Health Informatics: Units 1,2,3,5

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Web page tools

-Active server page (ASP) -Java and Java script -Active X and Active X control

Types of protocol

-Internet Protocol (IP) -Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) -File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Types of wifi

-Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) -Wifi Protected Access (WPA) -Wifi Protected Access 2 (WPA2)

Pros of social media and professional networking

-communication with other healthcare professionals -marketing of services

Social media guidelines

-confidentiality and privacy issues related to clinician's use -possible consequences for misuse -common myths and misunderstandings

Protection against malware

-firewalls -antivirus software -hoxes

Benefits of Healthcare Informatics

-improve patient outcomes (aggregated data) -buried data now usable -improved comm. among healthcare providers -easy, quick storage, and retrieval of healthcare records -saving of time and money -enhances practice and allows clinical science to develop -improves documentation -uses data for quality control and research -builds evidence based knowledge


-individuals or chat rooms -"handle or alias"


-online web log or discussion -RSS feed: notification of new information on a blog

Safe Networking

-read privacy policies -customize privacy settings -if hacked, change password -two factor authentication -limit sharing information about location -security and safety tips: keep financial and private information secure, think of social networking sites as cyber billboards, verify info about friends met on internet

Email etiquette

-short, pertinent subject line -appropriate font and case -signed (signature, contact info) -no acronyms or emoticons


-text messaging, twitter -text speak and tweets/hashtags

Managing email

-use of folders, labels, flags or stars, colors, sound, filters -out of office reply


-zipped files -file transfer to internet websites

Operating system for Apple computers

Apple Macintosh

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Companies can establish direct private network links among themselves or create private, secure Internet access, in effect a "private tunnel" within the Internet

________ translates the assigned name into its IP address each time a message is sent.

Domain Name System (DNS)

True of false: phishing involves a scam that attacks the Domain Name Server to change the routing address.


True or False: The inability to share and edit documents is a disadvantage of cloud computing.


True or false: Managed Care slowed down the adoption of healthcare information systems.


True or false: OneDrive is Google's solution for Cloud storage.


True or false: The focus of healthcare informatics is the computer, not the information that resides in it and the people who use it.


True or false: mainframes are small computers with no hard drive and limited software, often providing a GUI.


Every computer connected to the internet has an _______.

IP address

Multidisciplinary groups

International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), American Health Info Management Association (AHIMA), European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)

Cloud office apps

Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Apple iCloud

Nursing forces of healthcare informatics

National Center for Nursing Research, National Informatics Agenda for Education and Practice, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), ANA, Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), Nursing shortage, and Technology Informatics Guiding Educational Reform (TIGER)

National forces of healthcare informatics

Office of National Coordinator for Healthcare Info Technology (ONCHIT) and Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Cloud office

One Drive and Google Drive

Early healthcare informatics systems

Patient Oriented Medical Info System (PROMIS), Help Evaluation through Logical Procession (HELP)

Informatics Theory

There is a logical progression -Data: discrete objective facts (atomic level) -Info: data w some type of structure or interpretation -Knowledge: synthesis of info, identified and formalized relationships -Wisdom: evaluation of knowledge w reflection

True or false: Cloud computing requires access to the internet.


True or false: Software piracy is a felony.


True or false: ensuring patient safety is one of the key drivers for healthcare informatics.


True or false: healthcare professionals need to demonstrate computer fluency in order to be successful in today's healthcare delivery environment.


True or false: nursing informatics is considered a subspecialty of healthcare informatics.


True or false: the results for sharing information on social media regarding your healthcare practice are ethically and legally serious.


Web navigation

Universal Resource Locators (URL) -browsers and search engines

Which type of wifi is the most secure?

WPA2 because it uses an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Operating system for PDAs or handhealds

Windows CE

Nursing informatics

a combination of computer science, information science, cognitive science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and the delivery of nursing care

Email server

a computer somewhere in the world that uses server software to receive and make email available to those who have an account on that server

Wide Area Network (WAN)

a large geographical area

Email virus

a legitimate file contains additional code that executes and replicates without your knowledge

The internet was initially devised as _______.

a means of comm. that would survive nuclear war and provide the most economical use from then-scarce large computer resources


a network of networks


a software program that manages the flow of data between a computer and a device

Logical structure

a view of info as it may be visualized

What allows you to choose a search engine?

a web browser

Information literacy

ability to know when information is needed and how to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively; critical thinking and problem solving; and part of foundation for evidence based practice

Informatics specialist level of informatics

able to meet info needs of practitioners by integrating and applying info, computer, and the science of their discipline

What do we use nursing informatics for?

acquisition, manipulation, storage, presentation, and use of info

Change Theories

affected individual's perception of the change as minor or major, high variable; Roger's Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Lewin's Field Theory


agreements on how data will be exchanged between participating computers

Processor speed

aka clock speed, how often a pulse of electricity cycles through the circuits in a given time period. measured in hertz, which is one cycle per second. 1 gigahertz = 1 billion hertz, either 32 bit or 64 bit

Secondary memory

aka permanent, provides permanent storage, user choose whether to retain or delete info

Computer malware

all forms of software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system

Save as

allows saving under a different filename, as well as extension


allows users to create and edit content on a web page using any web browser

Every computer on the internet also has _______.

an assigned name

Email lists

an email discussion list of a group with a common interest


anything a computer can manipulate, they can be nested

Trojan horse

appears to do a useful action, when in reality it instills malicious software or creates a backdoor, doesn't necessarily replicate itself, keylogger is a good example

Advantages of cloud computing

backup of documents, ability to share and edit


base 2, a numeric system used by computers, where the only digits are 0 and 1

Informatics Specialist

based on domain knowledge and experience, drives the development of HIT systems

Beginner level of informatics

basic info management and computer technology skills

Aggregated Data

biosurveillance and improving public health


block destructive forces

Digital native

born in the age of technology

Cons of social media and professional networking

breaching confidentiality laws and policies

The scope of healthcare informatics is ______.



can be either volatile (lost when the power is turned off) or nonvolatile (retains info when power is down)

The current practice of nursing informatics

capturing data at the point of care and presenting it to facilitate care of an individual patient


central processing unit aka microprocessor, it's the heart and brains of the computer

General Systems Theory

change in one part of a system will reflect in other parts of the system, focus on interaction among various parts of the system, objective of any system: equilibrium (maintained by correction forces from a feedback loop)


closed source, with some restricted usage rights

Web cookies

collection of data sent to your computer by some websites, generally make using the web more convenient

Thin clients

computer with no hard drive and limited software, often just providing a GUI

Internet Protocol (IP)

computers find each other

Informatics innovator level of informatics

conducts informatics research and generates informatics theory


connection of 2 or more computers, allowing them to communicate

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

controls tasks of data transmission

Optical disk

data recorded by light waves, traditionally used for storing large amounts of data (although now replaced by flash drives and cloud storage), CDs, DVDs, Blue Ray Disk, each can be read only, or read/write

Which is associated with the informatics theory?

data with some structure


delivering information via audio or video, see or hear before entire file downloaded

Chaos Theory

differences in outcomes depend on conditions at the starting point, highly sensitive to initial conditions (small differences yield widely diverging outcomes, which appear random or chaotic)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

download files


drives the hardware

Which would a nurse identify as a benefit of informatics to nursing?

easier retrieval of healthcare information

Sociotechnical Theory

evidence suggests that not all implementation of technology increases productivity


extension of intranet with added security features

True or false: Lewin's change theory involves societal and individual change.


True or false: health informatics is a subspecialty under nursing informatics.


True or false: only public domain software is copyrighted.

false, all but public domain software is copyrighted

True or false: there are no subspecialties to healthcare informatics.

false, an example would be nursing informatics

True or false: health informatics today is process oriented.

false, data oriented

True or false: most early PCs used a Windows operating system.

false, they used DOS

The Software Copyright Protection bill raised software piracy to a ______.

felony, penalties include fines and jail

Flash drive

flash memory device that plugs into USB port, contains both driver and disk (so you need to be careful not to unplug during input and output)


for storing cut or copied items

Collaborative sharing and collective intelligence

group discussion forums

A network connection can either be ______ or _______.

hard wired, wireless fidelity (wifi)

Computer fluency

have adequate foundational skill that enable you to learn new computer skills and programs independently, graphical interfaces (GUI, all softwares are the same within a network), and application programs

Information management is a part of practicing _________.


Informatics roles related to healthcare

healthcare provider, healthcare provider informatics specialist

Nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries

heavy, must be occasionally fully discharged to avoid decreasing usage time, lose 15% of charge within 24 hours, even if not used (self discharge)

Plug ins/helpers

helper program for a browser, ex. adobe acrobat reader


high speed storage, used for rapid access to frequently stored data

Physical structure

how info is physically stored in a computer

Markup languages

hypertext markup language (HTML), extensible markup language (XML)

Transmission protocol

hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

A consequence of sensitivity in the Chaos Theory

if we start with only a finite amount of info about the system, then beyond a certain time the system is no longer predictable (ex. weather)

Focus of the sociotechnical theory

impact of technology's implementation on an organization; interaction of organization between info management tools and techniques and knowledge, skills, attitude, values, and needs of employees; good design is based on understanding of how people work and the context of the work, not just technology considerations

We _____ public health through advanced biosurveillance methods and streaming the collection of data for quality measurement and research.


We ______ clinical practice with the use of electronic health records (EHRs).


Two jobs in the healthcare informatics field

informatics specialist and clinician who must use health info technology

The focus of nursing informatics

information management related to nursing

Societal Change

innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggard

General Systems Theory feedback loop order

input, throughput, output


inserted into slots in the motherboard, they hand different hardware components

File extension

instructs the computer which program to use to open the file

We ______ clinicians so that they can exchange health info using advanced and secure electronic communication.


Solid State Disk (SDD)

interconnected flash memory chips which retain data without power, more or less instantaneous boot up time

Devices that have secondary memory

internal hard drive, external hard drive, flash drive, optical disks

The _______ provides access to the internet

internet service provider (ISP)

System progression in healthcare informatics

it was initially process oriented, now it's data oriented; we now use aggregated data

How to avoid security pitfalls

keep software up to date

Individual changes

knowledge of an innovation, persuasion, decision, implementation, confirmation


large computers, serving many users at the same time, using a concept known as time slicing

Wifi is ______ secure than hard wired.


It is illegal to install software without a _______.


Lithium ion batteries

life span is 3 years, don't require frequent full charges, must have a protection circuit to shut off power when fully charged, to avoid overheating


like a live seminar with audio interaction

Reboot/warm boot/cold boot

loading the software that starts the computer


main circuit board, connecting all components

IP address

makes it electronically possible to locate a computer on the interent


microprocessor, desktop, tower, laptop, tablet

Operating system for most PCs

micrsoft windows

Usability concept

multidimensional concept involving users' evaluation of several measures: effectiveness in performing a task; ease of use, user's satisfaction in achieving goals, aesthetics of technology


networks of computers that have been hijacked by a malware virus or worm

Disadvantages of cloud computing

no control over cloud site, target for cyber attacks, and concerns about information safety

Wireless Fidelity (Wifi)

node router to pick up signals and transmit to the central server and back to the computer.


not usually malicious

What was the first computerized info management task?

numeric manipulation

Given that informatics is a discipline, it is based on ______.

numerous theories

What other numeric computer systems are there?

octal and hexadecimal


one way presentation usually with video


online address book

Read Only Memory (ROM)

only read by a computer, used to store program that boots the computer up. basic input/output system (BIOS) is found in ROM

The internet has _____ architecture networking.


Most problems with software piracy are from countries ________.

outside of the western world

World Wide Web (WWW)

part of the internet, huge worldwide library governed by WWW Consortium (W3C), based on a set of protocols and conventions, files created using language (HTML)

Today we _______ and ______ well designed information systems.

participate in, benefit from

Other forces of healthcare informatics

patient safety and costs

Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory

pattern of acceptance for innovations as they spread across population and process of decision making occurring in individuals when deciding whether or not to adopt innovation; societal change vs individual changes


peer to peer network, client/server architecture (seen in healthcare agencies)

Digital immigrant

people who have adopted and learned digital technologies later in life

We ______ care with consumer based health records and better info for consumers.



powerful, used for intensive math computations (weather forcasting)

Other devices with computers built in

printers (inkjet&laser), digital camera, scanners, clinical monitors (programmed to provide alarms), USB port, thunderbolt, infrared port


private network using HTML formatted documents and TCP/IP protocols, cost effective way to share information within agencies


professional networking for researchers and scientists

Healthcare provider informatics specialist

project manager, consultant, director of clinical informatics, researcher product developer, policy developer

Commercial software

proprietary software with copyright protection for which you must purchase a license to use. generally comes with a code or a serial number


provides a particular service, can be either a mainframe or a personal computer

How do you permanently destroy data on disks?

reformatting a disk only deleted the headings on a disk, not the data. HIPPA requires disk wiping software and/or physically destroying the drive

Sleep and hibernate modes

saves energy, computer isn't fully off, allows you to pick up where you left off after entering a password

Considerations of nursing informatics

secondary and aggregated data

Butterfly effect

sensitivity to initial conditions as seen in the Chaos Theory


share with friends to try out, but must pay fee after trial period

Networks vary in ____, _____, and _____ of connected computers

size, number, location

Experienced practitioner level of informatics

skilled at using info management and computer technology to support major area of practice

Local Area Network (LAN)

small area such as a building

Open source

software code available, with the idea that programmers will make improvements to code that everyone will benefit from

Public domain

software to be used with no copyright restrictions

Email client

software used to access email from an email server


stores the most atomic piece of info, either 0 or 1. If a switch is "on" that logically represents a 1. if a switch is "off" that logically represents a 0

Cognitive Science

study of mind and intelligence and how info can be applied, interdisciplinary (philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology), part of social informations

Healthcare provider

systems educator, info technology advocate, super user system specialist, clinical systems coordinator/analyst

Extensible markup language (XML)

tags that define the meaning of data, making it easier to find information within a document, database, or wesbite

Learning Theories

teaching related to how to use a system, use of theories leading to decreased time for training and increased learning

Nursing informatics is recognized as a subspecialty of healthcare informatics by ______.

the American Nursing Association (ANA)

Cloud computing

the ability to access software and file storage on remote computers using the internet

The umbrella definition for healthcare informatics

the capture, retrieval, storage, presentation sharing, and use of biomedical info, data, and knowledge for providing care, solving problems and making decisions


the combination of 8 bits, used to represent a letter, number, or other character

Hard wired

the computer is connected to the network with an actual wire

Dynamic IP address

the number changes each time the computer is logged on

Static IP address

the number is the same each time the computer is logged on


the physical components of the computer

Network neutrality

the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

the standard that defines every character on a keyboard as a distinct set of 8 bits

Healthcare informatics

the use of information technology in healthcare

Connections to internet

these each have a different bandwidth -telephone via modem -broadband (fiber optic cable, digital subscriber lines, TV cable connection, satellite)

Disk and data encryption

to ensure file security pro: thieves won't be able to read con: if you forget the password you can't read it either

The purpose of healthcare informatics

to improve the use of healthcare data, info, and knowledge in supporting patient care, research and education

Web browser

tool that enables user to retrieve and display files from the web

The suffix of a web address is the ______.

top level domain (TLD)


tracks web surfing, some adware is spyware

Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

traditional, spinning magnetic storage device, lengthy boot up time


transfers data between computer components

True or False: The focus of informatics is on information, not computers.


True or false: cloud computing requires access to the internet.


Lewin's Field Theory

unfreezing: balance of driving and restraining forces, for change, need more driving forces than restraining forces moving: implementation of planned change refreezing: return of equilibrium

External hard drive

used for backup, connect via USB port

Goals of nursing informatics

user friendly data input, info presented that is timely and useful for clinical nurse


uses security holes and computer networks to replicate

Random Access Memory (RAM)

volatile, primary memory of the computer, very fast, used to store data temporarily before it's stored to a hard drive, more RAM generally results in applications running faster

Evidence based knowledge

we use info in how we treat patients on a daily basis

How did we used to deal with health data?

we used to record and keep info on a paper chart


web scam involving an attacker infiltrating a Domain Name Server and changing the routing address


web scam involving email message with hyperlink to confirm account or some task that will reveal personal information


whether software designed for a particular version of hardware or OS will work with newer or older versions


wireless connection of a device within a personal area network

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