HIST 225 Final Exam Review (Quizzes)

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During the ratification process, people who supported the new proposed Constitution were called: a. Federalists b. Antifederalists c. Republicans d. Democrats

a. Federalists

Who was Francis Townsend, according to your American Yawp reading? a. "A former doctor and public health official from California [who] promoted a plan for old age pensions which, he argued, would provide economic security for the elderly" b. "A priest and radio personality from the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, [who] gained a following by making vitriolic, anti-Semitic attacks on [Franklin D.] Roosevelt for cooperating with banks and financiers" c. "The popular head and administrator of the wartime Food Administration and a self-made millionaire, [who] was made Secretary of Commerce" d. "Member of the American Communist Party (CPUSA) in the 1930s . . .accused of passing secret bomb-related documents onto Soviet officials."

a. "A former doctor and public health official from California [who] promoted a plan for old age pensions which, he argued, would provide economic security for the elderly"

As covered in a Hollitz primary source, Red Channels was a. A publication listing the names of people linked to communism, used by advertising agencies and television networks to identify people who would not be hired b. A magazine published by radical countercultural activists in the 1960s c. Broadcasts of communist propaganda through the Sputnik satellite d. A fake newsletter created by the Committee to Re-Elect the President to accuse Nixon's opponents of secretly supporting communism

a. A publication listing the names of people linked to communism, used by advertising agencies and television networks to identify people who would not be hired

What was the "silent majority"? a. A term used by Richard Nixon to refer to voters who did not support liberal and radical activism b. A term used by the House Un-American Activities Committee to refer to the difference between Hollywood filmmakers' liberal viewpoints and the viewpoints of the general public c. A term developed by Ronald Reagan to argue that the majority of Americans believed the U.S. needed to continue fighting the Vietnam War d. A term used to describe the decrease in voter turnout in the 1970s

a. A term used by Richard Nixon to refer to voters who did not support liberal and radical activism

Who was George Whitefield? a. A traveling preacher who advocated that people take personal responsibility for their salvation b. A leader of violent protests against the excise tax on whiskey c. The creator of the National Bank of the United States d. A member of the Sons of Liberty who coordinated protests against the Stamp Act

a. A traveling preacher who advocated that people take personal responsibility for their salvation

The Hollitz chapter on the Revolution contains petitions to the Massachusetts legislature requesting: a. Abolition of slavery and exemption of African Americans from taxation b. Property ownership and wage-earning rights for women c. Repeal of the Stamp Act and of the Tea Act d. Freedom of religion for citizens

a. Abolition of slavery and exemption of African Americans from taxation

What was the abolitionist movement? a. Activism to end slavery b. Activism against alcohol consumption c. Activism in support of workers' rights d. Activism to end the legal concept of coverture

a. Activism to end slavery

What was the "Double V" campaign? a. African Americans' volunteer service for the U.S. military in World War II, part of a strategy for fighting racism by demonstrating African Americans' vital service to the nation. b. The secret military research project based at Los Alamos, New Mexico, which resulted in technology for the atomic bomb c. The argument by the Young Americans for Freedom that the U.S. needed to fight communism in other nations and at home in the U.S. d. The campaign strategy that advertising agencies developed for Franklin Delano Roosevelt's successful Presidential campaign

a. African Americans' volunteer service for the U.S. military in World War II, part of a strategy for fighting racism by demonstrating African Americans' vital service to the nation.

Education and literacy for women increased a. As a result of the Revolution. The ideal of republican government emphasized the role of virtuous citizens, and women were expected to educate future citizens b. As a result of the Embargo of 1807. The decrease in international trade meant that all family members would need to work and contribute to the family income c. Because the Continental Congress was inspired by the writing of women including Abigail Adams. The Congress included laws to promote gender equality in the laws written for the new nation during the Revolution

a. As a result of the Revolution. The ideal of republican government emphasized the role of virtuous citizens, and women were expected to educate future citizens

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan; the Stamp Act Congress; the Tea Act b. The Tea Act; Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan; the Stamp Act Congress c. The Tea Act; the Stamp Act Congress; Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan d. The Stamp Act Congress; the Tea Act; Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan

a. Benjamin Franklin proposed the Albany Plan; the Stamp Act Congress; the Tea Act

The Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case stated that a. Black Americans could not be citizens of the U.S. b. Slavery was unconstitutional c. Enslaved people who moved to free states would automatically become free d. The federal government must honor individual states' decisions on outlawing slavery

a. Black Americans could not be citizens of the U.S.

In the Vietnam War, what was the goal of the U.S.? a. Contain communism by supporting the anti-communist South Vietnamese government b. Contain communism by supporting the anti-communist North Vietnamese government c. Help England regain its imperial control in North Vietnam

a. Contain communism by supporting the anti-communist South Vietnamese government

This person was accused of "restraint of trade or commerce" for leading a strike of Pullman Palace Car Company workers. a. Eugene Debs b. Albert Beveridge c. Woodrow Wilson d. Alice Stone Blackwell

a. Eugene Debs

The 1963 inaugural address of this Alabama governor included the proclamation: "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!" In a 1968 campaign for President, this politician received 13.5% of the popular vote. a. George Wallace b. Joe McCarthy c. Barry Goldwater d. Hubert Humphrey

a. George Wallace

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Herbert Hoover became President; Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President; the Korean War b. Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President; the Korean War; Herbert Hoover became President c. the Korean War; Herbert Hoover became President; Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President d. Herbert Hoover became President; the Korean War; Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President

a. Herbert Hoover became President; Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President; the Korean War

Robert Drew's film Primary depicts _______. a. John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey campaigning in Wisconsin b. Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy campaigning in California c. The New York City advertising team developing TV commercials for Richard Nixon d. Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter campaigning in Texas

a. John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey campaigning in Wisconsin

Herbert Hoover's response to the stock market crash included a. Minimal government role in business and no federal unemployment aid. Hoover's associationalism relied on voluntary response from businesses. b. The banking holiday and National Recovery Administration. Hoover's associationalism required creation of new bureaus within the federal government. c. An attempt to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court. Managerialism involved Hoover's efforts to affect the Justice Department. d. New minimum wage laws through the Fair Labor Standards Act, reflecting Hoover's managerialist idea that the federal government should intervene in business.

a. Minimal government role in business and no federal unemployment aid. Hoover's associationalism relied on voluntary response from businesses.

During the Hartford Convention, Federalists a. Opposed the three-fifths rule because it established too much power for the South b. Developed the Monroe Doctrine to ensure a balance of power between the North and South in the Senate c. Supported the Stamp Act because it aided Northern states in repaying Revolutionary War debts d. Opposed the Naturalization Act of 1798 because it decreased the number of Irish immigrants to the U.S.

a. Opposed the three-fifths rule because it established too much power for the South

Under the Kansas-Nebraska Act a. Popular sovereignty would determine the status of slavery b. The Missouri Compromise was renewed so that there would be a geographic dividing line between slave states and free states c. Suffrage was extended to white male citizens who did not own property d. Enslaved people who traveled to anti-slavery states became free

a. Popular sovereignty would determine the status of slavery

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, New York restauranteurs pursued wealthy and educated customers by a. Printing menus in French b. Using word of mouth rather than newspaper advertising c. Relocating to suburbs, outside of city commercial districts d. Advertising in movie theaters

a. Printing menus in French

The Spanish-American War occurred because the U.S. government objected to a. Spain's treatment of protesters in Cuba b. Spain's treatment of protesters in the Philippines c. Spain's alliance with Germany d. Spain's efforts to reclaim Texas land

a. Spain's treatment of protesters in Cuba

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Spanish-American War; Philippine-American War; World War I b. World War I; Spanish-American War; Philippine-American War c. Spanish-American War; World War I; Philippine-American War d. Philippine-American War ;Spanish-American War; World War I

a. Spanish-American War; Philippine-American War; World War I

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. The Missouri Compromise; the Kansas-Nebraska Bill; Abraham Lincoln elected President b. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill; the Missouri Compromise; Abraham Lincoln elected President c. Abraham Lincoln elected President; the Kansas-Nebraska Bill; the Missouri Compromise d. the Missouri Compromise; Abraham Lincoln elected President; the Kansas-Nebraska Bill

a. The Missouri Compromise; the Kansas-Nebraska Bill; Abraham Lincoln elected President

John Louis O'Sullivan described the ability of U.S. citizens "to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." O'Sullivan was supporting a. The annexation of Texas as manifest destiny b. The Trail of Tears as something justified by the Monroe Doctrine c. Restrictions on immigration from Mexico to California d. Mormon settlement in Utah

a. The annexation of Texas as manifest destiny

In the secondary source essay from your Hollitz reading assignment this week, the historian Kristin Hoganson's thesis focuses on this: a. The role of social norms about manhood and womanhood in the U.S. decision to annex the Philippines b. The role of social norms about manhood and womanhood in the U.S. declaration of war against Spain c. The role of economic competition as the explanation for the development of U.S. imperialism d. The role of imperialism alliances in the U.S. decision to enter World War I

a. The role of social norms about manhood and womanhood in the U.S. decision to annex the Philippines

Identify the author and the source of this quote, which was included in an American Yawp assignment and in lecture: ". . . . But I feel confident that if Jefferson were living in our day he would see what we see: that the individual is caught in a great confused nexus of all sorts of complicated circumstances, and that to let him alone is to leave him helpless as against the obstacles with which he has to contend; and that, therefore, law in our day must come to the assistance of the individual. It must come to his assistance to see that he gets fair play; that is all, but that is much. Without the watchful interference, the resolute interference, of the government, there can be no fair play between individuals and such powerful institutions as the trusts.. .." a. Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom b. Booker T. Washington, The Atlanta Compromise c. James Fernald, The Imperial Republic d. Frederick Jackson Turner, The Significance of Sections in American History

a. Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom

The Dawes General Allotment Act, also referred to as the Dawes Severalty Act a. divided Native American reservation land into small plots for individual families b. required the removal of Native Americans from the Southeast region, leading to the "Trail of Tears." c. established that Native American warriors would be imprisoned at Fort Marion d. led to the establishment of the Carlisle School, led by Richard Pratt in Pennsylvania

a. divided Native American reservation land into small plots for individual families

The Emancipation Proclamation stated that a. enslaved people in the Confederacy would be freed if the Confederate government did not surrender b. all enslaved people in the Union and Confederacy would be freed immediately c. enslaved people who served the Union military would attain freedom d. enslaved people in the Union border states would be freed immediately

a. enslaved people in the Confederacy would be freed if the Confederate government did not surrender

Who was Black Hawk? a. A Cherokee ally of Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans b. A Sauk Indian leader of an uprising by Sauk and Fox peoples against governments of Illinois and Wisconsin c. A native American miner executed for theft at the Placer Seco in California d. A Powhatan leader who formed alliances with the Virginia government

b. A Sauk Indian leader of an uprising by Sauk and Fox peoples against governments of Illinois and Wisconsin

In the film The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, the interview subjects commented on how their work opportunities changed as a result of World War II. Which of the following does not reflect the experiences of women who took World War II production jobs? a. Qualification for the Social Security program b. A collaborative workplace in which white and black workers work welcomed equally from the beginning, sharing equal status and access to facilities c. Higher pay than they had received prior to the war d. Access to training programs in welding and shipfitting

b. A collaborative workplace in which white and black workers work welcomed equally from the beginning, sharing equal status and access to facilities

The market revolution between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War was defined by a. The increase of British mercantilism b. An increase of the cash economy and an increase of farming for profit rather than self- sufficiency c. An increased reliance on informal systems of barter and trade

b. An increase of the cash economy and an increase of farming for profit rather than self- sufficiency

According to the American Yawp, supporters of ___________ were "concerned about relaxed sexual mores and increased social freedoms, especially as found in city centers." a. The flapper movement b. Christian Fundamentalism c. Transcendentalism d. The Niagara Movement

b. Christian Fundamentalism

This was the location of riots for which long-term causes included patterns of employment discrimination and police brutality, in addition to short-term causes of violence at the segregated Belle Isle amusement park a. Montgomery b. Detroit c. Los Angeles d. Greensboro

b. Detroit

Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam? a. Ngo Dinh Diem b. Ho Chi Minh c. Harry Truman d. Dwight Eisenhower

b. Ho Chi Minh

These candidates were the participants in the first televised Presidential debates. a. Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon b. John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon c. John F. Kennedy and George Wallace d. Lyndon B. Johnson and Gerald Ford

b. John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts as a. Valid uses of federal government power based on Article I of the Constitution b. Laws that should be nullified or declared unconstitutional by the states c. Justification for replacing the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution d. Valid steps, but ones that should be established by amending the Constitution rather than passing laws through Congress

b. Laws that should be nullified or declared unconstitutional by the states

This African-American politician, elected to the South Carolina state legislature and to the U.S. House of Representatives, had served as a Union captain in the Civil War. He supported legislation to make reduced-priced land available for purchase to African Americans. a. Richard Pratt b. Robert Smalls c. John Brown d. Denmark Vesey

b. Robert Smalls

What were the results of Andrew Jackson's bank veto? a. The influence of speculators decreased b. State-chartered banks and circulation of banknotes increased c. Congress overrode the veto and re-established a national bank d. Farmers led violent protests

b. State-chartered banks and circulation of banknotes increased

This activist group wrote the Port Huron statement, which included this quote: "When we were kids the United States was the wealthiest and strongest country in the world. The only one with the atom bomb, the least scarred by modern war, an initiator of the United Nations that we thought would distribute Western influence throughout the world. Freedom and equality for each individual, government of, by, and for the people--these American values we found good, principles by which we could live as men. Many of us began maturing in complacency....." a. Young Americans for Freedom b. Students for a Democratic Society c. Southern Christian Leadership Conference d. National Organization for Women

b. Students for a Democratic Society

A Harvard theology professor remarked, "I have never seen anywhere so assiduous note-taking. No, not even in a college class," to comment on a. Students studying to be ministers and missionaries during the Second Great Awakening b. Native Americans in a Franciscan mission in California c. Employees of the Lowell mills d. Students in seminaries preparing for their future as mothers

c. Employees of the Lowell mills

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. James Buchanan elected President; the Lowell mills were established; the U.S. Census determined that two U.S. citizens lived on each square mile from the East Coast to the West Coast b. The Lowell mills were established; James Buchanan elected President; the U.S. Census determined that two U.S. citizens lived on each square mile from the East Coast to the West Coast c. The U.S. Census determined that two U.S. citizens lived on each square mile from the East Coast to the West Coast; the Lowell mills were established; James Buchanan elected President d. The Lowell mills were established; the U.S. Census determined that two U.S. citizens lived on each square mile from the East Coast to the West Coast; James Buchanan elected President

b. The Lowell mills were established; James Buchanan elected President; the U.S. Census determined that two U.S. citizens lived on each square mile from the East Coast to the West Coast

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Shays's Rebellion; James Madison elected President; the Sons of Liberty group was established b. The Sons of Liberty group was established; Shays's Rebellion; James Madison elected President c. James Madison elected President; Shays's Rebellion; the Sons of Liberty group was established d. Shays's Rebellion; the Sons of Liberty group was established; James Madison elected President

b. The Sons of Liberty group was established; Shays's Rebellion; James Madison elected President

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Woodrow Wilson became President; Theodore Roosevelt became President; Calvin Coolidge became President b. Theodore Roosevelt became President; Woodrow Wilson became President; Calvin Coolidge became President c. Calvin Coolidge became President; Theodore Roosevelt became President; Woodrow Wilson became President d. Theodore Roosevelt became President; Calvin Coolidge became President; Woodrow Wilson became President

b. Theodore Roosevelt became President; Woodrow Wilson became President; Calvin Coolidge became President

Which events led up to the Texas Revolution? a. New state laws barred non-U.S. citizens from working in Texas b. U.S. citizens immigrated to Mexico but violated Mexican law outlawing slavery c. Voting fraud caused disagreement about election results d. Residents of Texas revolted to demand a Fugitive Slave Law

b. U.S. citizens immigrated to Mexico but violated Mexican law outlawing slavery

The United States entered World War I a. Immediately after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand b. With a declaration of war against Germany, following German use of submarine by sending the battleship Maine to monitor the Philippines c. By annexing Hawaii in spite of challenges from Austria-Hungary

b. With a declaration of war against Germany, following German use of submarine by sending the battleship Maine to monitor the Philippines

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. the Cold War ended; the Tet Offensive; U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam b. the Tet Offensive; U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam; the Cold War ended c. U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam; the Tet Offensive; the Cold War ended d. U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam; the Cold War ended; the Tet Offensive

b. the Tet Offensive; U.S. military withdrawal from Vietnam; the Cold War ended

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Andrew Jackson elected President; the War of 1812; the Civil War; Reconstruction b. the War of 1812; Andrew Jackson elected President; the Civil War; Reconstruction c. Reconstruction; the War of 1812; the Civil War; AndrewJackson elected President d. Andrew Jackson elected President; the Civil War; Reconstruction; the War of 1812

b. the War of 1812; Andrew Jackson elected President; the Civil War; Reconstruction

The Battle of New Orleans, an event described in the song "Hunters of Kentucky," was a. A victory for British forces that represented a turning point in the Seven Years' War b. A victory for British forces in the War of 1812 that affected the terms for ending the war c. A victory for U.S. forces in the War of 1812 that held patriotic symbolism but occurred after Britain and the U.S. had agreed to end the war d. A victory of American farmers who rebelled against government officials to protest the whiskey tax

c. A victory for U.S. forces in the War of 1812 that held patriotic symbolism but occurred after Britain and the U.S. had agreed to end the war

Allied Powers nations in World War II were _______. a. Germany, France, the Soviet Union, Japan and Spain b. Germany, China, Vietnam, Italy, and the Soviet Union c. Britain, France, China, the Soviet Union, and the United States d. Britain, Italy, the Soviet Union, China, and the United States

c. Britain, France, China, the Soviet Union, and the United States

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Andrew Jackson elected President; Cahokia was established; Alexander Hamilton's assumption plan approved by Congress b. Alexander Hamilton's assumption plan approved by Congress; Cahokia was established; Andrew Jackson elected President c. Cahokia was established; Alexander Hamilton's assumption plan approved by Congress; Andrew Jackson elected President d. Alexander Hamilton's assumption plan approved by Congress; Andrew Jackson elected President; Cahokia was established

c. Cahokia was established; Alexander Hamilton's assumption plan approved by Congress; Andrew Jackson elected President

The World's Columbian Exposition was held in a. New York b. San Francisco c. Chicago d. Washington, D.C.

c. Chicago

As seen in last week's Hollitz chapter, a 1926 speech given at the American Association of Advertising Agencies conference stated that advertising "makes new thoughts, new desires, and new actions." This speech was a. The launch of television advertising for the Ford Motors Company b. A reaction by businesses to the New Deal c. Delivered by U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and ghost-written by a prominent figure in the advertising industry d. A criticism of communism

c. Delivered by U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and ghost-written by a prominent figure in the advertising industry

Progressivism emphasized a. Expansion of government power to encourage the growth of big businesses b. Restriction of government power in order to protect individual liberty c. Expansion of government power to promote social equality and regulate business d. Strengthening the American economy through mass production of new technologies including automobiles

c. Expansion of government power to promote social equality and regulate business

The "Four Freedoms" speech was a. Herbert Hoover's speech at an advertising convention about the importance of free trade b. Harry Truman's speech explaining the use of atomic bombs in Japan c. Franklin Roosevelt's State of the Union address explaining why the U.S. may need to enter WWII d. Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address criticizing the military-industrial complex

c. Franklin Roosevelt's State of the Union address explaining why the U.S. may need to enter WWII

As depicted in the film Slavery and the Making of America, this person wrote a book narrative about personal experiences of enslavement in North Carolina. a. Catharine Beecher b. Sojourner Truth c. Harriet Jacobs d. Caroline Kirkland

c. Harriet Jacobs

Jane Addams was the founder of ________. a. The South End House in Boston b. The Palmer Home in San Francisco c. Hull House in Chicago d. The Neighborhood Guild in New York

c. Hull House in Chicago

According to the historian Marli Weiner, author of the Hollitz secondary source essay "Domestic Ideology in the South" a. Politicians emphasized the importance of democratic ideals, but the "cult of domesticity" spread the message that Southern women had no value in the society. b. The "cult of domesticity" ideal dominated in the South but disappeared entirely in other regions. c. In the South, the "cult of domesticity" ideal was used in attempts to justify slavery with assertions that white Southern women were supposedly benevolent and charitable to the people enslaved in their households. d. There was a significant decrease in the rate of education and literacy for women during the 1830s decade, but there was a significant increase in the rate of education and literacy for men.

c. In the South, the "cult of domesticity" ideal was used in attempts to justify slavery with assertions that white Southern women were supposedly benevolent and charitable to the people enslaved in their households.

The Great Society was a program created by the administration of a. John F. Kennedy b. Richard Nixon c. Lyndon B. Johnson d. Ronald Reagan

c. Lyndon B. Johnson

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. McCarthyism; Watergate; Freedom Summer b. Watergate; Freedom Summer; McCarthyism c. McCarthyism; Freedom Summer; Watergate d. Freedom Summer; McCarthyism; Watergate

c. McCarthyism; Freedom Summer; Watergate

Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle led to passage of the _____. a. McKinley Act to shorten the workday b. Mann Act to improve living conditions for factory workers c. Meat Inspection Act to regulate consumer goods d. Clayton Antitrust Act to prevent some types of mergers

c. Meat Inspection Act to regulate consumer goods

This quote comes from a letter to a newspaper editor that was included in your Hollitz reading assignment this week. What was the letter responding to? Quote: "In schools there are all nationalities, but only Mexicans are called by their ancestors' blood. There are Irish, Jews, English, French, Swedes, etc., but as long as they are born in this country they are Americans. Why not those of Mexican descent? They are treated as rare specimens. My two girls and my young son are going to high school. Yesterday, the principal had an auditorium call just for Mexicans. These youngsters resent the way they were taken out of their classes." a. Brown v. Board of Education b. McCarthyism c. Riots in Los Angeles d. Redlining

c. Riots in Los Angeles

Wait for the image to appear on the screen. This image was circulated to support what cause? a. Abolitionism b. Benevolent associations c. Temperance d. Westward expansion of the frontier line

c. Temperance

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. The Great Depression; the Cold War; World War II b. The Cold War; the Great Depression; World War II c. The Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War d. World War II; the Great Depression; the Cold War

c. The Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War

The "Corrupt Bargain" occurred when a. Alexander Hamilton created the National Bank of the United States and allowed his friends the first opportunity to purchase shares in the bank b. The House of Representatives selected John Adams as President in a close election but allowed James Monroe, Adam's opponent, to serve as Vice President c. The House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams as President in a close election, and then John Quincy Adams appointed Henry Clay as Secretary of State d. George Washington pardoned participants in Shay's Rebellion and excused their debts to prevent them from opposing his Presidency

c. The House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams as President in a close election, and then John Quincy Adams appointed Henry Clay as Secretary of State

What was the Combahee River Collective? a. a group of women activists who opposed the Equal Rights Amendment b. the group that originated Freedom Schools c. a group of black feminists who wrote about the problems of racism in the white women's movement d. a countercultural commune advocating use of psychedelic drugs

c. a group of black feminists who wrote about the problems of racism in the white women's movement

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established to a. implement revenue sharing programs b. implement War on Poverty programs c. receive reports about violations of the Civil Rights Act d. promote unionization as a response to deindustrialization

c. receive reports about violations of the Civil Rights Act

According to the American Yawp, the growing emphasis on this trade good in the 1820s and 1830s became "the foundation of the South's astronomical rise to global prominence." a. Tobacco b. Sugar c. Wagons d. Cotton

d. Cotton

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated President; Ronald Reagan inaugurated President; Gerald Ford inaugurated President b. Ronald Reagan inaugurated President; Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated President; Gerald Ford inaugurated President c. Gerald Ford inaugurated President; Ronald Reagan inaugurated President; Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated President d. Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated President; Gerald Ford inaugurated President; Ronald Reagan inaugurated President

d. Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated President; Gerald Ford inaugurated President; Ronald Reagan inaugurated President

Who wrote Federalist #10, which argued that the large size of the American republic would prevent the dominance of factions and corrupt elected officials? a. George Washington b. Thomas Jefferson c. Alexander Hamilton d. James Madison

d. James Madison

What were the Black Codes? a. Laws requiring that African Americans serving in the Union military during the Civil War serve in separate units from whites b. Laws appearing in Southern states in the 1830s to prevent education of enslaved people as a way to prevent resistance against slavery c. Laws that first appeared after Reconstruction as a way to impose racial segregation in the North d. Laws appearing in Southern states during Reconstruction as a way to limit freedom for African Americans, including laws requiring employment

d. Laws appearing in Southern states during Reconstruction as a way to limit freedom for African Americans, including laws requiring employment

Who was Nat Turner? a. Publisher of the anti-slavery newspaper the Liberator b. An advocate of plans to send black Americans to Africa c. A formerly enslaved person who protested slavery by writing letters to slaveholding Southerners d. Leader of a rebellion against slavery in Virginia, inspired by his religious visions

d. Leader of a rebellion against slavery in Virginia, inspired by his religious visions

The Stamp Act was a. enforced until the beginning of conflict in the Revolutionary War. b. created by the colonists in America as a way to fund their expansion into Western lands. c. a proposal by Benjamin Franklin that was rejected by the Albany Congress. d. Protested and repealed. However, Parliament's Declaratory Act declared the validity of this type of policy

d. Protested and repealed. However, Parliament's Declaratory Act declared the validity of this type of policy

The argument "government is not the solution to the problem; government is the problem" was used by __________ to advocate tax cuts and cuts to social welfare programs a. Arthur Miller b. Lyndon B. Johnson c. Stokely Carmichael d. Ronald Reagan

d. Ronald Reagan

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. the Missouri Compromise; the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; Shays's Rebellion b. the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; the Missouri Compromise; Shays's Rebellion c. Shays's Rebellion; the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; the Missouri Compromise d. Shays's Rebellion; the Missouri Compromise; the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

d. Shays's Rebellion; the Missouri Compromise; the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. The Progressive Era began; the Gilded Age began; the Nineteenth Amendment established women's suffrage b. The Gilded Age began; the Nineteenth Amendment established women's suffrage; the Progressive Era began c. The Nineteenth Amendment established women's suffrage; the Progressive Era began; the Gilded Age began d. The Gilded Age began; the Progressive Era began; the Nineteenth Amendment established women's suffrage

d. The Gilded Age began; the Progressive Era began; the Nineteenth Amendment established women's suffrage

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. The Wilmot Proviso was defeated; the Second Great Awakening began; the Civil War b. The Second Great Awakening began; the Civil War; the Wilmot Proviso was defeated c. The Wilmot Proviso was defeated; the Civil War; the Second Great Awakening began d. The Second Great Awakening began; the Wilmot Proviso was defeated; the Civil War

d. The Second Great Awakening began; the Wilmot Proviso was defeated; the Civil War

As covered in your Hollitz assignment from last week, "scare copy" was a. The use of government propaganda to support the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act b. Muckraking journalism that criticized American businesses for promoting conformity and pressuring consumers to copy one another c. The style of political speeches designed to shift public opinion away from neutrality d. The advertising technique of depicting examples of people's personal failures, such as social rejection and professional rejection

d. The advertising technique of depicting examples of people's personal failures, such as social rejection and professional rejection

In the essay "A Strenuous Life," discussed in your Jackson Hall meetings this week, this person advocated American imperialism as a way to strengthen the character of American men. a. William McKinley b. Booker T. Washington c. Marcus Garvey d. Theodore Roosevelt

d. Theodore Roosevelt

The Bonus Army march and the popular song "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" emphasize the effects of the Great Depression on a. Dust Bowl farmers b. Immigrants from Mexico c. Unemployed women d. World War I veterans

d. World War I veterans

Freedom Summer focused on a. environmental activism to protest large corporations' influence on the water supply in New York b. activism to oppose the military draft of Americans for service in the Vietnam War c. promoting the "Four Freedoms" as an alternative to communist ideology d. activism to support voter registration of African Americans in Mississippi

d. activism to support voter registration of African Americans in Mississippi

Which sequence lists the events in chronological order, starting with the event that happened earliest and ending with the most recent? a. The Social Security Act; McCarthyism; internment of Japanese Americans b. McCarthyism; the Social Security Act; internment of Japanese Americans c. Internment of Japanese Americans; McCarthyism; the Social Security Act d. the Social Security Act; internment of Japanese Americans; McCarthyism

d. the Social Security Act; internment of Japanese Americans; McCarthyism

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