HESI Reading Comprehension 1

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In modern medical science, there is a great emphasis on preempting problems and stopping them before they take place. When this proactive approach is not possible, the next best thing is to reverse the ill effects of whatever medical condition a person may be facing. Similar studies are being held in the field of hair care and some success has been had in recent times. A recent study in mice has given a glimmer of hope for people who have lost their hair and want to avoid hair transplant surgery with the help of stem cells. Although it is still in the testing phase, the study surely is an important step in natural hair restoration. We shall look into the matter in some detail. Stem Cells Stem cells have been a hot topic of discussion of late and there has been much talk that they may hold the future in medical science. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are found in the multi cellular organisms. These can be differentiated into specialized cells and can produce more stem cells by going through mitosis. Stem cells have two main types' namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The Study The research took place in University of Pennsylvania. The idea was to produce enough numbers of hair follicle generating stem cells. The particular focus was on epithelium cells, which is the tissue that covers that surface of the body. The researchers were able to generate these cells in adequate numbers for hair regeneration, which was previously not done. The results in mice have been encouraging and hair growth has been seen. The Next Step Hair follicles contain a second type of cell known as dermal papillae, which are also lost with hair loss. Until their regeneration is possible, hair loss problem is still to be completely solved. Thus far, no one has been able to figure out a way to generate these cells. Criticism There has been criticism on the study citing that often the testing on the animals is successful but animal testing fails to mirror the results. For now, it is too early to draw such conclusions. In the immediate future, people will have to remain content with the more traditional methods of hair restoration. These are, for now, the very best that is available. Shezay. (2015, July 17). New Treatments for Baldness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/new-treatments-for-baldness.html What is the meaning of the word "glimmer" as it is used in the passage?

. A small amount

In modern medical science, there is a great emphasis on preempting problems and stopping them before they take place. When this proactive approach is not possible, the next best thing is to reverse the ill effects of whatever medical condition a person may be facing. Similar studies are being held in the field of hair care and some success has been had in recent times. A recent study in mice has given a glimmer of hope for people who have lost their hair and want to avoid hair transplant surgery with the help of stem cells. Although it is still in the testing phase, the study surely is an important step in natural hair restoration. We shall look into the matter in some detail. Stem Cells Stem cells have been a hot topic of discussion of late and there has been much talk that they may hold the future in medical science. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are found in the multi cellular organisms. These can be differentiated into specialized cells and can produce more stem cells by going through mitosis. Stem cells have two main types' namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The Study The research took place in University of Pennsylvania. The idea was to produce enough numbers of hair follicle generating stem cells. The particular focus was on epithelium cells, which is the tissue that covers that surface of the body. The researchers were able to generate these cells in adequate numbers for hair regeneration, which was previously not done. The results in mice have been encouraging and hair growth has been seen. The Next Step Hair follicles contain a second type of cell known as dermal papillae, which are also lost with hair loss. Until their regeneration is possible, hair loss problem is still to be completely solved. Thus far, no one has been able to figure out a way to generate these cells. Criticism There has been criticism on the study citing that often the testing on the animals is successful but animal testing fails to mirror the results. For now, it is too early to draw such conclusions. In the immediate future, people will have to remain content with the more traditional methods of hair restoration. These are, for now, the very best that is available. Shezay. (2015, July 17). New Treatments for Baldness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/new-treatments-for-baldness.html Which of the following options best summarizes the passage?

. Some individuals face hair loss, and stem cell research is being conducted to determine if they are a viable option for hair restoration. So far, scientists have not been able to replicate the dermal papillae cells found in hair follicles, which has left the study of hair restoration from stem cells unsuccessful.

In her latest book, the author portrayed her main character as a heartless, cruel old man. The author only gave the reader small glimpses into the reasoning behind the man's actions and instead let the reader assume that he was acting out of spite. With such a one sided portrayal of the main character, it is impossible for you, the reader, to get an accurate opinion of the man's real personality and motives. Who is the intended audience of this passage?

. The reader

The surface is not as smooth as some of the other melons; it is slightly rough with a beige webbed skin. Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamins A, C and the B vitamins. It's also a good source of potassium and fiber, high in water content, low in fat, sodium and calories. Two cups of cubed cantaloupe contain approximately 110 calories. In selecting a melon, look for one that feels heavier and fuller for its size, has a fragrant aroma and is slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure when you press your finger against the stem end. The rind should be cream, yellow or golden colored when the cantaloupe is ripe. Honeydew Melon Now we've all heard about "honey do" but in this case it is about something good to eat and not a task that needs attention. These melons are most flavorful when vine-ripened. They are good sources of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C, B, E and K. Minerals found in the melons are iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This melon is low in sodium and fat free--two cups of honeydew melon contain approximately 120 calories. Choose a melon that is pale green with a smooth blemish free surface. The melon should be heavy for its size, firm to the touch, without any spongy areas or mold. As is the case with cantaloupe, the stem end of the melon should be slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure with your fingertip. Smell the melon, the stem end should be fragrant and slightly sweet. Stewart, M. (2015, July 13). Farm to Table to Fitness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/farm-to-table-to-fitness.html According to the passage, how many calories are in two cups of cubed cantaloupe?

110 calories

Alzheimer's is a disease that causes issues with one's memory, behavior, and thinking. The onset of Alzheimer's generally develops at a slow pace and gradually gets worse over time. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia as it accounts for 50 to 80 percent of all memory loss cases. Alzheimer's most commonly affect individuals who are over the age of 65; however, five percent of the disease cases appear in individuals who are between 40 and 50 years old. This progressive disease worsens over several years. Individuals who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's generally notice mild memory loss at first. As the disease progresses, they may lose their ability to carry on a conversation or respond to things happening around them. In the U.S., Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death, and those with the disease generally only live an average of eight years after being diagnosed. Currently there is not a cure for Alzheimer's; however, there are treatments available that can slow the progression of the disease and improve one's quality of life. Which of the following best describes Alzheimer's?

A disease that causes memory loss

Migraine is a chronic functional disorder accompanied by periodic attacks of severe headache. It's still not known what exactly causes migraine, its etiology is debatable, certain experts believe that migraine is inherited, some medics think that it's a neurological disorder, whereas others believe it's a vascular disease. Unfortunately, modern drugs can only relieve its symptoms, but cannot cure this disease. One can find cheap prescription drugs to relieve migraine attacks in online pharmacies. According to statistics, women suffer from migraine two times more often than men, especially during periods of hormonal changes. Quite often the first signs of migraine can appear in girls at the age of 10-13 years, that is during puberty, when the body experiences serious changes. Many women suffering from migraine attacks wonder if pregnancy can affect their condition. Luckily, for most women pregnancy brings positive changes. Researches show that in 60-70% of cases migraine attacks stop or at least become less frequent due to the hormonal changes happening in the body of a pregnant woman, about 25% of women notice no changes in their condition, and about 4-8% may experience worsening of migraines. If a woman suffers from migraine attacks with aura, then there is a risk that during pregnancy such attacks will become worse, but in those who don't have aura pregnancy can lead to an improvement of migraine symptoms. Sometimes pregnancy can promote the development of this disease in those who have never experienced migraines before. A pregnant woman should always tell her doctor about any headaches she experiences, especially if they are intense, two-sided, throbbing and if they aggravate during physical activity as it might be a symptom of eclampsia, a very dangerous complication of pregnancy. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 11). Pregnancy and Migraine Attacks. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/pregnancy-and-migraine-attacks.html

A migraine attack is a disorder followed by severe headaches. During pregnancy, these attacks become less severe for the majority of women and more severe for the minority of women. Regardless, pregnant women should always report headaches to their physicians.

The increased usage of mobile devices has had some unintended and even dangerous consequences. Studies have shown that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. In the year 2008, it was reported that driver distraction was the cause of 16 percent of all fatal crashes, leading to the deaths of 5,800 people, and 21 percent of the crashes resulted in an injury, causing 515,000 people to be wounded. The studies also show that nearly 50 percent of teens admit to texting while driving. Distracted driving endangers life and property, and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable. To stem this problem, safety organizations and other government agencies are working to inform and educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and are seeking to identify and facilitate the development of innovative technologies that could reduce the incidence of distracted driving. Currently there is no national ban on texting or using a wireless phone while driving, but a number of states have passed laws banning texting or wireless phones or requiring hands-free use of wireless phones while driving. This passage is most likely taken from which of the following?

A newspaper column This passage would most likely be found in a newspaper column, as it contains factual knowledge. This passage includes factual knowledge, but is not technical enough to be found in a legal journal. The passage does not include very much of the author's opinion or sense of humor; therefore, it would not be an editorial. A police report would list the names involved in accidents, not statistical data.

Last week I was driving the truck with my father in the passenger seat. We were taking a short two-hour road trip to pick up some material he needed for the farm. As we started out, the seat belt alarm sounded and I informed him that he would need to put on his seat belt, as I would not listen to the alarm the entire drive. Instead of actually putting on his seat belt, he buckled it behind him, so that he was sitting on top of the seat belt. Not wanting to be a "know-it- all," I did not say anything at first, but because it bothered me, I eventually started to tell him the following: one out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year; motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injuries; approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and about 50 percent (17,000) of these people would instead survive if they were wearing their safety belts; more than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them; for every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved; and safety belts, when used properly, reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent. Even though my father was not too appreciative of the information, I thought it was important to pass along. Not only is wearing your seat belt a law in some states, but it also helps save the lives of many motorists each year. Which of the following best outlines the structure of the passage?

A story is told and then facts are given

Before living on your own, you need to hone some basic cooking skills. These skills include boiling water, cutting vegetables, and cooking basic meats. You also need to understand basic food safety, including when food needs to be refrigerated and how to tell when it is done cooking. Who is the intended audience of this passage?

A young person who has never cooked before

Jeremy wants to buy fertilizer at a local home department store. Based on the following, which aisle should he explore? Aisle 11: Power tools Aisle 14: Lawn care Aisle 19: Pesticides Aisle 23: Lawnmowers

Aisle 14: Lawn care

Alzheimer's is a disease that causes issues with one's memory, behavior, and thinking. The onset of Alzheimer's generally develops at a slow pace and gradually gets worse over time. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, as it accounts for 50 to 80 percent of all memory loss cases. Alzheimer's most commonly affects individuals who are over the age of 65; however, five percent of the disease cases appear in individuals who are between 40 and 50 years old. This progressive disease worsens over several years. Individuals who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's generally notice mild memory loss at first. As the disease progresses, they may lose their ability to carry on a conversation or respond to things happening around them. In the U.S., Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death, and those with the disease generally only live an average of eight years after being diagnosed. Currently there is not a cure for Alzheimer's; however, there are treatments available that can slow the progression of the disease and improve one's quality of life. Which of the following options is the best summary for the given passage?

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive form of dementia for which there is currently no cure.

Alzheimer's is a disease that causes issues with one's memory, behavior, and thinking. The onset of Alzheimer's generally develops at a slow pace and gradually gets worse over time. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, as it accounts for 50 to 80 percent of all memory loss cases. Alzheimer's most commonly affects individuals who are over the age of 65; however, five percent of the disease cases appear in individuals who are between 40 and 50 years old. This progressive disease worsens over several years. Individuals who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's generally notice mild memory loss at first. As the disease progresses, they may lose their ability to carry on a conversation or respond to things happening around them. In the U.S., Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death, and those with the disease generally only live an average of eight years after being diagnosed. Currently there is not a cure for Alzheimer's; however, there are treatments available that can slow the progression of the disease and improve one's quality of life.] Which of the following options is not a statement that was listed in the given passage?

Alzheimer's disease is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Alzheimer's is a disease that causes issues with one's memory, behavior, and thinking. The onset of Alzheimer's generally develops at a slow pace and gradually gets worse over time. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia as it accounts for 50 to 80 percent of all memory loss cases. Alzheimer's most commonly affect individuals who are over the age of 65; however, five percent of the disease cases appear in individuals who are between 40 and 50 years old. This progressive disease worsens over several years. Individuals who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's generally notice mild memory loss at first. As the disease progresses, they may lose their ability to carry on a conversation or respond to things happening around them. In the U.S., Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death, and those with the disease generally only live an average of eight years after being diagnosed. Currently there is not a cure for Alzheimer's; however, there are treatments available that can slow the progression of the disease and improve one's quality of life. Which of the following options correctly identifies the passage's main idea?

Alzheimer's is a progressive form of dementia

Last week I was driving the truck with my father in the passenger seat. We were taking a short two-hour road trip to pick up some material he needed for the farm. As we started out, the seat belt alarm sounded and I informed him that he would need to put on his seat belt, as I would not listen to the alarm the entire drive. Instead of actually putting on his seat belt, he buckled it behind him, so that he was sitting on top of the seat belt. Not wanting to be a "know-it- all," I did not say anything at first, but because it bothered me, I eventually started to tell him the following: one out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year; motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injuries; approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and about 50 percent (17,000) of these people would instead survive if they were wearing their safety belts; more than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them; for every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved; and safety belts, when used properly, reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent. Even though my father was not too appreciative of the information, I thought it was important to pass along. Not only is wearing your seat belt a law in some states, but it also helps save the lives of many motorists each year. This passage would most likely appear in which of the following?

An editorial

When an ex-employee files for unemployment compensation in The State of Illinois, they will list their last or most recent employer on the forms. Only the last employer who has employed this person for over 30 "working" days is responsible for this person's unemployment compensation. If a company employs someone that works for only 29 "working" days, then they are not responsible. A working day is considered an eight-hour day. So if you have a part time employee, the total hours worked must add up to thirty days at eight hours apiece or a total of more than 240 hours. If they have not worked for you for that amount of time, then you are not the last chargeable employer. But you have to be able to prove this assertion. Time cards and payroll records are essential. An employer is automatically given a percentage rate for unemployment compensation upon the start up of their business. Once a former employee begins to collect unemployment, the department will re-adjust the tax rate based upon the unemployment payments. For example, if your company does not have any unemployment claims paid, then the percentage rate will very possibly go down and you will pay less in tax. But, if you have former employees being paid unemployment, then your percentage rate for this tax will probably increase. Think of unemployment as insurance. If you have substantial claims on an insurance policy, your rates will probably increase. Amundson, C. (2015, July 11). Unemployment Claims Affect Employer. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/unemployment-claims-affect-employer.html All except which of the following is a detail listed in the passage?

An ex-employee's last employer is always responsible for unemployment claims

Before living on your own, you need to hone some basic cooking skills. These skills include boiling water, cutting vegetables, and cooking basic meats. You also need to understand basic food safety, including when food needs to be refrigerated and how to tell when it is done cooking. What is the main theme of this passage?

Basic cooking skills are needed to live on one's own.

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. One can also contract pneumonia by inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65, younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems. Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe. See your doctor promptly if you have a high fever, shaking chills, a cough with phlegm that doesn't improve or gets worse, shortness of breath when engaging in normal daily activities, chest pain when you breathe or cough, or if you suddenly feel worse after a cold or the flu. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and lab tests to diagnose pneumonia. Treatment depends on what kind of pneumonia you have. If bacteria are the cause, antibiotics should help. If you have viral pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat it. Preventing pneumonia is always better than treating it. Vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia and the flu. Other preventive measures include washing your hands frequently and not smoking. According to the passage, which of the following options is not something that would cause pneumonia?

Becoming too cold

When reading a passage or text, where can the reader locate the main idea of the passage?

Beginning, middle, or end

Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves an extensive operation that includes removing both ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus as well as nearby lymph nodes and a fold of fatty abdominal tissue known as the omentum, where ovarian cancer often spreads. The surgeon also removes as much cancer as possible from the abdomen. Less extensive surgery may be possible if the ovarian cancer was diagnosed at a very early stage. For women with stage I ovarian cancer, surgery may involve removing one ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the ability to have children. After surgery, the patient will most likely be treated with chemotherapy (drugs designed to kill any remaining cancer cells). Chemotherapy may also be used as the initial treatment in some women with advanced ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in a vein (intravenously) or injected directly into the abdominal cavity, or both methods can be used. Chemotherapy drugs can be given alone or in combination. Which of the following options is not a statement that was mentioned in the given passage?

Chemotherapy is always given after ovarian surgery

When an ex-employee files for unemployment compensation in The State of Illinois, they will list their last or most recent employer on the forms. Only the last employer who has employed this person for over 30 "working" days is responsible for this person's unemployment compensation. If a company employs someone that works for only 29 "working" days, then they are not responsible. A working day is considered an eight-hour day. So if you have a part time employee, the total hours worked must add up to thirty days at eight hours apiece or a total of more than 240 hours. If they have not worked for you for that amount of time, then you are not the last chargeable employer. But you have to be able to prove this assertion. Time cards and payroll records are essential. An employer is automatically given a percentage rate for unemployment compensation upon the start up of their business. Once a former employee begins to collect unemployment, the department will re-adjust the tax rate based upon the unemployment payments. For example, if your company does not have any unemployment claims paid, then the percentage rate will very possibly go down and you will pay less in tax. But, if you have former employees being paid unemployment, then your percentage rate for this tax will probably increase. Think of unemployment as insurance. If you have substantial claims on an insurance policy, your rates will probably increase. Amundson, C. (2015, July 11). Unemployment Claims Affect Employer. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/unemployment-claims-affect-employer.html What is the meaning of the word "assertion" as it is used in the passage?


Claire works as a nurse at a local hospital. Her shifts require her to sleep during the daytime. What can be logically inferred from this passage?

Claire works at night time

"If the court 'absolves' him, my cousin will return home very soon! We can only hope the truth will set him free." Which of the following is the best definition of the word "absolves"?


Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. In low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, optic nerve damage and narrowed side vision occur in people with normal eye pressure. Lowering eye pressure at least 30 percent through medicines slows the disease in some people. Glaucoma may worsen in others despite low pressures. In angle-closure glaucoma, the fluid at the front of the eye cannot drain through the angle and leave the eye. The angle gets blocked by part of the iris. People with this type of glaucoma may have a sudden increase in eye pressure. Symptoms include severe pain and nausea as well as redness of the eye and blurred vision. In congenital glaucoma, children are born with a defect in the angle of the eye that slows the normal drainage of fluid. These children usually have obvious symptoms such as cloudy eyes, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. According to the passage, which form of glaucoma causes excessive tearing?


Crayons are manufactured in a step-by-step process. First, the wax is melted and mixed with chemicals to form the content of the crayon. Next, pigment is added to obtain the correct color. Then, the material is poured into molds and cut into the correct shape. Finally, the wrapper paper is put on and the crayons are loaded into a box for shipment. Which of these is not a supporting detail in this passage?

Crayons are manufactured in a step-by-step process.

When considering investments, people often are skeptical about mutual funds simply because they feel they are complicated to understand and manage. Keeping aside the jargon when simply put, mutual funds are a pool of funds put together by likeminded investors. Professional fund managers, who keep up with the markets and use their skills to invest in various financial instruments, manage the sum of the investors' contributions. These investors have a common financial goal and basis that they use and the funds that they manage are put into a scheme that matches their objectives. These funds are generally well diversified and invested in varied stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, and commodities. This way, mutual fund investments offer an attractive way of savings, which are managed quite passively, without asking for much attention, by experts who manage money every day. When choosing types of funds, an investor must first be clear on the sum of investment, term of investment, and risk taking ability. For this, it is necessary that you know about the different options available. So the basic three categories of mutual funds are: 1. Debt funds 2. Equity 3. Liquid/ Hybrid Funds Debt funds, as the name suggests, work on borrowings. It is on these funds that most companies, states, and even central governments work. They do so by offering several debt instruments like Tbills, debentures, etc. Debt funds give the assurance that the principal investment will be returned after the tenure and the interest will be calculated on a given rate of interest. It is these debt funds that bring stability to investment portfolio because the risk involved is lower to that of equity funds. Arora, H. (2015, June 24). Understanding Mutual Funds. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/finance/understanding-mutual-funds.html The reader can infer which of the following after reading this passage?

Debt funds are the type of mutual funds that are most commonly used

Last week I was driving the truck with my father in the passenger seat. We were taking a short two-hour road trip to pick up some material he needed for the farm. As we started out, the seat belt alarm sounded and I informed him that he would need to put on his seat belt, as I would not listen to the alarm the entire drive. Instead of actually putting on his seat belt, he buckled it behind him, so that he was sitting on top of the seat belt. Not wanting to be a "know-it- all," I did not say anything at first, but because it bothered me, I eventually started to tell him the following: one out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year; motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injuries; approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and about 50 percent (17,000) of these people would instead survive if they were wearing their safety belts; more than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them; for every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved; and safety belts, when used properly, reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent. Even though my father was not too appreciative of the information, I thought it was important to pass along. Not only is wearing your seat belt a law in some states, but it also helps save the lives of many motorists each year. The passage answers all except which of the following questions?

Did the father put on his seat belt after hearing the information?

How much do fantasy football leagues cost employers? Fantasy football leagues have increased in popularity, so much so that employers are starting to realize their effects. Studies have shown that fantasy football is costing employers billions of dollars due to lost employee productivity. Fantasy football players draft their own teams from NFL rosters and compete head-to-head each week for the length of an NFL season. The players usually form leagues with other coworkers or a group of friends, and then their team plays against one of their friends' teams in their league. After taking unemployment into account, a study estimates that 22.3 million employed fantasy football players spend at least an hour a week managing or discussing their rosters. Reports show that $19.33 is the average hourly wage, so that comes out to $430.9 million per week lost, or $6.5 billion across a 15-week fantasy season. Which of the following statements would the author most likely support?

Fantasy football players use company time to monitor their teams

Migraine is a chronic functional disorder accompanied by periodic attacks of severe headache. It's still not known what exactly causes migraine, its etiology is debatable, certain experts believe that migraine is inherited, some medics think that it's a neurological disorder, whereas others believe it's a vascular disease. Unfortunately, modern drugs can only relieve its symptoms, but cannot cure this disease. One can find cheap prescription drugs to relieve migraine attacks in online pharmacies. According to statistics, women suffer from migraine two times more often than men, especially during periods of hormonal changes. Quite often the first signs of migraine can appear in girls at the age of 10-13 years, that is during puberty, when the body experiences serious changes. Many women suffering from migraine attacks wonder if pregnancy can affect their condition. Luckily, for most women pregnancy brings positive changes. Researches show that in 60-70% of cases migraine attacks stop or at least become less frequent due to the hormonal changes happening in the body of a pregnant woman, about 25% of women notice no changes in their condition, and about 4-8% may experience worsening of migraines. If a woman suffers from migraine attacks with aura, then there is a risk that during pregnancy such attacks will become worse, but in those who don't have aura pregnancy can lead to an improvement of migraine symptoms. Sometimes pregnancy can promote the development of this disease in those who have never experienced migraines before. A pregnant woman should always tell her doctor about any headaches she experiences, especially if they are intense, two-sided, throbbing and if they aggravate during physical activity as it might be a symptom of eclampsia, a very dangerous complication of pregnancy. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 11). Pregnancy and Migraine Attacks. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/pregnancy-and-migraine-attacks.html According to the passage, what is a dangerous complication associated with pregnancy?


When an ex-employee files for unemployment compensation in The State of Illinois, they will list their last or most recent employer on the forms. Only the last employer who has employed this person for over 30 "working" days is responsible for this person's unemployment compensation. If a company employs someone that works for only 29 "working" days, then they are not responsible. A working day is considered an eight-hour day. So if you have a part time employee, the total hours worked must add up to thirty days at eight hours apiece or a total of more than 240 hours. If they have not worked for you for that amount of time, then you are not the last chargeable employer. But you have to be able to prove this assertion. Time cards and payroll records are essential. An employer is automatically given a percentage rate for unemployment compensation upon the start up of their business. Once a former employee begins to collect unemployment, the department will re-adjust the tax rate based upon the unemployment payments. For example, if your company does not have any unemployment claims paid, then the percentage rate will very possibly go down and you will pay less in tax. But, if you have former employees being paid unemployment, then your percentage rate for this tax will probably increase. Think of unemployment as insurance. If you have substantial claims on an insurance policy, your rates will probably increase. Amundson, C. (2015, July 11). Unemployment Claims Affect Employer. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/unemployment-claims-affect-employer.html The author's primary purpose in writing this article is to do which of the following?

Educate employers on how unemployment claims affect themQ

Blood pressure is the pressure inside the blood vessels, it promotes blood circulation all over the cardiovascular system and thus ensures metabolic processes in the body tissues. The numbers of blood pressure depend on individual characteristics, lifestyle and occupation of a person. Normally, it is about 120/80 mmHg. But these numbers change with age, they increase during physical activity or because of emotional stress. However, in spite of significant fluctuations in blood pressure, our body has complex mechanisms that regulate its level. These regulation mechanisms tend to return the pressure to its normal values once the action of provoking factors is over. In some cases, these mechanisms might break down and that leads to blood pressure changes. Persistently high blood pressure is called hypertension whereas persistently low - hypotension. There are quite a large number of factors that affect blood pressure, let's discuss some of them. Factors causing high blood pressure Excess weight. It's proven that obese and overweight people suffer from hypertension more often than those with a healthy weight because their cardiovascular system experiences high load. In order to provide the whole body with blood, its volume has to be increased, and blood output as well as vessels resistance are also increased - all that leads to an increase in blood pressure. Smoking. This unhealthy habit causes vessel constriction that keeps blood pressure at a level above the norm. Physicians note that smokers are at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which are a 'perfect' company to hypertension. Alcohol. Alcohol consumption contributes to increase in the tone of sympathetic nervous system, thus, it increases the tension of the vessels and causes high blood pressure. Physicians recommend limiting the daily consumption of hard liquors up to 60 ml and wine - 200 ml. Salt. Researchers have analyzed the data obtained from various tests and found out that excessive salt consumption overstimulates human nervous system. Due to such stimulation, the body starts producing adrenaline, a hormone that, besides other effects, causes vasoconstriction resulting in increased blood pressure. Emotional and psychological stress. If the body is under a stress, it starts releasing adrenaline that causes rise in blood pressure. Chronic stress wears out the blood vessels and leads to chronic hypertension. Factors causing low blood pressure Chronic dehydration. Such dehydration, which may lead to arterial hypotension, is usually the result of a prolonged fasting or strict limitation of food intake as a part of some diets. Pregnancy might cause hypotension due to increase in the volume of circulating blood. Infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the massive death of microbial cells releases their waste products into the bloodstream. It leads to decrease in blood pressure by reducing the tone of the vessels. Allergic reactions (eg. anaphylactic shock) result in production of the so-called biologically active substances (histamine, bradykinin, etc.) that also reduce vascular tone. Sedentary lifestyle. In this case, we are talking mainly about patients who remain recumbent for too long, which might lead to inadequate reflexes of the body's vegetative nervous system that will not let the body control blood pressure. A person needs more time to re-adjust his body to an upright position. Adapting to climate changes. Blood pressure drops when the body is adapting to sharp changes of climate and weather conditions. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 9). Factors That May Affect Your Blood Pressure. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/factors-that-may-affect-your-blood-pressure.html The author's primary purpose in writing this article is to do which of the following?

Educate the reader on the factors that affect blood pressure

Dana always looked forward to the fall because of the Harvest Festival. Of course, she loved the rides, but she really enjoyed the shows. This year would be the best. Dana had a special opportunity to perform in the talent show. Identify the writer's purpose in the following passage:


Excessive television viewing can be harmful to young children. When watching television, they do not have sufficient time to learn through independent play and interaction with other children. Additionally, children are often heavily influenced by the images on the screen which can lead to increased violence and foul language. Which of the following options is not a supporting detail in this passage?

Excessive television can be harmful for young children

Blood pressure is the pressure inside the blood vessels, it promotes blood circulation all over the cardiovascular system and thus ensures metabolic processes in the body tissues. The numbers of blood pressure depend on individual characteristics, lifestyle and occupation of a person. Normally, it is about 120/80 mmHg. But these numbers change with age, they increase during physical activity or because of emotional stress. However, in spite of significant fluctuations in blood pressure, our body has complex mechanisms that regulate its level. These regulation mechanisms tend to return the pressure to its normal values once the action of provoking factors is over. In some cases, these mechanisms might break down and that leads to blood pressure changes. Persistently high blood pressure is called hypertension whereas persistently low - hypotension. There are quite a large number of factors that affect blood pressure, let's discuss some of them. Factors causing high blood pressure Excess weight. It's proven that obese and overweight people suffer from hypertension more often than those with a healthy weight because their cardiovascular system experiences high load. In order to provide the whole body with blood, its volume has to be increased, and blood output as well as vessels resistance are also increased - all that leads to an increase in blood pressure. Smoking. This unhealthy habit causes vessel constriction that keeps blood pressure at a level above the norm. Physicians note that smokers are at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which are a 'perfect' company to hypertension. Alcohol. Alcohol consumption contributes to increase in the tone of sympathetic nervous system, thus, it increases the tension of the vessels and causes high blood pressure. Physicians recommend limiting the daily consumption of hard liquors up to 60 ml and wine - 200 ml. Salt. Researchers have analyzed the data obtained from various tests and found out that excessive salt consumption overstimulates human nervous system. Due to such stimulation, the body starts producing adrenaline, a hormone that, besides other effects, causes vasoconstriction resulting in increased blood pressure. Emotional and psychological stress. If the body is under a stress, it starts releasing adrenaline that causes rise in blood pressure. Chronic stress wears out the blood vessels and leads to chronic hypertension. Factors causing low blood pressure Chronic dehydration. Such dehydration, which may lead to arterial hypotension, is usually the result of a prolonged fasting or strict limitation of food intake as a part of some diets. Pregnancy might cause hypotension due to increase in the volume of circulating blood. Infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the massive death of microbial cells releases their waste products into the bloodstream. It leads to decrease in blood pressure by reducing the tone of the vessels. Allergic reactions (eg. anaphylactic shock) result in production of the so-called biologically active substances (histamine, bradykinin, etc.) that also reduce vascular tone. Sedentary lifestyle. In this case, we are talking mainly about patients who remain recumbent for too long, which might lead to inadequate reflexes of the body's vegetative nervous system that will not let the body control blood pressure. A person needs more time to re-adjust his body to an upright position. Adapting to climate changes. Blood pressure drops when the body is adapting to sharp changes of climate and weather conditions. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 9). Factors That May Affect Your Blood Pressure. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/factors-that-may-affect-your-blood-pressure.html Which of the following correctly identifies the passage's main idea?

Factors that affect blood pressure

Use tax is imposed on any transaction that would be subject to regular sales tax, only the physical goods were delivered to an address inside the State of Illinois from another state. You are charged for the use of the product inside the state, because your out of state vendor did not charge their state's sales tax. If you do not pay use tax on the transaction in Illinois and are audited, you will probably have a problem. You would be subject to the original Illinois use tax, as well as interest and penalty. As the computer systems at the taxation agencies have improved and more transactions are being digitized, the enforcement of Illinois Use Tax collection has improved greatly. There is now a box on all Illinois Income Tax Returns that asks whether or not the taxpayer made any purchases outside of the state that would be subject to use tax. The biggest problems normally come in the event of an audit. They normally check all of the invoices and receipts to see if any of your transactions were subject to Illinois Use Tax. If you have a lot of internet type purchases of equipment for use in your business, sometimes these purchases can trigger an audit. Amundson, C. (2015, July 15). What is Illinois Use Tax. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/what-is-illinois-use-tax.html Which of the following correctly identifies the passage's main idea?

Facts about use tax

How much do fantasy football leagues cost employers? Fantasy football leagues have increased in popularity, so much so that employers are starting to realize their effects. Studies have shown that fantasy football is costing employers billions of dollars due to lost employee productivity. Fantasy football players draft their own teams from NFL rosters and compete head-to-head each week for the length of an NFL season. The players usually form leagues with other coworkers or a group of friends, and then their team plays against one of their friends' teams in their league. After taking unemployment into account, a study estimates that 22.3 million employed fantasy football players spend at least an hour a week managing or discussing their rosters. Reports show that $19.33 is the average hourly wage, so that comes out to $430.9 million per week lost, or $6.5 billion across a 15-week fantasy season. What is an appropriate title for this passage?

Fantasy Football: What is the Cost?

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. In low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, optic nerve damage and narrowed side vision occur in people with normal eye pressure. Lowering eye pressure at least 30 percent through medicines slows the disease in some people. Glaucoma may worsen in others despite low pressures. In angle-closure glaucoma, the fluid at the front of the eye cannot drain through the angle and leave the eye. The angle gets blocked by part of the iris. People with this type of glaucoma may have a sudden increase in eye pressure. Symptoms include severe pain and nausea as well as redness of the eye and blurred vision. In congenital glaucoma, children are born with a defect in the angle of the eye that slows the normal drainage of fluid. These children usually have obvious symptoms such as cloudy eyes, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. Which of the following options correctly identifies the passage's main idea?

Forms of glaucoma

Because the damp sponge was left under the sink, it began developing "mold". Based on the context of the previous sentence, which of the following would be an appropriate synonym choice for "mold"?


The attitudes of Americans toward gambling are amazingly contradictory. You may find that horse racing is legal in your state, but that you cannot legally play poker for money on your front porch. One church condemns gambling, while another raises money by sponsoring Bingo games. Gambling laws are inconsistent from state to state, or even from town to town, and are very difficult to enforce. Identify the main idea of the passage:

Gambling laws are inconsistent across communities

Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves an extensive operation that includes removing both ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus as well as nearby lymph nodes and a fold of fatty abdominal tissue known as the omentum, where ovarian cancer often spreads. The surgeon also removes as much cancer as possible from the abdomen. Less extensive surgery may be possible if the ovarian cancer was diagnosed at a very early stage. For women with stage I ovarian cancer, surgery may involve removing one ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the ability to have children. After surgery, the patient will most likely be treated with chemotherapy (drugs designed to kill any remaining cancer cells). Chemotherapy may also be used as the initial treatment in some women with advanced ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in a vein (intravenously) or injected directly into the abdominal cavity, or both methods can be used. Chemotherapy drugs can be given alone or in combination. Which of the following options properly defines the word "intravenously" as it is used in the passage's third paragraph?

Given in a vein

The truck driver voiced his complaint about the poor conditions of the road to his passenger. Unfortunately, they had a shipment to deliver and had no choice but to continue onward. Because he was a good driver, he slowed down and took the turns carefully. This enabled them to make it to their destination safely despite the icy roads. How does the author of this passage feel about the truck driver?

He was safe

Every day, thousands of eBooks are downloaded from various sites. EBooks have steadily taken over the book market, and are now surpassing paper book sales by 10%. This year alone, 5 million eBooks have already been downloaded, whereas only 4.5 million paper books have been sold. The book industry expects the eBook market to surpass paper book sales by 30% by the end of next year. The passage answers all except which of the following questions?

How many eBook readers are sold each year?

When an ex-employee files for unemployment compensation in The State of Illinois, they will list their last or most recent employer on the forms. Only the last employer who has employed this person for over 30 "working" days is responsible for this person's unemployment compensation. If a company employs someone that works for only 29 "working" days, then they are not responsible. A working day is considered an eight-hour day. So if you have a part time employee, the total hours worked must add up to thirty days at eight hours apiece or a total of more than 240 hours. If they have not worked for you for that amount of time, then you are not the last chargeable employer. But you have to be able to prove this assertion. Time cards and payroll records are essential. An employer is automatically given a percentage rate for unemployment compensation upon the start up of their business. Once a former employee begins to collect unemployment, the department will re-adjust the tax rate based upon the unemployment payments. For example, if your company does not have any unemployment claims paid, then the percentage rate will very possibly go down and you will pay less in tax. But, if you have former employees being paid unemployment, then your percentage rate for this tax will probably increase. Think of unemployment as insurance. If you have substantial claims on an insurance policy, your rates will probably increase. Amundson, C. (2015, July 11). Unemployment Claims Affect Employer. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/unemployment-claims-affect-employer.html Which of the following statements from the passage is an opinion?

If you have substantial claims on an insurance policy, your rates will probably increase.

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. One can also contract pneumonia by inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65, younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems. Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe. See your doctor promptly if you have a high fever, shaking chills, a cough with phlegm that doesn't improve or gets worse, shortness of breath when engaging in normal daily activities, chest pain when you breathe or cough or if you suddenly feel worse after a cold or the flu. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and lab tests to diagnose pneumonia. Treatment depends on what kind of pneumonia you have. If bacteria are the cause, antibiotics should help. If you have viral pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat it. Preventing pneumonia is always better than treating it. Vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia and the flu. Other preventive measures include washing your hands frequently and not smoking. Which of the following options could be inferred by the reader?

Individuals who are healthy are less likely to contract pneumonia

The increased usage of mobile devices has had some unintended and even dangerous consequences. Studies have shown that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. In the year 2008, it was reported that driver distraction was the cause of 16 percent of all fatal crashes, leading to the deaths of 5,800 people, and 21 percent of the crashes resulted in an injury, causing 515,000 people to be wounded. The studies also show that nearly 50 percent of teens admit to texting while driving. Distracted driving endangers life and property, and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable. To stem this problem, safety organizations and other government agencies are working to inform and educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and are seeking to identify and facilitate the development of innovative technologies that could reduce the incidence of distracted driving. Currently there is no national ban on texting or using a wireless phone while driving, but a number of states have passed laws banning texting or wireless phones or requiring hands-free use of wireless phones while driving. What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

Inform readers of the dangers associated with distracted driving

Crayons are manufactured in a step by step process. First, the wax is melted and mixed with chemicals to form the content of the crayon. Next, pigment is added to obtain the correct color. Then, the material is poured into molds and cut into the correct shape. Finally, the wrapper paper is put on and the crayons are loaded into a box for shipment.


"He has an incredible amount of business 'acumen'; his decisions have never steered this company wrong!" Which of the following best defines the word "acumen"?


Last week I was driving the truck with my father in the passenger seat. We were taking a short two-hour road trip to pick up some material he needed for the farm. As we started out, the seat belt alarm sounded and I informed him that he would need to put on his seat belt, as I would not listen to the alarm the entire drive. Instead of actually putting on his seat belt, he buckled it behind him, so that he was sitting on top of the seat belt. Not wanting to be a "know-it- all," I did not say anything at first, but because it bothered me, I eventually started to tell him the following: one out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year; motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injuries; approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and about 50 percent (17,000) of these people would instead survive if they were wearing their safety belts; more than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them; for every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved; and safety belts, when used properly, reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent. Even though my father was not too appreciative of the information, I thought it was important to pass along. Not only is wearing your seat belt a law in some states, but it also helps save the lives of many motorists each year. Which of the following identifies the author's main point of the passage?

It is important to wear your seat belt

Which of these is not true about a summary? A.It should be in sequential order B. It should only be three sentences long C. It should contain accurate information D. It should include all of the main ideas from each part of the passage

It should only be three sentences long

Did you hear what happened to Juan? He broke his arm last week! The doctors are expecting a full recovery, but his parents are still worried. What can logically be inferred from this passage?

Juan needed medical attention for his injury

Use tax is imposed on any transaction that would be subject to regular sales tax, only the physical goods were delivered to an address inside the State of Illinois from another state. You are charged for the use of the product inside the state, because your out of state vendor did not charge their state's sales tax. If you do not pay use tax on the transaction in Illinois and are audited, you will probably have a problem. You would be subject to the original Illinois use tax, as well as interest and penalty. As the computer systems at the taxation agencies have improved and more transactions are being digitized, the enforcement of Illinois Use Tax collection has improved greatly. There is now a box on all Illinois Income Tax Returns that asks whether or not the taxpayer made any purchases outside of the state that would be subject to use tax. The biggest problems normally come in the event of an audit. They normally check all of the invoices and receipts to see if any of your transactions were subject to Illinois Use Tax. If you have a lot of internet type purchases of equipment for use in your business, sometimes these purchases can trigger an audit. Amundson, C. (2015, July 15). What is Illinois Use Tax. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/business/what-is-illinois-use-tax.html According to the passage, which of the following can sometimes trigger an audit?

Making multiple Internet type purchases

How much do fantasy football leagues cost employers? Fantasy football leagues have increased in popularity, so much so that employers are starting to realize their effects. Studies have shown that fantasy football is costing employers billions of dollars due to lost employee productivity. Fantasy football players draft their own teams from NFL rosters and compete head-to-head each week for the length of an NFL season. The players usually form leagues with other coworkers or a group of friends, and then their team plays against one of their friends' teams in their league. After taking unemployment into account, a study estimates that 22.3 million employed fantasy football players spend at least an hour a week managing or discussing their rosters. Reports show that $19.33 is the average hourly wage, so that comes out to $430.9 million per week lost, or $6.5 billion across a 15-week fantasy season. The passage implies that employed fantasy football players spend at least an hour a week doing which of the following?

Managing or discussing their rosters

In earlier days, those who had overseas business took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard, they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. Yet above them all, words speed through the sky - telephone conversations quickly bring together people who are separated by thousands of miles. Which of the following identifies the main idea of the passage?

Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by phone.

Migraine is a chronic functional disorder accompanied by periodic attacks of severe headache. It's still not known what exactly causes migraine, its etiology is debatable, certain experts believe that migraine is inherited, some medics think that it's a neurological disorder, whereas others believe it's a vascular disease. Unfortunately, modern drugs can only relieve its symptoms, but cannot cure this disease. One can find cheap prescription drugs to relieve migraine attacks in online pharmacies. According to statistics, women suffer from migraine two times more often than men, especially during periods of hormonal changes. Quite often the first signs of migraine can appear in girls at the age of 10-13 years, that is during puberty, when the body experiences serious changes. Many women suffering from migraine attacks wonder if pregnancy can affect their condition. Luckily, for most women pregnancy brings positive changes. Researches show that in 60-70% of cases migraine attacks stop or at least become less frequent due to the hormonal changes happening in the body of a pregnant woman, about 25% of women notice no changes in their condition, and about 4-8% may experience worsening of migraines. If a woman suffers from migraine attacks with aura, then there is a risk that during pregnancy such attacks will become worse, but in those who don't have aura pregnancy can lead to an improvement of migraine symptoms. Sometimes pregnancy can promote the development of this disease in those who have never experienced migraines before. A pregnant woman should always tell her doctor about any headaches she experiences, especially if they are intense, two-sided, throbbing and if they aggravate during physical activity as it might be a symptom of eclampsia, a very dangerous complication of pregnancy. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 11). Pregnancy and Migraine Attacks. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/pregnancy-and-migraine-attacks.html Which of the following correctly identifies the passage's main idea?

Migraine headaches and pregnancy

Migraine is a chronic functional disorder accompanied by periodic attacks of severe headache. It's still not known what exactly causes migraine, its etiology is debatable, certain experts believe that migraine is inherited, some medics think that it's a neurological disorder, whereas others believe it's a vascular disease. Unfortunately, modern drugs can only relieve its symptoms, but cannot cure this disease. One can find cheap prescription drugs to relieve migraine attacks in online pharmacies. According to statistics, women suffer from migraine two times more often than men, especially during periods of hormonal changes. Quite often the first signs of migraine can appear in girls at the age of 10-13 years, that is during puberty, when the body experiences serious changes. Many women suffering from migraine attacks wonder if pregnancy can affect their condition. Luckily, for most women pregnancy brings positive changes. Researches show that in 60-70% of cases migraine attacks stop or at least become less frequent due to the hormonal changes happening in the body of a pregnant woman, about 25% of women notice no changes in their condition, and about 4-8% may experience worsening of migraines. If a woman suffers from migraine attacks with aura, then there is a risk that during pregnancy such attacks will become worse, but in those who don't have aura pregnancy can lead to an improvement of migraine symptoms. Sometimes pregnancy can promote the development of this disease in those who have never experienced migraines before. A pregnant woman should always tell her doctor about any headaches she experiences, especially if they are intense, two-sided, throbbing and if they aggravate during physical activity as it might be a symptom of eclampsia, a very dangerous complication of pregnancy. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 11). Pregnancy and Migraine Attacks. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/pregnancy-and-migraine-attacks.html All except which of the following is a detail listed in the passage?

Migraine signs can appear at birth

The singer chose a melancholy song for her final song of the evening. It left the audience feeling introspective on their way home. Using context clues from the passage, what is a good synonym for the word "melancholy"?


When considering investments, people often are skeptical about mutual funds simply because they feel they are complicated to understand and manage. Keeping aside the jargon when simply put, mutual funds are a pool of funds put together by likeminded investors. Professional fund managers, who keep up with the markets and use their skills to invest in various financial instruments, manage the sum of the investors' contributions. These investors have a common financial goal and basis that they use and the funds that they manage are put into a scheme that matches their objectives. These funds are generally well diversified and invested in varied stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, and commodities. This way, mutual fund investments offer an attractive way of savings, which are managed quite passively, without asking for much attention, by experts who manage money every day. When choosing types of funds, an investor must first be clear on the sum of investment, term of investment, and risk taking ability. For this, it is necessary that you know about the different options available. So the basic three categories of mutual funds are: 1. Debt funds 2. Equity 3. Liquid/ Hybrid Funds Debt funds, as the name suggests, work on borrowings. It is on these funds that most companies, states, and even central governments work. They do so by offering several debt instruments like Tbills, debentures, etc. Debt funds give the assurance that the principal investment will be returned after the tenure and the interest will be calculated on a given rate of interest. It is these debt funds that bring stability to investment portfolio because the risk involved is lower to that of equity funds. Arora, H. (2015, June 24). Understanding Mutual Funds. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/finance/understanding-mutual-funds.html What is the meaning of the word "jargon" as it is used in the passage?


Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves an extensive operation that includes removing both ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus as well as nearby lymph nodes and a fold of fatty abdominal tissue known as the omentum, where ovarian cancer often spreads. The surgeon also removes as much cancer as possible from the abdomen. Less extensive surgery may be possible if the ovarian cancer was diagnosed at a very early stage. For women with stage I ovarian cancer, surgery may involve removing one ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the ability to have children. After surgery, the patient will most likely be treated with chemotherapy (drugs designed to kill any remaining cancer cells). Chemotherapy may also be used as the initial treatment in some women with advanced ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in a vein (intravenously) or injected directly into the abdominal cavity, or both methods can be used. Chemotherapy drugs can be given alone or in combination. According to the passage, which of the following options would be used to make reference to a fold of fatty abdominal tissue?


There has been a boom in farmers' markets in recent years. The USDA produces a farmers' market directory that lists more than 8,000 markets, and an increase of 76 percent since 2008! If you're a market enthusiast, you know the local market delivers a bounty of good things to eat; the catch is to get to the market early and benefit from the best selection. Seasonal fruits, melons, berries and other produce are nutrient dense. In other words these are foods that are high in nutrients, yet low in calories. Though you'll find several items to choose from at your local market, today's article will focus on my favorites-melons. Watermelon This melon is one of the season's most popular fruits. It is high in vitamins A, B6, and C. Vitamin A is important in eye health, and helps boost the immune system. Vitamin B6 helps in the production of antibodies to fight disease, maintain healthy nerves and break down protein in the body. Vitamin C also aids the immune system in helping to fight infection and viruses. This melon is also high in lycopene, which is the pigment that gives the melon and other produce the red color. Lycopene is an antioxidant which studies show helps prevent hardening of the arteries and may be beneficial in preventing and treating prostate cancer. A 2-cup serving of watermelon also contains potassium, which helps the body maintain water balance, and aids weekend warriors in replenishing fluids and avoiding muscle cramps. Bonus-2 cups contain just 80 calories! In choosing the perfect watermelon, take a good look at it. The melon should be symmetrical without any dents, bruises or cuts. It should be heavy for its size and have a creamy yellow spot on it where it rested on the ground and ripened. Cantaloupe The surface is not as smooth as some of the other melons; it is slightly rough with a beige webbed skin. Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamins A, C and the B vitamins. It's also a good source of potassium and fiber, high in water content, low in fat, sodium and calories. Two cups of cubed cantaloupe contain approximately 110 calories. In selecting a melon, look for one that feels heavier and fuller for its size, has a fragrant aroma and is slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure when you press your finger against the stem end. The rind should be cream, yellow or golden colored when the cantaloupe is ripe. Honeydew Melon Now we've all heard about "honey do" but in this case it is about something good to eat and not a task that needs attention. These melons are most flavorful when vine-ripened. They are good sources of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C, B, E and K. Minerals found in the melons are iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This melon is low in sodium and fat free--two cups of honeydew melon contain approximately 120 calories. Choose a melon that is pale green with a smooth blemish free surface. The melon should be heavy for its size, firm to the touch, without any spongy areas or mold. As is the case with cantaloupe, the stem end of the melon should be slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure with your fingertip. Smell the melon, the stem end should be fragrant and slightly sweet. Stewart, M. (2015, July 13). Farm to Table to Fitness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/farm-to-table-to-fitness.html According to the passage, what does the word "lycopene" mean?

Pigment that produces a red color

When considering investments, people often are skeptical about mutual funds simply because they feel they are complicated to understand and manage. Keeping aside the jargon when simply put, mutual funds are a pool of funds put together by likeminded investors. Professional fund managers, who keep up with the markets and use their skills to invest in various financial instruments, manage the sum of the investors' contributions. These investors have a common financial goal and basis that they use and the funds that they manage are put into a scheme that matches their objectives. These funds are generally well diversified and invested in varied stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, and commodities. This way, mutual fund investments offer an attractive way of savings, which are managed quite passively, without asking for much attention, by experts who manage money every day. When choosing types of funds, an investor must first be clear on the sum of investment, term of investment, and risk taking ability. For this, it is necessary that you know about the different options available. So the basic three categories of mutual funds are: 1. Debt funds 2. Equity 3. Liquid/ Hybrid Funds Debt funds, as the name suggests, work on borrowings. It is on these funds that most companies, states, and even central governments work. They do so by offering several debt instruments like Tbills, debentures, etc. Debt funds give the assurance that the principal investment will be returned after the tenure and the interest will be calculated on a given rate of interest. It is these debt funds that bring stability to investment portfolio because the risk involved is lower to that of equity funds. Arora, H. (2015, June 24). Understanding Mutual Funds. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/finance/understanding-mutual-funds.html The passage's overall tone can be identified as which of the following?


Penicillin is considered one of the greatest of the wonder drugs. It has saved thousands of lives already and will save many more in the future. Unfortunately, it has no effect at all on most of mankind's ailments. Penicillin is a very good drug, but it is certainly not a cure-all. Read the passage and then identify the main idea:

Penicillin is a very good drug despite its limitations

Growing herbs in your windowsill garden can be both gratifying and delicious. Herbs are a great plant to grow in a small space. They make amazing accents to almost every dish. Herb gardens also require less maintenance than a full garden. You can garden in your spare time and still grow healthy plants. Based on the context clues, what does the word "gratifying" mean in this passage?


The waterfall cascaded down the majestic mountain. While it was only ten feet tall, the waterfall flowed heavily in the early spring. Using context clues, what is the meaning of the word "cascaded" in this passage?


Blood pressure is the pressure inside the blood vessels, it promotes blood circulation all over the cardiovascular system and thus ensures metabolic processes in the body tissues. The numbers of blood pressure depend on individual characteristics, lifestyle and occupation of a person. Normally, it is about 120/80 mmHg. But these numbers change with age, they increase during physical activity or because of emotional stress. However, in spite of significant fluctuations in blood pressure, our body has complex mechanisms that regulate its level. These regulation mechanisms tend to return the pressure to its normal values once the action of provoking factors is over. In some cases, these mechanisms might break down and that leads to blood pressure changes. Persistently high blood pressure is called hypertension whereas persistently low - hypotension. There are quite a large number of factors that affect blood pressure, let's discuss some of them. Factors causing high blood pressure Excess weight. It's proven that obese and overweight people suffer from hypertension more often than those with a healthy weight because their cardiovascular system experiences high load. In order to provide the whole body with blood, its volume has to be increased, and blood output as well as vessels resistance are also increased - all that leads to an increase in blood pressure. Smoking. This unhealthy habit causes vessel constriction that keeps blood pressure at a level above the norm. Physicians note that smokers are at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which are a 'perfect' company to hypertension. Alcohol. Alcohol consumption contributes to increase in the tone of sympathetic nervous system, thus, it increases the tension of the vessels and causes high blood pressure. Physicians recommend limiting the daily consumption of hard liquors up to 60 ml and wine - 200 ml. Salt. Researchers have analyzed the data obtained from various tests and found out that excessive salt consumption overstimulates human nervous system. Due to such stimulation, the body starts producing adrenaline, a hormone that, besides other effects, causes vasoconstriction resulting in increased blood pressure. Emotional and psychological stress. If the body is under a stress, it starts releasing adrenaline that causes rise in blood pressure. Chronic stress wears out the blood vessels and leads to chronic hypertension. Factors causing low blood pressure Chronic dehydration. Such dehydration, which may lead to arterial hypotension, is usually the result of a prolonged fasting or strict limitation of food intake as a part of some diets. Pregnancy might cause hypotension due to increase in the volume of circulating blood. Infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that the massive death of microbial cells releases their waste products into the bloodstream. It leads to decrease in blood pressure by reducing the tone of the vessels. Allergic reactions (eg. anaphylactic shock) result in production of the so-called biologically active substances (histamine, bradykinin, etc.) that also reduce vascular tone. Sedentary lifestyle. In this case, we are talking mainly about patients who remain recumbent for too long, which might lead to inadequate reflexes of the body's vegetative nervous system that will not let the body control blood pressure. A person needs more time to re-adjust his body to an upright position. Adapting to climate changes. Blood pressure drops when the body is adapting to sharp changes of climate and weather conditions. Mitchell, J. (2015, July 9). Factors That May Affect Your Blood Pressure. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/factors-that-may-affect-your-blood-pressure.html All except which of the following is a detail listed in the passage?

Pregnancy releases adrenaline that elevates blood pressure

Rebecca's manager did not like her. She thought that Rebecca was lazy and did not follow the rules. Rebecca thought she was following the rules, although there were still a few rules of which she wasn't aware. What can logically be inferred from this passage?

Rebecca and her manager have different opinions

Gift and estate taxes are set to rise next year. Congress has announced that tax rates on estates and gifts will increase next year. Currently, lifetime gifts of $5 million are exempted from taxes, with any amount over that taxed at 35%. Next year, the tax rate will be 55%. For next year, estate tax exemption of $5 million will drop to $1 million, and the taxes on any overage will rise from 35% to 55%. The passage answers all questions below except:

Will property taxes increase next year?

Rolf keeps coming by and distracting me with stories. I'm not able to focus on any of my class work! What can logically be inferred from this passage?

Rolf visits the author frequently

Sharon sat outside on her balcony and watched the sunrise this morning. She was chilly so she put a sweater on. What can logically be inferred from this passage?

Sharon felt cold enough to put a sweater on this morning

Kristen went shopping for the perfect dress to wear to the dance this weekend. She wanted a dress that was knee-length and flowed freely. She did not like floral patterns and instead wanted a solid-colored material. She spent several hours looking for the right dress before she eventually found it. Which of the options is not a supporting detail?

She went shopping for a dress

Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants. They will look and behave much like real humans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier. Which of the following sentences is not a supporting detail to the main idea?

Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.

Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves an extensive operation that includes removing both ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus as well as nearby lymph nodes and a fold of fatty abdominal tissue known as the omentum, where ovarian cancer often spreads. The surgeon also removes as much cancer as possible from the abdomen. Less extensive surgery may be possible if the ovarian cancer was diagnosed at a very early stage. For women with stage I ovarian cancer, surgery may involve removing one ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the ability to have children. After surgery, the patient will most likely be treated with chemotherapy (drugs designed to kill any remaining cancer cells). Chemotherapy may also be used as the initial treatment in some women with advanced ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in a vein (intravenously) or injected directly into the abdominal cavity, or both methods can be used. Chemotherapy drugs can be given alone or in combination. Which of the following options could be inferred by the reader?

Stage I ovarian cancer is the least severe stage

In modern medical science, there is a great emphasis on preempting problems and stopping them before they take place. When this proactive approach is not possible, the next best thing is to reverse the ill effects of whatever medical condition a person may be facing. Similar studies are being held in the field of hair care and some success has been had in recent times. A recent study in mice has given a glimmer of hope for people who have lost their hair and want to avoid hair transplant surgery with the help of stem cells. Although it is still in the testing phase, the study surely is an important step in natural hair restoration. We shall look into the matter in some detail. Stem Cells Stem cells have been a hot topic of discussion of late and there has been much talk that they may hold the future in medical science. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are found in the multi cellular organisms. These can be differentiated into specialized cells and can produce more stem cells by going through mitosis. Stem cells have two main types' namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The Study The research took place in University of Pennsylvania. The idea was to produce enough numbers of hair follicle generating stem cells. The particular focus was on epithelium cells, which is the tissue that covers that surface of the body. The researchers were able to generate these cells in adequate numbers for hair regeneration, which was previously not done. The results in mice have been encouraging and hair growth has been seen. The Next Step Hair follicles contain a second type of cell known as dermal papillae, which are also lost with hair loss. Until their regeneration is possible, hair loss problem is still to be completely solved. Thus far, no one has been able to figure out a way to generate these cells. Criticism There has been criticism on the study citing that often the testing on the animals is successful but animal testing fails to mirror the results. For now, it is too early to draw such conclusions. In the immediate future, people will have to remain content with the more traditional methods of hair restoration. These are, for now, the very best that is available. Shezay. (2015, July 17). New Treatments for Baldness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/new-treatments-for-baldness.html Which of the following identifies the passage's main idea?

Stem cells are a possibility for natural hair restoration in the future

The increased usage of mobile devices has had some unintended and even dangerous consequences. Studies have shown that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. In the year 2008, it was reported that driver distraction was the cause of 16 percent of all fatal crashes, leading to the deaths of 5,800 people, and 21 percent of the crashes resulted in an injury, causing 515,000 people to be wounded. The studies also show that nearly 50 percent of teens admit to texting while driving. Distracted driving endangers life and property, and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable. To stem this problem, safety organizations and other government agencies are working to inform and educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and are seeking to identify and facilitate the development of innovative technologies that could reduce the incidence of distracted driving. Currently there is no national ban on texting or using a wireless phone while driving, but a number of states have passed laws banning texting or wireless phones or requiring hands-free use of wireless phones while driving. Which of the following best defines the word "stem" as it is used in the passage?


Identify a major supporting detail to the paragraph's main idea: Iced tea is a refreshing summertime beverage. It can be brewed with many types of tea leaves, but the most common type used is black tea. You can add sugar to make it sweet, or enjoy it just as it stands. Either way, it makes the perfect drink for a hot summer's day.

Sugar can be added to iced tea and it can be brewed with different types of leaves.

The author will typically use transition words such as "one," "next," "another," "first," and "finally" when writing what type of sentence?

Supporting detail

Which of the following statements would be considered an "opinion"?

The basketball player has not practiced enough to be a great player.

The ungrateful child glared at her saintly mother. The patient mother simply continued with her work while the unruly child slowly got her temper back under control. What can logically be inferred from this passage?

The child was upset with her mother

Which of the following statements would not be considered an "opinion"?

The high school football team beat their rival by ten points last year.

Which of the following statements would be considered a "fact"?

The hospital was ranked third in a 2012 national health care survey.

The little boy was running across the yard and playing in the sprinkler. He tripped and fell. When he got up, he noticed that he had scraped his knee and it was bleeding. He began to cry. Which of these is an opinion about the passage?

The little boy cried because he saw blood, not because he was in pain.

Which of the following statements would be considered an "opinion"?

The politician is in over his head with this campaign

Which of the following statements would be considered an "opinion"?

The rising cost of tuition has made it difficult for students to finish their degrees.

Which of the following statements would not be considered an "opinion"?

The rug is made with 100% cotton

The brown sofa made the living room complete. Anthony used it for sitting and watching TV during the daytime and slept on it at night. The cushions were soft and it was very comfortable. Which of these is not a supporting statement from the passage?

The sofa completes the room

The brown sofa made the living room complete. Anthony used it for sitting and watching TV during the daytime and slept on it at night. The cushions were soft and it was very comfortable. Which of these can be concluded from the information in the passage?

The sofa is currently used as a bed

Even though the ephemeral fog quickly lifted, the morning was peaceful and tranquil. The woman enjoyed the quiet and watched the morning pass her by while sitting on her porch. Which of these cannot be inferred from this passage?

The woman was sitting in a porch swing

I think my pet hermit crab needs a larger shell. This morning I saw him crawling around the tank, completely out of his old one. What can be logically inferred from this passage?

The writer believes his hermit crab is growing

There has been a boom in farmers' markets in recent years. The USDA produces a farmers' market directory that lists more than 8,000 markets, and an increase of 76 percent since 2008! If you're a market enthusiast, you know the local market delivers a bounty of good things to eat; the catch is to get to the market early and benefit from the best selection. Seasonal fruits, melons, berries and other produce are nutrient dense. In other words these are foods that are high in nutrients, yet low in calories. Though you'll find several items to choose from at your local market, today's article will focus on my favorites-melons. Watermelon This melon is one of the season's most popular fruits. It is high in vitamins A, B6, and C. Vitamin A is important in eye health, and helps boost the immune system. Vitamin B6 helps in the production of antibodies to fight disease, maintain healthy nerves and break down protein in the body. Vitamin C also aids the immune system in helping to fight infection and viruses. This melon is also high in lycopene, which is the pigment that gives the melon and other produce the red color. Lycopene is an antioxidant which studies show helps prevent hardening of the arteries and may be beneficial in preventing and treating prostate cancer. A 2-cup serving of watermelon also contains potassium, which helps the body maintain water balance, and aids weekend warriors in replenishing fluids and avoiding muscle cramps. Bonus-2 cups contain just 80 calories! In choosing the perfect watermelon, take a good look at it. The melon should be symmetrical without any dents, bruises or cuts. It should be heavy for its size and have a creamy yellow spot on it where it rested on the ground and ripened. Cantaloupe The surface is not as smooth as some of the other melons; it is slightly rough with a beige webbed skin. Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamins A, C and the B vitamins. It's also a good source of potassium and fiber, high in water content, low in fat, sodium and calories. Two cups of cubed cantaloupe contain approximately 110 calories. In selecting a melon, look for one that feels heavier and fuller for its size, has a fragrant aroma and is slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure when you press your finger against the stem end. The rind should be cream, yellow or golden colored when the cantaloupe is ripe. Honeydew Melon Now we've all heard about "honey do" but in this case it is about something good to eat and not a task that needs attention. These melons are most flavorful when vine-ripened. They are good sources of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C, B, E and K. Minerals found in the melons are iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This melon is low in sodium and fat free--two cups of honeydew melon contain approximately 120 calories. Choose a melon that is pale green with a smooth blemish free surface. The melon should be heavy for its size, firm to the touch, without any spongy areas or mold. As is the case with cantaloupe, the stem end of the melon should be slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure with your fingertip. Smell the melon, the stem end should be fragrant and slightly sweet. Stewart, M. (2015, July 13). Farm to Table to Fitness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/farm-to-table-to-fitness.html Which of the following statements from the passage is an opinion?

These melons are most flavorful when vine-ripened.

The increased usage of mobile devices has had some unintended and even dangerous consequences. Studies have shown that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving, resulting in injury and loss of life. In the year 2008, it was reported that driver distraction was the cause of 16 percent of all fatal crashes, leading to the deaths of 5,800 people, and 21 percent of the crashes resulted in an injury, causing 515,000 people to be wounded. The studies also show that nearly 50 percent of teens admit to texting while driving. Distracted driving endangers life and property, and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable. To stem this problem, safety organizations and other government agencies are working to inform and educate the public about the dangers of distracted driving and are seeking to identify and facilitate the development of innovative technologies that could reduce the incidence of distracted driving. Currently there is no national ban on texting or using a wireless phone while driving, but a number of states have passed laws banning texting or wireless phones or requiring hands-free use of wireless phones while driving. Why does the author state that organizations are facilitating the development of innovative technologies?

They could reduce the incidence of distracted driving

How much do fantasy football leagues cost employers? Fantasy football leagues have increased in popularity, so much so that employers are starting to realize their effects. Studies have shown that fantasy football is costing employers billions of dollars due to lost employee productivity. Fantasy football players draft their own teams from NFL rosters and compete head-to-head each week for the length of an NFL season. The players usually form leagues with other coworkers or a group of friends, and then their team plays against one of their friends' teams in their league. After taking unemployment into account, a study estimates that 22.3 million employed fantasy football players spend at least an hour a week managing or discussing their rosters. Reports show that $19.33 is the average hourly wage, so that comes out to $430.9 million per week lost, or $6.5 billion across a 15-week fantasy season. What is the main point of the passage?

To discuss the expenses that fantasy football cost employers

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye's optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early detection and treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss. In low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, optic nerve damage and narrowed side vision occur in people with normal eye pressure. Lowering eye pressure at least 30 percent through medicines slows the disease in some people. Glaucoma may worsen in others despite low pressures. In angle-closure glaucoma, the fluid at the front of the eye cannot drain through the angle and leave the eye. The angle gets blocked by part of the iris. People with this type of glaucoma may have a sudden increase in eye pressure. Symptoms include severe pain and nausea as well as redness of the eye and blurred vision. In congenital glaucoma, children are born with a defect in the angle of the eye that slows the normal drainage of fluid. These children usually have obvious symptoms such as cloudy eyes, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. Which of the following options identifies the author's purpose for writing this article?

To educate the reader on different types of glaucoma

Treatment for ovarian cancer usually involves an extensive operation that includes removing both ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the uterus as well as nearby lymph nodes and a fold of fatty abdominal tissue known as the omentum, where ovarian cancer often spreads. The surgeon also removes as much cancer as possible from the abdomen. Less extensive surgery may be possible if the ovarian cancer was diagnosed at a very early stage. For women with stage I ovarian cancer, surgery may involve removing one ovary and its fallopian tube. This procedure may preserve the ability to have children. After surgery, the patient will most likely be treated with chemotherapy (drugs designed to kill any remaining cancer cells). Chemotherapy may also be used as the initial treatment in some women with advanced ovarian cancer. Chemotherapy drugs can be given in a vein (intravenously) or injected directly into the abdominal cavity, or both methods can be used. Chemotherapy drugs can be given alone or in combination. Which of the following options identifies the author's purpose for writing this article?

To inform the reader about how ovarian cancer is treated

Paul tends to "eschew" those who don't conform to his way of thinking, which seems to frustrate his more opinionated friends. Which of the following is the definition for the word "eschew"?

To steer clear of

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. One can also contract pneumonia by inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65, younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems. Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe. See your doctor promptly if you have a high fever, shaking chills, a cough with phlegm that doesn't improve or gets worse, shortness of breath when engaging in normal daily activities, chest pain when you breathe or cough or if you suddenly feel worse after a cold or the flu. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and lab tests to diagnose pneumonia. Treatment depends on what kind of pneumonia you have. If bacteria are the cause, antibiotics should help. If you have viral pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat it. Preventing pneumonia is always better than treating it. Vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia and the flu. Other preventive measures include washing your hands frequently and not smoking. Which of the following statements is a fact?

Vaccinations are available to prevent pneumonia

It was quite obvious she didn't know the answer; her "nebulous" remark made us second guess her abilities. Which of the following is the definition for the word "nebulous"?


The ungrateful child glared at her saintly mother. The patient mother simply continued with her work while the unruly child slowly got her temper back under control. Which of these words best describes the author's perception of the mother?


There has been a boom in farmers' markets in recent years. The USDA produces a farmers' market directory that lists more than 8,000 markets, and an increase of 76 percent since 2008! If you're a market enthusiast, you know the local market delivers a bounty of good things to eat; the catch is to get to the market early and benefit from the best selection. Seasonal fruits, melons, berries and other produce are nutrient dense. In other words these are foods that are high in nutrients, yet low in calories. Though you'll find several items to choose from at your local market, today's article will focus on my favorites-melons. Watermelon This melon is one of the season's most popular fruits. It is high in vitamins A, B6, and C. Vitamin A is important in eye health, and helps boost the immune system. Vitamin B6 helps in the production of antibodies to fight disease, maintain healthy nerves and break down protein in the body. Vitamin C also aids the immune system in helping to fight infection and viruses. This melon is also high in lycopene, which is the pigment that gives the melon and other produce the red color. Lycopene is an antioxidant which studies show helps prevent hardening of the arteries and may be beneficial in preventing and treating prostate cancer. A 2-cup serving of watermelon also contains potassium, which helps the body maintain water balance, and aids weekend warriors in replenishing fluids and avoiding muscle cramps. Bonus-2 cups contain just 80 calories! In choosing the perfect watermelon, take a good look at it. The melon should be symmetrical without any dents, bruises or cuts. It should be heavy for its size and have a creamy yellow spot on it where it rested on the ground and ripened. Cantaloupe The surface is not as smooth as some of the other melons; it is slightly rough with a beige webbed skin. Cantaloupe is a good source of vitamins A, C and the B vitamins. It's also a good source of potassium and fiber, high in water content, low in fat, sodium and calories. Two cups of cubed cantaloupe contain approximately 110 calories. In selecting a melon, look for one that feels heavier and fuller for its size, has a fragrant aroma and is slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure when you press your finger against the stem end. The rind should be cream, yellow or golden colored when the cantaloupe is ripe. Honeydew Melon Now we've all heard about "honey do" but in this case it is about something good to eat and not a task that needs attention. These melons are most flavorful when vine-ripened. They are good sources of vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, C, B, E and K. Minerals found in the melons are iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. This melon is low in sodium and fat free--two cups of honeydew melon contain approximately 120 calories. Choose a melon that is pale green with a smooth blemish free surface. The melon should be heavy for its size, firm to the touch, without any spongy areas or mold. As is the case with cantaloupe, the stem end of the melon should be slightly soft, giving in to gentle pressure with your fingertip. Smell the melon, the stem end should be fragrant and slightly sweet. Stewart, M. (2015, July 13). Farm to Table to Fitness. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/farm-to-table-to-fitness.html All except which of the following is a detail listed in the passage?

Watermelon is a good source of potassium and fiber

People often refer to taxes in terms of their being much too high. In reality, they are probably even higher than one would think. In addition to the federal income tax, there are many other federal, state, and local taxes. Such taxes include: sales taxes, inheritance taxes, personal property taxes, real estate taxes, and several others; these are just some of the more obvious ones. Which of the following identifies the passage's main idea?

We pay more taxes than we may realize

Last week I was driving the truck with my father in the passenger seat. We were taking a short two-hour road trip to pick up some material he needed for the farm. As we started out, the seat belt alarm sounded and I informed him that he would need to put on his seat belt, as I would not listen to the alarm the entire drive. Instead of actually putting on his seat belt, he buckled it behind him, so that he was sitting on top of the seat belt. Not wanting to be a "know-it- all," I did not say anything at first, but because it bothered me, I eventually started to tell him the following: one out of every five drivers will be involved in a traffic crash this year; motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people age 44 and younger and the number one cause of head and spinal cord injuries; approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and about 50 percent (17,000) of these people would instead survive if they were wearing their safety belts; more than 90 percent of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14 percent actually use them; for every one percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved; and safety belts, when used properly, reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60 to 70 percent. Even though my father was not too appreciative of the information, I thought it was important to pass along. Not only is wearing your seat belt a law in some states, but it also helps save the lives of many motorists each year. Which one of the following statements would the author most likely agree with regarding wearing your seat belt?

Wearing a seat belt could save your life if you are involved in a vehicle accident

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. One can also contract pneumonia by inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65, younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems. Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe. See your doctor promptly if you have a high fever, shaking chills, a cough with phlegm that doesn't improve or gets worse, shortness of breath when engaging in normal daily activities, chest pain when you breathe or cough or if you suddenly feel worse after a cold or the flu. Your doctor will use your medical history, a physical exam, and lab tests to diagnose pneumonia. Treatment depends on what kind of pneumonia you have. If bacteria are the cause, antibiotics should help. If you have viral pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medicine to treat it. Preventing pneumonia is always better than treating it. Vaccines are available to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia and the flu. Other preventive measures include washing your hands frequently and not smoking. According to the passage, which of the following options is not a reason you should see your doctor?

You cough up green phlegm

Excessive television viewing can be harmful to young children. When watching television, they do not have sufficient time to learn through independent play and interaction with other children. Additionally, children are often heavily influenced by the images on the screen which can lead to increased violence and foul language. What is the main idea of this passage?

Young children should not watch very much television because it could be harmful to them

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