HIST 1302 chapter 21 quiz

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5) Which of the following helps explain why support for American overseas expansion grew in the 1890s? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. An increasing number of Americans believed that further economic growth required colonies.

13) How did the United States and Great Britain avoid war over Venezuela? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. Britain changed its position when larger diplomatic problems surfaced elsewhere.

38) Which of the following was acquired by the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War?

a. Guam (couldn't get answer for this)

1) How did the overseas expansion of the 1890s differ from earlier expansion? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. Most of the territories the United States acquired were seen as colonies.

55) The poem "The White Man's Burden" about imperialism was written by __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

a. Rudyard Kipling

37) How are the conflicts in Cuba and the Philippines in the 1890s related? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. The United States became involved in the conflict in the Philippines as a direct result of the war in Cuba.

26) Which of the following correctly characterizes the role of yellow journalism in the Spanish-American War? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. Yellow journalism helped turn public opinion against Spain.

20) Alfred Thayer Mahan believed that __________.

a. a strong navy was an integral part of America's wealth and power

39) Which of the following alternatives did President McKinley favor for the Philippines? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. annexing the Philippines with an eye to future independence

44) The Philippine-American War __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

a. cost 4,300 American lives

17) In response to the successful American revolt in Hawaii in 1893, Grover Cleveland __________.

a. launched an investigation of the rebellion (couldn't get answer for this)

49) The Chinese Boxers sought to __________.

a. oust all foreigners from the country (couldn't get answer for this)

23) General Valeriano Weyler Nicolau's approach to the rebellion in Cuba was __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

a. relentless and brutal

34) Black soldiers in the Spanish-American War were sometimes referred to as "__________" by the Spanish troops. VERIFIED CORRECT

a. smoked Yankees

22) Which of the following assumptions underlay the policy proposals made by Alfred Thayer Mahan?

a. that the United States was embroiled in a worldwide race for power (couldn't get answer for this)

10) What did William Seward's foreign policy include? VERIFIED CORRECT

a. the acquisition of Alaska

8) In Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, Josiah Strong argued that America should export __________.

a. trade and religion (couldn't get answer for this)

42) What does the response to the signing of the Treaty of Paris suggest about American public opinion at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War? VERIFIED CORRECT

b. Americans were deeply divided about the war and its consequences.

48) The Open Door Policy was meant to help prevent the partitioning of __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

b. China

53) President __________ originally sought the annexation of Hawaii in 1893, but annexation was blocked by the next president.

b. Harrison (couldn't get answer for this)

3) In what sense did the United States enjoy "free security" in the nineteenth century? VERIFIED CORRECT

b. The United States was protected on both sides by vast oceans.

52) The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 made Hawaii a __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

b. U.S. protectorate

29) The Spanish-American War mostly grew out of Americans' __________.

b. concern about human rights (couldn't get answer for this)

19) In the 1870s, the United States __________.

b. had almost no navy (couldn't get answer for this)

36) The actions of Commodore Dewey in the Philippines __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

b. resulted in the capture of the Philippines

15) The reciprocity treaty of 1875 allowed Hawaiian __________ to enter the United States duty-free. VERIFIED CORRECT

b. sugar

43) In which of the following did the United States fight a long and brutal war?

b. the Philippines (couldn't get answer for this)

2) Historian Walter LaFeber saw the American acquisition of an overseas empire in the 1890s as __________.

b. the natural culmination of American history up to that point (couldn't get answer for this)

24) On taking office, President McKinley __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

b. urged neutrality in Cuba but leaned toward the insurgents

7) Josiah Strong __________.

b. was a minister and fervent expansionist (couldn't get answer for this)

30) At the outset of the Spanish-American War, the United States __________.

b. was militarily unprepared (couldn't get answer for this)

40) Anti-imperialist __________ offered to buy Filipino independence with a personal check for $20 million. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. Andrew Carnegie

6) Adherents of expansionism drew on __________.

c. Darwin's theories of evolution

35) Which of the following was true of the experience of African Americans serving in the Spanish-American War?

c. Despite facing discrimination and racial violence, African Americans served with distinction in the war.

16) Which of the following was a consequence of the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890? VERIFIED CORRECT

c. Hawaiian sugar production fell dramatically.

28) Which of the following best characterizes McKinley's leadership in the months leading up to the Spanish-American War? VERIFIED CORRECT

c. He pursued a moderate course, aimed at achieving American goals without going to war.

11) James G. Blaine focused on expanding America's access to markets in __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. Latin America

9) How did American foreign policy for Europe differ from the policy pursued in North and South America? VERIFIED CORRECT

c. U.S. foreign policy promoted trade and tried to avoid diplomatic entanglements in Europe, while its policy in North and South America was based on the Monroe Doctrine.

14) Many nineteenth-century Americans saw the Hawaiian Islands as __________.

c. a possible way station to Asian markets

50) In the aftermath of the Boxer Rebellion, the United States __________.

c. affirmed the Open Door Policy and respect for China's independence

51) Besides recognizing the military value of colonies, Americans desired to expand beyond American shores because they __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. desired markets for surplus goods

47) By 1900, China __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. had been divided into "spheres of influence" by outside powers

31) American soldiers in the Spanish-American War thought of themselves as __________.

c. members of a town unit in a national army (couldn't get answer for this)

18) Supporters of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands argued that __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. other countries might seize the islands if the United States did not

25) Late in 1897, Spain __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. recalled General Weyler and offered the Cubans autonomy

41) Some anti-imperialists argued that the Philippines should not be annexed because __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

c. such a step was a break with American political traditions and values

12) During the __________ administration, the United States almost went to war with Britain over a Latin America boundary dispute. VERIFIED CORRECT

d. Cleveland

46) Under the terms of the __________ Commission, the United States guaranteed future independence for the Philippines. VERIFIED CORRECT

d. Taft

33) Why did many American military authorities believe that the use of black troops in Cuba was desirable? VERIFIED CORRECT

d. They believed that blacks were resistant to tropical diseases.

32) When the Spanish-American War broke out, the War Department __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

d. called for five black volunteer regiments

54) Despite the terms of the Teller Amendment, Cuba __________.

d. remained within the American sphere of influence (couldn't get answer for this)

45) Emilio Aguinaldo led the resistance to U.S. occupation of __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

d. the Philippines

27) Why did President McKinley order the battleship Maine to Havana? VERIFIED CORRECT

d. to demonstrate strength and protect American citizens

4) One factor that fostered a change in American foreign policy during the 1890s was __________. VERIFIED CORRECT

d. widespread fears of diminishing opportunities at home

password to edit


21) In the view of Admiral Mahan, which of the following helped create the need for a large and powerful navy?

no idea sorry

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