Health chapters 7-9

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list three symptoms of anxiety

-feelings of fear or dread -perspiration, trembling, restlessness, or muscle tension -rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, or shortness of breath


A prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness

hierarchy of needs

A ranked list of those needs essential to human growth and development


The act of becoming aware through the senses


The condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen


a complex set of characteristics that makes you unique

anxiety disorder

a condition in which real or imagined fears are difficult to control

protective factor

a condition that shields a person from the negative consequences of exposure to risk

cognitive therapy

a kind of therapy that a distorted thinking pattern requires

conduct disorder

a pattern of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated

psychomatic response

a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness


a severe mental disorder in which a person loses contact with reality

biomedical therapy

a therapy that a psychiatrist may use if medication is needed in the treatment


acceptance of a loss

stages in the stress response

alarm (the body and mind go on high alert) resistance (you either "fight" or take flight) fatigue (the mind and body become exhausted)

mental disorder

an illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life

mood disorder

an illness, often with an organic cause, that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living

grief response

an individual's total response to a major loss

recognizable nonverbal or behavioral warning signs of someones intent to commit suicide

an unusual obssession with death; withdrawal from friends; impulsive, irrational, or bizzare behavior, substance abuse


anything that causes stress

list three facts that might help you or someone you know to seek help with mental or emotional problems

asking for help from a mental health professional does not mean that a person is weak; people who have mental disorders often cannot get better on their own; sharing your deepest thoughts with a "stranger" is not painful or embarrassing

why is it important to show concern and empathy for someone who is talking about suicide

because suicidal people often believe that their death will not matter to anyone

ways adequate sleep can help you

better mood, think more clearly and improve your chances of success

what are the general categories of stressors?

biological (illnesses, disabilities) environmental (poverty, pollution) cognitive, or thinking (the way you perceive a situation) personal behavior (alcohol and drugs, lack of physical activity) life situation (death of a pet, parents divorce)

Does anxiety have positive or negative results? Explain

both. positive-motivates you to work hard. negative-can get in the way of a persons performance

developmental asset

building block of development that helps you grow up as a healthy, caring and responsible individual

how do you cause a relaxation response

by using techniques such as laughing and deep breathing exercises

types of mood disorders

clinical depression and bipolar disorder

describe how clinical depression differs from the blues

clinical depression lasts for more than a few weeks and interferes with daily interests and activities


dealing successfully with difficult changes in your life

How can using refusal skills help you avoid stress?

demonstrating refusal strategies may help you avoid certain stressful situations altogether

what are the risk factors of suicide

depression or another mental disorder, abusing alcohol or drugs, history of abuse, previous suicide attempts, or a family history of emotional disorders or suicides

recognizable verbal warning signs of someones intent to commit suicide

direct statements such as "i want to die"; indirect statement such as "i can't take it anymore"; writing poems, song lyrics about death; suicide threats

nutrition tips that will help you when you are dealing with stress

eat regular meals, limit "comfort" foods, limit caffeine

true or false-discussing suicide may cause someone to try or make things worse


true or false-if a person attempts suicide and survives, they will never make a further attempt


true or false-its best to keep someones suicidal thoughts and feelings a secret. only tell an adult if you think the person really is going to commit suicide


true or false-most suicidal people seek or ask for help with their problems


true or false-only adults can get truly depressed


true or false-people who talk about suicide are only trying to get attention. they won't really do it


true or false-suicide is considered the leading cause of death in teens


true or false-there is really nothing you can do to help someone who wants to commit suicide


true or false-you shouldn't mention suicide to someone who is showing signs of severe depression. it will plant the idea in their mind and they will act on it


example of constructive criticism

giving thoughtful recommendations on how a friend can improve a skill


holding back or restraining

ways you can show a suicidal person that you care

initiate a meaningful conversation; show support and ask questions; try to persuade the person to seek help


involves an ongoing dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional

symptoms of teen depression

irritable or restless mood, change in appetite or weight, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, a sense of hopelessness, withdrawal from friends and activities that were previously important or enjoyable

categories of personal stressors (with examples)

life events (graduation, major illness) physical stresssors (pollution, drug use) daily hassles (time pressures, deadlines)

personal identity

made up of elements such as interests, abilities, values and goals

what is the difference between reactive depression and major depression

major depression is more severe and lasts much longer than reactive depression. major requires treatment. reactive goes away as the person manages their response to an event

what two systems does your body use to respond to stress

nervous system and endocrine system


observing and learning from the behaviors of others

why is resiliency a component of good mental health

people with resiliency are able to handle adversity in a healthful way

main types of anxiety disorders

phobia (strong and irrational fear of something specific) obsessive compulsive disorder (trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts or behaviors) panic disorder (sudden unexplained feelings of terror) post traumatic stress disorder (develops after exposure to a terrifying event that threatened or caused physical harm

aspects of a persons life that can be affected by stress (with an example)

physical (headache) mental/emotional (difficulty concentrating) social (mood swings)

ways to manage stress and how each method helps

plan ahead(better prepares you for unexpected changes) get adequate sleep (it helps you face the challenge and demands of your day) get regular phsyical activity (can release pent up energy and make you feel relaxed) eat nutritious food (poor eating habits can be a source of stress) avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs (using them increases ones problems and harms ones health)

physical reactions included in the alarm response

pupil dilation, increase in perspiration, faster heart rate and pulse, rise in blood pressure, faster respiration rate

symptoms of anxiety

rapid heart rate and shortness of breath

stress management skills and how they help you manage stress

redirect your energy (it will release your nervous energy) relax and laugh (you can reach the relaxation response) keep a positive outlook (the way you think often determines how you feel) seek out support (talking with someone about your problem may help you feel better about it)

examples of stress management skills

redirecting your energy, keeping a positive outlook, and seeking out support

stress management skills

skills that help an individual handle stress in a healthful, effective way

ways to overcome social anxiety

start small, such as by smiling, nodding and greeting people; speak in a louder voice and use frequent eye contact; as a listener, ask open ended questions during conversation; practice conversation and positive thinking skills often


striving to become the best you can be

what are three ways that mild forms of anxiety and depressive feelings might be relieved

talking to supportive people, getting more physical activity and volunteering


the ability to recover from difficulty, disappointment, and crisis

what is perception? explain how stress is related to perception

the act of becoming aware through the senses. one way to manage stress is to change how you perceive and react to events that cause it


the act of intentionally taking ones own life


the act of showing sorrow or grief


the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands

behavior therapy

the therapy that uses rewards and reinforcements

how can protective factors help guard a person from risk behaviors

they reduce possible harmful effects of risk behaviors

when do people use defense mechanisms

to avoid dealing with an unpleasant emotion

true or false-attempted or completed suicides happen with some warning signs


true or false-people who kill themselves really do not want to die


true or false-when a depressed and suicidal person suddenly cheers up, you may need to become even more concerned


what is the leading cause of suicide

untreated depression

group therapy

usually involves several people

one example of a conduct disorder


what is the "fight or flight response"

when the body either defends itself or flees from a threat

when should a person seek professional help with feelings of anxiety and depression

when the symptoms of anxiety and depression start to interfere with life

ways to manage the occasional sad mood that lasts for a few days

write your feelings in a private journal; draw, dance or engage in some other creative activity, talk about your feelings with your family and friends

are feelings of anxiety and depression normal? when do normal feelings become a cause for concern?

yes it is normal but its not normal if you experience multiple at a time for two weeks or more

describe six persistent feelings or behaviors that signal the need to seek help dealing with mental or emotional problems

you feel trapped or worry all the time, your emotions affect your sleep and eating habits, school, work, job performance, or relationships; your family or friends express concern about your behavior; you are becoming involved with alcohol or other drugs; or are becoming increasingly aggressive, violent or reckless

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