Health Ch.9 Review

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Body Mass Index

A ratio of your weight to your height.


A term used to describe a person who is heavier than the standard for the person's height.

What types of foods should diabetics limit?

Foods high in carbohydrates. You should limit your carbohydrate intake.

Enriched Foods

Foods in which nutrients that were lost during processing have been added back, so that the food meets a specified standard.

Carbohydrate loading

The practice of greatly increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing exercise on the days immediately before a competition.

Basal Metabolic Rate

The rate at which you use energy when your body is at rest.

Why are fad diets not recommended?

They often exclude important nutrients, they can put a dieter's health at risk, and the weight loss achieved with it is usually temporary.


A person who does not eat meat.

Fad diet

A popular diet that may help a person lose or gain weight but without proper regard for nutrition and other health issues.

ESSAY: What are 3 facts people can learn from a food label? Why is each fact important to know?

3 facts are calorie content, nutrient content, and the ingredients. It is important to know the calorie content so you can monitor your daily intake. It is important to know the nutrient content so you can make sure you get all your nutrients you need. And it is also important to know the ingredients so you know what you are putting into your body.


A desire for food that is based on emotions and other factors rather than nutritional need.


A feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body's need for nutrients.

Body composition

A measure of how much body fat you have, as compared to muscle and bone.

ESSAY: Describe 2 factors on which a person's weight depends. How does each factor affect weight?

One factor is heredity. You may have certain inherited traits and your weight could be one of them. It affects your weight a lot because if you inherit big bones you will be heavier. Another factor would be your activity level. If you are more active you will most likely be lighter than someone who isn't as active.

Daily Values

Recommendations that specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the average person should obtain each day.


Refers specifically to adults who have a BMI of 30 or higher.

If you are underweight should you exercise?


What are nutrient claims?

describe nutrient content (ex: "low in fat", "rich in vitamin A", "zero calories")

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