HCM 364

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Which of the following is part of Big Five Personality Factors?

- agreeableness -Conscientiousness -Openness to experience -Emotional stability

Characteristics of transformational leadership include which of the following?

-Charisma -Inspiration -Intellectual -Individualized consideration

Examples of political behaviors are

-Developing allies and forming power coalitions -Blaming others -Praising others *All of the above*

All charismatic leaders exhibit which of the following characteristics?

-High levels of self confidence -Trust in subordinates -High expectations of subordinates -Ideological visions

Emotional intelligence (EI) has five distinct characteristics, including which of the following?

-Self-awareness. -Self-management or regulation. -Self-motivation. -Empathy or social awareness.

Which of the following is an internal stressor?

-unhealthy lifestyle

According to NIOSH, what percentage of workers viewed their job as their number-one stressor in their lives?


Which decision process requests specific information?

Autocratic II

The ____________________ is the bias that occurs when people know they are being studied.

Hawthorne effect

The tri-component model suggests that human attitudes have three factors. They are:

acts, beliefs, feelings

Cohesiveness of a group will increase if:

admission into the group is more difficult to obtain due to various barriers or high criteria.

Which attribution refers to a state of heightened motivation that is focused on an undesirable behavior or goal?


The following is an example of what type of intrapersonal conflict: When an individual must choose an alternative that is expected to have both positive and negative outcomes.


What type of bias is an intuitive technique where the perceived probability of an event is influenced by the ease of recollection?


Of the five conflict-handling modes, which one involves unassertive and uncooperative behaviors?


Of the four basic decision styles, which is both high in cognitive complexity and people orientation and is associated with using data from multiple sources and considering many alternatives?


Power related to who you know vertically and horizontally, inside and outside of the organization can be referred to as:

connection power

employees without formally defined power positions exercise significant personal power within an organization by creating a sense of:


Which of these is not one of the 3 main forms of feedback discussed in the chapter?


Of the four basic decision styles, which one is associated with low tolerance for ambiguity and low cognitive complexity with a focus on technical decisions?


Which of the following is not one of the traits a collaborative leader should demonstrate?

emotional immaturity

Which have a tremendous potential for power by withholding information or providing incorrect information?


A sociogram is a powerful tool because it can be used to document the direction and intensity of communication, as well as the content of what was communicated by the members in their attempt to influence one another.


According to Bennis and Nanus (1985), leaders are people who do things right and managers are people who do the right things.


Because all conflict leads to ineffectiveness, managers must create an organizational culture of cooperation.


Charisma is always a positive leader attribute to which benefits the follower.


Conformity may improve a group's performance by increasing innovation and critical-thinking by the group's members.


Groups produce less and lower quality solutions to problems than do individuals working alone, because there are too many people involved in group decision making.


Interpersonal conflict occurs within the individual.


Learned optimism comprises building an employee's attitudes of commitment, control, and challenge.


Managers differ along two dimensions in the way they approach decision making: value orientation and tolerance for ambiguity. Value orientation reflects the extent to which a person has a high need for structure or control in his or her life.


Norms are powerful forces not only over the behavior of group members, but epecially in determining the size of the group.


Research has determined the external "standards" to determine who will or will not experience high levels of stress. For example, if you are a young female with a Type A personality, you will experience high levels of stress.


Stress may be defined as a particular relationship between a person and others that is endangering his or her wellbeing.


Teams can be organized into the following four categories: (1) work teams, (2) primary teams, (3) project teams, and (4) maintenance teams.


The nominal group technique is a brainstorming technique that assists to overcome the challenge faced by group members who may lack the experience to understand that the information they hold is needed to generate and evaluate options or alternatives.


Transactional and transformational leader approaches are clearly oppositional.


Transactional leaders seek to change the status quo.


When delivering an emotional or difficult message, email is the best method because you can make sure you use the exact right words to convey the point.


When using the rational model, you do not need to define the decision problem.


Which group is created by the organization, and is therefore part of the organization's formal structure?


The way one dresses to demonstrate their gender is an example of:

gener expression

Conflict occurs when two or more desired or expected outcomes are incompatible. This is an example of what type of conflict?


What is an unstructured and informal network founded on social relationships rather than organizational charts or job descriptions called?


What are guidelines or "rules of thumb" that help make our world manageable by simplifying complex tasks?


Which of the following emphasizes systems, processes, procedures, and so forth for personnel management and is usually housed in a functional unit within organizations?

human resource management

Which type of manager possesses low concern for people and production, doing just enough work to sustain their position in the company?

impoverished manager

The act of creating environments in which any individual or group can feel welcomed, respected, and supported and can fully participate refers to:


Symptoms of burnout may include:

increased absenteeism.

Managers need to be aware that which group can be a powerful force within their organization?


Which group is organized based on members' common interests or goals?


Which of these is not one of the five bases of social power?


What type of negotiation is a cooperative, interest-based, agreement-oriented approach to dealing with conflict that is viewed as a "win/win" or mutual gain dispute?


What type of negotiation is less focused on directly helping parties reach binding agreements (excluding arbitration) and is more devoted to improving the process of communication, increasing perspectives and understanding, enabling the parties to reframe their substantive goals and priorities, and engaging in more creative problem solving?


What type of conflict involves two or more individuals who believe that their attitudes, behaviors, or preferred goals are in opposition?

interpersonal conflict

Which type of decision making involves using one's professional judgment based on past experiences rather than sequential logic or explicit reasoning?


The degree of certainty, trust, and deference between the subordinate and the leader is called:

leader-member relations

Which type of manager balances the concern for task and the concern for people in an effort to boost morale and satisfaction?


Sharing information without using words is known as:

nonverbal communication

Groups go through sequential stages of development. The following is as example of which development stage: In this stage the rules for behavior are explicitly and implicitly defined. There is a greater degree of order and a strong sense of group membership.


Which attribution style attributes negative outcomes to outside factors and positive outcomes to internal factors?


Which team's tasks are non-repetitive in nature and involve considerable application of knowledge, judgment, and expertise, and as such draws its members from different disciplines and functional units so that specialized expertise can be applied to the task(s) at hand?

parallel team

The process by which we interpret and organize sensory information to produce a meaningful experience of the world is known as:


What type of conflict occurs when the expectations associated with a work role are incompatible with the individual's needs, values, or ethics?

person-role conflict

There are several barriers that can impede the communication process. What are the two categories described by Longest, Rakich, and Darr?

personal and environmental

The levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are:

physiological, affiliation, safety, self-actualization, and self-esteem.

An employee reports a safety concern and it helps avoid harm to a patient. The manager praises the employee at the next department meeting in front of her peers. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement

Using reason, logic, and compromise in attempting to influence others, as well as attempting to convince others that certain actions are in their own best interest is indicative of which upward influence tactic?

rationality tactic

What do we call the efforts to deal with a stressful encounter that is either ongoing or has already happened?

reactive coping

Churches, labor unions, political parties, or any other group an individual uses to determine his or her judgements, preferences, behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes are examples of which type of group?

reference group

An individual may be unaware that he or she possesses _________ because another person desires to be associated with or identifies with them?

referent power

Which of the following is not one of the 3 dimensions associated with burnout?


Which type of team involves employees, not managers, deciding how to carry out tasks, allocating the work within the team, and making decisions?

self-managing team

According to Tannenbaum and Schmidt, managers should determine where on the continuum of leadership behavior they should position themselves, depending on:

situational factors

The extent to which job assignments are clear through the implementation of formalization and policy is called:

task structure

The functional roles individual group members assume in small-group interactions are:

task, maintenance, and individual.

Provisions from which piece of legislation, such as Medicare's increased focus on chronic disease prevention, new models of care for reducing re-hospitalizations, improved care coordination, and annual screening for cognitive impairment will assist with changing attitudes toward elderly patients?

the 2010 affordable care act

The earliest trait studies were based on which theory which assumed that leaders were born and these born leaders possessed specific characteristics or traits that set them apart?

the great man theory

"Having value" is an important component of both reward power and coercive power for either power to be effective.


"Normative social influence" is the term used to describe when we conform to what we believe to be the norms of the group in order to be accepted by its members.


A certain degree of stress is necessary for good mental and physical health.


A team can be defined as small group of people committed to a common purpose, who possess complimentary skills and who have agreed on specific performance goals for which the team members hold themselves mutually accountable.


Barriers to effective teamwork fall within four categories: (1) lack of management support, (2) lack of resources, (3) lack of leadership, and (4) lack of training.


By using virtual teams, organizations can assign the right person to the job, regardless of where they live


Conflict is inevitable and unavoidable.


Escalation of commitment is when an manager continues to allocate more resources to a losing proposition.


Framing heuristic is a tendency to make a decision based on the form or manner in which information is presented.


Group members will continue with their association as long as the rewards (satisfaction of needs) outweigh or are equal to the costs of being a member, such as required time to participate, financial commitment.


Groups can be categorized into three broad groups: primary, secondary, and reference.


Groupthink refers to conditions under which efforts to maintain group harmony undermine critical thought and lead to poor decisions.


In order for virtual teams to be successful, members must be fully committed to the team purpose and to each team member, must want their collaborative work to be successful, and be willing to go the extra mile.


Individual role demands include job ambiguity, role conflict, and difficulty balancing work and family life.


Informal groups meet the needs of individuals and, therefore, have a strong influence on the members' behaviors.


Servant leadership focuses on the leader's development through awareness and self-knowledge.


Stress has become a widely used but misunderstood term. As a result, a number of misconceptions about stress exist, such as the notion that all stress is negative.


Stress levels in individuals can vary widely even in identical situations due to people's abilities to cope with different forms and levels of stress.


Stress management includes both individual-level and organization-wide interventions.


Symbolic leaders interpret and reinterpret experiences, developing the capacity to impart purpose and meaning.


The Vroom-Yetton model is helpful when the 7 yes/no questions are used in relation to the tree diagram.


The group decision making process usually takes longer than an individual decision making process.


The rational model is considered the "ideal" method of decision making.


Transformational leaders, often referred to as change agents, influence members through a variety of mechanisms, including but not limited to intellectual, emotional, and behavioral processes of the followers.


Under the Great Man Theory, many believed that individuals are born with leadership traits.


When decision quality is not important but decision acceptance is critical, then consensual group (GII) is the best method.


With training, managers can use all four decision styles effectively as different situations are presented; however, individuals have a tendency to resort to a single, dominant style (for instance, default mode of decision making).


What type of intergroup conflict may occur when supervisors attempt to control subordinates?

vertical conflict

The level of maturity of a follower in Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model is comprised of which of the following components?

-The level of motivation exhibited by the subordinate -The willingness of the subordinate to assume responsibility -The experience and educational level of the subordinate

Managers must ensure that employees have adequate resources to reach their goals. Which of the following are support elements?

-company policies -training -action plan

Money is a well-known motivator for job satisfaction.


One-way communication is the best method of communication because the receiver doesn't have to give any feedback.


Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study of individuals, groups, and organizations.


Organizational behavior analyzes the entire organization and is a macro perspective since the organization is the unit being examined.


Out-group members are trusted by their leader and will be the group that gets more one-on-one time with that leader.


Over the next 50 years, White non-Hispanics are expected to be the fastest growing segment of the population.


Potential power refers to leaders who uses their power to influence individuals.


The health care industry has been a leader for embracing diversity management.


To effectively address the variety of situations a manager faces in today's emergent environment, it is not important that a manager function effectively at each placement on the Tannenbaum and Schmidt's leadership continuum, but only at a few placements.


According to Hofstede's research, which dimension is the measure of how a society deals with physical and intellectual inequalities and how the culture applies power and wealth relative to its inequalities?

power distance

Overly generalized, and typically negative, views about a group of people is known as a:


A study of successful business leaders found that they shared the following traits: drive, honesty and integrity, leadership motivation, self-confidence, cognitive ability, knowledge of the business, creativity and flexibility.


A weakness noted in the Ohio State studies was that situational factors were absent from the research.


According to B. F. Skinner, an individual's behavior can be redirected through the use of reinforcement.


An attribution is a causal explanation for an event or behavior.


Different types of groups prefer specific styles of leadership. Members' preference would be based on the leadership style they perceived as right or natural due to their personal socialization process.


Employee motivation has a direct impact on a health services organization's performance


The leader who is able to respond to ever-increasing levels of environmental uncertainty through the utilization of more than one style of leadership will be most likely to increase motivation, satisfaction, and productivity of employees.


The team manager develops a sense of purpose and accomplishment in both concern for people and concern for task


Theory X states that employees are unintelligent and lazy.


There are two conditions for power to exist: (1) there is an unequal relationship between two people, and (2) where one of the two is dependent upon the other.


Unlike leadership theory conducted in the past, where style was rated as either good or bad, Fiedler's LPC-rated dominant leadership style was thought to be more or less effective depending on the situation.


According to Hofstede's research, societies that maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of deviant personalities and ideas have strong:

uncertainty avoidance

A single entity owning and operating all of the segments providing health care including preventative services, specialized and primary ambulatory care, acute care, subacute care, long-term care, home health care, as well as a health plan is an example of which of the following?

vertical integration

_____________________ has evolved to meet the need for better technology and information infrastructure that allows for information sharing, patient care management, and cost control?

virtual integration

Which of the following are key elements to effective communication for physicians and hospital administrators?

-the desire to communicate -an understanding of how others learn -the receiver of the message should be cued to the purpose of the message

A _________ leader provides employees a detailed understanding of expectations, a plan to accomplish those expectations, and the resources to achieve the tasks.


Because __________________ among employees is generally good for overall organizational effectiveness, it is helpful to understand the cognitive processes that help foster this state of heightened motivation.


_____________ refers to the concept that we may treat people differently based on certain physical characteristics, often without us realizing it.


A leader is a person who directs the work of employees and is responsible for results.


A major outcome of the interviewing program associated with the Hawthorne Studies was that researchers discovered that workers were isolated, unrelated individuals.


According to French and Raven, an individual can only hold one source of power at a time.


According to the Institute of Medicine, research demonstrates that there are no variations in the rates of medical procedures by race and that all patients receive equal treatment.


Although valid 20 years ago, Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions are no longer applicable to understanding the influence national culture has on organizational and managerial behaviors.


An employee's degree of satisfaction is proportionate to the actual amount of rewards he or she is receiving.


Attributions are always an accurate reflection of reality.


Because of our increasingly diverse population, health care professionals need to be concerned about their cultural competency, which is the same as linguistic proficiency.


Creating a sense of obligation is not a way to develop a power base.


Diversity technically only refers to the following categories in the workplace: Age, gender and race.


Due to the extensive training physicians receive in the care and management of geriatric patients, ageism is not an issue in the health care industry.


Goal setting theory suggests that general goals such as "do your best" allow employees more freedom and autonomy, and thus result in better performance.


Hygiene factors relate to job content and motivators/satisfiers relate to job context.


Managers are not dependent on others due to two organizational factors: division of labor and limited resources.


Stereotypically, workers from the Millennial generation are characterized as dedicated, hardworking, and loyal.


The classical approach to management focused on the human relations aspect in the workplace.


The core of House's path-goal leadership theory is based on the belief that organizational goals are rarely attained by managerial influence.


According to Vroom's VIE theory, an individual's perception that his or her performance is related to other outcomes, either positively or negatively, is referred to as:


Dr. Davis made a medication error on a patient. Dr. Davis responds by telling himself, "I'm so stupid, I'll never get it right!" Which most accurately describes his attribution?

internal, stable

If an employee repeatedly fails at a task because they do not have the skills or knowledge to complete the task effectively, they will likely develop:

learned helplessness

According to House's path-goal theory, a manager's leadership style is dependent upon two contingency factors—environmental and subordinate.


Fiedler's research was based upon a questionnaire known as the Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) scale.


Flows of communication can be combined into patterns called communication networks.


Generally, cultural diversity is thought to improve patient satisfaction.


If failures are caused by unstable internal forces, such as insufficient effort, it is important for employees to make that attribution even if it is not the most desirable short-term conclusion.


In subordinate-centered leadership, the manager allows their subordinates areas of freedom to function within.


Instrumental aggression describes behaviors targeted at obtaining a goal that the employing organization is not providing.


It is possible to foster positive attributional tendencies with attributional training.


Leadership can be defined as a complex process by which an individual sets direction and influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective, and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.


Management and leadership are both necessary for an organization to achieve its goals.


Managers need to be conscious of the fact that all employees are not driven by the same needs, nor is any employee driven by the same need, at the same time.


One of the major criticisms of the Expectancy Theory is that it does not take into account the relationship between employee performance and job satisfaction.


Organizational rules and norms can cause learned helplessness among employees.


People identifying as Asian, Hispanic or African American reported communication difficulties with their physician more often than white patients.


People who are non-resilient are likely to err in their attributions and are prone to blame others or themselves for their failures.


Preconceived thoughts or beliefs can affect whether or not we hear opinions or information that disagree with our own.


The University of Michigan studies attempted to determine the most effective style of leadership: an employee-centered focus or a production-centered focus.


The content theories of motivation focus on the assumption that individuals are motivated by the desire to satisfy their unmet needs.


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