HIS CH. 14

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The idea of manifest destiny claimed that:

American expansion westward across the continent was sanctioned by God

What was the basis of President James Polk's concerns about General Zachary Taylor?

Polk worried that Taylor harbored political aspirations.

Why was John Charles Frémont so influential in encouraging the mass migration of Americans to Oregon and California?

Reports of his western explorations gained wide circulation and became very popular.

How did the Mexican-American War ultimately deepen sectional divisions in the United States?

The new territories acquired fueled a violent debate over the extension of slavery into them.

President Tyler infuriated Henry Clay by vetoing his bill in support of:

a new national bank

When Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, Texas was:

a part of Mexico

As president, Polk supported all of the following EXCEPT:

internal improvements

The Creole incident:

involved the British freeing American slaves after they mutinied and escaped

As president, James Polk's top priority was to

secure geographic expansion of the U.S., especially through the acquisition of Texas, California, and New Mexico

With the onset of the California gold rush in 1849, many Plains Indians, led by the Cheyenne:

supplied buffalo meat and skins to the white pioneers

During the 1844 campaign, Henry Clay changed his position on the annexation of Texas to one of:

support so long as it proceeded honorably and without war

The Mexican ban on American immigration to Texas:

was ineffective

In the election of 1844:

Liberty party votes in New York cost Clay the White House

As president, William Henry Harrison:

died after only a month in office

What effect did Mexico's winning its independence from Spain have on American settlement in the Southwest?

American settlement and expansion into the former Spanish territories increased after Mexico gained independence.

Which of the following statements about the Mexican War is NOT true?

In terms of the percentage of combatants killed, it had the lowest death rate of any war in American history.

Which leader is described as a president without a party?

John Tyler

The decisive victory in the war came with Winfield Scott's capture of:

Mexico City

The majority of Spanish-speaking people in the Southwest lived in:

New Mexico

Who coined the term "manifest destiny"?

Newspaper editor John O'Sullivan

All of the following resulted from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo EXCEPT:

U.S. troops continued to occupy Mexico

Polk settled the Oregon boundary dispute with the British by:

agreeing to a border along the 49th parallel

Congress voted to annex the Republic of Texas:

between Polk's election and his inauguration

John Tyler broke with the Democrats and joined with the Whigs because he:

disagreed with Andrew Jackson's position on nullification

Most of the American settlers in Texas went there because of:

cheap cotton lands

Future president James Buchanan, head of the Pennsylvania Democrats, declared that Martin Van Buren's stance against annexing Texas would:

cost him his party's nomination

By the late 1820s, American ships had begun to arrive in California seeking especially to acquire:

cow hides and tallow

The Republic of Texas

developed trade relations with Britain and France

What was a main reason the Mexican government attempted to curtail American settlement of Texas?

opposition to slavery the settlers brought to Texas

The Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 did all of the following EXCEPT:

place the Oregon territory under sole U.S. control

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