Hist. 111: Foner Ch. 23 Practice Questions

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Which statement about the Korean conflict is FALSE?

Chinese troops threatened to enter the conflict, but never did.

All of the following statements about the Cold War's impact on American life are true EXCEPT:

Cold War military spending weakened the economy.

All of the following statements are true of the Fair Deal EXCEPT:

Congress passed Truman's Fair Deal to raise the standard of living for Americans.

Which civil rights measure was enacted during Truman's administration?

Desegregation of the armed forces.

Which statement best describes what NSC-68 called for?

A permanent military buildup and a global application of containment.

Who did Whittaker Chambers accuse of being a Soviet spy during a HUAC hearing?

Alger Hiss.

Which statement is true about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

All the members pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

How did the NAACP manage to change the political landscape in the South between 1940 and 1952?

Its voter registration drive increased the number of Southern black registered voters sevenfold.

Which long-held U.S. territory was granted independence in 1946?


Joe McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the:

State Department.

Who did the States' Rights Party nominate for president in 1948?

Strom Thurmond.

Which piece of American legislation stated that union leaders had to swear an oath that they were not communists?

Taft-Hartley Act.

All of the following are enactments of the policy of containment EXCEPT:

The Korean War.

What set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic?

The Truman Doctrine.

Why did France and other Europeans understand NATO as a form of double containment?

The pact would guard them against Soviet aggression as well as against the resurgence of a powerful Germany.

What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?

They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

How did the United States respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift.

According to the policy of containment, as laid out by George Kennan, the:

United States was committed to preventing the spread of communism.

In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt chaired a committee to draft the:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Organized labor emerged as:

a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.

President Truman's Fair Deal included:

a national health insurance plan.

In 1948, the Progressive Party:

advocated expanded social welfare programs.

Dennis v. United States:

allowed the deportation of suspected communists.

The McCarran-Walter Act:

authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.

Jackie Robinson:

broke the color barrier in major league baseball.


called for a massive increase in U.S. military forces.

The Truman Doctrine:

committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere.

When World War II ended:

demobilization proceeded quickly.

Operation Wetback:

deported illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods.

"Militant Liberty" was the code name for a national security agency that:

encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.

The Korean War:

ended in a stalemate.

The impact of the Cold War on American culture was:

especially evident in the movies.

To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department:

funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.

The movements for colonial independence:

generally had U.S. support.

Joseph McCarthy's downfall came as a result of:

his hearings on the Defense Department.

In 1948, the Soviets began the Berlin Blockade:

in response to the creation of West Germany.

The principle of human rights—the idea of basic rights belonging to all persons because they are human—was introduced into international relations:

in the revolutionary period of the late eighteenth century.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

included freedom of speech and religion.

The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement:

included government action against black leaders.

The Dixiecrats:

opposed desegregation in the South.

The Taft-Hartley Act:

outlawed the closed shop.

After World War II ended, Japan:

received economic assistance from the United States.

President Truman's civil rights plan called for all of the following EXCEPT:


The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO):

replaced NATO in Europe.

The "Iron Curtain":

separated the free West from the communist East.

The first confrontation of the Cold War took place in:

the Middle East, when Soviet troops occupied northern Iran seeking access to oil fields.

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was:

the Soviet Union.

Operation Dixie was:

the postwar union campaign in the South.

The Marshall Plan:

was a U.S.-Soviet program to rebuild Europe.

Joseph McCarthy:

was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.

The 1948 presidential race:

was the last to occur before television forever changed campaigning.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg:

were executed after a questionable trial.

Japan's constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history:

women's suffrage.

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