History Chapter 28 pt. 2

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Post-war politics in Europe

-Christian Democrat -Socialists and Communists

Post-war Europe adopted new political and economic strategies which were

-Liberal Democracy -Keynesian Economics -Mix of gov. Planning and free-market capitalism

Post-war goal for many European politicians:

A European Federation that bound the nations of Europe together in self interest.

What President withdrew France from NATO

Charles de Gaulle

West Germany

Christian Democrats promoted a "social-market economy" based on a combination of free-market liberalism, some state intervention, and an extensive social benefits network.

What became an increasingly important component of economic growth(Western Europe)

Consumer market

Liberal Democracy

Emphasis on individual liberty, rule of law, and separation of powers. (Europe)

What was the Treaty of Rome

Established the European Economic Community or a common market between the six member countries

Western Europe had full employment and high wages which meant

Europeans could buy more things than ever before

Who is Yuri Gagarin?

First cosmonaut to circle the globe, Soviet

What was the goal of the treaty of Rome?

Goal was to slowly remove tariffs and opened trade between the nations.

U.S landed a

Manned spacecraft on the moon with four more moon landings by 1972

The "Economic Miracle" of Europe on the mend by 1950 was achieved through the funding provided by the

Marshall Plan

embrassed by Soviets, United States established

National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)

What ideology sweeped through Europe


Socialists and Communists(Europe)

Once outlawed under Fascism, found new life in Europe especially France and Italy

Western Europe's rapidly expanding economy led to a

Rising standard of living and a veritable consumer revolution

The "Great Patriotic War of the Fatherland" also fostered

Russian nationalism and a relaxation of dictatorial terror. However, after the war, Soviet Union tightened its grip on the "liberated" peoples of eastern Europe

The Soviets use long-range rocket technology to launch

Sputnik, the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth

Mix of Government Planning and free-market capitalism(Europe)

State run programs for benefits with business leading market conditions

A center aspect of the Cold War was

The race to provide ordinary people with higher living standards

Soviet Union announces successful test of

Their first nuclear weapon

True or False: Europe advocated for majority control within common market


True or False: Europe also produced nuclear weapons


True or False: Stalin helped facilitate Communist Party control in the liberated nations of East Europe


Communist regimes also moved aggressively to

collectivize agriculture, and by the early 1960s independent farmers had virtually disappeared in most of the East Bloc

Norway, Denmark, Sweden

earned reputations for long-term Social Democratic governance, generous state-supported welfare benefits, independent attitudes toward Cold War conflicts, and tolerant lifestyles.

Portugal, Spain, and Greece

generally supported NATO and the United States, authoritarian governments of various stripes held power in all three until the 1970s.

Western capitalism surpassed Eastern planned economies in the production and distribution

inexpensive products

East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Albania, and Bulgaria, were remade

on the Soviet model. In these states popular commnist leaders were ousted for national communist parties subservient to Moscow

unlike the West's use of mixed economies, the Communist planned economies often ran into

production problems and shortages of basic household items


state-controlled banks funded industrial development.


the social-democratic Labour Party took power after the war and ambitiously established a "cradle-to-grave" welfare state, giving citizens free medical and hospital care and retirement pensions, and nationalized many industries.

Only Yugoslavia, under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito

was able to proclaim political independence and successfully resist Soviet domination.

The increased use of installment plans, credit, and social security safeguards meant people

were willing to take on debt to buy more.

Christian Democrats

■ Center-right parties that rose to power promoting reconciliation and recovery ■ Rejected authoritarianism and communism ■ Favored narrow nationalism and traditional family values

Keynesian economics

■ Demand drives supply ■ Healthy economies spend or invest more than they save

Eastern Bloc Countries placed economic priority on heavy industry and military production, which was

■ Waste ■ Rampant individualism ■ Social inequality

What was the European Coal and Steel Community

○ Coal and steel considered the two industries essential for waging war. ○ By tying the national industries together in these two resources, future wars would be less likely. ○ West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France joined together in this new endeavor.

Communist nations restructured economics along the Soviet model

○ Five year plans ○ Nationalizing most industries

Communist sensors also purged art and culture that did not meet state standards

○ Imposed rigid anti-western ideological conformity ○ Imposed standards on art and writers to idealize Socialist Realism or the working class

Stalin helped facilitate Communist Party control in the liberated nations of East Europe

○ Instituted radical ideological indoctrination ○ Attacks on religion ○ Lack of civil liberties ○ Millions of political enemies sent to prison, exiled, or work n labor camps

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