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15.) In mid-February, U.S. planes dropped bombs on an air shelter in Baghdad at four in the morning killing ___ people 100 to 200 500 to 600 200 to 300 400 to 500

400 - 500

6.) How many miners were killed in November 1968? 35 41 87 78


12.) In the 80's Reagan cut ___ of funding for new research for renewable energy possibilities. 20% 60% 90% 10%


11.) How much money was the CIA paying Nicolas Carranza (Deputy Minister of Defense) per year? $15,000 $25,000 $90,000 $50,000


14.) How much money was the military budget during the Cold War? $300 Billion $200 Billion $100 Billion $ 1 Billion

$300 Billion

8.) When was the War Powers Act passed? 1968 1983 1973 1993


1.) What percentage of people voted for the president in 1960? 23 63 58 83


Canada 11. In what year were U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed? A. 1998 B. 1957 C. 1876 D. 2004

A, 1998

7. "At the National Book Award ceremonies in New York, ______ authors and publishes walked out on a speech by Vice-President Humphrey in a display of anger at his role in the war." (487) a. 50 b. 30 c. 100 d. 40

A, 50

4. When polled, what percentage of people believed "it is the responsibility of government to take care of people who can't take care of themselves."? A. 65% B. 70% C. 40% D. 90% Pg. 650

A, 65%

When did Malcom X influence people most about civil rights? a.) After his assassination b.) After he spoke in Birmingham c.) He was not influential at all d.) After he spoke in Detroit

A, After his assassination

The Reagan's Administration's response to poverty was? A. Build More jails B. Create more jobs C. Raise Taxes D. All the above

A, Build More Jails

___________ of the United Farm Workers Union fasted for thirty-five days in 1988 (615) A. Cesar Chavez B. Miguel Chavez C. Julius Cesar D. Frank Smith

A, Cesar Chavez

10.) On ________ 1st, 1960, four freshmen at a Black College in Greensboro, decided to sit down at a Woolworth's lunch counter, where only whites ate. They were refused service, and when they would not leave, the lunch counter was closed for the day. (Page 452) a.) February b.) April c.) June d.) August

A, February

13.) The Veterans of the sit-ins formed the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) which was dedicated to nonviolent but militant action for equal rights and they organized another __________ from Nashville to Birmingham. (Page 453) a.) Freedom Ride b.) Freedom Speech c) Meeting d) Sit-in

A, Freedom Ride

One sign that the ideas of the antiwar movement had taken hold in the American public was that ____________________. a. Juries became more reluctant to convict antiwar protesters b. The government decreased the men requested in the draft c. The government increased the men requested in the draft d. The president publicly spoke out against the war

A, Juries became more reluctant to convict antiwar protests

10. American GI- Volunteers and draftees came mostly from__________ groups.(492) a. Low income b. High income c. Middle-class income d. Both a and b

A, Low Income

12. Who was President Clintin accused of having sexual relations with? A. Monica Lewinsky B. Lonica Mewinsky C. Madeleine Albright D. Amy Klobuchar

A, Monica Lewinsky

12. What administration tried to get the Supreme Court to stop the Pentagon Papers from further publication in 1971 (488) a. Nixon b. Lyndon B. Johnson c. Truman d. Trump

A, Nixon

1.) "The country seemed under control. And then, in the 1960's, came a series of explosive rebellions in every area in American life, which showed that all the system's estimates of security and success were wrong." Who was the black revolt of the 1950s and 60s between? (Page 442) a.) North & South b.) North & East c.) West & East d.) West & South

A, North & South

15.In what city did the World Trade Organization meet in late 1999 in which thousands came to protest "free trade"? Pg 672 A. Seattle B. Richmond C. Dallas D. Charlotte

A, Seattle

3. What extended the death penalty to a whole range of criminal offenses and provided $8 billion for the building of new prisons? Page 647 A. The Crime Bill B. Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act C. The Offense Law D. Criminal Bill

A, The Crime Bill

In June 1964, the civil rights movement rented a _______ near the White House, and a busload of black Mississippians traveled to Washington to testify publicly about the daily violence, the dangers facing the volunteers coming into Mississippi. a.) theater b.) office building c.) a church at where Martin Luther King once preached d.) SNCC headquarters

A, Theater

The war on poverty Legislation was first introduced by _____________. (601) A. Lyndon B. Johnson B. Jimmy Carter C. Ronald Reagan D. Richard Nixon

A. Lyndon B Johnson

4.) ________ was Carter's United Nations Ambassador. Andrew Young Herman Badillo Patricia Harris Miguel Chavez

Andrew Young

5.) "Truman's Committee was blunt about its motivation in making these recommendations, there was "moral reason",but there was also an "_________"-- discrimination was costly to the country, wasteful of its talent. And there was an ________."(Page 449) a.) "regional reason" and town reason b.) "economic reason" and regional reason c.) "economic reason" and "international reason" d.) "regional reason" and "international reason"

B, "Economic Reason" & "international reason"

6.) The Court did not insist on immediate change: a year later it said that segregated facilities should be integrated "with all deliberate speed." By 1965, _____ after the "all deliberate speed" guideline, more than 75% of the (South) school district remained segregated.(Page 450) a.) 5 years b.) 10 years c.) 15 years d.) 20 years

B, 10 years

15. In 1969 out of 232 colleges how many students were involved in protests? (490) A. 100 B. 215,000 C. 1,000 D. 100,000

B, 215,000

9. By progression taxation and demilitarization, how much was gained each year? A. 4 to 6 million B. 400 to 500 billion C. 1 to 4 billion D. 5 to 6 trillion

B, 400-500 Billion

When was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated? a.) August 28th, 1963 b.) April 4th, 1968 c.) January 15th, 1929 d.) July 11th, 1969

B, April 4th, 1968

Twelve days after the public hearing, three civil rights workers, James Chaney, a young black Mississippian, and two white volunteers, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, were arrested in Philadelphia, Mississippi, released from jail late at night, then seized, __________, and __________. a.) knocked out and lynched b.) beaten with chains and shot to death c.) abducted and never heard from again d.) humiliated and tortured

B, Beaten with chains & Shot to death

12.) During the Freedom Rides of the 1960s, riders in South Carolina, were beaten, riders in Alabama set a bus on fire; and ____ agents watched, took notes, and then did nothing. (Page 453) a.) CIA b.) FBI c.) NBA d.) DMV


Keith McHenry and hundreds of others were arrested for distributing free food to the poor _________. (617) A. Free Food for the needy B. Food not bombs C. Spread love not hate D. Food for Everyone

B, Food Not Bombs

. According to a survey by the University of Michigan, evidence showed that throughout the Vietnam war Americans with a ________ education were in much stronger support for the withdrawal from the war.(491) a. College education b. Grade school education c. Doctorate education d. No education

B, Grade School education

6. "On the other hand ...we can expect ________________ ...from various elements of the American public, from the press, the United Nations and world opinion." Fill in the blank: a. Cooperation from the military and armed forces b. Increasing pressures to stop the bombing c. Decreasing pressures to stop the bombing d. Cooperation with the Viet Cong and other pro-communist peoples

B, Increasing pressures to stop the bombing

10. Who did congress enact the North American Free Trade Agreement with? A. Russia B. Mexico C. Iraq D. Canada

B, Mexico

3.) "We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, -- .... We sing, but oh, the clay is vile Beneath our feet and long the mile; But let the world dream otherwise, We wear the mask." Which poet wrote "We Wear the Mask"? (Page 445) a.) Claude McKay b.) Paul Laurence Dunbar c.) Margaret Walker d.) Langston Hughes

B, Paul Laurence Dunbar

7. The U.S. Defense Department study of the Vietnam war, intended to be "top secret" but released to the public by Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in the famous _________ case, described by Ho Chi Minh's work. (Pg. 470) New York Times Pentagon Papers New York Republic The Power Elite

B, Pentagon Papers

5. During his election campaign, Clinton was accused of "draft-dodging" what war? A. WW2 B. The Vietnam war C. The gulf war D. The cold war Pg. 652

B, The Vietnam War

4. The heavy bombing were intended to destroy the will of ordinary ________ to resist, as in the bombing of German and Japanese population centers in World War II... (pg. 481) Americans Vietnamese Chinese Indonesians

B, Vietnamese

5. On June 3, 1973, the New York Times reported dropouts among _____ cadets. (pg. 495) a. GIs b. West Point c. IWW d. ROTC

B, West Point

__________ men and women who were fired because they blew "the whistle" on corporate corruption that victimized the public. Whistlers Whistle Blowers

B, Whistle Blower

15. The Earliest signs of Protest came from which Group? The Hippies Civil Rights Activist Draft Dodgers Muhammad Ali

B. Civil Rights Activist

9.) On October 23, 1982 ____ Bombing happened where 220 Marines were killed. Iran Iraq Beirut Michigan


8. Who was responsible for ending the war? (pg 498) a. The United States Government b. The Socialist Party c. " The People " d. Vietnamese Government

C, "The people"

The Department of Justice recorded ______ demonstrations in three months of 1963. a.) 1,000 b.) 1,543 c.) 1,412 d.) 1,379

C, 1,1412

13.In what year did 40,000,000 not have health insurance? Pg 671 A.1987 B.1954 C. 1996 D. 1992

C, 1996

3. Because of starvation policy of the French who seized and stored all the rice,________ people died? (pg)471 200 million 20 million 2 million 5million

C, 2 Million

What percent of Latino children and families live beneath the poverty line? A. 60% B. 32% C. 42% D. 44%

C, 42%

More than ___________ failed to register for the draft. (605) A. 250,000 B. 40,000 C. 800,000 D. 7,000

C, 800,000

The Soviets invading which of the following countries leads a military Draft? (605) A. Russia B. China C. Afghanistan D. Iraq

C, Afghanistan

In the 1967 riots in Detroit, 3 black teenagers were killed in what motel? Motel 6 Algie Motel Algiers Motel Algeirs Motel

C, Algiers Motel → Remember how to spell it

11.) A year after the Greensboro incident, a northern-based group dedicated to racial equality called ____ organized "Freedom Rides" in which blacks and whites traveled together on buses going through the South, to try to break the segregation pattern in interstate travel. (Page 453) a.) NAACP b.) SNCC c.) CORE d.) SCCN


2.) "In a society of complex controls, both crude and refined, secret thoughts can often be found in the arts, and so it was in black society. Perhaps the blues, however pathetic, concealed anger; and the jazz, however joyful, portended rebellion. And then the poetry, the thoughts no longer so secret." Multiple famous poets came from this era, such as Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and ______.(Page 443) a.) J. Cole b.) Bertha Willimas c.) Countee Cullen d.) Richard W. Truman

C, Countee Cullen

6. The _____ gave Johnson a chance to launch a full scale war on Vietnam without the declaration of war by Congress. (Pg. 476) Operation Phoenix The Declaration of Tonkin The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The Tet-offensive

C, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Which of these were considered a radical civil rights advocate due to their militant views on civil rights? a.) Martin Luther King Jr. b.) Martin Luther King c.) Malcom X d.) W.E.B. Dubois

C, Malcom X

14. What is the best History class you have taken so far? World History 1 Us History 3 US History II 1302 History of the Arabic Scripture

C, US Hist 1302

4.) "When the ________ case unfolded in the 1930's in Alabama, it was the Communist party that had become associated with the defense of these young black men imprisoned, in the early years of the Depression, by southern injustice." Which case took place in the 1930s in Alabama? (Page 447) a.) Suitcase b.) NAACP c.) SNCC d.) Scottsboro Case

D, Scottsboro Case

14. ______ act passed in 1996 made communications outlet become a small and select group Pg 671 A.Stamp B. Jones C.Organic D. Telecommunications

D, Telecommunications

8. What did the public believe that the United Stats were doing in the Vietnam War? (Pg. 471 ) To get land for France Wanted an alliance and trade To stop Vietnam from getting their independence To help stop communism in Asia

D, To help stop communism in Asia

In the summer of 1966, there were more outbreaks, with _________. Rock Throwing Looting Fire Bombing All of the above

D, all of the above

8. What year was projected that african americans would be equal to whites in the u.s.? A. 2012 B. 2006 C. 2019 D. 2050

D, 2050

7. In 1998 how many people traveled to fort benning, georgia? A. 1000 B. 545 C. 900 D. 7000

D, 7000

How many people marched on Washington four days after the US launched its attack on Iraqi forces? A. 70 B. 100,000 C. 75,653 D. 75,000

D, 75,000

In Birmingham in 1963, thousands of blacks went into the streets, facing what? Tear gas Police clubs High-powered Water Hoses All of the above

D, All of the Above

2.In early 1996, Congress and the president joined to pass the "_____________" which allowed the deportation of any immigrant ever convicted of a crime, no matter how long ago or how serious. Page 649 A. American Health Care Act B. The Tea Act C. The Stamp Act D. Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act

D, Anti-Terrorism & Effective Death Penalty Act

14.) After the attack in Montgomery, the riders were in the news all over the world, and the government was _____ to prevent further violence. (Page 454) a.) Excited b.) Sad c.) Mad d.) Anxious

D, Anxious

16.) The Outkast wrote a song named after a civil rights activist, who was she? "..Everybody move to the back of the bus," a.) Rosa Parker b.) Claudette Colvin c.) Janet Jackson d.) Rosa Parks

D, Rosa Parks

10. To avoid the Peace agreement made at Geneva for Vietnam, the ________ moved quickly to establish southern Vietnam as an American Sphere as stated in the chapter. In the Geneva Accord, the ______would, for the time being, retreat back into southern Vietnam; the ______ would remain in the northern part. This would happen until an election could take place to unify Vietnam and let them choose their own government.(Pg. 472) A.Vietnamese B. United States C. French D. British

Fill in the Blank, in this order, B, C, A

15.) The riders were arrested in Chicago and spent a night in jail and were taken to the Tennessee border by police. (Page 453) a.) True b.) False


9.)During the Freedom Rides of the 1960s there were 2 buses that left Washington D.C. on May 4th, 1961, headed to New Orleans and they were able to make it there. (Page 453) a.) True b.) False


2.) in 1980 the "Fairness Doctrine" was enacted. (T/F)


6. Human rights clearly came first over business profit in U.S. foreign policy. True/False Pg. 657


9. Roosevelt and Churchill released the Atlantic Charter stating their aims for the end of the war; the statement read that their countries would "seek aggrandizement, territorial or any thing other and that they would try and respect "the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live'' ( Pg 412 and 470-471). True or False


Constitutional lawyers testified that the national government had the legal power to give protection against such violence. The Transcript of this testimony was given to President Johnson and Attorney General Kennedy, accompanied by a request for a protective federal presence during the Mississippi Summer. Government answered the request. (True/False)

False → There was no response to the request

12. In May 1969 the Oakland induction center, where the draftees reported from all of northern California, reported that of 4,200 men ordered to report for induction, 2,200 did not show up, In the first quarter of 1970 the Selective Service System, for the first time could not meet its quota.(Pg. 486) True or False

False → it is 4,400 & 2,400 NOT 4,200 & 2,200

5. True/False By the end of the Vietnam war, 10 million tons of bombs had been dropped on Vietnam, more than twice the total bombs dropped on Europe and Asia in World War II (Pg. 478)

False → it was 7 mil tons NOT 10 mil

Civil rights laws were passed in 1957, 1959, and 1961. (True/ False)

False, Civil rights laws were passed in 1957, 1960, 1964

Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous "I Had a dream..." speech on August 28th, 1963. (True/False)

False, it was "I HAVE a dream"

1. In 1945_______ was defeated and forced to leave indochina, the former French colony had it occupied at the start of the war. (pg)469


A mass outbreak occurred in a black ghetto in Watts, Los Angeles that was provoked by the forcible arrest of a negro driver, the beating of a black bystander, and the seizing of a young black woman who was falsely accused of spitting on the police, just as _________ signed the voting rights act of 1965.

Lyndon B. Johnson

11. One of the greatest sports figures of the nation, __________, the black boxer and Heavyweight Champion, refused to serve in what he called a "white man's war"; boxing authorities took away his title as champion. (Pg. 485) Fill in the Blank

Muhammad Ali

3.) Jimmy Carter was what kind of farmer? Corn Tabaco Beef Peanut


7.) Montgomery blacks called a mass meeting. A powerful force in the community was E.D. Nixon, a veteran trade unionist and experienced organizer. They voted to boycott buses & carpools to take people to work, but most walked.(Page 451) a.) True b.) False


8.)The Marchers of Montgomery marched to work and when they were arrested they would march to jail. (video from presentation) a.) True b.) False


2. In the meantime, a __________movement had grown there, determined to end colonial rule. (pg)469


1.Clinton launched an FBI attack that resulted in the death of 86 men, women and children. Page 645 True or False?


10.) The Iran Contra affair severely diminished the American people's faith in the Democracy of The United States. (T/F)


13. In Mid-1965, in McComb, Mississippi, young Blacks who had just learned that a classmate of theirs was killed in Vientam distributed a leaflet: No Mississippi Negroes should be fighting in Viet Nam for the Whtie man's freedom, until all the Negro People are free in Mississippi." True or False


13. The Catholic Church was against the Vietnam War. (488) True or False


13.) Pope John Paul II says: "Today, the dramatic threat of ecological breakdown is teaching us the extent to which greed and selfishness, both to individual and collective, are contrary to the order of creation" (T/F)


14. That "costly distortion" seems to have taken place by the spring of 1968, when, with the sudden and scary Tet offensive of the National Liberation Front, Westmoreland asked President Johnson to send him 200,000 more troops on top of the 525,000 already there. Johnson asked a small group of "action officers" in the Pentagon to advise him on this. They studied the situation and concluded that 200,000 troops would totally Americanize the war and would not strengthen the Siagon government... True or False.


5.) The U.S. gave Panama $2.3 Million dollars. (T/F)


7.) "In the seventies, with liberal justices William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall in the lead, the Court had declared death penalties unconstitutional, had supported (in Roe v. Wade) the right of women to choose abortions, and had interpreted the civil rights law as permitting special attention to blacks and women to make up for past discrimination (affirmative action). (574)(T/F)


After wars there is always a sobering effect, as the war wears off, and citizens access the cost and wonder what was gained. (625) True False


Copper miners in Arizona, mostly Mexican, went on strike against Phelps-Dodge company after it cut wages, benefits, and safety measures. (614) True False


Eighteen days after King's speech and the march on Washington, a bomb was detonated in the basement of a black church in Birmingham, killing four innocent girls attending a Sunday school class. (True/False)


In the years 1964 and 1965, there were black outbreaks all over the country: In Florida, one took place after the killing of a negro woman and a bomb threat against a negro high school; in Cleveland, an out break was sparked from the killing of a white minister who sat in the path of a bulldozer to protest discrimination against blacks in construction work; another outbreak was set off by the shooting of a fifteen year old negro boy during a fight with an off duty policeman. (True/ False)


Student protest against the ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Program) took place. The ROTC was depended on to supply half of the officers in Vietnam, because of this the ROTC could fulfill its quota. (pg.491) True or False


1. The majority of Vietnam veterans supported the Vietnam War. (pg. 495) True or False


A Washington rally for what had come to be known as the "right to choose" drew over 500 people. True False


Citizens supported the Reagan Administration on giving military aid to the Salvadoran government (606) True False


In the Spring and Summer of 1981 residents of South Boston took to the streets to protests True False


Thousands of people in El Salvador were being murdered each year by death squads sponsored by the government. True False


4. .President Richard Nixon, noting the growing antiwar activity all over the country, announced that "under no circumstance will I be affected whatever by it." But nine years later, in his Memoirs, he admitted that the antiwar movement caused him to drop plans for an intensification of the war.... True and False.


9. In the spring of 1964 when Vietnam was a minor issue in the newspapers while studies showed that only 53% of college-educated people were willing to send troops, and only 33% of grade school- educated were willing(492) .True or False


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