Health and Wellness

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Which of the following models describes the likelihood that someone will change a behavior based on his or her beliefs about the chances he or she will get sick from that behavior?

Health belief model

In the 4th stage of sleep, this hormone is released.

Human growth

Which of the following is true regarding the function of cortisol during the stress response?

It mobilizes nutrients to be used for energy.

Why is it important to improve your range of motion through stretching exercises?

It will enhance your efficiency of movement and posture.

Feima is taking steps to help support good night's sleep. Which of the following are suggested ways to create a "sleep-promoting environment?"

Keep bedroom cool and dark.

High levels of _______ contribute to the plaques in the blood vessels that can lead to heart disease.


Which of the following are good examples of aerobic activities?

Lap swimming, biking to work or school.

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of anxiety disorders?

Persistent feelings of threat and worry.

Carbohydrates are divided into which two groups?

Simple and complex.

Which of the following are types of carbohydrates?

Sucrose, starch, fiber

Acute stress

The short-term physiological response to an immediate perceived threat.

What happens when an oil is hydrogenated?

Trans-fatty acids are created.

Moving from thinking about starting an exercise program to joining a club, working with a trainer to set goals, and showing up for workouts is an example of which model of behavior change?

Transtheoretical model

A person with a "thrifty gene" has:

a slower metabolism or one that stores calories.

Physical fitness is the ability to perform physically:

at moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity on a regular basis without fatigue.

Today's health issues and leading causes of death are primarily influenced by:

behavior and lifestyles.

Lisa seems to be on an emotional roller coaster. She goes from one extreme emotion to another, from euphoric to depressive. Lisa is most likely suffering from

bipolar disorder.

Plant foods provide incomplete proteins. But certain combinations of plant foods, such as _________, will produce a complete protein.

black beans and rice

The carbohydrate the body uses as fuel is


Organic on food labels refer to foods that are:

grown without the use of pesticides, chemicals, or hormones.

Jake is exhibiting self-efficacy when he...

has set a reasonable goal (to bench-press 125 pounds) and has the skills and support he needs to achieve it.

Researchers suspect panic attacks may be caused by

heredity, stress, and certain biochemical factors.

According to the MyPlate Food Guide "empty calories" foods are:

high-calorie foods with little nutritional value.

Regular exercise reduces the risk for heart-related disease by:

improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Regular exercise reduces the risk for heart-related diseases by:

improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Regular aerobic activity improves the efficiency of the heart by:

increasing the amount of blood pumped with each heartbeat.

Muscular strength is best developed by:

increasing the amount of weight you can lift a few times.

The most common sleep disorder in adults is:


According to the text, the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) include:

intrusive recollections of the traumatic events, such as nightmares.

Traumatic stress

is a physiological and mental response that occurs for a prolonged period of time after a major accident, war, assault, natural disaster, or an event in which one may have been seriously hurt, killed, or witness to horrible things

Chronic stress

is an ongoing state of physiological arousal in response to ongoing or numerous perceived threats. It is associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person's control

Episodic acute stress

is the state of regularly reacting with wild, acute stress about one thing or another.

All of the following are true about warm-up session EXCEPT

it rapidly increases the heart rate and body temperature. (True: it increases muscle and tendon elasticity and flexibility, it prepares the body for more intense activity, it improves joint lubrication)

A healthy body image can contribute to all of the following except:

low self-esteem. (It contributes to decreased stress, a more joyful life, personal empowerment)

Muscular endurance is the:

muscle's ability to sustain a muscle contraction for a length of time.

Essential nutrients are:

nutrients needed by the body and are provided in foods.

Flax seeds, walnuts and leafy green vegetables are high in ________ fats.


The physical flaw that most individuals associate with negative body image is:


Dennis often experiences sudden bursts of acute anxiety in which she feels short of breath and feels as if she is about to die. These episodes are known as:

panic attacks.

The easiest way to check to make sure you are walking or running with enough intensity to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness is to:

perform the talk test.

One approach to stress management involves identifying negative self-talk. Some examples of negative self-talk are:

pessimism, blaming, perfectionism

The first stages of the Stages of Change Model (also known as the Transtheoretical Model) are:

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation

Seasonal Affective Disorder is associated with

reduced exposure to sunlight.

The benefits of a fiber-rich diet include all of the following EXCEPT:

reduced risk of prostate and breast cancer. (includes reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, a feeling of fullness which can prevent overeating and weight gain, reduced absorption of cholesterol which may help reduce heart disease risk)

Cognitive restructuring is a stress management approach which emphasizes:

replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

The body image continuum developed by researchers at the University of Arizona:

represents a range of attitudes and behaviors towards body image.

One of the best sources of polyunsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids, is


Which of the following is NOT an anxiety disorder?


The principles that guide strength development include:

tension, overload, and specificity.

Exercise time refers to:

the duration or number of repetitions that are needed for each exercise component.

Environmental health

the study of how environmental factors affect human health and quality of life. Consists of the effect that the community and surroundings have over one's well-being.

Which of the following describe Body Mass Index?

- A measure of weight relative to height. - A way to more accurately measure "overweight" or "obese than weight alone. - A fairly reliable indicator of body fat in most people.

Which of the following are measures in which adequate sleep enhances intellectual health?

- By clearing the brain of daily minutia - by consolidating memories - by synthesizing learning

During REM sleep which of the following occurs?

- rapid eye movement occurs - the brain is active and dreams occur - the body becomes temporarily paralyzed - breathing and heart rate increase

The FITT principle for muscular endurance and strength includes resistance training:

2 to 3 days per week.

When understanding what makes people change, the health belief model suggests that:

A change is based on a person's perception of how serious and risky a problem is.


Also known as negative stress, is the stress that can have a detrimental effect on one's health. Example: the stress caused by being bullied.


Also, called positive stress, stress that presents opportunities for personal growth. Example - Stressing about a big test can motivate us to study.

Which of the following are considered "eating disorders" by the American Psychiatric Association?

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder.

From the lecture you learned that these foods supply large amounts of saturated fat in the American diet.

Cheese and beef.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the relationship between body image and culture?

Commercials often convey messages which can be related to attractiveness.

Tiffany has been under a great deal of stress during the past year and has experienced unexplained weight gain. Which of the following hormones may be linked to her weight gain?


Mortality is defined as:

Death rates.

Which of the following is a way to help yourself if you are depressed?

Do things that are enjoyable and make you feel better such as exercising or going out with a friend.

According to the lecture, Psychological Health, few people give a warning that they are about to attempt suicide.


Alejandra takes a full-course load and works at night. She gets about five hours of sleep most week nights. By sleeping a couple of extra hours on each weekend night, she will make up her sleep debt from the week.


Globally, adults age 70 years and older are less likely to commit suicide than younger adults.


If taken appropriately, high quality protein supplements (drinks, powders) are an effective and safe way to maintain or increase lean mass (body muscle).


Match the type of exercise on the left with the recommended frequency on the right.

- Cardiorespiratory: 3 to 5 days per week - Muscular fitness (strength) 2 to 3 days per week - Flexibility: 2 to 3 days per week, at a minimum

The dramatic increase in diabetes rates in the United States is related to:

- High calorie, low nutrient food choices - Lack of sleep - Excess weight gain - Lack of activity

Which of the following is (are) effective for treating eating disorders?

- Individual psychotherapy - Family therapy - Support groups

Match the list of foods and oils on the left with the correct fatty acid on the right.

- Omega-3 polyunsaturated: Salmon, flax seeds, leafy green vegetables. - Saturated: butter and coconut oil. - Monounsaturated: Olive and canola oils - Polyunsaturated: Corn and soybean oils

The criteria for bulimia nervosa (according to the American Psychiatric Association) include which of the following?

- Recurrent episodes of binge eating - Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior - Body weight and shape unduly influence self-evaluation

Regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by:

- Strengthening heart muscle - Improving blood flow - Increasing blood volume - Increasing oxygen intake by lungs

When the body's stress response is activated, which of the following occurs?

- blood-clotting ability increases - energy sources are released from liver and fat into bloodstream - blood flow to muscles increases

Which of the following take place during Non-REM sleep?

- digestion speeds up - heart and breathing rate slow - body temperature drops - body repairs worn tissues

Obstructive sleep apnea results in which of the following?

- heavy snoring - frequent waking during the night

To improve muscular strength, it is recommended to overload or work the muscles regularly. However, resting between strength training bouts is important. How many days rest between bouts is recommended?

At least 1 day.

Social Health

Being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independent and cooperative way. It has to do with having a social network; one's ability to develop and maintain healthy and satisfactory relationships with others such as friends, family, and partners.

The basic steps of the USDA's Fight BAC! food-borne illness prevent program include all of the following except:

Combine. (Does include chill, clean, and cook)

Erin is concerned because she has been feeling discouraged by life and her circumstances, including feelings of guilt and worthlessness. She also expresses overall feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and despair. On the basis of her symptoms, what might she be suffering from?


Which of the following are not carbohydrates?


Which of the following is true regarding exercise and cancer?

Exercise appears to reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

Cow's milk is difficult for all adults to digest and increases the risk of intestinal problems.


To improve muscle strength effectively, weights or weight machines are required.


Most people are allergic to gluten.


Which of the following is the best example of SMART (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented) goal?

I will walk one hour every weekday before dinner this month.

Which of the following changes could an individual expect by participating in regular aerobic exercise?

Increase in HDLs.

Spiritual Health

It can involve the belief on a supreme being, but it is also about creating or finding a meaning to one's life. Feeling that one is part of something bigger than oneself.

Physical health

It covers nutrition, sleeping patterns and rest, and physical exercising. It also includes one's ability to avoid getting injured and how fast one can heal or get better from an illness. When people have optimal physical health, they thrive and can engage in a variety of activities that promote their well-being.

Emotional health

It encompasses the ability to express one's emotions when the situation allows it, and to control oneself when it's necessary. In order to do that, one has to learn how to deal with different situations and adapt so that the way in which one responds is positive.

What role does natural light exposure during the day play in improving sleep?

It helps regulate circadian rhythm.

Which of the following statements about schizophrenia is true?

It is a biological disease of the brain.

Which of the following is a simple carbohydrate (aka a simple sugar)?


Which of the following has been shown to be the most beneficial treatment for seasonal affective disorder?

Light therapy.

Which of the following is the most common chronic mood disorder?

Major depression.

Which statement is true about mental health?

Mental health problems can affect all age groups and in fact are prevalent among college students.

The term psychological health encompasses which of the following four dimensions of health?

Mental, emotional, social, and spiritual

Anthony served time in prison for selling drugs to finance his college education. Several years later, after settling down with his career and own family, he began to constantly worry that his children would find out his "dirty" past and lose respect and love for him. Anthony found himself taking as many as 10 showers a day even though he realized his senseless behavior would not wash away his past. Anthony was most likely suffering from

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which of the following BEST describes the most common way to measure muscle strength?

One maximum lift of the most weight you can lift.

Emotional intelligence consists of:

Recognizing your own emotions, controlling emotions, being aware and open to another person's feelings.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding what is currently known about self-mutilation.

Research suggests that women are far more likely to self-mutilate than men.

Which of the following are good sources of healthy fats, that is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats?

Seeds, nuts, and fish.

Which of the following is a risk factor for suicide?

Suicide by a close friend or family member, excessive substance use or abuse, loss of a loved one.

Which statement is true about depression in men?

Suicide rates among depressed men are much greater than those of depressed women.

Which of the following actions are recommended to prevent suicide?

Take all threats seriously, don't just brush them off. Use the "tough love" approach when empathy is not effective. Listen carefully, and empathize and sympathize without acting shocked by what they say. Ask directly, "Are you thinking about hurting or killing yourself?" Let them know you care.

Stress inoculation is a way of managing stress. Which of the following are good examples of stress inoculation?

Taking a timed practice quiz to help study for an exam.

As part of the stress response, the hormone epinephrine is released. What are some of the changes that are triggered in the body due to its release?

The liver releases glucose into the blood stream.

Sometime after the new year, Samantha started thinking about exercising more. Weeks later, she and a friend at work agreed to work-out together after work, Then just a week later, they went to the gym three times that week. This is a good example of which model?

Transtheoretical model.

Cortisol is the hormone that makes stored nutrients available for energy as part of the stress response.


Exercise can "burn off" stress hormones that would otherwise have unhealthy mental and physical effects.


Health disparities are differences in the levels of health and disease among specific population groups, such as the low-income or uninsured


Life expectancy may decline in coming years due to the prevalence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles


Psychological health is made-up of mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health.


Research indicates that melatonin supplements are beneficial for people who travel across several time zones.


Schizophrenia is treatable but not curable with current treatment methods.


Spiritual health encompasses more than simply religious beliefs.


The symptoms of the severe anxiety reaction known as a panic attack can mimic those of a heart attack.


Knowing only the information given in the option below, which type of bread has the highest fiber content?


Intellectual Health

a dimension of health that involves your ability to think clearly and critically, learn, and solve problems. It is the stimulation that promotes curiosity and engagement with different aspects of the world such as political and social issues. It is the desire to keep learning, engaging in creative activities.

The majority of adults (in the United States):

are dissatisfied with their bodies.

From the lecture on Psychological Health, you learned the self-esteem can be improved by:

being realistic about how much you can accomplish, completing a task, choosing to eat nutritiously.

The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity is called:

cardiorespiratory fitness.

When training all major muscle groups in a single strength-training workout, a person should:

complete large-muscle group exercises before small-muscle group exercises.

The major health-related components of the physical fitness include all of the following EXCEPT:

coordination and speed. (Does include cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility and body composition, and muscular strength and endurance.

Stress may lead to weight gain. One reason may be because of the release of ___________ which increases hunger and activates fat-storing enzymes.


The range of factors that influence a person's health status are known as

determinants of health.

The body's response to the Alarm phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome are a result of:

endorphins, cortisol, epinephrine (aka adrenaline)

Positive stress that presents the opportunity for personal growth and satisfaction is called


The ________ response describes what happens to our bodies when we perceive danger.


The amount of motion possible at a joint or series of joints is called:


Dissatisfaction with one's body can lead to all of the following EXCEPT:

healthy eating patterns. (It does lead to disordered eating, unhealthy attitudes, excessive exercise)

The physiological state in which the body's systems are functioning normally is known as:


Exercise intensity refers to

how hard the work must be to attain desired level to fitness.

Increasing your level of strength by regularly creating a degree of tension in your muscles greater than they are accustomed to is called:


Increasing your level of strength by regularly creating a degree of tension in your muscles greater that they are accustomed to is called:


The function of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is to

return the body to a state of homeostasis.

Irritability, apathy, weight gain and sadness that occurs during the winter months is referred to as:

seasonal affective disorder

Jake's decision to phone his older brother to ask for advice about how to reduce his college expenses best demonstrates:

social health.

Thea is a swimmer. To improve her stroke performance, she concentrates mainly on her upper body when weight training. Her training method is an example of


Susan was anxious about giving a speech at work. In an effort to overcome her anxiety, she practiced her speech in front of several friends. This is an example of

stress inoculation

You saw in the lecture a shopping list for vegetarians and for anyone looking for nutrient-dense plant foods. That list contained all of the following items except:

texture vegetable protein (TVP). (It does include whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and seeds and nuts)

During REM sleep:

the brain is active and dreams occur

Muscular endurance is best developed by

using less resistance and more repetitions and sets.

The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is described by which of the following?

- may be a response to eustress or distress - a response to stress in three distinct phases: alarm (fight-or-flight response); resistance phase when the body tries to resist the body responses from the alarm phase in order to reestablish homeostasis; exhaustion phase, the hormones and chemicals that result from stress are exhausted by substances such as oxytocin bringing the body into balance.

Billy just had an intense strength-training workout. How long should he wait before his next weight training workout to allow his muscles to rebuild and recover?

24 to 48 hours.

According to research, the average adult needs _____ hours of sleep per night.

7 to 8

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the role of families in the development of psychosocial health?

A nurturing family will foster the development of psychosocial health but is not required.


A physical, social, or psychological event or condition that upsets homeostasis and produces a stress response.


A series of mental and physiological responses and adaptations to a real or perceived threat to one's well-being.

Which of the following best describes emotional health?

Ability to express or control feelings.

The health determinants of individual biology and behaviors are responsible for most of the illness related to chronic diseases. These determinants include all of the following EXCEPT


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