Hist 132

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Which act established a commission that had the task of investigating unfair business practices and stopping them if necessary?

Federal Trade Commission Act

Obama achieved all of the following in the war on terror except

He closed the detention center at Guantanamo Bay.

All of the following are true statements about Reagan's economic programs except

His trickle-down theory was ultimately proven a vital strategy for dealing with economic downturns.

All of the following were reasons for the depth and length of the Great Depression, except

High taxes on Americans

Carter was unable to carry out any of his plans for expanding American social justice because

Islamic militants took 52 hostages from the American Embassy in Tehran.

The term "Gilded Age" was coined by

Mark Twain

The first mail-order business was

Montgomery Ward.

All of the following are true statements about Prohibition except

Most people embraced it as a solution to the social problems caused by alcohol and alcoholism.

The National American Woman's Suffrage Association, working state to state between 1911 and 1914, gained the right to vote for women in several states, but not in the state of

New York

Shortly after taking office, which of the following signaled a potential problem for George Bush from his own party?

Republican Senator Jim Jeffords declaring himself an independent.

Booker T. Washington's speech, now referred to as the Atlanta Compromise, suggested that

Southern blacks should improve their economic standing through self-help but remain separate from white society except to work together to reach common economic ground.

Within twenty years of the first oil discovery, ____ Oil Company controlled 90 percent of the country's petroleum.


The Cuban Missile Crisis

brought the US and Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war.

In the years following the Civil War, those most interested in the newly opened lands in the West were

corporate interests with headquarters in northern cities.

During the winter of 1932-1933, the Depression

deepened, with neither the lame duck president nor the president-elect able to act effectively.

The 19th Amendment

granted women the right to vote.

The distinction held by the Persian Gulf War of 1991 was that

it was the first war to be televised in real time.

As a political movement, the Tea Party is characterized by

its free-market libertarianism.

Landmark films of the Seventies such as The Godfather and Bonnie and Clyde indicated that Americans in the 1970s

lived in a period of increasing moral complexity.

From the spring of 1940 until the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Roosevelt and the U.S government

organized the manufacturing, transfer, and transportation of war materials and American defense bases to assist Great Britain and prepare for likely war against Nazi Germany.

Lincoln's plan for bringing the southern states back into the Union was viewed by many Republican members of Congress as

much too lenient

The new Panama Canal that began operation in 1914

opened just before World War I broke out.

Which of the following is not true about the Holocaust?

The mass killing of European Jews remained confined to concentration camps

Hoover's only significant attempt to address the economic crisis was to

establish the Reconstruction Finance Corporation that loaned money to businesses.

The Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933

established federal control over banks and rescued those in trouble with government loans.

The centerpiece of George W. Bush's agenda when he entered office was

a large tax cut for wealthy Americans.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created

a regional banking system under control of the federal government.

The railroad strike of 1877 is evidence of

all of these choices

Digital technology sparked economic growth by

streamlining manufacturing processes and helping companies reach overseas markets.

After the Korean War, the U.S. addressed its fears regarding the spread of communism in all of the following ways except

testing nuclear missiles via satellite in space.

John F. Kennedy's greatest disaster as president was

the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

The "spark" that set World War I into motion was

the assassination of the Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serb nationalist.

Reagan won reelection handily in 1984, in large part because

the economy had temporarily improved.

Clinton's worst political defeat during his first term was

the failure of his administration to achieve health care reform

According to the USA PATRIOT Act

the federal government no longer needs a warrant to monitor libraries, banks, bookstores and homes for suspected terrorists.

In the improving American economy of the 1920s,

the percentage of national wealth that went to the poorest 60 percent fell by almost 13 percent during the 1920s, causing the wealthy to increase their wealth at the expense of the poor.

When President Theodore Roosevelt spoke of his "square deal," he referred to his fair and balanced approach to

the relationship between labor and business

The Japanese decided to bomb America's naval fleet at Pearl Harbor because

they hoped to handicap the U.S. navy, giving Japan time to achieve its conquests before the U.S. could rebuild and strike back.

Grant's presidential administration is remembered most for

political chicanery and corruption.

Truman eventually managed to break the Berlin blockade by

sending massive amounts of food and supplies by regular airlift.

In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court held that segregation laws governing public accommodations such as railroads and public schools were constitutional based on the Court's finding that

separate public facilities for each race had been provided and that no qualitative difference existed between the two racially-based sets of public accommodations.

Operation Overlord - the official name for the D-Day landing in Normandy - involved ____ Allied soldiers.

1 million

Between 1880 and 1920, approximately ____ people came to America from other countries.

10 million

The Homestead Act of 1862 provided a way for settlers to move West, occupy land for five years, and then claim as their own a total of

160 acres

How many people died during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001?


After September 11, it became clear that the al Qaeda network operated from a base of power in


NSC-68 was a classified paper that

All of these choices

What effect did the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments have on the women's suffrage movement?

All of these choices

Which was true for most immigrants to America?

All of these choices

Women participated in the U.S. World War II effort by

All of these choices

Reagan was the perfect conservative candidate and president because of his belief in

All of these choices.

Reagan's relationship with the Soviet Union regarding nuclear weapons could be best characterized as

All of these choices.

The disruptive effects of the Dust Bowl on residents included

All of these choices.

Followers of Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda network have harbored resentments against the United States for all of the following reasons, except

American politicians on the right have been increasingly motivated by religion.

Which of these views did Bill Clinton not espouse as he campaigned for the presidency?


Which of the following did not happen during Carter's presidency?

Carter signed the SALT II agreement with the Soviet Union, although it fell apart years later.

The Watergate scandal began with a break-in at the

Democratic National Committee headquarters.

The decisive military turning point for the United States and the Allies against Japan in the Pacific occurred in 1943 with the Allied offensive at the Battle of


What did George Bush do to upset Americans so much that he lost his bid for re-election in 1992?

He promised the American people not to raise taxes and then he raised taxes.

All of the following is true about John F. Kennedy, except

He was known in the 1960s for his womanizing.

The makeshift towns put together by the homeless during the Depression were often called


As the Industrial Revolution progressed in America, all of the following occurred except

Immigration became less important to America.

For what military reason did Truman fire MacArthur?


Which of the following best describes the Bush doctrine?

It is the right of the United States to wage a preemptive war against any nation that might one day threaten the United States

Historians regard the Great Depression as probably the greatest factor in causing World War II because

It led American businesses to reduce investments in Germany, which decreased that nation's production and its ability to repay its World War I reparations.

What did the 18th Amendment do?

It made prohibition the law of the land.

Which of the following men is incorrectly paired with his technological development?

J. Pierpont Morgan - streetcar

Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima and later Nagasaki because

Japan did not respond to an Allied ultimatum to end the war or face destruction.

One of the earliest American preservationists was

John Muir

In June 1942, American forces halted Japan's advance at the Battle of


Which of the following agencies put millions of men to work building roads and creating national parks?

Public Works Administration

Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens were members of a group known as

Radical Republicans.

Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to make effective use of the

Sherman Antitrust Act.

When General George Armstrong Custer attempted to protect white prospectors on sacred Indian lands, Sioux and Cheyenne warriors annihilated them, led by

Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.

What event marked the failure and end of Reconstruction in the South?

The Compromise of 1877 brought moderate Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to the White House where he promptly withdrew federal troops from the South.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about rural Americans during the Great Depression?

The Great Depression simply exacerbated a decade-long problem of overproduction and lowered revenues.

The first moving picture with sound was

The Jazz Singer

Which of these is not a true statement about Clinton and impeachment?

The Senate declined to impeach Clinton but did agree he was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

All of the following were part of the treaty that ended the Spanish-American War except

The U.S. gained Hawaii.

Which event set the stage of American involvement in the war?

The bombing of London in the Battle of Britain

Who summed up his foreign policy with this statement: "Speak softly and carry a big stick"?

Theodore Roosevelt

Congress responded to Lincoln's Ten-Percent Plan, as it was known, by passing the

Wade-Davis Bill.

Monica Lewinsky will long be remembered for having had an affair with President Bill Clinton while she served as

a White House intern.

The Warsaw Pact was

a union consisting of Stalin's Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries that he controlled after World War II.

Muckrakers were investigative writers who exposed

all of these choices

"Robber barons" or "captains of industry" were businessmen who

amassed large fortunes between 1865 and 1900 with ruthlessness and ingenuity.

Abu Ghraib refers to

an Iraqi prison where U.S. soldiers tortured and humiliated prisoners of war.

The L.A. riots of 1992 occurred after

an all-white jury found four white police officers not guilty of beating a black man, Rodney King.

Hezbollah was the terrorist organization responsible for

an attack on a Marine barracks in Lebanon that killed 241 American troops.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization stipulated that

an attack on one or more treaty partners would be considered an attack against them all.

Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry by developing the

assembly line

Jackie Robinson is famous for

being the first African American to play major league baseball.

Which drug appeared in the mid-1980s and quickly took hold of inner city youth?


Because of his concern with the nation's dwindling natural preserves President Theodore Roosevelt

created five national parks and fifty wildlife refuges.

Reagan's supply-side economics program focused first on

cutting taxes to generate investments in the economy.

The Dawes Act

divided tribal lands among native families into individual plots of land and put the land titles in a federal trust.

What was the most common reaction of Americans to Cold War uncertainties?

fear and the rise of conservatism

The major industries that developed in the South prior to 1900 included all of the following except


The Haymarket strike led to

growing anti-union sentiment nationwide.

Between 1981 and 1988, more than 57,000 cases of AIDS had been diagnosed in the United States, yet politicians were slow to respond to the epidemic because

leaders, including President Reagan, dismissed it as a gay disease.

Bill Clinton took office with a decidedly centrist world view, as evidenced by his

liberal social principles and conservative economic views.

By the time the stock market crash had reached the bottom in 1932, stocks had

lost almost 90 percent of their original value.

The significance of the Tet Offensive was that

many Americans, including prominent politicians, began to publicly state that America could not win the war in Vietnam.

By 1920, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that for the first time,

more people lived in urban areas than in non-urban (rural) areas.

All of the following are examples of the Second Red Scare in America except

new laws regarding the protection of civil liberties.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, advocated for by President Lyndon B. Johnson in the wake of John F. Kennedy's assassination

outlawed discrimination in public facilities and employment based on race, sex, religion and national origin.

During the Civil War, Congress took advantage of the absence of southerners in the House and Senate to do all of the following, except

prohibit child labor.

The Fifteenth Amendment

prohibited any state from denying citizens the right to vote on the grounds of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Marshall Plan

provided $13 billion to governments that promised to become or remain democracies.

Although corrupt, New York's Tammany Hall appealed to

recent immigrants and job seekers.

The purpose of the 21st Amendment, enacted in December 1933, was to

repeal the Prohibition Amendment.

On August 9, 1974, Nixon made history when he

resigned as president

During his confirmation hearings, Clarence Thomas had to defend himself against charges of

sexual harassment.

Timothy McVeigh was arrested and prosecuted for

the Oklahoma City bombing

The first target of Progressive reform was

the cities

As a result of the Panic of 1873,

the nation blamed Republicans for the economic crisis, enabling the Democrats to win seventy-seven congressional seats in the 1874 election

Immediately after the Civil War, many white landowners

tried without success to force blacks who had once been their slaves to work under very similar conditions, even to the point of using the whip.

After the Spanish-American War ended and the peace treaty was signed, the United States passed the Platt Amendment, which

was added to the Cuban constitution and gave the United States the right to intervene militarily should revolution threaten.

In 1998, President Clinton was able to report that the federal government

was moving from a budget deficit to a budget surplus

In the aftermath of the Civil War, women's rights activists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Olympia Brown did all of the following, except

wholeheartedly campaign on behalf of the political and economic rights of black men

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