History Ch. 27

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Taft Hartley Act

(HT) 1947, , The Act was passed over the veto of Harry S. Truman on the 23rd June, 1947. When it was passed by Congress, Truman denounced it as a "slave-labor bill" The act declared the closed shop illegal and permitted the union shop only after a vote of a majority of the employees. It also forbade jurisdictional strikes and secondary boycotts. Other aspects of the legislation included the right of employers to be exempted from bargaining with unions unless they wished to. The act forbade unions from contributing to political campaigns and required union leaders to affirm they were not supporters of the Communist Party. This aspect of the act was upheld by the Supreme Court on 8th May, 1950.


(military) the act of containing something or someone , a policy of creating strategic alliances in order to check the expansion of a hostile power or ideology or to force it to negotiate pecefully , a U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances

Americans were afraid of communism in the 1950's because of _____.

-the Cold War -the suspicion that there were communists in the federal government -the Korean War

House Committee on Un-American Activities

A congressional committee created to search out disloyal Americans and Communists. , 1938-1975: an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives, when abolished functions went to House of Judiciary Committee, anti-communist investigations not directly linked to Joseph McCarthy.

Council of Economic Advisers

A group of three professional economists who give the president expert advice on the economy. Created in 1946, it is responsible for forecasting economic trends, analyzing economic issues, and helping prepare the economic report the president submits each year to Congress.

Which of the following hypothetical scenarios might have ended the Korean War earlier?

A less belligerent general than MacArthur had been in command of American forces.

GI Bill of Rights

Also known as Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 gave money to veternas to study in colleges, universities, gave medical treatment, loans to buy a house or farm or start a new business government ensured readjustment rights to GIs after WWI unrest, loans to veterans for higher education and mortgages (contributed to economic prosperity)

Which entertainer was labeled as a Communist in the 1950s?

Charlie Chaplin

What is the more common name of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act?

GI Bill of Rights

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate regarding the GI Bill of Rights?

Gender was not an issue regarding who could maximize the effects of the GI Bill. (Accurate:) -The federal government replaced cash bonuses to veterans with assistance programs. -Gender was not an issue regarding who could maximize the effects of the GI Bill. -The GI Bill provided college tuition for veterans.

According to the text, why did Thomas Dewey lose the election of 1948?

He was labeled as an elitist who had no time for the common man. -Although Dewey carried the Northeast, it was not enough to win the election. Most Americans viewed Dewey as a snob who was not in touch with middle America. He also was linked to the Republican-led Congress that was losing favor with the American public.

Which of the following statements correlates with the diminishing of Joseph McCarthy's political power?

His likeness was used for the popular cartoon character Simple J. Malarkey.


Illegal practice of refusing to make mortgage loans or issue insurance policies in specific areas for reasons other than economic qualifications of applicants , A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money to purchase or improve property within the boundaries. , A discriminatory real estate practice in North America in which members of minority groups are prevented from obtaining money to purchase homes or property in predominantly white neighborhoods. The practice derived its name from the red lines depicted on cadastral maps used by real estate agents and developers. Today, redlining is officially illegal.


In 1947, William Levitt used mass production techniques to build inexpensive homes in surburban New York to help relieve the postwar housing shortage. Levittown became a symbol of the movement to the suburbs in the years after WWII. , Towns in which houses were built on an assembly line. The houses were cheap and all families could afford them.

Which of the following statements is true of the Taft-Hartley Act?

It allowed the federal government to postpone a strike.

How did Levittown change American society?

It created affordable homes in American suburbs. -In 1947, Long Island businessman William Levitt built 2,000 homes for returning veterans, an enterprise that quickly multiplied each year thereafter. By 1951 there were more than 17,000 Levitt-style homes. It was a new type of subdivision with single-family housing that gave way to America's suburbia. Unfortunately, these subdivisions rarely became interracial communities.

What did the content of George Kennan's "long telegram" depict?

It depicted an aggressive Soviet Union driven by expansionist communism. -George Kennan was the senior diplomat in Moscow and the telegram dealt with foreign affairs. The telegram did not deal with party politics nor did it criticize the Truman administration. Instead it labeled the Soviet Union as an aggressor whose main goal was to expand communism

What is one important legacy of the Housing Act of 1949?

It established the goal of decent housing for all Americans.

What was the intent behind the Truman Doctrine?

It gave aid to countries supposedly threatened by communism.

What did Truman's Fair Deal propose?

It included national health insurance.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the second Red Scare?

It showed how much Americans feared communism. The second Red Scare exploited and manipulated the mass hysteria of deception within America's society and the threat of communism. It was more drastic than the first Red Scare despite the fact that the Communist Party was much weaker. The new era of the Cold War and the tactics of Joseph McCarthy heightened the paranoia.

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the Taft-Hartley Act?

It was a counterattack by big business against large labor unions. -The Taft-Hartley Act was passed in 1947 after years of support from conservatives. Congress passed the bill in 1947 due to an overwhelming concern that unions had become too powerful. Frustrated with the latest wave of strikes, the act was a political loss for labor unions. It disallowed the closed shop, outlawed secondary strikes, and allowed the federal government to postpone a proposed strike.

How did NSC-68 demonstrate the federal government's stance on the Cold War?

It was a military conflict more than an economic one.

Who broke the "color line" in major league baseball?

Jackie Robinson

Why did Truman relieve MacArthur of his command during the Korean War?

MacArthur demanded that China surrender rather than offer Truman's offer of a ceasefire. -In October 1950 MacArthur underestimated China's resolve in the conflict and the Chinese army forced the UN into a two-month retreat that abandoned Seoul. Despite this mistake, MacArthur remained in control until he disobeyed Truman's offer of a ceasefire to China. Because MacArthur refused a direct order to limit the war, he was relieved of duty in the spring of 1951.

Why did President Truman relieve General MacArthur in November 1951?

MacArthur publicly criticized the administration's foreign policy toward China.

After World War II, from where did the Soviet Union withdraw its troops?


Who led the Communist revolution in China?

Mao Tse-tung

What effect did the federal government's increasing assaults on civil liberties have on membership in the Communist Party?

Membership in the party declined.

Which of the following statements is NOT accurate about the 1950 revisions to the Social Security program?

Much of the new coverage went to city residents. (Are Accurate:) -Benefits were raised by an average of 80 percent. -The program was expanded to give more people old-age and survivors' insurance. -The changes resulted in broad support for the program.

Which of the following organizations was NOT created from from 1946 to 1950?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Organizations created from 1946-1950:) -Central Intelligence Agency -United Nations -National Security Council

What was Richard Nixon's relationship to Alger Hiss?

Nixon pursued charges against Hiss unceasingly.

National Security Council Paper 68

Policy statement that committed the U.S. to a military approach to the Cold War. Said struggle b/w USSR and US was one of permanent total war, and that Amer. citizens must be prepared to give up some of their benefits associated w/ their freedom to defend their way of life. , the document described a world divided between the forces of "slavery" and "freedom" and assumed that the Soviet Union was actively aggressive, motivated by greed for territory and a "fantastic faith" in Communism.

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology , First established in 1947 after Britain no longer could afford to provide anti-communist aid to Greece and Turkey, it pledged to provide U.S. military and economic aid to any nation threatened by communism. , President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology.

Why did the Progressive Party particularly oppose Truman in the election of 1948?

Progressives claimed that he was forcing the Cold War on the Soviet Union and undermining domestic affairs. -The Progressive Party, led by Henry Wallace, was particularly opposed to Truman's foreign policy. The Dixiecrats, or southern Democrats, walked out of the Democratic convention because they resented Truman's stance on civil rights.

What effect did the "baby boom" have on America's economy?

The "baby boom" was a major economic stimulus in the 1950s.

The emptiness of McCarthy's changes were revealed when

The Army-McCarthy hearings revealed his allegations were unfounded. he admitted that he had lied throughout the committee hearings. -Joseph McCarthy gained political momentum based on fear and suspicion of communism in America. While his allegations had no merit, few people risked a direct confrontation with McCarthy. The Army-McCarthy hearings were televised for two days and the public witnessed McCarthy's bullying and unfounded accusations. The hearings climaxed when Army attorney confronted McCarthy with the now infamous line: "Have you no decency?"

Which of the following was true of the 1948 election?

The Dixiecrats opposed civil rights for African Americans.

Which of the following events occurred FIRST?

The Soviet Union tests an atomic bomb. -Following the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a war of political ideologies known as the Cold War. As the Soviet Union expanded, the United States entered into a policy of containment: applying firm and vigilant tactics to restrict the growth of communism. When the Soviets achieved nuclear capabilities, the United States fell into an era of paranoia. The United States feared communism abroad and at home

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding Truman's order in 1948 that the armed services be integrated?

The army, in particular, resisted the president's order. -President Truman ordered the integration of the armed services in 1948 to ensure "equality of treatment and opportunity," but this was not fully implemented until after the Korean War. The army was especially resentful and attempted to limit African-American soldiers to only 10 percent of its ranks.

Berlin Blockade

The blockade was a Soviet attempt to starve out the allies in Berlin in order to gain supremacy. The blockade was a high point in the Cold War, and it led to the Berlin Airlift. April 1, 1948 - Russia under Stalin blockaded Berlin completely in the hopes that the West would give the entire city to the Soviets to administer. To bring in food and supplies, the U.S. and Great Britain mounted air lifts which became so intense that, at their height, an airplane was landing in West Berlin every few minutes. West Germany was a republic under Franc, the U.S. and Great Britain. Berlin was located entirely within Soviet-controlled East Germany.

Korean War

The conflict between Communist North Korea and Non-Communist South Korea. The United Nations (led by the United States) helped South Korea. , Conflict that began with North Korea's invasion of South Korea and came to involve the United Nations (primarily the United States) allying with South Korea and the People's Republic of China allying with North Korea. , The conflict that followed the crossing of the 38th parrelle by the North Korean Forces. Truman viewed this conflict as a test case for his containment policy.

What effect did the economic gains of the postwar years have on politics?

The economic gains propelled most Americans toward the political center.

Which of the following statements is true of the Hollywood Ten?

They refused to discuss their politics, citing the protections of free speech.

How did Americans react to Truman's initiatives during his second term as president?

They were happy with what they had and were adverse to major new initiatives.

According to the text, who or what presented the biggest threat to Truman's run for the presidency?

Thomas Dewey

What negative result came from the loyalty program?

Thousands of innocent federal employees lost their jobs and their reputations.

World Bank

a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments , A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

International Monetary Fund

a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies An international organization of 183 countries, established in 1947 with the goal of promoting cooperation and exchange between nations, and to aid the growth of international trade. based in Washington, DC; provides financial advice and funding to countries that are experiencing debt payment difficulties

Marshall Plan

a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952) A plan that the US came up with to revive war-torn economies of Europe. This plan offered $13 billion in aid to western and Southern Europe. Introduced by Secretary of State George G. Marshall in 1947, he proposed massive and systematic American economic aid to Europe to revitalize the European economies after WWII and help prevent the spread of Communism.

Which of the following terms best defines the beginning phase of the Korean War?

a civil war In June 1950 civil war broke out when North Korean invaded South Korea to create one unified nation. North Korea was aided by Chinese training and Soviet munitions in its attempt to spread the ideals of communism. The conflict eventually pulled in the United States as the protector of the democratic state of South Korea.

National Security Council

a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security , An office created in 1947 to coordinate the president's foreign and military policy advisers. Its formal members are the president, vice president, secretary of state, and secretary of defense, and it is managed by the president's national security assistant.


a former political party in the United States southern Democrats who opposed Truman's position on civil rights. They caused a split in the Democratic party. conservative southern Democrats who objected to President Truman's strong push for civil-rights legislation. Southern Democrats who broke from the party in 1948 over the issue of civil rights and ran a presidential ticket as the States' Rights Democrats.

The Korean War probably would have ended earlier if

a less belligerent general than MacArthur had been in command of American forces.

What was one trend of the period from 1946 to 1950?

a significant increase in the number of babies being born

Cold War

a state of political conflict using means short of armed warfare , A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted eachother on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years. , The ideological struggle between communism (Soviet Union) and capitalism (United States) for world influence. The Soviet Union and the United States came to the brink of actual war during the Cuban missile crisis but never attacked one another.

Central Intelligence Agency

an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest , An agency created after World War II to coordinate American intelligence activities abroad. It became involved in intrigue, conspiracy, and meddling as well.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

an international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security , In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten European nations formed this military mutual-defense pact. In 1955, the Soviet Union countered NATO with the formation of the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance among those nations within its own sphere of influence.

When did the Soviet Union develop an atomic bomb?

by 1950

What type of policy did George Kennan support when dealing with Russian expansive tendencies?

containment: a commitment to a long conflict -In an anonymous submission to Foreign Affairs, Kennan proposed that the Soviet Union was committed to a long-term plan of global domination. Kennan, writing as "X," stated that the best way the United States could combat this was with a long-term plan as well. Kennan stressed that firm and vigilant tactics were needed but it would be no quick fix.

During the Truman administration, steps toward civil rights included

ending segregation in the armed forces.

What was the purpose of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank?

ensure the central role of the United States in reviving the world economy

The Marshall Plan

helped rebuild Western Europe.

The McCarran Committee investigated individuals in all of these groups EXCEPT _____.

members of Congress (did investigate:) -labor union leaders -schoolteachers -diplomats

Aspects of the Democratic Party's "vital center" from 1948 to 1968 did NOT include _____.

showing wide tolerance toward Communist ideology (Included:) -a commitment to maintaining New Deal reforms -a reflection of the political realities of the Cold War -attempts to extend freedom abroad

Truman's motto during the Cold War was _____.

take the lead in running the world in the way the world ought to be run

What was a particularly suspicious aspect of McCarthy's accusations regarding the State Department?

that he constantly changed the number of people he was accusing

Results of the Communist victory in China included all of the following EXCEPT _____.

the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union was no longer as intense as it had been (Results of the Communist Victory:) -critics accused the United States of placing too much emphasis on Europe -foreign service officers had correctly identified the weaknesses of the Chinese nationalists -members of the State Department were often unjustly accused of weakness

What was the theme of the popular film The Best Years of Our Lives?

the desire to stabilize and prosper during the years after the war

According to the text, what was one of HUAC's "juiciest" targets when it investigated alleged communism in American society?

the film industry -The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) specifically targeted Hollywood under allegations that it was poisoning America's subconscious with hidden propaganda in popular films. While many directors, actors, and studio executives immediately pledged their allegiance to the United States, eight screenwriters and two directors refused to discuss their political past. Despite the First Amendment, the "Hollywood Ten" were sent to jail in 1950.

What did Executive Order 9835 mandate?

the investigation of loyalty among federal employees

What did the National Security Council Paper 68 (NSC-68) promote?

the use of force to prevent communist expansion

Warsaw Pact

treaty signed in 1945 that formed an alliance of the Eastern European countries behind the Iron Curtain; USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania , An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO , Stalin's response to NATO-eastern block nations behind the iron curtain.


unscrupulously accusing people of disloyalty (as by saying they were Communists) , The term associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy who led the search for communists in America during the early 1950s through his leadership in the House Un-American Activities Committee.

A particularly suspicious aspect of McCarthy's accusations regarding the State Department

was that he constantly changed the number of people he was accusing.

How did the United States reward returning American soldiers?

with public assistance programs -American soldiers returned to a grateful country but a lagging economy. The United States learned from the Bonus Army debacle and substituted public assistance programs for cash bonuses. The Servicemen's Readjustment Act, or GI Bill, guaranteed loans for housing and provided tuition for education.

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