HIST 30A Midterm #2

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a. Patrick Henry

Ironically, the twenty-six year-old slave of this American patriot accepted an offer of freedom in exchange for fighting for the British Empire; a. Patrick Henry b. George Washington c. Benjamin Franklin d. Thomas Jefferson

a. The master implicit power and authority.

Long-term relationships between masters and enslaved women were usually based on: a. The master implicit power and authority. b. Overt coercion by masters. c. Seduction of slaves by masters. d. Seduction of masters by slaves.

Elizabeth Freeman

This Massachusetts slave sued for freedom in 1781:

c. It dealt a heavy blow to slavery

This can be said about the Revolutionary War's impact on slavery in America: a. There was no impact. b. It helped it to grow. c. It dealt a heavy blow to slavery d. It temporarily ended it, until its resurrection by the South.

c. Contained a passage that would later be deleted.

Thomas Jefferson's initial draft of the Declaration of Independence was: a. Adopted by the Continental Congress. b. Adopted by all of the colonies except Georgia. c. Contained a passage that would later be deleted. d. None of the above

French colony

Toussaint L'Ouverture led an uprising in what sugar colony?

c. A long growing season.

What conditions were necessary in order to grow tobacco? a. A consistently warm climate. b. At least sixty inches of rain per year. c. A long growing season. d. All of the above.

c. Masters and slave catchers were allowed to pursue fugitive slaves across state lines.

What did the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 stipulate? a. Any slave caught unaccompanied more than 1 mile from their plantation was a fugitive. b. A slave remained a slave, even if his/her master took residency in a free state. c. Masters and slave catchers were allowed to pursue fugitive slaves across state lines. d. Masters who killed escaped slaves were immune to prosecution

b. Vermont

Which was the first state to abolish slavery in its constitution? a. Massachusetts b. Vermont c. Connecticut d. Pennsylvania

a. Cultivated cotton.

A majority of slaves in the South: a. Cultivated cotton. b. Grew tobacco. c. Produced sugar, rice, and hemp. d. Worked as domestic servants.

d. Paul Cuffe

According to your text, the major black advocate of migration to Africa in the post-revolutionary era was: a. Prince Hall b. Daniel Coker c. James Forten d. Paul Cuffe

c. 50%

Approximately _________ of all slave children died before the age of five. a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 35%

d. South Carolina and Georgia

Black Loyalists were most numerous in: a. New England b. The Middle Atlantic Colonies c. Maryland and Virginia d. South Carolina and Georgia

c. West Indies

Black Loyalists were resettled in which of the following areas? a. Nova Scotia b. Sierra Leone c. West Indies d. All of the above

c. 50%

By 1860, cotton accounted for approximately ___________ of the annual dollar value of all United States exports. a. 30% b. 40% c. 50% d. 60%

Modified version of Protestantism

By the mid-nineteenth century, most slaves were practicing what religion?

a. Was a runaway slave and the first to die in the Boston Massacre.

Crispus Attucks: a. Was a runaway slave and the first to die in the Boston Massacre. b. Founded the "Attuck's Guards" c. Was killed while resisting enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act. d. Helped organized the Boston Tea Party.

c. Open defiance

Enslaved African Americans used everything EXCEPT this to protect themselves physically, and psychologically from the destructive effects of slavery: a. Folktales b. Fictive kin relationships c. Open defiance d. Feigned stupidity

d. All of the above.

Slaves often ________ to avoid punishment. a. Worked slowly-but not too slowly. b. Cooperated among themselves. c. Broke tools. d. All of the above.


T/F A small percentage of free blacks owned slaves.


T/F As the Cotton Kingdom expanded, slavery declined in the Chesapeake.


T/F Benjamin Banneker was adept at math and science, but not at languages.


T/F Daniel Coker led the first party of African Americans to the colony of Liberia.


T/F In the post-revolutionary North, slavery was not economically essential.


T/F Phillis Wheatley wrote the second book ever by an American woman.


T/F Skilled slaves tended to be even more of a slave elite than house slaves.


T/F The Three-Fifths Clause provided that slaves be counted as three-fifths of a person in determining a state's representation in the House of Representatives and in the electoral college.


T/F The cultivation of rice was influenced by West African agricultural methods.

Anthony Benezet

The Pennsylvania Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery was founded by:


The black church services secretly conducted by slaves emphasized what religious figure?

d. All of the above.

The cultivation of sugar required: a. A consistently warm climate. b. At least sixty inches of rain per year. c. A long growing season. d. All of the above.

Society of Friends

The movement among white people to abolish slavery began in this religious group:


The sickle-cell blood trait often protected African Americans against this disease:

b. They all owned slaves

What do William Johnson, Margaret Mitchell Harris, and Betsy Somayrac have in common? a. They successfully sued their masters for freedom b. They all owned slaves. c. They were all the byproducts of master/slave relationships. d. None of the above.

c. The slave system began to expand again.

What most accurately describes what happened immediately after America gained its independence? a. Both America and Britain returned confiscated property (including slaves) to each other. b. Free African Americans were given full citizenship and, for the most part, treated as equals. c. The slave system began to expand again. d. Slavery was dying in the North and on the wane in the Chesapeake.

d. Vermont and Massachusetts

What two northern states abolished slavery during the 1770's and 1780's? a. Massachusetts and Connecticut b. Rhode Island and New Hampshire c. Vermont and Pennsylvania d. Vermont and Massachusetts

a. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793.

What was the key event to the rapid and extensive expansion of slavery from the Atlantic coast to Texas? a. The invention of the cotton gin in 1793. b. The clearing of lands in Mississippi, Arkansas and East Texas to make them fit for cotton cultivation. c. The forceful removal of the American Indians from these territories. d. The legislation of the fugitive slave act of 1793.

a. They believed black women were naturally promiscuous.

What was the reason that many white southerners justified sexual exploitation and abuse of black women? a. They believed black women were naturally promiscuous. b. It reduced prostitution. c. It promoted purity among white women. d. All of the above.


What were the members in the religious group "Society of Friends" known as?

c. Forbade African Americans from enlisting.

When organizing the Continental Army in July 1775, George Washington: a. Encouraged African Americans to enlist. b. Called upon African American participants in the conflicts at Lexington and Concord to re-enlist. c. Forbade African Americans from enlisting. d. Forbade African Americans from formally enlisting, but secretly planned on using them as unarmed scouts and spies.

c. Black Minutemen fight at Lexington and Concord.

Which of the following happened earliest? a. Emancipation begins in the North. b. Lord Dunmore recruits black soldiers in Virginia. c. Black Minutemen fight at Lexington and Concord. d. Crispus Attucks is killed.

b. It accounted for about 5% of southern slaves in 1860.

Which of the following is NOT true of industrial slavery? a. The work was often dangerous b. It accounted for about 5% of southern slaves in 1860. c. Industrial slaves were often paid. d. Industrial slaves were usually purchased from plantations by industrialists.

b. Masters often discouraged slaves from marrying, fearful that married slaves would be more rebellious.

Which of the following is NOT true of slave marriages? a. Many enslaved men and women could choose their own mates. b. Masters often discouraged slaves from marrying, fearful that married slaves would be more rebellious. c. No legal sanctions supported slave marriages d. Despite the proliferation of the domestic slave trade, many marriages endured.

c. It was poor in comparison to people in other parts of the Atlantic world.

Which of the following is NOT true of the slave diet? a. It was adequate for maintenance of adult body weight. b. It was deficient in numerous vitamins and minerals. c. It was poor in comparison to people in other parts of the Atlantic world. d. It was generally similar to the diet of white southerners.

c. Ralph Henry

Which of the following was NOT an African Patriot? a. Peter Salem b. Prince Hall c. Ralph Henry d. Salem Poor


Which state became the center of the hemp industry?

a. Lack of state legislation either banning or hindering slave trade.

Which was NOT a factor in fostering the continued enslavement of African Americans in the new republic: a. Lack of state legislation either banning or hindering slave trade. b. Increased cultivation of cotton. c. Declining Revolutionary fervor. d. Intensified white racism.

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