HIST 1301 Master_3

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Which of the following statements about the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence are true? (Select ALL true answers.)

*.After having enjoyed a high degree of autonomy through the 1750s, the British Colonies in North America began to see that autonomy decline as the British sought to raise taxes and increase their presence in order to pay off the debt from the French and Indian War, protect the colonies from the perceived threat posed by Native Americans, and provide a means to finance their increased military presence. *.What began as a defense of the traditional British liberties enjoyed by some colonists, and then evolved throughout the 1760s and early 1770s into an increasingly heated and in some areas violent rebellion, culminated in the Second Continental Congress declaring independence from Britain in 1776 in Philadelphia. *.In addition to providing an inspirational collection of arguments around which both ardent supporters of independence and the previously undecided could rally to the cause of independence, Jefferson's Declaration of Independence actually had numerous long-term consequences, including inspiring previously underrepresented or oppressed groups, such as women and African-Americans, to demand that the United States recognize them as equal citizens with equal rights.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights? (Select ALL true answers.)

*.Because the Articles of Confederation did not provide for a national government that could protect the colonies from foreign attack, pay off war debt accrued during the War for Independence, or arbitrate disputes between the various states, numerous leading citizens began to call for a Constitutional Convention to reorganize and strengthen the national government to address these critical issues. *.When it came to drafting the proposed Constitution of 1787, the most contentious issues proved to be how much representation each state would have in the new federal government. Specifically, small states wanted each state to have equal representation, while large states wanted representation based on population. *.In order to arbitrate a dispute that threatened to result in the southern slave states leaving the Constitutional convention, the framers came to a compromise agreement whereby the Census would count each slave as three-fifths of a person, to determine representation in the House of Representatives.

Which of the following statements about the War for Independence are true? (Select ALL true answers.)

*.British strategy early in the war sought to separate New England, which was the most pro-Independence region in the colonies, from the Middle and Southern Colonies. *.The American victory at the Battle of Saratoga was crucial in convincing the French that the Americans could defeat the British in a regular battle, and eventually resulted in the French agreeing to support the Americans against the British. *.French assistance at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 proved decisive in the Americans winning the battle and the British conceding military defeat in the war.

Which of the following statements are true of the Federalist Era, the term given to the presidential administrations of George Washington (1789-1797) and John Adams (1797-1801)? (Select ALL true statements.)

*.Washington's sought to surround himself with many of the brightest minds of the late 1700s, such as Thomas Jefferson as secretary of state and Alexander Hamilton as secretary of the treasury. *.Alexander Hamilton's plan to assume and fund the debt from the War for Independence, and establish the Bank of the United States to regulate the flow of credit, resulted in economic growth. *.In his Farewell Address, Washington warned the U.S. to avoid forming political parties and to avoid entangling foreign alliances.

A major fear of the antifederalists was that

A) ) voters would be too distanced from their representatives.

Under the terms of the _______, an orderly process for laying out lands and towns in the western territory was established.

A) Land Ordinance of 1785

The uproar surrounding the formation of the Society of Cincinatti was triggered by

A) Public fears that this was the beginning of an hereditary peerage in America

In order for the Constitution to be accepted,

A) nine state legislatures needed to ratify it.

19. The Newburgh Conspiracy involved

A.) Discontented officers of the Continental Army.

The gradual shift from hunting & gathering to cultivating basic food crops that occur world wide from 7,000 to 9,000 years ago. This transition resulted in sedentary living population growth and establishment of permanent villages

Agricultural revolution

The atlantic tribal group with whom the English had the most contact was called


The aggressive native American people who occupied the valley of Mexico when the spanish arrived were the


The law permitting a man to pass on his entire estate to his eldest son was known as

B) Primogeniture

The compromise which resolved the dispute between the large and the small states included

B) all bills pertaining to taxation or spending would begin in the upper house.

An important fact about the Americans who wrote the first state constitutions was that they

B) demanded written documents

The most important accomplishment of Congress under the Articles of Confederation was its

B) passage of ordinances organizing the Northwest Territory

Regarding slavery, one of the constitutional convention's most important decisions

B) permitted Congress to outlaw the importation of slaves in 1808.

Which of the following was NOT a criticism of American government under the Articles of Confederation?

B) that it gave too much power to a central government

The controversy which delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation involved

B) the disposition of Western Lands

____________ caused the most important changes in voting patterns in the intermediate post-war years

B) western migration

The proposed Jay-Qardoqui Treaty would have

B.) Postponed free navigation of the Mississippi River for twenty-five years.

Land bridge between Asia & America that is now submerged beneath the bering sea.


Which of the following was NOT a result of the American Revolution

C) Abolition of slavery in several southern states

With respect to women, the political ideology of the American Revolution

C) Caused them to be more assertive about their roles in the family

The proposed new constitution of 1787 called for the election of a president by

C) an electoral college

The Articles of Confederation

C) jealously guarded state sovereignty at the expense of national power

The plan proposed by William Paterson

C) represented the wishes of the smaller states.

The most obvious contradiction to the principles expressed in the founding of the American republic was

C) the continued existence of slavery in much of the nation

At the constitutional Convention, the question of slavery

C) threatened to disrupt and destroy the work of the convention.

During the Confederation period, nationalists were people who

C.) Called for major constitutional reforms that would strengthen the national government.

Under his intellectual guidance, the Constitutional Convention formed a new government

C.) James Madison

An important procedural decision approved at the opening of the Constitutional Convention involved

C.) The decision to keep deliberations as secret as possible.

Most new state constitutions after the American Revolution

D) Included the Declaration of Rights

John Dickinson's 1776 plan for a new United States government revolved around the concept of

D) a strong central government

Shays's Rebellion involved

D.) Discontented farmers in Massachusetts.

The most important result of the Annapolis Meeting of 1786 was

D.) the nationalists' recommendation to Congress for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation

Which of the following stated Parliament's belief in its own sovereignty?

Declaratory Act

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Defined the process by which a territory became a state.

The case of ________ showed that a prosperous, free, African American might give his life in the struggle for freedom

Denmark Vesey

The single greatest factor that caused the destruction of Native Americans after contact with the Europeans was


The _______ proposed a unicameral Congress in which states would be represented equally

E) New Jersey Plan

In the 1780's, Americans disagreed sharply over the relative importance of

E) liberty and order

Which of the following was NOT typical of the post-revolutionary state constitutions

E) the use of bicameral legislatures

term given to indians from the northeast region who lived on the atlantic coast and supplemented farming with seasonal hunting and gathering

Eastern wooded cultures

President Thomas Jefferson was intent on destroying Native Americans to open up land for white settlers.


Trade unions had little impact on American politics in the 1820s and 1830s.


Under the terms of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, slavery was explicitly allowed in the Northwest Territory.


The conquistador of Mexico was

Hernan Cortes

The Virginia Plan was the handiwork of

James Madison.

As the chief negotiator with France, he engineered the Louisiana Purchase.

James Monroe

The founder of the Mormon Church was

Joseph Smith.

In 1821, the American Colonization Society established which colony as a refuge for former slaves returned to Africa?


The most advanced native american cultures appeared in which region of North America

Mexico and Central America

Which of the following was NOT a major change in family life during the nineteenth century?

More and more women were forced to work outside the home.

The majority of Irish immigrants settled in the


The first European Nation to to establish contact with sub-saharan Africa was


The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 resulted in

Portuguese control of brazil

sixteenth-century religious movement to reform and challenge the spiritual authority of the roman catholic church, associated with figures such as martin Luther and John Calvin

Protestant Reformation

which of the following revolutionized early native american cultures?

The development of agricultures

Treaty negotiated by the pope in 1494 to resolve completing land claims of Spain and Portugal in the new world. It divided the world along a north-south line in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, granting Spain all lands west of the line and Portugal lands east of the line.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Jay's Treaty accomplished little of what John Jay had hoped to achieve when he began his negotiations with the British.


Jay's Treaty was extremely unpopular with the American public.


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo made American citizens of Mexicans living in the new territories.


When he returned for a visit to the United States in 1824, more than forty years after helping George Washington in the Revolution, the Marquis de Lafayette considered America to be a great success.


apparition of the vigil Mary that has become a symbol of Mexican nationalism

Vigin of Guadalupe

By the mid 1820s, the Cherokee had each of the following EXCEPT

a military force capable of defending their lands against white encroachment.

John Dickinson's 1776 plan for a new United States government revolved around the concept of

a strong central government.

Columbus originally was determined to prove that

a westward water route to china existed

In the columbian exchange, the old world and the new exchanged

animal, plant, and microbial life forms

Free blacks in the South faced each of the following limitations EXCEPT

being vulnerable to re-enslavement through vagrancy or apprenticeship laws.

sixteenth century spanish adventures, often of noble birth who subdued the native americans and created the spanish empire in the new world


The evidence that shows that economics was a major motivation for immigration was found in the

corresponding peaks in immigration and the demand for labor.

Fur trappers in French Canada who lived among the Native Americas

coureurs de bois

An exploitative labor system designed by spanish rulers to reward conquistadores in the new world by granting them local villages and control over native labor

encomienda system

Which of the following did Hamilton and Jefferson have in common?

faith in a republican society

The most significant factor that allowed charge numbers of nomadic hunters to enter the heart of north america was

global warming

In the 1760s and 1770s, most members of Parliament

had little understanding or knowledge of colonial affairs.

James Madison opposed Hamilton's proposal for the public debt because

he believed only a chosen few would benefit.

Most of those who became evangelical Protestants during the Second Great Awakening had previously been

indifferent to religion.

Martin Van Buren regarded a two-party system as essential to democratic government because

it provided a check on the temptation to abuse power.

The tribes of eastern North america defined their place in society through


The men largely responsible for Spain's conquest of the New World were known as

los conquistadores

The Adams-Onis Treaty

made Florida a U.S. territory.

In the election of 1808, the Federalist Party

made impressive gains in Congress

Most spanish colonists were

more racially tolerant than their english counterparts

The most important accomplishment of Congress under the Articles of Confederation was its

passage of ordinances organizing the Northwest Territory.

The normal way for most slaves to express discontent was

passive resistance.

What Indians desired most, upon encountering Europeans, was

peaceful trade

By the end of Washington's first term of office,

political squabbling threatened to divide the government.

The tone of the Stamp Act Congress reflected

restraint and conciliation, with no mention of independence or disloyalty.

The Portuguese explored west Africa searching for

slaves and gold

Spanish fleet sent to invade English in 1588

spanish armada

Which of the following was NOT a criticism of American government under the Articles of Confederation?

that it gave too much power to a central government

In order to better control the conquistadores in the new world, the Spanish government created

the encomienda

A major difficulty that confronted the First Continental Congress was

the fact that the delegates from different regions were unfamiliar with one another.

Federalists can be closely associated with

the idea of a strong central government.

The European observer, Alexis de Tocqueville, believed the most evident feature of democracy in America was

the local self-government.

Cahokia, a large Indian city in what is nor Illinois, was built by

the mississippians

Committees of correspondence were initially formed

to communicate grievances to villages throughout Massachusetts.

In pre-Civil War American southern society, free African Americans

were treated as social outcasts.

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