History Chap. 14/15

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Mexican Empire

Aztec empire large and complex empire in modern mexico and central america. Had advanced mathematics, astronomy, and engineering defeated by cortes

After loosing access to slave trading from the black sea... the geneses

Black africans

William Shakespeare

British author of plays and comedies characterized with excellent dialogues and use of language

What did the treaty of tordesilles do?

Divided the atlantic ocean giving spain the west half and portugal the east

Shakespeare history plays such as Richard the 2nd and did what to england?

English national consensus

What did colombus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean?

Islands off the coast of Japan

Admiral Zheng He

Led 7 expeditions involved hundreds of ships and tons of thousands of mean to trade as far west as Egypt

Which european place initiated an exploration along the atlantic coast of africa in search of new sources of copper?


Portugals participation in europeans expansion was given critical support by who?

Prince Henry the Navigator

columbian exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages

Michel de montaigne

frenchman who developed the essay-shotr reflections drawn from extensive readings. Skeptic and he inaugurated an era of doubt

bartalame asserted that the indians

human rights

How did ecomienda system function?

spanish crown granted conqueres the right to employ or demand tribute from groups of native americans in exchange for providing food and shelter

How did the english and french seek a route to east asia?

they saw a northwest passage across north america

In the 17th century the Dutch East India Company did what?

took over much of East India from Portugal

In the 15th century which two rival islamic empires dominated the middle east?

turkish and persian safivads

Treaty of Tordesillas

A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal

Ptolemy's Geography

A second-century-C.E. work that synthesized the classical knowledge of geography and introduced the concepts of longitude and latitude. Reintroduced to Europeans in 1410 by Arab scholars, its ideas allowed cartographers to create more accurate maps


A small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic

encomienda system

A system whereby the Spanish crown granted the conquerors the right to forcibly employ groups of Indians; it was a disguised form of slavery

How did the monarchy seek to maintain control over its colonies?

Established intandance with broad administravtive anf financial authority who are responsible directly to the monarchy

Amerigo Vespucci

Florentine navigator who, upon exploring the American mainland and the South American coast, concluded that Columbus' discovery was actually a new world. It was named "America" in his honor

When Vasca de Gama arrived in the Indian Ocean how did he navigate these unknown waters?

Hired an Indian pilot as his guide

What was the primary cause of the immigrants of inflation of spain in the 16th century?

Inability of the spanish manufacture to meet the growing demands for goods

The European voyages of the 15th century were derived from the desire to trade in wealth of (blank)?

Indian Ocean Trade

Who resisted the Portuguese efforts to gain control over Indian Ocean trade?

Muslim controlled port cities

Inca Empire

Vast and sophisticated peruvian empire perched high above sea level. It was isolated but Pizarro was able to attack and civilization struggled after this


a spanish conqueror and a soldier/explorer who sought to conquer the new world for spain (Cortes and Pizzaro)

How did europeans initially justify the enslavement benefitted africans

by bringing christianity to them

What was hernando cortez advantage in his conquest of mexico empire?

cortez was able to exploit internal desption

Which of the following was major motivation for European exploration?

desire for material profit

At the time of his death columbus believed the islands he found were?



name for the administrative units of spanish positions in the America (New spain, peru, new granada, and la plata)

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