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What is a "recognized environmental condition"?

"REC" = Any possible source of contamination (possible hazardous substance or petroleum product, per ASTM)

What is ASTM F739?

"Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous Contact" Standard test method used by CPC manufacturers (ex. Tychem made by Dupont) to test the material at the molecular level

What are the decision criteria used for selecting chemical protective clothing?

-Clothing design -Chemical resistance of the material -Physical properties -Ease of decontamination -Chemical Protective Clothing Standards -Cost

To qualify for the innocent landowner defense, what must be true?

-Contamination occurred prior to purchase, -The purchaser did not know and had no reason to know the property was contaminated, and -All appropriate inquiry was made & no contamination was identified.

What is the required frequency and duration of employee training (respiratory protection) ?

-Initial training required prior to use -Annual training required thereafter -Retraining also required when worksite conditions change, new types of respirators are used, or inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use indicates

What are the responsibilities of a buddy in the buddy system?

-Observe partner for signs of heat stress, chemical exposure, psychological distress -Periodically check partner's PPE for any signs of damage -Assist partner -Get help if needed

What are the required elements of the Site Control Program?

-Site map -Site work zones -Use of the buddy system -Site communications including alerting means for emergencies -Standard operating procedures or safe work practices -Identification of the nearest medical assistance (not necessarily the hospital but prepared to treat a contaminated individual)

According to HAZWOPER, site characterization requirements include:

-The site shall be evaluated to determine the appropriate safety & health control procedures. -Conditions that may pose inhalation or skin absorption hazards shall be identified. -A preliminary evaluation shall be performed prior to site entry.

What are the requirements for evaluating the effectiveness of the HASP?

-There needs to be evidence of regular inspections. -Job safety and health risk analyses must contain specific info and provide specific instructions to employees. -Safety and health plan must describe chem contaminants, affected media, anticipated concentrations, routes of exposure, and health effects. Must identify appropriate PPE. -Must be evidence that employer corrects deficiencies immediately.

What methods are used to evaluate the effectiveness of decontamination efforts?

-Visual inspection -Cleaning solution analysis -Wipe test (and send to lab for analysis) -Sending material to lab for analysis

What is the required frequency of medical exams for respirator users?

-initial medical evaluation before fit testing is required -medical surveillance is needed regularly either annually or every two years with PLHCP permission for those who use respirator 30 days/yr or more, those who are exposed 30 days/yr or more, and members of the Hazmat team -medical evaluations are also required for circumstances such as employee reports having signs or symptoms, or maybe PLHCP or supervisor recommends reevaluation -termination exams are also required. records are kept for 30 yrs.

What is neutralization with respect to decon?

A method of chemical decontamination. To neutralize a contaminant means to add something to it that inactivates it. For example, adding an acidic cleaning agent to a contaminant that is basic can neutralize it so its no longer harmful

What is the hot line?

A place that divides the contaminated area from all other zones

What is fit factor?

A quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific individual, and typically estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to its concentration inside the respirator when worn

What is a primary irritant?

A substance that causes irritation upon first-time contact or exposure (not due to sensitization).

What is the wipe test?

A test to check the effectiveness of decontamination by swiping the surface (usually the inside and outside of the CPC suit) with a cloth or swab, in order to avert contamination that might end up on a person's clothes, hands or food.

What is permissible practice regulatory requirement?

According to the heirarchy of controls, OSHA requires the use of feasible engineering controls as the primary means to control air contaminants. Respirators are required when "effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted."

What is APR?

Air Purifying Respirator A respirator with an air-purifying filter, cartridge, or canister that removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through the air-purifying element.

What is the support zone?

Also referred to as the "green zone" or "cold zone", this is the zone free of hazards where your equipment/instruments, first aid kits, belongings, etc. are kept.

What is ANSI?

American National Standards Institute. It establishes standards for products, processes, systems and personnel.

What is APF?

Assigned Protection Factor Numerical level of respiratory protection that a respirator or class of respirators is expected to provide if functioning properly as intended. Used to decide what type of respirator is needed based on exposure concentration and OEL. Example: An APF of 10 indicates that a respirator reduces contaminant concentration by one-tenth.

What is the user seal check?

Check by the wearer to determine if the respirator is properly seated to the face, must be performed everytime respirator is donned.

What does incompatible mean with respect to decon?

Chemicals that when mixed will cause a problem (ie. react, cause a toxic product, degrade/melt the PPE material, etc.) For example, halogenated cleaning solvents are incompatible with some PPE.

What is a photosensitizer?

Chemicals which can produce allergic reactions on the skin after exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) light

What is gross decontamination?

Decontamination to allow the end user to safely exit or doff the chemical protective clothing (clothing can't be reused in this state)

What is disinfection vs sterilization?

Disinfection is reducing or eliminating harmful microorganisms from surfaces, while sterilization is killing off ALL the microorganisms.

What is a warning property?

Effects such as smell, taste, or irritation of an agent that allow us to detect it with just our senses.

What is ESLI?

End-of-service-life Indicator A system that warns the respirator user of the approach of the end of adequate respiratory protection, for example, that the sorbent is approaching saturation or is no longer effective.

Machine guards and ventilation systems are examples of which form of hazard control?

Engineering control

What does N95 mean?

Filters airborne particles of a certain size by 95%. These filters cannot be used for oil particulates.

What are the uses of the site map with respect to site control?

Helps identify access/escape routes, problem areas (ie. shows inclines, prevailing wind direction, and drainage), identifying PPE for certain areas, assigning personnel

What is HEPA?

High Efficiency Particulate Air filter used to purify air, better efficiency than N95

What is Level A PPE?

Highest level of protection of respiratory, skin and eyes. Key features: -Total encapsulating chemical-protective suit, also referred to as a vapor protective suit that meets NFPA 1991 -Positive pressure full face SCBA, or SAR with escape-SCBA

What is Level B PPE?

Highest level of respiratory protection, but medium skin + eye protection. Key features: -Hooded chemical-resistant suit (provides splash protection) -Inner and outer chemical-resistant gloves -Positive pressure full face SCBA, or SAR with escape-SCBA

What is an example of an engineering control used at hazardous waste sites?

Installation of vents that redirect vapors away from the workers

What is contact dermatitis?

Itchy painful rash caused by a repeated exposure to a chemical/sensitization.

The highest level of respiratory, skin, and eye protection is?

Level A

The level of protection that includes a PAPR is?

Level C

What is MUC?

Maximum Use Concentration The maximum atmoshperic concentration that a particular respirator can protect one at. APF * PEL = MUC

What is Level C PPE?

Medium respiratory, skin, and eye protection. Key features: -Hooded chemical-resistant suit (provides splash protection) -Inner and outer chemical resistant gloves -Full-face or half-face air purifying respirator (w/ cartridge)

What assumption must be made when "exposure cannot be identified or reasonably estimated"?

Must be considered an IDLH atmosphere

What are the NFPA 1991 and 1992 Standards?

NFPA 1991: (Vapor) Sets the standard for minimum design, performance, certification, and documentation requirements, and test methods for vapor-protective ensembles and individual elements for chemical vapor protection. NFPA 1992: (Splash) Standard on Liquid Splash-Protective Ensembles and Clothing for Hazardous Materials Emergencies provides requirements for protection for emergency responders to hazardous materials incidents where liquid or liquid splash threats are present or expected.

What PPE is necessary for employees assisting in the CRZ?

PPE based on the hazard assessment. In some cases, decontamination personnel should wear the same levels of PPE as workers in the exclusion zone. In other cases, decontamination personnel may be sufficiently protected by wearing one level lower protection.

What is the difference between permeation and penetration?

Permeation is absorption, diffusion, and/or desorption of a chemical through a material at the molecular level, while penetration is the bulk passage of a chemical through a pore or opening in the barrier material.

What is the innocent landowner defense?

Persons who can demonstrate that they "did not know and had no reason to know" prior to purchasing a property that any hazardous substance that is the subject of a release or threatened release was disposed of on, in, or at the property.

What is PLHCP?

Physician or other Licensed Health Care Professional medical professional holding license, certification, etc. that can legally provide health care services for HAZWOPER workers

What is an access control point?

Points along the decontamination corridor where entrance or exit of the exclusion zone is regulated

What is PAPR?

Powered Air Purifying Respirator Either a half or full face piece that uses a blower to pass contaminated air through a HEPA filter, removing contaminants and supplying purified air to the face piece.

What is containment?

Preventing the spread of contaminated material during the decontamination process. For example, collecting overspray with the use of a secondary plastic cover underneath the rinsing operation

What is all appropriate inquiry?

Process of evaluating a property's environmental conditions, which may be relevant to assessing potential liability for any contamination. Responsibility of the person buying the land/property.

The pass/fail fit test to assess the adequacy of respirator fit that relies on the individual's response to the test agent is?

QLFT qualitative fit test

What is the difference between QLFT and QNFT?

QLFT is qualitative fit testing, which refers to pass/fail fit testing, while QNFT is quantitative fit testing which measures the amount of leakage into the respirator while wearing

What is a SCBA?

Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Uses air tanks

What are some of the main variations that affect individual skin barrier function and health?

Sun exposure/uv damage Chemical exposure Moisture level Detergents, soaps Otherwise damaged skin

What is a SAR?

Supplied Air Respirator Uses external source for breathing air, with a one-way valve.

What is the exclusion zone?

The contaminated area where exposure does or could occur, and where the greatest potential for exposure exists.

What is an environmental lien?

The government has the ability to keep the possession of a site when environmental damages have caused costs to arise.

What is the contamination reduction corridor?

The passageway between the Hot Zone and the Support Zone

What is the contamination reduction zone?

The transition area between the exclusion and support zone, where decon takes place.

What is breakthrough time?

Time that it takes chemical to permeate a suit or glove material, is not the actual service life (we should changeout sooner than breakthrough occurs), simply gives us an idea of which material is more or less effective for our chemical


Total encapsulating chemical protective suit

What is degradation?

When the properties of the material are changed. Typically used when talking about gloves. A reduction in one or more physical properties of a glove material due to contact with a chemical (examples are discoloration, spot that become inflexible or stiff, gets soft and melted etc).

N95 respirators are? a. 95% efficient filtering 0.3 micron particles b. good for 95 minutes c. capable of neutralizing 95ppm acid gas d. NFPA approved for 95% LEL

a. 95% efficient filtering 0.3 micron particles

According to 29 CFR 1910.120, on-site management and supervisors directly responsible for, or who supervise employees engaged in, hazardous waste operations are required to be trained: a. At the same level as the employees they supervise/manage plus an additional 8 hours b. As incident commanders c. To provide all appropriate inquiry d. Both A and C

a. At the same level as the employees they supervise/manage plus an additional 8 hours

The sequence of Level C PPE removal is boot covers/outer gloves, then... a. Boots, suit, respirator, inner gloves b. Boots, suit, inner gloves, respirator c. Suit, boots, inner gloves, respirator d. Respirator, suit, boots, inner gloves

a. Boots, suit, respirator, inner gloves

Which of the following is NOT a required element of the Site Control Program specified in 1910.120(d)? a. Cartridge change-out schedule b. Identification of the nearest medical c. Site map d. Standard operating procedures

a. Cartridge change-out schedule

According to 29CFR1910.120 the effectiveness of the site-specific HASP is determined by: a. Inspection by site safety supervisor b. Inspection by EPA field investigator c. The number of samples collected d. There is no requirement to determine HASP effectiveness

a. Inspection by site safety supervisor

Which of the following is NOT a step in the Superfund process: a. Property value/Business environmental risk b. Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation c. Remedial investigation/Feasibility study d. Ranking using HRS

a. Property value/Business environmental risk

An environmental professional, according to 40 CFR 312 will have: a. a professional license and 3 years of relevant experience b. school of hard knocks (no advanced degree) and 3 years relevant experience c. BS in related field and 3 years relevant experience d. CSP and 3 years experience

a. a professional license and 3 years of relevant experience

Which of the following is an example of an institutional control? a. deed restriction b. slurry wall c. point-of-use water treatment d. landfill cap

a. deed restriction

The protective clothing measurement given in units of µg/(cm²·min) is a. permeation rate b. breakthrough c. penetration score d. degradation rating

a. permeation rate

Blowing, steaming and sweeping are examples of: a. physical decon methods b. chemical decon methods c. biological decon methods d. all of the above

a. physical decon methods

If a is worker wearing a respirator with an APF of 50 where the contaminant concentration is 500 ppm, the workers' theoretical exposure would be: a. 1 ppm b. 10 ppm c. 100 ppm d. 0.01 ppm

b. 10 ppm

The level of training required for employees at clean-up sites who are unlikely to be exposed above published exposure limits is: a. 24 hours HazMat Technician Level b. 24 hours off-site plus 1 day OJT c. 40 hours off-site plus 1 day OJT d. 40 hours off-site plus 3 days OJT

b. 24 hours off-site plus 1 day OJT

Employees who will perform duties and functions associated with an emergency response at a hazardous waste site must have training: a. As a HazMat Specialist b. In emergency response procedures c. As a First Aid and CPR provider d. All of these

b. In emergency response procedures

A quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific individual is the: a. fit test b. fit factor c. protection factor d. seal check

b. fit factor

The NFPA standard that describes criteria for gas- and vapor-tight suits is? a. 1993 b. 1992 c. 1991 d. The standard for gas- and vapor-tight suits is ASTM1527

c. 1991

According to 29CFR1910.120(e) employees performing clean-up activities at hazardous waste sites must have refresher training: a. Every 3 years b. Conducted by OSHA c. 8 hours long d. Accredited by EPA and NIOSH

c. 8 hours long

Which of the following is NOT covered under 40 CFR 312 All Appropriate Inquiry? a. CERCLA Pollutants and contaminants b. Petroleum or petroleum products c. Biologic agent and other disease causing agent d. Controlled substances

c. Biologic agent and other disease causing agent

Which of the following is NOT a pre-entry briefing requirement as per 1910.120(b)? a. Pre-entry briefings to be held prior to initiating any site activity b. Pre-entry briefings are required as part of the site safety and health plan c. Pre-entry briefings are conducted by a Certified Safety Professional d. All of the above are required

c. Pre-entry briefings are conducted by a Certified Safety Professional

Medical examination required for employees covered under HAZWOPER are: a. Conducted by a family doctor b. Retained for a maximum of 10 years c. Provided annually d. All of these

c. Provided annually

Which of the following is NOT required information for a HAZWOPER Site Characterization: a. Hazardous substances and health hazards b. Duration of planned activity c. Purchase price compared to fair market value d. All of these

c. Purchase price compared to fair market value

As per 29 CFR 1910.120, which of the following is NOT included in the physician's written opinion? a. Detected medical conditions which would place the employee at increased risk b. Recommended limitations upon the employee's assigned work c. Specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure d. All of the above are included in the physician's written opinion

c. Specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to occupational exposure

Which of the following is NOT part of a Phase I Site Assessment? a. Interviews with present and past owners and operators b. Site visit c. Testing or sampling of materials (for example, soil, water, air, building materials) d. Records review

c. Testing or sampling of materials (for example, soil, water, air, building materials) This is part of a Phase II

The respirator user seal check is? a. established by the PLHCP b. quantitative c. required every time the respirator is worn d. all of these

c. required every time the respirator is worn

What is CPC?

chemical protective clothing

The level of training required for employees at clean-up sites who are likely to be exposed above published exposure limits is: a. 24 hours HazMat Technician Level b. 24 hours off-site plus 1 day OJT c. 40 hours off-site plus 1 day OJT d. 40 hours off-site plus 3 days OJT

d. 40 hours off-site plus 3 days OJT

According to 29 CFR 1910.120, decontamination shall be performed in geographical areas that: a. Are downwind of the Support Zone b. Are uphill from the Hotline c. Will minimize exposure of uncontaminated employees to contaminated employees d. All of the above

d. All of the above

A TECP suit, when used properly, will: a. Maintain a positive air pressure b. Inflate from exhaled air c. Provide vapor protection d. All of these

d. All of these

ASTM Site assessment standards are designed to provide "all appropriate inquiry into the previous ownership and uses of the property consistent with good commercial practices" and intended to: a. Provide for the innocent landowner defense b. Protect owner from CERCLA liability c. Represent due diligence d. All of these

d. All of these

Recognized environmental conditions, as defined in ASTM E1527 include: a. Petroleum products on a property that might release into the ground. b. Petroleum products on a property that have released into the ground. c. Petroleum products on a property that might release into a structure. d. All of these

d. All of these

The service life of a pair of respirator cartridges is a function of? a. Temperature & humidity b. Breakthrough & permeation rate c. Concentration & breathing rate d. All of these

d. All of these

The highest concentration of a contaminant where an APR may be used is: a. MUC b. APF x OEL c. IDLH d. Lowest concentration among those listed above

d. Lowest concentration among those listed above

Workers who assist with the decontamination of entry personnel will always: a. Wear Level A b. Wear respirators c. Wear the same level of PPE as those being decontaminated d. Wear PPE based on the hazard assessment

d. Wear PPE based on the hazard assessment

The effectiveness of decontamination procedures can be determined by: a. swipe testing b. suit sampling c. visual inspection d. all of these

d. all of these

Which of the following is NOT true of medical surveillance requirements under HAZWOPER? a. exams are required annually b. exams may be once every 2 years if determined appropriate c. termination exams are required d. none of these are not true (all are true)

d. none of these are not true (all are true)

What is donning and doffing?

properly putting on and removing PPE

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