health-premature death, heart disease, cancer, etc
Heart Disease Risk Factors
- family history (genetics) - smoking (hypertension) - high bp
how many deaths are due to cancer
1 out of 4
whats the age that SIDS occur
12 months or younger
some #1 leading causes of deaths?
accidents, kidney disease, H3N2
what is SIDS
an unexplained death of an infant
what is COPD caused by
caused by smoking
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
what are some ways of causing SIDS
crib death, supine position
premature death
death that occurs before the projected age of 75
examples of unintentional injuries
drowning, car crashes, suffocation
fast heart rate more than 100 bpm
how to protect your heart
fiber, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, exercising daily
cardiovascular disease
heart and blood vessel disease
other types of cardiovascular disease
heart failure, arrythmia
irregular heart beat
how is cancer developed
lifestyle habits
slow heart rate less than 60 bpm
substance called plaque blocks the walls and arteries, causing efficient blood flow to stop
sudden infant death syndrome
what is the 3rd leading cause of death in US
unintentional injuries
ischemic stroke
when a blood vessel that feeds the brain gets blocked from a blood clot
hemorrhagic stroke
when a blood vessel within the brain bursts
heart attack
when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked by a blood clot