History Ch. 11 Roman Empire (This is my NOTES so if something is on here that is not on the test I will miss it to and PLZ don't tell me if I have something wrong unless it is major!)

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Italian, French; Spanish Portuguese, Romanian

(5) Romance languages


(Justinian's wife)when he was about to run from his own people having a revolt she stopped him and told him to fight.


12 disciples him Jesus chose to receive special training

David, Messiah

According to prophecy the Jews new leader would be a descendant of king _______. The prophets called the this leader ________.


After ____________ left power, constantine reunited the empire for a short time. He built grand new capital city called Constantinople Although the empire was still called the Roman Empire, Rome wasn't the center of power. Power had moved east.

Jesus, God

As a teacher, _________ attracted many followers early christians believe the resurrection was a sign that Jesus was the Messiah and" son of ___".

height, mediterranean

At the Roman Empire's _______ the Roman Empire included all the land around the _______________ Sea.


Caesar conquered nearly all of _______.

general bravery

Caesar was a great ___________ admired for his __________ and skill in battle.

roman, friends

Caesar's military success made him key figure in _________ politics. Caesar also had powerful ________.


Claudius conquered all of __________ it promoted trade.

Fall, Eastern, wealth, power

Despite the _____ of Rome, the _____________ Empire grew in __________ and ________.

Christians, east, Orthodox, Europe, religion

In the 1000s ______________ in the ______ formed the ____________ church. As a result eastern and western ___________ were divided by ___________.


Jesus is rise from the dead

Moses, Laws

Jews believe that ______ gave them a set of ______ to follow


Many people including the Jews believed that all we know about Jesus and his life is contained in the _________.

Jewish, Jerusalem

Roman army crushed the __________ revolt and destroyed ___________.

PAX Romana

Roman peace


Romans worshipped the olympian ____ of Greece.

dangerous, change

Rome in the 70s BC was ____________ place. Politicians and generals went to war to increase a cause of ____________


Rome produced a __________.


Rome was the greatest influence in the field of ____.


The Greatest doctor in Rome

paid, payments, destroyed

The Romans ______ the Goths not to attack but, Romans soon stopped making __________. So the Goths marched into Rome and sacked or ______________, the city in 410.

jews, defeated

The ____ created political conflict by rebelling against roman rule Jews believed against the Romans in AD 66, but, the Jews were _____________.

Huns, east, strong, weak

The _____ raided the Roman territory in the ______ Rome needed __________ leaders to survive these attacks, but the emperors were _______.

Huns, Goths

The ________ invaded south-eastern Europe and nearby kingdoms. while a large numbers of ______ move into the Roman Empire to attack.

partnership, Caesar, Pompey

The _______________ of 3 kings only lasted about 10 years after his conquest in Gaul, ___________ was so popular even his friends were jealous then they finally defeated __________.


The romans were a very _________ people.

vast size of the empire or political crises, when the wealthy citizens fled to their country estates, and when they had to created their own armies for protection.

There were several causes of Rome's decline - such as the _Listing_?


Thousands of __________ lived in the Roman empire

1. The Romans defended themselves from invasion for around 200 years 2. The Romans struggled with problems within the empire as well

What happened when the Romans were declining?

Airman Trekkers ended the Roman Empire in 1453.

Who ended the Roman Empire and when did they end it?


______ believed that there was only one god.


_______ wrote the poems about Roman mythology.


________ gods became the main gods of Rome different names but with also adopted gods and beliefs from them.

Antony, Octavian, son

__________ and ___________ were punishing the men who killed Caesar. Caesar's _____ killed all the men that killed Caesar.

Mosaic, famous

___________ painting and structures were what Roman Artist were ____________ for.


____________ are made of marble and used to make look things look prettier.

Romans, treated, taxed, Hadrian

_____________ hostility toward the Jews were that they were __________ harshly and ___________ heavily. ______________ decided to end the rebellions Jewish once and for all.

Antony, Cleopatra, war, lost, suicide

_____________ married octavian's sister, 8 years later he divorced her to marry ___________ queen of Egypt. By this he led himself into _____ in Rome for divorcing Octavian's sister. He _____ but, got away and later committed _________ so he wouldn't get captured.

Egyptians, Gauls, Persians

______________, _______, and ___________ try avoid offending andy gods, the romans prayed to a wide variety of Gods and goddesses.

Justinian's, fair, decline

_______________ code was order by justinian it was an organized set of laws. The code helped grantee the _____ treatment for all people. After Justinian's death the Eastern Empire began to _________.


a huge structure


a type of execution in which a person was nailed to a cross


emperor that became christian and got rid of all christian laws. Led a later emperor to make christianity Rome's main religion.


holy book of religion of christianity


ladder over the huns (fearsome)

Civil law

legal system based on a written code of laws


means God's anointed one

Paul of Tarsus

most import figure in spreading christianity after Jesus death.

Julius Caesar, March, 44

one of the most powerful generals working to take over the government. Murdered on _________ 15, ___BC


race channel used to carry water from mountains into cities


religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth


reunite the old Roman empire

Pompey, Caesar, Crassus

ruled Rome together

Byzantine empire

society that developed in the eastern Roman Empire


split empire in half and only ruled a co-emperor to rule the rest was ____.


the decay of people's values

Roman languages

they include Italian French Spanish Portuguese and Romanian


tried to stop chaos in Rome's government

Marc, Antony, and Augustus

two great leaders emerged to take over Roman Politics. One was Caesar's former assistant _______ and the other is his adopted son ______.

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