HIST 102 final

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Egyptian insurrection

Brisitsh allied themselves with local Egyptian elities During the war they established martial law Took animals Took labor by force Egypt was ready for revolt by the end of the war They were inspired by Woodrow Wilson Tried to argue for Egyptian independence Denied the right to leave the country Resulted in massive protest British restored order using their amry Decided Egypt was not worth it Declared an independent state Under the rule of King Fu'ad Canal connecting red sea and mediteranian Maintained control of canal Said they would intervene whenever they saw appropriate

Global effect of the great depression

Chile was largely dependednt on exportation of copper to the USA Because of the wallstreet crash many companies stopped by copper from them Japan exported Japanese silk Because of the lack of money this hurt japans market Most government responded by cutting spending o Governments all around the wolrd cut spending which led to massive unemployment This led to the supporting of unorthodox political parties o Communinst in Germany saw a political rise o Nazis saw a larger rise

Growth of protectionism

Governments tried to protect their own industries by setting up tarrifs This reduced market opportunities Especially for countries that relied on exports

USA help rebuild japan

Instituted a democracy Gave tremendous amounts of economic aid Forced military to disband Took away emperor powers Wrote new constitution Guaranteed civil liberties Gave 1 mill a day land reform, political reform, food/economic aid Made economic growth top priority strong government intervention Set investment goals Made cheap loans available Research labs Drastically expanded the public education system Pushed science and engineering "Japan Incorporated"

Amritsar massacre

Massacre of peaceful Indian demonstrters Nonviolent British troop open fire upon the demonstration 400 were killed 1000 wonded Sparked tremendous outrage over India Ghandi denounced any cooperation with British Called them satanic

Japans advantages from USA rebuilding

Not as much of a sense of a class consciousness Companies organized their own labor units Paternalism Feeling of group unity Japan was and is a tremendously ethnic population Only a tiny percent of the pop is not ethnically jap Japan did not and still does not have to worry about military defense • Relied in USA • We have bases over their

Overproduction of agricultural products

Stimulated by the need caused by the war Did not scale back once the war was over Agricultural prices fell Export markets dried up

Marshall plan

A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe.

Montagu Declaration

Agreement by the British Government that India would be ruled with a gradual move to self-government; as a result, have Indians in all branches of India's administration.

Yellow River

Also known as the Huang-He river. The second longest river in China and the sixth longest in the world. The majority of ancient Chinese civilizations originated in the Yellow River Valley.


An agent that proved effective in controlling attacks of malaria, which had previously decimated Europeans in the tropics.

Bad stocks

Banks invested in bad stock and people who invested stock were ruined because of the great depression.

Chinese corrupt government.

Based men on merit Test of knowledge Civil service exam Schooled in teachings of Confucianism. People started cheating so they stopped the exams. They paid people to take it as them. They got a lot of men who had not studied classical education, didn't commit to Confucianism ideals, and not committed to serving the people. They used these positions of powers to make themselves rich.

Breech Loading Rifle

Better than old mussle loading rifles. They loaded from the back. They were safer and quicker. Quick reloads and fired quicker.

Britain reaches greatest size after WWI

Britain grew as a result of WWI They effectively took over areas controlled by Germany Took over colonies in Africa and divided them up among themselves middle east was dominated by ottoman empire before WWI but british invaded and occupied that territory Present day middle east was created by European powers at the end of WWI

battle of Omdurman in the sudan

British allied with Egyptians. Rebelled against Islamic fundamentalist. They wanted to throw Egyptian and the british out of sudan. British had half the numbers 40 british died and 11000 mahdists died.

Western countries were better than china

British begin to illegally import opium into china This hurt the balance of trade for china. This decreased revenue in china available to the government. A large population became addicted to opium and China prohibited the importation of it. British refused.

Opium war

British war with china because china banned the importation of opium. British defeated Ching forces. The british had a strong navy. This was a turning point for china

Why china lost ability to control europeans

China saw themselves as the center of the world Apex of human civilization. They did not look beyond borders to adopt foreign culture. They were geographically remote from western Europe Government corruption Decline in government revenue due to taking government funds for themselves Population boom Economy could not keep up with population break down of infastructure

Communism and capitalism

Communists committed to overthrowing capitalism worldwide, it advocated the destruction of the middle and upper class via the end of private property in land

Unrestrained financial speculation due to easy credit

Companies issued large unbacked stock shares Many people were borrowing and investing that money into bad stock

Woodrow Wilson's principle of self determination

Created league of nations after WWI Hoped it would lead to peaceful resolution Talked a lot about self determination and stressed how important it was that people should govern themselves This was very racist because he was only addressing white europeans He raised hope but it was shattered and this caused rebellion

Political factors for European imperialism

Creation of Germany in central Europe was a new rival to the British and the French. They believed the only way to become more powerful was to conquer foreign land. They believed getting these colonies helped them prosper because they could get raw materials to fuel national industrial economy. Many raw materials came from tropical and sub-tropical climates. Captive markets

Wilhelm II

Emperor of Germany Image of newspaper Showed how Europeans viewed themselves and how they felt about the people they conquered in Asia and Africa Germany thought they were superior and god-like

Ideological Factors for European imperialism

European Hubris- Pride, excessive pride and self confidence. Felt they were the best and deserved to rule the rest. This thought motivated them for conquest. Felt because they were better they had a duty to educate and uplift the non-Europeans to show them their ways

European civilization mission idea

Europeans were adults and Africans and Asians were childlike. Image of white European leading African children with adult faces furthers this notion. Many Europeans such as the British built schools in colonies to teach indian elites.

Boxer rebellion protocol of 1901

Harsh terms Demands pay for loss of property End Ching dynasty Ching dynasty collapses in 1912

Repeating rifles

Held multiple cartridges. Machine guns. Made war with non-Europeans like hunting. They had field artillery.

European advanced weaponry

Implied industrial techniques to production of weapons. Gunpowder weapons rapidly improved. Non-Europeans could not match. Increased range and accuracy. Increased rate of fire. Produced in large numbers. Breech loading rifle.

Economic factors for European imperialism

Industrial revolution transformed European economies. It was a shift from agricultural labor intensive economies to economies that involved machine manufacturing. Much more division of labor and efficiency. Gave Europeans new powers of productions. Produce more goods with greater speed and precision.

March of Adowa

Italians were outnumbered by Ethiopians. Ethiopians had the same weapons as Italians.

Europeans start fighting Europeans in world war I

Killing other whites in a systematic way Prodcuing in mass, machine guns, grenades, tanks, ships all of the scientific inventions create death so many young men died they call it the lost generation

Rowlatt acts

Laws passed in 1919 that allowed the British government in India to jail anti-British protesters without trial for as long as two years


Literary movement in Africa; attempted to combat racial stereotypes of African culture; celebrated the beauty of black skin and African physique; associated with origins of African nationalist movements.

Boxer Rebellion

Nationalist rebellion aimed at nationalist west. Increased number of westerners into china. Many were afraid they afraid they would be colonized. This resulted in rebellion. They started throwing westerners out of the country. started by secret society's. Terrorist attacks on western missionaries and Christian converts. Empror Cixi said foreigners are aggressive. USA, Japan, France, Britian, Russia and Germany entered and crushed the rebellion

Treaty of Nanjing

Ports were open to British residents. British sent ambassadors into China. Chinese monopoly merchants of kantan were overturned and the british were now able to trade with any Chinese merchant or trader. British got Hong Kong. This treaty opened flood gates to European powers.

Gustaf Janson

Published pride of war Tells the history of revent war of Italy and the ottoman empire Italy attempted to gain more territory during the war the Italians dropped the first bomb from an airplane in actual combat (Lieutenant Giulio Cavotti) Gustaf imagines what Italian pilot must have felt like

Montagu-Chelmsford reform acts

Reform in 1919 that increased the powers of Indian legislatures at the all-Indian level and placed much of the provincial administration of India under local ministries controlled by legislative bodies with substantial numbers of elected Indians



Ethiopia before Italian invasion

State directed modernization policies

Teachings of Confucianism

Stressed the need for paternal governance government should be staffed by moral people Emphasized solving real world problems.

Ethiopia and japan and western imperialism

Taken seriously Reformed themselves Italy declared war to turn Ethiopia into an Italian colony. They were over thrown

White Mans Burden

The Europeans saw them selves as culturally advanced with a duty to civilize more "backwards" people.

Problems with biological determinism

The Islamic empire used to be superior Ottoman empire colonized Europe China had a greater military and stronger economy than the Europeans The Chinese had greater voyages in the 15h century that Europeans could not do

Battle against the Zulus

Waited for the Africans to charge with spears and killed them all with their advanced guns.

Europeans wanted their money back

We gave away our money to Europe and this dried up capital that was used to run business

Destroying western moral authority in WWI

Western technology brought horror highlighted the hypocrisy of the "civilizing mission" fuels nationalist movements

Fascist hyper nationalism

Worshiped nation stated, and endorsed anything that strengthened their country was moral

Emperor Mutsuhito (japan)

abolished feudalism and centralized power Created constitution and imperial diet modernized for japanesse military Intitiation national conscription is borrowing from western trends Effective fighting force Modern army in a war against china solidified control over Korea

European Economic Community

an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members. Economic growth skyrocketed.

Mathew Perry ships

demanded that japan opened its port cities

Menelik II

emperor of Ethiopia. Modernized society, schools hospitals, advisors from Europe during the reign of the Ethiopian emperor - first modern banking system, modern currency, modern infrastructure, hiring French companies to construct rails, telegraph and telephone systems

The new imperialism

entire continent of Africa was under European rule from powers like Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Spain. describes the time when many European nations got involved with Imperialism, which shifted more to the East side of the world. At this time expansion became more intentionally imperial, with less immigration and more officials. The focus was mostly on Africa and empires established during this time were generally short-lived.

Frantz Fanon

gained fame as an Algerian revolutionary and an influential proponent of national liberation for colonial peoples through violent revolution; studied psychiatry and medicine in France; went to Algeria to head a psychiatric deparment; participated in Algeria's battle to free itself from French rule; writings furthered African nationalism; urged the use of violence against colonial oppressors as a means of overcoming the racist degradation; died shortly before Algerian independence

Japan Meiji Restoration

government directed modernization Has real power Approve laws Rise of political parities Elected by the wealthiest 5% of males Reforms japans economy Builds and operate shipyards and mines Help of foreign advisors


idea that the colonial power purposely set out to alienate people from their own pasts and cultures

Captive Markets

markets where the potential consumers face a severely limited number of competitive suppliers; their only choices are to purchase what is available or to make no purchase at all.

Debt to the US

most growth in Europe came from loans by the USA

Imperial Japan

o Army and military leaders had similar ideas about the need for Japan to gain new spaces abroad to get materials o 1931- Manchuria in northern china o war with china 1937

Great depression

o Began in 1929 o Causes turmoil all over the world o Especially in central Europe and Germany o Centrally responsible for brining Adolph hitler to power o Contributed to an atmosphere where people became willing to support new unorthodox radical politicans o In Germany came the fascists

did communism of fascism come first?

o Communism came first- Karl Marx- communist manifesto 1848 o First successful communist governemtn came to pwerin 1917 before facisms formed o Facisms- emerges right aftr WW1 - Italy Germany and Austria as a reaction to communism

Communism and USA in WWI

o Communists Russia and democratic USA allied against fascists Germany o Stalin and Truman o USA made decisions this alliance that increased tensions Usa was first country to develop atomic weapons Used against japan in WW2 Refused to share with Russia Soviets asked americans to share techonolgy Decreased good feeings o Soviety suffered so much more than USA o Germans executed everything in the Soviet Union o Suspected USA wanted this to happen

European biological advances

o Europeans were dominating on the global stage because they had biological advantage o Not cultural or technology, biological o Biological superior to non-Europeans o Determined by biology to rise to a position of global dominance o Most important biological advantage; simply smarter o Superior intelligence o Tried to prove this; making anatomical measurements of skulls o Latched on to Darwin's theory of evolution o Many of these people eventually said that Europeans were higher up on the evolutionary scale, evolved beyond Asians and Africans o FALSE; manipulated their data to get the results they wanted to get

European technology

o Europeans widely believed that the rapid expansion of their empire across the globe was the result of the superiority of European civilization o Europe technological achievements provided objective truth that they had a superior civilization o Civilization advantage; progressive, civilized, future o Explained European dominance; advanced military technology o Modern technology, industrialized technology

Hitlers Mein Kampf

o Germany has rising population o Need to secure new lands Take by force o Borders of Soviet Union and Russia and bordering states o Invade eastern Europe to cretae new space for Germany o Invades Poland and Soviet Union and then everywhere else o European rule by 1941 o Nazi undertook colonization of eastern Europe by enslaving much of the local population bringin in germna settlers and mass murdering the jews


o Germay- national socialism (Nazism) o Fascists - reputated French revoltuon o Detested democracy- created authoritarian dictatorship o Believed in superior nations o Might makes right philosophy o Strongest nation or race has the right to rule, renslave inferior people and annihilate o Nationalists

Korea post WWII

o Had been a Jap colony o It was then occupied by soviets and USA o Couldn't agree o USA created gov in the south o USSR created gov in the north o Korean war began o War ended in a stalemate o North Korea remains a communist one party state o USA aided South Korea o South korea was heavily involved in economic growth o development under Park Chung Hee Used gov to fund public works like a highway o South Korea also received a lot of help from Japan o By the 1970s south korea was producing cheap goods that were very competitive

Mussolini and Ethiopia

o Italy weaker than Germay o Didn't have power to act in Europe o Ethopia target Invade and are successful o Used poisoned gas, 500,00 Ethiopians o Italian colony


o Leaders & Bolshevik party o Overthrow Russia government o Election- communists only 29% of vote o Lenin and communists (Bolsheviks) realize they are minority o Use force and violence to institute dictatorship to make changes they think are necessary


o Okay with violence over india o Force to hold onto india o Pushed out of office o 1945- new prime mininister o clement atlee o labor party o not willing to resort to violence to hold india o 1947- hands over the keys to power to leaders of the india nationalist congree o india gains its independecnce o indias indepenced in 1947 is an example of coonied people aroun the world insipiraiotn

Non-white soldiers in WWI

These soldiers were commanded to kill whites which they had never done before.

Treaty of Tianjin

Treaty made after the second Opium war which said that China had to open more ports, legalize opium in China. China had to say Christianity instead of barbaric term which was humiliating. This treaty caused a famine, great unemployment, widespread homelessness for the Chinese.

Jules Verne

Tried to give his audience a glimpse of the future Robar the conquer: Dipicted a younger engineer who develops a flying machine and visits Europe. He flys over paris and illuminates the capital at night. Uses airship to fire onto a group of Africans who are in the process of executing a prisoner.

World War II

o Poland allied with Britain and France o Invasion of Poland starts WW2 o War lasts 6 year o Total defeat of German Italy and japan o 40-50 million people died o half of people are non-combatants o Soviet Russia- 16 million people died o Total war - during WW2 armies targeted civilian populations o Brutal - because of fascists idea that human beings aren't equal and this idea of inequality characterized German fascists than Italian fascists o Due to fascists beliefs of human inequality o German fascists saw people of eastern Europe as sub humans Believed eastern Europe represented a lower form of humanity Believed no need to observe standard rules of war in this conflict o Nazi targeted eastern European civilans Unarmed men, women and children o National socialist singled out jews for annihilation o Threat to Germany o Gassings, shooting, 6 death camps o Annihilated Jewish population o Facists gloried war and politics o Hitler wanted to turn eastern Europe into german colony

Fascist coming to power

o Programs once in power- strength nation state o Hyper masculine movements o Dislike female emancipation o Reverted progress of female rights o Policies aggrandized nation state o Led them to pursue aggressive international policies Celebrated war and violence Gave life meaning

Destallinization under Nikita Khruschev

o Released millions who were imprisoned • Cold war still continues • Nuclear arms race o Usa first then soviet union o Late 1980s they possess tens of thounds of nukes o Some so powerful that one bomb was more powerful than all of WWII artiliary

Harry S. Truman Post war policy

o Truman doctrine Millions of dollars to Fight communism in Europe and in Greece o Marshall plan Aid to European countries to rebuilt economies largely to suppress the threat of communism o Stalin saw this as hostility and lead him to try protect Soveit Union from United States o Soviet army moved into eastern europe pushing Germans away o Withdraw troops after the war- Stalin lied o 1946,47,48- convinced USA was hostile to soviet interest, refused to evacuate from eastern Europe and installed communists dictatorship

The comintern

o Vladamir Lenin o Assist revolutionary parties around the world o Determined to export their revolution everywhere o Determined by communist ideology


o hated democracy believed in the fundamental inequality of people o leader of Italian fascist party o original fascist thinker o became Italy's prime ministers o fascists dictatorship o explicated rejected roussea principles o quote: rejection of democracy, majority doesn't have the right to rule, just because they are the majority o reject idea that all men are created equal o strong man, autocratic leadership o some nations and people are superior to others o superiror nations believed they deserved to rule o "might makes right" philosophy directly contradicted Rousseau

Europe Post WWII

o massive recovery in western Europe o Massive destruction after the war o Damaged central and eastern Europe o European subcontinent was divided as capitalist to the west and eastern Europe as communists o Stage was set for Europe's permanent decline

Iraq Rebellion

open rebellion against british overloards because they attempted to tax the people in a new territory in Iraq. British were successful but were skeptical about staying so they installed a ruler and left

Efforts to reform china

sponsored schools used foreign investors to build modern railroads and communication systems no costal areas opposed by important members of Chinese government imprisoned people for making reforms

African Diaspora

the forced removal of Africans from their homeland to serve as slaves in the Americas

Superiority complex

you believe that the ethnic group you belong to is better than other groups. Germany saw themselves as superior

Lenin and stalins policies

• Became clear to lenin that the only way it was possible to restructure society was through a dictatorship • Prohibited electoral competition • Created an authoritarian state • Lenin dies quickly • Stalin takes over and continues this power • Stalin creates a personality cult • End democratic institutions • Nationalize large scale industries • Collective agriculture o Create huge farms o Organized workers o State owns the farms o State sets prices for the goods produced • Also they industrialized the country o Stalin instituted a 5 year plan • End private ownership of land • All of This is successful • Comes at a cost though o Mass murder of peasents 2 million o Political repression • Soviets succeed in someways of getting what marx wanted o All get healthcare o Education o Better literacy rates o Built housing units o Transportation o Paid maternity leave o Job opps for women Doctors Engineers

Communist china under mao Zedong

• Communist transform china • Created public schools • Public healthcare • Prohibit selling of marriage contracts • Re-distribute land to poor peasants • Institute 5 year plans for industrialization • Collectivist agriculture • However millions executed • Concentrate all power in their hands • Expelled democratic principles


• Eastern Europe and Asian • Poltical parties to power • Communsits in 1917 seized control of Russia- create soviet union • Worlds first ocmmunists state • 1920-1930s- massive drive to industrialize Russia • Russia si able to defeat Germany in the war • Russia industrailzied under the communists • Afer WW2 ends and germay facists govenemtn cllapses, Soviet union occupys most of Europe • Communists install communists dictatorship in Europe • Expands its sphere of influence into eastern Euerpe and central Europe • Leads to cold war o Military stand off between societ union and allies and the US and allies o Cold war- ideological between captialis and communists o Defines the second half of the 20th century o Threatens the world with inialitiaon o Becauses the us and soviet union - nuclear arms race • Ideological confrontation - appetmpt to win hearts and minds of the rest of the world • Comuism was a international movement • 1947- seizes china • communsits spread to other Asian countires • spreads to latin America- cuba • governemtns aroun the world becoe sympathetic to communism • Facistm- European phenonomen

Fascism and communism in power

• Fascist created a one-party dictatorship led by a single authoritarian leader. They prepared Germany for war. • German fascists "cleansed" German society at home by imprisoning and murdering so-called racial inferiors, like Jews • Carried out measures to ensure complete political control at home • Communists wanted to restructure society

Fascist beliefs

• Fascists rejected Rousseau principles o Egalitarianism and democratic politics • Jean Jacques Rousseau beliefs o The Social Contract o No man has natural authority over his fellow men o arguing against the idea of the divine right of kings o political authority comes from government- get their power from their people o only legit is people consent o advanced egalitarianism- political equality for all white men o all votes count and are equal o many French revolutionaries were inspired by Rousseau principles o dethroned French king, embraced democratic principles o 1793 French Rev - end to black slavery o feminism from French Rev • facisms o rejected all of this o reverse the effects of French revolution in Europe

Communists beliefs

• Marxists - radically Marxists/socialists • Concerned with bringing socialist revolution that would end capitalism o Capitalism exploited the working classes o Benefited only wealthy people • Focused on problems of class not race or nation • Egalitarianism o Human equality o Claimed the communists represented the interest of all people o Make good on Marxists promise to create an egalitarian society - no class divisions o No poverty o Social justice o Everyone had what they need to fill their lives and happy, fulfilling potential o All people, not just chosen few • International • Didn't worship nation sate • Rationalists - believed in reason using power of human mind to improve society • Commnunsits were minority o Didn't have support of majority of population o Violence to bring good society o Had to result to violence because they were minority

Ghandis imprisonment

• Quick indian rosltuion • Mass non violence resistaanec • Indians respond - but do not follow • Ghandi imporsionemnt sparks tremendous unrest in india • Fighting police and britihs army • 650 bombings - police stations, railroads, post offices, • india is in rebellion • briths respond brutually • burn down villages • whip people • arrest 90,000 people • convinces british government its going to be hard to hodl on to India after the war

Welfare States

• Social services funded by public taxes to give people security • Free education • Retirement • Pensions • Generous financial assistance for the unemployed • By 1957 the western states we spending 4 times as much on social services in 1930 • 1970s they started scaling back

Japan post WWI

• This growth was not increased with military power • Japan pushed the british out • Took over the dutch east india o Instituted brutal rule o In some ways more brutal than the European colonizers o However, japan did not experience success for long • USA was bombing Jap cities from the air • They Nuked • The USA after the war immediately helped the Japs rebuild

What fascism and communism have in common

• Wanted to transform the world • Revolutionize society and politics • Revolutionary, overthrow the status quo • Create a new system in place of the current one • Not only revolutionary, but both embraced violence, radical violence as a mean to the end of overthrowing

Aime Cesaire

■ Grew up speaking French ■ Traveled to Paris, published a long epic poem "a notebook of return to my native land" ■ Cited of foundation of the negritude movement ■ Makes fun of how Europeans put down non Europeans ■ Turned something negative into positive

Rabindranath Tagore

■ Nobel prize - first Asian author to do so ■ Advance and interesting and significant croquet of European civilization ■ West was no superior ■ Western society was inferior because it was too materialistic ■ Western were driven by profit motive and a greedy desire for material gain ■ Undermined the moral strength of westerners ■ Critiqued western technology - railroads have improvised Indians - alienated Indians from nature ■ Turning western argument upside down ■ Thinking taken to an extreme by Ghandi

Europeans re-evaluation of colonies

■ Some Europeans questioned if colonies were with it ■ Europeans British has pulled heavily upon colonies during the war ■ Colonial government in Europe came up with a strategy to retain loyalty of African and Asian colonized people ■ Pump money into colonies to make life better ■ Colonial government develop the colonies ■ Leaders in Europe realized it was too expensive ■ Belgium had a huge colony in central Africa - Congo ■ Development costs had pushed colonial budget into deficit ■ Holding onto colonies is actually not going to pay off

External pressures that led to decolonization

■ World wide opinion had turned against colonialism by 1945 ■ USA and USSR both anti colonial ■ Opposed to colonialism - exntension of capitalism ■ Now the USA had joined the chorus of denouncing ■ FDR anti colonial- allvpeople had right to choose own government ■ Extended the right to non whites unlike Woodrow wilson ■ Pressures British prime minister Winston Churchill to deCOLONIZE ■ 1941 FDR- Atlantic charter ■ Respect the right of all people to choose own government in which they live and receive sovereign rights and self government restore to those who have been deprived ■ American position has another dramatic affect on world opinion ■ European colonial powers are getting it from both sodes ■ Moral pressures are coming also from United Nations ■ Created in 1945- air to League of Nations ■ Body representing counties of the world ■ Post ww2 organization has on white members - china ■ Two most powerful members - USA USSR - non colonial ■ Legacy of ww2 makes it much harder for white europeans to use the same argument to justify colonialism that they used in previous decades ■ Genocide of Jewish ■ Non whites in our armies ■ Europe had torn itself up again ■ Sound like nazi and hitler ■ Make it harder to justify

Factors that led to decolonization

○ Great powers of Europe had no intention of giving up colonies ○ British Determined to maintain colonial empire- British propaganda pro colonial when fighting nazi Germany ○ Posters - colonies important and we need to hold onto them- arguing for continuation of colonization ○ Colonies were very important and pull upon these colonies heavily ■ Very useful for goods, armies , essential to war effort ○ Colonies very useful led many Europeans to decision to maintain empires ○ Netherlands held Dutch eat India saw raw materials necessary to rebuild economy ○ Britain and France also saw as important after war locations for military bases sources of raw materials captive markets ○ Things did not go as planned ○ Britain withdrawals from India 1946 giving power to Indian congress ○ British hold on to colonies in Africa till the 50s & 60s ○ Colonial empires things of the past ○ Decomposition- right after ww2 powers had no intentions of getting rid of them ○ Talk about Gradual self government - thought it would take 30-50 years ○ Herbert Morrison British foreign secretary - not a fan of decolonization

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