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What reasons did Taney give for why he believed Dred Scott was an enslaved person?

Taney stated that because a slave was considered to be property, if a slave lived on free soil that did not make that person free

Explain the significance of the following terms. a. fugitive b. secede

a fugitive is someone on the run. to secede means to leave the union

Why do you think the raid on Harpers Ferry by just a few men was so threatening to Southerners?

because only a few slaves showed up and the slaves were scared of the people that attacked the ferry

How did Stephen Douglas help win approval of the Compromise of 1850

he did this by introducing a bill that helped win the compromise of 1850

How did the Lincoln-Douglas debates benefit Lincoln?

it gave him publicity

What was the Wilmot Proviso? Why was it so controversial?

it was designed to eliminate slavery.

Explain the meaning of martyr as it relates to John Brown.

john brown was killed because of his beliefs, which is what it means to be martyred

2. Use the following terms in a short paragraph about Kansas in the 1850s. a. border ruffians b. civil war

the border ruffians were in Missouri. they were crossing the border to Kansas. a civil war is a war between people in the same country.

Use the word arsenal in a sentence about Harpers Ferry.

the harpers ferry had an arsenal ready to attack

What issue led to the formation of the Republican Party, and what stand did the party take on the issue?

the issue was slavery. the party tried to stop this issue asap

How did the Compromise of 1850 address the question of slavery?

they passed a fugitive escape law

What were some ways that Northerners defied the Fugitive Slave Act?

they ran an under ground rail road

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