History Chapter 14-15 review

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What caused the jump in Irish immigrants between 1846 and 1847?

A blight(plant disease) destroyed potato crops in Ireland.

The developments noted in the excerpt are evidence of which of the following larger trends in 19th century New England?

A transition from subsistence agriculture to manufacturing.

Which of the following would have been LEAST supportive of the economic system referred to in the excerpt?

Andrew Jackson

Which of the following challenged the movement and beliefs articulated in the passage?

Catherine Beecher

The ideas expressed in the passage above MOST directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

Debates over the rights and roles of women within American society.

This passage most strongly supports which of the following statements about laborers during the Market Revolution?

Despite new opportunities for women in the workforce, labor conditions created discontent among female laborers working in the Lowell System.

Which of the following opportunities did factory work provide for female employees?

Female workers could achieve a measure of economic independence from fathers and husbands.

If this chart showed all immigration from this period, which of the following countries would represent another large group of immigrants?


Based on the passage, which of the following could best be inferred about economic changes between the 1820s and the 1840s?

Government intervention, along with technological development, led to an increase in manufacturing jobs.

In the mid-1800s, factory owners replaced the workers described above with workers from which of the following immigrant groups?

Irish immigrants.

How did Rip van Winkle serve as an early example of American literature created during the Era of Good Feelings?

It glorified American heroes instead of British ones.

For workers who found any of these regulations unfair, which of the following movements would have been their best option?

Labor unions

Which of the following historical locations would be most synonymous with the setting of the excerpt?

Lowell factory system.

The passage above described a labor system first implemented in which of the following areas of the country?

Lowell, Massachusetts.

The views expressed in the excerpt had the most in common with those of which of the following groups?

Members of utopian communities that tried to live a communal lifestyle

What caused Southern states to fail to invest in transportation improvements, such as the Erie Canal?

Most of the South's large plantations were near the coast or rivers, so Southern states failed to make investments into transportation.

Canals, such as the Erie Canal pictured above, typically connected what areas of the country?

Northeastern urban areas with farms in the Ohio River Valley.

The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following beliefs among Transcendentalists?

People needed self-reliance and to simplify their lives.

What was an example of an occupation that large numbers of Irish immigrants participated in shortly after this swell of Irish immigration?

Railroad worker in the mid-west.

Irish and German immigration, as reflected in the excerpt, most directly contributed to which of the following?

Single-issue nativist political parties formed.

Which of the following technologies most directly impacted the type of work described in the excerpt?

Steam engine.

Rip van Winkle references which of the following American wars?

The American Revolution

Projects such as the one pictured above were a part of which of the following?

The American System which promoted internal improvements, a strong National Bank, and a protective tariff.

The woman's responsibilities depicted in the image should be associated with which of the following?

The Cult of Domesticity

Which of the following had the most direct impact on the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

The Second Great Awakening

Discontent with the concept of "separate spheres" for men and women shown in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following historical developments?

The Seneca Falls Convention.

Sarah and Angelina Grimke were also strong advocates of which of the following?

The abolitionist movement

Which of the following was a major cause of the development of the Cult of True Womanhood described in the excerpt above?

The emergence of a middle class, as a result of the market revolution.

The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in society?

The evolution of the United States into a national economy linked to regional consumers and producers.

Which of the following is the primary contention of historian Daniel Walker Howe in this excerpt?

The hiring of young female factory workers was a positive development.

Factory work in Lowell, MA during the Industrial Revolution gave women the promise of new and exciting experiences that they had not had at home on the farm. According to this document, what did they have to give up for such an opportunity?

The right to practice freedom of religion

Which of the following factors in early 19th century America MOST directly contributed to the immigration trend McPherson describes?

There was an abundance of work available for unskilled laborers.

While German immigrants encountered some discrimination in the U.S., why were the Irish particularly targeted as victims of discrimination?

They were believed to have a religious allegiance to a pope.

Based upon this image from Godey's Lady's Book, a popular women's magazine, which of the following best describes women during the 19th century?

They were expected to manage the affairs of the home.

The beliefs of Transcendentalists expressed in the excerpt most directly influenced which of the following acts of civil disobedience by Thoreau?

Thoreau refused to pay his taxes and went to jail as a statement against the war with Mexico.

The working conditions described in the setting lead most directly to which of the following efforts by women in the late 19th century?

Unionization Movement.

Which regulation listed in the excerpt above was most likely added by the Tremont Mill specifically for women who made up a majority of the workers?

Workers must board in one of the houses belonging to the company and conform to the rules of the boarding house.

Other economic changes that occurred in this era included all of the following EXCEPT

a decrease in the Southern dependence on slavery.

All of the following antebellum transportation innovations helped to create the market revolution EXCEPT

internal combustion engines.

All of the following Antebellum developments helped to give rise to the market revolution EXCEPT

the growth of the abolitionist movement

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