History & Theory

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1 Size and density of the population should be above normal. 2 Differentiation of the population. Not all residents grow their own food, leading to specialists. 3 Payment of taxes to a deity or king. 4 Monumental public buildings. 5 Those not producing their own food are supported by the king. 6 Systems of recording and practical science. 7 A system of writing. 8 Development of symbolic art. 9 Trade and import of raw materials. 10 Specialist craftsmen from outside the kin-group.

How are the cities characterised by?

Through his focus on the architectural promenade.

How did Le Corbusier interpret Einstein's Theory in his architecture?

The five points are as follows: - Pilotis - The roof garden - Free plan - Free façade - The horizontal window.

What are the 5 principles of architecture?

The way that experience is relative to each one of us.

What did artists and architects take from Einstein's Theory of Relativity?

Art Nouveau is: - Design should look to nature and natural elements for the ornamental program rather than Greek Orders or other classical elements. - Open spatial planning

What is Art Nouveau?

Arts & Crafts: • Arts & Crafts: architects argue that they should "return" to the craft traditions of the Middle Ages in order to discover and approach to design that relates to the place in which the design occurs by drawing on local, vernacular design traditions. • Handcrafted elements as part of the design. • Interest in truth to nature. • At the same time, proponents of Arts and Crafts advocated economic and social reform. It was essentially anti-industrial.

What is Arts & Crafts?

• Poetics of structure -- the structural system is not concealed but revealed • Truth to construction -- joints/connections/details are celebrated and expressed not concealed • Separation of load-bearing structure and skin

What is Tectonics and Style?

· Painter-like placement of folies in the landscape · Combination of rough and cultivated landscape

What are qualities of a 'picturesque' landscape?

Central to Enlightenment thought were the use and celebration of reason, the power by which humans understand the universe and improve their own condition. The goals of rational humanity were considered to be knowledge, freedom, and happiness. Foundation of Modern Thinking Beginning of Modernity and Modernism

What was the Enlightenment?

· Flat roof · Rational planning · Orthogonal forms · Large glass windows

Which of the following are aesthetic properties of Functionalism, also known as New Objectivity?

Because of the inherently conservative nature of Australia at the time.

Why did it take longer for modernism to take hold in Australia than in Europe?

Because architects were searching for the best way to design to reflect new ways that people lived.

Why did style debates occur in the 19th century?

· Many of the aesthetic ideas we still embrace to day date to this time in history. · Innovations in all sorts of human endeavour that we consider modern today including the introduction of democracy happened during the Enlightenment. · At this time, scientific and rational thinking replaced faith and superstition.

Why do some historians date the beginning of the Modern Era and Modernism to the Enlightenment?

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