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The primitive region of our brain covers...SELECT ALL THAT APPLY:

breathing, balance, posture & instinct

In community mental health, confidentiality of information is maintained for several reasons, which include _________.

clients might not seek health or reveal necessary health information helping to protect patient and professional relationships privacy is recognized as a human right

Many persons with mental illness fall into the_____________________________________

criminal justice system

The function of ____________________ is to ensure that all children are provided with safe, permanent, nurturing families by protecting them from abuse and neglect.

Child Protective Services

What is a risk factor for community mental health? Give 2 detailed examples.

Choric conditioning Child Abuse violence in general

___ also is known as anger syndrome.

Hwa-byung or wool-hwa-byung

_____ describes illnesses that occur in some societies and are recognized by members of those societies as expressions of distress.

Idioms of distress

The following is/are elements essential for an acceptable informed consent:

Information Voluntariness Comprehension

Discuss the role that masculinity plays in Black men's experiences of depression. How is this affected by their experience with discrimination?

Many black men don't want to be viewed as weak and there is a stigma that those who suffer from depression are mentally weak or spiritually weak. As far as discrimination goes, African-American men have a lot of pressures to not only to be successful, to be competent.In the field, we were originally told that African-Americans didn't have the mental apparatus to become depressed or other kinds of...

According to the text book authors, the two terms that are recommended to distinguish between mental and physical health are __ and __.

Mental and Somatic

The historical movements in mental health care reform include all of the following except _____.

Mental health community initiative

Electroconvulsive therapy and lobotomy were developed during which reform movement?

Mental hygiene

In Let's End the Stigma of Mental Illness, the author quotes two people who are doing trying to de-stigmatize mental illness are _______ and _______.

Obama and Jennifer Lawrence

Melissa Thompson's organization, TalkSession, suggestions each of us can make a daily difference towards ending the stigma of mental illness: realize the numbers, integrate mental wellness into daily life, and ________.

Practice emphathy

What is a protective factor for community mental health? Give 2 detailed examples.

Protective factors were positive family functioning, social support, community support, and physical activity.

Which of the following is NOT endorsed by Helen Fisher in "The Brain In Love"?

Romantic love is a farce

According to Helen Fisher, how does the brain's response to love mimic addiction?

She says that addiction is based off of three characteristics. Tolerance, you need to see them more, and more, and more; withdrawals; and last: relapse.

___ also is called fright illness.


Dalton, Elias, and Wandersman (2001) define two types of communities, which were locality and relational.


Nineteen out of 20 people who attempt suicide will fail but those who fail are 37 times more likely to succeed the second time. TF


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization divided the burden of mental illness into two categories, which are undefined and hidden.


Nicholas Christakis believes social networks are fundamentally related to goodness and the world needs connections. Social networks thrive from the spread of all of these except:


Beneficence reflects the principles to contribute to the welfare of the client. It is the duty to disclose all relevant information.


The former congressman, Patrick J. Kennedy, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder found the movie Silver Linings Playbook to be extremely inauthentic and misleading. (TF)


The three kinds of self-medication that Black men use for depression presented in "I Wish It Would Rain: Black Men and Depression" are: sex, drugs and music. TF


The Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 requires ________.

fewer foster care placements family reunification services decrease the length of foster care placements

Subconscious processes of our brain take care of... SELECT ALL THAT APPLY:

flight or fight responses, forming memories & our basic life functioning.

Mental deficiencies caused by an unknown in origin are called ___.


All of the following are guiding principles for healthcare providers except:


Germs causing disease is a belief of the ___ system.


Gender determines the difference in _______ and control that men and women have over their susceptibility and exposure to specific mental health risks.


A statement of rules that apply to persons in professional roles is called_______________

professional code of ethics

The principle of autonomy is used in rules related to the following issues:________________

provision of informed consent respect for persons protections of privacy

_______ health is focused on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health of a population by government agencies.


The role of community mental health professionals can include:_____________

research clinical leadership education

Elyn Saks is a person with ______________.


A risk factor for PTSD to which women are overly exposed

sexual violence

In reality race is a __ construct.


People suffering from this disorder experience physical symptoms suggesting a physical disorder but there is no evidence of a physiological cause.

somatoform disorders

The following is true about traumatic brain injury (TBI) except ____

the consequences are always severe

Which one of the following is true about genetic and mental illness?

there is no single gene responsible for a mental disorder

The major categories for the biological causes of disease are ..... Select all that apply.

toxins hormones infections genes traumatic brain injury nutrition

According to Dr. Lawson, about half the time mental illness is underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed among African Americans. TF


Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating are the three main types of eating disorders. TF


Hispanic is an ethnicity and not a race.


Nonmaleficence is the duty to do no harm.


Respect for the principle of autonomy requires mental health professionals to recognize when persons lack the capacity to act autonomously and are thus entitled to protection in healthcare delivery.


The authors presented 7 practical sequential steps of decision-making principles used to help guide the decisions made in difficult clinical, community, and individual situations.


The mental health services in the United States are fragmented among many different funding and service delivery systems.


Veracity is the duty to tell the truth.


A gender specific risk factor for common mental disorders that disproportionately affects women

unremitting responsibility for the care of others

In regards to voluntary treatment, capacity involves the patient's ability to understand and retain information about all of these EXCEPT:

why it may be given involuntarily should they choose to deny the treatment

According to Terrie Williams, the "double whammy" responsible for Black women's higher rates of depression is a term for the oppression Black women experience being Black and being a _________.


In a personalistic system, illness is seen as being caused by ___.

a supernatural being or a human being with special powers

The "Stigma experience" can be characterized as Prejudice and discrimination, wherein the stigmatized person encounters barriers to (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY)

accessibility to health care, acceptance in social groups, employment, housing

_____ occurs when a person develops emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to a stressful event or situation that is a maladaptive reaction that begins within three months of the event or situation and has continued for no more than six months.

adjustment disorder

When our brain detects a potential threat, it releases what stress hormones?

adrenal and cortisol

An example of the anxiety disorder ___ is the fear of being away from home.


Hwa-byung also is referred to as ___.

anger syndrome

Symptoms of __ include impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual or severely limited activities and interests.


What can we do to improve a mental health system? How should (or could) we proceed to facilitate effective improvements? What is needed to keep that system running well? What implications does this have for other Community Health issues? What do you know about the mental health system in your community?

-Integrate mental health services into primary health care, promote self-care, and Develop mental health services in general hospitals. - We can make laws requiring insurance companies to support mental health, law to collect more money for mental hospitals, and require hospitals to promote self-care. -Funds and government support. -There are a lot of stigmas towards mental health, be able to spot mental illnesses more efficiently.

According to the module materials, how do social networks impact physical and mental health? Please note this question is not about social media.

-if your friends are obese, then you are more likely to be obese. (45% higher likelihood of being obese)Basically being around bigger people changes you opinion on acceptable sizes -emotions have a collective existence(he talks about people having a riot emotion within themselves)

What was the earliest recognition of patients' rights concerning health?


In what year was the President's Commission on Mental Health report released recommending strengthening the community mental health system and again extended funding for mental health services.


A catchment area consisted of ____________ people.

75,000 to 200,000

____ integrated delivery systems (IDSs) for health care exist in the United States today.


Paternalistic interventions in medicine (with the notable exception of psychiatry) that over-ride the individual's autonomy are only allowed when:

A patient lacks the mental capacity to make treatment decisions for himself or herself

The narrator in "Unrecognized Vulnerabilities" is diagnosed with ____________. ***Answer is two words*

Bipolar Disorder

The theory that indicates that physical factors (such as graffiti) affect mental health as well as social and cultural circumstances is called the ___ theory.

Broken window

Is happiness universally valued?Dr. Brown calls joy the most terrifying and difficult emotion, why? Explain what she suggests is the way to work past that barrier to whole joy.

Dr. Brown explains that the fear stems from having our joy taken away. She says that we should practice gratitude and to be grateful so that you can enjoy moments in life.

The biopsychosocial model of disease was developed by ___.


The eight stages of normal development were developed by ___.


___ is the term that is based on the notion that some races are superior to others.


The __ refers to Latino immigrants use of family back home as references for their life in the U.S.

dual frame of reference

___ disorder is a mood disorder like major depressive disorder, but it has fewer symptoms and is more chronic.


A factor that significantly increases gender inequality and the rate of common mental disorders

economic and social policies that cause sudden, disruptive and severe change to income, employment and social capital

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