History 1301 13-15 Chapter Give me Liberty

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Which is true of the slaves who fled to Union lines when the North occupied Confederate territory? a. The burden of their care undermined northern support for the war effort. b. They provided military intelligence to the North. c. They were mainly young, single men. d. They were criticized by the Radical Republicans. e. Until 1863, they were returned to their owners.

b. They provided military intelligence to the North.

Which political faction was most upset when the United States and Britain split territory in Oregon at the forty-ninth parallel? a. southern Democrats b. northern Democrats c. Liberty Party members d. northern Whigs e. southern Whigs

b. northern Democrats

Which 1854 document called for the United States to seize Cuba? a. the Monroe Doctrine b. the Ostend Manifesto c. the Wilmot Proviso d. the Webster-Ashburton Treaty e. the Frémont Manifesto

b. the Ostend Manifesto

How did the Confederate Constitution differ from the federal Constitution? a. It contained only two branches of government, the executive and the judicial. b. It limited citizenship to those meeting property requirements. c. It explicitly guaranteed the right to own slaves. d. It did not allow for a presidential cabinet. e. It did not include the office of vice president.

c. It explicitly guaranteed the right to own slaves

Approximately how many Union and Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War? a. 110,000 b. 245,00 c. 440,000 d. 750,000 e. 988,000

d. 750,000

Which of the goals of the Polk administration resulted in war? a. reducing the tariff b. settling the slavery dispute c. settling the dispute over ownership of Oregon d. acquiring California e. reestablishing the Independent Treasury system

d. acquiring California

Which was responsible for the greatest number of deaths among soldiers during the Civil War? a. maltreatment in prisoner-of-war camps b. injuries caused by bombs and grenades c. rifle wounds d. disease e. starvation

d. disease

Which states did the Constitutional Unionist candidate John Bell win in the 1860 election? a. all of the New England states b. four states of the Lower South c. Texas and Louisiana d. three states of the Upper South e. only Missouri

d. three states of the Upper South

What was the most important piece of technology during the Civil War? a. primitive hand grenade b. ironclad ship c. observation balloon d. rifle e. telegraph


Which characterizes Grant's abilities as a general? a. ruthless in his treatment of enemy soldiers and of civilians in enemy territory b. a brilliant organizer who could be overly hesitant to commit his troops to battle c. highly effective in holding territory, but unable to achieve significant advances d. a cautious and intelligent steward of those under his command e. a daring yet logical strategist who wasn't afraid to incur high casualties for strategic aims

e. a daring yet logical strategist who wasn't afraid to incur high casualties for strategic aims

During the secession winter of 1860-1861, who offered the most widely supported compromise plan in Congress, which allowed the westward extension of the Missouri Compromise line? a. Abraham Lincoln b. John Crittenden c. Jefferson Davis d. Zachary Taylor e. Andrew Johnson

b. John Crittenden

What do Taney's arguments regarding citizenship in the Dred Scott decision imply about the nature of citizenship? a. It is an ancient ideal that can be traced back to the Roman Empire. b. It is a God-given privilege afforded only to those who have demonstrated that they are worthy of it. c. It can be both granted to and taken away from a person through legislative acts. d. It is an evolving entity, destined to include a larger number of people as society changes. e. It is a social construct defined by those whom it pertains to.

e. It is a social construct defined by those whom it pertains to.

Who led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859? a. Frederick Douglass b. Joseph Lane c. Robert E. Lee d. Henry Ward Beecher e. John Brown

e. John Brown

Which event sparked Abraham Lincoln's reentry into politics? a. Compromise of 1850 b. Mexican-American War c. Dred Scott decision d. raid on Harpers Ferry e. Kansas-Nebraska Act

e. Kansas-Nebraska Act

Which American naval officer negotiated a treaty that opened two Japanese ports to U.S. ships in 1854? a. Oliver H. Perry b. John Paul Jones c. Alfred Mahan d. Chester Nimitz e. Matthew Perry

e. Matthew Perry

The major Confederate army in the East, commanded by Robert E. Lee, was called the Army of a. the Rappahannock. b. the Blue Ridge. c. Southern Maryland. d. the Chesapeake. e. Northern Virginia.

e. Northern Virginia.

Which is true of the Wilmot Proviso? a. Its passage into law nullified the Missouri Compromise. b. Democrats opposed it and Whigs supported it. c. Opponents of the measure organized the Free Soil Party. d. It was declared illegal by the Supreme Court's decision in the Dred Scott case. e. Response to the measure was determined by geography, with the North supporting it and the South opposing it.

e. Response to the measure was determined by geography, with the North supporting it and the South opposing it.

The California gold rush turned ________ into perhaps the world's most diverse city. a. San Diego b. Los Angeles c. Malibu d. Sacramento e. San Francisco

e. San Francisco

What key component of the 1860 Republican platform had never before been part of a major party's platform? a. There should be no national banking system. b. Slavery should be abolished in the Upper South. c. The government needed to protect industry with a tariff. d. Federal money should be used to improve and extend transportation. e. Slavery should not be extended into new states and territories.

e. Slavery should not be extended into new states and territories

What was a key provision of the Compromise of 1850? a. California would enter the Union as a slave state. b. Slavery would be abolished in Washington, D.C. c. The Oregon Territory would be created. d. The Fugitive Slave Act gave runaway slaves more protection and guaranteed them a lawyer in court. e. The New Mexico and Utah Territories would use popular sovereignty to decide on slavery.

e. The New Mexico and Utah Territories would use popular sovereignty to decide on slavery.

The Wilmot Proviso, admission of California into the Union, and the Missouri Compromise revealed what? a. The slaves should be freed immediately. b. Popular sovereignty needed to be used. c. Ex-slaves should be sent to another part of the world. d. A slave should be counted as three-fifths of a person. e. The extension of slavery was a volatile issue.

e. The extension of slavery was a volatile issue.

Which is the largest official execution in American history? a. The shooting of 63 Union army deserters in Washington, D.C., in March 1863. b. The hanging of 42 Confederate generals following the end of the war. c. The hanging of John Wilkes Booth and his ten accomplices for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. d. The death of 13,000 Union soldiers in the prisoner-of-war camp at Andersonville, Georgia. e. The hanging of 38 Sioux Dakotas at Mankato, Minnesota, in December 1862.

e. The hanging of 38 Sioux Dakotas at Mankato, Minnesota, in December 1862.

Which statement is true regarding the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? a. The treaty was designed to prevent the separation of families and the interruption of established trade routes. b. The treaty protected the rights of Indians in the ceded territory to maintain their homelands and hunting grounds. c. The treaty had little impact on Mexican citizens because only about 10,000 people lived in the Mexican Cession. d. The treaty nullified the property rights of large Mexican landholders in California. e. The treaty ceded California and present-day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah to the United States.

e. The treaty ceded California and present-day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah to the United States.

Which statement is true about black soldiers in the Civil War? a. At the beginning of the war, the Union army encouraged northern blacks to enlist. b. About 2,000 African-American men served in the army and navy by the end of the war. c. Frederick Douglass tried to discourage black men from enlisting to fight in the war. d. Black soldiers in the army received equal pay and equal treatment during the war. e. The wartime service of black soldiers inspired Abraham Lincoln to advocate for partial enfranchisement of blacks.

e. The wartime service of black soldiers inspired Abraham Lincoln to advocate for partial enfranchisement of blacks.

Why were the Know-Nothings unable to curb the political influence of Irish immigrants? a. The pope interceded on behalf of Catholics in America. b. Southern slaveholders protected the rights of immigrants. c. The Irish used their economic clout to gain political influence. d. After arriving in the United States, most of the Irish converted to Protestant faiths. e. Voting rights were being determined by race.

e. Voting rights were being determined by race.

Clement Vallandigham was a. hanged for treason on the orders of President Lincoln. b. the Confederate general who won the Battle of Chancellorsville against great odds. c. the Union general who turned back a Confederate invasion at Gettysburg. d. Lincoln's first vice president. e. a northern politician banished to the Confederacy

e. a northern politician banished to the Confederacy

Which was a component of the Know-Nothing Party? a. support for universal white male suffrage b. opposition to temperance c. opposition to the public school system d. support for slavery e. anti-Catholicism

e. anti-Catholicism

The Free Soil Party a. only appealed to radical abolitionists and free blacks. b. appealed to opponents of protective tariffs and government aid for internal improvements. c. was concerned with ending racism throughout the western states and territories. d. appealed to Americans who resented the northern domination of the federal government. e. appealed to northern working-class Americans who saw access to homesteads on western lands as the only possibility for economic independence.

e. appealed to northern working-class Americans who saw access to homesteads on western lands as the only possibility for economic independence.

Wartime economic policies a. decreased the power and size of the federal government. b. benefited laborers at the expense of employers. c. benefited the agricultural sector at the expense of industry. d. hurt entrepreneurs such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. e. benefited northern manufacturers, railroad men, and financiers.

e. benefited northern manufacturers, railroad men, and financiers.

During the Civil War, Congress enacted economic policies long advocated by many northerners; for example, Congress a. cut funding for internal improvements. b. slashed tariffs. c. enacted subsidies for cotton farmers. d. returned western lands to Indian tribes. e. granted millions of acres of land to railroad companies to build the transcontinental railroad.

e. granted millions of acres of land to railroad companies to build the transcontinental railroad.

On matters related to citizenship, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Dred Scott that a. free African-Americans could vote. b. anyone that a state considered to be a citizen was a U.S. citizen. c. freeborn blacks were U.S. citizens, but those born into slavery and later freed could not be citizens. d. citizenship was limited to males. e. only white persons could be U.S. citizens.

e. only white persons could be U.S. citizens.

The Republican free labor ideology a. convinced northerners that Catholic immigrants posed a more significant threat than the southern slave power. b. won Republicans significant support from non-slaveholders in the South in 1856. c. owed its origins to Abraham Lincoln's reemergence in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. d. accepted southerners' point that slavery protected their liberty, but explained that the economic benefits of free labor would outweigh the damage abolition would do to southern liberty. e. suggested that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.

e. suggested that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.

President Martin Van Buren rejected adding Texas to the United States because a. the Texas Republic's congress opposed joining the United States, preferring to stay independent. b. the Mexican army's resounding victory at the Alamo made him fearful of antagonizing a powerful government. c. the population of Texas was too small to justify it. d. Henry Clay wanted to add it and, as the Whig leader, he was Van Buren's sworn enemy. e. the presence of slaves there would reignite the issue of slavery, and he preferred to avoid it.

e. the presence of slaves there would reignite the issue of slavery, and he preferred to avoid it

In the late 1850s, a white slaveholder living in Mississippi most likely voted for candidates from which political party? a. Free Soil b. Democratic c. American d. Whig e. Republican

B. Democratic

Which statement is true regarding Americans' reactions to the Mexican War of 1846-1848? a. A majority of Americans were inspired by the expansionist fervor of manifest destiny to support the war. b. Ulysses S. Grant led his troops in defecting from the American army. c. Abraham Lincoln supported the war. d. Henry David Thoreau showed his support by volunteering to fight in the war. e. Many northerners dissented against the war because they believed the Polk administration's real aim was to abolish slavery.

a. A majority of Americans were inspired by the expansionist fervor of manifest destiny to support the war.

In the Dred Scott decision, what was the primary reason given by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for refusing to consider blacks American citizens? a. Blacks had been considered inferior in America for more than a century, including by the founding fathers. b. Blacks had been granted an inferior role in society by God. c. Blacks were a dangerous class of people, lacking the moral restraint necessary for full political freedom. d. Blacks lacked the intelligence necessary to vote and engage in politics. e. Blacks did not hold a meaningful economic stake in the success of the American project.

a. Blacks had been considered inferior in America for more than a century, including by the founding fathers.

The American Civil War began in April 1861, when a. Confederate forces fired upon and captured Fort Sumter. b. U.S. naval vessels bombarded the city of Wilmington, North Carolina. c. Confederate and Union cavalry clashed in disputed territory in Texas. d. General William Sherman led Union soldiers on a devastating march through Georgia. e. Confederate infantry attacked Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

a. Confederate forces fired upon and captured Fort Sumter

Which was a strength of George McClellan as a general? a. He was very effective at organizing and training troops. b. He had a zealous commitment to the war as a means to end slavery. c. He saved lives by limiting the number of troops used during battles. d. He had an uncanny ability to assess the size of enemy forces. e. He was willing to take quick and decisive action.

a. He was very effective at organizing and training troops.

What is one reason the Civil War is often called the first modern war? a. Industrial technology had created deadlier weapons. b. Casualties were lower than previous wars due to more precise weaponry. c. International law prevented mistreatment of prisoners of war. d. There was no draft. e. Modern medical technology prevented disease and deaths from injuries

a. Industrial technology had created deadlier weapons.

Which characterizes the non-war-related legislation passed by the federal government during the Civil War? a. It created an expansion of the powers of the federal government that had typically been opposed by legislators from the southern states. b. It marked the beginning of a shift toward progressive legislation intended to improve human welfare. c. It deliberately limited states' rights to prevent a civil war from ever occurring again. d. It recognized the legal rights of Native Americans for the first time in American history. e. It largely addressed urban issues, such as overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions.

a. It created an expansion of the powers of the federal government that had typically been opposed by legislators from the southern states.

What was the purpose of the Morrill Land Grant College Act? a. It provided funding to the states to establish colleges. b. It provided war veterans with free college educations. c. It reformed the Electoral College after the abolishment of the three-fifths clause. d. It made it legal for any woman who owned property to apply to college. e. It seized several large plantations in the South and turned them into schools for ex-slaves

a. It provided funding to the states to establish colleges

The term "Californios" referred in the 1830s and 1840s to ________ in California. a. Mexican cattle ranchers b. the Indian inhabitants c. U.S.-born immigrants d. any individual e. American merchants

a. Mexican cattle ranchers

What was a source of conflict between the Mexican government and American settlers in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s? a. Mexico had abolished slavery, but many American settlers were practicing slavery in Texas. b. The number of Tejanos in Texas was increasing faster than the number of American settlers. c. The settlers were abolitionists, but Mexico legalized slavery. d. Mexico would not allow American settlers to become Mexican citizens. e. Mexico forced American settlers to convert to Catholicism.

a. Mexico had abolished slavery, but many American settlers were practicing slavery in Texas.

What reason did Frederick Douglass give when urging African-Americans to enlist in the Union army? a. Military service would force whites to acknowledge blacks as fellow citizens. b. They owed service to the nation that had given them a home. c. It was one of the few well-paying jobs available to blacks. d. They were obligated to fight for the freedom of their brothers and sisters in slavery. e. They could work well as spies, infiltrating large plantations.

a. Military service would force whites to acknowledge blacks as fellow citizens

Which statement is true about the concept of race in the United States in the nineteenth century? a. Race was a vague notion; for example, the "Anglo-Saxon race" was defined largely as the opposite of being black, Hispanic, Indian, or Catholic. b. U.S. aggression against Mexico, a sovereign republic, led most Americans to reject the idea that Anglo- Saxon Protestants were an innately liberty-loving race. c. The concept of manifest destiny held that all races and cultures are equal. d. The concept of race did not yet exist in the nineteenth century. e. The concept of race had largely been discredited as merely a social construct

a. Race was a vague notion; for example, the "Anglo-Saxon race" was defined largely as the opposite of being black, Hispanic, Indian, or Catholic.

Which statement is true about the Confederacy? a. The cornerstone of the Confederacy was the racist belief that whites were racially superior and blacks' natural condition was to be enslaved. b. The majority of whites in the Confederate states were slaveholders in 1860. c. The majority of whites in the Confederate states believed in free labor ideology. d. All whites in the Confederate states had supported secession. e. Most poor whites in Confederate states believed they would achieve economic independence if slavery were abolished.

a. The cornerstone of the Confederacy was the racist belief that whites were racially superior and blacks' natural condition was to be enslaved.

Which statement is true about the effects and aftermath of the 1857 Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford? a. The decision in effect declared the Republican plan to restrict slavery's expansion unconstitutional. b. President Buchanan declared that slavery was banned in all the territories. c. Stephen Douglas praised the Court's affirmation of the doctrine of popular sovereignty. d. Dred Scott remained enslaved until his death. e. All people born in the United States were declared citizens, regardless of race.

a. The decision in effect declared the Republican plan to restrict slavery's expansion unconstitutional

What occurred in 1848 in Europe? a. There were revolutions against monarchies. b. Germany was united. c. Italian kingdoms reunified. d. Napoleon escaped, created an army, and attacked England. e. The Chartist movement renounced democracy.

a. There were revolutions against monarchies.

Between 1840 and 1845, how did most emigrants travel to new lands in Oregon? a. They used wagon trains. b. They rode in coal-powered trains. c. They traveled entirely on foot. d. They traveled on horseback. e. They used riverboats.

a. They used wagon trains

Why did the southern states secede from the Union and form the Confederacy? a. They wanted to preserve slavery. b. The Fugitive Slave Act violated popular sovereignty. c. They wanted to protest the Dred Scott decision. d. They supported Stephen Douglas in the 1860 election. e. The majority of southern whites were slaveholders.

a. They wanted to preserve slavery.

Which is true of California in the 1850s? a. Thousands of Indian children were bought and sold as slaves. b. Thousands of free blacks were paid minimal wages to work the worst jobs in the mining camps. c. Voting rights were extended to all "white" men, including immigrants from Asia, but denied to Indians and free blacks. d. Indian communities prospered by renting land and selling supplies to gold miners. e. Wealthy Mexican landowners dominated the new state government.

a. Thousands of Indian children were bought and sold as slaves.

The scale of Civil War bloodshed was comparable to that of which other conflict? a. War of the Triple Alliance b. War of 1812 c. Revolutionary War d. Spanish-American War e. Vietnam War

a. War of the Triple Alliance

The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment is best known as a. a regiment of free blacks who charged Fort Wagner, South Carolina. b. the "Irish Brigade," because its members were born in Ireland. c. the regiment that forced Richmond's surrender. d. a regiment that was fully integrated, with noncommissioned black and white soldiers fighting side by side. e. the first regiment to see battle in the war.

a. a regiment of free blacks who charged Fort Wagner, South Carolina

Stephen Douglas's motivation for introducing the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to a. boost efforts to build a transcontinental railroad. b. spread slavery to as many regions as possible. c. win the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives. d. pacify southerners who strongly supported the idea of popular sovereignty. e. help Franklin Pierce win a second term as president.

a. boost efforts to build a transcontinental railroad.

How do the authors of the 1850 "Letter to the Middletown Sentinel and Witness" accord their opposition to the Fugitive Slave Act with their claim that they "reverence law"? a. by portraying the Fugitive Slave Act as so unjust that it cannot be a real law b. by placing "God's law" above the laws of mankind c. by claiming that the Fugitive Slave Act was passed illegally d. by placing their First Amendment rights to free expression above a "law of the moment" e. by pointing out that the Fugitive Slave Act contradicts existing laws

a. by portraying the Fugitive Slave Act as so unjust that it cannot be a real law

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court a. declared that Congress could not ban slavery from territories. b. endorsed the free-soil policy of the Republicans. c. backed the idea of popular sovereignty. d. freed Dred and Harriet Scott. e. extended the Missouri Compromise line to California.

a. declared that Congress could not ban slavery from territories

Which strategy did General Robert E. Lee follow most consistently during the war? a. fighting a defensive war, with the hope that the enemy would simply grow tired of fighting b. conquering and occupying territory in the border states c. attempting to capture Washington, D.C., and arrest Abraham Lincoln d. launching sporadic, vicious attacks and then withdrawing to gather strength for the next attack e. forcing the enemy to commit to battles that would incur large numbers of casualties

a. fighting a defensive war, with the hope that the enemy would simply grow tired of fighting

What two meanings did the term "free soil" have, in regard to the Free Soil Party? a. freedom from the existence of slavery in the new territories and government-provided free homesteads for white settlers in these territories b. freedom from actual slavery for blacks living in the South and freedom from "wage slavery" for whites living in the North c. freedom from the gag rule and from the Fugitive Slave Act d. freedom from government intervention in the economy, both in the form of tariffs and through attempts to limit slavery e. freedom for all southerners to own slaves and freedom for all northerners to hire low-paid immigrant labor

a. freedom from the existence of slavery in the new territories and government-provided free homesteads for white settlers in these territories

Industrial capitalism a. grew and developed significantly as a result of the Civil War. b. was nearly destroyed by the Civil War. c. stagnated during the Civil War for lack of government contracts. d. stagnated during the Civil War for lack of labor. e. stagnated during the war because mechanization stopped advancing.

a. grew and developed significantly as a result of the Civil War

When Democrats demanded the "reannexation" of Texas in 1844, they a. implied that Texas had once been part of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase. b. were consciously appealing to northern Whigs. c. were seeking to take the slavery issue out of the presidential campaign. d. neglected to say anything about the status of Oregon. e. realized their stand would not be very popular in the South.

a. implied that Texas had once been part of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

Monitor and Merrimack were a. ironclad ships. b. steam locomotives. c. battle sites in Virginia. d. nicknames of Generals Grant and Lee. e. names of rifles.

a. ironclad ships

During the first two years of the war, Union forces were generally a. more successful in the West than in the East. b. ill-trained, which changed when General McClellan took over in 1863. c. successful in all regions in which the war took place. d. unable to take any territory held by the Confederates. e. more successful in the East than in the West.

a. more successful in the West than in the East.

The U.S. Homestead Act of 1862 a. offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the west. b. granted homesteads to Native American families displaced by the Trail of Tears. c. granted 40 acres of free land to each emancipated person. d. was opposed by the labor movement. e. failed to have much of an effect on western settlement.

a. offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in the west

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot proposed to a. prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico. b. allow voters to decide the status of slavery in new territories. c. divide the Oregon Country between Great Britain and the United States. d. annex Cuba to avoid southern secession. e. allow slavery to expand into California and New Mexico

a. prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

According to John L. O'Sullivan's Democratic Review, what was the key to the history of nations and the rise and fall of empires? a. race b. democracy c. economic freedom d. slavery e. printing

a. race

At the first Battle of Bull Run a. spectators from the city came to watch. b. the Union won a smashing victory. c. both sides suffered more casualties than they did in any other single day during the war. d. the Confederates swept northward and briefly captured Washington, D.C. e. General Grant made a name for himself.

a. spectators from the city came to watch

Who is identified as an "enemy" in Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession? a. the federal government b. abolitionists c. northern politicians d. Abraham Lincoln e. slaves participating in rebellions

a. the federal government

Which represents Abraham Lincoln's views on race in the 1850s? a. Blacks and whites were intellectual equals. b. Black men should have economic opportunities to better themselves. c. Black men should be given the right to vote in Illinois. d. Blacks should be given the same legal rights as whites. e. Free blacks should be viewed as fundamentally different from slaves.

b. Black men should have economic opportunities to better themselves.

Which was the dominant group in the disputed territory in southern Texas until the 1870s? a. Apaches b. Comanches c. Mexico d. Spain e. the United States

b. Comanches

Which statement is true about the coming of emancipation? a. President Lincoln declared total emancipation a necessity immediately after the Confederacy fired the first shots of the war in April 1861. b. Enslaved people helped to propel the United States toward emancipation by escaping to Union lines. c. The Radical Republicans opposed emancipation. d. Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation even though he thought it was politically and militarily unnecessary. e. Most Democrats supported emancipation.

b. Enslaved people helped to propel the United States toward emancipation by escaping to Union lines

Which was a facet of Abraham Lincoln's approach toward slavery during the first two years of his presidency? a. He freed slaves in Union-controlled Confederate territory. b. He promoted colonization of freed slaves outside of the United States. c. He referred to the Civil War as a "freedom war" in public speeches. d. He refused to approve compensation for slaveowners in Union states like Missouri. e. He urged slaves to refuse to work unless paid fair wages.

b. He promoted colonization of freed slaves outside of the United States.

Which was true of the constitution of independent Texas? a. It imposed a five-year ban of the importation of slaves. b. It denied rights to people of color that they had enjoyed when Mexico controlled Texas. c. It offered voting rights to free blacks who met property qualifications. d. It included provisions for an independent Comanche tribal government. e. Land sales by private sellers were prohibited.

b. It denied rights to people of color that they had enjoyed when Mexico controlled Texas.

What was the significance of the argument concerning the extension of slavery into territory acquired following the Mexican War? a. It became a public debate over the question of outlawing slavery throughout the entire United States. b. It represented a struggle between the North and South for control of the federal government. c. It inspired a series of political compromises that resulted in the United States gaining more territory in the Caribbean. d. It created an opportunity for the Democrats to consolidate their power. e. It undermined membership in Protestant churches throughout the North.

b. It represented a struggle between the North and South for control of the federal government.

What role did attitudes toward race have in the territory acquired from the Mexican War? a. White superiority was challenged by the accomplishments of Tejano residents. b. Only people classified as whites gained full rights. c. The Texas Constitution adopted the Mexican practice of considering people of all backgrounds equal before the law. d. Free blacks were offered free land in hopes of boosting the American-born population. e. An underclass of destitute whites came to be viewed as a separate racial category.

b. Only people classified as whites gained full rights.

"Fifty-four forty or fight" referred to demands for American control of a. Texas. b. Oregon. c. California. d. Mexico. e. Kansas and Nebraska.

b. Oregon.

Which is true of Texas during its time as an independent nation? a. Tejanos were encouraged to keep their Mexican customs. b. Relations between Anglos and Tejanos deteriorated. c. Catholicism became the dominant religion. d. Protestant missionaries established Spanish-language schools. e. Tejanos owned most of the land and dominated local politics.

b. Relations between Anglos and Tejanos deteriorated.

In what way was the Civil War unprecedented? a. The Civil War was the least destructive of human life of all American wars. b. Reporters and photographers provided the public with an unprecedented degree of information. c. Women served as army officers for the first time. d. The Civil War was the first American war in which neither side used war propaganda to shape public opinion. e. The Civil War was the first American war in which black soldiers fought.

b. Reporters and photographers provided the public with an unprecedented degree of information.

Which describes the effect of the Civil War on American religious practices and beliefs? a. Northern and Southern churches that had split over the issue of slavery reunited in opposition to the war. b. Talk about heaven became more common and more concrete. c. In the North, membership in the Methodist churches exploded, as this was the church Lincoln attended. d. Spiritualism came to be associated with heresy and the devil. e. The religious press increasingly withdrew from discussion of military and political development

b. Talk about heaven became more common and more concrete.

In the Texas borderland in the years after 1836, a. Comanche Indians ceded their lands and assimilated into American culture. b. Tejanos were increasingly confined to unskilled agricultural and urban labor. c. the Catholic Church became more powerful. d. most Tejanos converted to Protestantism.

b. Tejanos were increasingly confined to unskilled agricultural and urban labor.

Why did slavery become more central to American politics in the 1840s? a. The Methodist Church, the nation's largest denomination, called on all its members to free their slaves. b. Territorial expansion raised the question of whether new lands should be free or slave. c. Members of the abolitionist Republican Party, formed in 1844, insisted on debating slavery. d. President John Tyler's antislavery policies caused a major proslavery backlash led by John C. Calhoun. e. As the 1848 constitutional deadline for ending the African slave trade drew near, Americans became obsessed with slavery.

b. Territorial expansion raised the question of whether new lands should be free or slave

Which statement is true about the Confederacy? a. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America was drafted to be different in all ways from the U.S. Constitution. b. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America explicitly guaranteed slave property in the states and in any newly acquired territories. c. Confederate leaders planned to return lands to Indian tribes within the Confederate states that had been seized by the United States. d. Confederate leaders opposed imperial expansion into Central America and the Caribbean. e. Stephen Douglas became president of the Confederacy. ANS: B TOP: The Impending Crisis DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 497 | Seagull p. 516 MSC: Remembering

b. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America explicitly guaranteed slave property in the states and in any newly acquired territories

What economic trend occurred in the South in the 1850s? a. Many poor whites lost their land and were forced to serve as tenant farmers alongside slaves. b. The high price of slaves and the deep debt incurred by many planters undermined the profitability of plantations. c. Owners of northern textile factories became increasingly indebted to the planters they bought their cotton from. d. More people became slave owners, while the average number of slaves owned by a single master decreased. e. Manufacturing became a significant source of employment for free blacks.

b. The high price of slaves and the deep debt incurred by many planters undermined the profitability of plantations.

What was a result of the expanding Union economy? a. The government borrowed great amounts of money from overseas. b. The protective tariff decreased, bringing with it free trade. c. The size and spending of the government increased tremendously. d. The Union could buy the freedom of many slaves in the Confederacy. e. Factory jobs decreased as professional jobs increased.

b. The protective tariff decreased, bringing with it free trade.

The caning of Charles Sumner by Preston Brooks a. showed the extreme violence of which northern abolitionists were capable. b. actually helped the new Republican Party. c. was denounced by most southerners as barbaric. d. occurred because Sumner praised the attack on Lawrence, Kansas. e. was unusual because both men were proslavery Democrats.

b. actually helped the new Republican Party.

During the Civil War, the term "contraband camps" referred to a. camps in which materials such as rifles and gunpowder were kept. b. camps of southern slaves who had escaped from their masters and entered Union lines. c. training grounds for the youthful musicians who played to raise the morale of the troops. d. holding areas for items seized by customs agents for failure to pay tariffs. e. places near battlefields where the Union army temporarily kept Confederate prisoners.

b. camps of southern slaves who had escaped from their masters and entered Union lines

What action did Union general John Frémont take in Missouri in 1861? a. attacked a group of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians b. decreed the freedom of Missouri's slaves c. declared escaped slaves contraband of war d. accepted escaped slaves as soldiers e. captured Forts Henry and Donelson

b. decreed the freedom of Missouri's slaves

The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, a. was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court later that year. b. did not apply to the border slave states that had not seceded. c. freed slaves throughout the United States. d. was very popular with voters associated with the Democratic Party. e. was cited by Tennessee as the reason it rejoined the Union in 1864.

b. did not apply to the border slave states that had not seceded.

The majority of men who fought for the Union army were a. southerners. b. farm boys, shopkeepers, artisans, and urban workers. c. experienced veterans. d. wealthy. e. manufacturers, bankers, and entrepreneurs.

b. farm boys, shopkeepers, artisans, and urban workers

By what means did the first Americans establish landholdings in Texas? a. illegal squatting in borderlands that were considered disputed territory b. legal purchase of land, as long as they became Mexican citizens c. land grants to Catholics from American Catholic missionaries in the region d. management of ranches owned by absentee Mexican landlords e. as terms of a treaty signed following the Texas revolt

b. legal purchase of land, as long as they became Mexican citizens

Republicans a. were mostly abolitionists. b. opposed the expansion of slavery. c. opposed immigration. d. opposed free labor ideology. e. opposed industrialization.

b. opposed the expansion of slavery.

The Democratic Party split in 1860 over the question of whether to a. renominate President James Buchanan for a second term. b. protect slavery in the territories or allow popular sovereignty in them. c. impeach Chief Justice Roger Taney for the Dred Scott decision. d. endorse the acquisition of Cuba by the United States, thus increasing slave territory. e. immediately bring Kansas and Nebraska into the Union as slave states.

b. protect slavery in the territories or allow popular sovereignty in them

Irish immigrant men in the 1850s a. were not legally white. b. pushed free black workers out of low-wage jobs. c. could not vote. d. were mostly Protestant. e. faced no discrimination in employment, housing, and education.

b. pushed free black workers out of low-wage jobs.

What was the purpose of the Appeal of the Independent Democrats? a. convince residents of Kansas to vote in favor of allowing slavery in the state b. rally opposition to the bill that became the Kansas-Nebraska Act c. portray Abraham Lincoln as a threat to the rights of southern states d. protest the Fugitive Slave Act as an example of executive overreach e. argue that popular sovereignty was the only constitutional way to decide whether new states should be slave or free

b. rally opposition to the bill that became the Kansas-Nebraska Act

The northern opponents of the Compromise of 1850 a. included key Whig leaders Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. b. received a boost from President Zachary Taylor. c. were surprised when John C. Calhoun spoke in favor of the Compromise. d. argued that California must become a free state, which the Compromise did not allow. e. were thrilled to have the support of influential Vice President Millard Fillmore.

b. received a boost from President Zachary Taylor.

With regard to civil liberties during the Civil War, President Lincoln a. always let courts and judges have the final say. b. suspended the writ of habeas corpus. c. ordered most Democratic newspapers shut down. d. urged the impeachment of federal judges who opposed him. e. strictly followed the Ex parte Milligan decision rendered in 1866.

b. suspended the writ of habeas corpus

Economically, the Civil War led to a. a decline in prosperity for the North and South alike. b. the emergence of a nation-state committed to national economic development. c. a tariff reduction to attract foreign goods to make up for the decline in domestic production. d. the creation of the Third Bank of the United States, despite opposition from old Jacksonian Democrats. e. the building of a transcontinental railroad, completely through private financing.

b. the emergence of a nation-state committed to national economic development.

Lincoln's vision during the Civil War a. was to build a nation-state similar to what Otto von Bismarck was building in Germany and to what Giuseppe Mazzini was building in Italy. b. was that the American nation embodied a set of universal ideals rooted in political democracy and human freedom. c. was essentially that of the Democratic Party: an activist federal government promoting American industry. d. allowed for African-Americans to achieve freedom because they already lived in the United States but did not extend to immigrants.

b. was that the American nation embodied a set of universal ideals rooted in political democracy and human freedom

What argument was made by critics of the Dred Scott decision such as James McCune Smith and John McLean? a. The Supreme Court could not be considered an impartial judge in this case because most of the justices were southerners. b. Citizenship implied the right to keep and carry arms. c. All free persons born on American soil were automatically citizens. d. The Republican platform of restricting slavery's expansion was unconstitutional. e. The nation's founders had never intended for black people to have the rights of citizens.

c. All free persons born on American soil were automatically citizens.

Which was a result of the United States' victory in the Mexican War? a. Mexico imposed a trade embargo against the United States. b. Native Americans seized control of ports in Southern California. c. Control over valuable trading ports on the West Coast created a trading boom with the Far East. d. Tensions with Great Britain arose over control of Pacific trade routes. e. The U.S. Army suffered significant losses of men and equipment.

c. Control over valuable trading ports on the West Coast created a trading boom with the Far East

Which statement is true about the Civil War and Indians in the West? a. The Civil War had little impact on Indians in the West. b. The Union treated Indian tribes more leniently than the Confederacy did. c. During the war, the Union army forced 8,000 Navajo to move to a reservation. d. Conflicts between white settlers and Indians in the West were suspended during the Civil War. e. The Union suspended all military actions against Indian tribes during the Civil War.

c. During the war, the Union army forced 8,000 Navajo to move to a reservation.

How did John Brown differ from other abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison? a. He opposed slavery on a purely secular (nonreligious) basis. b. He was married to an ex-slave. c. He was willing to take violent action to end slavery. d. He deliberately modeled his speech and behavior on Jesus Christ. e. He was the son of a prominent southern planter.

c. He was willing to take violent action to end slavery.

Which two political figures agreed to keep the issue of annexing Texas out of the 1844 presidential campaign if possible? a. John Tyler and John C. Calhoun b. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster c. Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren d. Henry Clay and James Polk e. Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams

c. Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren

How did the California gold rush affect the California economy? a. It drew workers away from its rich farmlands. b. It created economic opportunities for women in special women-only mines. c. It created a sense of competition between American and "foreign" miners. d. It created a robust upper-middle class of self-made men. e. It hurt the development of San Francisco as residents moved to mining areas outside of town.

c. It created a sense of competition between American and "foreign" miners.

What was the significance of the fighting that occurred at Fort Pillow, Tennessee? a. It was the Confederate army's last victory of the war. b. It was the first step of Sherman's March to the Sea. c. It was evidence of brutal treatment of black Union soldiers by the Confederate army. d. It was Grant's first use of a war-of-attrition strategy. e. It gave the Union control over the entire Mississippi Valley.

c. It was evidence of brutal treatment of black Union soldiers by the Confederate army.

Which statement is true about the Mexican War of 1846-1848? a. Mexico was still a Spanish colony when the war started. b. Mexico won the war and regained Texas. c. It was opposed by a significant minority in the North. d. Mexico lost the war but ceded only about 10 percent of its territory in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. e. The war is largely forgotten in Mexico.

c. It was opposed by a significant minority in the North.

The opening of Japan to U.S. trade led to what? a. Japan creating its own minstrel shows. b. Other nations wanting to carve up Japanese territory. c. Japan becoming a modernized military power. d. The United States becoming much less interested in China. e. Japan attacking Russia.

c. Japan becoming a modernized military power.

Which statement is true about civil liberties during the Civil War? a. Lincoln was careful to protect all forms of civil liberties. b. The courts prevented the Lincoln administration from restricting civil liberties. c. Lincoln allowed those accused of "disloyal activities" to be held without charge. d. Dissenting newspaper editors, ordinary citizens, and Democratic politicians were free to criticize the war effort without penalty. e. In Ex parte Milligan, the Supreme Court required that all civilians be tried in military tribunals during the war

c. Lincoln allowed those accused of "disloyal activities" to be held without charge.

Which statement is true regarding the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858? a. Lincoln disagreed with Douglas's view that whites were a superior race. b. Douglas argued that there should be a national popular vote on the morality of slavery. c. Lincoln believed that blacks as well as whites were entitled to the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. d. Lincoln argued for free western territories mainly so that free black people could find new homes and better conditions of life. e. Lincoln argued that the Constitution would have to be amended to restrict slavery from the territories

c. Lincoln believed that blacks as well as whites were entitled to the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.

Why did Democratic and Whig Party lines crumble in 1846? a. Democrats and Whigs agreed that the United States shouldn't invade Mexico. b. The Methodist and Baptist churches divided into northern and southern branches. c. Northerners, regardless of party, supported the Wilmot Proviso, while southerners opposed it. d. They disagreed over U.S. policy toward Japan. e. Neither party could settle internal disputes over immigration policy, prompted by the gold rush.

c. Northerners, regardless of party, supported the Wilmot Proviso, while southerners opposed it.

What did fighting a defensive war mean for the Confederates? a. The Confederate soldiers could sleep in their own beds at night. b. It was a strategy that Robert E. Lee did not agree to use. c. Since the weapon technology was basically equal, it was an advantage for the Confederates. d. This strategy did not work because the Union used the same defensive tactics. e. The aggressive Union armies would put a quick end to the war.

c. Since the weapon technology was basically equal, it was an advantage for the Confederates.

Which of the following is true of the Confederacy and Native Americans? a. Indians were united in their opposition to the Confederacy because of its white supremacist policies. b. The Davis administration ordered the Navajo to leave their ancestral territory. c. Slave-owning Indians generally supported the Confederacy. d. Treating Indian tribes as fully independent nations, the Confederacy sent ambassadors to the Five Civilized Tribes. e. Confederate troops massacred Indians on several occasions, most notably at Sand Creek, Texas.

c. Slave-owning Indians generally supported the Confederacy.

Which of the following was a critic of the Mexican War? a. Zachary Taylor b. James K. Polk c. Ulysses S. Grant d. John C. Calhoun e. John C. Frémont

c. Ulysses S. Grant

In the Ex parte Milligan case, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that a. Milligan should be hanged for writing pro-Confederate editorials during the Civil War. b. secession was unconstitutional. c. accused persons must be tried before civil courts where there were open, rather than military, tribunals. d. a president could order the jailing of civilians for any reason whatsoever during wartime. e. Congress, not the president, has the power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus

c. accused persons must be tried before civil courts where there were open, rather than military, tribunals.

How does Thomas Drayton depict the Confederate cause in his letter of April 1861? a. as the enactment of God's plan for America b. as a step toward the creation of two separate but equal nations in America c. as a battle for the liberty of white Southerners d. as a defensive war against Northern aggression e. as a defense of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

c. as a battle for the liberty of white Southerners

The last nation in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery was a. the United States. b. Cuba. c. Brazil. d. Haiti. e. Jamaica.

c. brazil

Lincoln was hesitant to support abolition early in the war because he a. did not believe slaves could be productive American citizens. b. owned slaves himself. c. feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the Union. d. did not want to support the policies of the Radical Republicans. e. promised during his 1860 campaign that he was against abolition.

c. feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the Union

During the Mexican War a. Mexican troops occupied much of Texas after winning at the Alamo. b. the bulk of the fighting occurred in California. c. for the first time, U.S. troops occupied a foreign capital. d. an American revolt in California led briefly to a monarchy. e. Whigs strongly supported Polk's policies.

c. for the first time, U.S. troops occupied a foreign capital.

During the Civil War, northern Protestant ministers a. usually preached sermons that emphasized the needlessness of the war. b. organized a major pacifist campaign to end the war by Christmas 1862. c. helped create a civic religion combining Christianity and patriotism. d. were generally opposed to the goals of the Lincoln administration. e. raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to assist Confederates to show that they loved their enemies.

c. helped create a civic religion combining Christianity and patriotism.

What do the authors of the 1850 "Letter to the Middletown Sentinel and Witness" claim to be more important than the Union? a. the political rights of states b. economic freedom and prosperity c. individuals' freedom to act according to their consciences d. God's will

c. individuals' freedom to act according to their consciences

When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, a. it was much smaller in area than the United States at the time. b. California became a major American trading partner within half a decade. c. it was nearly as large as the United States with only two-thirds of the population. d. its leaders founded new missions in California to ensure continued Catholic power. e. Americans immediately began settling in California in large numbers.

c. it was nearly as large as the United States with only two-thirds of the population.

The majority of men who fought for the Confederate army were a. immigrants. b. slaveowners. c. non-slaveholding small farmers. d. enslaved black men. e. urban workers.

c. non-slaveholding small farmers.

Which of the following became an established business as a result of the Civil War? a. the penny press b. printed sheet music c. photography d. lithography e. political campaign management

c. photography

In the early 1840s, a large increase in the migration of American settlers west of the Mississippi River was sparked by a. the abolition of slavery in the Deep South. b. Indian tribes regaining land east of the Mississippi River. c. the economic depression that began in 1837. d. a widespread rejection of the concept of manifest destiny. e. Mexico's sale of California to the United States in 1840.

c. the economic depression that began in 1837.

At Antietam, a. General Lee was successful and pushed north into Pennsylvania. b. General McClellan surrendered his troops. c. the nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history. d. the Union's river fleet proved crucial to the outcome. e. Lincoln announced the Thirteenth Amendment.

c. the nation suffered more casualties than on any other day in its history.

The example of German immigrant Marcus Spiegel demonstrated that a. freedom motivated the immigration of Irish immigrants, but pursuit of economic success motivated German immigrants. b. the significant Jewish population in the United States was ambivalent about the issues that caused the Civil War. c. the views of average Americans evolved considerably during the course of the Civil War. d. Democrats were unwilling to go to war with a Republican president in the White House. e. while Jews were few in number, their role at the Battle of Gettysburg made military heroes of many of them.

c. the views of average Americans evolved considerably during the course of the Civil War.

Why did Mississippi politician Jefferson Davis object in the 1850s to the original design of the Statue of Freedom that now adorns the U.S. Capitol dome? a. He disliked the fact that the sculptor was a former slave, thus suggesting that blacks were as gifted as whites. b. The use of a soldier as the key figure made the nation appear too militaristic. c. It portrayed "Freedom" as a nude woman, which he saw as inappropriate. d. Its use of an ancient Roman liberty cap on "Freedom" raised a touchy matter about slaves' longing for freedom. e. He believed using "freedom" in the statue's name was a subtle attack on slave states, so he preferred using "justice" instead.

d. Its use of an ancient Roman liberty cap on "Freedom" raised a touchy matter about slaves' longing for freedom.

The Republican presidential candidate in 1856 was a. John Breckinridge. b. Abraham Lincoln. c. Charles Sumner. d. John Frémont. e. James Buchanan.

d. John Frémont.

Which is true of Union and Confederate leadership during the Civil War? a. Lincoln suffered from a reputation for being indecisive throughout the war. b. Davis's main strength was as a military commander. c. Lincoln applied lessons learned during his brief period as a slaveholder to his policies concerning black soldiers. d. Lincoln displayed an ability to put practical concerns above ideals.

d. Lincoln displayed an ability to put practical concerns above ideals.

From 1848 to 1860, most of the railroad construction was in which region? a. Northeast b. Southeast c. Southwest d. Midwest e. West Coast

d. Midwest

The Civil War proved to be disastrous for which noncombatants? a. slaves in Maryland b. slaves in South Carolina c. Iroquois d. Navajos e. pacifist abolitionists

d. Navajos

Why did President James K. Polk initiate military action against Mexico in April 1846? a. Mexico had invaded Louisiana. b. Polk claimed God had instructed him to free his "brethren to the south." c. He sought to end slavery in New Mexico. d. Polk wanted to purchase California, but Mexico refused to negotiate. e. The United States was helping Spain to reconquer lost colonies.

d. Polk wanted to purchase California, but Mexico refused to negotiate.

In 1860, which state became the first to pass an ordinance of secession and declare itself separated from the Union? a. Virginia b. Kentucky c. Georgia d. South Carolina e. Tennessee

d. South Carolina

In the 1860 election, who was the presidential candidate to have significant support in all parts of the country? a. Abraham Lincoln b. John Breckinridge c. John Bell d. Stephen Douglas e. Will Seward

d. Stephen Douglas

What was ironic about the Fugitive Slave Act? a. Only ten slaves were returned to the South. b. Abolitionists endorsed this federal legislation. c. Ex-slaves who gained their freedom before 1850 resented the law. d. The South promoted states' rights, but with this law agreed to strong federal action. e. It resulted in the North and South gaining more respect for each other's way of life.

d. The South promoted states' rights, but with this law agreed to strong federal action

Which is true of black soldiers fighting for the Union army during the Civil War? a. They developed a reputation for being vicious and ruthless warriors. b. Most were drafted into service. c. They performed the same duties as white soldiers from the outset, but at lower pay. d. Their accomplishments contributed to the evolution of Lincoln's ideas concerning equal rights before the law. e. They enjoyed more equality with whites in the army than in the navy.

d. Their accomplishments contributed to the evolution of Lincoln's ideas concerning equal rights before the law.

How can the treatment of Native Americans by the Confederacy be characterized? a. They were given access to millions of acres of land. b. They were ignored by Jefferson Davis. c. They received scorn from the Confederacy due to some Native Americans siding with the Union. d. They were given a say in the Confederate government. e. The Confederates appreciated Native Americans serving as peacemakers, bringing an end to the Civil War.

d. They were given a say in the Confederate government.

Which describes the relationship between the Civil War and the campaign for women's suffrage? a. Many women publicly refused to perform volunteer work to serve the war effort of a nation that did not grant them the right to vote. b. With the southern states temporarily out of the legislature, women's demands for suffrage gained significant traction during the war. c. The suffrage movement lost public support when it was accused of distracting women from volunteer work to support the war effort. d. Women who held positions of responsibility during the war became increasingly committed to achieving suffrage when the war ended. e. Women gained a first taste for the experience of voting when they were granted a temporary right to vote on behalf of husbands who were away fighting the war.

d. Women who held positions of responsibility during the war became increasingly committed to achieving suffrage when the war ended.

During the early days of the war, the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution proposed by Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky that a. drafted men into the Union army, the first such draft in U.S. history. b. called for the gradual emancipation of slaves throughout the nation. c. criticized the civil liberties policies of the Lincoln administration. d. affirmed that the Union had no intention of interfering with slavery. e. extended the Missouri Compromise line to the eastern border of California.

d. affirmed that the Union had no intention of interfering with slavery.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 a. required that runaway slaves have a trial by jury. b. allowed individual citizens to refuse to assist federal agents in capturing runaway slaves. c. allowed local authorities to protect runaway slaves from capture by federal agents. d. allowed federal commissioners to determine the fate of fugitives without a jury trial. e. was a betrayal of the Compromise of 1850.

d. allowed federal commissioners to determine the fate of fugitives without a jury trial

Lincoln's issuance of an emancipation proclamation a. was delayed on the advice of General George McClellan. b. won universal support throughout the North. c. led to a strong Republican showing in the congressional and state elections of 1862. d. followed the narrow Union victory in the Battle of Antietam. e. led Great Britain to recognize the independence of the Confederate States of America.

d. followed the narrow Union victory in the Battle of Antietam.

During his debate with Abraham Lincoln in Freeport, Illinois, Stephen Douglas a. called for the free-soil principle to determine the status of slavery in the West. b. denounced popular sovereignty as a fraud. c. praised the temperance movement and other key social reforms. d. insisted that popular sovereignty was compatible with the Dred Scott decision. e. argued that slaveholders had a constitutional right to take their slaves anywhere.

d. insisted that popular sovereignty was compatible with the Dred Scott decision.

"Greenback" was a Civil War-era nickname for a. sailors. b. draft dodgers. c. members of the Irish Brigade. d. paper money. e. any Confederate soldier.

d. paper money

Which hampered the North's ability to mobilize resources for the war effort? a. lack of legal ability for the federal government to raise taxes b. no rail system linking key armories and forts c. considerable public support for the Confederacy d. the lack of a national bank system e. the lack of a navy

d. the lack of a national bank system

Which statement is true regarding free labor ideology? a. Free labor ideology glorified the South as the home of progress, opportunity, and freedom. b. According to free labor ideology, economic independence was of limited importance to freedom. c. Free labor ideology was most popular among poor southern whites. d. Free labor and slavery could coexist peacefully for an unlimited amount of time. e. According to free labor ideology, slavery must be kept out of the territories so that free laborers could move up to the status of landowning farmers and independent craftsmen.

e. According to free labor ideology, slavery must be kept out of the territories so that free laborers could move up to the status of landowning farmers and independent craftsmen.

Which is true of the service of African-American soldiers during the Civil War? a. Their experiences as soldiers gave them their first taste of treatment as social equals to whites. b. While many exhibited great bravery, none received military awards in recognition of their deeds. c. Only a small percentage volunteered to serve; most were drafted into service. d. Escaped slaves were sent to prisoner-of-war camps and not allowed to fight for the Union army. e. Before they were allowed to fill combat positions, many performed menial labor such as doing laundry and cooking for the troops.

e. Before they were allowed to fill combat positions, many performed menial labor such as doing laundry and cooking for the troops.

45. Lincoln spoke of "a new birth of freedom" for the nation in his a. first inaugural address. b. second inaugural address. c. Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. d. Sanitary Commission speech. e. Gettysburg Address.

e. Gettysburg Address.

Which is true of James K. Polk? a. He opposed annexation of Texas. b. He defeated Martin Van Buren in the election of 1844. c. He was a "benevolent" slave owner, who taught his slaves how to read. d. He feuded with Andrew Jackson for most of his political career. e. He is considered the first "dark horse" presidential candidate.

e. He is considered the first "dark horse" presidential candidate.

Besides preserving the Union, how else has Lincoln's legacy lived on in today's America? a. Through an executive order, he gave ex-slaves the right to vote. b. He brought harmony between the races. c. He created the blueprint that rebuilt the South economically. d. He encouraged African-Americans to convert to Christianity. e. He overcame regional differences to build a new nation-state.

e. He overcame regional differences to build a new nation-state.

Who wrote On Civil Disobedience as a response to the U.S. war with Mexico? a. Abraham Lincoln b. Ralph Waldo Emerson c. David Walker d. David Wilmot e. Henry David Thoreau

e. Henry David Thoreau

In 1821, the opening of the Santa Fe Trail between Santa Fe and ________ led to a reorientation of New Mexico's commerce from the rest of Mexico to the United States. a. Houston, Texas, b. San Diego, California, c. New Orleans, Louisiana, d. Omaha, Nebraska, e. Independence, Missouri,

e. Independence, Missouri,

The Republican Party founded in the 1850s strongly endorsed the same policy about slavery in the territories that ________ had begun advocating in 1846. a. David Wilmot b. Stephen Douglas c. John C. Calhoun d. Roger Taney e. Henry Clay

A. David Wilmot

Captains of industry like steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and oil man John D. Rockefeller a. began creating or consolidating their fortunes during the Civil War. b. benefited after the war from the respect their military service earned for them. c. became important advisers to President Lincoln. d. voluntarily provided important resources to the war effort. e. made millions bilking southerners who were buying war bonds.

a. began creating or consolidating their fortunes during the Civil War.

The Free Soil Party a. demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond the abolitionist ranks. b. cost Henry Clay the presidency by siphoning votes from him in New York. c. was powerful enough to convince James Polk not to seek reelection. d. strongly opposed the Wilmot Proviso but agreed to let it pass as part of a compromise. e. nominated Zachary Taylor for president.

a. demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond the abolitionist ranks.

During the Civil War, northern white women a. staged "bread riots" in major cities to protest food shortages. b. began obtaining jobs as government clerks. c. were recruited to sell war bonds door-to-door. d. were allowed to accompany their husbands into battle if they did not have children. e. demonstrated outside the White House in favor of the Emancipation Proclamation.

b. began obtaining jobs as government clerks.

During the Civil War, northern women a. campaigned more vigorously for women's suffrage than ever before. b. found new permanent places in the fields of nursing, government, and retail sales. c. were replaced by men in the field of nursing. d. were not allowed to work in factories. e. were granted the right to vote by Congress.

b. found new permanent places in the fields of nursing, government, and retail sales

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 a. won the grudging support of Ralph Waldo Emerson as a necessary compromise. b. gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement. c. was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott case. d. angered southerners by weakening an earlier law on fugitive slaves. e. convinced Abraham Lincoln to retire briefly from political life.

b. gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement.

The Lecompton Constitution was the a. antislavery constitution adopted in Nebraska. b. proslavery constitution proposed for Kansas. c. pro-secession constitution of North Carolina. d. Missouri constitution preferred by Abraham Lincoln. e. compromise offered in 1861 to end the secession crisis.

b. proslavery constitution proposed for Kansas

When did Great Britain abolish slavery in its empire? a. 1790s b. 1810s c. 1830s d. 1850s e. 1870s

c. 1830s

Which of the following is an example of the political impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? a. A strong, united Whig Party won the White House in the next presidential election. b. Nearly half of northern Democrats joined the patriotic American Party. c. The Whig Party collapsed, and many disgruntled northerners joined the new Republican Party. d. Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln decided to become running mates for the presidential election of 1856. e. The new Free Soil Party strongly endorsed the Act and won new congressional seats in several Upper South districts.

c. The Whig Party collapsed, and many disgruntled northerners joined the new Republican Party

What happened to Cherokee slaveholders after the Civil War? a. They were slaughtered. b. They were forced to leave the United States. c. They were forced to give former slaves some of their land. d. They were forced to march to Oklahoma. e. They had land given to them by the federal government.

c. They were forced to give former slaves some of their land

How did the California gold rush affect the California population? a. Tens of thousands of workers from Japan created the first significant Asian population in the United States. b. Foreign miners controlled most of the mine leases and most of the wealth in the territory. c. Treasure seekers from around the world created a population with remarkable ethnic diversity. d. The Native American population grew as tribes gained wealth through leases on mines. e. A rapid influx of young married couples resulted in an explosion in the number of young white children.

c. Treasure seekers from around the world created a population with remarkable ethnic diversity.

American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s a. took place without approval from the Mexican government. b. did not exceed the Mexican population there until the United States annexed Texas in 1845. c. led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials. d. included no slaves, because Mexico had banned slavery in its territory. e. was in communities whose American-born residents were called Tejanos by their Mexican neighbors.

c. led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials.

As a result of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, a. sectional divisions eased. b. Ralph Waldo Emerson counseled northerners to cooperate with federal authorities regardless of what their consciences told them. c. the thousands of black refugees that sought safety in Canada challenged the image of the United States as an asylum for freedom. d. only border states like Virginia and Kentucky were affected. e. the Underground Railroad shut down for the next decade.

c. the thousands of black refugees that sought safety in Canada challenged the image of the United States as an asylum for freedom.

In the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, a. the Whig Party became a southern party. b. the North became solidly Democratic. c. the unity of the Democratic Party was shattered. d. the Democratic Party became more united than ever. e. Stephen A. Douglas retired from politics.

c. the unity of the Democratic Party was shattered.

The controversy over the arrest of escaped slaves in the North shows a. the problematic nature of the Dred Scott decision. b. that abolitionists were definitely declining in influence. c. the unpopularity of the Fugitive Slave Act in parts of the North. d. the popularity of the Whig Party in the South. e. that the gag rule had serious consequences well into the 1850s.

c. the unpopularity of the Fugitive Slave Act in parts of the North

Who questioned President Polk's right to declare war by introducing a resolution to Congress requesting that the president specify the precise spot where blood had first been shed? a. Daniel Webster b. John C. Calhoun c. Stephen Douglas d. Abraham Lincoln e. Charles Sumner

d. Abraham Lincoln

Which is true of the Emancipation Proclamation? a. It legally freed all slaves, although Confederate states did not comply with order. b. It provided compensation for slaveowners in states that stayed in the Union. c. News of it was censored in the South, so that slaves had no knowledge of it. d. It committed the federal government to enlist black soldiers. e. Its legal basis was the president's power to negotiate international treaties.

d. It committed the federal government to enlist black soldiers.

What effect did the establishment of an extensive railway system have on the American economy? a. It encouraged rapid urbanization, so that by 1850 the majority of Americans in the North lived in cities. b. It made Chicago America's financial and commercial center during the nineteenth century. c. It created an economic bubble that led to a depression beginning in 1843. d. It created economic connections between the Northwest and the Northeast. e. It significantly increased the costs paid by farmers to transport their goods to market.

d. It created economic connections between the Northwest and the Northeast.

Which is true of the first transcontinental railroad? a. Its completion helped bring about the end of the Civil War. b. Various Indian tribes sabotaged it by destroying key railroad junctions. c. Utilizing its rails, Lincoln became the first president to travel across the country. d. It ran from Omaha to San Francisco. e. The Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies utilized slave labor.

d. It ran from Omaha to San Francisco.

What financial policy did the federal government follow during the Civil War? a. It removed tariffs in order to encourage exports. b. It reduced the income tax. c. It clung to the gold standard. d. It sold interest-bearing bonds. e. It removed taxes on the production and consumption of goods.

d. It sold interest-bearing bonds.

Which was a result of the 1861 attack on Fort Sumter? a. Davis gained control of the most essential fort in the South. b. Support for the Confederacy collapsed in South Carolina. c. The Union army lost more than 3,000 soldiers. d. Lincoln succeeded in making the South fire the first shot. e. Virginia and North Carolina defected from the Confederacy.

d. Lincoln succeeded in making the South fire the first shot.

In 1854, the Know-Nothings won all the congressional races as well as the governorship in a. Louisiana. b. South Carolina. c. Ohio. d. Massachusetts. e. Georgia

d. Massachusetts.

Which was a factor in the rise of the Republican Party? a. a decline in immigration from Europe b. a shift of the northern population to large cities. c. the opening of the major ports in San Diego and San Francisco d. integration of the northern economy following the completion of the railroad network e. a decline in coal mining and iron manufacturing

d. integration of the northern economy following the completion of the railroad network

In the 1850s, Tennessee-born William Walker became famous for a. creating a utopian community in Northern California. b. his proslavery novels that heightened sectionalism. c. breeding the "Tennessee Walker," a horse prominent in westward expansion. d. seeking to establish himself as ruler of a slaveholding Nicaragua. e. defying fellow whites in his native region and becoming a prominent abolitionist.

d. seeking to establish himself as ruler of a slaveholding Nicaragua.

103. What do the authors of South Carolina's Declaration of the Immediate Causes of Secession present as the cause of their leaving the Union? a. the federal government's refusal to respect states' rights b. the election of a president who received no votes from the southern states c. the federal government's refusal to endorse the Ostend Manifesto d. the North's increasing opposition to slavery e. the Supreme Court's hostility to the interests of slave owners

d. the North's increasing opposition to slavery

1. What enabled the Californios to establish large cattle ranches in California? a. the collapse of native populations due to epidemic disease b. the American victory in the Mexican War c. the creation of railroad lines linking California and Chicago d. the dissolution of mission landholdings by the Mexican government e. the affordability of black slaves in Mexico-controlled California

d. the dissolution of mission landholdings by the Mexican government

Of the enslaved people who gained their freedom in the Western Hemisphere between 1831 and 1888, a. two-thirds lived in Brazil. b. two-thirds lived in the British Caribbean. c. two-thirds lived in the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico. d. two-thirds lived in the southern United States. e. two-thirds lived in the French Caribbean.

d. two-thirds lived in the southern United States.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, the United States gained the most territory through a. purchasing territory from Russia. b. a treaty with Great Britain. c. purchasing territory from France. d. wars with Mexico. e. purchasing territory from Spain.

d. wars with Mexico.

Approximately how many slaves gained their freedom in the Western Hemisphere between 1831 and 1888? a. 10,000 b. 100,000 c. 600,000 d. 1 million e. 6 million

e. 6 million

Which is evidence of the northern response to the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation? a. Free blacks began enlisting in the Union army in large numbers in 1862. b. A group of Democratic senators challenged the Proclamation's legality through the Supreme Court. c. Lincoln expanded the scope of the Proclamation's reach before signing the final version. d. The Democrats made support for abolition an official part of their platform. e. The Republicans lost key elections in 1862

e. The Republicans lost key elections in 1862

Which did Southern leaders hope to gain by making the Texas territory part of the United States? a. Cotton mills could be built along Texas's rivers, decreasing reliance on the North. b. Southern industrialists would gain access to valuable oil reserves. c. Forests in northern Texas could help to revive a flagging shipbuilding industry. d. It would enable a land route to ports on the Pacific Ocean. e. The territory could potentially be turned into several slave states.

e. The territory could potentially be turned into several slave states.

What became a key component of the Underground Railroad in the 1850s? a. Abolitionists finally agreed to participate in hiding and moving slaves to freedom. b. Slave catchers also employed the Underground Railroad to return slaves to the South. c. The Erie Canal became the primary means to get slaves to freedom in Canada. d. Ships bound for Africa were added to allow slaves to return to their homelands. e. Trains were used more frequently to take slaves to Canada and freedom.

e. Trains were used more frequently to take slaves to Canada and freedom.

Which is true of the Texas revolt? a. It resulted in the creation of the independent Republic of Texas. b. It was the first time that the U.S. Army fought on foreign soil. c. The battle for the Alamo was a surprising Mexican defeat. d. It consisted of sporadic but vicious battles between American and Tejano settlers. e. It was sparked by the Mexican government seizing the slaves of American settlers.

a. It resulted in the creation of the independent Republic of Texas.

Which position was taken by Stephen Douglas in the Lincoln-Douglas debates? a. Local self-government was essential in order for American to truly be a free county. b. Only the national government had the right to decide whether slavery was legal. c. Blacks would eventually achieve the same rights as whites, but the time was not yet right. d. Slavery was a moral wrong, but the government had no right to outlaw it. e. Slavery needed to be extended to the West Coast to ensure the freedom of southerners.

a. Local self-government was essential in order for American to truly be a free county

The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during the campaign for a. U.S. president in 1856. b. U.S. president in 1860. c. governor of Illinois in 1858. d. a congressional seat from Illinois in 1856. e. U.S. senator from Illinois in 1858.

e. U.S. senator from Illinois in 1858.

One aspect of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 provided for what? a. the transfer of Montana to the United States b. payment of $15 million to the Mexican citizenry in the United States c. Mexicans to still govern themselves in Texas and New Mexico d. U.S. control of all of the Oregon Country e. protection of large Mexican landowners in California

e. protection of large Mexican landowners in California

The Know-Nothing Party a. opposed the temperance movement. b. supported slavery. c. prevented foreign-born people from voting after 1860. d. supported equal political rights for all religious groups. e. was dedicated to reserving political office for native-born Americans.

e. was dedicated to reserving political office for native-born Americans.

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