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(1689-1755) wrote 'Spirit of the Laws', said that no single set of political laws was applicable to all - depended on relationship and variables, supported division of government

Franz Joseph Haydn

(1732-1809) Classical composer who spent most of his life as musical director for wealthy Esterhazy brothers; visits to England introduced him to world of public concerts rather than princely patrons;wrote The Creation and The Seasons

Adam Smith

Adam Smith was an economist and philosopher who wrote what is considered the "bible of capitalism," The Wealth of Nations, in which he details the first system of political economy.

. Inferring Why do you think Joseph II believed that religious tolerance was a benefit to the state?

Allowing one to practice whatever religion wished will benifit the state rather than harm it because it would elimiate religous and descriminative violence to newly practiced or unfamiliar religions.______

Understanding Relationships What parallel can you identify between the modern U.S. legal system and Catherine the Great's discussion of innocence and guilt?

Catherines discussion of innocence and guilt says that" No Man ought to be looked upon as guilty, before he has received his judicial Sentence" ,which simliar to the the U.S modern legal system which says "that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Classical composer

Mary Wollstonecraft

Image result for who was mary wollstonecraft Feminist writer and intellectual Mary Wollstonecraft was born on April 27, 1759, in Spitalfields, London. ... When Johnson launched the Analytical Review in 1788, Mary became a regular contributor. Within four years, she published her most famous work, A Vindication of the Rights of

Summarizing In his essay on government, what values and ideals did Frederick the Great emphasize?

In Frederick the Great's summerized essay he emphasized that haveing a well ran government system consist of values of reason , politicical justice ,religious tolerence , and equlity

Antoine Watteau

Jean-Antoine Watteau (French: [ʒɑ̃ ɑ̃twan vato]; baptised October 10, 1684 - died July 18, 1721), better known as Antoine Watteau, was a French painter whose brief career spurred the revival of interest in colour and movement, as seen in the tradition of Correggio and Rubens.

Comparing and Contrasting In your opinion, what did all three of these absolute rulers have in common? Why do you think none of them embraced democracy as a form of government?

They wanted to keep all the power

Fredrick the Great

Was ruler of Purussia. He centralized the government and put it under his control. He devoted his life to the Prussia army he was the reason for the war because he did not want a female rule.

Examining Primary Sources How did Catherine the Great define "equality"?

_Catherine defined "equality" as that citizens should all be subject to the same Laws. __


came from prosperous middle-class family • wrote Treatise on Toleration and Candide • criticized Christianity and was against organized religion • advocated religious tolerance • believed people could understand the world through reason supported deism, which held that the universe was like a clock. God, the clockmaker, created the universe, set it in motion, and allowed it to run, without interference, according to its natural laws.

Maria terrica

reason for the war ,new FEMALE ruler .


went to school in Paris to fulfill his father's dream that he would become a lawyer or church official, but became a freelance writer instead • wrote Encyclopedia • attacked religious superstition and supported religious toleration • called for social, legal, and political improvements that would lead to a society that was more tolerant and humane


• settled in Paris as young adult and became friends with Diderot • wrote Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind and The Social Contract • believed that the natural world was good and civilization was the main cause of evil • believed that reason and emotion were both important • criticized the European political and social order defined and described the social contract, a concept in which an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. Individuals who wish instead to follow their own self-interests must be forced to abide by the general will.

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