HESI Practice Tests - Anatomy and Physiology

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Which of the following is an HDL cholesterol level that might warrant regular testing?

40 HGL ("good") cholesterol levels in healthy adults range from around 40 to 120 mg/dL, with the mean being a bit over 53. Smoking, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle may lead to lower HDL. A level of 40 would indicate the need for regular monitoring.

What is the normal pH of the human arterial blood?

7.4 The range is about 7.35 to 7.45, making blood fairly neutral. Excess carbon dioxide can lead to acidosis, a pH below 7.35.

Which of the following are considered normal values for the measure of a person's pulse and blood pressure?

72 beats per minute and 120 over 80 mm Hg

Which cut is considered a cross section?

A cut through the transverse plane A transverse section is a cross section; it separates the body horizontally into upper and lower sections.

The diaphragm separates the __________ cavities.

Abdominal and thoracic The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle that divides the thoracic cavity (containing the heart, esophagus, and lungs) from the abdominal cavity (containing the stomach, spleen, and kidneys).

The human skull contains about how many bones?

About 30 At birth we have 44 separate bony structures in our skulls, but many of those fuse as we age.

What is the function of parathyroid hormone?

Activating vitamin D The parathyroid hormone regulates calcium in the body through several means, one of which is increasing the production of activated vitamin D.

Which gland secretes epinephrine?

Adrenal Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. It is typically released in times of stress.

Which gland is located superior to the kidney?

Adrenal The adrenals sit atop the kidneys and produce a variety of hormones, from cortisol and testosterone to epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine.

Where might a herniated lumbar disc be most likely to create pain?

Along the sciatic nerve Damage to a disc in the lower back will most likely cause pain radiating downward along the sciatic nerve.

In which part of the lungs do nearly all the gaseous exchanges between air and blood take place?

Alveoli The alveoli are the tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place.

The ribs are _______ to the lungs in the human body.

Anterior The ribs are in front of the lungs in the human body, making them closer to the front of the body, or anterior

How might vitamin D deficiency present?

As crooked bones The disease known as rickets is a product of vitamin D deficiency and results in softening and bending of bones.

When the pulmonary valve and aortic valves are open, where can blood flow?

Between the heart and the rest of the body The two valves that connect the heart to the pulmonary artery are the aorta, which carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

Of the following processes, which one is a different level of defense from the others?

Body cells recognizing a pathogen A low pH in the stomach, cilia in the trachea, and mucus are primary defenses. Cells recognizing a pathogen are a third line of defense.

What is the function of amylase?

Breaking down starch Amylase is present in saliva, where it begins to break down starch into sugar.

How do the intercostal muscles between the ribs assist with respiration

By enlarging and reducing the space in the thorax The ribs themselves protect the lungs, but the intercostals are muscles that expand and contract the chest, allowing it to draw in and expel air.

How might the headrest on a car prevent traumatic injury?

By limiting hyperextension of the neck The headrest prevents the head from moving too far backward, or hyperextending the neck beyond its normal range.

Which bone in the foot has no analogous bone in the hand?

Calcaneus The calcaneus, or heel bone, is not directly analogous to anything in the hand. The phalanges, or toe bones, are analogous to the phalanges, or finger bones, and the metatarsal and tarsal in the foot are analogous to the metacarpal and carpal in the hand.

The arteries are part of the

Cardiovascular system The arteries carry blood away from the heart as a key feature of the cardiovascular system.

Which part of the brain controls balance and coordination?

Cerebellum The cerebellum lies below the cerebrum and is responsible for various aspects of motor control.

Which feature of the ear is most medial?

Cochlea The most medial features is the one closest to the middle of the body.

One-third of the protein in the human body is

Collagen Collagen is a protein that forms the structure of most connective tissue in the body. It may be found in skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, and the dentin in teeth.

Which mineral is important for the formation of red blood cells?

Copper Although iron is vital for red blood formation, copper is important for proper iron metabolism. A copper deficiency can quickly lead to anemia.

The esophagus is part of the

Digestive system The esophagus is the passage that connects the pharynx to the stomach.

The gall bladder is part of the

Digestive system The gall bladder stores the fat-digesting bile produced by the liver.

At which point does bile enter the gastrointestinal tract?

Duodenum The duodenum is the initial section of the small intestine; the pancreatic and bile ducts empty into it.

The hypothalamus is part of the

Endocrine system The hypothalamus regulates the body's internal balance, or homeostasis. It also controls the pituitary gland and links the endocrine system to the nervous system.

In which organ do muscles push food into the stomach via peristalsis?

Esophagus The esophagus connects the stomach and the oral cavity in the human digestive system.

What is the name of the bone in the human thigh?

Femur The ulna, radius, and humerus are arm bones.

How do humans use their anterior nares?

For inhaling The nares are the nostrils.

How do red blood cells carry oxygen?

Hemoglobin bonds with O2 molecules. Hemoglobin is a red protein that transports oxygen. Oxygen is not very soluble in water, which is the main component of blood, so the body uses the four iron ions in molecules of hemoglobin to bind to four O2 molecules. This iron gives hemoglobin and thus red blood cells their color.

In most ectopic pregnancies, where does the embryo implant?

In the fallopian tube Although an ectopic pregnancy may occur anywhere outside the uterus, it is most likely to involve implantation in one of the tubes that carries eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. In such a case, it may be referred to as a tubal pregnancy, although it is not viable and cannot proceed.

Where would you be likely to find a Schwann cell?

In the nervous system Schwann cells wrap around the nerve fibers and form the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system

Where might you find smooth muscle?

In the walls of the blood vessels Smooth muscle is involuntary muscle. It is found in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels; the reproductive, respiratory, and gastrointestinal tracts; and the iris of the eye, among other locations.

Which is a secondary defense for the body against pathogens?

Inflammation Tears, urine, and mucus are all primary lines of defense, because they work to prevent infection. Inflammation is an example of a secondary line of defense, because it kicks in once the body has been infected.

How does a sagittal section divide the body?

Into the right and left regions A sagittal section occurs along a longitudinal plane, dividing the body into right and left regions.

How does a transverse section divide the body?

Into upper and lower regions A transverse section is a cross section.

Which mineral supports the function of the thyroid?

Iodine Iodine is the key mineral in thyroid hormone production. Iodine deficiency can cause a goiter, swelling of the thyroid gland.

Which might be a result of stenosis, or narrowing of the heart valve?

Irregular heartbeat Narrowing of the valves mean that blood moves with difficulty out of the heart. Results may include chest pain, edema in the feet or ankles, and irregular heartbeats

Which is not true of the epidermis?

It houses hair follicles. The hair follicles are housed deeper, in the dermis.

For the average person, what is true about caloric intake?

It should decline with age after age 25 The height of calorie intake for healthy, active people is approximately their mid-20s. After that, calorie intake should decline slightly as energy needs decline.

What is the function of the coronary artery?

It supplies blood to the heart muscle The coronary artery's main function is to feed blood to the heart muscle to allow it to pump.

Which enzyme functions to break down a specific sugar?

Lactate Lactase breaks down lactose into simpler sugars.

The cheekbones are ___________ to the nose

Lateral The cheekbones are to the right and left of the bones, meaning that they are lateral to it, or away from the body's midline.

Which parts of the heart are separated by the mitral valve?

Left atrium and left ventricle The mitral valve opens to allow oxygenated blood collected in the left atrium to flow into the left ventricle.

What are the components of chyle?

Lymph and fatty acids Chyle is formed by the small intestine as fatty food is digested. The fat gobules in the lymph travel via the lymphatic system to the bloodstream by way of an opening in the thoracic duct.

How does the lymphatic system work with the circulatory system

Lymph draws excess fluid from the cells and deposits it into the blood vessels. One of the jobs of the lymphatic system is to prevent excess fluid from accumulating in tissues by collecting it and moving it into the circulatory system via the brachiocephalic veins.

The spleen is part of the

Lymphatic system The spleen uses lymphocytes and macrophages to filter out bacteria, dead tissue, and foreign matter.

Which is not part of the limbic system?

Medulla oblongata The limbic system of structures in the brain controls a variety of functions, including emotions, behaviors, long-term memory, and the sense of smell. The medulla oblongata is the lower part of the brain stem and controls several involuntary functions, including breathing and heart rate.

How does the muscular system work with the skeletal system?

Muscles attached to tendons contract to bend the skeleton at the joints Messages from the nervous system tell the muscles to contract, which in turn moves the bones.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for integrating voluntary movements?

Nervous system The nervous system controls the voluntary movements of the skeletal system.

Which part of the brain is most posterior?

Occipital bone The occipital lobe is farthest back in the skull, posterior to the other parts of the brain.

What might an injury to the parietal lobe affect?

Perception The parietal lobe integrates sensory input and creates a spatial grid from which we perceive the world.

Muscle contractions that normally move food along the human digestive system are known as

Peristalsis Peristalsis is the voluntary, wavelike movement of muscles in the intestine and elsewhere the pushes food along.

The dorsal body cavity is ___________ to the ventral body cavity.

Posterior The dorsal body cavity contains the spinal column, making it posterior, or toward the back of the body, compared to the ventral body cavity, which contains the structures of the chest and abdomen.

Which mineral helps to maintain fluid balance in the body

Potassium Fluid balance is connected to electrolyte balance. The key electrolytes in the human body include sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and bicarbonate.

Which is not an example of a nonspecific immune response?

Production of antibodies In nonspecific immunity, the response is immediate and antigen-independent, meaning that the invading organism needs not be identified by the body. In specific immunity, the response takes some time and is antigen-dependent, as the production of specific antibodies would be.

Which is an anterior muscle?

Quadriceps femoris An anterior muscle is located near the front of the body. OF those listed, the quadriceps (frontal thigh muscle) is the most anterior.

What is one function of the pineal gland?

Regulation of sleep The pineal gland, located in the brain, produces melatonin, which controls sleep patterns and circadian rhythm. The pituitary gland stimulates growth, the mammary gland produces milk, and the adrenal glands produce corticosteroids, which may reduce inflammation.

The ovaries are part of the

Reproductive system The ovaries are egg-producing reproductive organs.

The vena cavae drain blood from the body into the

Right atrium Deoxygenated blood first enters the heart via the right atrium.

What condition might result from lack of vitamin C?

Scurvy Scurvy was once the disease of sailors because months at sea without fruits and vegetables led to vitamin C deficiency. Without vitamin C, the human body cannot synthesize collagen, leading to spongy tissue and bleeding sores.

Which hormone controls sleep, mood, and appetite

Serotonin Oxytocin facilitates birth and breast-feeding. Cortisol increases blood sugar and controls some aspects of fat breakdown. Aldosterone controls reabsorption of ions and regulates blood pressure. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the gut that regulates appetite and sleep as well as some aspects of mood.

Which kinds of muscles are involved in peristalsis?

Smooth muscles Peristalsis is mainly involuntary, taking part in the smooth muscles that line the intestines and other parts of the digestive tract.

Which part of the nervous system includes the femoral, radial, and ulnar nerves?

Somatic The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are part of the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles, glands, and heart. The somatic nervous system has to do with reception of external stimuli and voluntary control of muscles.

Which part of the human ear compresses sound waves and passes them to the inner ear?

Stirrup The stirrup is the final bone in the middle ear. Sound waves compress it, and it in turn compresses the waves so that they may be moved to the inner ear.

The skull is ________ to the spinal cord.

Superior The skull sits atop the spinal cord, making it superior in position.

Enlargement of the thyroid, commonly known as goiter might be expected to affect

Swallowing A goiter may put pressure on the trachea and esophagus, causing difficulty in breathing or swallowing.

At which point is an impulse transmitted between neurons?

Synapse The synapse is the junction between the terminal of one neuron and the next (or between a neuron and a muscle or gland cell)

What is the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid?

T4 Thyroxine (T4) aids in the regulation of metabolism.

What does the thyroid require in order to make T4?

T4, or thyroxine, is the main hormone manufactured by the thyroid. It is named T4 because it contains four iodine ions per molecule.

Which is not produced by the pituitary gland?

TRH FSH and LH regulate reproduction. ADH promotes water retention. TRH is produced by the hypothalamus and releases thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Round muscles called sphincters may be found in all of these structures except the

Talus Any ring of muscle that serves to close and open a tubal structure may be called a sphincter. The talus is the anklebone, not a tubal structure.

What tissue connects muscle to bone?

Tendon Fasciae connect muscles to muscles, ligaments connect bone to bone, and cartilage may connect the surfaces of a joint.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for preventing water loss?

The Integumentary system The integumentary system (the skin and its appendages) waterproofs the body from outside and guards against excess fluid loss from inside.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for regulating muscle growth?

The endocrine system Hormones from the endocrine system, particularly from the pituitary glad, regulate growth.

How does the endocrine system work with the reproductive system?

The endocrine system produces chemicals that regulate sexual function The hormones produced by the endocrine system are critical in sexual development and reproduction.

The lateral side of the right knee would be

The kneecap Something that is lateral is toward the outer side of the body. The side of the right knee farthest from the left knee would fit this description.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for generating antibodies?

The lymphatic system Antibodies are formed when an antigen stimulates B cells, special lymphocytes, to produce specialized proteins that combat foreign substances or organisms.

What are the two main parts of the mammalian skull?

The mandible and the cranium The cranium and the mandible form the two main parts. the cranium encloses the brain, and the mandible is the jaw bone.

How does the nervous system work with the muscular system?

The nervous system tells the muscles how to respond to the environment. The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It receives and transmits signals from the environment that regulate voluntary and involuntary movement.

What is an anterior feature of the human head?

The nose Something that is anterior is toward the front of the body. The nose is the most anterior feature on the list of choices.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for storing minerals?

The skeletal system Bone tissue stores a variety of minerals, from calcium to phosphorus, releasing them into the bloodstream as needed.

Which organ system is primarily responsible for regulating electrolytes?

The urinary system The body's electrolytes must be maintained at very precise concentrations. Excess water dilutes the body's electrolytes, whereas water restriction concentrates them. The kidneys regulate and help maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in the body.

How does the digestive system work with the urinary system?

The urinary system eliminates some waste products of digestion The urinary system eliminates water, urea, and other waste products from the body in the form of urine.

Why might certain young people be underweight?

They are growing in height faster than they are gaining weight This is a common cause of underweight in adolescents.

Beriberi is a disease caused by the lack of

Thiamine Thiamine deficiency is often found in people whose diet consists largely of polished white rice; in refining the rice, the thiamine-rich husk is removed. Beriberi may affect several systems of the body and may lead to paralysis or death.

How is pepsin used by the body?

To break down proteins Pepsin aids chemical digestion in the stomach by breaking down proteins.

How is pepsin used in the body?

To break down proteins Pepsin aids chemical digestion in the stomach by breaking down proteins.

What is the purpose of valves in veins?

To prevent reverse flow The main function of the valves is to prevent blood from flowing backward.

How does the integumentary system work with the nervous system?

Touch input via the integumentary system sends messages to the nervous system The integumentary system includes the skin, hair, nails, and assorted glands. Receptors embedded in the skin receive information regarding heat, pain, air flow, and so on, which is transported through the nervous system to the brain.

Which might you expect to see in a whiplash injury?

Traumatic injury to ligaments of the spine. Because of the hyperflexion and hyperextension caused by such a collision, it is not uncommon to find tears or stretching of the ligaments of the spine.

To what to systems might the urethra belong?

Urinary and reproductive In men, the urethra is part of both the reproductive and the urinary systems.

Which type of nutrient does not provide the body with energy?

Vitamin Some nutrients supply energy, and others support metabolism. Nutrients in the first set include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Those in the second set include vitamins, minerals, and water.

The primary genitalia of a human female would include which of these organs?

Vulva The primary genitalia are those that are external and visible. In a female human, that would include the clitoris, labia, and vulva.

When does the pancreas secrete the most insulin?

When blood sugar rises A certain amount of insulin is always being secreted, but as glucose rises, the level of insulin rises, and as glucose falls, the level of insulin falls. In response to the insulin, cells in the body absorb glucose from the blood.

The corpus callosum facilitates communication between

the left and right brain The corpus callosum is a broad band of nerve fibers that join the two hemispheres of the brain.

The axial skeletal system contains all of these except

the radius The axial skeletal system is the system of bones in the head and torso, encompassing the skull, spinal column, sternum, and ribs. The radius is a bone in the arm.

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