's tea leaves?

The grim

Which items make up the Deathly Hallows?

The invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone, and the elder wand

Avada Kedavra is known as which curse?

The killing curse

What department in the Ministry of Magic does Arthur Weasley work in when Harry first meets him?

The misuse of Muggle Artifacts

What does Griphook want in exchange for helping Harry to break into Gringotts?

The sword of gryffindor

What complication does Lord Voldemort say prevents him from using his wand to kill Harry?

Their wands have twin cores

What exam is Harry taking when the Weasleys let off firework in the exam room?

Theory of Charms

What are the skeletal winged horses that pull the carriages from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts?


What is fluffy?

Three headed dog that guards the sorcerer's stone

What potion does Professor Umbridge want to use to make Harry tell her Dumbledore's whereabouts?


What potion is used to force someone to tell the truth?


What name does Harry give when caught by snatchers?

Vernon Dudley

what is Krum's first name?


Before the battle of Hogwarts whose voice is heard speaking to the students and teachers in the Great Hall?


When Harry open the Horcrux locket, whose voice taunts Ron and tells him that he is "least loved by the girl who prefers your friend"?


What does Professor Slughorn call Ron in the Three Broomsticks after inviting Harry and Hermione to join him for his supper club?


What is Lavender's nickname for Ron when they are seeing each other?

Won Won

Who kills Cedric Diggory on Lore Voldemort's orders?


What is the first name of Luna Lovegood's father?


What object serves as the portkey to take the Weasleys, Diggorys and Harry and Hermione to the Quidditch World Cup final?

a boot

Which creature threatens Harry, Ron, and Hermione at Gringotts?

a dragon

What is the only part of Peter Pettigrew's body that was found after he was allegedly murdered?

a finger

What cursed item is Katie Bell given in the Three Broomsticks?

a necklace

According to Dumbledore, what kind of objects could conceal a Horcrux?

any object

What are dark-wizard-catchers known as?


What did the youngest of the three brothers in 'The tale of the three brothers' ask for as his gift from death?

cloak of invisibility

What pet did Lily Potter give Professor Slughorn?


What does the Ministry of Magic use for inter-departmental memos?

flying paper airplanes

Which creatures work in the Gringotts bank?


What memory does Harry draw upon to conjure a Patronus during his lesson with Professor Lupin?

his mom and dad

How does Harry catch his first snitch?

in his mouth

What is the effect of the Diffindo charm?

it cuts things

What subject does Professor Slughorn teach?


What does Professor Slughorn tell the young Tom Riddle a horcrux is?

something a person can conceal part of their soul in

What is the strategy conceived by the order to rescue Harry from Privet Drive without being identified?

take the polyjuice potion

What does Hermione suggest that they do with the Horcrux locket when she sees that it is having a negative effect on Harry?

take turns wearing it

Which is the horcrux that Dumbledore finds which blackens his hand?

the ring

Which one of the three shapes in the Deathly Hallows symbol represents the Invisibility Cloak?

the triangle

What happens to the objects stored inside Bellatrix Lestrange's vault when they are touched by Harry, Ron, and Hermione?

they multiply

What is the spell homenum revelio used for?

to detect the presence of other people in the area

What is the purpose of creating a Horcrux?

to live forever

Why type of creature does Professor Quirrell tell everyone is loose in the dungeons of Hogwarts castle?


Aside from producing the Elixir of Life what other power does the Philosopher's Stone possess?

turn any metal into gold

How is Harry, as Albert Runcorn, able to get into Dolores Umbridge's offive without being seen by the numerous personnel outside of it?

using a decoy detonator

What is gregorovitch's profession?


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