health science chapter 12

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systolic dualistic cardiometabolic

Systolic Blood Pressure The upper number in the fraction that measures blood pressure, indicating pressure on the walls of the arteries when the heart contracts. Diastolic Blood Pressure Lower number in the fraction that measures blood pressure, indicating pressure of the walls of the arteries during the reelection phase of heart activity. Cardiometabolic Risks Risk factors that impact both the cardiovascular system and the bodys biochemical metabolic process

1. transient ischemic attacks 2. cardiometabolic risks 3. metabolic syndrome

1. Transient Ischemic Attacks Brief interruption of the blood supply to the brain that causes only temporary impairment 2. risk factors that impact cardiovascular system and body biochemical metabolic processes, newer treatment like plasminogen activator dissolves clots and improves blood flow to affected areas 3. group of metabolic conditions occurring together that increases persons risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes ,

1. ideal of cardiovascular health 2. cardiovascular system 3. atria 4. ventricles

1. absence of clinical indicators of CVD and presence of certain behavioral/health factor metrics 2. organ system, consisting of heart and blood vessels, transports nutrients oxygen hormones metabolic wastes and enzymes throughout body 3. The heart's upper two chambers, which receive blood 4. the hearts two lower chambers, which pump blood through the blood vessels.

nuclear stress test sass test cardiac cauterization poison emission tomography

1. injecting radioactive dye and taking images of heart to reveal problems with blood flow 2. standard exercise on bike or treadmill with electrocardiogram, no injections 3. angiography 4. produces 3 dimensional images of heart as blood flows

1. two types of blood cholesterol 2. triglycerides

1. low density lipoprotein bad, build up artery walls, high density is good removes cholesterol from artery walls 2. when consume too many extra calories, body converts them to this which are stored in fat cells

inflammation and c reactive protein

1. occurring when tissues are injured by bacteria, trauma, toxins, or heat, -chalydia pneumonia, common cause of respiratory infections helicobacterpylori bacterium that causes ulcers herpes simplex virus=a virus that most of us have been exposed to and cytomegalo virus another herpes virus

1. lifetime risk 2. cancer 3. neoplasm 4. tumor 5. malignant

1. probability that person will develip/die from cancer Cancer Large group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells Neoplasm New growth of tissue that serves no physiological function and results from uncontrolled abnormal cellular development Tumor neoplasmic mass that grows more rapidly than the surround tissue Malignant Very dangerous or harmful

1. global burden of disease 2. disability adjusted life years 3. chronic disease 4. cardiovascular disease

1. quantifying burden of premature morbidity, disability, and death for given disease or disease groups 2. measure of overall disease burden expressed as # of years lost due to ill health 3. illness that is prolonged, does not resolve spontaneously, and is rarely cured 4. Disease of the heart and blood vessels

1. oncogenes

1. suspected cancer causing genes

1. hypertension 2. systolic blood pressure 3. diastolic blood pressure 4. prehypertensive

1. sustained elevated blood pressure, silent killer 2. upper number in fraction that measures blood pressure, indicating pressure on walls of arteries when heart contracts 3. lower number in fraction that measures blood pressure indicating pressure on walls of arteries during relaxation phase of heart activity 4. blood pressure is above normal but not yet in hypertensive range

1. magnetic resonance imaging 2. ultrafast computed tomography 3. cardiac calcium score

1. uses powerful magnets to look inside body 2. x ray imaging of heart designed toe vulgate bypass grafts 3. measures amount of calcium containing plaque in coronary arteries for atherosclerotic buildup

1. Arteriosclerosis 2. Atherosclerosis 3. plaque 4. Ischemia 5. Peripheral artery disease 6. hyperlipidemia

1.Arteriosclerosis General term for thickening and hardening of the arteries 2. Atherosclerosis condition characterized by deposits of fatty substances on the inner lining of an artery, most common form of coronary artery disease 3. Plaque Buildup of deposits in the arteries 4. Ischemia reduced oxgen supply to a body part or organ 5. Peripheral Artery Disease Atherosclerosis occurring in the lower extremities such as in the feet, calves, or legs, or in the arms 6. abnormally high blood levels of lipids which are non water soluble molecules

colon/rectal skin warning signs of melanoma

3rd most common, malignant melanoma is virulent cancer of melanocytes of skin asymmetry (mole does not match other half), border irregularity (edges uneven), color (pigmentation not in uniform) diameter (greater than 6 millimeters) , treatment is trodessicaiton tissue destruction by heat, cryosurgery tissue destruction by freezing,

1. Coronary heart disease 2. Myocardial infraction 3. angina pectoris 4. intermittent claudication

Coronary heart disease Narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart Myocardial Infraction A blockage of normal blood supply to an area in the heart Angina Pectoris Chest pain occurring as a result of reduced oxygen flow to the heart, drugs like nitroglycerin dilate veins and provide pain relief, calcium channel blockers relieve cardiac spasms and arrhythmias , lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, beta blockers control potential overactivity of heart muscle 4. pain and aching in legs received by rest

types of cancers

carcinomas- epithelial tissues (covering body surfaces and lining most body cavities) are most common sites for cancers, affect outer layer of skin and mouth , metastasize through circulatory or lyphmatic system and form solid tumors *sarcomas- occur in mesodermal middle layers of tissues, metastasize primarily via blood in early stages of disease +lymphmoas-develop in lymphatic system infection fighting region of body example is hodgskins -leukemias: blooding forming parts of body, particularly bone marrow and spleen, characterized by abnormal increase in number of white blood cells

ACE inhibitors beta blockers

cause muscle surrounding blood vessels to contact lowering blood pressure reduce blood pressure by blocking effects of hormone epinephrine

1. angiography 2. coronary bypass surgery 3. angioplasty 4. thrombolysis 5. 5 year survival rates 6. remission

Angiography a technique for examining blockages in heart arteries Coronary Bypass Surgery a surgical technique whereby a blood vessel taken from another part of the body is implanted to bypass a clogged coronary artery, bypass graft referred to as cabbage is blood vessel taken from another site in patients body and implanted to bypass blocked corny parties and transport blood to heart tissue Angioplasty A technique in which a catheter with a balloon at the tip is inserted into a clogged artery, balloon angioplasty , stent mesh like stainless steel tube inserted to prop open artery, atherectomy is a procedure that removes plaque thrombolysis is injecting of agent to dissolve clots and restore some blood flow, reducing amount of tissue that dies from ischemia, injecting tissue plasminogen activator to dissolve clot and restore some blood flow to heart reducing amount of tissue that dies from ischemia Five Year Survival Rates Percentage of people in a study or treatment group who are alive 5 years after they were diagnosed or treated for cancer Remission Temporary or permanent period when cancer is responding to treatment and under control

1. Arrhythmias 2. Fibrillation 3. Congestive heart failure 4. Stroke 5. Aneurysm

Arrhythmia An irregularity in heart beat, tachycharida is abnormally fast heartbeat, bradycardia is slow heartbeat Fibrillation Sporadic, Quivering patter of heartbeat that results in extreme inefficiency in moving blood through the cardiovascular system Congestive Heart Failure Abnormal cardiovascular condition that reflects impaired cardiac pumping and blood flow, diuretics receive fluid accumulation, digitalis increase pumping action of heart, vasodilators explained blood vessels and decrease resistance Stroke Condition occurring when the brain is damaged by disrupted blood supply, called cerebrovascular accident, can be ischemic which is caused by plaque formation that narrows blood flow or clot that obstructs blood vessel or hemorrhagic due to weakening of blood vessel that causes it to bulge or rupture Aneurysm A weakened blood vessel that may bulge under pressure and burst

1. arteries 2. arterioles 3. capillaries 4. veins 5. venues 6. sinotrial node

Arteries Vessels that carry blood away from the heart to other regions of the body Arterioles Branches of the arteries Capillaries Minute blood vessels that branch out from arterioles and venules Veins Vessels that carry blood back to the heart from other regions of the body Venules Branches of the veins Sinoatrial Node Cluster of electric pule-generating cells that serves as a natural pacemaker for the heart

6. benign 7. biopsy 8. metastis

Benign Harmless Biopsy Microscopic examination of tissue to determine whether a cancer is present Metastasis Process by which cancer spreads from one area to different areas of the body

c reactive proteins homocysteine electrocardiogram

C-reactive protein A protein whose blood levels rise in response to inflammation Homocysteine Amino acid normally present in the blood that when found at high levels may be related to higher risk of cardiovascular disease Electrocardiogram a record of the electrical activity of the heart

facing cancer

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Device that uses magnetic fields; radio waves; and computers to generate an image of internal tissues of the body for diagnostic purposes without the use of radiation Computed Tomography Scan A scan by machine that uses radiation to view internal organs not normally visible on X-Ray images

1. mutant cells 2. cancer staging 3. carcinogens 4. TNM system

Mutant Cells Cells that differ in form, quality, or function from normal cells classification system that describes how far a persons disease has advanced Carcinogens Cancer- causing agents 4. t =extent of primary tumor, type of cells, size, reach/ n=extent of spread to regional lymph nodes/ m=metastis number of tumors and grade/abnormality of cells

helicobacter pylori hepatits B and C

associated with increased risk of stomach cancer, believed to stimulate growth of cancer cells in liver because they are chronic diseases that inflame liver tissue

lung cancer breast

leading cause of cancer deaths for men and women MRS pick up early form of atypical hyperplasia which precancerous cells are growing abnormally but would not show up in routine testing, selective estrogen receptor modulators like tamoxifen and raloxifine appear to grow in response to estrogen, aromatase inhibits work by blocking estrogen , women who have BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations are 60-80% more likely to get cancer

relative risk

measure of strength of relationship between risk factors and particular cancer

testicular cancer pancreatic

most common types, appears as enlargement on side of testis deadlist,


muscular 4 chambered pump , deoxygenated blood enters right atrium after having been circulated through body, from right atrium blood moves to right ventricle and is pumped through pulmonary artery to lungs where it receives oxygen, oxygenated blood from lungs returns to left atrium of heart, blood form left atrium moves into left ventricle and left ventricle pumps blood through aorta to all body parts

prostate cancer ovarian cancer cervical and endometrial cancer

prostate specific antigen is antigen found in prostate cancer patients 5th leading cause of cancer for women pap test-Procedure in which cells taken from the cervical region are examined for abnormal activity, get vaccinated with gardasil or cervarix to protect against hpv

non modifiable risks

race/ethniciy, hereditary, age, gender,

cancer treatments

stereotactic radiosurgey: type of radiation therapy that can be used to zap tumors like gamma knife surgery, radiotherapy is use of radiation to kill cancer cells, chemotherapy is use of drugs to kill cancer cells , immunotherapy enhances body own disease fighting mechanisms, cancer fighting vaccines combat abnormal cells, gene therapy increases patients immune response, stem cell research controversy

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