HEB interview questions

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Describe a time when you had a disagreement with co-workers. What did you do about it.

As a team, we'd weigh out the possible outcomes for each decision and then decide what would be the better option as a group.

What do you think your role would be as a curbside shopper?

Bagging groceries carefully to keep products in a perfect condition, separate fragile products and kept frozen and perishable foods cold or fresh. Follow instructions closely and review deliveries to minimize errors and staying organized throughout my shift.

What is something you are most proud of?

Becoming the first generation in my family to graduate and obtain a college degree for myself.

What does customer service mean to you?

Every customer that walks in is deserving of my full attention, respect and great customer service, so for me it means going above and beyond for everyone.

Can you sell this HEB product to us?

HEB has only the greatest quality for the best bang for your buck,

What is your favorite product of HEB?

I am a big fan of all the vegan options that HEB offers. The vio-life vegan cheese is one of my favorites!

What position would you not want?

I am very open to any position because I believe in working your way up to any position is possible through hard work, ambition and determination.

Describe a time you lost your cool with someone and how you handled it?

I don't recall ever losing my cool with a customer or client. If someone is disappointed with my service I try to understand the situation, put myself in their shoes and address it that way. I never like to leave a customer without showing kindness towards them. It can go a long way.

If given the option to choose, would you rather work as a team or by yourself?

I feel as though HEB as a collective, works as a team. Whether its curbside, cashiering, deli, bakery, flower department, you ultimately work as a team. I know that curbside works more like a beehive, everyone is working independently to achieve customer satisfaction but I believe working in a team effort is always important.

How many days do you feel you should be allowed to call in?

I grew up in a household where missing a day of work was unheard of and the belief that you should never miss a days of work unless it is an emergency. I'd say 2-3 times a year is fine since emergencies are sometimes ineviatable.

Name a time you had to work as a team. Indicate what steps you took and what was the outcome?

I had assigned a group project for the Ecology club where we created donation boxes for Soles 4 Souls, which is a non-profit that helps distribute shoes to children in need. We identified each persons streghtns and together we assigned each person with a position that best fit them. (whether it was designing flyers or setting up the donation boxes) In the end we collected over 300 pairs of donated shoes!

Tell me about yourself

I just graduated with my associates degree this last year, I am a business major with a passion for painting and one of my future goals in life is to be apart of a non-profit that uses art as a tool for healing to those who suffer from mental illnesses.

Why do you feel qualified for this position?

I love working in a people-centered environment. I have a lot of experience dealing with customers and I am a quick learner. I am used to a fast paced environment and am excellent in time management due to working while getting my degree and being the president of the Ecology club at Lone Star College and a student mentor for the Wise and Well program as well.

Tell me about a time you contributed to your community?

I think even the smallest feats should be appreciated. When Harvey hit, we

Name one thing you disliked about your previous job?

I worked as a front desk agent and I loved it but there was poor management. I also enjoyed my job as a wellness specialist since it was hands on and proactive with helping clients and was more fast paced.

What would you do if you ever caught someone stealing ?

I would get in contact with my manager ASAP.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would hope to grow with the responsibility I am offered here at HEB and to develop skills that will be useful for my future but also to every customer I serve. I would love to be working here and pursuing a photography career as well.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?

I would love to be a buffalo. They are seen as symbols of strength and unity in some Native cultures. Which is what I believe is what any HEB partner possesses. I think it reflects well to what the company also believes in. Unity as a team, which therefore leads to the strength of our community all together.

What are some challenges a grocery store faces?

Keeping items in stock for customers and also making sure every partner is creating a great shopping experience for customers.

What is the greatest challenge you've faced?

Learning to love myself. You cant help others if you don't begin with your inner self and start appreciating it.

You're in a restroom, its messy what do you do?

Making sure to let the manager know as soon as possible. If there is a spill, I would put a yellow caution sign up to prevent any injuries.

Tell us your name and what you are applying for and where would you most like to live in the world?

My name is Kelsey Haro, I am applying for curbside and I would love to live in Oregon State, but Texas isn't all that bad :)

Why HEB?

The company has a huge involvement in community efforts such as hunger and disaster relief. The reflection of the company during hard times such as Harvey and the hit of Covid, it has always been about serving the community and acceptance of diversity in its stores. I also appreciate the care HEB has for its employees, addressing them as partners rather than just workers.

What will be your goals for everyday?

To ensure that i'm doing all my tasks diligently and correctly. Also making sure every customer is satisfied and to respect me, my heb partners and everyone shopping.

How do you deal with an angry customer?

When dealing with an upset customer, the best thing to do is stay calm, listen and understand. If there's anything I can do, I will try to mend the problem a dissatisfied customer might have but if it is out of my hands I will address a manager if things become violent.

Describe a time when you went out of your way to help someone. When was a time you helped another person out?

When working as a front desk agent, I had a guest complain about her A/C not working. I informed her that I would call the repair person as soon as possible to look at it for her but in the mean time I let her borrow one of the big fans from the storage room so that she could be comfortable for the time being. She was very appreciative of me doing so.

Describe a time you came up short and what keeps you motivated?

When working as a front desk agent, id have customers come in asking for a room when we were short on rooms so the best I could offer them was a reservation at nearby comparable rooms at another hotel nearby so that they could enjoy the same amenities they were originally looking for. Treating potential guests with kindness is what will make them come back and stay there in the future. So therefore, kind people keep me motivated even if it's just a smile. A good attitude is every thing.

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