HGAP unit 3 vocabulary

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The attempt to express the truth about life EXAMPLE- such as "the early bird gets the worm".


A region based on interaction, usually centered on a node or focus point. EXAMPLE - The city of Miami and the communities around it

Functional regions

The degree of adherence to tradition varies within each religion. This believes that people should live traditional lifestyle similar to those prescribed in the faith holy writing. EXAMPLE- is Islam the role of sharia which means the Islamic legal framework for a country


the scattering of the Jewish people outside their homeland beginning about 586 BCE (A diaspora where is when one group of people is dispersed to various locations) EXAMPLE-

Jewish Diaspora

Jews worship in synagogues or temples. Once concentrated in the Middle East, Jews spread throughout the world because of exile or persecution, or through voluntary migration. (Temples vary in size based on the number of Jews in the area) EXAMPLE- Synagogues or temples.

Jewish Landscape

Nearly all of the languages spoken today can be grouped into about 15 families of languages. EXAMPLE- Indo-European language family. Nearly half of the world's population speaks one of the languages of the Indo-European language family,

Language Families

The relationship among 15 families of languages and how they are related to each other are shown through language tree model which suggests how several languages are related to each other, as well as how one language grows out of another. EXAMPLE- English evolved out of combination of a Latin language (French) and a Germanic language (Anglo-Frisian) beginning about 1,000 years ago.

Language Tree

It is the language of ancient Rome....The history of Latin shows how difficult the study of language is EXAMPLE-


Scientist who study language. EXAMPLE-


believing in one god EXAMPLE-


Muslim I've been living in the Americas since the days of Columbus.Maybe 15% of the enslaved Africans brought to the Americas were followers of Islam. Between 1890 and 1917 and new babe of Muslim immigrants enter to the United States from Bosnia , Turkey, Syria, and other lands in the Middle East.In 1920s and 1930s Some African Americans joined the distinctive movement within Islam, known as the black Muslims. Today, about 1/4 of American Muslims are African Americans. EXAMPLE-

Muslims in the U.S.

The process of re-embracing the uniqueness and authenticity of a place. EXAMPLE- A neighborhood in a large city my hold of festival to honor the religion, cuisine, and history of the migrants who settled in the community.


The spread of cultural trait by people who migrate and carry their cultural traits with them. EXAMPLE - Pizza, European culture, and disco music.

Relocation diffusion

During World War II, the systematic murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany, and event known as the holocaust, strengthen the movement to create a predominately Jewish state in the middle east. EXAMPLE-

The Holocaust

The names of places reflecting culture EXAMPLE- Greek- Byzantium, roman- Constantinople, Turks- Istanbul


A common language used by people who do not share the same native language EXAMPLE- English is a world wide lingual franca along with Arabic, Spanish, french, Swahili, and Russian

lingual franca

The influenza outbreak of 1918 to 1919, immediately after the end of the world war one, was an example of contagious diffusion the outbreak was devastating, killing three times as many people as World War One had. The source of the outbreak is not clear. It might have been located in Kansas, Great Britain, or France. Some scholars believe laborers from China who were traveling across Canada to Europe to work on the work front carried it with them. EXAMPLE- Troops returning home after the war either carry the virus, or contracted it in the port. Then, as they travel home by train, they spread the disease throughout the country.

1918 Influenza Epidemic

Languages can be further divided into smaller categories by other traits such as this. EXAMPLE- American, English, and Australian Accents


The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another EXAMPLE-


They have different pronunciations, vocabulary, spelling, and common phrases for the same language (english) EXAMPLE- Elevator (American) vs Lift (British)

American vs British English

The believe that nonliving objects, such as rivers or mountains, have a spirit. EXAMPLE- This belief was mainly held by the indigenous tribal people, meaning, natives of several places throughout the world. Animism is a part of their culture, it so ordinary and regular for them that they don't have a separate word or definition for it. They just know it, and follow it, and that's the only thing they relate to spiritualism. Since they live amidst nature, they are very close to it, and worship and respect it.


Spread from their hearts largely because of conquest and colonialism. In the case of Arabic, it's used as a standard religious language in Islam contributed to it success EXAMPLE-


This happens when an ethnic group can no longer be distinguished from the receiving group. This often occurs as ethnic groups become more affluent and leave their ethnic areas. EXAMPLE- The grand children of immigrants from India might no longer speak Hindi or other Indian languages or eat traditional Indian cuisine daily, but they might still practice their Hindu faith.a


Grew out of the teaching of prince named Siddhartha Who lived about 600 years B.C.E excepting many beliefs of Hinduism, Siddhartha (buddha) advise followers to escape the cycle of suffering through "right "views, hopes, speech, condo, livelihood, effort, and mindful meditation. EXAMPLE-


Practice of Buddhism differs widely from place to place, from ethnic group to ethnic group. However, most Buddhists emphasize mediating and living in harmony with nature. EXAMPLE- These features of Buddhism are represented in Stupas, structures builds to symbolize five aspects of nature (Earth, water, fire, air, and space) where people can meditate.

Buddhist landscape

A rigid class structure, that shaped Indian society EXAMPLE- Indian Society

Caste system

The first group to establish cultural and religious customs in a space is known as this. EXAMPLE- Native Americans were the original charter group in the Americas

Charter group

Churches often featured toss depot tops by across. Churches also demonstrate how the origin of the architectural style was often influenced by the environment, such as the climate in the available building materials. The hearts of the faith are more likely to resemble the origin of architecture. EXAMPLE- Christian churches closer to the eastern Mediterranean tend to have dome-shaped roofs that reflect the traditional style of architecture popular with the Romans, while churches in northern Europe have steep-pitched roofs designed for snow to slide off the winter.

Christian landscape

Began when followers of Jewish teacher, Jesus evolved into their own religion based on the belief that Jesus was the son of God and the Savior of humans. He emphasized the importance of faith, love, and peace. Christianity spread out word from the Middle East to bring the dominant religion to Europe, and then to America another part of the world EXAMPLE-


Colonialism and imperialism and trade have played a powerful role in spreading religion and culture .Do European colonizers impose their cultural traits on the local population EXAMPLE - Europeans forced many of their colonial subjects to adopt a Christian faith of their colonizers. The Spanish and French spread Roman Catholicism throughout Latin America, North America and Quebec.

Colonialism effect

Occurs when a cultural trait spreads continuously outward from its hearth through contact among people. EXAMPLE - Blues music

Contagious diffusion

Two or more separate languages can mix and develop a more formal structure and vocabulary (new combined language)(Standard language). EXAMPLE- Afrikaans is an example of this in south Africa that combines dutch with many other European and African languages.

Creole language

a single cultural artifact that may represent many different values, beliefs, and traditions. EXAMPLE- automobiles

Cultural complex

The boundaries on a region reflect the human imprint on the environment, or the visible reflection of a culture, or the built environment. EXAMPLE - National Park, Signage, schools, office buildings, and highways/roads

Cultural landscape

Broad areas where group share similar but not identical cultural traits. EXAMPLE - When Wilbur Zilensky divided the United States into 12 major cultural regions, people still considered themselves part of a larger American culture that shares a common heritage

Cultural regions

elements both visible and invisible make up the building blocks of culture. EXAMPLE- look at cards 1 and 2

Cultural traits

the area in which a unique culture or a specific trait develops is a cultural hearth. EXAMPLE- New York City in the 1970s was a CH for rap music

Culture hearth

Includes several cultural regions, Cultures within a cultural realm have a few traits that they all share. EXAMPLE - Language families, religious traditions, food preferences, architecture, or shared history

Culture realms

Variation in accent, grammar, usage, and spelling create this. EXAMPLE- "Hello Everyone" is standard "Hi,y'all" and "Hi, yous guys"


The spreading of information, ideas , behaviors, and other aspects of culture over wider areas. EXAMPLE - Cultural exchanges both by migration and by more indirect means.


The spread of culture over a wide area through migration as well as by more indirect means EXAMPLE- The major globalized languages of the world -- English, French, Spanish, and Arabic --spread from their hearths largely because of conquest and colonialism.

Diffusion of Language

Clusters of people of the same culture, but surrounded by people of a culture that is dominant in that region. EXAMPLE - Neighborhoods

Ethnic enclaves

In rural areas , etchnic concentrations forms ethnic islands where they have less interaction with other groups than the groups in cities and they maintain a strong & long lasting sense of cohesion. EXAMPLE- The Pennsylvania Dutch and The Amish are the Germanic ethnic islands of people who fled the religious persecution in the past and continue to exist in the United States.

Ethnic island

In urban settings are often occupied by migrants who settle in charter groups former space. EXAMPLE- Native Americans were the original charter group in the Americas.

Ethnic neighborhood

Believe traditions the empathize strong culture characteristics among their followers. in the most cases, members of an ethnic religion or born or adopted into it. Members have shared historical experiences or struggle that create strong bonds. Ethnic religions rarely recruit new followers actively. Rather, they spread as a result of relocation diffusion. EXAMPLE- Hinduism and Judaism are the world's two most widespread ethic religions.

Ethnic religion

Membership in a group of people who share characteristics such as ancestry, language, customs, history, and common experiences. EXAMPLE- black, white, Hispanics, and so on


The spread of cultural traits through direct or indirect exchange without migration. EXAMPLE - Contagious , Hierarchical, Reverse Hierarchical, and Stimulus diffusion

Expansion diffusion

Openly resist the adoption of popular cultural traits, they do this by preserving traditional languages, religions, values, and foods. The beliefs and practices of small, homogenous groups of people, often living in rural areas that are relatively isolated and slow to change. EXAMPLE - Well-defined gender rules, locally produced foods, diffusion was relatively slow and limited , usually passed on by stories.

Folk culture characteristics

A Region clearly defined by government or experts. EXAMPLE - States

Formal region

Clarifies the importance of the cultural values on the distribution of power in societies. EXAMPLE - Women's rights

Gendered spaces/landscapes

The process of intensified interaction among people , governments, and companies of different countries around the globe. EXAMPLE - increased integration of the world's economy since the 1970s.


Advances in communication, such as printing, television, and the Internet, have had contradictory effects on the distinctive traits of many religious communities.Today, no one is isolated.Exposure to other ideas can erode traditions. EXAMPLE- If an Irish farmer immigrated to the United States in 1850s, he would have been nearly cut off from the community of his birth . Today, an Irish immigrant can keep inn close touch with friends and family thanks to technology.

Globalization effect

The language of South Carolina and Georgia, and places where enslaved Africans once made up about 3/4 of the population EXAMPLE-


The spread of culture outward from the most interconnected places or from centers of wealth and importance EXAMPLE - Cultural traits going from higher class eventually leading to lower class , such as cell phones

Hierarchical diffusion

Temples often have elaborately carved exteriors. Thousands of shrines and temples.the landscape in India. Sacred sites EXAMPLE- such as though Ganges River, provide pilgrims a place to bathe for the purpose.

Hindu landscape

A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms EXAMPLE-


Made up largely of ethnically similar people. EXAMPLE- Iceland, japan, or Slovenia


A large group of languages that might or have descended from a language spoken around 6000 years ago. Nearly half of the worlds population speaks one of the languages of the Indo-European language family. This family includes about 2.8 billion native speakers of between 400 and 500 languages EXAMPLE- Germanic (German , English), Balto-Slavic ( Russian, Polish ), Celtic (Irish,Welsh), Latin & Romance (French , Spanish), Greek, Indo-Iranian (Hindi,Urda)

Indo-European language family

it is an INVISIBLE force that guides people through shared belief systems, customs, and traditions. EXAMPLE- religious beliefs

Invisible (non-material) culture

Is the religion followed by Muslim. Muslims believe that Allah (the Arabic word for god) revealed his teachings to human through a Series of prophets. Muslims believe that allah communicated his teachings to Mohammed, who shared them with people in the book of holy writing known as the koran EXAMPLE-


In places where Islam is widely practiced, the mosque is the most prominent structure on the landscape and is usually located in the center of town. Mosques have domes surrounded by a few minarets (Arabic for beacon) from which daily prayer is called. EXAMPLE- Mosques

Islamic landscape

The boundaries between variations in pronunciation or word usages EXAMPLE- Isoglosses can also show that a particular set of linguistic features appears to be spreading from one location, a focal area, into neighboring locations. In the 1930s and 1940s Boston and Charleston were the two focal areas for the temporary spread of r-lessness in the eastern United States.


Among the first monotheistic Faiths. Jews believe that the writing known as the torah stress is divine will. EXAMPLE-


The idea that behaviors have consequences in the present life or a future life, and in dharma, which means the righteous path. EXAMPLE-


Currently there are approximately 7000 languages that people speak around the world; but by the end of the century, about half of those languages will be gone. EXAMPLE- The Navajo Native language was lost

Loss of language

Though the second most commonly spoken language in the world some language is never diffuse widely, Mandarin Chinese did not EXAMPLE-

Mandarin Chinese

Without for a simulation for the coexistence of several cultures in one society with the ideal of all cultures being valued and worthy of study EXAMPLE- Multiple cultural schools


Based upon group culture traits EXAMPLE- Russian Jews make up a different ethnicity than Russians in general.


The conflict between two cultures, this attitude may form among the culture majority, sometimes bring violence or government actions against an immigrant or minority group EXAMPLE- Nazis


Language designated by the law to be the language of government. NOTES/EXAMPLE- Quebec speaks french in Canada but thats only 15% of Canadas official languages the rest of Canada speaks 84% English and 1% speak the Nunavut language (they might add Punjabi to the official languages which takes up 5%)

Official language

A region based on how people think about particular places, the boundaries are often blurred. EXAMPLE - Zilensky's 12 Regions

Perceptual regions

How many specific places in natural features have religious significance. Some sides are sacred places where deities dwell... Other sites are not sacred but are important for what occurred at them.... EXAMPLE- Mt. Sinai is honored by Jews, Christians , and Muslims because they believe it is where God handed the Ten Commandments to Moses. Some entire cities, such as Jerusalem, Mecca, and Lhasa, have special religious meanings.

Physical landscape

A simplified mixture of two languages that have fewer Grammar rules and a smaller vocabulary, But is not native to either of the 2 speakers. EXAMPLE- in Papua New Guinea, combines English and Papuan language

Pidgin language

Oh religious journey taken by a person to a sacred place of his or her religion. EXAMPLE- Hindus journey to Ganges River, Muslims travel to Mecca (hajj), many Muslims, Jews, and Christians visits Jerusalem's many holy sites.


believing in many gods EXAMPLE-


Elements of PC often begin in urban areas and diffuse quickly through the media , particularly the internet, they quickly be adopted globally. EXAMPLE - European soccer, Indian Bollywood movies, and Japanese animation ( Anime), clothes, music, and food.

Popular culture characteristics

Multinational corporations, scientists/other scholars, the internet, Television shows and movies.....all mainly use English as the lingua franca. EXAMPLE-

Reasons English is Lingua franca

Since religious traditions pre-date current government's, they are often the source for mini present day laws and punishments by the government. Some religions have strict systems of laws that have been adopted fully buy some governments. EXAMPLE- in Syria or in Islamic law, which is based entirely on the teaching of Islam and has been adopted by some fundamentalist religious groups, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, as the law of the land were no highly industrialized countries have fully adopted religious laws, their legal codes often show clear influence of religion

Religion and laws/customs

The spread of culture outward from lower class to higher class. EXAMPLE - Cultural traits going from lower class eventually leading to higher class , such as tattoos.

Reverse hierarchical diffusion

Most of these later vanished, but Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and Romansch survived and grew. The historical connection among these languages is evident in their similar words EXAMPLE- Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and Romansch

Romance Languages

Shared cultural traits bring homogeneity to a culture which gives people a feeling of belonging/sense of ownership. EXAMPLE - Folk Cultures

Sense of place

Ethnic groups move in and out of neighborhoods and create new cultural imprints on the landscape in this process EXAMPLE- In Chicago the Pilsen neighborhood is heavily Hispanic today but its name recalls its history as a home for German and Czech Immigrants.

Sequent occupance

It is the Islamic legal framework for a country. One way to measure fundamentalism in Islam is by the role of Sharia. EXAMPLE- Sharia is the strongest in countries of Arabian Peninsula such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen.


Whose cultural hearth is Japan, emphasizes honoring one ancestors and the relationship between people and nature. EXAMPLE- One common landscape feature of Shinto shrines is an impressive gateway, or Torii, to mark the transition from the outside world to a sacred space.

Shinto landscape

In some places create a cultural landscape as they reflect the People's linguistic heritage and tie them to the place. EXAMPLE- road signs and directional signs in both languages or the places languages


Informal usage by a segment of the population. EXAMPLE- brunch was slag before it became standard


As a result of the industrial revolution , improvements in transportation and communication have shortened the time required for movement, trade, other forms of interactions between two places. EXAMPLE - Delivery of information or products speed has been drastically improved over the last 200 years.

Space -time compression

Spanish comes in various scales....country, state, and lower level EXAMPLE- C-united states will be the second largest in the world based off of how many Spanish peaks there are, S- highest percentage of Spanish speaking states are located along mexico, L- residents speak Spanish as a first of second language such as in Chicago.

Spanish at various scales

Occurs when people in a culture adopt an underlying idea or process from another culture, but modify it because they reject one trait of it EXAMPLE - Hindus in India adopt the practice of eating fast food, but rejected eating beef since it would violate their Hindu beliefs.

Stimulus diffusion

Fundamentalism is stronger where it is closest to the hearth of the religion. The strength of fundamentalism often diminishes with greater distance from the religious heart. EXAMPLE- The hearth of Islam is the Arabian Peninsula, and that is where fundamentalism has long been strongest.

Strength of fundamentalism

Trade between a Rab speaking merchants in bantu speaking residence resulted in the development of this language. Is still spoken by some groups in Africa and is an official language of for African nations: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. EXAMPLE-


Behaviors heavily discouraged by a culture. EXAMPLE - Many cultures have taboos against eating certain foods, such as pork, beef or insects


Countries whose governments are run by religious leaders through the use of religious laws EXAMPLE- Iran


The distribution of ethnic and religious groups in the United States reflects historical patterns. EXAMPLE- Baptists and Methodists are most common in the Southwest, where these denominations were spread by traveling preachers in the 1800s.

U.S. religion patterns

actively seeks converts to its faith regardless of their ethnic backgrounds. Universalizing religions have spread far from the original hearths because existing members. EXAMPLE- Christianity and Islam are the world's two largest universalizing religions.

Universal religion

it is a VISIBLE force seen in a groups actions, possessions, and influence on the landscape. EXAMPLE- in any city you can see where people live, work, and get together

Visible (material) culture

are generation passes its culture to the next in many ways. EXAMPLE- by imitation, by informal instruction, and/or by formal instruction

Ways to learn culture

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