HESI EAQ Pharmacology: Women's Health

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what is the definition of a tocolytic? -a drug that causes harmful effects to the fetus -a drug that inhibits labor and maintains a pregnancy -a drug that induces abortion when taken during pregnancy -a drug that stimulates uterine contractions during pregnancy

a drug that inhibits labor and maintains a pregnancy

a registered nurse teaches a nursing student about the effects of aspirin in pregnant women. which statement made by the nursing student indicates a need for further teaching? -aspirin may reduce a fever -aspirin may cause Reye syndrome -aspirin may increase the risk of bleeding -aspirin may suppress labor contractions

aspirin may cause Reyes syndrome

which drug is a teratogen that may cause masculinization of a female fetus? -lithium -danazol -nitrofurnatoin -carbamazepine


which drug may cause gynecologic malignancies in females? -oxytocin -raloxifene -thalidomide -diethylstilbestrol


which hormone may cause vaginal carcinoma in a female child after birth? -estrogen -progesterone -androgens -diethylstilbestrol


which drug is used to manage nonmetastataic gestational trophoblastic disease? -oxytocin -mifepristone -dinoprostone -methylergonovine


which drug may cause malformations of the male external genitalia? -etretinate -dutasteride -methimazole -propylthiouracil


which hormone causes skin discoloration? -estrogen -progesterone -pituitary hormone -follicle-stimulating hormone


A multipara is admitted to the birthing room in active labor. Her temperature is 98F; pulse 70 bpm; RR 18; and blood pressure 126/76. A vaginal exam reveals a cervix that is 90% effaced and 7 cm dilated with the vertex presenting at 2+ station. the client is complaining of pain and asks for medication. which medication may cause respiratory depression in the newborn? -nalaxone -lorazepam -meperidine -promethazine


during a prenatal visit a nurse explains to a client who is Rh- when RhO(D) immune globulin will be administered to her. when is the best time to administer Rho(D) immune globulin? -within 72 hours of birth if the infant is Rh+ -weekly during the 9th month if the mother is multipara -Immediately after birth if the infant's Coombs test result is positive -always during the second trimester

within 72 hours of the birth if the infant is Rh+

which ovulation stimulant is derived from the urine of postmenopausal women? -oxytocin -clomiphene -menotropins -dinoprostone


a client was treated with methotrexate for cancer during the 6th month of her pregnancy. which teratogenic effect may be seen in the child? -stillbirth -mental retardation -holoprosencephaly -normal development of the child

mental retardation

which antihypertensive drug is contraindicated in lactating women? -atenolol -labetalol -metoprolol -propranolol


which category of drugs carries fetal risk in humans? -category X -category A -category C -category B

category X

which tocolytic agent inhibits prostaglandin activity and is given along with sucralfate to help manage preterm labor? -nifedipine -Indomethacin -calcium gluconate -magnesium sulfate


which situation is an indication for an oxytocin infusion? -hypertonic uterus -pelvic inflammatory disease -Induction of labor at full-term -cervical stenosis in a client who is in labor

induction of labor at full-term

which drug is known as an abortion pill? -oxytocin -misoprostol -mifepristone -methylergonovine


immediately after the third stage of labor, a nurse administers the prescribed oxytocin infusion. why is this medication administered? -to help the uterus contract -to decrease uterine discomfort -to aid in the separation of the placenta -for the stimulation of breast milk production

to help the uterus contract

which cardiovascular adverse effect is associated with the use of clomiphene? -Ischemia -chest pain -tachycardia -hypertension


which drug is contraindicated during pregnancy but can be safely used by lactating mothers? -tetracycline -lithium -carbamazepine -diethylstilbestrol


a client is taking fertility drugs for the first time. which adverse effect of the drug should the nurse inform the client about? -vaginitis -constipation -joint swelling -deep vein thrombosis


what is the most common teratogenic effect associated with thalidomide? -shortened limbs -growth delay -neural tube defects -cleft lip with cleft palate

shortened limbs

which drug is administered to women after delivery to prevent postpartum uterine atony and hemorrhage but is not given to augment labor? -dinopristone -mifepristone -Indomethacine -methylergonovine


which drug is used to induce abortion? -oxytocin -mifepristone -dinoprostone -Indomethacin


a client is receiving antibiotics and anti fungal medications for the treatment of a recurring vaginal infection. what should the nurse encourage the client to do to compensate for the effect of these medications? -eat yogurt with active cultures daily -avoid spicy foods -drink more fruit juices -take a multivitamin every day

eat yogurt with active culture daily

which effect is seen when the fetus is exposed to a teratogen during the embryonic period? -delay in growth -gross malformations -death of the conceptus -disruption of brain development

gross malformations

a client who has 6 living children has just given birth. after expulsion of the placenta, an infusion of lactated ringer solution with 10 units of oxytocin is prescribed. what should the nurse explain to the client when she asks why this infusion is needed? -you had a precipitous birth -this is required for an extramural birth -the medication helps your uterus contract -It will help you expel the retained fragments of your placenta

the medication helps your uterus contract

A client is admitted for induction of labor. An IV of oxytocin is started. when the client's contractions begin they are 1.5-2 minutes in duration. while the nurse is in the room, one contraction lasts 3 minutes. what should the nurse do FIRST? -give O2 by nasal cannula -turn off the oxytocin infusion -reposition the monitoring belts -place a call light next to the client

turn off the oxytocin infusion *mom had a hypertonic contraction

A nurse is caring for a primigravida during labor. At 7 cm of dilation a prescribed pain medication is administered. Which medication requires monitoring of the newborn for the side effect of respiratory depression? -butorphanol -hydroxyzine -promethazine -diphenhydramine


a pregnant client with severe preeclampsia is receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate. what should the nurse keep at the bedside to prepare for the possibility for magnesium sulfate toxicity? -oxygen -naloxone -calcium glucoonate -suction equipment

calcium gluconate

which drug is safe to administer to a lactating woman but may cause teratogenic effects when administered to pregnant clients? -tetracycline -methotrexate -carbamazepine -cyclophosphamide


which drug can be prescribed for the elective termination of a pregnancy? -mifeprex -raloxifene -methylergonovine -clomiphene


which drug is used to prevent preterm labor? -oxytocin -nifedipine -raloxifene -clomiphene


Which drug may cause formation of abnormally small eyes in the newborn if used during pregnancy? -estrogens -nitrofurantoin -methotrexate -valproic acid


A primigravida has just given birth. The nurse is aware that the client has type AB Rh- blood. Her newborn's blood type is B+. What should the plan of care include? -determining the father's blood type -preparing for a maternal blood transfusion -observing the newborn for signs of ABO incompatibility -obtaining a prescription to administer Rho(D) immune globulin to the mother

obtaining a prescription to administer Rho(D) immune globulin to the mother

which drug is used to induce spontaneous abortions? -oxytocin -estradiol -progestins -clomiphene


a breastfeeding mother requires treatment for depression. which drug would be safe to use if the mother wishes to continue breastfeeding the newborn? -fluoxetine -paroxetine -valproic acid -methotrexate


which pregnancy safety category shows a proven risk of fetal harm, but potential benefits of use during pregnancy may be acceptable despite its risk? -A -C -D -X


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