Health 231

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Which of the following is TRUE about primary aggression?

It is goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature

Which of the following is TRUE about reactive aggression?

It is most often an emotional reaction to frustrating life experiences

Which of the following statements about self-esteem is FALSE?

Protecting children from failure may boost their ability to persist in the face of difficulties

Which of the following statements about guns in America is true?

Some researchers believe that there are more guns in the United States than there are people

One of the most important goals of Healthy People 2020 is to

eliminate health disparities and improve the health of all population groups

Healthy People 2020 is a plan designed to

improve the quality of life and years of life for all Americans

Studies associate mindfulness with

improvements in memory

Health promotion

includes policies, programs, and financial support for initiatives that promote health

The most common sleep disorder is


Jealousy can be based on all of the following EXCEPT

intense devotion

Through our relationships with others, we fulfill our needs for

intimacy, social integration, and nurturance

Campus law enforcement officers now have

more staff and increased authority to prosecute offenders.

A person's bone structure is an example of a(n)

nonmodifiable determinant

Having unprotected sex is considered a

risk behavior

Which of the following groups of Americans is most likely to unintentionally fall asleep during the day?

those between the ages of 18 and 25

Predictability is a fundamental element of


The positive aspects of a person's life, such being satisfied with life in general and having positive emotions, determines one's sense of


Manuela joined a group exercise class. Her instructor, who was formerly inactive and overweight, participates with the class and also shares personal fitness strategies. In class, Manuela tries to emulate her instructor's moves, and she has also become more physically active as part of her daily routine. Which technique is Manuela using to reach her goal of becoming more fit?


You really want to buy an expensive software program to help you with coursework, but your credit cards are maxed out and the rent is due next week. Which type of stressor is this?


Mrs. J. is trying to get her third-grade students to remember to have their homework signed by a parent before bringing it to class. Students who remember every day for a month receive a gift card from a local bookstore. This is an example of a(n)

possessional reinforcer

To successfully change a behavior, a person must recognize that change is a(n)

process that occurs in stages

Jose's belief that he can successfully pass his biology midterm is an example of


The thought, "I don't have enough time!" is an example of


During a sleep study, a person spends the night in a sleep lab, and his or her body functions are monitored by

sensors and electrodes

Based on a recent cholesterol screening, Marlon decided that he has to stop eating so much fast food and get more exercise. Between work and school, his free time is limited, but he is determined to lower his cholesterol level and improve his overall health. The best way for Marlon to stay motivated to improve his diet and work out regularly is to

set reasonable short- and long-term goals and reward himself for meeting them

Pearl confides that, at a frat party, she was forced to have sex and did not consent; this is an example of

sexual assault.

A woman often remains a victim of intimate partner violence because

she fears retaliation against herself or her children

Which of the following contributed to increased life expectancy in the early twentieth century?

vaccinations and antibiotics

How much sleep do newborns need daily?

16 to 18 hours

Which of the following statements about campus violence is true?

Almost 2 percent of college males report having been in a physically abusive relationship.

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning emotional health?

An emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others

Which of the following is TRUE about major depression in college students?

International students are especially vulnerable to depression.

Which of the following is TRUE about stalking?

It can occur online

Which of the following is an example of a SMART goal?

Reduce my weekend alcohol consumption from 4 or more drinks per night to no more than 3 drinks per night.

Which of the following is TRUE about marital rape?

Several states may treat marital rape as a lesser crime

Which of the following would NOT be considered a hate crime?

Which of the following would NOT be considered a hate crime?

Which of the following situations might contribute to impaired immune function?

Your grandmother moves in with your family after being hospitalized due to a stroke

Alicia has been experiencing persistent sadness, despair, and hopelessness. She is displaying symptoms of

a chronic mood disorder

The definition of the term family

changes over time

Chronic stress may cause structural degeneration and impaired function of the brain, increasing the risk for all of the following EXCEPT


Washing your hands before eating is an example of disease


Jake is being treated for depression by a medical doctor who provides talk therapy and has also prescribed medication for his condition. Which type of mental health professional is Jake seeing?


Which phase of the cycle of violence is called the "honeymoon period" because the batterer may act apologetic and promise to change?


The strategy of reframing appraisals of stressors more positively and working toward future goals is known as

shift and persist

The sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted many times during sleep is

sleep apnea

All of the following medications can cause drowsiness EXCEPT


Which of the following BEST describes a Type C personality?


Which of the following were cited by college students in a national survey as major impediments to performing well academically?

stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties

Which of the following is an essential prerequisite for changing a behavior?

wanting to change

All of the following are common side effects of psychotropic drugs EXCEPT

weight loss

The achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions is


Which of the following statements about the graduating class of 2016 is true?

More than 70 percent of these students graduated with significant debt.

Sleepwalking sometimes occurs during

NREM stage 4.

Which of the following actions helps maintain a sleep-promoting environment?

Cleanliness: Wash your sheets and other bedding regularly, and get rid of clutter

Which of the following statements about media and violence is true?

Research has not demonstrated a clear link between exposure to violent media and a propensity to engage in violent acts.

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origin

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins.

Which of the following is TRUE about stress?

Stress is a mental and physical response to real or perceived changes and challenges.

Which of the following is TRUE about major depression?

Symptoms include feeling hopeless and difficulty concentrating.

Which of the following statements about caffeine is true?

The sleep-impairing effects of caffeine can last for 7.7 hours or more

Which of the following is TRUE about panic attacks?

They can lead to social isolation

A bias-motivated crime is

a hate crime

Family consists of

a network of people that provides support, security, love, and a sense of belonging

Which of the following is TRUE of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Failure to meet a lower-level need will interfere with fulfilling higher-level needs.

Which of the following is TRUE about intimate partner violence?

Homicide by a current or former intimate partner is the leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States

Which of the following is TRUE about persistent depressive disorder?

It is a mild but chronic form of depression

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to attention-deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD/ADHD)?

It tends to disrupt relationships

Which of the following is TRUE about positive psychology?

Its interventions have proven effective in reducing disability and increasing longevity.

What percentage of the world's population lacks adequate sleep?

about 45 percent

Missy is motivated to lose weight. She has begun taking a 30-minute walk every morning, has worked with a nutrition counselor to design a new diet, and on Monday will begin following new eating plan. According to the transtheoretical model of behavior change, Missy is in a stage of


Being flexible in making plans with friends demonstrates


Jason is frustrated because he has three projects due at the same time next week and he doesn't believe it's possible to get all three finished. His solution is to forget about the projects and meet up with friends for a night out. Jason has

an external locus of control

Which of the following is most likely to cause eustress instead of distress?

an impending promotion

Relationships can cause stress in all the following ways EXCEPT

aspiring to be the best one can be.

An appraisal of the relationship between an object, action, or idea and some attribute related to it is a(n)


Although he is often dispirited, exhausted, and pessimistic, for the last few days Jirou has been studying, working out, and socializing with so much energy and enthusiasm that he has not had more than two or three hours of sleep each night. Jirou might be suffering from

bipolar disorder

During non-REM sleep

body temperature and energy use drop

Research suggests that anxiety disorders

can develop as a learned response to a recurrent stress-inducing situation.

The disruption of which factor results in jet lag?

circadian rhythm

Lengthy cohabitation that is considered legally binding in some states

common-law marriage

After working on a class project all week and only sleeping about four hours per night, Courtney is

compromising her immunity

Going out for dinner at your favorite restaurant as a reward for finishing a big project is an example of a

consumable reinforcer

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, the most complete, ideal type of love is

consummate love

The Russian hacking of polling software during the 2016 U.S. elections is an example of


The personality trait that involves the ability to adapt to a social situation and demonstrate assertiveness is known as


People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called

learned helplessness.

The expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, such as at birth, is known as

life expectancy

After breaking up with his girlfriend, Lucas has been unable to move on. He is afraid of rejection and doesn't think that women find him attractive. He is probably suffering from

low self-esteem

Which health model views treating disease through medications and surgery as the surest way to improve health?

medical model

Treatment for schizophrenia includes hospitalization and a combination of

medication and psychotherapy

The general term for a disorder that disrupts thoughts, feelings, moods, and behavior to the extent that it impairs functioning in daily life is

mental illness

Makoto has a disability affecting his movement. Throughout high school, he has been rejected, teased, and bullied. Makoto has been experiencing

minority stress.

A sedentary lifestyle, overuse of caffeine, and risky sexual practices are examples of

modifiable determinants of health

Of the following choices, the source of stress experienced by the greatest percentage of American adults is


The condition that causes people to fall asleep involuntarily during the day is


The restful, restorative period of sleep is

non-REM sleep.

One reason the validity of the Type A personality theory has been debated is that

not all Type A people experience negative health consequences

Evan washes his hands more than 50 times a day because of an ongoing fixation on germs; he is most likely suffering from

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A hormone referred to as a "cuddle chemical" that boosts feelings of satisfaction and attachment is


An acute anxiety attack that brings on intense physical symptoms is a(n)

panic attack

An adolescent smoker might think lung cancer happens only to old people. This is an example of which factor of the health belief model?

perceived susceptibility

The dimension of physical health encompasses the ability to

perform activities of daily living

A type of mental illness that involves inflexible patterns of thought that, in many cases, lead to socially distressing behavior is a(n)

personality disorder

Paulo cannot recall a time when he did not feel terrified of spiders. He could be experiencing a(n)


The six dimensions of health

physical, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental (interact continuously)

Most commonly, a person diagnosed with social anxiety disorder has a fear of

public events and gatherings

REM sleep is named for which physiological activity that occurs while dreaming?

rapid eye movements

In preparation for his exam, Juan plans to stay up all night studying. According to research, this strategy will likely result in

reduced cognitive ability

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is associated with

reduced exposure to sunlight

Support from others to change a behavior is an example of a(n)

reinforcing factor

A psychologically healthy person is


After Julia discovers a suggestive e-mail her boyfriend sent to another woman, she considers how to confront him about it. Which stage of the general adaptation syndrome applies to this situation?


The process of taking small individual steps toward a behavior change goal is


Changing your seat in class to one closer to the front to help change your habit of napping during the lecture is an example of

situational inducement

Jill has many friends, is respected by her coworkers, and maintains a great relationship with her boyfriend. Her ability to interact with others is an example of which dimension of health?


The change model based on three factors (social environment, thoughts and feelings, and behaviors) in interaction with each other is known as the

social cognitive model

A network of people and services with which we share ties and which provide support is

social support.

Marie's parents have given her money for a down payment on a new car; they are providing her with

tangible support.

Which phase of the cycle of violence is typically characterized by anger, abusive language, and psychological aggression?

tension building

Spiritually healthy people believe

that they are part of a something larger than the purely physical or personal dimensions of existence.

The contemporary definition of wellness is

the achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions

Anxiety disorders are

the most common mental health problem in the United States.

People with an internal locus of control believe that events turn out as they do based on

their own actions

Psychological health is best described as encompassing

thinking, feeling, relating, and being

Psychological health is best described as encompassing?

thinking, feeling, relating, and being.

Of the following, which factor is NOT a reason people become involved in gangs?

to get away from controlling parents

Which behavior change model involves six distinct stages and is also known as the stages of change model?

transtheoretical model

All of the following are basic mindfulness skills EXCEPT

tuning out a noisy student in the library

A likely reason that people may be meaner online than in person is that

users cannot see the person with whom they are communicating

All of the following are techniques used in the Chinese art of feng shui EXCEPT

using sheer curtains that let in as much light as possible.

Jeff knows the midterm chemistry exam is going to be tough. He is trying to prepare for it by taking a practice test every night before he goes out with his buddies. Jeff is

using the technique of stress inoculation.

The term terrorism is correctly applied to situations in which

violence is used to achieve political aims.

Insomnia is often characterized by

waking up frequently during the night

Major public health achievements of the twentieth century include

workplace safety

Which of the following forms of stress management also improves strength and flexibility?


Self-disclosure can be a double-edged sword because

you risk the possibility that the other person will reject you

Which of the following statements about mindfulness is true?

An essential component of mindfulness is awareness of oneself and one's environment

Intense feelings or patterns of feelings that people experience are


An awareness of what others might be going through is called


The primary hormone responsible for physiological stress responses such as increased heart and breathing rates is


Violence directed at others and based on prejudice and discrimination is


Carol believes that she sleeps reasonably well at night, yet she feels chronically sluggish and frequently nods off during classes. Carol is most likely experiencing

excessive daytime sleepines

Adequate sleep may enhance intellectual health in all the following ways EXCEPT by

expending energy

Emotional health can best be described as being able to

feel and express emotions appropriately

Which of the following is NOT a common sign of major depression?

feeling highly energetic

Effective health promotion programs

focus on encouraging behaviors known to support good health

One factor contributing to narcolepsy appears to be


The ever-changing process of achieving individual potential in the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental dimensions is the definition of


Differences in cancer mortality among specific populations are an example of

health disparities

Chronic stress has a strong connection to all of the following medical conditions EXCEPT

hearing loss

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is

highly treatable

Brian is considered a Type A personality by his friends because of his history of "road rage" and extreme competitiveness. All the following put him at increased risk for cardiovascular disease EXCEPT

his upbeat, glass-half-full approach to life

The science of epigenetics studies

how behavioral choices influence our cells' ability to use genes.

To manage stress, the first step is to

identify and assess the stressors in your life.

How does sleep deprivation affect drivers?

impairs motor skills

Which type of costs are related to higher insurance premiums and increased disability payments due to obesity-related health conditions?

indirect medical costs

Determinants of health are a range of factors in a person's life that

influence his or her health status

Violence that occurs between two people in a current or former marriage or sexual or dating relationship is

intimate partner violence

Beth works part-time as a waitress and receives no health insurance benefits from her employer. She purchased insurance under the Affordable Care Act, but the policy has a $5,000 annual deductible. Beth

is likely to delay care that she needs

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