Hist 15 Exam 2

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What are the major principles of the Fourteenth Amendment?

- Birth Rate citizenship, equal protection, and due process. - Entitlement to equal protection of law - States would face deduction in representation in Congress (House of Representatives) if in violation to 14th Amendment (meaning States would lose power if not giving the right to vote to blacks)

Explain the unequal prosperity of the 1920s

A Decade of Prosperity Decade of international business Became an economic superpower after WWI Radios: revolutionizing entertainment into celebrity culture Americans spend more time on leisure activities, vacations Advertisements promised leisure Even though the economy was doing well during the 1920s, there was still inequality among African Americans, farmers, and mainly immigrants, who still faced challenges. The 1920s began with an increase in anti-immigrant and racist feelings, fueled by an economic recession and influx of immigrants. People had a desire to protect the interests of native-born Americans against those of immigrants. Congress passed several laws limiting immigrants. Immigrants were not able to be part of the prosperity during the 1920s. There was also cuts in workers pay so that corporation could make more money. 40% of americans lived in poverty, manufacturing jobs dropped since the jobs were lost to technology. A lot of migration from farms to big cities Economic expansion was uneven

Explain the differences between the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the International Workers of the World (IWW).

AFL: skilled workers, usually white, American-born men. Closer to bigger corporation. Settle disputes. IWW: organized people who were excluded to the AFL like immigrants, women, etc. Communists. They believed mean of production should be owned by the people, not the capitalists.

Briefly explain America's Second Industrial Revolution. What were the conditions that enabled it to happen? What were the results?

Abundant natural resources Development of water power => the rise of factory Growing labor supply ⅔ of Americans working industrial jobs 11 million Americans moving from rural → city, plus 25 millions immigrating to the nation (without immigrants there would not be an expanding marketplace for goods) Growing market for manufactured supplies allowed an industrial economy The US produced ⅓ of world's industrial output Railroads, steels help with manufacture No regulation for safety New capital available for investment: people were investing more into the economy from domestic and overseas Railroads as private investment Telegraph lines More entertainment => more economic development Results: more immigrants, more migration Americans moved from rural to the cities

How did the Zimmerman Telegram affect public opinion in the winter of 1917?

After the Zimmerman Telegram was leaked to american newspapers, americans were furious and many americans now concluded war with Germany was necessary. Germany sent Mexico a telegram saying that they would help them get their land back from the US if they joined the war in case the US joined the war. The threat of Germany and Mexico together caused more Americans to support going to war against Germany. Even though Mexico rejected the proposal, Germany became more threatening than before. We decided that the only way to defeat Germany was to step into the war

How did WWII change America's vision of themselves as a people? How did the federal government promote this vision? Explain this new vision in contrast to the Nazi's theory of a master race.

Americans began to see themselves as trendsetters and consumers in all things; saw themselves as the superpower and the lead fighters for freedom and democracy (American's manifestation) Patriotic assimilation promoted cultural pluralism as racism was the doctrine of the enemy. The federal government's unprecedented involvement in national and international affairs reaffirmed the ideology that the US could and should protect freedom around the world After the war there was big push for racial freedom on the homefront, and this movement contrasted with the idea of white supremacy seen in Nazi Germany

How did the American mobilization for WWII affect women?

Because men were sent to war, women began to regain employment in the mobilization industry. One-third of the civilian workforce and 350,000 women served in military units Rise of Rosie the Riveter - cultural icon of World War II, representing the women who worked in factories and shipyards Worked in government and manufacturing Unions confront equal pay for equal work, maternity leave, and child care This only happened in war because their help was wartime necessity; after war, women were encouraged to go home and start a family Language promoted victory, not women's rights or independence

Explain feminism's divide in the 1920s

CHECK MY NOTES, AND THE PDF WITH STUDY GUIDE While flappers pursued social freedoms and sexual freedom: cigarettes, makeup, and unladylike activities like wearing loose-fitting dress, cut their hair short, drinking, etc. Other women sought financial independence by entering the workforce, many of them were salesclerks, secretaries, or telephone operators. Maternalist Reformers Won reforms during the progressive era, rejected era because then their special treatments would be considered unconstitutional wanted special protections for motherhood Focused on birthcare, childcare National Women's Party: women and men should enjoy equal rights amendment. If women had the right to vote, would no longer need special treatment Equal job and education opportunities Division because of the equal rights amendment

How did the Civil War transform the national economy and create a stronger nation-state?

Congress adopted policies that promoted economic growth and permanently altered the nation's financial system - The Homestead Act - The Land Grant College Act Congress passed land grants for railroads, facilitated the completion of transcontinental railroads Makes shipping cheaper and the shipping process interstate much faster and more proficient Wartime economic policies greatly benefited Northern manufacturers, railroad men, and financiers. Taken together, the Union's economic policies vastly increased the power and size of the federal government. Women stepped into the workforce. Hundreds of thousands of Northern women took part in humanitarian organizations Northern women were brought into the public sphere and the war work offered them a taste of independence. Clara Barton, president of the American National Red Cross, lobbied for the United States to endorse the First Geneva Convention of 1864.

Explain the contradictions in Woodrow Wilson's neutrality policy. What were the two challenges that would steer America towards war?

Contradictions: We should stay out of the war but then keep supplying the weapons and loans to Britain, France, and Russia proclaimed that US would state strictly impartial towards both sides of the war in 1914; did not prevent farms and factories from supplying Britain and France; insisted that Germany must abandon sub warfare, but tolerated Britain's naval blockade Two challenges: German u-boats started sinking neutral American ships with unrestricted sub warfare (Lusitania was sunk carrying innocent people). America would use travellers on the ships because the international law said that no one can attack the civilian ships. Armies getting stuck in trenches, harder to fight therefore needed better weapons

Compare and contrast the ideas of "The American Century" by Henry Luce and "The Price of Free World Victory" by Henry Wallace.

Contrast: The American Century by Luce: Free enterprise, attempt to mobilize American people for the war and post war leadership as a dominant global power, imperialism, mission to spread democracy and freedom which would both be good for America and the world, criticized because it symbolized an American empire, post war prosperity that America is the dominant power so America should distribute to other countries, America's democracy will shine, lead the others The Price of Free World Victory by Wallace: the world should be governed by international collaboration, supported the four freedoms, promoted global peace through fairness, government should humanize capitalism: support world hunger, century of the common man, redistribute economic resources, more peace, marched for freedom Comparison: America should intervene in the world and also ignored the reality in other countries.

What is the progressive concept of "government by expert?"

Creating policies based on science Attempt with a more scientific, rational and rigorous intention to resolve the problems

How did the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 impact the South and voting rights for African American men?

Designed to completely remake Southern electorate The Reconstruction Act of 1867 temporarily separated the South into 5 military districts and required each state to create a new government. During this time, the 14th amendment was passed over the veto and African Americans who were born in the United States were naturalized as citizens. The act compelled Southerners to let African Americans vote. Johnson was impeached due to high crime and misdemeanors. The act forced states to adopt 14th amendment, comply with giving black men the right to vote or no readmission to the United States and become a territory occupied by troops.

How was the West transformed economically and socially in this period (Gilded Age)?

Economically: - Farming improved, more land, small farmers became oriented to national and international markets - Crop production increased and prices decreased - Agriculture enterprises grew - Technology was encouraged - Expansion of railroads ---> major technological advancement of the west - Transcontinental line connected the south, north, east, and west Farmer's Alliance pushed for economic cooperation to raise prices Subtreasury plan: farmers would store grain in government warehouses to get low-rate government loans. This allowed farmers to bypass banks. Socially: It transformed into a more diverse region. Increase in population Natives were subjected to the American lifestyle - Adopt christianity - Men work; women stay at home (children were taken away from their parents so they would be adapted to the American style of living) The Dawes Act 1887: fragmented tribal lands in small partials to be given to Indian families. Best lands were given to white settlers. In agreement, Indians who accepted the farms and adopted civilized lives would be offered American citizenship. Indian Citizenship Most Indians would not be granted American citizenship due to their refusal, they were taken advantage of. They lived in poverty and were treated like traitors . Settlers brought diseases. The West became a place for everyone to come and settle in Farmers became more involved in politics Created the Populists Party Subtreasury Plan - Won graduated income tax Cowboys symbolized free life

How did federal policies undertaken during the Civil War transform the United States into a stronger nation state-economically, politically and ideologically?

Economically: North's transformation under the influence of capitalist interests enriched the North which broughT government contracts, and government pro-business intervention. Building the Transcontinental Railroad Congress created banks, new financial system → increased tariffs, new taxes on goods Wartime economic policies greatly benefited Northern manufacturers, railroad men, and financiers. Taken together, the Union's economic policies vastly increased the power and size of the federal government. The Homestead Act The Land Grant College Act Politically: south and north came together Ideologically: Advanced abolitionist notions of freedom "All men are created equal" and the notion of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Explain Fordism and Taylorism.

Fordism - mass production for mass consumption Ford created production and market techniques that brought a luxury item to the general people Focused on standardizing output and looking to lower the price to bring his products to the masses of consumers Assembly line Model T: process reduced time it took to produce car, lowering labor input, raising output Raised his employees' wages to $5/day Attracted skilled workers Workers ought to be able to buy products made in factories Taylorism Scientific management - way of increasing production and process through micro management production efficiency methodology that breaks every action, job, or task into small and simple segments which can be easily taught A mean of studying produce to see how it can be improve and reduce cost Workers got paid based on results Divided work between managers and workers

What were the Four Freedoms? What did FDR hope to accomplish by pushing them? What was the so called Fifth Freedom?

Four Freedoms: 1. Freedom from Fear: peace and security 2. Freedom of speech and expression 3. Freedom to worship (religion) 4. Freedom of want: " common man" guaranteed standard of living for American workers and farmers; capitalism, be able to buy what you want Fifth freedom: free enterprise

What did Ralph Waldo Emerson mean when he predicted that if the US were to seize its neighbor's territory, "it will be as the man swallows the arsenic, which brings him down in turn. Mexico will poison us.". What would be the basis of this poisoning?

He suggested accruing such a big territory will spark the debate and conflict about slavery. This action would lead to an increase in the sectional tension and division between the Northern Free States and the Southern Slave States. When expanding settlements, Americans wanted as much land as possible with as little Mexicans as possible because they saw Mexicans as inferior to them. Popular sovereignty decided whether slave or free state, and if Mexicans were there, slavery would not go through.

How did the labor and women's movements challenge the nineteenth-century meanings of American freedom?

How women should be independent challenged the workplace so they get higher wages Birth control movement The ability for women to control their bodies = the ability to say no to sexual activities even to their husbands Enjoy active sexual life without having to bear children Created new feminism

In what ways did the government promote business interests in the 1920s?

In 1920s people were working to buy materialistic goods rather than for working for pleasure/passion. They created multinational corporations that expanded around the world, so people all around the world had American cars. Employment exploded because of the automobile industry and production offered opportunities for employment and wages to buy more. Advertisement also ran on posters that encouraged people to buy more.

Why did Presidential Reconstruction fail?

Johnson's plan for the states excluded black men, while it granted pardons to former Confederates. He appointed provincial governors and ordered them to a state convention, wanting to establish a new all-white government. The new government looked extremely similar to the former confederate government they had replaced. Johnson did not find a balanced and unified solution for all races. Black codes were also put into practice which regulated the lives of black folk, denying them the rights to vote, testify against whites, and arrest people who refused to sign annual labor contracts. Johnson lacked Lincoln's political skills Defended state's rights: southern states never gave up rights to support themselves Deeply racist: believed African Americans should not play any role in reconstruction Took the land given to African Americans after the war to give it back to whites The failure of Presidential Reconstruction led to the series of proclamations - Proclamation of Amnesty: Johnson's hated Southern Aristocracy. Later ended up pardoning them, allowing them to hold public office. - Constitutional Conventions: making states loyal to the Union - Electorates: Only allowed white men to vote

What was Eugene Debs' political philosophy?

Leader of the socialist party; supportive of IWW Debs linked socialism to the American's idea Political equality and economic freedom Wanted the government to nationalized economy Ran for president but did not win

What was the philosophy behind Maternalist Reform of the Progressive Era?

Maternalist reformers wanted to improve the life of mothers by including pension and these reformers encouraged the government to allow them to be independent They need state protection (mothers and children) Muller v. Oregon in 1908: Women were not allow more than 8 hours a day because it was considered dangerous for them Consequences: employers stopped hiring women Government should help women to bear children They did not want women to work

Explain the increasing wealth and poverty in the Gilded Age. Describe the various groups, what their living conditions were like, and what sort of work they did.

Middle class were growing Upper class were moving to the private areas and owned the most Skilled workers: minors, - Easily replaced - Work way more dangerous Companies hired more private police which led to more class division - Stopped unions from having rights Sunshine and Shadow: Increasing Wealth and Poverty in New York - People are more aware of it

What proposals were contained in the Moderate's legislation for reconstructing the South and how did President Andrew Johnson respond to that legislation?

Moderate legislature passed the Civil Rights act and the Freedmen's Bureau bill (abandoned confederate land for former slaves). The proposal for reconstructing the South was that special Field order 15 that told Georgia to give 30 miles to black folk to live in The free man was allowed to live in those 40 acres and about 40,000 freemen told up this land. Johnson vetoed these legislations, called to return land to confederate White southerners. The south remained largely agricultural with the same. The Congress, mostly Republicans, overrode the veto and started working on the Fourteenth Amendment.

What were the differences between Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" and Woodrow Wilson's "New Freedom?"

New Nationalism: Roosevelt's belief; need for robust government regulation to keep checks on monopolies He was a nationalist and environmentalist Heavy corporate taxation on rich people and corporations Nationwide insurance Wanted the economy to go international Concern with good and bad companies New Freedom: Wilson's belief; government has to be independent to the free market Creating more economic competition in the market without increasing government regulation Greater economic opportunities for all Limited government regulation

How were women's opportunities enhanced by the war?

New financial system benefited women. Women took jobs as clerks in the expanding government, as nurses in the war. Suffrage movement suspended activities during war then pointed to women work during the war as proof that women deserved the vote.

Explain the use of propaganda during the Civil War. How was the Civil War revolutionary in term of the dissemination of information? How was this done?

PHOTOGRAPHS! The Civil War was the first time people could see at home what was happening on the front. Both the North and South ran propaganda to sway public opinion They used media, photographs, newspapers.

How did a war to preserve the Union become a war to end slavery?

Protected slaves in economic value In the beginning, Lincoln said the war wasn't about ending slavery but about preserving the union, but then the South used slaves and escaped slaves to support their war efforts, the North's position changed. Northerners insisted that emancipation was necessary to weaken the South's ability to sustain the war Lincoln saw emancipation as a political and military necessity. Emancipation Proclamation: Despite its limitations, the proclamation set off scenes of jubilation among free blacks and abolitionists in the North and "contrabands" and slaves in the South. The Emancipation Proclamation not only altered the nature of the Civil War and the course of American history, but represented a turning point in Lincoln's own thinking.

What were the major points of the Fifteenth Amendment? The Bill of Rights protected individuals from the potential "tyranny" of the federal government. How did the role of the federal government change after the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment?

Right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be violated based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude The Fifteenth Amendment prevents racial restriction on voting (although it doesn't give women the vote). Its culmination was the 1875 Civil Rights Act. It assumed that only the federal government could protect these rights. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation Final reconstruction element passed by Republicans States could still hold literacy tests, poll taxes No voting rights still for women

As in the United States at the time, Mexico grappled with questions that sparked rebellions against the central Mexican government. what was this question? How did this question get resolved in the province of Texas?

Should Mexico have a dictatorship? anglo-saxon didn't have rights so Mexico argued that why they wanted to have rights when their slaves didn't have rights either. Mexico wanted to go to dictatorship but provinces did not want it. The question was resolved with the war between Mexico and the province of Texas; caused dictatorship to end with the surprise attack, last battle of San Jacinto.

What were the causes of the Great Depression, and how effective were the government's responses by 1932?

Stock prices were soaring and many people invested their money on the stock market. As number of the new investors began to dwindle the market first slowed and then crashed. The stock market crash resulted in the collapse of many banks. At the same time, overproduction brought excess of products that many people could not afford to buy. This led to factories to lower production and lay off workers. Due to low number of exports, companies were not able to make up for the reduction in consumer spending. All of these factors combined with the Federal Reserve's decision to keep interest rates low, led to an economic depression. President Hoover was cautious in his efforts to improve the economy. He also tried to present an optimistic outlook of the country's economic situation. Voters responded to worsening unemployment by not re electing republicans to office. Hoover then asked congress for laws to fund banks and to provide for relief but these efforts came too late and were too limited to help. Farmers, veterans, and others who were suffering began to protest the government and its inability to assist people.

How was the experience of Japanese-Americans different than other Americans during WWII?

The American propaganda: White politicians and labor leaders were expressing Japanese Americans as disloyal and dangerous. The hype about them grew with the attack of Pearl Harbor. Seen as animalistic because of Pearl Harbor The experience of Japanese Americans was different than other Americans during WW2 because Japanese Americans were looked down upon and they were forced into military camps. They were not able to gain citizenship Pearl Harbor had Americans fearing of Japanese Americans, even those who did not speak or live in Japan were subjected to live in camps. Congress, press, judicial powers, and public opinion all supported placing Japanese Americans into camps unless they signed loyalty forms. The Supreme Court upheld this executive order Japanese Americans suffered from economic discrimination and physical attack Worked in farms in California The press and Congress said that it's not about race, but about loyalty

What were the major factors that contributed to the Great Depression?

The Black Tuesday: Stock Market Crash. 10 billion in market value lost Three months before the stock market crash, people were encouraged to buy stocks thinking that the stock market would continue to grow The taxes were really low, so people invested more and more in the stock market Failed banks, foreclosed mortgages Much economic inequality due to the Republican policies Many lost purchasing power, hurting the demand for products made in the factories Wall Street was part of the problem 25% of the workforce became unemployed/ laid off Consumerism: credits were a big thing, many people went in debt because of credits

Why was the "War Between the States" or the "War of the Rebellion" or Civil War called the first modern war?

The Civil War was called the first modern war because it involved huge armies that consisted mostly of civilian volunteers and required vast amounts of supplies and the industrial revolution was factored into the war. Technology played important role in the war, troops and supply were transported in train by railroad, observation balloons, submarines, and grenades were first used.

Who were the first women to apply the abolitionist doctrine of universal freedom and equality to women? What were the key points put forward by the Seneca Falls Convention in its Declaration of Sentiments?

The Grimke Sisters They argued against the idea of taking part in assemblies, demonstrations, and lectures as unfeminine. Men thought women should not be involved in the public activities Equal pay for equal work Seneca Falls: listed a set of grievances against men, from the right to vote to women's restriction to home life. Early feminists argued women deserved the same range of choices as men. It was the meeting that launched the women's suffrage movement, which ensured women the right to vote later on.

Why did the Mexican government want to attract settlers to Texas? What were the terms of the Mexican government's land grants to these settlers?

The Mexican government wanted to attract settlers to Texas because of raids into Mexico by the Comanche Indians. The Mexican government wanted to attract settlers to Texas to create a buffer zone between deeper Mexico and the Comanche since the state was sparsely populated and could be taken over easily. The Mexican government offered these settlers land grants if they assimilated as Mexicans by adopting Catholicism and learning to speak Spanish. In practice however, the Anglo-Saxon settlers were far more interested in just taking the land and bringing slaves with which to cultivate the land.

What did the New Deal not do? What was the most salient outcome of the New Deal?

The New Deal did not: End the Great Depression. No politician could imagine or understand how much taxpayer dollars needed to be injected into the national economy in order to end the Great Depression. They needed deficit spend to save the economy, but it didn't occur. It also didn't substantially redistribute the national income, the classes remained the same, and it didn't challenge the fundamental tenet of capitalism (no socialism). The First New Deal did not restore prosperity but they all reflected Roosevelt's zeal for action, his willingness to experiment, and his openness to new ideas. The most important result of the first new deal was a noticeable change in the spirit of the American people. Roosevelt's actions had inspired hope and optimism when it was most needed and Americans' faith in their nation was restored.

What dispute sparked the US-Mexican War?

The President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to lead troops across the Nueces River into territory claimed by both the United States and Mexico they placed cannons and army regiment. The reason Polk sent troops into Mexican territory was because Manifest destiny and westward expansion. Polk wanted Mexican troops to fire the first shot. If he could say Mexico was the aggressor, he could more easily win support for a war. Central Mexican government attacked to displace the American in the disputed land.When 11 US soldiers were killed, Polk announced that Mexico had killed Americans on US soil and this led to the US-Mexican War.

How was the peace movement defeated by diplomatic choices Wilson made and by the German Kaiser's choice in early 1917?

The U.S. President were not willing to receive the blockage and did not want Americans or ordinary people to be hurt The peace movement between Germany and the US stated that the US would stop sending the enemy supplies/resources and Germany would not sink their ships carrying ordinary people. The peace movement was defeated by choices made by Wilson by supporting the allies and sending ships with cargo (weapons and other resources), and the ships would carry ordinary american people to make it seem like they were not involved. German Kaiser's choice in early 1917 defeated the peace movement because ordered his fleet of u-boats to sink, whether or not it shipped neutral colors, he only wanted to sink them because they carried supplies to their enemies.

Progressives were quite diverse and often disagreed on many issues. However, they all had one thing in common in terms of their views of government. Explain how progressives felt about the role of government in American society. Explain what was accomplished to this end during the Progressive Era

Their goals are - to have a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people and return the main power to the citizens - Regulation of corporations and monopolies - Social justice for union workers, the poor and the minorities - Environmental protection Progressive believed that people and government had the power to correct abuses produced by nature and the free market. They also wanted to preserve capitalism. Accomplishments: There were sanitation for food industries and security for older people, although there still was social injustice. Black voters were being restrained and so the 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments passed. Laws were passed to protect the public's health and welfare; anti-trust legislation passed; unionization; child labor laws.

By what means did Southern Whites seek to limit African-American civil rights and liberties? How did the federal government respond?

Through the Black Codes, blacks were not allowed to testify against whites, serve on juries or to vote. Blacks who did not sign yearly labor contracts with planters could be arrested. Some states limited job opportunities, barred them from acquiring land and even allowed judges to assign black children to work for their former owners without their parents consent. The south used black codes to restrict all freedoms in general. They also had Literacy test to restrict African Americans from voting, since many didn't have an education. The government made regulations (i.e. 15th Amendment) on this saying you can't restrict citizens right to vote.

How did the United States get involved in World War I?

US got involved in the war because they wanted to make money so they started supplying the allies. Germany sunk the Lusitania ship that had American passengers. Many Americans died and Americans back home were outraged and wanted to go to war. To top it off the Zimmerman Telegram caused Wilson and Americans to get mad because Germany went behind their backs to negotiate with Mexico and both Wilson and Americans didn't want anything similar to happen in the future.

What were the major differences between the North and the South in terms of demographics, economy, and resources during the war between the states?

Union North: - more population - strong naval tradition - factories (90% of all factories, including ammunition factories) - superior logistics (railroad transportation) - more money (bigger bank, loans to the South) - superior supply chains Confederate South: - conviction - strong military tradition (7/8 military schools were in the South) - the rifle made defensive positions more important, the South was in a defensive position - confederates were familiar with the territory where the war took place

What is the difference between Vertical and Horizontal Integration?

Vertical integration: company controls and owns every stage of production; rules over the whole supply chain value in the industry Andrew Carnegie built dominating vertically integrated steel company Horizontal integration: when one firm acquires competing firms, creating a complete monopoly in the industry; owns one specific stage Buy out from your competitors

How did WWII transform the role of the federal government? What happened to the relationship between the federal government and private industry? What happened to labor unions?

WWII transformed the role of the federal government by greatly expanding it in Americans' life. The government regulated the market, business, and consumer interest like never before. Restoration of the reputation of big business Advertisements making them pro-war when they were originally against it The relationship between the federal government and private industry: A new wave of governmental regulation swept the nation after WWII, and the federal government no longer backed big corporations, but instead took measures to protect consumers. The federal government forced employers to recognize unions, and as a result unions saw an unprecedented number of members, and union leaders agreed not to strike

How did Native Americans' concept of freedom clash with white American's ideas of liberty?

White Americans still believed in the manifestation. Their ideas of liberty only pertained to those who were "American Citizens" and lived the American life. The Native Americans concept of freedom classed with it because they believed they owned that land and had no reason to leave it. Native Americans wanted to keep their cultural and social values, but the White Americans wanted the government to force the Natives to adapt to American lifestyle. See Dawes Act.

How do women's lives become more independent and freer during the Progressive Era?

Women's Suffrage They can vote now in Wyoming and Colorado Given opportunities to join the workforce Higher education The difference in feminism: women were helping each other

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