Hip joint

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Question 9 : The hip enjoys the following movements Fexion/ Extension Adbuction/ Adduction Lateral rotation/ Medial rotation Circumduction All of the above

All of the above

The femoral pulse can be palpated -In the popliteal fossa -In the inguinal ligament -At the midpoint between the ASIS and the sympysis pubis -At the midpoint between the AIIS and the ishceal tuberosity -At the mid point between the greater trochanter and the ischeal tuberosity

At the midpoint between the ASIS and the sympysis pubis

A complication associated with fracture of the neck of the femur is Vascular necrosis Vascular atrohpy Avascular atrophy Avascular necrosis Coxa necrotica

Avascular necrosis

The hip joint is classified as a Uniaxial hinge joint syndesmosis Ball and socket Saddle Ellipsoid

Ball and socket

Question 16 : The hamstrings are classified as Rectus femoris and semimembranosus and semitendinosus Biceps brachii and semimembranosus and semitendinosus Biceps femoris and semimembranosus and semitendinosus Rectus femoris and Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis Biceps brachii and Vastus lateralis and vastus medialis

Biceps femoris and semimembranosus and semitendinosus

The iliopsoas constitutes which 2 muscles? Psoas major and psoas minor Psoas major and TFL Psoas minor and iliofemoris Psoas major and iliacus Psoas minor and iliacus

psoas major and iliacus

Which muscles insert onto the lesser trochanter? Rectus abdominis Hip adductors Gluteus medius and minimus Sartorius Psoas major and Iliacus

psoas major and iliacus

The altered gait pattern associated with poor function of the hip abductors is known as Trendelengait Trendelenberg Trendelenism Trendropism Hip drop


The incidence of osteo arthritis is increased if there is a history of Intra-articular fracture Perthes Congenital dislocation Muscle imbalance All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following muscles does the femoral nerve supply Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius All of the above

All of the above

Question 5 : The fovea is A small pit in the head of the femur A small pit in the acetabulum The name of one of the hip ligaments Where the acetabular labrum attaches Where the transverse ligament attaches

A small pit in the head of the femur

Piriformis is considered to Adbuct the extended thigh Adduct the extended thigh Medially rotate the thigh Adduct the flexed thigh Abduct the flexed thigh

Abduct the flexed thigh

The ligamentum teres (also known as ligament of the head) predominantly resists Abduction Flexion Adduction Medial rotation Extension


Which muscles rotate the hip laterally? Gemelli (Gemellus superior and inferior) Piriformis Gluteus minimus Quadratus femoris Gemelli (Gemellus superior and inferior) Piriformis

Gemelli (Gemellus superior and inferior) quadratus femoris Gemelli (Gemellus superior and inferior) Piriformis

The piriformis muscle Flexes the hip when the hip is in neutral Laterally rotates an extended hip and abducts a flexed hip extends the hip in all positions is a hip adductor medially rotates the hip in extension

Laterally rotates an extended hip and abducts a flexed hip

Perthes is also known as Osteochondritis of the hip Osteosarcoma of the hip Osteoblast of the hip Osteoarthritis of the hip Osgood Schlaters disease

Osteochondritis of the hip (osteonecrosis)

The two muscles which attach into the iliotibial band (ITB) are Gluteus medius and Tensor fascia latae (TFL) Gluteus maximus and piriformis Gluteaus minimus and Vastus lateralis TFL and Vastus lateralis TFL and Gluteus maximus

TFL and Gluteus maximus

Question 6 : The head of the femur is directed Downwards, medially, and slightly posteriorly Upwards, laterally, and slightly anteriorly Upwards, medially, and slightly anteriorly Upwards, laterally, and slightly posteriorly Upwards, medially, and slightly posteriorly

Upwards, medially, and slightly anteriorly

Question 11 : The deep circular fibers of the capsule of the hip joint, which form a ring around the neck of the femur are known as Pubofemoral ligament Zona orbicularis Synovial membrane Acetabular labrum Fovia

Zona orbicularis

Which of the adductor family insert into the adductor tubercle on the femur adductor magnus adductor longus adductor brevis pectineus All of the above

adductor magnus

Question 17 : The hip joint is a very stable joint due to... Strong ligaments and a strong joint capsule Strong muscles A deep insertion of the head of femur within the acetabulum the acetabulum being deepened by a labrum All of the above

all of the above

Question 18 : What type of joint is the hip joint? Plane joint Hinge joint Ball and socket joint fused joint unstable joint

ball and socket

Where does gluteus maximus insert? Gluteal notch Gluteal prominence Gluteal fold Gluteal trochanter Gluteal tuberosity

gluteal tuberosity

The 3 main ligaments supporting the hip tension in which joint position? hip flexion hip extension hip abduction hip adduction hip circumduction

hip extension

Tha acetabulum is formed from part of the ischeum pubis femur iliem ischeum, pubis, ilium

ischeum, pubis, ilium

Question 20 : Which ligaments stabilise the hip joint? Ischiofemoral ligament Sacrotuberous ligament Pubofemoral ligament Ischiofemoral ligament Sacrofemoral ligament

ischiofemoral ligament Pubofemoral ligament

Sartorius... -runs from the AIIS to the tibial tuberosity -runs from the AIIS to the tibial linea aspera -runs from the ASIS to Gerdy's tubercle -runs from the ASIS to the anterior surface of the tibia inferolateral to the tibial tuberosity -runs from the ASIS to the tibial tuberosity

runs from the ASIS to the anterior surface of the tibia inferolateral to the tibial tuberosity

Which of the following nerves lies between the greater trochanter and the ischeal tuberosity, can pass throught the belly of piriformis in some individuals and is often palpable here Sciatic Tibial Common peroneal Obturator Femoral


Which nerve supplies both gluteus medius and minimus? Pudendal nerve Gluteal nerve Sciatic nerve Inferior glutreal nerve Superior gluteal nerve

superior gluteal nerve

Question 13 : The ilio femoral ligament is also known as the The A shaped ligament The C shaped ligament The X shaped ligament The Y shaped ligament The Z shaped ligament

the Y shaped ligament

Question 8 : The broad crest like formation which forms the posterior aspect of the femur is known as The popliteal suface The intertrochanteric crest The spiral line The supracondylar line The linea aspera

the linea aspera

Question 12 : which of the following ligaments does not contribute to stabilty around the hip joint The pubo-femoral The Iliofemoral The Ischiofemoral The Medial collateral The Transverse ligament

the medial collateral

Question 19 : Looking at the femur from the front (AP direction), rank the following landmarks from most lateral to most medial. fovea capitis lesser trochanter greater trochanter

1 greater trochanter 2 lesser trochanter fovea capitis

In which age range does Perthes disease usually present 0-4 4-10 8-14 14-20 Any age


Question 7 : The quadrate tubercle is A small rounded elevation on the anterior aspect of the femur A large tubercle on the lateral aspcet of the femur A low rounded elevation on the intertrochanteric crest A low rounded elevation on the greater trochanter A small elevation on the linea aspera

A low rounded elevation on the intertrochanteric crest

Which of the following muscles adduct the hip? Adductor magnus, longus and brevis Pectineus Sartorius Gluteus medius Gracilis

Adductor magnus, longus and brevis Pectineus (adductship and flexes hip) gracillis (adducts hip and flexes knee)

Question 2 : The acetabular cavity is spherical Hemi-spherical non-spherical ovoid flat


The obturator nerve is formed from which of the following lumbar ventral rami L1. L2. L3 L2. L3. L4 L3. L4. L5 L4. L5. S1 All of the above

L2. L3. L4

Where does the sciatic nerve pass in relation to the hip joint? Anterior to the hip joint Posterior to the hip joint Medial to the hip joint Passes within the hip joint lateral to the hip joint

Posterior to the hip joint (As a result posterior dislocation of the hip may stretch and damage the sciatic nerve.)

The lesser trochanter provides a surface for the attachment of Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Psoas minor Psoas major Iliacus

Psoas major

Question 10 : The main muscles which contribute to hip flexion are Gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus Rectus femoris and vastus medialis and vastus lateralis Gastrocnemius Psoas major and iliacus All of the above

Psoas major and iliacus

Question 14 : The Rectus femoris takes its origin from The PSIS The ASIS The AIIS The APIS The ASAS


Question 3 : The floor of the acetabular cavity is known as The acetabular notch The acetabular fossa The acetabular tubercle The lunate surface The acetabular spine

The acetabular fossa

Question 4 : The gap inferiorly where projections from the acetabulum are missing is known as The acetabular notch The acetabular fossa The acetabular tubercle The lunate surface The acetabular spine

The acetabular notch

Question 22 : True or false? The femoral head articualtes with the acetabular fossa The femoral head articulates with the lunate surface of the acetabulum

The femoral head articulates with the lunate surface of the acetabulum

The dorsal branch of the ventral rami of L2, L3, L4 converge together to form The sciatic nerve The saphenous nerve The femoral nerve The tibial nerve The sural nerve

The femoral nerve

Question 23 : The hip joint is formed by which two bones? The ischium and the ileum The ileum and the pubis The ileum and the head of femur The head of femur and acetabular fossa of the innominate bone The head of femur and acetabumum of the innominate bone

The head of femur and acetabumum of the innominate bone

Which muscle group may be weak If a patient presents with a trendelenberg gait pattern? The hip flexors The hip abductors The hip adductors The hip external rotators The hip extensors

The hip adductors

In testing for the trendelenberg sign the patient is asked to stand on one leg, if the test is positive what will be noticeable? The hip of the supporting leg will drop The hip of the unsupported leg will drop The hip of the unsupported leg will raise The hip of the supported leg will raise Both the supported and unsupported hips will drop

The hip of the unsupported leg will drop

Question 21 : Which of the following statements are true? The ischiofemoral ligament is at the posterior aspect of the hip joint and provides support for the posterior aspect of the hip joint. Ths ischiofemoral ligament provides anterior stability for the hip. The iliofemoral ligament is anterior to the hip joint and is Y-shaped. The iliofemoral ligament is posterior to the hip joint and is Y-shaped. The pubofemoral ligament is posterosuperior to the hip joint

The ischiofemoral ligament is at the posterior aspect of the hip joint and provides support for the posterior aspect of the hip joint. The iliofemoral ligament is anterior to the hip joint and is Y-shaped.

True or false? The neck of the femur is extracapsular The neck of the femur is intracapsular

The neck of the femur is intracapsular

Abduction is limited by tension in The pubofemoral ligament and the lateral band of the iliofemoral ligament The pubofemoral ligament and the medial band of the iliofemoral ligament The pubofemoral ligament and the Isciofemoral ligament The medial band of the Iliofemoral ligament and the trasnsverse ligament The lateral band of the Iliofemoral ligament and the transverse ligament

The pubofemoral ligament and the medial band of the iliofemoral ligament

What is the acetabular fossa? The smooth aspect of the acetabulum with which the femoral head articulates. The smooth aspect of the joint which provides the lubrication for the hip joint. The rough region within the hip joint which is in contact with the femoral head The roughened non-articular aspect of the acetabulum The smooth indentation on the femoral head which allows for insertion of the ligament of the head of femur

The roughened non-articular aspect of the acetabulum

Which of the following nerves are branches of the sciatic nerve The tibial and pudental The common peroneal and pudental The pudental and saphenous The tibial and common peroneal The common peroneal and obturator

The tibial and common peroneal

Question 15 : What shape would best describe the articular surface of the hip joint clover leaf doughnut horseshoe trefoil fan


Which nerve supplies gluteus maximus? Pudendal nerve Gluteal nerve Sciatic nerve Inferior gluteal nerve Superior gluteal nerve

inferior gluteal nerve

TFL Is supplied by the inferior gluteal nerve Is supplied by the Sciatic nerve Is supplied by the superior gluteal nerve Originates from the anterior portion of the outer lip of the iliac crest and ASIS Originates from the posterior portion of the outer lip of the iliac crest and the PSIS

is supplied by the gluteal nerve originates from the anterior portion of the outer lip of the iliac crest and ASIS

Which of the following make up the acetabular fossa? Ischium Femoral head Ilium fovea Pubis

ischium ilium pubis

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