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Which factor fueled the economic recession that struck the United States in 2008?

A breakdown in American financial institutions that had accumulated trillions of dollars of bad debt

In what way was the 2016 election similar to the 2000 presidential election?

A candidate won the presidency without winning the popular vote.

Which development complicated President Obama's plans to pursue broad reforms in the areas of health care, education, the environment, and immigration policy during his term as president?

A major economic recession that broke out in 2008

Which piece of legislation did Congress and the Obama administration enact to relieve the economic crisis that began in 2008?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

What feature made the presidential election of 2008 significantly different from previous elections?

An African American presidential and female vice presidential candidate were on the ballot for major parties.

Why did George W. Bush choose Richard B. Cheney as his vice presidential candidate in the 2000 election?

Cheney had considerable experience in national and international affairs.

How did Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton differ as presidential candidates?

Donald Trump was a newcomer to politics and Hillary Clinton was an experienced politician.

Which decision best characterizes George W. Bush's "compassionate conservative" message?

He embraced diversity through cabinet appointments.

How was Barack Obama able to generate widespread support during his 2008 presidential campaign?

He used innovative grassroots tactics and the Internet.

Who was Barack Obama's primary opponent during the 2008 Democratic primaries?

Hillary Rodham Clinton

What is one explanation for the global rise of right-wing populism in the twenty-first century?

Increased economic insecurity

Why did manufacturing companies move production facilities away from the Rust Belt?

Increased pressure to remain competitive in a challenging market led many manufacturing companies to seek cheaper labor.

Which group saw a decline in numbers as the industrial labor force declined in the late twentieth century?

Labor unions

How did Obama's judicial appointments affect the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Obama's appointments increased both the number of women justices and the court's ethnic diversity.

The grassroots movement that protested income inequality in the early twenty-first century was called..?

Occupy Wall Street.

How did Congress attempt to help the American economy during the Great Recession in 2008?

Passing the Troubled Asset Relief Program

Which of President Obama's reforms represented the largest expansion of government since Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Why did the Obama administration hesitate to intervene in events of the Arab Spring?

Policymakers were wary of intervening in the region due to the recent, troubled war in Iraq.

The "March for Our Lives" movement used which tactic to enact change?

School walkouts

What is a criticism of social media and its use in politics?

Social media may polarize views and spread misinformation.

What was a result of the national spotlight on income inequality?

Talks to raise minimum wage were strengthened across the nation.

Why did Trump's "America First" policy strain some of America's foreign relations?

The prioritizing of American economic interests sometimes alienated U.S. allies.

How did the issue of the Iraq War contribute to the outcome of the 2004 elections?

The war was a major issue in the election, but voters narrowly reelected Bush.

This image was taken above a home in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. How did Americans generally react to images like these of the situation in New Orleans?

They criticized the government for mishandling the situation.

What did the U.S. Congress aim to achieve with the passage the USA Patriot Act of 2001?

To suspend certain civil liberties protections

Why did most American companies start to build plants abroad in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

To take advantage of cheap labor

States like Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio experienced what phenomenon in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

Widening income inequality

One of President Trump's first acts as president was to...?

ban travel to the U.S. from majority-Muslim countries.

George W. Bush's qualifications for the job of president of the United States included...?

being governor of Texas.

Edward Snowden is best known for...?

exposing the data mining program the National Security Agency launched against Americans.

The new civil rights movements of the twenty-first century differed from their historical predecessors in that they

focused on the rights of transgender people.

Those on the far-right who did not want to see Barack Obama in office started rumors including that

he was a Muslim and not a citizen of America.

Which issue was a major part of Donald Trump's platform?


Members of the Occupy Wall Street movement advocated for

labor unions.

The "new economy" of the late twentieth century was based on..?

new communications and information technologies.

The success of the Black Lives Matter movement depended on..?

people recording clashes and interactions between African Americans and white police officers.

On September 11, 2001, members of Al Qaeda hijacked four planes and targeted...?

the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon.

All of the following contributed to the increased economic insecurity of blue-collar workers, except...?

the skyrocketing price of higher education.

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