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How did new forms of transportation affect economic and social life in the early Republic?

(1818) the National Road was created from Maryland to far West Virginia, this made it so that trade was no longer seasonal, they can still transport goods when rivers were frozen. Westward expansion could not exist without this revolution in transportation. Steamboats are created and allow trade to move both ways on a river and makes distribution faster. Canals are built to transport goods to new places. The Erie Canal was created and connected NYC to the great lakes. The entire west was can now access and receive goods in new ways. Railroads are also being built and creating more access.

What was "competence"? How was it different for urban artisans and farmers?

"Competence" is the idea of passing on to your children the same quality of life. For farmers this meant passing on acreage. For artisans it meant getting an apprenticeship for sons to guarantee similar quality of life, although maybe not in the same trade. But for Urban Artisans it was expensive to acquire your own tools, which was a necessary step in becoming successful at your trade. An apprentice was usually a boy around 7 or 8 who lived with their "boss" and learned skilled trade. They would acquire the skill of the trade at then end of their apprenticeship but no tools, and would then continue on to work in their trade as a journeyman. Journeymen are now able to work for pay but have no shop or tools.

What were the key features of the "First Party System"?

"Republicanism" emphasizes individual rights as opposed to aristocracies. Everyone is equal before the law. Disinterestedness- set aside personal interest/opinion for the collective, greater good. Jeffersonians vs Federalists******

What was Alabama Fever and why was it significant?

(1817) Alabama Fever refers to the skyrocketing price of land in Alabama during the cotton boom. Land in this area was previously less sought after, which reflects the shift that was taking place to the deep south.***

What was the Missouri Compromise and why was it necessary?

(1820) Senator Jesse Thomas proposed a compromise with three parts. Missouri would be authorized to draft a constitution without the introduction of further slaves being prohibited, as previously suggested. Maine, which prohibited slavery, would be admitted to the Union to maintain the sectional balance between free and slave states. And slavery would be prohibited in all remaining territory within the Louisiana Purchase North of Missouri's southern boundary. Done to keep balance between slave states and free states.

What were the key features of the "Second Party System"?

(1828-1850s) Big change. Voter participation skyrockets. By 1828 most states remove property requirements for voter participation. Made up of Whigs and Democrats. Whigs were lawyers ect the directly benefited from market****

What was the Wilmot Proviso? Who supported it and why was it significant?

(1846) The acquisition of new land after the Louisiana Purchase reopened the question of slavery's expansion. The divisive potential of this issue became clear with the proposal to band slavery in any state gained/acquired in the Mexicans American war, known as the Wilmot Provisio. Party lines crumbled as every northerner, Democrat and Whig alike supported it, while nearly all southerners opposed it. It passed in the House, but failed in the senate, where there was an even balance of free and slave states. Split the country.

What did John Tyler accomplish on March 1, 1845? How?

John Tyler attempted to annex Texas in the hope of rescuing his failed administration and securing southern support for renomination in 1844. After his plans were leaked, letters were issued rejecting immediate annexation on the grounds that it might provoke war with Mexico. Tyler was not re-elected for presidency and on his way out of office tries one final time to annex Texas through joint resolution, rather than a treaty. A majority vote 3 days before Tyler left office led to the annexation of Texas.

Describe the ideal Victorian male and female. What was expected of them and why?

Christian Gentleman- self-made man, hardworking, attains mastery of own desires. Able to overcome/control sexual urges. Risen above circumstance True Woman- put up on a different kind of moral pedestal. Relied upon toe make home the centerpiece of family life whose values defeat emphasis found in marketplace. Home- Heaven in a heartless world. provide sanctuary and support for husband

How did the founders perceive political parties? Why?

Founders did not want/predict/see a need political parties. Believe in virtuous disinterested leader who but the needs of the masses about his own. Parties=factions which protect interests of certain groups at the cost of others.

Explain the key provisions of the Compromise of 1850. What did it accomplish?

Four main provisions: California would enter the Union as a free state. The slave trade, but not slavery itself, would be abolished in the nation's capital. A stringent new law would allow southerners to reclaim runaway slaves. And the status of slavery in the remaining territories acquired from Mexico would be left to the decision of the local white inhabitants, as well and Utah and New Mexico territory.

How was "free labor" used to critique the American South?

Free labor- an individual is free to sell his or her labor in the marketplace for a fair price. Aristocracy undermines the idea of self-control, the north believed the north lacked serious self-control which is shown by their laziness as well as the fact that they can justify systematically raping enslaved female slaves. ***

What was "Radical Reconstruction"?

Made politicians who want equality of all men in charge. a. Southern states become territories (not part of Union) b. South divided into 5 military districts with armies sent to protect African Americans c. 14th amendment required to re-enter the Union*** d. Enforce the right of African Americans to vote

Explain how religious life in America changed between 1776 and 1830. What factors help to explain this transformation?

Popular religion takes over from 1775 to 1863. Adherence-regular participation in some sort of religious service doubles (different from religious members) the number of denominations doubles. Methodists and Baptists have huge surges in participation. Religious freedom takes place; state churches decline; religious toleration is now the norm. All based on American values "it's American to let people do their thing." If you can attract followers you can build a church. A large factor that led to this change was the revolution and the downfall of hierarchal systems, as a natural consequence of the Revolution people start fighting for equality in all areas. A new kind of preacher also begins to appear with the idea that it is American to trust ordinary people over the educated elites that used to run the church. Many preachers had other jobs during the week, like everyone else.

Why was the 1876 presidential election so significant?

Rutherford B. Hayes (Republican) vs. Samuel Tilden (Deomcrat) reaches a deadlock. Hayes eventually takes southern votes by promising to bring southerner to senate and let south govern self by removing military protection. This eventually leads to the development of a Jim Crowe south, with strict segregation.

What was Paternalism and why was it important to the culture of the Old South?

Slaveholding Gentlemen took personal responsibility for the physical and moral well-being of their dependents—women, children, and slaves. After the closing of the slave trade in 1808, this became more ingrained and narrowed the cultural gap between master and slave and gave owners an economic interest in the survival of their human property. Southern slaveholders lived on their plantations and thus had year-round contact with their slaves.

Discuss the economic justification with which many Americans opposed slavery's expansion into the western territories.

Slaves take jobs from free working people. Slavery creates unfair competition, with the advantage given to slave owners. benefits the few.

What was meant by "wage slavery" in the antebellum years?

Southerners used this term to rebut Northerners claims against slavery saying that Northerners still have slavery because they are all slaves to their jobs, creating a system of "wage slavery." They claimed that the southern way was in fact "morally superior" and that slaves are just as free as northern white men, once their work is done. Depicts the north as a cannibalistic society based around greed, selfishness, and materialism.***

Who was Sam Patch? Why was he significant?

America's first daredevil. Worked at a mill in Pawtucket Rhode Island but was known for jumping off of high heights such as at Niagara Falls. In 1829 he jumped Genese falls and Died in the process. 18,000 fans were watching at the time. He became a hero to the working class because he becomes a symbol for taking on the natural world with out using and machinery or any other central elements of the rising Market Economy.

Describe Shays Rebellion. What did it suggest about the Articles of confederation?

1786-87 debt-ridden farmers led by Daniel Shays closed the courts in western Massachusetts to prevent seizure of their land for failure to pay debts and state taxes. Mass. had firmly resisted pressure to issue paper money or in other ways assist needy debtors. Participants of the rebellion believed they were acting in the spirit of the revolution. They received no sympathy from Governor James Bowdoin, who dispatched an army. During the rebellion, a militia open fires and kills 5. All were acquitted accept Shays and his main co-conspirator. But the uprising was the culmination of a series of events of the 1780's that persuaded an influential group of Americans that the national government must be strengthened so that it could develop uniform economic policies and protect property owner's from infringements on their rights by local majorities. Shays's Rebellion greatly strengthened the nationalists' cause, and underscored the need for a new constitution.

How did Arminian theology, perfectionism, and postmillennialism influence antebellum reform?

Arminian- God gives people the right to decide whether or not they go to hell (Americans choose, they are not told what they can/can't do) which leads to enhanced role of individual in society. Led to enhanced role of individualism in society. Perfectionism-John Wesley- Individuals can become perfectly free from sin. Prominent among Methodists. If individuals can be made perfect, why not society as a whole. Postmillennialism- Millennium=second coming, grows out of expression of 100 years of peace, prosperity, happiness. Assumption is also that here, things in this world are only going to get better to usher in the end of the world.

What caused the Whiskey Rebellion? What was the rebellion's larger significance?

Backcountry Pennsylvania farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on distilled spirits reinforced the claims that democracy and freedom is dangerous in the hands of ordinary citizens. This taxation mirrored the idea of no taxation without representation, which was a slogan spread by the colonies before the Revolutionary War. Rebels claimed that it went against liberty and the privileges the revolution bestowed upon them. The Whiskey Rebellion broadened and depend the democratization of public life set in motion by the American Revolution.

Why were Victorian women so involved in antebellum reform?

Bring virtuous home values to society at large. ******The public sphere was open to women in way government and party politics were not. Long before they could vote, women circulated petitions, attended meetings, marched in parades, and delivered public lectures. Participation in early abolitionism inspired the early movement for women's rights. ??????

What were the key features of African-American culture in the Old South?

Centered on the family and the church, which enabled them to survive the experience of bondage without surrendering their self-esteem and to pass from generation to generation a set of ideas and values fundamentally at odds with those of their masters. Drew on African heritage. Influences were evident in the slaves' music and dances, style of religious worship, and the use of herbs by slave healers to combat disease. The even ration of male to females, due to population growth from natural increase not importation, made the creation of families more possible. Slave men and women experienced, in a sense, the equality of powerlessness. However, when slaves worked "on their own time" more conventional gender roles prevailed. Even though the law prohibited slaves from gathering without a white person present, every plantation seemed to have it's own black preacher, Moses and the Israelites were a big theme (freeing slaves). Obviously they all shared a desire for freedom.

Explain the standard course of events in a duel. Who practiced dueling?

Dueling was an important part of culture and provides a way to avoid dispute in authenticity among elite men. It began with a conflict, such as an insult to a man's honor or integrity. From there both parties would exchange letters stating their sides and opinions, which is where things would usually end. If the duel does continue then an intervention is held where a neutral or mutual friend sits down with them to resolve the issue. It this doesn't work then they men will duel the goal of this being to defend their honor, not to kill opponent→ symbolism that they are willing to die, or take a bullet, to defend their honor.

Explain the Indian Removal Act and it's consequences.

During the 1820s, Missouri forced its Indian population to leave the state. 1830, IRAct provided funds for uprooting the so-called Five Civilized Tribes—Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole—With a population of around 60,000 living in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. In good American fashion, Cherokee leaders went to court to protect theirs rights, guaranteed in treaties with the federal government. Their appeals forced the Supreme court to clarify the unique status of American Indians. With legal appeals exhausted some tribes adopted a policy of passive resistance. Federal soldiers forcibly removed them during the presidency of Jackson's successor, Martin Van Buren. The army herded 18,000 men, women, and children into stockades and then forced them to move west. At least one-quarter perished during the winter of 1838-39 it what became known as the "Trail of Tears"

What were the key features of Victorian culture?

Egalitarian, competitive, individualistic. Emphasizes individualism←building blocks of society, individual is considered a free agency, morally and economically. Individual is free to sell his/her labor in the market place for a fair price=free labor. Emphasized self-control, to succeed one must have control of body, use of time, can control own destiny. Eternal factors had no control over a person's life. All of these factors create a "self-made man" ideal, which was, in part, a rejection of older hierarchal structures, meaning that you don't need rich parents because you are able to independently make yourself successful. Market ideals contradict this lifestyle. Gender roles become a solution to this problem.

Explain and analyze the Quaker Petition and the Debates that arose from it. How were these debates resolved?

Feb 11, 1790. Calls to put immediate end to Atlantic Slave Trade. Southern Congressmen immediately call for dismissal of the idea, which leads to the debates. Feb 12, Pennsylvania Abolition society creates a second petition, which calls for immediate end to all slavery and that everyone should be set free. Language in this petition is very clear that claims of constitution conflict with ideas of slavery. The Debate was centered around: Bible, Framers of Constitution, Delegates from middle states wanted to prohibit slavery expansion in to new western territory. Sothern delegates wanted new legislation to protect their property->Slavery as an institution. Southerners claim that Union received Southern states knowing who they were and accepting slavery, slavery was too big to remove and too expensive to remove.

Describe the "culture of honor" in the Old South.

Men were expected to defend, with violence if necessary, their own reputation and that of their families. Emphasized public conscience, if people don't publically recognize your achievements for something then they are irrelevant. Reputation is directly connected to ones identity and virtue. Integrity is based around having a clean reputation. Physical strength and inner merit are very important. Small stature of physical defect carried deep shame for a family.

Defend Ulysses S. Grant's conclusion that, "the Southern Rebellion was largely the outgrowth of the Mexican War."

Mexican war increase land by 1/3 which led to conflict over whether it free/slave. After Texan Independence, the Texas Congress called for Union with the United States. But fearing the political disputes certain to result from an attempt to add another slave states to the Union it did not happen right away. California—compromise of 1850—statehood—popular sovereignty.

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What were its consequences?

Opened a vast area in the nation's heartland to the possible spread of slavery by repealing the Missouri Compromise and providing that settlers would determine the status of slavery in there territories. In the wake of the bill's passage, American politics underwent profound reorganization. During the next two years, the Whig Party collapsed. The south become solidly Democratic and most northern Whigs, joined a new organization free-soil party and create the Republican Party, dedicated to preventing the further expansion of slavery.*****

How and why did Texas acquire independence from Mexico?

The first part of Mexico to be settled by significant numbers of Americans was Texas. In order to develop the region, the Mexican government accepted an offer to colonize it with Americans. Because of this, the number of American origin began to exceed that of the Tejanos. Alarmed by its weakening grip on the area, Mexican government annulled existing land contracts and barred future emigration from the U.S, which led American settlers to join with Tejano elite and form alliances. Mexico tried to abolish slavery so as to stop the desire to settle, but local authorities continued to allowed American settlers to bring slaves with them. Mexico's ruler formed an army to impose central authority, which sparked a chaotic revolt. In 1836 the Mexican army stormed the Alamo killing 187 American and Tejano Defenders. [Remember the Alamo= rallying cry] Later that year the battle of San Jacinto forced Mexico's ruler to recognize Texan Independence. Texas

Explain the outwork system. How did it affect journeymen?

This was a slow transformation in which merchants began buying/importing raw materials and distributing them to farm families. The merchants learn that they can compete with tailors and shoemakers and begin to offer a competing alternative to artisan production. The quality of the product went down with this shift, but so did the cost. This led to negative consequences for the journeymen because of a significant decrease in demand. Rural men and women then earned money by taking in jobs from factories. Things like shoe production were fully mechanized, and then stitched together in nearby homes and returned to the factory for finishing. Eventually, however, the entire process was brought under a single factory roof.

Why were so many slaves sold from the Upper South to the Deep South in the early nineteenth century?

To replace the slave trade from Africa a massive trade in slaves developed within the United States. Over 2 million slaves were sold between 11820 and 1860, a majority to local buyers but hundreds of thousands from older states to "importing" states of the lower south. The Cotton Kingdom could not have arisen without the internal slave trade, and the economies of older states like Virginia came increasingly to rely on the sale of slaves. As early as 1803, cotton had become the most important American export, three fourths of the world's cotton supply came from the southern United States.

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