HESI Biology

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Polymers of which of the following make up proteins?

Amino acids

Protein synthesis in the cell requires which of the following molecules?

Amino acids

How are carbohydrates absorbed into the bloodstream?

Carbohydrates are turned into glucose and absorbed into the blood via the walls of the small intestine.

Which organ system is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body?

Circulatory system

Which of the following occurs during mitosis but not meiosis?

DNA is duplicated and distributed evenly to two daughter cells.

Which step in cellular respiration involves the oxidation of NADH molecules to produce oxygen and water?

Electron transport chain

Which step in cellular respiration produces the most ATP?

Electron transport chain

All metabolic reactions in a cell are catalyzed by which of the following?


Which of the following is a protein that acts to catalyze different reactions or processes within a cell?


Which type of protein acts to catalyze different reactions or processes?


What are the three types of lipids?

Fatty acids, phospholipids, and steroids

Which of the following microtubules can be used to move the cell?


What is the first step of cellular respiration when glucose is converted to pyruvate?


Which organelle is responsible for storing, modifying and sending out products of the endoplasmic reticulum, such as proteins?

Golgi apparatus

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

Kids Prefer Candy Over Fresh Green Salads

Where within the cell does the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) take place?


Which organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?


During which phase of cell reproduction does the cell's nuclear envelope begin to disappear?


During which phase of cell reproduction do the cell's chromosomes become visibly separate with each duplicated chromosome having two sister chromatids?


Which biologic molecule would you recommend a patient limit if they want to avoid having cardiovascular problems?

Saturated fats

Which level of permeability best describes the cell membrane?

Selectively permeable

Which of the following about phospholipids is incorrect?

The phosphate group in phospholipids is nonpolar and non-soluble in water.

Which of the following statements about water is incorrect?

The polarity of water allows for covalent bonding between molecules.

Which of the following is not true about water?

The polarity of water's bonds allows for covalent bonding between molecules.

Which of the following statements about endoplasmic reticulum is true?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for storing calcium ions.

How are phospholipids important in the function of cells?

They are important components of the plasma membrane.

Which of the following represents a recessive homozygous individual:


A repeatable procedure of gathering data to support or refute a hypothesis is known as

conducting an experiment

What is considered the template strand in transcription?

the DNA strand that the mRNA's nucleotides pair with

Which of the following is the typical magnification power of the ocular lens on a microscope?


36 chromosomes undergo meiosis. How many chromosomes will be in each gamete?


What is the phenotype ratio of a cross between a homozygous recessive and heterozygous individuals?


DNA is read in terms of how many bases?


During cellular respiration, the conversion of glucose results in an overall production of how many molecules of ATP?


In a human, how many chromosomes does the diploid parent cell have at the beginning of meiosis?


Which of the following needs to be present in order for a substance to be considered a nucleotide?

5 carbon sugar, nitrogenous base, phosphate group

The cell membrane is composed of which of the following?

A bilayer of phospholipid molecules

How are mitosis and cytokinesis different in plant cells than in animal cells?

A cell plate begins to form during telophase in plant cells, whereas a cleavage furrow begins to form during telophase in animal cells.

The polarity of water's bonds allows for covalent bonding between molecules.

A relatively low specific heat

If for peas, a round shape is the dominant allele (A), and a wrinkly shape is the recessive allele (a), what is the genotype of a round pea?

AA or Aa

Which are the correct mRNA bases, complementary to the following DNA strand " TGCA":


If a substance is moving across a plasma membrane against the concentration gradient, what type of transport is required?

Active transport

The molecule that is used as the energy currency of the cell is which of the following?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

During which phase of mitosis do the cell's sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes and pull apart?


Where can ribosomes be found inside a cell?

Attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in the cytoplasm

What is the process by which bacterial cells reproduce called?

Binary fission

cellular respiration formula

C6 H12 06 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Which of the following equations represents the simplified chemistry behind cellular respiration?

C6 H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2 O + ATP

Which molecules are considered the most important in biology?

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

Which of the following is the fundamental unit of biology?


Which of the following describes the set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in cells to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP?

Cellular respiration

What are the two catabolic pathways that lead to energy production in a cell?

Cellular respiration and fermentation

Which of the following statements about catabolic pathways that lead to cellular respiration is correct?

Cellular respiration produces more energy than fermentation.

Of the following choices, choose the best description of a prokaryotic cell:

Contains chromosomes, ribosomes, a plasma membrane and is enclosed in a cell wall

The phase of cell reproduction when the cell divides forming two identical daughter cells is called:


Microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments form the network of fibers in which cellular structure?


Which component of the integumentary system makes it possible to leave behind fingerprints?

Dermis papillae

Which of the following best describes amino acids that cannot be naturally produced by the body and, therefore, are obtained through the organism's diet?

Essential amino acids

In humans, the trait for brown eyes is dominant (B) and blue eyes is recessive (b). Which alleles would be present in the gametes of a human if that human is heterozygous for eye color?

Half of the gametes would contain only the dominant allele while the other half would contain only the recessive allele.

Which of the following correctly represents a heterozygous individual?


In the Scientific Method, which of the following is a statement or explanation of certain events or happenings based on limited evidence?


How does the number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by meiosis differ from the number of chromosomes in daughter cells produced by mitosis?

In meiosis, each daughter cell contains half as many chromosomes as the parent; In mitosis, each daughter cell contains the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

During which phase of cell reproduction are the chromosomes duplicated, and the cell prepares for division?


What happens to mRNA once its message has been translated?

It is degraded and the nucleotides are recycled

Which of the following is the best description of glycolysis?

It is the conversion of glucose into pyruvate

Solar energy is converted to chemical energy during which stage of photosynthesis?

Light reactions

Which of the following about metabolism is incorrect?

Metabolic reactions in a cell progress from low energy to high energy.

The sum of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism is:


During which phase of cell reproduction do the cell's chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell?


Which organelle would you expect to find in abundance in a heart muscle cell?


Which of the following organelles are responsible for producing energy for the cell?

Mitochondrion and chloroplast

A flagellum is a whip-like appendage found on the surface of some cells. What is their primary purpose?

Movement of the cell

DNA and RNA are subunits of which type of biologic molecule?

Nucleic acids

Which of the following biologic molecules are components of the molecules of inheritance?

Nucleic acids

Which organelle is correctly paired with its function?

Nucleus - stores DNA

A universal blood donor must have which of the following blood types?


Cells are made up of components referred to as:


Which of the following levels of organization in the human body is the most inclusive?


Many cells uptake food through the cell membrane creating a food vacuole in a process known as


6CO2 + 6H2O + Light energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2


How are plant cells different from animal cells?

Plant cells have a cell wall; Animal cells do not have a cell wall

Where in the cell does active transport take place?

Plasma membrane

Which of the following best describes the structure of proteins?

Polymers of amino acids

Which type of cell lacks a defined nucleus?

Prokaryotic cells

Crossing over occurs during which phase of meiosis?

Prophase I

Humans and other animals require nitrogen; however, they cannot obtain it from the air or soil. What must animals consume in order to obtain the nitrogen they need?


What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?

Protein synthesis and membrane production

Bodybuilders are concerned with putting on a significant amount of muscle mass. Which biologic molecule would you recommend a bodybuilder increase consumption of to gain muscle mass?


Which biologic molecule is comprised of polymers of amino acids?


Which of the biologic molecules are considered the most significant when it comes to contributing to cellular function?


Cells with a high rate of protein synthesis generally have a large number of:


What are the two categories of cellular reproduction?

Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction

Which cell organelle functions in the detoxification and metabolism of multiple molecules?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

A student that was properly trained to use a microscope would place the slide on the _______.


Which of the following is a lipid that is a component of cellular membranes and a precursor to significant hormones and drugs?


What are the two primary products of photosynthesis?

Sugar and oxygen

What is the role of water in photosynthesis?

Supply electrons in the light reactions

Which of the following is a stop codon in DNA:


During which phase of cell reproduction do the cell's chromosomes gather on each side of the cell as it begins to pinch?


Which step in cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of the cell and produces two ATP molecules, six carbon dioxide molecules, and six NADH molecules for every molecule of glucose?

The Krebs Cycle

Which of the following best describes why polarity is the most important characteristic of water?

The benefits of polarity are hydrogen bonding, a high specific heat value, strong cohesive and adhesive properties, and its versatility as a solvent.

Which of the following best defines the term "homeostasis?"

The body's self-regulating process that allows it to respond and adapt to the external and internal environment.

If you placed an animal cell in a hypertonic solution, what would happen to the cell?

The cell would shrivel

Which of the following occurs during binary fission?

The chromosomes bind to the plasma membrane.

Which of the following about carbohydrates is incorrect? They contain only two elements: carbon and oxygen. They are polymers of sugars. Their most important functions are providing storage, structure, and energy. They form the backbone of important molecules such as DNA and RNA.

They contain only two elements: carbon and oxygen.

Which of the following describes heterozygous individuals?

They have two different alleles for the same gene

What function do cholesterol molecules serve within the cell membrane?

They stabilize the flexible bilayer structure to prevent breakage.

Which of the following best describes the function of the Golgi apparatus?

Transport materials from the endoplasmic reticulum throughout the cell.

Which of the following is not a function of the cell membrane?

Transport of protein from the endoplasmic reticulum to other parts of the cell

Which of the following best describes the molecular structure of water?

Two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atom

Which of the following correctly identifies the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

Unsaturated fats contain one or more double bonds in their hydrocarbon tail, while saturated fats contain no double bonds.

Which of the following organelles is responsible for water balance and storage of inorganic ions in plants?


All of the activities that occur within a cell are dependent on the presence of which of the following components?


Which of the following is the most abundant component of blood plasma?


What characteristic of water allows for intermolecular hydrogen bonding?

Water's polar nature

Translation takes place:

cell cytoplasm

Which of the following is found in animal cells but not plant cells?


The organelle that contains the cell's DNA is the nucleus. The DNA is organized in masses called


What are alleles?

different variants of the same genes

What is the function of lysosomes?


The two types of cells are:

eukaryotic and prokaryotic

Although animal cells lack cell walls, they do have an elaborate system of glycoproteins that provide support to the outside of the cell called the:

extracellular matrix

Messenger RNA transfers information:

from DNA to ribosomes

Metabolic reactions in a cell progress from a standpoint of ________.

high energy to low energy

Alleles of the same type are called:


What type of bond forms between base pairs in DNA?


If an animal cell is left in an unknown solution overnight, and the next day the cell bursts, it can be assumed that the unknown solution is:


Transcription takes place:

in the nucleus

Epistasis can be defined as:

interaction between two genes

Which of the following is the best definition of pleiotropy?

it occurs when one gene influences seemingly unrelated traits

In a cell, reactions take place in a series of steps called ____________?

metabolic pathways

During the third stage of mitosis, all the chromosomes line up along the:

metaphase plate

DNA is:

nucleic acid

Which of the following lists the steps of the Scientific Method in the correct order?

observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion

RNA is composed of:

one single stranded polynucleotide chain

Which of the following is the pentose sugar in RNA?


What are the two categories of fatty acids?

saturated and unsaturated fats

Transcription is:

synthesizing mRNA from DNA

A recessive allele is only expressed as a phenotype in an organism if:

the organism is homozygous recessive for that trait

What does the phenotype refer to?

the set of observable characteristics of an individual

Which base would pair with Adenine in a molecule of DNA?


Grocery stores sometimes spray water on their produce to keep the vegetables looking fresh. The cells in these vegetables can be described as:


Plants cannot perform photosynthesis without water. This is because:

water is an essential part of the light reactions in photosynthesis.

The products of cellular respiration are:

water, carbon dioxide, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Which of the following represent a base pair in RNA?

adenine and uracil

Proteins are made of chains of:

amino acids

Which type of organism is made up of prokaryotic cells?


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