HIST 1302 - Quiz 2

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Who was the first president to address the nation by radio?

Calvin Coolidge was the first president to address the nation by radio, and his monthly talks paved the way for Franklin Delano Roosevelt's influential "fireside chats" during the thirties.

Know the three organizations from England and London emphasizing community service and the care of the unfortunate.

During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a growing number of churches and synagogues began emphasizing community service and the care of the unfortunate. New organizations made key contributions to the movement. The Young Men's Christian Association(YMCA) and a similar group for women, the YWCA, both entered the United States from England in the 1850s and grew rapidly after 1870. The Salvation Army, founded in London in 1878, came to the United States a year later. YMCA WMCA Salvation Army

What seemed to many to be the goal of the anti-alcohol crusaders?

For many anti-alcohol crusaders, in fact, the primary goal of prohibition seemed to be policing the behavior of the foreign-born, the working class, and the poor, just as fundamentalists sought to enforce their religious beliefs on others. Policing the behavior of the foreign born the working class and the poor.

Where was the first place to extend equal voting rights to women?

In 1869, Wyoming TERRITORY to extend equal voting rights to women

What was the original 1921 name for Planned Parenthood?

In 1921, Sanger organized the American Birth Control League, which in 1942 changed its name to Planned Parenthood. The Birth Control League distributed information to doctors, social workers, women's clubs, and the scientific community. In the 1920s, however, Sanger alienated supporters of birth control by endorsing sterilization for the mentally incompetent and for people with certain hereditary conditions. Birth control, she stressed, was "the most constructive and necessary of the means to racial health" American Birth Control League

How was Harding more progressive than Woodrow Wilson?

In one area, however, President Harding proved to be more progressive than Woodrow Wilson: civil rights. He reversed the Wilson administration's policy of excluding African Americans from fed- eral government jobs and spoke out against the vigilante racism that had flared up across the country.

Describe the Harding Administration, know his areas of success.

Largely as a result of Harding's corrupt associates, his administration came to be viewed as one of the worst in history. He led the nation out of the turmoil of the postwar years and helped create the economic boom of the 1920s. He endorsed diversity and civil rights and was a forceful proponent of women's rights. Still, even Harding's foremost scholarly defender admits that he lacked good judgment and "probably should never have been president"

How did movies influence society?

Movies did much more than entertain. They helped expand the consumer culture by feeding the desires of moviegoers, setting standards and tastes in fashion, music, dancing, and hairstyles. They also helped stimulate the sexual revolution. They expanded the consumer culture, setting tastes and stimulating the sexual revolution.

What happened for Women after the war?

The Nineteenth Amendment became official on August 18, 1920, making the United States the twenty-second nation to allow women's suffrage. It was a climactic achievement of the Progressive Era. Suddenly, 9.5 million women were eligible to vote in national elections; In the 1920 presidential election, they would make up 40 percent of the electorate. Passage of the 19th Amendment, women's suffrage

Know the college courses of Vasser College steering women back to their traditional roles as homemakers.

The conservative political mood helped to steer women who had worked for the war effort back into their traditional roles as homemakers, and college curricula began to shift accordingly. At Vassar College, an all-women's school outside of New York City, students took courses such as "Husband and Wife," "Motherhood," and "The Family as an Economic Unit. Husband and Wife Motherhood The family as an economic unit

What was the cause of the market crash?

The economy had actually begun to fall into a recession months before the stock market crash. Put most simply, the once roaring economy fell victim to overproduction and underconsumption. Over production and under consumption.

Why did men want women to stay out of politics?

The majority of men, however, still insisted that women stay out of politics because it would corrupt their moral purity. Politics would corrupt the moral purity of women.

Which states first gave women the right to vote from 1869-1896.

Utah, Colorado, Idaho & Wyoming(UT, CO, ID, WY)

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