Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 4th Edition (A-C terms)

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Access control

1. A computer software program designed to prevent unauthorized use of an information resource 2. The process of designing, implementing, and monitoring a system for guaranteeing that only individuals who have a legitimate need are allowed to view or amend specific data sets

Continuous quality improvement (CQI)

1. A management philosophy that emphasizes the importance of knowing and meeting customer expectations, reducing variation within processes, and relying on data to build knowledge for process improvement 2. A continuous cycle of planning, measuring, and monitoring performance and making knowledge-based improvements

Case manager

1. A professional nurse who coordinates the daily progress of a patient population by assessing needs, developing goals, individualizing plans of care on an ongoing basis, and evaluating overall progress 2. A medical professional (usually a nurse or a social worker) who reviews cases to determine the necessity of care and to advise providers on payers' utilization restrictions


1. A training method in which an experienced person gives advice to a less-experienced worker on a formal or informal basis 2. A disciplinary method used as the first step for employees who are not meeting performance expectations


1. A voluntary process of institutional or organizational review in which a quasi-independent body created for this purpose periodically evaluates the quality of the entity's work against preestablished written criteria 2. A determination by an accrediting body that an eligible organization, network, program, group, or individual complies with applicable standards


1. Data elements within an entity that become the column or field names when the entity relationship diagram is implemented as a relational database 2. Properties or characteristics of concepts

Case management

1. The ongoing, concurrent review performed by clinical professionals to ensure the necessity and effectiveness of the clinical services being provided to a patient 2. A process that integrates and coordinates patient care over time and across multiple sites and providers, especially in complex and high-cost cases 3. The process of developing a specific care plan for a patient that serves as a communication tool to improve quality of care and reduce cost


1. The process by which a duly authorized body evaluates and recognizes an individual, institution, or educational program as meeting predetermined requirements 2. An evaluation performed to establish the extent to which a particular computer system, network design, or application implementation meets a prespecified set of requirements


1. The process of collecting, recording, and reporting an organization's financial data 2. A list of all disclosures made of a patient's health information


1. The process of establishing an organizational culture that promotes the prevention, detection, and resolution of instances of conduct that do not conform to federal, state, or private payer healthcare program requirements or the healthcare organization's ethical and business policies 2. The act of adhering to official requirements


1. The process of extracting information from a document to create a brief summary of a patient's illness, treatment, and outcome 2. The process of extracting elements of data from a source document or database and entering them into an automated system


1. The process of identifying the source of health record entries by attaching a handwritten signature, the author's initials, or an electronic signature 2. Proof of authorship that ensures, as much as possible, that log-ins and messages from a user originate from an authorized source


A Medicare claim form used to bill third-party payers for provider services (for example, physician office visits)

Cross-sectional study

A biomedical research study in which both the exposure and the disease outcome are determined at the same time in each subject

Administrative law

A body of rules and regulations developed by various administrative entities empowered by Congress; falls under the umbrella of public law

Contract law

A branch of law based on common law that deals with written or oral agreements that are enforceable through the legal system

Criminal law

A branch of law that addresses crimes that are wrongful acts against public health, safety, and welfare, usually punishable by imprisonment and/or fine

Court of Appeals

A branch of the federal court system that has the power to hear appeals on the final judgments of district courts

Behavioral healthcare

A broad array of psychiatric services provided in acute, long-term, and ambulatory care settings; includes treatment of mental disorders, chemical dependency, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities, as well as cognitive rehabilitation services

Activity-based budget

A budget based on activities or projects rather than on functions or departments

Care path

A care-planning tool similar to a clinical practice guideline that has a multidisciplinary focus emphasizing the coordination of clinical services

All-patient diagnosis-related groups (AP-DRGs)

A case-mix system developed by 3M and used in a number of state reimbursement systems to classify non-Medicare discharges for reimbursement purposes

Clinical information system (CIS)

A category of a healthcare information system that includes systems that directly support patient care

Administrative information systems

A category of healthcare information systems that supports human resources management, financial management, executive decision support, and other business-related functions

Clinical data repository (CDR)

A central database that focuses on clinical information

Certified medical transcriptionist (CMT)

A certification that is granted upon successful completion of an examination

Audit log

A chronological record of electronic system(s) activities that enables the reconstruction, review, and examination of the sequence of events surrounding or leading to each event and/or transaction from its beginning to end. Includes who performed what event and when it occurred

Audit trail

A chronological set of computerized records that provides evidence of information system activity (log-ins and log-outs, file accesses) used to determine security violations

Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12N

A committee of the American National Standards Institute that develops and maintains standards for the electronic exchange of business transactions, such as 837—Health Care Claim, 835—Health Care Claim Payment/Advice, and others

Control group

A comparison study group whose members do not undergo the treatment under study

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Data Standards Manual

A compilation of standardized nomenclature monographs for sharing information regarding manufactured drug dosage forms

Clean claim

A completed insurance claim form that contains all the required information (without any missing information) so that it can be processed and paid promptly

Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA)

A compliance program imposed by the government that involves substantial government oversight and outside expert involvement in the organization's compliance activities and is generally required as a condition of settling a fraud and abuse investigation

Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Atlas (BIRADS)

A comprehensive guide providing standardized breast imaging terminology and a report organization, assessment structure, and classification system for mammography, ultrasound, and MRI of the breast

CPT® (Current Procedural Terminology)

A comprehensive, descriptive list of terms and numeric codes used for reporting diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and other medical services performed by physicians; published and updated annually by the American Medical Association

Clinical transformation

A comprehensive, ongoing approach to care delivery excellence that offers value while measurably improving quality, enhancing service, and reducing costs through the effective alignment of people, process, and technology

Artificial neural network (ANN)

A computational technique based on artificial intelligence and machine learning in which the structure and operation are inspired by the properties and operation of the human brain

Client/server architecture

A computer architecture in which multiple computers (clients) are connected to other computers (servers) that store and distribute large amounts of shared data

Baldrige Award

A congressional award that recognizes excellence in several areas of business

Clinical trial

A controlled research study involving human subjects that is designed to evaluate prospectively the safety and effectiveness of new drugs, tests, devices, or interventions


A core ethical principle centered on the individual's right to self-determination that includes respect for the individual; in clinical applications, the patient's right to determine what does or does not happen to him or her in terms of healthcare

Area of excellence

A describable skill, competence, or capability that a department or company cultivates to a level of proficiency

Case mix

A description of a patient population based on any number of specific characteristics, including age, gender, type of insurance, diagnosis, risk factors, treatment received, and resources used

Correlational research

A design of research that determines the existence and degree of relationships among factors

Clinical practice guidelines

A detailed, step-by-step guide used by healthcare practitioners to make knowledge-based decisions related to patient care and issued by an authoritative organization such as a medical society or government agency

Communication plan

A documented approach to identifying the media and schedule for sharing information with affected parties

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)

A federal program providing supplementary civilian-sector hospital and medical services beyond that which is available in military treatment facilities to military dependents, retirees and their dependents, and certain others

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (FEP)

A federal program that offers a fee-for-service plan with preferred provider organizations and a point-of-service product

Clinical informatics

A field of information science concerned with the management of data and information used to support the practice and delivery of patient care through the application of computers and computer technologies


A field of study that applies ethical principles to decisions that affect the lives of humans, such as whether to approve or deny access to health information

Break-even analysis

A financial analysis technique for determining the level of sales at which total revenues equal total costs beyond which revenues become profits


A financial management form that contains information about the organization's charges for the healthcare services it provides to patients; See charge description master (CDM)


A formal organizational structure based on a rigid hierarchy of decision making and inflexible rules and procedures

Clinical repository

A frequently updated database that provides users with direct access to detailed patient-level data as well as the ability to drill down into historical views of administrative, clinical, and financial data; See data warehouse

Bar chart

A graphic technique used to display frequency distributions of nominal or ordinal data that fall into categories


A group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group

Ambulatory care center (ACC)

A healthcare provider or facility that offers preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services to individuals not classified as inpatients or residents

Chain of command

A hierarchical reporting structure within an organization

Alternative hypothesis

A hypothesis that states that there is an association between independent and dependent variables


A learning technique in which students in different locations can learn together via telephone lines while listening to a presenter and looking at handouts or books


A legal and ethical concept that establishes the healthcare provider's responsibility for protecting health records and other personal and private information from unauthorized use or disclosure


A legal term that means promoting good for others or providing services that benefit others, such as releasing health information that will help a patient receive care or will ensure payment for services received

Advance directive

A legal, written document that describes the patient's preferences regarding future healthcare or stipulates the person authorized to make medical decisions in the event the patient is incapable of communicating his or her preferences

Accession registry

A list of cases in a cancer registry in the order in which they were entered


A long-term (fixed) asset account that represents the physical structures owned by the organization

Customer relationship management (CRM)

A management system whereby organizational structure and culture and customer information and technology are aligned with business strategy so that all customer interactions can be conducted to the long-term satisfaction of the customer and to the benefit and profit of the organization

Acceptance theory of authority

A management theory based on the principle that employees have the freedom to choose whether they will follow managerial directions


A means for residents to convey to healthcare providers their implied or expressed permission to administer care or treatment or to perform surgery or other medical procedures

Attributable risk (AR)

A measure of the impact of a disease on a population (for example, measuring additional risk of illness as a result of exposure to a risk factor)

Current Dental Terminology (CDT)

A medical code set of dental procedures, maintained and copyrighted by the American Dental Association (ADA), referred to as the Uniform Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclatures until 1990


A medical condition that arises during an inpatient hospitalization (for example, a postoperative wound infection)


A medical condition that coexists with the primary cause for hospitalization and affects the patient's treatment and length of stay

College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)

A membership association serving chief information officers through professional development and advocacy

Constructive confrontation

A method of approaching conflict in which both parties meet with an objective third party to explore perceptions and feelings

Charting by exception

A method of charting only abnormal or unusual findings or deviations from the prescribed plan of care; also known as focus charting

Case definition

A method of determining criteria for cases that should be included in a registry

Bar-coding technology

A method of encoding data that consists of parallel arrangements of dark elements, referred to as bars, and light elements, referred to as spaces, and interpreting the data for automatic identification and data collection purposes


A method of healthcare reimbursement in which an insurance carrier prepays a physician, hospital, or other healthcare provider a fixed amount for a given population without regard to the actual number or nature of healthcare services provided to the population

Case finding

A method of identifying patients who have been seen or treated in a healthcare facility for the particular disease or condition of interest to the registry

Content analysis

A method of research that provides a systematic and objective analysis of communication effectiveness, such as the analysis performed on tests

Autodialing system

A method used to automatically call and remind patients of upcoming appointments


A mutual agreement

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

A national organization whose purpose is to establish standards on materials, products, systems, and services

Accession number

A number assigned to each case as it is entered in a cancer registry

Clinic outpatient

A patient who is admitted to a clinical service of a clinic or hospital for diagnosis or treatment on an ambulatory basis

Bundled payments

A period of relatively continuous medical care performed by healthcare professionals in relation to a particular clinical problem or situation


A plan of action to be taken when circumstances affect project performance

Chief knowledge officer (CKO)

A position that oversees the entire knowledge acquisition, storage, and dissemination process and that identifies subject matter experts to help capture and organize the organization's knowledge assets

Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)

A private, not-for-profit organization that develops customer-focused standards for behavioral healthcare and medical rehabilitation programs and accredits such programs on the basis of its standards


A procedure that allows dictated reports to be considered automatically signed unless the health information management department is notified of needed revisions within a certain time limit

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)

A program sponsored and administered by AHRQ, CAHPS has evolved into a source of coordinated survey instruments and reports intended to measure and communicate information on healthcare quality from the consumers' perspective

Care map

A proprietary care-planning tool similar to a clinical protocol that outlines the major aspects of treatment on the basis of diagnosis or other characteristics of the patient

Confidence interval (CI)

A range of values, such that the probability of that range covering the true value of a parameter is a set probability or confidence

Acid-test ratio

A ratio in which the sum of cash plus short-term investments plus net current receivables is divided by total current liabilities

Cost justification

A rationale developed to support competing requests for limited resources

Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT)

A recognized certification body for electronic health records and their networks; a private, nonprofit initiative

Balance billing

A reimbursement method that allows providers to bill patients for charges in excess of the amount paid by the patients' health plan or other third-party payer (not allowed under Medicare or Medicaid)

Cost report

A report that analyzes the direct and indirect costs of providing care to Medicare patients

Balance sheet

A report that shows the total dollar amounts in accounts, expressed in accounting equation format, at a specific point in time

Causal-comparative research

A research design that resembles experimental research but lacks random assignment to a group and manipulation of treatment

Corporate social responsibility

A responsibility of an organization that is part of its strategic plan—part of its bottom line—and the core intention is values-based

Closed-record review

A review of records after a patient has been discharged from the organization or treatment has been terminated

Concurrent analysis

A review of the health record while the patient is still hospitalized or under treatment


A review process conducted by healthcare facilities (internally and/or externally) to identify variations from established baselines; See external review

Application programming interface (API)

A set of definitions of the ways in which one piece of computer software communicates with another or a programmer makes requests of the operating system or another application; operates outside the realm of the direct user interface

Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)

A set of numbers used in a trauma registry to indicate the nature and severity of injuries by body system

Clinical terminology

A set of standardized terms and their synonyms that record patient findings, circumstances, events, and interventions with sufficient detail to support clinical care, decision support, outcomes research, and quality improvement

Common Framework

A set of tools critical to achieving an interoperable environment that supports modern healthcare practice, including precisely defined and uniform technical standards as well as common policies and methods

Clinical workstation

A single point of access that includes a common user interface to view information from disparate applications and to launch applications

Core data elements/core content

A small set of data elements with standardized definitions often considered to be the core of data collection efforts

Computer virus

A software program that attacks computer systems and sometimes damages or destroys files

Clinical decision support system (CDSS)

A special subcategory of clinical information systems that is designed to help healthcare providers make knowledge-based clinical decisions

Clinical/medical decision support system

A special subcategory of clinical information systems that is designed to help healthcare providers make knowledge-based clinical decisions

Change agent

A specialist in organizational development who facilitates the change brought about by the innovation

American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E1384 (ASTM E1384)—Standard Guide for Description of Content and Structure of an Automated Primary Record of Care

A standard that identifies the basic information to be included in electronic health records and requires the information to be organized into categories

Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)

A statement signed by the patient when he or she is notified by the provider, prior to a service or procedure being done, that Medicare may not reimburse the provider for the service, wherein the patient indicates that he or she will be responsible for any charges

Balanced scorecard (BSC) methodology

A strategic planning tool that identifies performance measures related to strategic goals

Case-control (retrospective) study

A study that investigates the development of disease by amassing volumes of data about factors in the lives of persons with the disease (cases) and persons without the disease

Cohort study

A study, followed over time, in which a group of subjects is identified as having one or more characteristics in common

Administrative management

A subdivision of classical management theory that emphasizes the total organization rather than the individual worker and delineates the major management functions

Census survey

A survey that collects data from all the members of a population

Chart tracking

A system that identifies the current location of a record or information

Coverage error

A systematic (nonrandom) discrepancy between the target population and the sample frame

Affinity grouping

A technique for organizing similar ideas together in natural groupings

Coalition building

A technique used to manage the political dimensions of change within an organization by building the support of groups for change

Accept assignment

A term used to refer to a provider's or a supplier's acceptance of the allowed charges (from a fee schedule) as payment in full for services or materials provided

Application service provider (ASP)

A third-party service company that delivers, manages, and remotely hosts standardized applications software via a network through an outsourcing contract based on fixed, monthly usage or transaction-based pricing

Check sheet

A tool that permits the systematic recording of observations of a particular phenomenon so that trends or patterns can be identified

Blended learning

A training strategy that uses a combination of techniques—such as lecture, web-based training, or programmed text—to appeal to a variety of learning styles and maximize the advantages of each training method

Cyclical staffing

A transitional staffing solution where workers are brought in for specific projects or to cover in busy times

Claims scrubber software

A type of computer program at a healthcare facility that checks the claim elements for accuracy and agreement before the claims are submitted

Case study

A type of nonparticipant observation in which researchers investigate one person, one group, or one institution in depth

Convenience sampling

A type of nonrandom sampling in which researchers use any unit at hand

Causal relationship

A type of relationship in which one factor results in a change in another factor (cause and effect)

Basic research

A type of research that focuses on the development and refinement of theories

Applied research

A type of research that focuses on the use of scientific theories to improve actual practice, as in medical research applied to the treatment of patients

Bubble chart

A type of scatter plot with circular symbols used to compare three variables; the area of the circle indicates the value of a third variable

Continuing education

A type of training that enables employees to remain current in the knowledge base of their profession

Computer-based training

A type of training that is delivered partially or completely using a computer


A unit of knowledge or thought created by a unique combination of characteristics

Bed count day

A unit of measure that denotes the presence of one inpatient bed (either occupied or vacant) set up and staffed for use in one 24-hour period

Best of fit

A vendor strategy used when purchasing an EHR in which all the systems required by the healthcare facility are available from one vendor

Best of breed

A vendor strategy used when purchasing an EHR that refers to system applications that are considered the best in their class

Compressed workweek

A work schedule that permits a full-time job to be completed in less than the standard five days of eight-hour shifts

Cost outlier adjustment

Additional reimbursement for certain high-cost home care cases based on the loss-sharing ratio of costs in excess of a threshold amount for each home health resource group

Certified coding associate (CCA)

An AHIMA credential awarded to entry-level coders who have demonstrated skill in classifying medical data by passing a certification examination

Certified coding specialist-physician-based (CCS-P)

An AHIMA credential awarded to individuals who have demonstrated coding expertise in physician-based settings, such as group practices, by passing a certification examination

Certified coding specialist (CCS)

An AHIMA credential awarded to individuals who have demonstrated skill in classifying medical data from patient records, generally in the hospital setting, by passing a certification examination

Chart conversion

An EHR implementation activity in which data from the paper chart are converted into electronic form


An adjective meaning the involvement of two variables

Contingency planning

An administrative security requirement in which applications should be categorized by criticality and backup plans, disaster recovery plans, and emergency mode operations plans developed in accordance with the criticality of the application and its information

Administrative services only (ASO) contract

An agreement between an employer and an insurance organization to administer the employer's self-insured health plan


An analysis process based on comparison

Applied artificial intelligence

An area of computer science that deals with algorithms and computer systems that exhibit the characteristics commonly associated with human intelligence

Blanket authorization

An authorization for the release of confidential information from a certain point in time and any time thereafter

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)

An economic stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009; signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009; an unprecedented effort to jumpstart the economy, create/ save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges; an extraordinary response to a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression and includes measures to modernize our nation's infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable healthcare, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need

Chief medical informatics officer (CMIO)

An emerging position, typically a physician with medical informatics training, that provides physician leadership and direction in the deployment of clinical applications in healthcare organizations

Contract service

An entity that provides certain agreed-upon services for the facility, such as transcription, coding, or copying

Confounding (extraneous, secondary) variable

An event or a factor that is outside a study but occurs concurrently with the study

All-patient refined diagnosis-related groups (APR-DRGs)

An expansion of the inpatient classification system that includes four distinct subclasses (minor, moderate, major, and extreme) based on the severity of the patient's illness

Behavioral description interview

An interview format that requires applicants to give specific examples of how they have performed a specific procedure or handled a specific problem in the past


An itemized statement of healthcare services and their costs provided by a hospital, physician office, or other healthcare provider; submitted for reimbursement to the healthcare insurance plan by either the insured party or the provider

Accountable care organization (ACO)

An organization of healthcare providers accountable for the quality, cost, and overall care of Medicare beneficiaries who are assigned and enrolled in the traditional fee-for-service program


An organization that may have one or many owners in which profits may be held or distributed as dividends (income paid to the owners)


Any account set up to adjust the historical value of a balance sheet account (for example, cumulative depreciation is a contra-account to an equipment [fixed-asset] account)

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)

Association that requires that the history and physical examination, laboratory reports, radiology reports, operative reports, and consultations be signed in a timely manner

Applied healthcare informatics

Automated information systems applied to healthcare delivery business and workflow processes, including the diagnosis, therapy, and systems of managing health data and information within the healthcare setting


Brief summary of the major parts of a research study

Clinical care plans

Care guidelines created by healthcare providers for individual patients for a specified period of time

Categorically needy eligibility

Categories of individuals to whom states must provide coverage under the federal Medicaid program

Compensable factor

Characteristic used to compare the worth of jobs (for example, skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions)


Cost sharing in which the policy or certificate holder pays a preestablished percentage of eligible expenses after the deductible has been met


Created representation of oneself by a user of a multiuser virtual environment (MUVE)

Certified professional in health information management systems (CPHIMS)

Credential (managed jointly by HIMSS, AHA Certification Center, and applied measurement professionals) that certifies knowledge of healthcare information and management systems and understanding of psychometrics (the science of measurement; requires baccalaureate or graduate degree plus associated experience)

Certified in healthcare privacy and security (CHPS)

Credential that recognizes advanced competency in designing, implementing, and administering comprehensive privacy and security protection programs in all types of healthcare organizations; requires successful completion of both the CHP and CHS exams (jointly sponsored by AHIMA and HIMSS)

Clinical data

Data captured during the process of diagnosis and treatment

Aggregate data

Data extracted from individual health records and combined to form de-identified information about groups of patients that can be compared and analyzed

Bit-mapped data

Data made up of pixels displayed on a horizontal and vertical grid or matrix


Data or information that is not represented in an encoded, computer-readable format

Coded data

Data that are translated into a standard nomenclature of classification so that they may be aggregated, analyzed, and compared

Comparative data

Data that are used for benchmarking or other comparisons within or across healthcare organizations

Continuous data

Data that represent measurable quantities but are not restricted to certain specified values


Demonstrated skills that a worker should perform at a high level

Compliance officer

Designated individual who monitors the compliance process at a healthcare facility

Contingency model of leadership

Designed by Fred Fiedler at the University of Illinois to compensate for the limitations of the classical and behavioral theories of leadership; Fiedler kept the social-task orientation as the cornerstone of his theory and designed an innovative test to determine the leader's preferred style

American College of Radiology and National Electrical Manufacturers Association (ACR-NEMA)

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) was originally created to permit the interchange of biomedical image waveforms and related information through a cooperative effort between ACR and NEMA

Continuous variables

Discrete variables measured with sufficient precision

ASTM Continuity of Care Record (CCR)

Document containing standard content for referrals

Continuity of care document (CCD)

Document that is the result of harmonizing the ASTM International Continuity of Care Record (CCR) standard content for referrals with the HL7 CDA standard for document construction; now widely used in creating PHRs

Continuity of care record (CCR)

Documentation of care delivery from one healthcare experience to another

Bills of Mortality

Documents used in London during the 17th century to identify the most common causes of death

Ancillary systems

Electronic systems that generate clinical information (such as laboratory information systems, radiology information systems, pharmacy information systems, and so on)


Elements of the workplace that include the lighting of both the office and the workspace, the colors of the walls and furniture, auditory impacts, and atmospheric condition and temperature


Employed outside of the healthcare provider arena, he or she works for an external firm or independently; may be responsible for operational assistance with e-HIM conversions, revenue cycle and coding auditing, compliance, privacy and security, or any of the HIM-related functions

Allied Health Reinvestment Act of 2005

Encourages individuals to seek and complete high-quality allied health education and training by providing funding for their studies; grants are provided to healthcare organizations for advertising campaigns and for partnerships between healthcare facilities and allied health educational programs; scholarships may be given to applicants who agree to serve two years in a rural or other medically underserved area with allied health personnel shortages

Confidence limit

End of the range of a confidence interval, upper and lower, which indicates the reliability of the estimate

Blood and blood component usage review

Evaluation of how blood and blood components are used using Joint Commission guidelines

Cost outlier

Exceptionally high costs associated with inpatient care when compared with other cases in the same diagnosis-related group

Case-mix group (CMG) relative weights

Factors that account for the variance in cost per discharge and resource utilization among case-mix groups

Common Rule

Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR Part 46 Subpart A) that is a set of regulations regarding research that 18 federal agencies share; these agencies fund research at institutions that provide written assurance to the funding agency that the institutions will comply with the requirements of this policy

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990)

Federal legislation that makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, public services, transportation, and telecommunications

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)

Federal legislation that prohibits employment discrimination against persons between the ages of 40 and 70 and restricts mandatory retirement requirements except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification

Change drivers

Forces in the external environment of organizations or industries that force organizations or industries to change the way they operate in order to survive

Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists (ACDIS)

Formed in 2007 as a community in which clinical documentation improvement professionals could communicate resources and strategies to implement successful programs and achieve professional growth

Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI)

Formerly the American Association for Medical Transcription (AAMT), the AHDI has a model curriculum for formal educational programs that includes the study of medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, medical science, operative procedures, instruments, supplies, laboratory values, reference use and research techniques, and English grammar

American Health Information Community

Group formed in 2005 for leadership toward a connected system and standards development

Adopter groups

Groups of adopters (such as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards) of an innovation that generally fits the normal curve

Breach notification

HITECH Act Rule that requires both HIPAA-covered entities and business associates to identify unsecured PHI breaches and notify the involved parties of the breach

Clinical document architecture (CDA)

HL7 electronic exchange model for clinical documents (such as discharge summaries and progress notes)


Healthcare service for which the healthcare insurance company will pay

Artificial intelligence (AI)

High-level information technologies used in developing machines that imitate human qualities such as learning and reasoning

Chief information security officer (CISO)

IT leadership role responsible for ensuring that a healthcare organization's information systems are secure and safe from tampering or misuse; role has grown as a direct result of HIPAA security regulations

Chief information technology officer (CITO)

IT leadership role that guides an organization's decisions related to technical architecture and evaluates latest technology developments and their applicability or potential use in the organization


In an Ohio State University examination of the behavior of leaders in the 1950s and 1960s, referred to attention to the interpersonal aspects of work, including respect for subordinates' ideas and feelings, maintaining harmonious work relationships, collaborating in teamwork, and showing concern with the subordinates' welfare

Critical path/critical path method

In project management, the sequence of tasks that determine the project finish date

Administrative information

Information used for administrative and healthcare operations purposes such as billing and quality oversight

Corrective controls

Internal controls designed to fix problems that have been discovered, frequently as a result of detective controls

Chart reviews

Internal studies and external reviews including billing audits

Autocratic leadership

Iowa State University researchers showed that groups under this leadership performed well as long as they were closely supervised, although levels of member satisfaction were low

Appreciative inquiry

Is based on the belief that whatever is needed in organizational renewal already exists somewhere in the organization

Automated drug dispensing machines

Machines available that both are secure and make drugs specific to patient orders readily available to nursing staff; these machines are typically filled by pharmacy department staff based on the physician orders.

Androgynous leadership

Managers who are described as successful more often possessed a combination of stereotypical masculine and feminine qualities

Core performance measures

Measures that are considered tools—standardized metrics—that provide an indication of an organization's performance

Acute care

Medical care of a limited duration that is provided in an inpatient hospital setting to diagnose and treat an injury or a short-term illness

Covert observation

Observation of participants without their knowledge


Occurring at different times


One of the four management functions in which performance is monitored in accordance with organizational policies and procedures

Conceptual skills

One of the three managerial skill categories that includes intellectual tasks and abilities such as planning, deciding, and problem solving

Clinical project manager

One who is responsible for managing and frequently participating in defining the scope of work, developing project plans, and maintaining schedules; he or she will finalize the budget, develop plans for minimizing risks, and responsible for implementing improvement processes

Bylaws/rules and regulations

Operating documents that describe the rules and regulations under which a healthcare organization operates

College of American Pathologists (CAP)

Organization of board-certified pathologists that serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine

Clinical value compass

Performance improvement approach that measures the association of quality and value

Consent management

Policies, procedures, and technology that enable active management and enforcement of users' consent directives to control access to their electronic health information and allow care providers to meet patient privacy requirements

Ambulatory care

Preventive or corrective healthcare services provided on a nonresident basis in a provider's office, clinic setting, or hospital outpatient setting

Closed-loop medication management

Process wherein patient safety is ensured through proper drug ordering, dispensing, administering, and monitoring of reactions; is a special form of POC documentation

Beacon Community Program

Provides funding to selected communities to build and strengthen their health information technology infrastructure and exchange capabilities; the program supports these communities at the cutting edge of EHR adoption and health information exchange to push them to a new level of sustainable health care quality and efficiency

Consumer health

Providing services that accommodate more knowledgeable patients while helping them to become more informed and to participate as partners in their own healthcare

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

Published by the AMA, this codebook has become widely used as a standard for outpatient and ambulatory care procedural coding in contexts related to reimbursement; it is updated every year on January 1

Accounts payable (A/P)

Records of the payments owed by an organization to other entities

Accounts receivable (A/R)

Records of the payments owed to the organization by outside entities such as third-party payers and patients

Comparative effectiveness research (CER)

Research that generates and synthesizes evidence that compares the benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat, and monitor a clinical condition or to improve the delivery of care


Responsibility for a specific activity

Clinical messaging system

Secure messaging systems that are important, pervasive tools included in a broad set of contextual collaboration tools for clinicians

Computer output to laser disk (COLD)

See Computer Output Laser Disk/Enterprise Report Management (COLD/ ERM) technology

Ancillary systems applications

See ancillary systems

Charge description master (CDM)

See chargemaster

Clinical decision support (CDS)

See clinical decision support system

Clinical (or critical) pathways

See clinical practice guidelines

Case law

See common law

Clinical data warehouse (CDW)

See data warehouse

Content and records management

See enterprise (or electronic) content and records management

Categorical data

See scales of measurement

Clinical systems analyst

See systems analyst

Adult learning

Self-directed inquiry aided by the resources of an instructor, colleagues and fellow students, and educational materials

Charity care

Services for which healthcare organizations did not expect payment because they had previously determined the patients' or clients' inability to pay

Allied health professionals performance review

Similar to the review for nursing staff, other allied health professionals, licensed and unlicensed, must provide evidence of maintenance of credentials and the ability to appropriately follow delineated procedure in their area of expertise in the healthcare organization

Cultural competence

Skilled in awareness, understanding, and acceptance of beliefs and values of the people of groups other than one's own


Someone in the organization who believes in the idea, acknowledges the practical problems of financing and political support, and assists in overcoming barriers

Clinical data specialist

Specialist who concentrates on ensuring accurate and complete coding, validating the information contained in databases for internal and external uses, and providing information for clinical research across the entire integrated healthcare delivery system

Core measure/core measure set

Standardized performance measures developed to improve the safety and quality of healthcare (for example, core measures are used in the Joint Commission's ORYX initiative)

Bar code medication administration record (BC-MAR) system

System that uses bar-coding technology for positive patient identification and drug information

Application systems analyst

Systems analysts with a clinical background in nursing, medicine, or other health professions, including HIM

Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)

Systems that allow physicians to enter medication or other orders and receive clinical advice about drug dosages, contraindications, or other clinical decision support

Cybernetic systems

Systems that have standards, controls, and feedback mechanisms built into them

Closed systems

Systems that operate in a self-contained environment

Bridge technology

Technology such as document imaging and/or clinical messaging that provides some, but not all, the benefits of an EHR

Automated forms-processing (e-forms) technology

Technology that allows users to electronically enter data into online, digital forms and electronically extract data from online, digital forms for data collection or manipulation

Computer Output Laser Disk/Enterprise Report Management (COLD/ERM) technology

Technology that electronically stores the documents and distributes them with fax, e-mail, web, and traditional hard-copy print processes


Templates that react to the nature of the data being entered and that tailor the template to the specific data entry needs

Aptitude tests

Tests that assess an individual's general ability to learn a new skill

Ability (achievement) tests

Tests used to assess the skills an individual already possesses

Case-mix groups (CMGs)

The 97 function-related groups into which inpatient rehabilitation facility discharges are classified on the basis of the patient's level of impairment, age, comorbidities, functional ability, and other factors

Construct validity

The ability of an instrument to measure hypothetical, nonobservable traits


The ability to inspire and motivate people beyond what is expected with exceptionally high levels of commitment


The accessibility for continuous use of data

Commission on Accreditation of Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM)

The accrediting organization for educational programs in health informatics and information management


The actual money that has been received and is readily available to pay debts; a short-term (current) asset account that represents currency and bank account balances

Conditions of Participation

The administrative and operational guidelines and regulations under which facilities are allowed to take part in the Medicare and Medicaid programs; published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services

Capital budget

The allocation of resources for long-term investments and projects

Balanced Budget Refinement Act (BBRA) of 1999

The amended version of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 that authorizes implementation of a per-discharge prospective payment system for care provided to Medicare beneficiaries by inpatient rehabilitation facilities


The amounts on the right side of a journal entry

Business process reengineering (BPR)

The analysis and design of the workflow within and between organizations

Active listening

The application of effective verbal communications skills as evidenced by the listener's restatement of what the speaker said

Cloud computing

The application of virtualization to a variety of computing resources to enable rapid access to computing services via the Internet

Clinical privileges

The authorization granted by a healthcare organization's governing board to a member of the medical staff that enables the physician to provide patient services in the organization within specific practice limits

Bed turnover rate

The average number of times a bed changes occupants during a given period of time

Case-mix index (CMI)

The average relative weight of all cases treated at a given facility or by a given physician, which reflects the resource intensity or clinical severity of a specific group in relation to the other groups in the classification system; calculated by dividing the sum of the weights of diagnosis-related groups for patients discharged during a given period divided by the total number of patients discharged

Activities of daily living (ADLs)

The basic activities of self-care, including grooming, bathing, ambulating, toileting, and eating

Civil law

The branch of law involving court actions among private parties, corporations, government bodies, or other organizations, typically for the recovery of private rights with compensation usually being monetary

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

The branch of the US Public Health Service that supports general health research and distributes research findings and treatment guidelines with the goal of improving the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of healthcare services

Critical issues

The bridge between the current strategic profile and the future strategic vision and profile of a department or an organization that leadership has deliberately decided to pursue

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The children's healthcare program implemented as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997; formerly known as the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP

Body of Knowledge (BoK)

The collected resources, knowledge, and expertise within and related to a profession

Common Formats Version 1.1

The common definitions and reporting formats, specified by AHRQ, that allow healthcare providers to collect and submit standardized information regarding patient safety events; there are two general types, generic and event-specific

Community of Practice (CoP)

The community for those interested in clinical terminologies and vocabularies

Budget cycle

The complete process of financial planning, operations, and control for a fiscal year; overlaps multiple fiscal years


The concept that resources must not be overstated and liabilities not understated

Conceptual framework of accounting

The concept that the benefits of financial data should exceed the cost of obtaining them and that the data must be understandable, relevant, reliable, and comparable


The configuration, structure, and relationships of hardware (the machinery of the computer including input/ output devices, storage devices, and so on) in an information system

Clinical communication space

The context and range of electronic and interpersonal information exchanged among staff and patients


The decision to purchase, implement, and utilize an information system such as the EHR

Certainty factor

The defined certainty percentage rate with which an occurrence must present itself to satisfy quality standards

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

The division of the Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for developing healthcare policy in the United States and for administering the Medicare program and the federal portion of the Medicaid program; called the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) prior to 2001

Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) initiative

The effort to achieve CHI through federal agencies spearheaded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

Board of governors (board of trustees, board of directors)

The elected or appointed group of officials who bear ultimate responsibility for the successful operation of a healthcare organization

Coordination of benefits (COB) transaction

The electronic transmission of claims and/or payment information from a healthcare provider to a health plan for the purpose of determining relative payment responsibilities

Business intelligence (BI)

The end product or goal of knowledge management


The existence and degree of relationships among factors

Content validity

The extent to which an instrument's items represent the content that the instrument is intended to measure

Civilian Health and Medical Program-Veterans Administration (CHAMPVA)

The federal healthcare benefits program for dependents of veterans rated by the VA as having a total and permanent disability, for survivors of veterans who died from VA-rated service-connected conditions or who were rated permanently and totally disabled at the time of death from a VA-rated service-connected condition, and for survivors of persons who died in the line of duty

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA)

The federal law requiring every hospital that participates in Medicare and has an emergency room to treat any patient in an emergency condition or active labor, whether or not the patient is covered by Medicare and regardless of the patient's ability to pay; COBRA also requires employers to provide continuation benefits to specified workers and families who have been terminated but previously had healthcare insurance benefits

Civil Rights Act (1991)

The federal legislation that focuses on establishing an employer's responsibility for justifying hiring practices that seem to adversely affect people because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin

Civil Rights Act, Title VII (1964)

The federal legislation that prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin


The field devoted to applying the techniques of biochemistry, cellular biology, biophysics, and molecular biology to addressing practical issues related to human beings, agriculture, and the environment

Consumer informatics

The field of information science concerned with the management of data and information used to support consumers by consumers (the general public) through the application of computers and computer technologies

Analysis phase

The first phase of the systems development life cycle during which the scope of the project is defined, project goals are identified, current systems are evaluated, and user needs are identified

Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BC/BS)

The first prepaid healthcare plans in the United States; Blue Shield plans traditionally cover hospital care and Blue Cross plans cover physicians' services

Clinical messaging

The function of electronically delivering data and automating the workflow around the management of clinical data


The geographic area covered by a US Court of Appeals


The granting of permission to disclose confidential information; as defined in terms of the HIPAA privacy rule, an individual's formal, written permission to use or disclose his or her personally identifiable health information for purposes other than treatment, payment, or healthcare operations

Conceptual data model

The highest level of data model, representing the highest level of abstraction, independent of hardware and software


The human, financial, and physical resources of an organization


The idea that all time periods must reflect the same accounting

Compliance program guidance

The information provided by the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services to help healthcare organizations develop internal controls that promote adherence to applicable federal and state guidelines

Controlled Substances Act

The legislation that controls the use of narcotics, depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens

Average length of stay (ALOS)

The mean length of stay for hospital inpatients discharged during a given period of time

Average daily census

The mean number of hospital inpatients present in the hospital each day for a given period of time

Audit controls

The mechanisms that record and examine activity in information systems

Clinician/physician web portals

The media for providing clinician/physician access to the provider organization's multiple sources of data from any network-connected device

American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)

The membership organization composed of individuals, institutions, and corporations that develop and use information technologies in healthcare


The monitoring and maintenance of a project's structure

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

The national association of state and local Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans

American Nurses Association (ANA)

The national professional membership association of nurses that works for the improvement of health standards and the availability of healthcare services, fosters high professional standards for the nursing profession, and advances the economic and general welfare of nurses

American Medical Association (AMA)

The national professional membership organization for physicians that distributes scientific information to its members and the public, informs members of legislation related to health and medicine, and represents the medical profession's interests in national legislative matters

American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

The national professional organization of healthcare administrators that provides certification services for its members and promotes excellence in the field

American Hospital Association (AHA)

The national trade organization that provides education, conducts research, and represents the hospital industry's interests in national legislative matters; membership includes individual healthcare organizations as well as individual healthcare professionals working in specialized areas of hospitals, such as risk management

Consolidated health informatics (CHI)

The notion of adopting existing health information interoperability standards throughout all federal agencies

Bed count (complement)

The number of inpatient beds set up and staffed for use on a given day


The number of inpatients present in a healthcare facility at any given time

Crude birth rate

The number of live births divided by the population at risk

American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)

The organization established in 1876 to standardize the curriculum for medical schools in the United States and to promote the licensure of physicians

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

The organization that accredits all US standards development organizations to ensure that they are following due process in promulgating standards


The original estimates for a project's schedule, work, and cost

Compensation and benefits

The payment package offered to employees in return for work


The performance of internal and/or external reviews (audits) to identify variations from established baselines (for example, review of outpatient coding as compared with CMS outpatient coding guidelines)

Benefits realization

The point in time when the organization believes all end users are trained, the system has gone live, and there has been some period of time to get acclimated and adopt as much of the process changes and functionality as possible

Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI)

The process an organization undertakes that will improve clinical specificity and documentation that will allow coders to assign more concise disease classification codes

Claims processing

The process of accumulating claims for services, submitting claims for reimbursement, and ensuring that claims are satisfied


The process of assigning numeric representations to clinical documentation

Charge capture

The process of collecting all services, procedures, and supplies provided during patient care


The process of extracting and translating dictated and then transcribed free-text data (or dictated and then computer-generated discrete data) into ICD-9-CM and CPT evaluation and management codes for billing and coding purposes

Computer-assisted coding (CAC)

The process of extracting and translating dictated and then transcribed free-text data (or dictated and then computer-generated discrete data) into ICD-9-CM and CPT evaluation and management codes for billing and coding purposes

Association rule analysis (rule induction)

The process of extracting useful if/then rules from data based on statistical significance; See rule induction

Clinical analytics

The process of gathering and examining data in order to help gain greater insight about patients

Career development

The process of growing or progressing within one's profession or occupation

Change control

The process of performing an impact analysis and obtaining approval before modifications to the project scope are made

Authorization management

The process of protecting the security and privacy of the confidential data in a database


The process of recording known transactions in the appropriate time period before cash payments or receipts are expected or due

Credentialing or credentialing process

The process of reviewing and validating the qualifications (degrees, licenses, and other credentials) of physicians and other licensed independent practitioners for granting medical staff membership to provide patient care services

Cluster sampling

The process of selecting subjects for a sample from each cluster within a population (for example, a family, school, or community)

Conflict management

The process of working with individuals to find a mutually acceptable solution to a problem that has arisen between them

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

The professional membership organization for managers of health record services and healthcare information systems as well as coding services; provides accreditation, certification, and educational services

Accounting rate of return

The projected annual cash inflows, minus any applicable depreciation, divided by the initial investment

Ambulatory payment classification (APC) system

The prospective payment system used since 2000 for reimbursement of hospitals for outpatient services provided to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries

Continuous speech input

The quality of speech/voice recognition technology that does not require users to pause between words to allow the computer to distinguish between the beginnings and endings of words

Continuum of care

The range of healthcare services provided to patients, from routine ambulatory care to intensive acute care

Bounded rationality

The recognition that decision making is often based on limited time and information about a problem and that many situations are complex and rapidly changing

Closed records

The records of patients who have been discharged from the hospital or whose treatment has been terminated

Acute care prospective payment system (PPS)

The reimbursement system for inpatient hospital services provided to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries that is based on the use of diagnosis-related groups as a classification tool


The response by one healthcare professional to another healthcare professional's request to provide recommendations and opinions regarding the care of a particular patient/resident


The right to make decisions and take actions necessary to carry out assigned tasks

Chief operating officer (COO)

The role responsible for managing day-to-day activities of an organization

American College of Surgeons (ACS)

The scientific and educational association of surgeons formed to improve the quality of surgical care by setting high standards for surgical education and practice

Chief nursing officer (CNO)

The senior manager (usually a registered nurse with advanced education and extensive experience) responsible for administering patient care services

Chief executive officer (CEO)

The senior manager appointed by a governing board to direct an organization's overall long-term strategic management

Chief financial officer (CFO)

The senior manager responsible for the fiscal management of an organization

Chief information officer (CIO)

The senior manager responsible for the overall management of information resources in an organization

Common cause variation

The source of variation in a process that is inherent within the process

Bill hold period

The span of time during which a bill is suspended in the billing system awaiting late charges, diagnosis and procedure codes, insurance verification, or other required information

Cost accounting

The specialty branch of accounting that deals with quantifying the resources expended to provide the goods and services offered by the organization to its customers/clients/patients

Attending Physician Statement (APS) (or COMB-1)

The standardized insurance claim form created in 1958 by the Health Insurance Association of America and the American Medical Association


The substantive or meaningful components of a document or collection of documents

Ambulatory Surgery Center Prospective Payment System (ASC PPS)

The system that resulted from the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 extensively revising the ASC payment system with changes going into effect on January 1, 2008


The text that illustrates a concept or the use of a designation

Current ratio

The total current assets divided by total current liabilities

Cause-specific death rate

The total number of deaths due to a specific illness during a given time period divided by the estimated population for the same time period

Case fatality rate

The total number of deaths due to a specific illness during a given time period divided by the total number of cases during the same period

Crude death rate

The total number of deaths in a given population for a given period of time divided by the estimated population for the same period of time

Consultation rate

The total number of hospital inpatients receiving consultations for a given period divided by the total number of discharges and deaths for the same period


The training to learn a job other than the employee's primary responsibility


The value of specific assets that are used to guarantee the purchase of material goods


This role is essential in challenging the innovation for shortcomings, presenting strong criteria, and, in essence, providing a reality test for the new idea

Covered entity (CE)

To make a good faith effort to obtain the patient's written acknowledgment of receipt of the HIPAA Privacy Notice


Tool in the form of a graph that displays five-number data summary

Customer service training

Training that focuses on creating a true customer orientation within the work environment

Clinical Care Classification (CCC)

Two interrelated taxonomies, the CCC of Nursing Diagnoses and Outcomes and the CCC of Nursing Interventions and Actions, that provide a standardized framework for documenting patient care in hospitals, home health agencies, ambulatory care clinics, and other healthcare settings

Ambulatory surgery center or ambulatory surgical center (ASC)

Under Medicare, an outpatient surgical facility that has its own national identifier; is a separate entity with respect to its licensure, accreditation, governance, professional supervision, administrative functions, clinical services, recordkeeping, and financial and accounting systems; has as its sole purpose the provision of services in connection with surgical procedures that do not require inpatient hospitalization; and meets the conditions and requirements set forth in the Medicare Conditions of Participation


Undetermined aspects of a project that are considered to be true (for example, assuming that project team members have the right skill set to perform their duties)

Common law

Unwritten law originating from court decisions where no applicable statute exists; See case law

Automated code assignment

Uses data that have been entered into a computer to automatically assign codes; uses natural language processing (NLP) technology—algorithmic (rules based) or statistical—to read the data contained in a CPR

Change management

Way in which an organization fosters and directs change in conjunction with process improvement


Web logs provide a web page where users can post text, images, and links to other websites

Clinical guidelines/protocols

With clinical care plans and clinical pathways, a predetermined method of performing healthcare for a specific disease or other clinical situation based on clinical evidence that the method provides high-quality, cost-effective healthcare

Claims data

information required to be reported on a healthcare claim for service reimbursement

Coefficient of determination

r2; the r2 measures how much of the variation in one variable is explained by the second variable

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