History 11 Study Guide #2

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What was Abigail Adams' attitude regarding the patriotic cause and the rights of women?

She believe that the Patriots were hypocrites. They wanted to be free from Britain but yet suppressed women

Why was the Battle of Saratoga historically significant?

America beat the British and proved themselves to France and secured the alliance between them.

How was it that slavery was prevented from expansion into the Northwest?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prevented the new territories to be slave states

What were the British advantages and disadvantages in the War for Independence?

Advantages: -had wealth because of the colonies from Africa -hired mercenaries -larger population and military Disadvantage: -had no allies because they had too much power -people weren't sure about fighting in the war -hatred of American troops

What were the colonial advantages and disadvantages in the War for Independence?

Advantages: -fought in their home turf -colonist were good shots -George Washington -foreign assistance Disadvantage: -not enough money -short term enlistment -60% didn't believe in the war

What was the British military strategy in the first years of the war?

At first they tried to contain the American Revolution in Massachusetts.

Why was it that the national government had so little power in the Articles of Confederation?

Because colonists feared that there would be tyranny like when Britain controlled them.

Which branch has the necessary and proper power and why that branch?


How did the state governments finance the war effort?

Continental Congress printed money at a rapid rate to fund the army's expenses and pay off its loans from foreign nations.

Why was the decision in the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) of great importance in American history?

First time Supreme Court declared it had the power to rule national law unconstitutional

Why did Patrick Henry oppose the ratification of the Constitution?

He was a leading anti-federalist, who feared that the Constitution would erode the rights of the People and their States. This was one of the big motives behind the Bill of Rights, which was prescient.

What were the three things that President Jefferson tasked Lewis and Clark with on their expedition?

Information on the Louisiana Purchase physical features, plant and animal life, & native people.

Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant?

It created the territorial lines that separated which states were allowed to be slave states and not

What was Jefferson's approach to the opportunity to purchase Louisiana in 1802?

Jefferson realized that he needed to reconsider his interpretation of the constitution. He took an approach that involved a loose interpretation so that he could add new territory, a provision not expressed in the constitution. He used treaty making powers and questioned his pro-French foreign policy to purchase Louisiana in 1802

How was the Louisiana Purchase made, and why were so many people angry with Jefferson over this deal?

Jefferson sends 3 guys to France to negotiate a way that they can have access to New Orleans. They talk to Napoleon and offer him $1o million for a small piece of Louisiana so they could have access to the Gulf of Mexico. Buying land is unconstitutional according to his strict interpretation of the Constitution

Why was Toussaint L'Ouverture a significant figure in the 1790s?

Led black Haitians to seize control of their land

Approval by Congress and ratification by the states of the Bill of Rights did what for the American people?

Made people feel safe with their personal rights including freedom of speech and religion

How might one characterize Native American responses to whites' assimilation efforts in the Midwest in the late eighteenth century?

Many Native Americans repudiated white missionaries and forced Christian converts to participate in native rituals.

What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

Missouri came into the Union as a slave state and Maine came into the Union as a free state

How did the Second Great Awakening affect notions of free will and human reason?

People started to question

What did Alexander Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States have to say about paying off the state's debts?

Public credit (Hamilton asked congress to redeem at face value the 55 million in confederation securities), create a national bank, and raise revenue through tariffs. Create bank of US and assumption of state debt.

What was Thomas Jefferson's vision for the future of the United?

Rule by the people, strong state governments, emphasis on agriculture, strict interpretation of the constitution, French alliance, state banks, and free trade

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?

The Three-Fifths compromise is the compromise in which it counted slaves as 3/5 amounts of a person.

Why did Thomas Jefferson call his election to the presidency the "Revolution of 1800"?

The bloodless transfer of power showed that popularly elected governments could be changed in an orderly way, even in times of bitter partisan conflict.

What was the major disagreement that led to the emergence of political parties in the mid-1790s?

The critical disagreement was over Hamilton's financial plan. This split up the federalists and anti federalists which eventually led to political parties

Which constitutional provision demonstrated the framers' lack of trust in the "people"?

The method of electing the president

Why did the emancipation of slaves proceed very slowly in the northern states during and after the Revolution?

The northern states gave priority to slaveholders' property rights so that emancipation often spaced out over several slave generations

Why was Tenskwatawa historically significant for which of the following activities?

The prophet Tenskwatawa was historically significant for urging Indians to do Shun Americans, renounce alcohol, and return to traditional Indian ways.

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts, and why were they passed by Congress?

These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote. The Federalists believed that Democratic-Republican criticism of Federalist policies was disloyal and feared that aliens living in the United States

What were the virtues of the Constitution, according to The Federalist?

They agreed with it.

How did evangelical religion evolve in the South during the early nineteenth century?

They begin by preaching spiritual equality of gradually adopted a message that justified white patriarchal authority

How did the Second Great Awakening affect the beliefs of African Americans?

They embraced the new ideas, created their own group of preachers, and embraced the idea that salvation was availible to everyone

Who was the "ideal American" of the early-to-mid 1800s?

Thomas Jefferson

Have a general understanding of the advances in transportation in the trans-Appalachian West during the early nineteenth century.

Water transport was the quickest and cheapest way to get goods to the market, but most new settlements were not near navigable streams

How did patriot women contribute to the war effort?

Women took charge of businesses and farms, defended their homes and neighborhoods, gathered intelligence for the Patriots, served as maids and cooks for the Continental Army; still others were nurses and soldiers on the battlefields.

What was the Second Great Awakening?

a wave of religious revivals

How did men earn status in the West?

hard work, personal courage, and common sense

What is the meaning of democratization?

he action of making something accessible to everyone.

The Great Compromise resulted in what?

it called for proportional representation in the House, and one representative per state in the Senate (this was later changed to two.)

Why does it make sense that the French would want to help the patriots in the war?

it regarded the war as an opportunity to exact revenge on Britain for defeat in the French and Indian War and the loss of Canada.

What did Shays's Rebellion, which took place in Massachusetts in the winter of 1786-1787, demonstrate to American political leaders?

it showed that many middling Patriot families felt that American oppressors had replaced British tyrants and that farmers needed economic relief

What is the difference between a strict and a loose constructionist in terms of the U.S. Constitution?

strict:Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution;loose:interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.

What was the ultimate success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

they were able to make a map of the land they explored.

How were Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York persuaded to ratify the Constitution?

they would recommend a national bill of rights.

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