health -250

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Which supplement may be helpful in lowering the risk of some forms of cancer?

Green tea

Which of the following categories describes the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress?


Which change model was created to illustrate how firmly held ideas affect behavior change?

Health belief model

Which type of infection can be contracted by sharing needles?

Hepatitis B

Which type of psychoactive drug generally has harmful effects and is most likely illegal?


Which assisted reproductive technology process involves the fertilization of a woman's egg outside of her body and the transfer of the fertilized egg to her uterus?

In vitro fertilization

Which of the following is NOT a bacterial infection or caused by a bacterial infection?


Which form of contraception involves implanting a small object in a woman's uterus?

Intrauterine device

Which of the following is TRUE about psilocybin?

It can cause hallucinations.

Which of the following is NOT true about hypothermia?

It can only happen in temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about NuvaRing?

It exposes the user to a lower dose of estrogen than the combination pill.

Which statement BEST summarizes what happens when particulate matter condenses in the lungs?

It forms tar, a thick, brownish sludge.

Which of the following is TRUE about self-disclosure?

It involves sharing feelings and information as a means of getting to know a person.

Which statement about heat exhaustion is TRUE?

It is a mild form of shock.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of cocaine?

It is an anesthetic and a stimulant.

Which of the following is NOT true about PCP?

It is still used by doctors in some states.

Which of the following is TRUE about hospice care?

It provides care for a terminally ill patient and his or her family.

Which of the following is NOT true about a hangover?

It usually takes 1-2 hours to recover from a hangover.

Nancy bought some toys for her children that were made in China. What dangerous chemical might have been used in their manufacture?


Which of the following is a cancer that occurs in the infection-fighting regions of the body?


Which diagnostic test is used to identify heart muscle damage caused by a heart attack?

Magnetic resonance imaging

What is the ratio of obesity in U.S. children today?

More than 1 in 6 children

The average person in the United States generates how many pounds of municipal solid waste each day?

More than 4

What percentage of adult Americans are overweight or obese?

More than 60%

Which of the following is NOT true about illicit drugs?

Most illicit drugs are not considered to be harmful.

Which population group has the highest rate of smoking?

Native American/AI

Radiation exposure is measured in which of the following units (also called roentgens)?

Radiation absorbed doses

What is "harm reduction" in the context of drug abuse programs?

Reducing negative consequences of drug use

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for colorectal cancer?

Regular exercise

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of blood flow as it travels through the heart?

Right atria, right ventricle, lungs, left atria, left ventricle, aorta

According to Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, which type of love combines intimacy and passion?


Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is TRUE?

Schizophrenia is a biological disease of the brain.

Which of the following is a major contributor to indoor air pollution?

Secondhand smoke

Which theory holds that our bodies fight to maintain our weight within a particular narrow range?

Set point theory

Paula was athletic in high school and maintained her normal weight during her freshman year in college. During her sophomore year, she moved off-campus and shared an apartment with two friends who were overweight. The three regularly enjoyed late nights watching movies and indulging in pizza and other snacks. As the holiday break approached, Paula realized that she had gained more than 20 pounds. Which type of influence were her friends having on her behavior?

Social reinforcement

In 2009, the states with the greatest prevalence of death by heart attack in the United States were located in which region?


What role does religion play in spirituality?

Spirituality may or may not include participation in organized religion.

Which of the following is TRUE about stress?

Stress is a mental and physical response to real or perceived changes and challenges.

Which STI occurs in stages over a period of years?


"Drunkorexia" is a term used to describe behavior that combines heavy drinking and disordered eating.


A personality trait characterized by control, commitment, and the willingness to embrace new challenges is known as psychological hardiness.


A woman who miscarries early in her pregnancy may experience disenfranchised grief.


According to Worden's model, the grief work process includes four developmental tasks that a person must complete to cope with the situation and move on with his or her life.


Advertising for cigarettes targets specific groups in society.


Alcohol intoxication increases the risk of non-consensual sex.


Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia.


An increase in blood glucose will result in an increased insulin response.


Being able to perform the activities of daily living is an aspect of physical health.


Cigarette advertising in the United States that targets children is illegal.


Cigarette smoke releases particulates into the air and is perhaps the greatest source of indoor air pollution.


Cutting or self-mutilation is a symptom of borderline personality disorder.


Drugs to treat erectile dysfunction may only have a placebo effect on men with normal erections.


Emotional and psychological violence can cause as much harm as physical blows or injuries.


Explain how energy is spent during physical activity and the three factors that determine how many calories a person expends during that activity.


HIV can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex.


Individuals need more protein if they are pregnant, fighting off a serious infection, or recovering from surgery or burns.


Inflammation may play a role in heart disease development.


Keeping in touch with your best friend from high school is one way of enhancing your social health.


Masturbation is a common sexual practice across the life span.


More than 23 million people in Africa are infected with HIV.


More than 40% of Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana.


Overseas adoptions can make it easier for Americans to adopt an infant rather than an older child.


Psychoneuroimmunology is a scientific field involved in the study of the effects of prolonged stress on the immune system.


Relationship breakdowns most often begin with changes or problems in communication.


Sexual dysfunction is most common in the early adult years.


You cannot contract HIV through casual contact.


Which substance in cigarettes is a thick, brownish sludge containing carcinogens?


For an aerobic exercise such as a Latin dance class, which measurement would you use to confirm that you are working at 70% to 90% of your maximal heart rate for improved cardiorespiratory fitness?

Target heart rate

There have been recent reports of date rape drugs being used at campus parties. What should female students do to protect themselves from being the victim of drug-facilitated crimes?

Tell a friend if they suspect something was slipped into food or drink and go to the ER immediately.

Gustavo is going to start college next year and has been offered a financial aid package that includes a federal loan, a private loan, a grant, and work study. What are his two BEST options in that package if he wants to keep his costs down?

The grant and work study

Which of the following is TRUE about being single in the United States?

The number of adults electing to remain single is increasing.

Which of the following is TRUE about intersexuality?

The person does not exhibit exclusively male or female sexual anatomy.

Therapeutic communities (TCs) are a type of

Therapeutic communities (TCs) are a type of

Psychoactive drugs have which type of effect on chemical neurotransmission?

They enhance, suppress, or interfere with it.

Which one of the following is characteristic of intimate relationships?

They involve need fulfillment.

Which of the following cholesterol profiles would NOT indicate an increased risk of coronary heart disease?

Total cholesterol = 170; HDL = 70

Which of the following is NOT true about the treatment for opioid addiction?

Treatment programs are very successful once addicts get through the first six months.

Evidence suggests that air within homes and buildings can be 10 to 40 times more hazardous than outdoor air.


Extremely low body fat can contribute to loss of menstrual period in women.


Health insurance is based on the idea that policyholders pay affordable premiums so they never have to face catastrophic medical bills.


Regular self-care should include performing monthly breast and testicular self-examinations.


In which form of diabetes is the body NOT able to produce insulin?

Type 1

Which of the following procedures performed during pregnancy can determine the size and position of the fetus and detect birth defects in the central nervous and digestive systems?


Which of the following countries has the largest "ecological footprint"?

United States

Jordan is concerned that his interest in material goods is selfish and does nothing to help others. Which of the following would BEST take Jordan's focus off materialism and encourage altruism?

Volunteering to serve meals at a homeless shelter

Which of the following is essential for life and is the major component of blood?


The idea that jogging will cause an older person's bones and joints to degenerate more quickly is an example of which theory of aging?


Which of the following symptoms probably does NOT warrant professional medical advice?

You develop a low-grade fever and sore throat.

You woke up this morning with the worst headache of your life, and you feel nauseous. Your neck feels so stiff that you can hardly nod your head. Your roommate says your skin is very hot and you probably have a fever. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

You have signs of meningitis. Both you and your roommate should go to the health clinic immediately.

Which factor would reduce the likelihood of your choosing a particular person as a partner?

Your beliefs, attitudes, and values are significantly different.

The common name for a myocardial infarction is

a heart attack.

Ayurveda refers to

a holistic treatment approach based on vital energies.

Jeff and Dana have been married for two years. Their relationship involves exclusive sexual involvement with each other. This demonstrates

a monogamous relationship.

The definition of spirituality for an individual is

a quest for peace, purpose, and meaning in life.

An example of an exercise to build core strength would be

abdominal curl-ups.

A rape in which the victim knows the attacker is

acquaintance rape.

A form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of fine needles at specific points along the body's energy channels is


Middle-age weight gain is attributed to all of the following factors EXCEPT

age-related appetite increase.

An allergic response begins with exposure to a(n)


The psychological desire to eat is


All of the following are part of the RICE formula for treating sports- and fitness-related injuries EXCEPT

apply heat at the injury site.

An irregularity in the heartbeat is known as


Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are the


Suicide prevention techniques include

asking directly if the person intends to hurt himself or herself.

The body's core muscles are the

back and abdominals.

Removal of tissue and microscopically examining it to determine if cancer is present is a


Julio wants to strengthen his relationship with LaVonne by sharing personal information with her. To get over his fear of disclosing his feelings, Julio can do all of the following EXCEPT

blame his parents for his imperfections.

Long-term exposure to formaldehyde can lead to

cancer and central nervous system disorders.

Marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke both contain dangerous substances known as


The last stage of liver disease that can result from years of heavy drinking is


Nicotine paralyzes the cilia on the surfaces of upper respiratory passages and prevents it from

cleaning out foreign matter.

All of the following are examples of renewable resources EXCEPT


If an insurance policy covers 90 percent of your total medical bills, the remaining 10 percent that you must pay is your

coinsurance amount.

In relationships, the process of resolving differences peacefully and creatively is

conflict resolution.

Student aid includes all of the following EXCEPT


The permanent cessation of all of the body's vital functions is the definition of


Sound is measured in


The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to do all of the following EXCEPT

deny health care coverage to those with preexisting conditions.

Categories established by the federal government to determine how much a hospital will be reimbursed for the care of a patient with a particular condition or multiple conditions are

diagnosis-related groups.

All of the following actions can help protect against identity theft EXCEPT

dont get a smart card

Risk factors for COPD include all of the following EXCEPT

eating disorders.

Intense feelings or patterns of feelings that people experience are


Foods that contain mainly fat and/or sugar and have little or no nutritional value, such as ice cream and soda, are said to consist of

empty calories.

Lisa is aware that her best friend, Kim, has a drinking problem. Lisa continually makes excuses for her and often completes Kim's homework to protect her from flunking out of school. Lisa's behavior is an example of


A cause of infertility in which uterine tissue is implanted outside the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes is


The inner lining of the uterus is the


The duct system atop the testes where sperm reach maturity is the


Daniel has been involved in four sexually exclusive relationships over the past six years. This is an example of

erial monogamy.

An addictive drug produced by fermentation is

ethyl alcohol.

Emotional health can BEST be described as being able to

feel and express emotions appropriately.

When women drink alcohol during pregnancy, they can cause significant brain damage and other impairments in the fetus; this condition is known as

fetal alcohol syndrome.

A sprained ankle should be iced

for 20 minutes every hour for the first 24 to 72 hours.

The condition of elevated blood glucose levels during pregnancy is called

gestational diabetes.

The complex carbohydrate form of a sugar that is stored in the liver and muscles is


All of the following are recommended for avoiding contracting or spreading H1N1 EXCEPT

going to work while sick as long as you take medication.

The majority of health care dollars in the United States are spent on

government administration.

All of the following are true with respect to generic drugs EXCEPT they

have the same inactive ingredients as their brand name counterpart.

A test that gives the average value of a patient's glucose over the past 2 to 3 months is the

hemoglobin A1C test.

All of the following are consequences of population growth EXCEPT

higher healthcare costs.

Aaron is trying to lose weight but he still wants a snack while he is studying. He discovered that a low-calorie hot drink is a good choice because

hot drinks are more satisfying than many other snack choices.

On a food product label, the amount shown as % Daily Value shows

how much of a nutrient is in one serving.

To manage stress, the first step is to

identify and assess the stressors in your life.

All of the following are key risk factors for TB EXCEPT

improved sanitation.

To ensure its effectiveness, the BEST place to store a condom would be

in a bathroom storage drawer away from sharp objects.

Assault, homicide, and suicide are examples of

intentional injuries.

Violence that occurs between two people in a current or former marriage or sexual or dating relationship is

intimate partner violence.

When drugs combine in the body to produce extremely uncomfortable effects, this reaction is called drug


The fastest-acting method of injection is


The release of particles and electromagnetic rays from atomic nuclei during the normal process of disintegration produces

ionizing radiation.

The vast majority of stalkers are

known to their victims.

The sugar found in dairy products that some people can't digest properly is


People who have experienced repeated failures may develop a pattern of response in which they give up and fail to take any positive action. This is called

learned helplessness.

The main site of alcohol metabolism is the


The vast majority of all back problems occur in the

lumbar spine.

Gastric bypass is considered a(n)

malabsorption surgery.

Lower health insurance rates for nonsmokers is an example of a(n)

manipulative reinforcer

The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome include

mental retardation.

All of the following drugs are used to treat heroin addiction EXCEPT


Seth has a sensitivity to mold. When he visits his grandparents and spends time in their damp basement in his grandfather's wood shop, he likely experiences all of the following EXCEPT

migraine headaches.

The spiritual practice that involves focused, nonjudgmental observation and the ability to be fully present in the moment is


A relationship in which the partners are sexually involved only with each other is


Colleges have implemented programs to reduce alcohol use that include a nonjudgmental approach to working with students known as

motivational interviewing.

Marijuana today is

much more potent than it was in the 1960s.

The amount of force that a muscle is capable of exerting is referred to as

muscular strength.

Jake and Kate have been dating for two years and have a close relationship. Kate feels that she has someone to take care of and who also cares for her. This example BEST demonstrates Jake and Kate's

need to nurture each other.

The accident that results when the temperature in the core of a nuclear reactor increases enough to melt the fuel and breach the containment vessel is called a

nuclear meltdown.

The science that studies food and nourishment, including food composition and the physiological effects of food on the body is


Testicular cancer is

one of the most curable forms of cancer.

What portion of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis (TB)?


An individual with an eating disorder may also have

other psychological disorders.

An example of a point source water pollutant is

outflow from a sewage treatment plant.

Smog is sometimes called

ozone pollution.

Care that focuses on relieving the pain and symptoms of a serious illness to improve quality of life for patients and families is

palliative care.

Capitation refers to

payment of a fixed monthly amount to a health-care provider per enrolled patient, regardless of the type or number of services provided.

An optometrist

performs eye exams and prescribes and fits lenses.

An example of a nonpoint source water pollutant is

pesticide runoff from a farm.

Chemicals used to kill insects and rodents are


If you can perform regular moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without excessive fatigue you are considered to be

physically fit.

The most common cause of female infertility in the United States is

polycystic ovary syndrome.

Naturopathy refers to a

practice based on restoring the body's innate ability to heal itself.

You have a history of back problems and found out that your new health insurance plan will not cover any treatment related to your back problems until the policy has been in effect for 12 months. Your back problem is considered a(n)

preexisting condition.

Social bonds can

provide a sense of belonging and reassure an individual of his or her worth.

The science and profession involved in protecting and improving the health of individuals, families, and communities is

public health.

Higher metabolic rates during growth and development periods such as puberty and pregnancy are part of

rapid bodily changes.

Key factors in mounting an immune response include all of the following EXCEPT

red blood cells.

The BEST way to try to achieve the ideal HDL to LDL ratio before medications are prescribed is to

reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet and engage in regular exercise.

A period during which cancer has responded to treatment and appears to be under control is called


Fertility is a person's ability to


The measure of energy expended while a person is engaged in sedentary activities, such as sitting on a sofa or digesting food, is the

resting metabolic rate.

An infection during pregnancy that can cause blindness or hearing disorders in the infant is


Belief in your ability to perform a task successfully is called


Any form of unwanted sexual attention is

sexual harassment.

Julia is 74 years old. Over the last several years, she has begun salting her food more than she used to. The reason for this is that

she has lost taste buds and the ones she has left have atrophied.

General pain that occurs below the knee and above the ankle is called

shin splints.

Monica was president of the local chapter of Future Business Leaders of America during her senior year. After Monica was diagnosed with an aggressive form of lymphoma, her classmates stopped talking about their career plans in front of her. Monica was experiencing

social death.

Interpersonal therapy focuses on

social roles and relationships.

Social and cultural factors that increase the likelihood of violence include all of the following EXCEPT

social support.

A portrayal of the ideal woman as submissive and nurturing by parents, advertising, and other media is an example


A good way to control portion sizes when you eat out is to

split an entrée with a friend or eat only half and take the other half home.

A colorless gas that dissolves in water vapor to form acid and is emitted from coal-fired power plants is

sulfur dioxide.

The most well-known symptom of mumps is

swollen salivary glands.

A false negative pregnancy test may result from

taking the pregnancy test too early in the pregnancy.

Drugs, chemicals, and radiation that can cause birth defects are known as


The dimensions of physical health include all of the following EXCEPT

the ability to analyze information.

Nutrients are

the constituents in food that the body requires to function properly.

All of the following must happen for a disease to occur EXCEPT

the host must never have had the disease before.

A woman has experienced multiple symptoms, including fatigue and depression, for which her doctor has not been of much help. She decides to participate in a native tribal ceremony that involves a shaman holding his hands just above her body. Within days of the ceremony, her symptoms have improved. This treatment method is an example of

therapeutic or healing touch.

Greg and Kate always support each other's interests, hoping to ensure that the other will succeed. This BEST demonstrates that

they are advocates for each other.

All of the following are true about suppositories EXCEPT

they have a short life span and become inactive within an hour.

All of the following are true about intimate relationships EXCEPT

they may lack emotional availability.

Eating healthy foods helps in managing stress because

they nourish the body and provide stamina for stressful times.

Risk for developing lung cancer varies among smokers due to all of the following EXCEPT

tolerance to nicotine.

Minerals that the body needs in very small amounts are

trace minerals.

When a person's gender identity does not match one's biological sex, this is known as being


A variant sexual behavior in which the person wears the clothing of the opposite sex is


Emotions or situations that cause a person to make unhealthy eating choices are


You are concerned about the ever-increasing costs of health care, so you try to do all of the following EXCEPT

use the emergency room for your routine health care.

Taking responsibility for your health care includes all of the following EXCEPT

using over-the-counter medications to treat a sudden, serious illness.

The small veins are the


The term terrorism is correctly applied to situations in which

violence is used to achieve political aims.

An individual would most likely suffer from angina pectoris when

walking up a flight of stairs.

Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include all of the following EXCEPT

weakness in the limbs.

The relatively ineffective method of birth control, known as coitus interruptus, is the

withdrawal method.

You are most likely to listen BEST when

you believe the speaker is saying something you can relate to.

Which of the following is TRUE about preeclampsia?

. Family history of preeclampsia on the man's or woman's side is a risk factor.

The amount of force that a muscle can exert in one contraction is muscle

. strength.

An individual who is fasting will deplete his or her energy stores in about

10 days.

What percentage of U.S. homes are estimated to have lead-based paint hazards?

25 percent

How long is the average menstrual cycle?

28 days

Binge drinking is defined for the typical adult as

4 or more drinks for females or 5 or more drinks for males in about two hours.

In hypothermia, death usually occurs when body core temperature drops to


Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between getting a chill and contracting a cold?

A chill may indirectly increase a person's risk for getting a cold by lowering the immune system's resistance.

Which of the following is TRUE about androgyny?

A person has a combination of both traditional masculine and feminine traits.

You are focusing on an image of billowing, white clouds while breathing in a slow, controlled manner. Which method are you using to manage stress?


Which of the following is a staphylococcal infection?


Which of the following is TRUE about steroids?

Adverse effects include mood swings, elevated cholesterol levels, acne, and hypertension.

Which inexpensive device can be attached to faucets and showerheads to reduce water consumption?


Among college students, which of the following illicit drugs has the highest usage rate?


Which of the following is NOT a technique used to diagnose heart disease?


Which type of immunity occurs when antibodies develop in response to a vaccine?

Artificially acquired active immunity

Diet pills contain ingredients such as caffeine, which can have dangerous side effects and act in what way on the body?

As a stimulant

Differences in health conditions among specific populations are disparities.

Sexual orientation is based on which of the following factors?

Biological, psychological, and socioenvironmental

What do preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and point of service (POS) plans have in common?

Both allow patients to seek outside care but require patients to pay the extra cost.

The level of which type of proteins in the blood rises during an inflammatory reaction?


When we are forced to choose between two or more competing desires, motives, behaviors, or impulses, which process is occurring?

C. Conflict

The excessive use of a drug is

C. abuse.

Which of the following hormones might contribute to the "Freshman 15"—the tendency to gain about 15 pounds during the first year of college?


Katherine is an energetic, confident student who is not afraid to stand up in front of the class and read her essay aloud. She trusts that even if others don't agree with her point of view, they will still value her as a person and a friend. These traits show that Katherine has positive

C.emotional health.

Overall, the leading cause of death for Americans is

C.heart disease.

Which substance in cigarettes decreases the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells?

Carbon monoxide

Which of the following is NOT true about alcohol absorption?

Carbonated alcoholic beverages are absorbed less rapidly than those containing no sparkling additives.

Amy's Uncle Joe has developed kidney failure that his doctor says is due to the kidney cells being at the end of their reproductive cycle. This is an example of which theory of aging?


You are moving into your first apartment. Which type of stressor is this?


Which of the following activities deprives the senses?

Closing the eyes and sitting in silence

Which of the following rules was included in the 2009 CARD Act, designed to regulate the credit card industry?

Colleges must disclose marketing contracts with credit card companies.

Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the relationship between body image and culture?

Commercials often convey messages related to physical attractiveness.

According to Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, which type of love combines commitment and intimacy?


Which type of proteins contain all nine essential amino acids?


Which form of birth control is injected every three months to remain effective?


Which blood pressure measurement is the lower number that represents the amount of pressure on arterial walls when the heart relaxes?


When drugs activate the brain's pleasure circuit, what neurotransmitter is involved?


Which of the following is TRUE about inhalants?

Doses are difficult to control because of individual lung capacities.

A birth defect that occurs more frequently in babies born to mothers over the age of 35 is

Down syndrome.

If you know you will be at an event where alcohol will be served, what can you do to drink responsibly?

Eat before you go and alternate alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.

Which of the following is a good tip for simple, healthy eating while going to college?

Eat snacks such as dried fruit, nuts, and yogurt without added sugar.

When romance lasts beyond the four-year mark, which chemicals in the body give lovers a sense of security, peace, and calm?


David spends four hours a day lifting weights and is at the point of obsession about his fitness routine to the extent that he will miss classes and outings with friends so he can go to the gym. He most likely suffers from which of the following disorders?

Exercise addiction

A budget is a record of spending over a long period of time.


A locavore is someone who makes a point of eating out in his or her own neighborho


Amy contracted the flu. Getting a flu shot now will enable her body to attack and eliminate the flu virus in her system.


An authoritarian parenting style is one in which the parent offers the child various choices in regard to behavior.


An oral glucose tolerance test result of 150 mg/dL indicates that the individual is diabetic.


Asthma is an allergic reaction to specific types of pollen.


Differences in political beliefs do not appear to be a factor that contributes to violence.


Experts believe that the Epstein-Barr virus causes chronic fatigue syndrome.


Food allergy and food intolerance mean the same thing.


If you strain a muscle during exercise, you should put heat packs on it when you get home to ease the pain and promote healing.


Medication abortion using "the abortion pill" has fewer steps than the simplest surgical method.


Methadone maintenance does not have the same potential for addiction that heroin does.


Mixing alcohol with energy drinks reduces the level of alcohol impairment.


Outercourse is 100 percent effective against STIs.


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI).


People who breathe tobacco smoke from another person's cigarette are known as sidestream smokers.


Spiritual health can only be achieved through an organized religion.


The majority of heart arrhythmias result in death.


Two males of equal size and leanness but different ages will burn the same amount of calories at rest.


Walking every day for 30 minutes will result in the loss of one pound of weight per week.


Regular physical activity decreases both HDL and LDL levels in the blood.


Which of the following is the most energy-dense source of calories in the human diet?


Which of the following statements about college drinking is TRUE?

Female college students' alcohol consumption is now close to that of male college students.

Which form of birth control involves alteration of sexual behavior during certain times of the month?

Fertility awareness

The chief function of this mineral in the body is to make teeth resistant to decay and bones resistant to mineral loss.


To reduce the risk of her child having spina bifida, a pregnant woman should consume an adequate amount of which nutrient?

Folic acid

Francisco just found out his HIV test is positive. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Francisco should seek treatment as soon as possible to slow progression of the disease.

Which habit is key to physical and psychological health because it affects the functioning of neurotransmitters in the body?

Getting enough sleep

The body converts all forms of simple sugars into which of the following substances to provide energy to cells?


You can only get pubic lice through sexual contact.


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