Hendo's chapter 9 history test. DONT FORGET THE MAP

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Kublai Khan

(1215-1294) Grandson of Genghis Khan and founder of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty in China.

Who were the gentry?

-Wealthy landowners -studied confucian ideas -some became civil servants

Two facts about Wu Zhao (empress WU)

1. She was the only female emperor in china 2. She took place as emperor in 690

How long did the Tang Dynasty last

618-907 CE


A system of thought based on the teachings of Confucius that focused on proper behavior and respect for individuals and government

Angkor Wat

A temple complex built in the Khmer Empire and dedicated to the Hindu God, Vishnu.

Genghis Khan

A very cruel ruler that was the founder of the Mongols. He used cruelty as a weapon when conquering. He greatly expanded the Mongolian empire and was very ruthless.

What two religions made Neo-Confucianism

Daoism and Buddhism

What skill of the mongols increased their trade but destroyed their rule

Good maritime (sea) skills

Scholar official

Government official that passed a civil service exam

One factor that lead to the fall of the Tang Dynasty

Loss of control of Central Asia

How did geography the influence history and culture of Korea

Mountains and rivers decided where certain dynasties settled and the type of trade routes they made.

Song Dynasty in 5 words

Small, Robust, Peaceful, Flourishing, Advanced

Differences between the scholar official exams of the song and ming dynasties

The ming dynasty brought in a censor

Pax Mongolica

The period of approximately 150 years of relative peace and stability created by the Mongol Empire.

How were the pagans and the srivijaya similar

They built grand temples and followed buddhism

Why did the mongols need foreigners in government positions

They couldn't read or write

How did the chinese make up for losing the silk roads

They improved maritime (sea) skills

How did the mongols improve the infrastructure of their empire

They improved the silk roads and other trade routes

Why did the mongols have military success

They knew how to make attacks last and could plan with their smart rulers. Cruel.

What made the chinese people unhappy enough to fight back

They were sick of mongol rules and wanted their country back

Damn, I want to die

This took so long

Why were Civil Service Exams used

To demonstrate knowledge and find eligible candidates for government positions


a disunited, disorderly time

3 reasons the Tang Dynasty lost power

1. Too high of taxes 2. They expanded too much 3. Loss of control of Central Asia

why was the Sui Dynasty short-lived?

1. ruthless emperors = unpopular 2. failed attempt to conquer Korea (wasted resources and upset people) 3. Sui dynasty was overthrown

The Great Wall

A barrier made of walls across China's northern frontier. made by the Ming dynasty

What was a censor

A government position that looked over the morals of leadership and watch the quality of schools


A kingdom that was made by the Burma's in the Irrawaddy river valley


A mixture of powders used in guns and explosives


A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs


A people of this name is mentioned as early as the records of the Tang Empire, living as nomads in northern Eurasia. After 1206 they established an enormous empire under Genghis Khan, linking western and eastern Eurasia.


Big kinship groups that often traveled together

Who were the Samurai

Bodyguards that were hired to protect warlords

What religion spread all throughout china during the time of the tang and song dynasties


Difference between Daoism, Confucianism, and buddhism

Daoism suggested living in harmony with all of creation, while confucianism focused more on actions. Buddhism is similar, but introduced reincarnation.

3 ways disunion affected chinese culture

Dress, music, art

Why were civil service exams unfair

Education costed money, so only wealthy people made it.

Impactful inventions

Gunpowder, woodblock printing, faster growing rice, porcelain

What drove Genghis Khan to cruelty

He wanted revenge for the poverty that his family lived through.

How did the mongols keep control of the chinese

Heavily taxed and keeping them from government positions

How would of china evolved if it didn't become isolated

Improved technology

What other 2 religions spread during the song and tang dynasties

Islam and christianity

Why was the grand canal one of the Sui's greatest achievements

It became such a big trade route

Why were all of the cultures of Southeast Asia influenced by India, but Vietnam wasn't

It was closer to china

The Silk Road

Mongols reopened this passage connecting Asia to Europe

How did geography influence the history and culture of Southeast Asia

Most of the empires settled around big river systems like the pagans on the Irrawaddy

3 technologies made by tang and song dynasties

Moveable type printer, explosives, paper money

2 agricultural advancements

New quick rice Terracing


Nomads that herded domestic animals

Incentives for civil service exams

Power, respect, wealth, reduced consequences

How would you characterize the tang dynasty's behavior toward Korea

Pretty neutral because the Silla payed peace money and modeled their government around them.

What dynasty completed the Grand Canal

Tang Dynasty

Grand Canal

The 1,100-mile (1,700-kilometer) waterway linking the Yellow and the Yangzi Rivers. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire. Connected north and south china.

Similarities and differences between the Silla and Koryo

The Koryo's kept some chinese influence, but put their own twist on it, instead of exactly copying it.

Koryo Dynasty (Korea)

The final dynasty in Korea before the mongols took over.

Shinto Religion

The first religion of Japan, "The way of the Gods." Shinto celebrates the mysteries and unforeseen forces of nature. Animistic. According to Shinto beliefs, divine spirits called kami are associated with the awesome forces of nature, such as rushing rivers, thundering waterfalls, etc.

Silla Dynasty

The first ruling dynasty to bring a measure of political unity to the Korean peninsula (688-900). One of the 3 initial Korean dynasties.

What were women known for during the Heian Period

The writings from the women of the court, such as The Tale of Genji

How did the gentry attain their status in Chinese society?

Through education and civil service exams

What was foot binding?

Tight wrapping of foot to make feet smaller which was a sign of wealth and status. Put women under male supervision since they couldn't walk

How did wealth limit the lower class from becoming scholar officials

To get education, they needed money

What 3 ways did isolationism decline the empire

Unable to advance technology, defend against invaders, and adapt to country's needs.


Unelected body of government officials who administer the day-to-day operations of government

Marco Polo

Venetian merchant and traveler. His accounts of his travels to China offered Europeans a firsthand view of Asian lands and stimulated interest in Asian trade. TRAVELED TO CHINESE CITIES.

Three parts of Chinese culture that Japan adopted

Writing, art, and government

Do you think Mongol policies toward chinese citizens were effective.

Yes and No. For a while they worked, but the strictness caused the chinese to rebel.

How was the Yuan dynasty's social system different from the song dynasty's

Yuan banned Confucius ideas

woodblock printing

a form of printing in which an entire page is carved into a block of wood


a positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior

Khmer empire

a powerful empire that lasted roughly from the 9th to the 15th centuries in what is now Cambodia


a result of something, often negative

magnetic compass

a tool that shows which direction is north


a translucent pottery

Civil service

service as a government official

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